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Chicago eagle. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1889-19??, October 27, 1906, Image 1

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Polict men and Firemen and Other Salaried
Men Remember Hit Kindness When
City Treasurer.
Paid Them Out of Mis Own Pocket
When the City Had No
The Lift and Career of the Democratic Cam-
didate fer County Treasurer Beipeakt
Ernst llnnimi'l will get tlio votes of
the policemen, tlie firemen, the Htreet
ur men. the railroad men and of most
men who work for n llvlnir. HI kind
ly nature nnd good-henrtodiies nre
known to eveo'lx'y. hut the story of
the wnv ho ncted u Santa Claus for
III,. poor elty employe will bear re
tolling : In the winter of 1001. lie Wing
then City Treasurer, the elty was pass
ing through one of It jierlodle season
of financial distress. Christum was
only three day off. mill mi nriny of
HW2 elty employes clerks, laborers,
tin mi, policemen, etc.. were clamor
ing for their puy. The treasury was
empty, niirt the credit of the munici
pality nt ho low nn ehh tlmt the $700.
000 necessary t moot the pay roll could
not lm raised an loan. Mr. Hummel
panned n sleepless night on the 22d,
nnd early the next morning DeiiMiiher
aid-- Btnrted out to raise thu money on
IiIh own account lie visited bank after
hank, und by il o'clock that day had se
eured the $700,000 on IiIm )erM)nal
pledge. In the meantime Iio had twit
word to Deputy Treasurer Hnrry Illl
droth nnd Acting Paymaster Henley to
arrange to hikmuI the entire night with
him nt tho City Hall. Tlio trio worked
all night putting up the pay envelope,
ami eurly In the morning of tho 24th
tlio duy beforo chrlHtmiiH tlio work of
flaying off the 8,81)2 em ploy en wax be
gun. Beforo night every man on the
ltiltn hail received lit cash, nnd there
wan Joy In thousand of Tiumhlo homes,
mh well ns among hundredM of trades
men, to whom this opMrtune distribu
tion wuh most timely, as they had given
long credits to tho city employes.
This Is ouo of the reasons why Ernst
Hummel Is strong with men who work
for m living. "Like him?" said it West
Hide polleemnn ; "well, I should say wo
Hd. Tbero arw few of us who will
ever forget that winter of 1004, and
how Mr. Hummel came to our rescue."
Urnst Ilumutel Is .making great
nI rides In bis race for election as Coun
ty Treasurer. lie Is one of the most
popular mea ever nominated for public
oftoe and has the conlfdeuce of every
tody. Mr. Hummel waa bom In Wur
tflSBbarg, Germany, and waa educated
la the German schools. He came to
Chicago In 1850 with his parents. In
UM5 be waa married to Was Mary All
taeadlnger, of this city. Boon after
coming bcre bo was apprenticed for five
years to learn tho trade of brewer, and
waa brewer of the LIU brewery, 1801 to
1804; of tho Ilusch A Brand browcry,
1804 to 1880; established with Mr.
Brand, In 1880, the Brand & Hummel
Brewing Company at South Chicago,
changing Its name In 1888 to Boutn Chi
cago Brewing Company, of which ho bo
camo president. This compauy, with
others, united In tho organization of
tlio United Breweries Company, or
which ho Is secretary. Mr, Hummel
was North Town Collector, 1870-7;
member of tho Legislature, J885-7 ; Al
derman, 1800 to 181)4; City Treasurer
from 1807 to J SIM) ami again from 100.1
to 1005. He waa tho tlmt president of
tho Bchwnbcn Verelu, and U a man
lier of ninny other societies.
Ilnm Lewis In right Tho railroad
should pay their JiiHt taxes.
The campaign In Just commencing.
From now on tbero will not bo so
much apathy.
Tho School Board Is pretty tough, to
say tho least of It. .But Mayor Dunne
Ik not entirely to hlamo In tho matter.
