Newspaper Page Text
VOL.. 3. CONTENTS. Locas!, Foreign and General News, ... .....Ist Page Editorials, Bench and Bar, and Floteam..2d Loval Mincellatoous. .cocoises -oivu.ra @ DOIE T TR, : . coiovs iinirernsniennice . P Miscellaneous Advertisemeits..... .. ....4th * POLICE' POLICR!! GRAND JURY. ATTENTION A BRUTAL OUTRAGE AND A MEAN THEFT. Committed by Police Officere. Samuel J. Garrison a respectable com positor is now Iving a helpless criple at the Coso House, 411 Sansome street. Some three weeks back, he slipped and foil sustaining severe injuries to his hip. This oceurred on Montgomery Avenue and the unfortunate man, being unable to pro ceed on his way, mounted with great aiffi culty a boot black’s stand to await assiS tance, dispatching in the meantime a boy to whom he paid fifty cents, to seek the sume. An officer was walking up and down and Mr. Garrison addressed him bat reccived no reponse. On doing so a second time, he va; asked what he wanted and told that he had better “move on.’’ His reply was to the ¢ffect that, he was unable to do so having had an accident, and being well known in the neighborhood was waiting for some chance acquaintance to pass from whom he might obtain assist ance. Upon this the brutal officer exclaimed, ‘“‘you are drunk you B—"' and seizing him with both hands dragged him onto the side walk, Arriving at the tanks, Mr. Garrison was thrust into A FILTHY AND LOUSY CELL. But even h'ere, he was not allowed torest. In spite of frequently appealing for mercy, he was dragged from one cell to another the whole night, suffering intensely all the time; and being quite unable to support the weiglit « f his own body. In the morning, Mr. Dobson, manager of the Coso House, being sent for, paid $5 bail for Mr. Garrison’s release which he ob tained after much difficulty, and another $l, for a hack in which the now unconcious compositor was r«moved, being afterwards couveyed upstairs by four men. On makiog] application at the clerks’ desk for three and a half dollars taken from s person on the previous evening that | ofticial denied that Garrison, had any woney about him but handed him his pocket kuife. DEATH AND DESTRUCTION!! THE EARTH OPENS UP!I Five Hundred Men, Women and Children Swallowed. TuxguwM, Basto Islands, June 10,—At 6 this morning laborers going to work noticed a pecnluar appearance in the sky. Birds flew madly +bout in all directions and the most upusual and startling sounds were heard. about half past six A RUMBLING SOUUND similar to distant thunder was heard, thel earth shook, the sound for a few moments became lounder and louder, rain fell in torrents, lightning flagshed, and then ALL WAS STILL. The sudden change from blazing light to inky darkness was followed by A TERRIBLE CRASH A 8 IF OF FALLING MOUNTAINS after which during a momentry flash of light THE RARTH OPENED. The most heartranding shricks rent the air as HUNDREDS WENT TO THEIR DOOM. A terrible night was psssed by the survivors, who namber about 500, or ONE HALF THE FORMER POPULATION as was discovered in the morning. These are preparing to leave by the first ship which passes the island. LATER. The Anierican Consul has gone aboard a British Man O’ War for protection, Local scientists have not yet had an oppor tuuity to investigate the canse of the disaster. Teaching the Young Idea How to Shoot. Some years bucs, it was an absolute ne oessity to send our chibdren back East if we desired togive them anything like a descent commercial education, Now itis different. We have many educational in stitutions in this City at the present day, each one of which turns out yearly, young men of promise and ability, but we kncw of no more successful establishment than the Pacific Business College. We would recommend all parents and gnardians who desire to see their sons become asefal citi zers and a credit to themselves, to send them to the Pacific Business College on Post Street. A Wesleyans Condemn Ooercion. Loxpox, June 4.