Newspaper Page Text
rn i. i Ike Kielli i ont I Planet. VOL. VII. JXOyJeZi RICHMOND, VlliC ?*ATTUDAY, MAY 24, 1890. THE TIA NET SATURDAY, - ? May St, 1800. li L li C T ION. RICRMOND (TTY POLITICS. THE FRAUD IN JACKSON WARD. IIUOWIBI STUFFING. TACTICS AT THE POttS. Tho Regular R*|iiihii**.in Ticket Tri? umphant in Jackson Ward. .Tat'ksnil Warafd Waaf tilt' CCIltl'e <>f attraction so far tis the Colored people wen- concerned in tilt' city olcrt ion. The regular Republican Convention met on thc 1 Ith anti nominate! a ticket. OB Thursday night a meeline: was held in thc First IYeein< t ami dele gates appointed inst**ail of befog BrafCted to another Ward Convention. Thc latter meei mu was hchl ami thc following ticket nominated: i ..a BOAM Of ALDKKMI John Mitchell, .Ir., J. R. Oriflli Thome Joeepb Benjamin .Jackson, Andrew Thompson. PO It Jt STICKS Of THI PEACE : Royal liacks, Lee 1 ?Yarser, Henry C. Hunter. The Independents had one ticket printed with James C. Smith's mini" '. on it, and another wit h it *)initt*'d. * The men composing this i.lentilnfl claimed that they were opp peed BO .James Hallen and wanted ti straight Colored ticket. The regular Republican ticket was ns follows: nm BOABB OF aldkuman : John Mitchell, Jr., .lames Hallen. Thomas r. Jeter Villi common t oi \i il : I.eiijamin Jackson, Hoya! \\ bite, Henry Layne, Mordicai T. Rage. Andrew Thompson. rou jisTitKs or Tin: PEACE : Royal Racks, Edward J. Cook, Henry C. Hunter. Last Thursday was election day. At an early hour, colored men ar rranged themselves in line. In the 2d [irecimt, it appenretl that Begiratrar Rol>ert Taylor Brae not of himself other than to retard ami hinder voters. He almost posi? tively refused to vote colored men, and the voters continued to wait. The police were out in full force to overawe \oters and to force through the policemen's candidate, Capt chas IL Kp ps. As usual the most trivial questions were asked ami nearly every ot her colored man sworn. .Men who had been voters in thc ward for 10, L"> and even 20 years were thus t rented, j * After learning that two tickets <'? were in th** Held on the morning of thc election 22.1 inst., thc Democrats sprung the following ticket : rou BOABD OF ALDEUMI Chas. H. Phillips, Robt. Hoizbaeh, P. H. Donahoe, rou LOM MON cor .WI L [Jno. Cottrell, J. R. Mc. Kenn F. VV. Wagner, \Y. F. Bppe, 1). J. O'Neill, rou .irsTicr. OF TEE PEACE: Samuel Britton, Michael Woods, W. W. Richardson. The "Dispatch" and "Times" an? nounced that they expect*' 1 to carry the Wart! and advised the Demo? crats to come out. Av the first precinct thc most out? rageous tactics were resorted to. Mr. Preston Delvin, a city otficinl 1|* who is limier indictment before tbe <( United Sta tee Grand Jury,was then* *' tO hindcraiid obstruct, and reinforc- ? ed by a ooterie of oiBcera. One, ofll- '" cer Cheat man, we learn was partieu- 'M larly oliiciousin ordering candidates ti who arert looking after their iuter troui the room. I Webster Street lillis been changed to (ioddm St. All penone residing j there have Im?cii registered from the I former named st rest, Although this so appeared on the books, they arete I not allowed to vote. Richard Ran? dolph Hvch tit 408 (lothlin St lb* whs denietl the right to vote. Wil? liam (itangow and his 1 wo sons, al jthouirh tux payers, ami bea proper 1 ty owner, waa unceremoniously dis? franchised, contrary tocv*>ry princi fale> ol right- ami justice. They ha vi? ii ving there for fully fifteen yens, and