vw.l iJM7iiP-M:i.,??vl iint)fnff iuhii ' "'" --r?-Tt-'-y -'w . $ '"' '"tf-'Atfp ;Waj47 ?i3Sft5-flBv?3 ' i' J'yvi -f',uIV'J( ' '' '-' 2Vtf& , f-fr '(' 7- Viita' . . m a. v.t r i-M , ! ' r- E. VOLUME XIV. llOira The Curtain Is Slowly Rising on the Work of the Host Accom plished Grafters. The Slaves of the Book Trust Are the Monarchs of the Boodle Business. A Gang of Fellows Over the Scfcooli Who Are Enriching Themselves by Robbery. Every Week the Real Estate and Building Graft Grows Worse and the Grafters Bolder. Even Among the Teachers the Tough Influence of the Board Is Beginning to Show. Mayor Swift linn lutd his eyes opened hi liiHt to the trim character of tin present Umrl of Kduentlon. The Mayor lit nil honest man. ami an such cannot glvo countenance f the doing of till branch of the municipal government In so tar iih ihey inr. par ticipated In ty tin' City Council. f which lu U the presiding otlk-er. Last Wednesday tint elder exccut'vc !! covered that otic of tin neat little illck . in which tills iiiH'r has liecn showing iti for some time ptiHt had been consiini mated. The Comptroller hail actually paid out the cash for the real estate pur chased as h school site !' the Hoard r Kduentlon with the mine! Ion and per .mission of the City Council. The May or wan wroth because he hml Investi gated this deal, which, by the way. was first drawn to his attention by the Hugh', and found It to lm rotfii to the core. He saw a steal In It. and he had made up his mind to veto the Council's order nermlttltur the transaction. Ills good Intentions were foiled by the prcelpltnncy of the City Comptroll- r. and hence Mr. Swirt' anger. The Mayor should not allow the matter to test there, however. K It Is his honor's opinion tlm soma. Ililng has been done with thetiixp-iyc-s' money that outfit not to have Ihh-ii done with It. then It Is Ids duty 'is Chi .ago's chief executive to Irivy the en tire traiisnctiJti Investigated, tnd ih" .rullty' parties punished If they can be teached by law. The .Mayor should 110 his Influence wllh'lhe Civic Federation to have HiIk slpk of corruption placed under the X rays of a public Investigation. The Fa'gle has reason to believe that the Civic Federation W willing to lake up the City Hoard of Kducatlou ami In vestigate home of Its shady .trnusuc lions, The Mayor has had oue hroiitfit ntllclally under lib attention In the most marked manner. The Kaglo as sures the Mayor that this Is not the only shady transaction that the City Hoard or KdticuHon hr.-i been mixed up In. "There are others." It Is the Mayor's duty, as he Is par tially responsible for the make-up of the U:mrd of Kducatlon, to see to It that the thieves are driven out of It. The Katfe charges that there Is an organized process or public swindling in the Kami or Kducatlon, and It be lieves, If the matter was brought un der the notice of thu proper authorities, the gang which conducts this scheme could bet broken up and some or Its members sent to the penitentiary. These are a few or the thing that u would pay the Mayor, the Civic Federu lion and the grand Jury Jo Jointly or separately Investigate: The text Iniok contracts for the past I hive or four years. Tint purchase of school sites for the past two year.. The let tint: or the adjustable desk contracts within the past cltfitccu mouths. Tim conniption nii.l transact Ions con dueled between a certain South Hide cx-ulitcrmuii, whose name M In the tos session or the Kngle, a member or the school board anil an employe or the school board, both or whose iimiuw itro also In the possession or thu Katfe, In LMRl! regard to the purchase or school sltea vlthln the past two years. The renting or rooms for. temporary schools during the past two years, and the connection of n certain prominent official or the honrd therewith. In how far the school board has lice:: used to further the political ambitions of certain iwlltlclniis, mainly by thu distribution or patronage and promo tions. The character or the persons appoint ed as teachers and the influences lliroutf i which such appoint incuts weru secured. Whether money and other considera tions were used oil members or the board to secure appointments and pro motions or teachers. Will the Mayor perform his whole duty