—A circular has been sent to 1,000 representative members of the Wesleyan Church asking their opinion of the Government's Irish Cocreion bill. Sixty-nine per ecent of those who read tie circular condemn the measure. Of tie minority a large number condemn the pro posed law, but refuse to sign a petition against it on the ground that they do not approve, as members of the church, of meddling with politics. o s 4 GOING AHSEAD. What the leading journal of the Facific Slope, has got to say O ncerning the Vindicator. The Daily Eraminer of Sunday last said: The San Francisco VINDICATOR comes to us this week greatly eplarged and improved. Its full and (resh news matter has crecwded out the ‘‘patent outside” columns and in every respect the paper gives evidenee of ‘‘prosperity.”’ Tae Examiner is right, for like itself we are going ahead. Though as yet we have no special trains like the ‘‘lmitator” we are producing an interesting and newsy 'paper. All we want, all we ask for, is Ithat sapport which we deserve. Some thing to move the wheels and help us to ‘defray our additional expenses, some of that )‘"melluid" mainspirng of man’s existence ‘to whieh our Octopus makes oceasional THE SEWING MACHINE MEN'S RETAIL UNION. “The above organization has just been formed with the very laudable object of purging the trade of a number of aiw principled men now engaged in it, and es tablishing a proper basis of square dealing. In setting forth their reasons for the ir auguration of the association they say, and doubtless truly, that “ The alarming development and aggress? iveness; of sewing machine agents in the retail department, will inevitably lead to the pauperization and hopeless degradation of the toiling masses. It is imperative if we desire to continue our business, that a check be placed npon l unjust dealings. . This much desired, our object can be ‘accomplished only by the united efforts of those who obey the injunction, in the face of bard work, thou shall earn thy living. Thereforr we have formed the order of the SEwiNG MacuiNE MEN's RETAIL Unron for the purpose of organizing and directing the agents of the sewing machine business, (not as a political organ) for it is more necessary that we now protect ourselves in our line, in this there is crystallized senti ments and measures, borne in mind by us all. When exercising the right of selling a sewing. machine, we must bear in mind that others must live and that it is the duty of all to assist in supporting with their votes, only such men as will pledge them selves to those measures, regardless of any compary. But mo one will be, however, compelled to vote with the majority and calling upon all, who believe in securing the greatest good.”’ ' Various other praise-worthy motives are given in the circular issued by the Union such as the making of industry and morality greatness but unfortunately we have not sufficient space at present to enumerate them all. Truly we have much need of such associations in this city. We convey to the Sewing Machine Men’s Retail Union pur hearty good wishes, and inform them that our columns will at all times be open lo assist them in their noble work. Mr. P. McCann of the Domestic Company, resid ing at 606 Bartlett street, is the local secre- BTy i CHINESE TRAVELERS. How They Buy tbrough Agents - and How They Make Money. - The Chinese purchaser of overland tickets is just now an object of considerable interest | pu ‘“‘the street.’”” The breaking down of the rules concerning comnmissions on tickets has left a margin for the competitive agents to secure busincss at different prices. The Chinese passenger is supposed to be tick eted—third elass; at 2 uniform rate, e various lines. Here, however, the ingenuity of the Chinaman is not defeated. A knowl edge of the value of the club system, or excursion party system, seems to have penetrated to Chinatown. A sleek China muan, who possesses a knowledge of the English langaage, drops into the ticket office and asks what rate he ean secure for scveral friends. He is given to understand that there is a uniform rate and a com mission. In the commission there is a chance for the Chinese agent, for