hav** always voted from t here. Channing Carter EEO lan* b**n living at 1 J L Bater OtlCtfrt for more than three years, thc judeen of th** precinct, refused to vote him no oath as the law provide**. Etoberl Taylor, living at No. 8 K Duval Otreet, Waif said to be dis? franchised. Although lie was ii bonn tide voter, tale judges refused to vote him. Edward Harris at 1022 St. Ja mea Street, was denied the right of the elective franchise, no excuse being given than be had too many hollies. [fl Use 1st precinct. Mr. Creston Delvin, challenger, it was said that a bottle ot whiskey was passed around. This is the condition as it presents itself. All ol this was done in the interest of the policeinen'scandidiite. Capt. Charles IL Kpps. When the polia dosed a contention was held in the matter of a represen? tative to see the count at the Second Precinct, .Jackson Ward. Thc Independent Republican ele? ment selected their man and thc "Regular" Republicans did the same. Tiley were D. F. Turner, E*eO. for tlc fof mer and Mr. Itobert Mullock for the latter. Quite n sensation was canned bj the alleged discovery by Mr. Henty Layne of an at tempt to secret** ballots with au iden in Hew of stutling the ballot1 box during thc count. In the First IYecinet thc Regular Republican ticket was denied repre? sentation. Messrs. LbsWbI Stewart. Henry Moore and Clnreiice 1'ayt on represented the Independent Repub? lican wing. Mr. J. C. Smith's repre? sentatives were denied admission. When the ballot-box waa opened it ,vas bunn! that it had been stuffed. there being 014 ballots in the box. .vhile the poll-books showed that s had been casi AoCOTdU ng to law a man was aetected to be ? lind folded and draff out tat ? ts Aide; \\r. 1. irotested. Two of thc Democratic udges in accord.ince with their oat hs if office sustained 1 tic objection. Mr. lelvin was angry anti told them to uanage the whole altair then. All >f the ballots were returned to the ?ox. and Mr. Stewart blindfolded ?nd told to draw tbe ballots. Be brew sonic Democratic ami som*' '?'publican. 224 were taken from he box in this way. When the ema hiing votes wen counted, it Waal ouml that thisoverw helming Repu b ican lYccinct was Democratic by !4 majority-another example of lourbon fraud ami corrupt ion. The following is the vote as far as re have been able to ascertain of ackson Ward. Precincts, Isl 2nd 8d ttli_ iinith, IL 17s 245:865 ?ope, 1). 212 39 148 Ls? Miillips, D. 21 I 40 147 2:17 1 itched, R. 17.S 345 'Mil 320 et er, R. l 178 259 363 822 !ahen. ft 1 is 208 250 254 Tiffin, I. R. ;,<> 27 99 69 laxes, I. H. 29 88 !>'.> 29 ackson, R. 17-s 254 368 321 arrar. I. R. inyne, IL age, IL .'hit**, R. hompson. IL ?io 26 99 29 140 214 260 280 150 227 2(50 301 loo 221 269 291 17S 252 368 314 IL, Republican, 1. IL, Independent epublicun, I)., Demo* rat. Although assertions were math' to ie contrary il was evident that the itentioi* was to elect the straight eitutcratie ticket ami accordingly ?feat everv Republican on the 'guhir ticket. Mr. Ruben's vote av be gaged by that of Mr. Phillips emOCrat, who WOUld have been cc ted over him had the Indepcnd lt Republican ticket receive strong ? support. Capt. Chas. H. Kpps received over lines C. Smith for (itv Sergeant bout ."