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Arkansas State press. [volume] (Little Rock, Ark.) 1941-1959, September 05, 1958, Image 1

Image and text provided by Arkansas State Archives

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84025840/1958-09-05/ed-1/seq-1/

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Board Refuses to
Open Central High
On Jimcro Basis
With the weight of the segre
gation issue on its shoulder,
placed there by Governor Fau
bus, the Little Rock school board
on a split decision set September
15 as the date to open the high
schools of the city.
The school board had formerly
announced September 8, as the
opening date of all schools in
the city. This announcement
came when the United States
Supreme Court called for a spec
ial session August 28 tn hear ar
guments on the NAACP's peti
tion to vacate a stay order leav
ing in force the Lemley decision
which gave the school board Au
thority to operate on a segregat
ed basis.
Governor Faubus asked the
general assembly which was in a
special session for a key bill de
laying the opening of Central
high school until September 15.
The Supreme Court, apparently
acting upon the time limit set
out in the bill that the general
According to an announcement
made this week, the Ku Klux
Klan is ready to show its hand
in Little Rock. The announce
ment said that the klan will be
chartered here this week, and
about 50 people had been en
rolled as members.
The Capital Citizens council,
whose mode of operation is
similar to that of the klan, in
dicated that it was displeased
with the invasion by a competi
tive organization.
The announcement also caused
much speculation on the part of
the Negro, who is the chief tar
get of both organizations,, if
there are two. The Negro is
wondering if the announcement
of the klan's invasion isn”t just
a ruse to allow the CCCers an
opportunity to cover their faces
to make their work more effec
tive in the moonlight.
Wilkins Urges President to Revise Opinion
On Pace of Public School Desegregation
—See This Story Page Three
Ark. History ®
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3| B H Littlo Rock, Arkansas ■
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YES WE HAVE HAD IT— Five of the Nine who startled the
world last year and came out second in news value to the
Russian-launching Sputnik in 1958, when they were escort
ed into Central high school by the 101st Airborne Paratroop
ers, get together with four prospective students of integrated
schooling in Little Rock. During Monday, the day set aside
for labor to observe, while many Americans were enjoying
themselves and others were getting killed or crippled on the
highway, five brow r n American kids were relating an exper
ience of the white man’s hate they had to endure during
eight months of trying to get an education in the land of a
so-called democracy. The five kids were unanimous in
their story and making it clear to the prospective students to
an integrated education in strife-torn Little Rock that be
ing black a severe penalty In trying to get an educa
tion. The new' kids who have applied for entry to
the Central and Hall high schools are Kay Mott, Sandra
Johnson, reading from left to right seated - both Central.
Third from left is Carolyn Ward, Hall, Third from left stand
ing is Jacko Massie, jr., Central, All these kids live in the
attendance area of the schools they have made applications to
enter. Each of these students wants to enter t.he school in
his neighborhood for convenience, and too because subjects
they want to major in are not .taught in the jimcro school
which southern practices have restricted them to. The Five
who have witnehsed in life what is definitely term-ed in
divine words as a penalty for the wicked after death, are
Gloria Ray, Corlitta Walls, Terrance Roberts, Jefferson Thom
as and Earnest Green. Green graduated from the Central high
in May and will enter Michigan State this fall.
—Press foto by Davy.

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