such he is, and regularly engaged in the business, to name the route over which the party shall go. The road that pays the best com mission gets the busines, for the Chinesc negotiator can make a reduction for his friends out of his commission, although he is instructed that none of the commission shall go to the passenger. The faces of Ihe Chinamen who can sccure Chincse passen ger business are familiar on ‘‘the street’’ | and in every ticket office, and diplomacy is wasted in attempts to get the business they bring, enough to accmplish very ingenious and difficult undertakings if applied in other directions. e et A CIIRCUS TRAGEDY. Many People Burned and Crushed : to Death. During the cirens performance at Neschin near Berlin, Germany, Satarday evening. & storm arose and a portion of the roof of a circus structure was blowan off. | The pendant lamps hanging from the roof were broken and the blazing petrolenm poured down upon the heads of the people below. There were 2 000 spectators, and a fearful paniec arose. In the midst of the tumult one of the lightly-bailt wils of the strueture fell in, and the whole building immediately collapsed. A large number of persons was burned, many were tramped to death, and 300 others were more or less in jured. D e L THE PARSON OFF COLOR, Red as the rose was she, Red es the beet was he, And the marriage service was du'y read, And readily oat of the church they sped, 1 asked the | arsom the size of his fee, *1:0t not a read,” he arswered me. SAN FRANCISCO, SATURDAY, JUNE 11. 1887. DEALERS IN Chinese and Japanese FANCY COODS. | Direct Impcrters of Curiosities, Lacquered Ware, Ivory Zoys, Fine Crockery, Silk Handker chiefs, Canlon Crape, Embroidered Screens, and all kinds of Silk Dress latterns. 637 CLAY STREET, Between Sansome and Montgomery. SAN FRANCISCO CAL. Goods received by every Steamer, - THE UNITED IRISHMEN AND THE VINDICATOR | Can be had for's4 per annum pay able in advance at this office. William Poehiman. PIONEER BAKERY 8. W. Corner of Post and Powell Streets, Wedding Cakes always in stock, or made to order in all styl:s at shortest notice. Confectionary of every description. IN THE TREATMENT OF DISEASE. Magnetic Shields, The Greal Curative Agent of our Times. | RHEUMATISM. NEUR%LGIAmAND s?hl;flll:iEPSlA xist where these elds are voru‘."%ont%}ng‘ in the history of our world equ‘lls the wonderful cures wrought by wearing our Magnetio Shields. A single pair of our FOOT BATTERIES Will convince any skeptic of the truth of what we say. Try a pair. Price B], by mail, to any addrers. Send for our new book, “A plain Road to Health.”” Free, & ‘ HEAD CAPS AND BANDS CURE NEURALGIA, A Nervous Headache and Earache-—in inany cases affording relief in & few minutes. The vest has no equal on earth for relief and <ure of Consumption, Dyspepsia and Rheumatism. Belt relieves pain in the back in a tew hours, uliimately cures Weak and Lame Back, Disease of Kidweys, Lnmbago, Rhenmatism and Siatica. We know our assertions are strong when we claim we CAN and DO cure Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Epileptic Fits, Locomotor Ataxia, Consumption, Paralysis and Bright's Digease of the Kidneye, bit we have. “the proor to sustain our ¢laim, and the LIVING witnesses to testify. Foot batteries (%1) demon strates the law of Magnetic Impartation. Janunsry 16, 1884. MAGNETIC SHIELD CO., 103 Post Street, San Francisco. To My Old Patrons, I still offer my valuable services if you are so unfortunate as to require them With a mind matured and enriched by studies of an advanced order, I can safely say that there is hardly a disease in the catalogue of human Ilis that I cannot treat to a successful issue, LADIES—I am always ready to assist you. My past knowledge has been in® creased by extensive experience. lam now able to treat you with the certainty of success. No case peculiar to your delieate organism is beyond my sure control. - My Female Monthly Medicines are super ior to any offered heretofore and will be warranted to have the desired effcct in all cases. i Those of the public who need my services. can depend wpon gentlemanly, ] honorable and scieutific treatment at rea sonatle rates. 