{.OOO votes. There were only SM while polled al the First lYccinct ?cording ta the tally and yet 212 vere returned for Mr. Fpps. obbery aad fraud is no name for ie outraces perpet rated. Thc Dispatch " contained the following u Cement yesterday: "The Democratic Council licket in ackson Ward was beaten by about "i0 votes, 12."' less than the general cket. This was about the number I votes polled by thc "bolters" cket, which it was thought might issi hiv help to elect Democrat Read next weeks I'laNKT. tl ti Cl fi tl rt cl se L lit ?'I "I M L. of th R br ?'I o\ Cl at ch M Si ai Wi tn ll l: lb L. A. :? Many months ago a colored Bias id a whit*'m.,n escaped from the Lynchburg. The colored man us captured. In addition to the mishment meted out to him by thc rartit is saitl that Matt. J. Day, ta city sergeant is saitl to have lained him in a cell ami fed him on ?ead ami water. He is also saitl to i covered with lice and his condi on pitiable. tn Cl h. t ti lif SI ai fri Personals A Uriels. R?*v. W. Bishop Johnson, l> D bas been elected to preach th lam- non at Wayland Setn inary on the 2oth of May. -Rev. H. .bintcison's chur?*h sent f.'is f??r the Virginia S Gospel Helpers, a young snit.*!. This is a good showing. Re**. .1. Anderson Taylor, has been selected by the Executive Hoard of the Foreign Mission Convention to survey tlie held anti report tin result of tlie work in Afri. Taylor bas taken the matter under advisement. -Dr. W. T. Merchant and v of Eagle, W. Va., took tites! Cannelton Thin Hampton Ins* sjK'nd a few days in .?tad will lie th*' fliest of Dr. S. H. Dismond. L. IL .Icffress, of (ip*ciis l>oroue;h. N. C., called on us. -Mr. Taylor Williams of N port News, called on us. "We return thanks to Mrs. M. A. Tiiul?erlnke for a beautiful booqnet of flowers. We lore flowers. -Mrs. Fnnis Dickerson, .Ir., of Henrico. Co., ia the guest of Ibm. K. li. Smith of Hampton, having left the city to attend tee dosing ol the IL N.I A. Inst. -The last appearance of the Cantata ol Ruth and Boa* until next fall, will be given at the 2nd Daptist Church Tuesday evening;, .lune.'ld for the benefit of the 2nd Daptist Sunday School and thc Sundaj School Inion. -Capt. W. H. Jones, of Rnlti niore, is t he present guest of J. IL lohmann. Kstj. -We r.-ceived .in invitation to be public exercises of t be V. If. C. A. ?f tin* V. N. and C. Institute IVters i.urg. Va. Wedneeda*/, May 2.'l, nt 1:80p.m. also to the anniversary ixerciscs of the v. N. ami C. Lyceum, lYiesdny 27th inst, nt 2 p. m.. W. ). Ivy,' president : .1 A. Cahaniss. tecretary. -Dr. IL Iv Jonon presents a line ippearancc in hie vehicle. S \ <? J ona. -Mr. (Jeorge lYeston, who has teen so ill. is out again. -The Committee ol tlie Attucks iiiurd Assail iatioii have or apt. monuim i?t Scott. D will be ready in n hort time. -Mr. i W. Darker, who as U*en North visiting his relatives, t et urned home Monday quite sick. 1 -Thc last appearance . >f the Batata Of Ruth and Boas until ext fall will tie at the Recond Bap-]' ist Church Tuesday .lune .'ld, for the enefitof the Second Daptist Sun? ny Si -hool and the Sunday School futon. ON. JOHN MEI.tKK I.AM'STON WI XS. The House Committee OB Flections ave reported in favor .if Hon. John lercei- Langston as against Mr. E. Venable, the Democratic retting lemlx'r. Well done! Langston for ongr. Musicale. ? s s I I < t a ( B J s 1 I c \ 1* w Ob Tuesday evening, May 20th, ie parlors of Mrs. J. F. Jones wert lied with the fiiemls of her Music lass, the occasion being the mrth Piano and Organ Recital of ie Class. The whole programme ?fleetedcredit on both teacher and!) ass. The vocal music was well.R let-ted ami creditably rendered. Little bessie Murray in the/'Seeret nve Gavotte" showed