Newspaper Page Text
ri -^..a-aii. a ? ^.a??ra. .. ' *?* riie lliclutfpiid Planet. VOL. VII. NO. 21: RICHMOND, VIRG ATURDAY, MAY 10, 1890. PRICE 5 CTS: THE 1M.ANET BATUBDAY, - - May 10, 1890. THE SHAR0> RAPTIST CHI RCH DEDICATED. Ref. John Jasper aud Other Ministers Preach?Extract** from the Discourse. The dedientoriul serviccri nf the Sharon Baptist Church took pl Bats Sunday. 1th. inst at the nev remodelled edifice, corner of 1st and Lattierfa sts. Prayer by Rev. C. H. Phillips ot Beaver Ham, Ya. A statement was reid bv Kev. Richard H. Miles. The buildings cost $6,000* iniprovemfnts, $2,500. This chun li I organize! by Kev. Wm. Troy with .U0 ineuiliers, since which tine 77 has : ' by n*aptisui snd 141 by letter and Experience?507 tn all. A letter was read from Mayor J. Taylor Ellyson expressing his regret* at not being utile to be present. Rev. Troy read the names of the -persons who had aided in the work, i ile then introduced Rsv. John JSaSptr, of the Oth Mt. Zion Baptist j Church. Hev. .Jasper explained that he was | unwell. "As a citizen of Richmond for 6*5 years 1 can bear witness to ninny things said. When I took my stand I in this city there was not one J African llaptist <-burch in this city, j Where the church called the First1 Raptist church is now was the only one in t hs city and white and colored i worship] uh 1 there together. Then the congregation became so large that the white people withdrew and the colored people worshipped there altogether. I know whet, til! of them now here started lind how they stnrlvd. 1 am standing I 1 ATM KU IN ISUAK1.. Whether you regard it so or not it is so. There is not one here who was preaching at the time that 1 began. You might name Rev. Dr. Ryland, but I've never thought be was a preacher. Fvery one haven't the same gift as others. I've thought he was a theological teacher. He understood theological ?subjects. 1 thought him capable of training others, but never thought bini a preacher. I'm square. If he were herc I'd say the same thing. If this chunh is not properly organized there is mit a church in Richmond properly organized, lt is organized nceording to Baptist usages. I've always known Kev denian. I don't ii ivble ., s ? h. ? .s I ,, a ? Christian gentleman H -JT. Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to t he exchangers, and then at my coining I should have received mine own wit li usury.' He related the. story tts told in the BcriptlUSS. commented on the necessity of improving the gifts God had lie stowed on all. There was too much jealousy and prejudice among the churches. His comment on prayer was timely.?A man should not only pray, but feel what he prays. ?* You can't turn corners in (Jod. You can ? lo it on nie. but you can't fool (Jod. Tell hun what you- want. Some say, ' The thing thai backs me out is that they always talk about ino ney.' There has never been a time that the cause of Christ could go forward without money. Trust in Hod. Don't talk about WHAT l'KOI'l.K THINK. Whatever stigma or whatever shin der is cast upon you, hs sure that you know it is not so. A matt win tries to do right can speak fearlessly BO matter what people say. Trust in God. You've come out of great tribulation, march on! The sniili Of (lod's approbation is upon you Some times 1 fool as big as anybody on earth. You shant know any thing about me. If you say any thing about nie you will lie on na and you ami (Jod will settle tin matter. If you are hated,let it bs for right eousness sake. Luke 0:20. God brought ms this far and any body whose got commonsense cai see it. When did you ever t??