1 I address particularly those who have been injared by youthful indiscretions and those who have contracted local diseases. l Persons afflicted can if they prefer, con-i sult me by letter, detailing the symptoms of the disease or trouble, and receive medi cines by express, with full Instructions. All letters must be directed: J. H. JOSS ELYN, M. D., 226 Sautter street, San Francisco, Cal. Cure warrented in all cases or no pay re quired. Consaultations, personally or by letter, gratis, Send for book. Comfortable apartments for patients at my Infirmary (when desired), with experienced nurses. Consultation parlors, 226 Sutter street, ‘adjoining the Young Men’s Christian As ‘sociation Building. Office heurs, from 9 A, m. to 8§ p. M, My DIPLOMA HANGS IN MY OFFICE, _ Purchase my Essay on Physiology and Marriage. For sale by all newsdealers. J. H. JOSSELYN, M. D. NO COLD FEET! Send one dollar in currency, with size of shoe ususily worn, and try a pair of our Magnetic In soles for rhenmatism. coid feet apa bad circala ti n. They are the most powerful made in the world., The wearer feels the warmth, life and revitalization iu three minutes after putting them or. Sent by return mail upon receipt of price Send your address fur the * New Departur? in Medical Treatment Without Medicine,” with thousands of t-stimorials, Write us full partic ulars of difficalties. O /v Magnetic Kidney Belts for gentlemen will positively cure the following diseases without Pain in the back, head or liwbs, nervons debility, lumbsge, general debility, rheumatism, paralysis. peurslgis, sciatics,diseases of tue kidoeys, torpid liver, seminal emissions, impotency, heart discase dyspepsis, indigestion, hernia or ruptare, piles, etc. Consultation free. Prive of Belt, with Magnetic Insoles, $lO. >ent by express C. O. D. or by return mail upon receipt of p-ice Send measure of waist and size of shoe worn. Send for cirenlars, Order Direct. Nore—The above described Belt with Insoles is warranted to .g:cmvely cure chronic cases of semipnal emi us and impotency, or money refunded even after one year’s trial. ; THE MAGNETIC APPLIANCE CO. 134 Dearborn St., Chicago, 1l BARCAINS! BARCAINS! 31, 33, 35 and 37 Ladies, present y&gfir husband, brother cousin, or friend with a nice smoking Jacket or Morning Gown. Parents, uncles, gonts or anybody else, present your boy of anybody ¢ls¢ with a nice overcoat or nice Shit. | CHILDRENS' 5U1T5..........82 10 0VERC0AT5....5..........- 9% MEN'SBUITS ... . ...... 990 OVERCOATS, ALL W00L.... 6 75 Every Department—Clothing and Furnishing, Hats, Etc.— Offers Extraordinary Inducements, , —GET— The most Authentic Life of Heary Ward Bescher, By the Eminent Journalist Joseph Heward Jr, Son of the founder of Plymouth Church and most intimate life-long friend of Mr. Beecher. In press early issue, $2 richly illustrated Contains inner facts unknown fto others and is written with the 'graphic p(’“‘-Cf of @ tnaster engugod in a labor of love. Will sell beyond everything, Agents wanted at once. Send 50 cents for outfit. Address A. L. BAxcrorT & Co. 607 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. David Stern L R 323 MONTGOMERY STREET, Between Pine and California, HOUSE BROKES. Auctioneers, Rent Collectors In surance Brokers. Lodging-houses for sale, and full charge taken of property. SALESDAY ..... WEDNESDAY. WORKING CLASSES ATTENTION! We are now prepared to furuish all classes with employment at home the whole of the time, or for their spare moments. Business new. light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50 cents to $£5.00 per evening, and a propor tional sum bydevoting all their timue to the busi ness. Boys and girls earn nearly as much a 8 men. That all who see this may send their address, and test the business, we make this offer. To such as are not well satiefiedl we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars and ountfit free. Address GEORGE STINSON & CO., Port!and Maine. TEOS. BRANNAN Dealer in CHARCOAIL, ETC,, No. 1161 HOWARD ST. Near Eighth, » San Francisco. All kinds of Wood, Coal and Charcoal cpn stantly on band. Families supplied on short notice at reasonable rates. ’ : Gocds delivered free of charge. Satisfaction gnaranteed. Coal sold in bulk, 2240 pounds to the ton. iRI U G LRI G Otto Lang, Leenhard Lang. August Lang LANG BRO'S Sole Bottlers of the Genun ne Frederickburg. Lager Beer, - 1 fi Export Pilsener aid Culm!acher, Steam Bottling Establ.