In the matter which has been broutfit so emphatically under his no tice? That Is the (juestlon that Is now Inter estlng the Kcucral public. Here are the facts or this particular deal, as set forth In the Kvenlng Jour nal or Wednesday last: .Notwithstanding the exposure In last week's Katfe or the Catalpa place and Kdgcwuod street Hoard or Kducatlou Job, the city has paid for the lots! City Comptroller Wetherell did a few hint's while Mayor Swift was faraway In the woody wilds of Wisconsin. While It Is uncertain whether he left undone those things that he outfit to have dime, It Is mi assured fact that he did those things that he outfit not to have done. While the elder executive or the city was gaining muscle and n supply or tlsh yariu Ills comptroller was combining the functions or paymaster and pur ebasliigjigeiit. Had he stuck to his oi'ltf imrjoli or paymaster there would lave hecu no storm lu the Mayor's of r.ce. Certain property owners residing on the North Side Intimate that the city treasury Is $8,700 worse off for this lapse on the part of the Comptroller. Ileal estate men who outfit to know In sist that the Heboid Committee or the Council and thu Comptroller aided and abetted lu a transaction by which the city paid twice as much for a piece or property as It wns worth. Some time lust week Mr. Wetherell paid to C. II. I'. Dose $13,000 ror seven ots front Inn on Kdgowood a venue anil Catalpa place, lu dolug this he had the iHthorlly or the City Council, that body having recommended the purchase or he property on the suggestion or tilt) School Committee. The lots are to be used as a site ror a new school and were recommended after tiresome nego tiations. Had Mayor Swift been In Chicago the purchase would not h.ive been made. The Mayor intended to veto the incus me ami his signature was not attached to the order Mr. Wcihrrcll paid. While the school site measure yu;i being coiMldered In the Council com mittee a body of properly owners ap peared ami protr.Oed against the pur chase or the Kdgewnod a venue property tor any such sum as ir,00. They an nounced that the lots were worth lu tlci neighborhood of !7,tHlO ami that $15, (hio was mi exorbitant sum, One man declared he had been offered the licrt oue of the tots for iu(J0 and had ptir- CHICAGO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1896 HON. One chasid a similar holding lu the same nthillvlslou ror that sum. These objections did not deter the ismimlttfc from iveoinniendlug the pur chase. The nuttier went to the Coun cil, and at Its last meeting that body authorized the Mayor n ml Comptroller to buy the lots. The order then went to the Mayor ror his signature. There It rested, and Mr. Swirt went on his vaca tion. . Hefoii' leaving he announced that he would not approve the pur chase. Then the agent who had made tin sale ror Mr. Dose became anxious, ''his man's name is Heppler. Mr. Hep pier went to Comptroller Wetherell nnil brought with him President Hullo of the school boa id. The Comptroller was assured that the order was legally pass ed mid could he paid. He mld the ir.,(MM, and the transfer or the prop erty was made. Mayor Swirt learned or the deal only Tuesday last. He was surprised and angry, and sent for Mr. Wetherell post haste. What he said to the Comp troller will probably never be recorded, but that he severely scored the man of money Is certain. Then the Mayor suggested that the heat .might have been responsible, ami Mr. Wetherell ,vii s rclea led. Later Mayor Swift said: "I am sorry the purchase was made, but it can't be helped now, I dou'l think Mr. Wether ell understood my wishes, for I cer tainly would not have let t lie order pass. ,Ves, I urn led to believe ijtl.'i.lMM was too iiuch for the lots." The gang of grafters In Hie Hoard of Kducatlou lobbied the following through Hie City Council at its last meeting: Ordered, That the proper olllcers of the Hoard or Kducatlon be and they are hereby authorised lo erect for the use or schools a four-room frame building on the site coiner or Central ami Hid den avenues, at a com not to exceed fill.""". What do you think or that, tax-payers V Teii thousand dollars ror a four-room fin me building!! Xi wonder a lot or poor scalawags have grown rich since they went