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■ *' - *“’ f WoLr A&A ?fi * I >*C. Afihk w(Lf & " HEF '-jy 1.. J^Mwwk 2 -4t ~ yi >••■ ,7 1 # *>7 1 •' 1 'WHBHESkt . jmPOIawI KSIf .AMBWhij. mJF J VISITING RUSSIA—Dr. Deborah Cannon Partridge (right), grand basileus, Zeta Phi Beta sorority, and professor of edu cation, Queens college, Brooklyn, N. ¥., is one of 50 Ameri can educators currently on a 30-day tour of Russia, to ob serve teaching techniques on all levels. Selected because of her experience as a college professor at Columbia and New York universities, the Universities of Michigan and Illi nois, Tuskegee institute and Texas college, and as specialist in inter-group relations, she is one of the few women, and one of two Negroes in the group. The group left the U. S. on Aug. 17 and are expected back Sept. 20. Shown with Dr. Partridge, as they boarded the Scandinavian Air service plane, is a fellow Queens college professor, Dr. Lucille Land berg. —(ANP) The Wonder Spell ... (Have words, Will tease.) .... .THIS SCHOLAR HAD SOME.. TOUGH PROBLEMS. To enjoy your Wonder Spell game select one letter from each word of the above sentence. Keep letters in same order. Choose correctly, and they will Spell the Wonder word First Clue - The- Wonder word Here are five clues, and given phrase are somehow related. SOME GO AT FIVE Second Clue. Your Positive Clue- WE SHOULD ALL START AT SIX. (At this point, if Wonder word COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY By GRICE PORTRAITURE — GROUPS — WEDDINGS Natural color, News Photos, Children, Industrial Home Appointments accepted by Day or Night 329 1 / 2 Main St., Phones: JE 4-7314; Res. JE 4-7019 PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS NOU VEAN DRIVE IN CHICKEN - STEAK -FISH - BAR-B-Q Let Us Serve You In Your Car SPECIAL PLATE LUNCH ICE COLD BEER FOUNTAIN SERVICE Catering to Parties—For Reservation. Ph. FR 2-NM Mr. & Mrs. B G. Mays, Props., 1101 E. 6th, NLR TSniaNWH~ L » — STATE ]§/ PRESS j Published bv THE STATE PRESS COMPANY Telephone FR 2-5938 80ti W. »lh St. P. O. Drawer 2179 Published every Friday In the year in the interest of the Publishers and Readers generally—Founded by L. Christopher Bates, May 9, 1941. A reader’s paper, non-political, non-sectarian, independet, con structive, and with a program to integrate the Negro in all phases of community activities as American citizens Entered as Second Class Matter September 26, 1911 at the Post Office at Little Rock, Arkansas, under the Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—SS 50 for One Year; $3.50 for Six Months; $2.00 for Three Months. All Subscriptions Payable in Advance. We Do Not Assume Responsibility For Anv Unsolicited Materials And De Net Have Time For Correspondence On Such. is correct, you score a perfect.) Our Negative Clue - Wonder word takes a backward Spell, here, - HELLO, DO YOU HAVE CLASS RECESS? (As of now, you score 50 per cent.) Final Clue - Our Wonder word is omitted in this quotation from- Chas. Leo O’Donnell in “WON DER.”, “I have never been able To s----- my eyes Against young April’s Blue surprise.” > (’You are Spelled down to 25 per cent if it took you this long.) .Now, here is Wonder word in a mixed-up Spell - HOL SOC. If you have a pet word, for us Court Decision "Law of The Land" Says Atty-Gen. The Supreme Court decision in the school segregation case io the law of the land, and compliance with it is inevitable, Attorney General William P. Rogers said last week in Los Angeles. In a major address before the General Assembly at the 81st an nual meeting of the American Bar Association. Rogers outlin ed the position of the federal Government with respect to the problems which have arisen from that decision. A seven-point summary of his conclusion were: 1. The decision of the Supreme Court in the school and other segregation cases is the law of the land. 2. Compliance with the law of the land is inevitable. 3. In the final analysis, It is vi tal in the national interest that there be thoughtful compli ance in conformity with the gen eral guideline laid down by the Supreme Court and in a manner specifically worked out by local authority under supervision of the local federal courts. 