how .well the tie ones may be taught the piano. ll Trovntore" bv Miss Turner, Beethoven's ('rand Waltz,'' by iss Farley and the duett (by Misses ing and Laney, showed the skill the more advanced pupils; while e "Tramway Galop by Misses indolph and Turner was the most illinnt piece of the evening; ami iproachos nearest to thc teacher's vu matchless skill. Memorial Day. At the Conference of the Beneficial ub of this citv on May 1st, 1890 i439 N. 17t'h St., the following ibs decided to take part in t\ni cinorial Fxercises May 20th, 1800; nial Honor, Little Dove, Messiah, wi Lincoln. Mr. Matthew T. Fpps, is elected Chief Marshal. Line of march : 1 7th anti Marshall ? 17th and Broad, down Broad to >th, up 10th to Main, up Main to ;t h, 18th to Broad, Broad to rook Ave., Brook Ave. to Leigh, 'ightoSt. James, St. James to ?atlemy Hill. Time of parade p. ni. C ec li? lli Rei. Howard Called. Rev. (J. D. Howard has been called i the pastorate of the First Daptist lurch of Chnrleston, W. Vu. He is not as yet decided to accept. Cartkk? Mary L. Carter willow of eof late Lewis Carter departed this b Saturday, 17th inst, at 7:80p.m min the ."?1th year of her age, ul leaves a daughter anti a host Of ends lo mourn their lo cr w A ti a tl cl cc w It? iti ll Ba cc at M *-T. th a por I Missie,,, S At '.ne i ct arv oi th vention of t Con Va. 1 Tin brey t?> plan* Tl the Mot The . WatI march v. ;: c. Monroe groom on arm of Mr. A Milted a i tired in train, ti heads rich l?ou<| Hom Hartshorn Han ll Street He' Foreign I Home' ording Sec-! ' ission Cou? ll" ?tary of the invention. r. John IL Ma r took j* 16, 1890, at iptist Church.'; .i* performed by R< piwinr of ft, J, The wedding '\ ndered by Mr. j -rs. ' f. [\ Willglida] I with the f entered on the , Johnson. She prc- ( ?. ppearanee. at-,v surah silk en a ornaments of ir her hand n J Maitls of the lui.' w \ \ fi Bapncpweiit. illcg*. Com neni OIL M. iolo?*'I'v. ou, Anni bonis,** Ht--*!',!!-. ? ml Ta lent ly -ninnie illa Myers. Wki? Freedom olo?"Sw .aura 'oem?He.-! il rs. IL L na Deatf! oman, Mr. J< -'?0, the Mern onie let ii Yayer, Ant hoi aithful; 1 othing If [arion, Va., 'air I tah ucha ii laid,' "th Lewis, C istorv and tl ?0?Elia Kayo cnn.; Chorus ? " ells," Conferrii The Lor <v>u.irt?-; -. ii- Ci and I .at the worst 'r i Negro him-! i P. Wood Mar-j F ckson; H to Tell ?'? Ewe Sn luci? us?Touch nie -Soft as tadows, Pris ai Bl s; \t ' ita Bl,?Glee-Jo\ ! 1'rav cd Mine, Missler Alumme ;*, Ollie E. Cage.1 (I ital Duett?Qui w *s and Miss Ad Educated of itcbell, Jr.; Glee L< "0, Lord;" Phou who art g Venture, owler,! ul the Alps Lies D' fl Vivan Seams,! Je The Alpine **< Eliza- Bi , Va.; The P? -y 'of Class' *, Pugh ton,'ar e Evening j aa, Antin of* 8' ding Md The Ouly C Mr. Beverly I ?ising colored r\ is decided to ring busineti l to his . 'tended. ec enter- T?t ca wc ate agent i auction linens en > properly lbipti The Second owded t> it ness tl nderson Kt churc! fine sermon 1 ie sermon li? lurch. At 8: immunion *? us packed. t ter. Rev. Taylor this part of Hat Fi vt OTK... BaiOBTi Atlantic Cit The Lin righton, will t mcert the Citv Ha av 20, D ts, incluc J. HT hurch was Sunday to y Dev. J p r>tlt Bap ld pleached After >r his rch hehl its burch "d by grand work :0, '90. Hotel annual soiree vening, L Tl ve on if 1 82 ] th ol (i; to S. St j. sec. Marris.: Smith? nson?The marriage or Miss Bettie If. Dobinson to Bar. John IL Smith, will take p| Tuesday, .lune 'I, 'OO nt .""? p. m. at the Fb'ii.'