-hment, | ’ 1318 SCOTT ST. near O°Farrell St. Branch, 79 Californis Street, near Eearny, Telephone 062. SAN FRANCIECO, CAL. COOLING, REFRESHING, HE AL?H - Inspiring ! ELTORO Recommended by the whole Medi cal Faculty. ELTORO As a Stimulating Beverage Invaluable to the Old and Young, Weak | and Strong. - ELTORO .Is possessed of Fine Tonic Proper ties. To use it once is to use it always. Depot, 424 Montgomery St San Franeisco, Cal. J. W.TAYLOR, Prop. ’fi" The RBegt Free hot Luneh in the City. Henry’s Place 130 FOURTH ST, Be!. Mission and Howard, San Francisco Wines, Liquors & Cigars. - HENRY BORNEMAN, Ernurietor.] OPEN ALL NIGHT. H. 8, FlrLp, Late Man, Randolph & Co. JNo. A. Hammersytd, Foriu'ly with J. Levy & Co Nanufactiring Jowelers AND : SILVERSMITHS. IMPORTERS AND DRALERS IN B, Jast received, an elegant lire of Novelties ¢ lltlmm(md work and fine Watch repairing a spec ialty. 118 SUTTER STREET. (PACIFIC SYSTEM.) TRAINS LRAVE AND ARE DUE TO ARRIVE AT SAN FRANCISCO. LEAVE | | ARBIVE 8:00A (Calistogaand Napa............[ 10:10 A 4:00p e & 52 casensite i b 82l SHAIOHEE ..ovsiieviian ] 540 p 3:30 ¢ | Galt via Martinez.............. 1 10:40 o — 4:oo§p Hornprook hesding Portl'd—lo: 8:30a lone via Liverm0re............!| 5:40P 3:00p Knight's Landing..............! 11:104A *5:00 p |Livermore and Pleasanton....| *s:4oa 9:30 o LosAng.Demi g.ElpPaso & East| 4.40 p 3:30p Les Amgeles and Mojave,..... 10:40a4 ST lOMBEE. ... ... i €2O P SOO & MBI i i e e | DY 10:00a Niles and 8ayward5...........| 3:40p 3:00p Odgenand Ea5t................| 11:10p 7:30a Red Biuff via Mar;sville.......| 540, 7:50 4 [Redding via Will>ws... ......| 8:40 7:30A4 Sacramento via 8enicia........| 640 8:30 A te via Livermore..... | 5:40 800 ¢ via 8enicia........ | 11:00 & 4:00P ““ via Benicia.... m *1:00P Sacramento River Steamers...| *6:00 A 8904 B 0 JOB 6. . i iiriias ivoeine: | L RADR 1000 A | " davi e, ke eusiivi it TR B3:00p ! - 9:00 A 8:304 ,%ockton. via Livermore....... i 540 p *3:3o'p s via Martinez........ | lU:4Oa T U A T . . e A S A . A i St PO A for Morning, P for Afternoon. *Sundays excepted. iSundays only, LOCAL FERRY TRAINS FROM SAN FRANCISCO DAILY. To EAST OAKLAND—*6.OO, 6.30, 7.00, 7.30, 8.00, 8.30, 9.00, 9.30, 10.69, 10.30, 11.00, 11.30, 12.00, 12 30, 1.00, 1.3@, 2.00, 2.30 3.00, 3.30 4,00, 4.30, 5.0, 5.30, 6.00, 6,30, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 11.00, 12.00. TO 23p AVENUE. EAST OAKLAND—SBame a 8 *‘To East Oakland ™ until 6:30 p. M., inclusive, also at 9:00 r. M, To FRUIT VALE—*6.OO, 6.30, 7.00, 7.30, 8.00, 8.30, *2.30, 3.30, 4.00, 4.30, '5.00, 5.30, 6.00, 5.30, 9.00, To FRUIT VALE (via Alameda)- *9 30, 7.00, 12.00. To ALAMEDA—%*6.OO, *6,30, 7 00, *7 30, 8 00, *8.30, 9.00, ¥ 30, 10.00, $10.30, 11 L 0 11,30, 12.00, $12.30, 1.00, 11,30, 2.00, 12,30, 3.00, 3.30, 4,00, 4.50, 5.00, §.30, 6.00, 6.20, 7.00, 8 060, 9.00, 10.00, 11,00, 12.00, To BERKELEY —*6.00, *6.30, 7.00, *7.30, 8 00, *8.30, 9.00, 9.30, 10,00, $10.30, 11.00, $ll 30, 12.00. $12.30. 1.00, 71.80, 2.00, $2.30. 3.00, 3.30. 4£.00, 4.2, 5.00, 5 30. 6.00, 6.30. 7.00, 8.00,9 00, 10.00,11.00, 12. u(, TO WEST BEKKELEY—Same as ‘* To Berkeley” TO BAN FRANCISCO DAILY. From FRUIT VALE—6.SO, 7.20, 7.50, 8.20, 8.50, 9.20, *10.19, 4.20, 4.50, 3.20, 5.30, 6.20, 6.50, 7.47, 9.50. From FRUIT VALE (via Alameda)—*s.22, 5.52, S B AMTRN, .T FROM 23p AVENUE, EAST OAKLAND—G.SS, 7.25, 156, 8.25, 8.55, 9.25, 9.55, 10.25, 10.55, 11.25. 11.55, 12.25, 12.55, 1.25. 