on the School Hon id. Here Is crookedness run wild, as per Council proceedings of .Inly (I: Ordered, That the pioper olllcers of the Hoard or Kdiicatioii be and they are hereby aiitluirl.cil to erect an eight, room addition to the West Pullman school building, at a com not to exceed fl.t,IHM), Thirty-live thousand dollars for an eight-room addition!! How many are lu on this JoliV Here are two orders passed .Inly (I. which real estate men say are scandal ous. Ordered. That I he Mayor ami City Comptroller he and they are hereby authorised lo purchase ror the use of "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THiNQS. NEUTRAL IN NONE." a, . .. . I fv fitti t t kjftli Hhhv iBfcjf St TJfiTipW "Us "py tM j? wSra.! -----------------------------Pi-t a l--E Til-iwH------------------------------------------------ V JH ill-E KHifl 'fl--------------------------------------------------------------8y :tKiHM:V HflK ?Hk ALEXANDER H. REVELL, oi Cnlcago's Foremost Merchants. schools, at a cost not. to exceed $1MM). lot ill. block it. Merlgold's subdivision, Sec. . T. ill). N. It. I.'l, situated on 41st court, north or and adjoining the P.ryaut school lot, having u frontage of ." feet by a depth of 1 ''.. 7."i reel, Ordered. That the Mayor and City Comptroller be and they are hereby authorised to purchase for the line of schools the north -II feet or Sub. Lot 11 or the sub. or lot 11! ami part or lot II lu block -I. Culled States Hank Atlilu. to Chicago, being the W . r the W. ! S. K. ii See. as. T. !ltl X.. It. 14 K. !ld P. M.. adjoining the Ward Schorl on the south, at a cost not exceeding $1.1100 The prices are said to be exceedingly high ror the propertymeiitloued. The Kagle U eoulliilng Its present In wstlgutloiis lo the crookedness lu the business dealings or the Hoard or Kd-u.-atloii. These ure rotten enough to Justify lynch law. Hut It appears that even In the mat ter of school maiiagemeiit the lough lutliieiice iff tough members Is showing Itself. Willi dear superintendents to con duct examinations, boozy teachers to teach classes, humoral principals to mislead children, the condition or af fairs Is bad enough lo Justify a public tprlstug. President Halle of the Hoard of Kiln cation on Wednesday received a let ter from Frank II. Williams, the late principal of the Maniuelte ScIiiniI, In leply to Mr. Halle's letter calling for .lis resignation. Considering that Mr. Halle to'.d him never to how hl.t face Ui Chicago again, ami threatened If he did so to turn him over to the State's Attorney. Williams' letter Is a curios ity. Mr. Halle permitted It to be read, but refusedJo give a copy or It ror pub Ili'lltlOII. Williams' letter Is written as ir it was a purely voluntary matter, and makes uo meiitloii or Mr. Halle's letter, nor or any reiiiesl ror his resignation. It loiitalus no reference to any miscon duct nor to any charges of any kind, It eulogises the Chicago public school., speaks or "the dear old Mariitetle," and Is Just such a letter as a pastor would write to a church he was leaving ror a larger Held. What will be done with the resigna tion remains to be seen. It will be laid In-fore the school maiiagemeiit commit tee next Tuesday and before the board next Wcilucsday night, and as the board did not ask ror It, possibly II will not receive It, hut prefer charges against Willams and summon him to answer, ir a trial should bo ordered t will bo to keep the record straight in regard to a pension. It' the resigna tion Is accepted Williams, it Is said, will clearly he entitled to a pension tie curding to the law. The charge made by a prominent high school principal, and published lu The Tribune of Weilur.nl.l.v iM.it there were other principals or teachers In the Chi cago M'lirals as bad, or nearly as had, - TWELVE. PAGES. as Williams created a sensation lu school circles. There Is no doubt that this principal will be called on lo give more specific Information, lu fact. I'eiijamlu .1. Itiiseuthal. a member of the board, said yesterday he had been in consultation with other members of the school maiiagemeiit committee on this general subject ami an Invent Igu tlmi may follow. This revival or hilerest hi the morale or public school teachers, says the Tilhuiie. has caused remarks to be