/.er Baptist church. Friemis are invited. No cards. Smith?Tompko.n?The marriage of Mr. Robert Smith, formerly of this city, t*) Miss Carrie Tompeon of New York, will take place Mav 20th, at the Dev. H. D. Wynn's, n't 8 t "dock p. m. Friends anti nctpiaint noes nr*' invited. No cards. The happy couple will leave at 1% k, over the Denn, railroad for Long Draneh. abba nt?Handoli'h?The mar? riage of Miss Marx .1. Randolph to afr. William J. ('arrant will take I dace Thursday, May 99, at the 2nd baptist Church nt 0 p, m. Friends ara's invited. No cards. Johnson?Fitzhi'oh?The marriage of Mi?s Mattie E. Fitzhugh to Mr. Silas Johnson will take place Thurs? day, May 20. 1890, at (5 : 45 A. M. at the Ebenezer Daptist Church. Friends are invited. No canis. Hkadotai'tkhs First Battalion \ VlIMUMA VoUNTKKRS,? InKANTHY I Richmond, Va.. May 22, 1890. (Si'lcial Qedbe Nt). 8.) 1. The field ami staff officers will mble tit the Armory on May 10th al L2 o'clock If. in full dress uniform, to nt tend Memorial Ser ?*ices nt the National C?>inctcry near :he city. 2. Captains of companies will as icmble their command atti eArmorv rn May 80, at 12 o'clock M. in full niiforui armetl and squipped or parade at Natituial Cemetery lear the city. 9. The non-Coinniission.'il Staff lill assemble at tlie attune hour ihove mentioned. Bj Ofder of Maj. J. D. Johnson. H. A. Conn, Capt. and Adj't. Concert and .Hock Trial. A grand concert ami Mock Trial ill I** given ni the Sharon Daptist burch, May 2<ith. by Messrs. Wm. litchell nml D. Webster Davis. ladatae Fannie Dayne Walker will lrnish music. Admission 10 cents. Doors open IO o^cloek p. m. lest! ri There will be a grand Festival iven Frnlav. Mav 'pith, '00 bv rlena Council N S. 26, C. 0. 8t. Luke t Township Hall near Four Mile reek Church OB the Diver Hoad. Admiration; Through the day. ce: at night IO cents. Then* will lie a Festival at the ift:li St. church, o*>ening Monday 'ternoon, Maj .".hith. at I wo o'clock Bl. and closing al 12 p. Bl. (liven t ? tri** Aged WidiAs union Club. Admission five cents. A grand May Festival will lie gi veil : the First Baptist church Ma ld 27. Fvcry body come us it is anet liing you don'*" see every day nd a tirst cUbSB enjoyment is proin iil to all. Admission 25 cents. There will bea ('rand Lecture giv i at the Fifth Street Church on the ?d of June for the benefit of the 1. . of Ci. S. ami D. of S. The lecture ill Ik* delivered by Dev. J.Anderson nylor of this city and Kev. Spiller Portsmouth, Va. Admission free. vt ure commences at S o'clock. 2t. Annual Sermon. Cunningham Connell, I. <>. St. ike, will hav*' an Annual Sermon livered to them on Sunday after ion at 8:15 o'clock at the Ebeneser iptist church by Dev. IL Wells, cst or. All Councils sisters anti brethren e invited to be present. Brother Councils are Baked to set us at our hall ( Harris's) on il St. a.n<l march to church. Done by order of the Council* W. IL Trust. W. ? A. W. Taylor, W. V. C. Mr. Georg t \V Rollins: at Werthcl ?r's Shoe* Store. 