Chairman Hanbcrg of tho Republican
comity committee ou organization Is
already making plana for gottlng out
tho Republican voto Nov. 0. "Tho polls
will closo at 4 o'clock," said Mr. Han
horg, "and It Is snfo to say that It tho
bulk of tho vote Is not lu before eloc-
torn go downtown lu the morning It
never will ho ollcd. I ilguro that six
out of ten elector get up In tho morn
ing JiiHt lu time to catch regular train
for their officii, factories and places of
business or employment. It usually
takes tAiMity minute extra to go to tho
IKtllx and voto and therefore It Is urgout
that electors aro repeatedly reminded
of thu necessity of voting early."
Don't forget Ernst Hummel, what
ever you do.-
The Beef Trust press has got the
people of Chicago Into a line
pickle. For years Its cry was,
"abolish the cable," "lower the
tunnels," "give us municipal own
ership." They have succeeded In get
ting the people to endorse all of these
yelps. And the result Is confusion
worse confounded. Trolley wires on
every down-town street and h Jam of
street the business center dan-
gerou- i num.. a life.. And the Trust
press 'uiK seemed the abandonment of
the tmim-ls to the delight of tho dozen
or so steam scows that still use Chi
cago for u port.
Kvery citizen who believes In re
warding service well performed tJid
who desires to hftvo tho court presided
over by men of ability and honesty
should go to tho polls on election day
and cast his voto for Charles H, Cut
ting, candidate for re-election as Pro
bate Judge. Mr. Cutting's record on
the bench Is a brilliant one, with not a
blemish on it Ho has earned tho repu
tation of being a fair-minded, able and
Industrious Judge. If any man deserves
an election this fall it Is Charles 8. Cut
ting. Vote for blm.
Why not let the lawyers settle the
Judicial election for the people, and the
Beef Trust dallies select the Legisla
ture? Civil service reform Is a rank fraud
and a stepping stone towards a mon
archy. Receiver John C. Fetser has done
wonders for the depositors of the Mil
waukee Avenuo Bank. He Is the right
man lu tho right place.
Gov. Deneon nud Senators Cullom
and Hopkins have notified Chairman
West of tho Republican Stato commit
teo of their Intention to attend tlio Re
publican lovo feast at tho Grand Pacific
hotel next Tuesday.
And Hummel Is a hummer when It
comes to tho balloting.
Lieut. Gov. Sherman, Senator O. F.
Berry, Speaker Edward D. 8hurtleff,
William A. Northcott and Goorgo Buck
ingham or Danville havo been assigned
by the Republican Stato speakers' bu
lean to speak lu Chicago next week.
Secretary of War Tart also will make
two speeches In Chicago next week nnd
may till several engagements In Speak
er Cannon' district.
And Fred Upham will bo ahead of all
of them,
A meeting of attorneys Interested In
u general bar primary on Judiciary
candidates, nt which every lawyer In
Chicago would bu allowed to vote, was
held lu tho oftlco of Presldout Henry
Murphy of tho Lawyers' Association,
Unity Building. Among others present
were Fred A. Rowe and Simon P, Gary.
It was decided to go ahead with tho
project If it should bo determined that
tlioro was sufficient tlmo boforo election
day, ouo week from next Tuosday.
Another meeting will bo hold, when
all parties having Judiciary tickets In
tho Held will name flvo representatives
to Huncrvlso the tirliuarr lu conjunction
with one representative from each
dally nowspnper lu tho city rorty
three In all.
"There aro nlsmt fi.OOO lawyers In
the elty," said Mr. Murphy, "of whom
lcs than 1,000 are members of tho Chi
cago Bur Association, which recently
held a nrlmary. Wo bcllevo that a gen-
oral bar prlmury of nil Chicago's prac
ticing attorneys would giro n fairer
consensu regarding tho quallllcatlons
of Judiciary candidates.''
Honest Ernst Hummel deserves your
voto for County Treasurer. See that
ho gets It.