*e a* old man as fat as I am. Here Tit 78 years of age, and look fat ant strong as an ox, and havent coin riienced to lieut! over yet?straigh as an Indian arrow. The Savior i coming again. Six feet of cart! belongs to you. " He spoke of th need of money, and asserted tha nome had a great deal of religion un til you call on them for money. Bra, er was offered by Rev. Jacob Turnei The Oth Mt. Zion Church choir suii{j The church was packed to overflow ing. The new pulpit furniture i handsome, covered With navy-blu plush. Mrs. B. A. Morris headed tli club that bought it. Rev. W. W. Colley, ex?missionar to Africa preached an able bi interesting sermon in t lo* afternoon and Rev. C. H. Phillipe at night. - *#a They are all iroing to tbe Cental of .tu th and Boaz at the First B tist Church oin* night, and at ti Calvary Raptist Church the next. Mr. Georg.* W Boll ing at Werthe mer* Shoe Suire, 4ii E. broad Suet requests ilia public and hi* friends call and gee the latest uoveliics in to< wear, before purchasing elsewhere. Smoke HI Matador Cigar. 5c. Grand May Queen, and festiv iven at the Fifth St. Church Mo ny evening May 12th, 1890. Sophia Qnaries, Manager. -We have received the '* Inter? nal ional,"' a six column journal published at St. Bonis, Mo. with Rev. Moses Dickerson as editor and Manager. We wish it sue -Mrs. C. B. Nicholas who has Imh'u at Old Point, spent two yv?*eks here and will return Monday. -Mr. H. C. (.reen and mother, also Miss Rosa B. banister yvill visit Richmond in about 8 wi*cks. -Mr. raf, H. Isham who has b?*<'n nt Old Point, Ya. is in the city. ,-Mr. (Jeorge P. Parker who bas ' residing in the West, yvas in the a itv and left this morning on a trip \ north. -Mr. Thomas II. Brightwell ami bride have returned to tl -Mr. A. F. Fleet is very ill. ??Rev. H. W. Dickerson of Peters burg called on us this yv<>ek. He bap ti zed 7 females and 2 males at tin' .'td Raptist Church on the 4th inst. -Mr Chas. Thurston, yvho was so dangerously ill is out looking well and hearty. Pr. S. H. Pismond at? tended him. -Miss Bessie Ibvse's name was omitted in the May tineen bill. -The yvell knoyvn Mr. and Mrs. .fohn lt. Chiles BO* <>f Obi Point. Ya. yvere in tbeeity thisyveek. Mrs. Club's yvill remain n yveck longer. They are at 114 W. Leigh 8t -Rev. H. W. Dickerson, pastor of the :,rd Raptist Church, Peters? burg, Ya., called on us this yvi*ek. -We failed to state that Lawyer Jatnes A. Chiles visited Roanoke and Lynchburg n*cently. -Miss Serena Carter and Miss Ophelia Carter have left for Atlantic City. X J. -Mr. Albert T. Ellis of New York called on us this yveck. ANOTHER (TTTINR St RAPE. A Woman Imitates Annie Taylor? Three Months in Jail. A sensation yvas caused in this city last Saturday night by the report that another colored man had been cut in the same locality that .lames H. Bradley had met his death. The was called hist Monday morn? ing in the Potto* Court. Marv Parker and Fauna Walker hud been charged wit h the crime. ting, so Aiary was rvtatucti as a Bnsa ness. Officer LS. lt. Robins- r rsaid that Saturday Bight between 7 and S o'clock some one told him that a man had been cut. He hurried down ami arrested Kinma Walker. She said she cut Grant Woodson. She pulled out a knife and saitl it yvas t he one she cut him with, and announced that she would be another Annie Taylor. (J ra nt Woo. Ison yvas put upon the stand, and said that, he was in Bropher's alley talking to one of the yvoinen, yvhen Emma Walker joined in. He tobi her to go away as he didn't want to ha ve anything to do wit li her. She rehVcted on his mot li? er and said she would be a young Annie Taylor. She called his motlier an unmentionable natue. He tobi her if alie said that again he'd smack her in the mouth. She repeated it and he yvhirled around and i-ho cnughthimin the left breast. She cut at him again, but, was pre? vented from doing further injury by Mary Parker. Woodson opened his shirt. The yvound yvsis in the left breast, about three quarters of an inch long, and about two inches above the heart. Woodson stated thal he did not knoyv he was cut until he sayv the blood. (liles B. Jackson appeared ai counsel for the accused. The cast was sent on to the grand jury. Slu yvas indicted and the case tried Wednesday in the Hustings Court She yvas given three months in jai and one cent line. The woman is a light brown skit girl apparently about 17 years o age and it yvas surprising to see ont so youthful in appearance, so hard oneil itt crime. ll anna li-. Council. Tbe 2d annual supper of Hannah', No. 12;, 1. 