412 K Broad Street, juestu the public and his friends tt. ll and s<e the latest nrtvelrle* in toot sar, befor-e purchasing elsewhere. OST YESTERD.Y MO'INI.V*. on Brosd street, between First and lird, a (JOLI) CHAIN, in an cn lope with Mr. Duchanan'H name i it. A liberal rewan! will Im* given eft at Diichnna n's jewelry store or !2 south Dine street. Smoke El Matador Cigar; Se. Please state that I am agent for e Richmond Photograph Gallery, hcrwise called Davis' Photograph tilery. All orders will be attended if left at SOS N. 4th St. or Dr. IL Distnond*i Office 112.W. Leigh . Satisfaction guaranteed. A. W. G. Farrar. \T A N T ID D 1 The public to know that Ia tana Fruit A Kl. Mata* ob (Il A RS! are the best Manufactmer. CHARLES A SCHMIDT, JO B Broad, st. liicbmondV JL lllVli ej V/IO' WAKE UP! WAKE UP! DON'T SLEEP DONT THINK DON'T TON DER DON'T TARRY; DON'T WONDER ?t make a etraight line with your whole fttuily and dost s'o until you have reached JU FAMOUS SHOE STOKE 422 E. BROAD ST.,i, Bet. 4 th and 5 th. Three hundred aud fifty cases of Slioes at fifcy emits oi th'dY.l Twenty thousand d dla^s worth of slues slaughtered at this forced sa FAMOUS SHOE HOUSE, 422 East Broad QTfll/rQ MONTHLY PAYMENTS, la) I U WCOlnli EASY TEKMS, *l OASII& 1 PER WEEK. M-S LEM iaB - 1609 El riUK-US ST. R'chmond - Virginia A No. 7 Cooking Stove and Fixture* Compete $12.00. til kinds of Cooking Stoves li inges, Self-Heaters sod Small Heat ere, Open Franklin and Step Stores. Clothes Wringers. Fluting Machines, Sad Iro and many other articles ?CHEAP FOR CASH or ON EASY PAYMENTS.? ROOKERY WARE, OL \SS WARE. WOODBW WARR, WILLOW BAS -KETS, TIN WARE, STONE WARE, SHEET IRON WARE ct_ -MANY OTHER USBFtOIi ARTICLES. in-Roofing, Plumbing Gas-Fitting A Job Wjrk attended to promptly in city and conti ti y. (dP'Oon't forget the number 1602 A 1609 East FRANKLIN STREET., RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. M S LEIDY B. FLORSHEIM, THE RELIABLE OB. 4th and BROAD S TS. COR. 4th and BROAD STS -=spkingMh?= IN MEN.s'AND BOYS' J-UiT.S HATS Etc. 17 Men's Light Weight Suitn?more than 2000 of 'em?Cassi meres forsteads*. Cheviot* *nd Wales We've got 'em all. Every color iu oge?and all thc style*-. SUIT'S?Black Cheviot suits neatly made $10. Black Cheviot suits long cut sack co it, $12 black Cheviot suits, long cut sack coat wi h binding $14. ever have we exp rh nc d such a demand for these goods, cut and finished in the extreme lai-bion, < ur stock is fall with all s:*.***?We beat all record** on .ow price goods this season in hand? some and nobby styles [en's good working nats, $5. Men's neat aud pretty bu-dnesss suits 97 $8 aud $10 Men's DRfcSi SL1 IS in fancy end F^ncv and Plain material in Pr inc* Albert**, Sacks & Cutaways at $15 $i8 A $20. ANTS?Single pants. W7e lead I h.* town. Styles admired by every tx dy?Stripes. Pl dds. Broken Maids and plain at prices that suit tbe puree of all $1.50 $.'.00, $J.50, $3 00 up to $10 00 a pur. ATS & FURNISHING?Never has our assortment beeu g-eater than tbe pie-tent season in Hats Hat to fit every head. Tbe English derby in Ians, Bro wa and black a $. .50 worth $3.50 The latest in solt Hats ( The Evening Son) $1.00 1 50, 2 00. 2.50 ulaundried Shirts reinforced boston pure linen 40 cents. * -? pleated ?? " u 50 cents the greater il ne ever i ff-rtd. 500 doz u Balbrigan Underwear in plain, fancy and strip38 5J cen's CHMES fi. MENS furniture Mattresses Carnets, Cur tains b& Mirrors The latest styles. Sold for Cash or on E isy Terms at prices to snit rath-west Corner **th & Broad St. Ba?rMr. Collin* T Valentine, a wei, Va. Feb. 6, 1890. lown young man of this city is Drum sr for the PLYMOl Td ROCK l-arAll persons desiring graves dug .NTs CO., and is ready to rec ive or in the M^.]uiuu.a> Ruryiug Ground, ts for the latest style .pan's, and eultg . 0 * ? nerallv st lowest prices.*'-'?*" tkmVJee apply to m at '612 oi 702 East broad Street Benj IIarri8) Supt., y# or PieAJtsr Office 1?H>1 St. James St