The order In which the names of the
Republican county candidates will ap
pear on the official ballot Is as follows:
Sheriff Chris Btrassbetm.
County Treasurer John R. Thomp
son. County Judge Lewis Rlnaker.
County Clerk Joseph F. Haas.
Probate Judge Charles 8. Cutting.
Probate Clerk Guy Guernsey.
Clerk of tho Criminal Court A. J.
Cleric of tho Circuit Court (to fill va
cancy) Joseph E. Bldwlll, Jr.
County Superintendent of Schools
A. F. Nightingale.
Member Board of Rovlow Fred W.
Members Board of Ascsor A. W.
Miller, Walter E. Schmidt.
Presldont County Board Edward J.
Theu follow tho candidates for Coun
ty Commissioners and Sanitary District
Trustees, Tho samo order Is preserved
ou the Democratic ticket, with tho ex
ception that thu County Judge and
County Clerk aro rovorscd, and that
the candidate for Assessors precede
the candidate for Board of Review.
W. Clyde Jones will represent tho
Fifth District In tho statu Senate after
the ballots are counted. Ho Is an able
anil honest man.
Senator Hopkins lias been forced to
abandon hi plan to make campaign
speeches this fall. Tho Senator Is suf
fering from a throat affection and -has
Iwoii under tho euro of n physician for
week. Ho planned to make thirty or
forty speeches In southern nud northern
Illinois, but has been warned against
making any speeches for a mouth.
Forty-two flromen on tho ellglhlo list
for promotion to lieutenancies protested
to Mayor Dunne against tho cancella
tion of tho list and tho holding of a
new examination.
Tho Civil Service Commission has
ordered another examination for Doc.
.'10, and tho men who havo nlrcady
taken It do not consider that they aro
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Democratic Candidate for County Treasurer.
getting a square de.il. They have been
lu the service from thirteen to twenty
years nnd already Imu passed tho ex
amination once.
Tliey told the Mayor that If they
should be denied promotion another
time or two they would not bo able to
eoniieto physically with the younger
men, and would le condemned to ser
vice In the ranks for the rest of their
The Dunne-Fisher traction policy
has given municipal ownership nn aw
ful Jar.
Everybody knows F.rust Hummcl's
record and everybody likes blm. His
election as County Treasurer Is a cer
tainty, Carter H. Hnrrlson has returned to
Chicago, but will not participate In the
coming campaign ami will mako no
speeches for the Democratic candidates.
Injuries received by the former Mayor
while moose-hunting In Ontario are
given as the cause which will confine
him to his room In the Virginia Hotel
for two weeks. He was billed to make
the first of a series of speeches next
Civil service reform means llfo Jobs
for political heelers.
The friends of personal liberty aro
for Hummel.
Henry Sherman Boutoll can't be
beaten for Congre.-s lu tho Ninth Dis
trict. The brilliant nvord that John F.
Smulskl has made lu the Important po
rtions u has held his mndo hlin pop
ular with tho people, aad his oloctlon
as state Treasurer H asMirod.
Joseph F. Una tflll bo clocted
County Clerk by n huge majority. Ho
Is an able and popular man and Is well
iiualltled for tho otllce Iio aspires to.
Charles 10. Crulksimuk will bo tho
next Stato Senator from tho Nineteenth
A bill of prohibition has been II led In
Judge Walker's court In behalf of
James It. Buckley, who asks tho court
to direct tho election board to strlko
off tho name of Willi tin Burns, Demo
crat, ns a candidate for Stato Senator
In thu Nineteenth Senatorial District.
Sir. Buckley claims to bo tho legal Dem
ocratic nominee.
An nblo and faithful public servant
like Edward J. Bruudage should bo
kept In ofllce. Ills rocord as President
of the County Board has shown that
he I always working In the Interests
of the people nnd Is deserving of a reelection.
Honest Phil Knopf has mndo a good
Congressman. Ills re-election Is cer
tain. In the meantime, it Is well to remem
ber that tho election Isn't over.