made about I lie tocher lu the North Division High School, who has been ncctMcd or going lie fore his class too drunk to teach the Ics.iou. There Is a difference of opinion as to how often he has done this, one as sistant superintendent nnylug it ;i four times, while Supt. I.aue said yesterday It was only twice. The general Impres sion seems to be that If he gets drunk many more times he will be lu danger being discharged. The r.Mtcncst ring that ever existed lu America Is to he found In the Chi- cago Hoard of Kducatioii. How many members or the School Ilea id have become rich slme ihclf ap pointment on thai body'; li Is not hard to tlmi oat. County Attorney lies Is making a splendid iccoid for himself lu that otitic, lie Is a most competent olllclal. Commissioner llowuey N right In re fusing to allow extras to Mime of the big contractors In his department. Sev eral of them have already stolen enough from the city. Mr. William .1, lliyaii. the Demoe iiie and Pnpultsilf enii.llduif for PrcMdcut, was given a rousing reception mi his arrival lu Chicago last Saturday even ing. The Democrats will put up an excep tionally strong ticket for County Cum. iilsslouers this fall. Aid. .loliu Coiigldlu, of the First Ward, lias been promised the position of Consul in cork by Mr. llryau. Mr. Coughllii will not leave for Ills new post for some lime. The bargain by which Mr. Heck, the regular nominee or the Democratic par ty for Stale Auditor, was taken off the ticket Is an outrageous one. Kvery Tom, Dick and Harry on the .'.on n Mite was asked to sign for Og ilen gas. Hardly any or the household els signed, however. They had and Iiave no faith lu the scheme, Pulled Stales Internal Heveiiue Cnl- lector Mlso has Issued licenses to 0,1lM) saloons in Chicago. The city author! ties have licensed Just half thai num ber. Herein lies a mystery as well as .oss ot local revenue. RED HOT AFTER B0QHLERS! The Civic Federation Has Issued a Gall for All Good Citizens to Help. Crooked Officials and Crookeder Contractors Are to Be Prosecuted Under the Criminal Law. The Notorious Ogden Gas Company Is Still at Work Ruining North Side Streets. Reports Are Current that the Gang Who Own It Are Making a Flay to Sell Out. Miles of Crooked Paving Charged to Its Ac countThe Grand Jury May Act. The Civic Federation has determined to get after the Department of Public Works miscreants with a hot stick. It lias sent the following letter lo business men and taxpayers, and the days of crooked con tract ins ami tough ofUelals will be numbered when the ball opens: The Civic I-'ederalioii or Chicago, -1-I--t.'-lii I'lrst National Hank Hulldliig. Tehphime Main '-'"srj. Chicago. Aug. HI. 1SIMI: Dear Slr-Thc Civic I'edera- tloii has two Important jilt s or work on hand lu which every good clllr.cn and tax-payer or Chicago Is vitally In terested: 1. Pushing to a sttccessrul Ismic the present Investigation of payroll si lif ting and corruption In public oitlce. . Securing the elect Ion of members of the l.cgMatiirc who will support mcasitiis ilemnuileil by Chicago at the coming session of thai body. Tile success or the roriuer effort means the exposure and uprooting of a ystcumllc plundering or tin city treas ury which has continued many years In lids city under different ailmlulstr.i tlous. The .success or the latter means a new ami Jiixi revenue law, the coiwnll datloii or the towns, an effective pri mary law and an amendment, to the elly charter that will prevent boodlers from rushing valuable fratichlscK through Hie Council without the peo ple having ii chance lo he h.'ard thereon. While the I'ederatlou Is able to enlist the services of ninny earnest citizens without pay. It icipilrcs a large amount or money lu addition lo piif'.i these mai lers to a finality. The (.'hie Federal Inn, therefoie, begs your fullest co-operation and asks that you kindly send your check for as large an amount as convenient, to l.ymaii .1. Huge. Treas urer. Awaiting your prompt and kindly consideration, we beg lo remain yours truly. KDWA1ID It. IM'TI.KII. Vice President. It. M. KASI.KV. Secretary. Commissioner of Public Works Dow ney has turned his attention to city Kuglueer .lai'lisou' bureau and as a preliminary step Wednesday ordered all work slopped on