1.55, 2.28, 2.53, 3.25, 3.55, 4.25, 4.565, 5.25, 5.55, 6.25, 6,55, 7.50, 9.53. From EAST OARKLAND-—*5.30, 6.00, 6.30, 7.00, 7.30, 8.00 8.38, 9.00, 9.30, 10.40, 10,30, 11.00, 11.30, 12.00, 12.30, 1.00, 1.30, 2,00, 2.30, 3,00, 3.30, 4.00, 4.30, 5.0, 5.6, 660, €.30, 700, 7.57, 8.57, V. 57, 10.57, From BROADWAY, OAKLAND—7 minutes® later than from East Oakland. From ALAMEDA-—*s3o, 600, *£.3o, 7.00, *1.30, 8.00, *8.30, 9.00, 9.%0, 10,00, 110,50, 11.00, $11.30, 12,00, $12.30, 1.00, 11 30, 2.00, §2.30, 3.00, 3.30. 4.00, 4.30, 5.00, 5.0, 6.00, 6.30. 7.00, 8.00, 9.00 10.00, 11.00. From BEREELEY-—*5.25, 555, *625, 6.55, *7.25, 7.55, *8.25, 8.55, 9.25, 9.55, 110.%5, 10.55, 11.25, 11 55, $12.25, 12.55. $1.25, 1.65, 12,25, 2.55, 2.25, 8.55, 4.25, 4.55. 5 25, 5.55, 6.25. 555, 1.55, 8.55, 9.55, 10.15. FROM WEST BERKELEY—Ffane as “From : Berkeley.” e s o bt CREEK ROUTE. From SAN FRANOISCO—*7.IS, 9.15, 11.15, 1.16 3.15, 5.15. From OARLAND-—*5,15 .15, 10,15, 1.15, 215 4.15. *Sundays excepted. iSundays vnly. Staudard Time furnisbed by Lick Observatory " A.N. TOWNE, T. H. GOODMAN, Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. & Tkt, Agt. KAST’S SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. (NORTHERN DIVISION.) TIME SCHEDULE. Passepger Trains leave and arrive Passenger De (Townsend st. be. 3d and 4th streets), San #anslsgg? A e Rl oe ek e I‘S";.l | IN EFFECT MAy 1, 1887. | Ameive R ———————— 201 p.m ¢ Cemetery and Sen Mateoj..,. 2:50F M. 0w | | 6190 Ao, 8:30 a M. l *3:00 AN, 10:30 omo ! 9:30 A M *3:30 p.M. | 4 ..Ba2 Mateo, Redwood.. § | 10:02 AM. 4:30 P, M. | |.....and Menlo Park...... | . 4:36P,M. *5:10 P, M. l } +5:35 p.M. *G:H) P.M. I 6:40 PM, s ew. | | 1050 PoM s:{fl)A.u.‘ { 1 9:08 a.m" 10:3@ A, . 4Sanu. Clanwssn Joge andl {*lo 02 AN, | ‘3:.i1r.u.l { «.Principal Way Stations,. | | 4:36 .M. SOPM | L [ 1 6107 w _4:30 P.K. | { Almaden and Way Stat ons | | 9:084 % stk :.Sua’:-s«_"and'fiohmey_:.;;_} 6:40 P.M )‘ Monteasy, L, -ma Pri-ta and P 7504, M, ‘ Sa ta Cruz, Suuday v | 18:35p. M. A e Y Q:3O A, M. | § Wat onville, Aptos, Soquel } ‘ *l'?:O‘ZTi( *3:30 PM, | {(Camp Capitola), ba. Cruz, § 40P M *‘;:), :‘,::: !jf?lllster and Irm Pinos, U:g-g‘; :,:;; T T (Seleodad, San Mixnr'l.l’nsul | | B:3C A.M l Rbles/T'empleton (S an | 6:40P. M., ] Luis Obispo) & Way Bta. ) Round trip = % Bound Taip | 2 x from San =2 S&| from San LS |SB Francisco 52 33! Francisco 8 88 to ne -8 to n s San Bruno $.... § 50 Moun’n View.. $1 50 $2 0 Millbrae,.. .... 65 Lawrences . .... 150 225 Oak Grove .... 90 Santa Clara.... 176 2 50 San Magteo. 75 110 San J05e........ 1752 60 Belmont.... 100 1 25@Gi1r0y......... 275 400 Redwood.,. 1 00 1 40 Apt 05.......... 300 500 Fair Oaks, 1 25 1 50 Loma Prieta.... 3060 ..... Menio Prk 125 1 60 50que1......... 300 500 Mayfield... 125 1 75 SautaCrnz..... 300 500 A M. Morning. 3 P.MAfternoon, 3 ”'jaundayfi excepted. tSundays oniy (Spertsman rain. Trains run on Pacific Standard Time. STAGE CONNECTIUNS are made with the 8:30 A.M, Train, Nearly all r-il line to San Luis Obispe only 24 miles siaging from Tem, leton. Time from San Frauncisco, 12 hours. St §¥ Round trip tickets to Lick Observatory and return, on saie at Company’s Ticket Oftices; rate §7 EXCURSION TICKETS. 4 . 1 Sold SUNDAY MeRNING, good for For Sundaysonly, § re urn same day. & ForSatureay, ( Sold SATURDAY and SUNDAY only; Sundcay and < good for return until following Mon- Monday } dawincinsive a the followiugrates, TICKRT OFFlCES.—Passenger Depot, Townsend street; Valencia-street Station, and No. 618 Market street, Grand Hotel and rorunda Baldwin Hotel A. C. BASSETT, H R.JUDAH. ~uperintendent. Ast. Pass, and Tkt Train) Trains run on Pacific Standard Time, | W SAUCELITO—SAN RAFAEL—SAN QUENTIN — VlA~—— N PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD. TIME TABLM. CO.\IMF..\’CING SUNDAY. *PRIL 3, 887, AND unti: (nrtuer notice, bonis and te:ins will return as follows, A From SAN FRA® CIRCO for SAUCELITO and SAN RAFAEL (week days)—7:so, 9220, 11900, A, M (145 8:25, 4:50, 6:10 P, M. (Sundays —S8:00. 10;00, 11:30 a. >, 1:30, 2:30, 5:00, 6:45 P. M. Fiom SAN RAFAEL for BSAN FRANCISCO (week aays)—6:ls, 7:45, 9:20, 11:00 A, m. 1:45, 4:25 4:55, (Sundays;—SB:oo, 1000 A, ». 