Bryan, who stands for nothing nnd
has done nothing for tho people, will
1 have to give way to Hearst, who has
douo much.
Fred W. Upham has served tho peo
ple woll as member of the Board of Re
view and bo deserves to be re-elected.
This Is u position that should bo tilled
by a business man, and where It there
an abler business man in Chicago than
Fred W. Upham. Don't forget to cast
your vote for him.
When Hearst Is elected Governor of
New York Billy Bryan can go back to
the stage.
Philip Knopf will bo re-elected to
Congress In the Seventh District by nn
overwhelming majority. The people of
that district know Mr. Knopf to bo a
man of ability, who Is fearless and
honest, and they aro proud to be repre
sented In the Houso of Representative
by such a man.
No mistake will bo made In voting
for Lawrence p, Boyle, Independent
candidate for Municipal Court Judge.
Ho Is a lawyer of great ability and
would repreceut the people well In the
new court.
I Piltllll'llifll kltna Imnmltif 1-..ijl T'n.
I'-.-r. .' "" .v.. ... !-
Iiatu ami IMward J. Bruudage, Repub
I llcnii nominees for board of review
and President of tho County Board re
spectively, wero anchored to tlio city
hall for several hours.
William II. Arthur has made a splen
did record ns a lawyer and would do
honor to a seat ou tho Municipal Court
bench. Ho should I to elected.
Tho citizens of tho Fifth Senatorial
District nro proud of their nblo and
honest Representative In tho Legisla
ture, John P. McGoorty, and aro going
to re-elect him by a haudsomo major
ity. Adolf Bergman will bo re-elected
Sanitary Trusteo by a big majority. Ills
olllclal and business records havo made
him very popular with tho people.
Tho election may bo fuller of sur
prises than bouio pcoplo expect
Not Satisfied with Dumping Lumpy Jaw
and Tuberculosis on the People
of Chicago,
It Sends Meat to Other Cities Which
Is "Preserved" with the Worst
The City ihemiit of Toledo, Ohio, Findi
Sodium Sulphate in Beef from
The Beef Trust Is getting bolder thnn
It Is dumping more lumpy Jaw nnd
tiilierculoxls Into Chicago than It ever
It Is using sodium sulphite, the most
Injurious of preservatives, to preserve
It meat.
And this kind of stuff Is being ship
ped out of the city.
Chlcngoan are not getting all of the
poisonous stuff, It seems.
The new government Inspection Is n
good thing. Isn't It? Rend this:
(Special to the Record-Herald.)
Cleveland, Oct. 22. William Pate.
Jr.. city cliemUt. found to-day thnt
each of teu samples of meat submitted
to him was preserved with sodium sul
phite, which Mr. Pato considers the
most Injurious preservative In use. All
the samples were shipped here from
Chicago. An order was Immediately
Issued prohibiting the further s.ilo of
the meat. Under the law nt present
there Is no penalty for shipping Impure
or preserved mots Into the city.
During the week ending Oetolwr 20,
IlKsl, the few city Inspector nt the
Union Stock Yards condemned and de
stroyed 2i:i,7lii) pounds of meat.
Sir Thomas Llptou's visit to Chicago
was for thu purimse of organizing a
new Beef Combine, according to some
a count.
Do was tho guest of tho packers
whflo here, and tliey got up bnno,uets
and yacht races for him to show how
well they stand In Chicago,
And they had Mayor Dunno and his
former law partner speak nt his ban
nuet, so that tho pcopfo with money
to Invest, who llvo in London, would
see how well tho packers are thought
of In this elty.
The last man Sir Thomas called on
to say good-by to was the Mayor, don't
you know.
The dally papers never say anything
about the Beef Trust If they can help
It. The people note this fact and com
ment on It And yet the dallies wonder
why they are losing their Influence.
Tho Dunne administration stands for
thu Beef Trust Although It Is Its
plain duty to prosecuto tho packers,
and although It lias caught the Trust
lu tho net of selling rotten meat It
has never canned nu arrest to be made.