section of the new northwest land tunnel, of which .loscph Duffy Is the i oiitractor. and nl.m the discharge of lx men employed on Hie tunnel work. The following are the men ills charged: O. W. Dnlrymplc. mason Inspector; Thomas Mayer, mason limpcctor: John Hauer, mining Inspector; Thomas Fo ley, mining Inspector: Michael 'aulow leu, milling Inspector; William Itowley, milling Inspector. Commissioner Downey followed this change with a sweeping order to ills chargi; all mining experts and the or der, which will go Into effect Aug, l,, will drop from the city service the fol lowing men, who, 1 1 lie those discharged Wednesday, had been paid a salary of l a day: Section :i, Weir - McKechney, con tractors .loliu Parrucker, .lolin l.avlu, Salell Polseu, II. !'. f Ice, .1. A. Duuhaill, Michael .Melslierger, Victor I'Icotte, Seel Ion 1. I'llzSlinons V found, con tractors (I cargo liiiuasuu, A. It, An derson, .lames Hullcr. Fur some time complaints have been made that Hie work upon section of the new iiorthweM laud tunnel was not NUMBER 358. being properly intended in. The city had a costly Mtaff of mason Inspectors and mining experts itt work In Duffy's tunnel ami It was siipHwed that they would protect the city's Interests, It has been the practice In tunnel work for the city to give the tolnts ami carry the line and the level for the contrac tors. In deciding that lids could un longer be done at the city's cxpcue hut at the contractor's. Commissioner Downey has made a new departure ami In so doing rendered unnecessary the presence or so many employes lu the city engineer's otllce. " .lust the extent of the faulty work In Duffy's .section Is not known. Ills sec tion extends from tin1 (Ireen street shaft to a point west of Itockwell street, once having satisfied himself that the tunnel was not being construct ed as It should he Mr. Downey decided io stop work ami remove the men. A lull Investigation will be made, ami whatever alteiatloiis will have to he put lu will be done at the expcu.ie of the contractors. F. 0. Kwale.'the in-Hlstant city en.'l iicer lu charge of Duffy's section, thus far retains his olllclal head. The claim It- set up thai Mr. Kwale. although In charge or Hie inline!, was not in hlauio .'or negligence on the pari of Hie mason .mil milling experts, as he had lo spend milch of his time outside of the tumid In making surveys. The auiioiim-euieiit that Commission er Dowue, had stopped work on .loo Duffy's section caused considerable talk throughout Hn elly hall. It was pointed out that ll was but a few days ago slme Mr. Downey had laken a contract from Tom Seiiimit. who. like loe Duffy, enjoyed I he friendship of Mr. Kent when the latter was Cumin's slonei of Public Works. Then, too, It tuts a mailer of comment that Hie men discharged were all employes of the City Knglucer's otllce, piosldcd over by .Mr. .laclvMin, who, uh Is well kiinwii about the city hull, was ami Is still iii. fi lend of W. D. Kent. All thev mat tcrs i.iUeu into consideration gave the polltlelnus soiueihliig to talk about and considerable (.peculation was Indulged lu as to whether any more of Hie men who had enjoyed fnt tilings under the llrst purl of Hie swift administration were to he turned down. Following Ik ii piii'lliil st of the streets tin Ii Up by the notorious Ogden lias fompiny. Most of them were newly paved (.treets in good coudliloii. The notorious Ogden Ons foinpany has absolutely destroyed the pavement and lu every street the poor property owners will hitve to pay heavy s la' I "SM'hsn is to repair the damage done by Hie Ogden gang. Paving blocks Hint were dug mil wllli pick axes have been put back loosely, without tar or gravel, ami a hu of dirt put mi top of the blocks to hide the shameful work. It Is hale to say thai not one proper, ty owner on the streets named will lake Hie gas lino his home, even If It Is ever placed lu the maliis-whlch Is doubted. Following aie the streets Injured to dale by Hie Ogden gang: North avenue, from Orchard street t Sedgwick street; Wells streel, from from North avenue to flaik strcej; .'lark mi eel, from Wisconsin street n Wrlghlwooil avenue; Hurling street, (Continued on Paged.) ------------------------ij t.-f'"---T -W m- U-t-t-ttH-MtS- -... I Wj.-.i i -