4. Whenever good faith efforts to comply have been made by lo cal and state officials, subst: n tial progress has been made with, out serious incident. 5. Each state has the clear, af firmative duty to use its police power so that the lawfully deter mined rights of all persons are protected against violence and lawlessness. 6. Most states have made it clear that they are able to and intend to perform this duty If each state performs its duty the occasion should never arise when the ultimate duty would fall up on the executive branch of gov ernment “to support and insure the carrying out of the final de cision of the federal court. 7. “We in the executive branch to Wonder Spell send it in care of this publication. (Copyright 1958 by Vic Knerr,) See WONDER WORD—page 10 h-nX ) INGROWN NAIL J HURTING YOU? j Immediate Relief! I A few drops of OUTGRO® bring blessed I relief from tormenting pain of ingrown nail. I OUTGRO toughens tne skin underneath the I nail, allows the nail to be cut and thus pre- I vents further pain and discomfort. OUTGRO | is available at all drug counters. TELL ME.... DID MAGELLAN GO AROUND | WHAT AGE GROUP HAs’thL H 0.... HE HAD TRAVELED HALF • WftV AROUND THE GLORE ~ WUW* when He was slain in-me Philippines' Surveys reveal twat persons AcmJß/ER.IB of HIS CREW CONTINUED ' BETWEEN THE AGES OF 15 AND JO IF4E VOYAGE„„ CIRCLING W V/ORLPf [ COMPRISE QF ALL OUR CRIMINALS? did'sing sing* prison Do QEaia cj 2 ““ ITS NAME? SLE&r < "SING SING" ARE INDIAN WORDS MEANING A STONY PLACE { THE ■ f TOWN OFOSSINING.WHERE THE PRISON f RUT X —.STANDS,WAS CALLED SING SING I V£S..„ gUT ONLY AT X gpUNTL NAME WAS changed Vn 19OHI L MINUTE INTERVALS f | Page Two WHAT NORFOLK POLICE SEEK TO PREVENT, LOCAL POLICE THRIVE Harold Anderson, chief of police at Norfolk, Virgin ia, said Monday that his department is alerted to guard against racial trouble stirred up by outside agitators. Anderson said that two persons had been under ob servation because of an ususual interest in racial activi ties. He said they were not residents of Norfolk. The Norfolk school Board has announced that seven teen Negroes will be assigned to formerly all-white school ~when schools open September 8. Aside from being one of the critical points in the school integration, the Norfolk schools will also be affect ed by Virginia school closing law if integrated. The police chief said his department is watchful of anyone whose activities might cause public disorder. During the crucial period last fall in Little Rock, the police under the direction of assisting chief, Eugene Smith, who has since been made chief of police, gave protection to the Negro children, but merely looked on when Negro civilians were attacked by mobs. stand ready at all times in a spirit of cooperation to consult with state officials in a search for solutions consistent with the decisions of the court.” —Pay Your POLL TAX Today— Gazette Editor Wants "Stay" Harry S. Ashmore, executive editor of the Arkansas Gazette, stated Sunday in a television in terview over the NBC's program “Comment”, that he believed the United States Supreme Court HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, ETC. YOU INHERITED - - YOU BOUGHT . . . . You’re sick and tired of looking at ... . NOW SELL THROUGH AN AD IN THE STATE PRESS (You can advertise for as low as 75cts.) Phone FR 2-5938 Phone FR 2-7734 Hrs:6:3o A. M. to 1:00 A. M. WEST SANDWICH SHOP BREAKFAST, PLATE LUNCH, SANDWICHES, CHICKEN, STEAK, BAR-B-Q, COLD DRINK?, BEER Thomas W. Wilson, Proprietor 411 East 13th Street North Little Rock —STATE PRESS— Fri., Sept. 5, 1958 should grant the ,‘Stay of Exe. cution”. The Court has postponed un til September 11 to hear oral ar. guments before rendering a de. cision on the local school board’i case of the Lemley’s decision granting the school board a two and one half year postpone ment in integration at Central high school. —Pay Your POLL TAX Today-. Read The PRESS