0. of St. Buk was given on the 24th ult. at Fisbei man's Hall. It began with 21) men hers and DOU has 55 members and i in a prosperous condition. If. Il Griffin stated the condition of th Council. Dr. S. H. Dismond, Revs. W. 1 White. Geo E. Johnson, and Joh Mitt hell, Jr. made appropriate at es. Presents were given varna officers. Mrs. Fannie S, Brown < Antioch Connell, No. 81 yvas given present. The folloyving are tbe r P. W. 1). C., Hannah Robinson; ] W. Chiefs Maria Wilson, Martha . Smith, Jane Miller; Vf. Chief, Adlii Healy; Y. Chief, Maria Johnson; ] Se t. Mary F.Smith; Treasurer, Mai LS. J.*hnsoii;S. Corni, Alsie Fpps: ('omi. ESisaGoode* W. aChaplainJEli beth Lo k.-tt: K. of Wardrol Lulim Garrison: Outside Bentjn<i Sarah Ana Rlinkly; Inside Sentim Fanni*- Lee: W. Father, M. H. (iriffi Mrs. Hannah Robineon yvas load doyvnwith presents. Thesuppor yv a grand affair and all heartily enjo ed themselves. The attractive Mi Mary E. Smith, has an exce'le voice ami entertained those prose with musical selections. THEM0V1M. OF THE LEE ST AT LE. Confederate Flairs on Every hand?The Stars and Stripes Entirely Ignored. The statue of (Jen. Robert E. Lee arrived in this city anti waa removed to the sit*'upon which the pedestal is built, last Wednesday afternoon about 5 o'clock. The four boxes yvete upon the wagons to which had j been attach ed long ropes. Men, men and children pulled these. Tho procession was headed by a band of j music. A detachment :A police and' the veterans of ll. E. Lee Camp, No. ] 1. and George E. Pickett Camp were j also in line. The boxes were decorat ed with bunting and Confederate Hags. On every hand could be - the "stars and bare.'1 No where in all this procession wnp States Hag. Theeinbiem of the union had been left Ivehind. Tbe rehel yell, reinforced by a glorification of the lost cause yvas everywhere manifest. CHARtiEIMVrTH Ml RDER. e _ The Attempted Lynching. John Phillips yvas arraigned in the county courtof Mecklenburg on Thurs day the 21th of April upon the charge of the murder of Capt. < ibver by. Phillips elected to lie tried in the Circuit Court whic h meets on [Tuesday the 27th of this month. John Irvin yvas also indicted as on accessory after the fact and sent auto the June term of the county court. Both prisoners are now in the Petersburg jail. On Tue-day night the 24th of April about one hundred armed men weat to th<* jail deinaud j ed the key and went through the jail ?sa.ying. that either would suit them. Fortunately the prisoners in the early part of the night hail been se? cretly removed front the jail ami driven several mill's to tie p tion on tbs Atlantic and Danville R. R. Notwithstanding that this seems to be a case of killing iii self defence then> are many who tire not willing to the action of tbe law. This dost not speak yvell for M?*ek lenbiirg. This kind of high handed outrage yvill continue until the Negroes do just as the whites do take the law in their own hands and resist force yvith force. Lynch hov must go. * ? ?