12:00 m., 1:30. 3:38, 5:00 6:45 P. M. Extratrip on Saturday at 6:25 P, M, From SAUCELIT for SAN FRANCISCO (week Agys)—6:4s, R:l5, 10:00, 11:45 2, m.. 2:50, 1;05.. 2;%0 P. M. (Sundays)—B:4o, i0:45 A. M., 12:45 2:10,4:10, 5:40, 7:30 P. M Extratrio on Sat rdayat7:o p. . THROUGH TRAINS. 1:85 P. M. D ily (Sandays exc pted) from San Francico tor Ingram and Intern ediate st jlons. Returning leave Ingram’s at 6:45 A. 5., arrives at San Francisco at 12:15 p M. S:00 A, B, (Sundayr oaly). Excarsion Tiaio fr san Francises F‘ur{ux. Camp Taylor, Peint Reyes, Tomaies, Duncau Mills. Ingram’s and nterme diate stations, Returaning, arives in San Franciseo 1t pOP.X. - B EXCUESION RATES. ; Thirty-Day Exeursion—Round-trip Tickels to all stations north of San Anseimo, 4 twenty-five pes cent reduction from single tariff rate. Friday to Monduy Exeursion—Round-trip Tickets sold on Fridays, Ssturdays and Sundays, good to return foliowing Mondas : ('.amr Taylor, $1.75: Po'nt Rey-s. tf.m: Tomules, #2725; Howa-ds, £3.50; Tugram’s, $4 00, ?nndn‘{ Exearsion—Round-trip Tickets, good on su days only: Camn Taylor, $1.50; P.iut R yes. $£1.75 Tomales, $2.00; Ingraw’», $3.00. *TAGE CONNECTIONS. Stagesleave logram's duily (except Mordays) for ‘t?wun'u Foin', Gualaia, Point Arena, Caffey s Cove, Navarre, ,\p‘ndncmu City, and all poinis on the Norih Coast, ‘ i A ———————————— JNO W.COLEMAN, F B. LATHAM, General Manager. Gen'l Pass, & TKL. Agt. General OMices—327 Pine SNtreet. | : | T I T = 1 KEARNEYS ?RABHAOY.; ) STUCCESSOR TO SAMES DEVINE. 4 | ~ | DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ETC ; . . ~ Perfumeries and Cosmetics t - | A SPECIALTY. l 214Kearny Street, Bet. Bush and Satter, SAN FRANCISCO. 10:10 a 6:10 p 5:40 p 10:40 o —10:10 A 0P 11:10 A *§:4o & 440 P 10:40 & 6:10 p *5:40 p 3:40 p 11:10 ¢ 5:40P 6:40 o 6:40P 5:40 11:00 4 1000 A *G:00 A 3400 P - 13:00 @ 9:00 A l 540 p 10:40 a To The Public. If the State of California is to be come rich the city of San Franecisco must be prosperous, and if the city of San Francisco is to prosper its manu facturing industries must flourish. Every possible dollar should be %a,ld to our mechanics, and every dollar for material and labor in any article of consumption should he kept within the State. The benefit accruing is shared in a more or less direct de grea by every resident within our borders, In view of this, we here ‘with inform the public that we have just put on the market a most ex cellent MANS SHOE—BUTTON, LACE and CONGRESS—at $4 per pair. This shoe is made of the best material, ind is equal in style and superior in quality to any Eastern shoe for the money. Every pair is GUARANTEED by us. The sellers are authorized to return the money for every defective pair. Buckingham & Hecht. For sale in thig city at %138 and 740 Market Street, Near Grant Ave. (f vmerly Dupont St.) AND North Pacific Railroad (The Donahue Broad Gauge Route.) (\OHMENCING SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 1887, AND 4 until further notice, Boats and Trains will leave fr.m and arrive at San Francisco Passenger Depot Market-Street Wharf, as foliows: LIRS RS Leave l Destina- ] Arrivein San Francisco. tion. San Francisco. WEEK | SUN- | | SUN- WEEK . D:\rs. DAYS, v DAYS. | DAYS, - 7.45AM|8 00am| Petaluma. [10.40 aM[B.5O A ¥ 3,30 pM[5.OO pM| Sants Rosa, | 6.10 py[10.55 an 500 pm Fulton, 6.06 P M Windsor, 3.00 AM| Healdsburg, [6.10 M TAGAM Cloverdale, 9.50 A M d3opr N Aud Way 600 PN L Stations. i S.AOL 8 M. Guerneville. 6.10pM6.06e N g ’ 2 L STy ) UETERS " S m?:nhnng back at 10:55 A, ou AL ot only at San Rafael and points south, and at No. vato, Petaluma, P<nns Grove and Santa Rosa. Stages connect at Santa Rosa for W - Springs, Sebastopoi ana Mark West rs rlnhg?n?m ville 'or Ingrans. At Clairville for gk ‘s Sprin, and at C.overdaie for Highland Springs. Kelseyvilie: Sods By Lakepor,, Saratous Springs. Blug Takes artle springs, Ukiah,Vichy ¢ u Ruig , chfldwino Ciwy_and rg‘fgfiqg‘;:fii qu:ro da‘f??g ll}gttl)uflma’l‘;{:_l%l:}‘ssrrom Saturaays to Mon 'l.“".'