Thu new government Inspection Is a
Tho law went Into foreo nnd effect
Oct. 1 and every day since that date
tlio market rcorts of tho dally news
papers have quoted prices on "winner
cowh" and "canncr cattle."
Everybody knows, or ought to know,
by this tlmo what n "canner" Is,
It may bo as well, howovor, to say
that a "canner" Is a Mckly animal,
diseased, crippled or worn out A cow
that has "thrown" Its calf and that
give no milk. An animal that Is un
til for dary purpose1 and tit only for
the bono yard.
This Is the ulcerated, cancerous or
tubercular creaturo thnt is thrown to
tho tender morclos of tlio Beef Trust
and cut up and sold to tho people.
Read tho market reports and you
will sou tho figure that tho "canner"
cuts lu tho llvo, stock market.
Tho Government Inspectors, most of
whom wero packing house employes,
havo disclosed through tho dally press
tlio wonderful way lu which tho public
is to bo protected.
They havo caused to bo printed fnc
similes of tho government stamps,
showing enttlo divided Into soven sec
tions, lalieled tho "round," "thu loin,"
"tho rib," "tho chuck," "tho brisket,"
tho rump," and "tho Hank."
As tho Inspector havo tagged each
of theso parts with Its proper name.
this ought to satisfy tho public that It
U not getting a flank steak for n por
terhouse or any other old thing.
Not it word on tho tag about tho
health of tlio animal.
Oh, no!
Tlio public Is so easily fooled that It
would bo cruelly to disenchant It.
Most of tho old government iuscct
ors have been retained.
If you wish to know how tho olil
government Inspectors did their work,
lead tho second page of this paHr.
Why dKs tho Reel Trust esca)c
Its Just share of taxi's on its pack
ing p'.uitsV
Ernst Hummel will surprise pcoplo
with the big vote he will receive.
The traction question hits been nicely
settled, hasn't ItV i
Municipal ownership Is further oft
than ever.
Mayor Dunno has settled the traction
question to tho satisfaction of the trac
tion companies anyway. .. ,
Ernst Hummel Is n man of tho poo
pie. Vote for him.
The Progressive Alliance has opened
headquarters next door to tho Demo
cratic county camp In La Salle street
The alliance has suffered from with
drawals, but will mako u tight for the
remnant of Its ticket.
Billy Bryan won't speak for Chicago
Democrats. He will conllno bis efforts
to his southern Illinois Know-Nothing
When tho votes aro counted Ernst
Hummel will bo on top,
Claims made by tho nearst leagu
that its ticket bos been Indorsed by u
Republican precinct organization In the
Fourteenth Ward Is vigorously denied
by Republican leaders of that baili
wick. Tho campaign is getting hotter as tbo
weather grows colder.
Fraud G. Blair will be elected Su
perintendent of Public Instruction by
a largo majority.
Cast your voto for tho Republican
candidates for University Trustees
Mrs. C. T. Alexander, F. L. nnteb,
L. L. Lehman and Alexander MuLeau.
W. M, GemuilU'ri lluu record ns a
lawyer recommend him to tho voters
as the right man to elect Municipal
Thomas J. Ilealy, Republican candi
date for Sanitary Trustee, is a man or
ability, with a long nnd clean record
nnd should bo elected,
Isidore II. lllme. Republican candi
date for Municipal Judge, I quallllod
lu every way for a seat on tho Munici
pal Court bench aud ho should bo
Congressman Charles McGavIn of tho
Eighth District Is entitled to u roelec
tlon. In his one term In Congress ho
has voted and ably supported every
measure that benefited tho people. Tho
peoplu should seo that this ablo repre
sentative Is re-elected.
The success of tho Municipal Court
depends upon tho men elected as Asso
ciate Justices this fall. No hotter man
could bo elected than Frank P. Sadler,
( tho ablo lawyer running oa the Repub
lican MCKOl.

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