> -Don't yell so loud about Tbe people are ail going to I Qms'ii Monda\ Maj I2fh al Rev. Richard IL M the A. M. F. Church,wnsordained for the Baptist ministry April 21, at. Wilmington, N. C. Ile yvill contin? ue to actively engage in the Christian work. Base-Ball. We return thanks io the "Rich? mond Athletic Association" for a season ticket to their base-ball grounds situated on Mayo's Island. Arrangements have been made to ac? commodate the baseball loving com? munity and tbe Colored friends are invited. B. C. Mezger, president, V. Donuti, vice-president, C. B. Neal, secretary and treasurer. Richmond Theo. Seminary, Richmond, Va., May 5th, 1890. Whereas the Rev. C. IL Payne and members of the lth Baptist Church Richmond, Va., have seen ht to aid our beloved brother and much es? teemed felloyv-student, Rev. Mc. Leod Minter (who has been very ill for some time), to the amount of ($10. 64) ten dollars and sixty-four cents, which does not only tra to show the great a ff? vt ion that Rev. Payne and members have toy*, ards us, but also goes tO shoyy the great aspect yvhich they have for those who have favor? ed them. Therefore be it Resolved, 1st: That we the stu? dents of the Richmond Theological Seminary do hereby return our many thanks to said Rev. Payne and mem? bers, for their benevolence towards our sick brother. 2d. That we invoke the blessings of (Jod upon them for their generous act. Sd. That a copy of tlieee resolu? tions be?M'tt* to said Rev. Payne and members, also a copy of Hie same tt; be published in the Planet. Committee: S. W. Baioti, L. W Watson, J. W. Patterson. "Vide mus lueem justitia," rai rn mt Delegate-) to Liberty. P. \. te P. 7. wm >e, Bi, ll, ll. ed as .v iss to the Baptist State Coi vention at Liberty, Va. will leav< Richmond on Tuesday morning Mai 18, at9 P. hf. tiver tbe Ricbmom and Allcghany R. R. Fare for th round trip, $7.45. Ticket good un til May 20. FORTUNE TELLER Past and future life revealed coi rectly upon the receipt of two do lars. Names dates of births au complexion, also separated brougli together. Cansee *pea*dj and happ marriages. (Jives advice on all dil eases. For further information sen Stamped envelope to Mrs. Pirrie, Box 79, Richmond. Vi Shall the Negro be Allowed to Yoi ut' Come to tate Hickory HUI Missit nt Building on Monday, May 12th ai hear for yourself. arch, At 12 M. races were ; i the little! k to! ison. to<>k wm n little' an will Stones ..mi lilied the pul p. u at the se; F probabh Mrs. Al UUth Church B well pleased a of tlie Vu ' very sick !>r. Tuucil. 'tel The!- will lan. M. E. church night ne* lowing subj *c solvi worst A IU rm at I Thompson. and J. flt. C commence ur, sion 10 . 1 The M tofore roteb.:.' on 2Gth of th" Ia ? near 31 - 3 o'clock rn the 1 Uh mat I W. (P...; noti spin line direc? tion and irina. -and Literary at the Asbury t. on Tuesday i'ist. The foi? l-Re <>rld has grown li of Christ. ' and T. T. irtith e!d. Exercises -lock. Ailmis y school here t. Lukes hall, 'ld at the hall ey Club, P. St. commet* ? tey afternoon ?fl to see the >avor ?*.? f.)t- Fast End Bte out of our such casualties "T our ob space to [.prepared -Tin tif that ?*eei has church ui under th. ution he calle eluded mem bc start a churcl mental prim ip Gospel is free, ? believe a past pensatcd o ttl ec That an may desi] gifts, shall tie ] preaching, ago, and .shea ?f a divine inspir .?Stber a few ex. aided to as landa that the did not or should Ih> it com ir brethren who ise their several ieged to do their tie mein Ivers (yvhosoever will) can offer up their ejaculations whether * tcher calls upon them o We cannot Ive responsible for the authenticity of t ment, only le not have to gi support of Yes. some other espouse the left we bel. fol ?going state will for t Inj edifice. ended to but got llMTKit. Manelie-si The Republi no nominati. Offices to be lil tion Ma Ward (Black Patch (white Council and Mr. Justice of the succeed Mr. Robt colored man in tl. ris has made Mr. Hall the one of the rn inent yo* sesses every .piali him an e rally to his s Prof. J. H. ing Seer. Richmond In ing out circulars bers of the ' their meet in. Miss iaelia A. ' N. aud I parents in 13th ? The S. S. Union will at 3:30 P. M S. S. itv math Muiiicipa ming eiec n th. lr. Ceo. 1) beti for th' Heil, fo li is tc ? onb Har Iniari - pout: nni of th been senc men -ry t DO. the \ .ii h. ldiSuuda rst Ch ti rt M. If you are hard to flt and have tend feet, fall to ave Mr. Gooree W. Bollli at Wertheliner'a shoe store, -4*i J Broad Street, He will ault yon In f<t>t>twear. Oi,n Poi Mr. and Mr soon leave foi will reside. Mr. Fd. iAmEEm for.N. Y. Af; there, will lea he will engaga Mi is visiting friendi Waters. Mrs. Danie! Va. is stopping wi 8,1890. ia w kaBBB-e th soon lea i wee . whe I isbn ii Mi andr i tera. Maure v?Cartkk? The murrin ire of Miss Mary E. Carter to Mr. John H. Miilm-v will take place Thursday. May 15, OO at Op. m. ut Moor*' St. baptist church. Friends are invited. No Cartis. Passed Awaj. BROWN?Died tit the n-si.i. of parents. 818 W. I^eigh St. April 88a at 6:80 o'.-lock p. m. Alphonso IVevilian, youngest sonol (Jeorge 0. and Bettie'M. Rrown;aged 3 years. 9 months anti 1H days. This lovely bud, ac vonna* and fal*, Called hence by earthly doom. Jual came to show how a weet a flower In Paradise would bloom. 'Ere ala could harm or aoriovr fade Breath came with friendly care, bud to Heaven -conveyed bade it blossom there. Tb*, funeral took place from residence Fridav afternoon. Anril 1:80 o'clock. Kev. ft. Wells officiated. JOHNSON:?Tbe funeral of Miss Lydia Ann Johnson took place at tin' Mt. Cal vary Baptist Church, Fri? day, 'Jotb ult. at 1! A. M. Kev. Ar? cher Ferguson orhciuted. She waa sick three we?*ks and died on the 23d ult. in full triumph of faith. Age, 1 7 years, 3 months, ami 23. days. She lived 12 dayswithout eating, ll days without talking and 7 days without drinking. She leaves a mother, two sisters and one aunt to mourn their loss. Written by her sister, M. J. Bbowm. ABBOTT?Mrs. Matilda Abbott, OBS ol the old school colored ladies, tht* mother of Emiline and Ivewis j Harris, and grandmother of Poca? hontas and B. Emmet Harris, died at a very old age. at the residence fof her daughter last Sunday after? noon at 3 o'clock. Ber funeral, which took place from the First Baptist eh uren last Tuesday after? noon, yvas yvell attended. In the absence tif Kev. Holmes, Kev. Jim inerson preached a very nffecting seimon. Thc pall Ivenrers yvere, honorary: Messrs. Joseph Allen, Wm. IC Lyons, Wm. Ferguson and Kolvert Johnson, Sr.; active: benjamin Harris, Wm. Custnlo, Albert Allen, Joseph Clark; Wilson Price and Geo. Ha: Excursion. ?on to Staunton by the rain 1. it 10:30 p, m., ing leaven Staunton at 7 p. m. Farr* for the round trip fl .60. For further inturination ace large bills. Hr ADQUaKTKRS KKPUKLK'AN Cit** Committee, 620 E Brr ad rtreet.(Fry*a Hotel ) Kepubliean Voters ol" Kichmond. tir^Manv of you were purqkd from the POLL BOOKS of this city in the last election. Your name being struck off you are unable to vote. Our committee advises you to call at their Ile.idquarteis to ger such instructions that will re store you back to citizi*uship anti tO be BEG1.STEHJ D. J. Wesley Jones. EXPOSITION GROUNDS -URA*tD iPICNIC&BANQUIT Mo md tay Jiu aa te 7, 1S0O. Under the management of KICHMOND PATRIARCH1E No 6 G. U. O. ofO W. -AND THE *?v-LADIES' AUXILIARY,--^ Sa"a*rThe Virginia Exposition Gt ournie have been rented and there will *ve a line Brass and String Band to fur niall - music tor the occasion. 3J Dancing from 9 a m to 9 p tn Cro r quet and other games wlb b<* furniahec tor the pleasure of all. The Odd Fellows of Richmond anc Manchester are leaped fully iuvitt-d tt accompany th Pai.riare.ble on tht parade which will leave Odd Fellows Hall 3rd street at 10 o'clock a m. Al par?ona in regalit will be admitted a reduced rates. The committee will spare no pain* ti make tips k day of plea*-ure fur all Od. Fellows and blend* who mav favor u with their patronage Order Will bt \m strictly enforced and no disorder); i persons will be allowed on the ground* I Refreshments in abu "dat ce at cia. ' prices. The Bauqiet will be under tin care of thc Auxiliary Ladies of which ii vltations aud tickets can be had f roc any ol the ladles. Tickets to the. Banquet including sui per, OOeta. Mrs. Ben]. Jackson, Pies, of Aux. Mrs. A. Walker. Jr. Sec fjarADMISSION TO GROUNDS.