“z R o T .'5? anta 301:. $3: to Healds- EXCURSION TICKETS good I nly— Petaluma. $1.50; to Sania Rosa, 82?&05 ‘lli!:gfi:bouurlg’. ‘;o to Cloverdale, $4 50; to Guerneville, $3, From San Franeiseo for Poinr Tibaron and san Ra fael—wWeek Days: 7:45 o, M., 9:50 A, M., 11:30 A, M.,33:30 P.M,5:00 P. M.,6:15P M. Bundavs: B.OOA. M, 9:30A. M., 10:454. M 12:00 ~ 2:30 P. M., 5:00 P. M, To sSan Francisco from San Rafael—-Week Paye: 6:20 A. M5:00 A, w,,10:00 A. M, 1:°0P. M., 5:40 P. M., 5:06 p.M. Sundaye-- 8:70 A. M., 9:40 A, M., 10:50 A, M. 1:15p,. 8. 3:485p. M5O P M. To oan Francleco froin Point Tiburon—Week Days: 6:50 A, M, S:2OA. M., 10:25A M., 1:55 P. M, 105 P, X, S P Sundays—B:Bs4.w., 0:054 K. 11:154. 0, 1:40 P, M., 4:10P. M. 5:30 P. ML, 87"0n Saturdays an extrs taip will be made eaving San Franecisco at 1:15 p.. H.C. WHITING, Sl?erlntende:tl. PETER J. MOGLY NN. Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agr. &7 Ticket offices at Ferry and 222 Montgomery. .~ street ar d 2 New Montgomery street. # SONOMA VALLEY RAILROAD. ST’EAMER JAMES M. DONALU R LEAVES SAN Francisco and connects with trains at Sonoma L.anding as follows: QM&;&G daily (Sundays excepted), rr?m Wash, . n-steeet whart for the rowp of Sonoma Gien Eller wnd w:z points, Returning, arrives im —— San Francisco at 9:00 A, M. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS. 1" A. M. (Sundays only), from Wuhlngon -821 strect whart for the town of Sonoma, Glen Ellen and way points, Returning.arrivesinSan Fran ciseo at 1:0) P. 3. Round-trip uckets to Sonvina, ¥1; to Glen Ellen, $1.50 H. C. WHITING. s?:rlmendent. PETER J. MCGLYNN, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Azt, ¢@ Ticket offices at Ferry and No, 2 New Mont - Jomeryand 22 Montgomery St g gition: a 1 SOUTH PACIFIC CCASt RAILROA™. e Passenger Trains leave Station, foot of Market | street, south side, at | 8 0“ A. M. every Sunday (Excursion Train) to J San Jose, Boulder Creek, Big Trees and sSanta Cruz. thrning, arrive in Nan Francisce t8:05 P M. | 8 %0 A. M. daily,for Alvarado, Newark, Centre. « ) ville, Alviso, Santa Clara, SAN JOSE, Los Gatos, Wrights, Glenwood, Felton, Big Trees, SANTA CRUZ and all Way Stations ) {” P. M., (except Sunday), Express: Mt. -t Eden, Atvarado, Newark, Centreville, Al viso, Agnews, Santa Clara, SAN JOSE, Los Gatos, and all Stations to SANTA CRUZ. 4 ‘)0 P. M.. daily, for SAN JOSE, Los Gatos and T4V intermediate points. » EXCURSIONS to SANTA CRUZ and BOUL ) DiR CREEK, and $250 to SAN JOSE, on SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS, to retarn on MON DAY, inclusive. $1.75 to SANTA CLARA and SAN JOSE and return. Sunds s only. $3.00 to Boulder Creek, Big Trees and Banta Cruz and return, Sandaysonly, 8:3) A, M. and 2:30 . M, trains conpect with tra’us ut San Jose for New Almaden snd points on Alwaden Branch, g. 33 a. w. and 2:30 p. M. trains connect with stages at Los Gat s for Congress Springs. w All throngh trains counect at Felton for Bould er Creek ani points on Felton and Pescadero Railroad. ; TO OAKLAND AND ALAMEDA. §6.00, §6.30, §7.00, 7.30, 8.00, 8.30, 9.00, 9.30, 10.00, 10.30, 11.00, 11.50 a. M ; 12.00, 12.30, 1.00, 1.30, 2.00, 2.0, 3.00, 3.30, 4.00, 4.30, 5.00, 5.30, 6.00, 6.30, 7.00, 7.30, 8.30, 9.30, 10.45, 11.45 P. M. From Rroadway and Fourteenth Streets, Oak land—s§s.3o, §6.9¢, §6.30, 7.00, 7.30, 8.00, 8.30,9.60, ' 9.30, 10.00, 10.30, 11.00, 11.30 A. M.; 12.00, 12.90, 1.00, 1.30, 2.00, 2.30, 3.00, 3.30, 4.00, 4.30, 5.00, 5.30,6.00, 6.9097.00,7.50,8.30, 9.30,10.45,11 45 ¢. M. From High street, Alameda—§s.l6, §5.46, §6.16 6.46, 7.16, 7.46, 8.16, 8.46, 9.16, 9.46, 10.1¢, 10.46 11.16, 11,46, A. M.; 12.16, 12.46, 1.16, 1.46, 2.16 2.46,3.16, 3.46, 4.16, 4 .46,5.16, 5.46, 6.16,6.46,7.16 8.16,,11.31 p. M. § Sundays excepted. Ticket, Telegraph and Transfer Office, 222 Montgomery stre«t, 8. F, L. FILLMORE, W.T. FITZGERALD, | Superintendent G.F. &¥, Agt, e e ee——————————————————— GOVERNMENT LANuS. e — e Those who '“luo“z to pre-~=3 or l!ain:-' stead a quarter section of A 1 farming, grasing : fruit-growing land, can be ueommodl'hd. Apply to : THEIS OFFICE. NO. 34