-*? Gen'l Admission, la eti Children under 12 yrs., 10 ct Come out and have a good time. Cai run to the gate. Committee, of arrangements* Re ibu Clay, J. M. G.irrant, Thoa. P M ttiew Thos. S William's, Allen J. Htni Chairman, Dr. S. ll Dismond, Sec. a> i er ra1 h. ill ey ve ks re ry rs. in, X^T" A ST T ?3 3> ! The public to know that Havana Fkdit A Kl Matador CIGARS! are the best CHARLES A. bCHMIbT, Manufacturer. 420 East Broad Kichmond, \ WAKE UP! WAKE UP! DON'T SLEEP J)ONT THINK DONT PONDER DON'T TARRY; DONT WONDER But make a straight line with your whole family and dont s until yon have reached tbe mm shoe store 422 E. BROAD ST.Bet. 4th and 5th. Three hundred and fifty cases of Shoes at fifty cents ou the!dollar Twenty thousand dollars worth of shoes slaughtered at this forced ."sale FAMOUS SHOE HOUSE, 422 East Broad st ?QTfll/rQ MONTHLY PAYMENTS, 0 S U ? aL0lOli EASY TEEMS, $L CASH A 1 PEE WEEK. S. LEIDY 1602 . 1609 l\ \Wm ... Richmond - Virginia ^Ma? ?**** N?' ?' Cooking Stove and Fixtures Mfr Compete 912.00. All kinds of Cooking Stoves lianges, Self-Heaters and Small Heat t-it*. Open Franklm and Step Stoves, Clothes Wringers, Fluting Machines. Sad Iro aud many other articles ?CHEAP FOR CASH or ON EASY PAYMENTS.? CROCKERY WARE, OLASH WARE. WOODEN WARE, WILLOW BAS -KETS, TIN WARE, STONE WARE, SHEET IRON WARE A_ -MANY OTHKR USEFUL aBTICiaES Tin-Hool! ng, Plumbing Gas-Fittiug A Job Work attended to promptly in city snd count rv. ty* Don't forget the number 1602 k 1609 East FRANKLIN STREET., RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. M S LEIDY B. FLORSHEIM, ?OINT'EJ PXIIOS ONS) FRXOrEJ THE RELIABLE COB. 4th and BROAD STS. COR. 4th and BROAD STS -)o(-)o( -=SPK1NGFASHI0NS= IN MENS'AND BOYS* SUITS HATS Etc. CS^Meu'a Light Weight Suits?more th mi 2000 of 'em?Cassimeres Worsteads, Otieviots and Wales. We've got'em all. Every color in Voge?and all the stylet*. SUITS?Bleck Cheviot suits neatly made $10. Black Cheviot suits loug cut sack co-it, $1*2 Black Cheviot suits, loug cut sack coat with binding $14. Never have we exp-*rienc? d t-uich a demand for these goods, cut sud finished in tbe extreme ia.*-h ion, our stock is full with all sizes?We beat all records on tow price goods this season in hand? some sud nobby styles Men's good working suits, $5. Meu's neat aud pretty bus inessa suits $7 $8 aud $10. Meu's UKtSI SUITS in fancy end Fancv and Ptain material in Prince Alberts, Sucks A Cutaways st $15, $18 A $20. PANTS?Siuajle pants. We lead the town. Styles admired by every? body?Stripes. Pl..ids Broken Plaids and plain st prices that snit the purse of all $1.50, $2.00. $..50, $3.00 ap to $10.00 s pair. HATS & FURNISHING?Never has our assortment beeu greater than the present season in Hats. Hat to fit every head. The Fniriish derby in Tans, Bro wa and black at $ 1.50 worth $3.50 The latest in soft Hat* ( The Evening Sun) $1.00. 1 50, 2 00, 2.50 Uulsuiidried Shirts reinforced bosom pure linen 40 cents. '? *? pleated *? ?*" u 50 cents the greater value ever offer* tl. 500 dozen Ballingall Underwear in plain, fancy and stripes 50 cents CHMES G. JUS Furniture Mattresses Carnets, Cur tains ?& Mirrors The latest styles. Sold for Cash or on Easy Terms at prices to snit South-west Corner 4th & Broad St. aSaf-Mr Collina T Valentine, awe! Riciimom., Vu. Feb. 6, 1890. known young man of 'his city lg Drum mer for the PLYMOITH ROCK Bair All persons desi ring graves dug !eir.T0r?h0e--.a?.tVe1/.n?.^'.^ '? *** "a, laaani?'Buryiug Ground, generallv ai lowest priceg.***aaBl EmV&ee apply to 2t?.* 612 OI 7?2 KlUt Br?ad btf*et Be?'- UarrI8' ^P1-' ox PiaraiaKT Office la.01 St. Jaiuos St,