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Published every Saturday by John Mitchell, Jr., proprietor, at S14 K. Broad St..Richmond, Va., ?PHONE flflS. JOHN M1TC1IKLL. JR., . . Kditor. AU communications Intended forpubllcatlon roust bo sent U? the editor. John Mitchell, Jr.. 814 East Broad Street aud should reach him by Wednesday. TERMS IN ADVANCE. One Cony, one year, On.? Copy,eight months,. 1.00 One Copy, six months. J30 Oac ropy, tour months..CO One Copy, three months,.40 bingle Copy.-.Ob ADVERTISING RATES. Bar on* Inch, one lmertlon..J 60 A*of one Inch each sulitMMjuent Insertion... *> (?jr two Inchest, threo months,. (Ino or two inches, six months. Mon For two Inches, nine months. 14 00 For two li<< tha. aooo Marriage snd funeral n . 50 Standing and transient notices per line. 10 F03TAOE STAMPS OF A HKNoM I NATION HIGHER RUM TWO CENTS NOT KKC K.IVEH ON SUBSCRUTI' Tm BPI anet ls Issued weekly. The subscrip? tion price ts tl.50 a year, in advance. 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We cannot be responsible for money sent in letters in any other way than one ofl the four ways mentioned above, lt you send your mon? ey in any other way, you must do lt at your own risk. R?n ew a ls, etc.?If you do not wan t the Pl an ET continued lor another year af Ut your sub? scription has run out, you then notify us by Postal Card to discontinue lt. Thecourts have decideditbat subscribers U> newspapers who do Hot order their paper discontinued at theexplr atton ol time lor which lt has been paid are held liable lor the payment ol the subscription up to date when they order the paper discon? tinued. COMMUNICATION .?When writing to us to renew your subscription or lo discontinue your paper, you should give your name and address in tull.otherwise wecannot And your name on our books. Ot a noe of Address:?In order to change the address ol a subscriber we must I* sent the former as well as the present address. Entered In trie rost-Omee at Richmond, Va. as eecond class matter. SATURDAY, - MAY 23,1896 Thb colored folks have been and are now Btanuiiig by Ot. We hav* never deceived them. Poor Mary Abkksatht ! Sympathy should be accorded her snd help vouch ssfed. Poor Mary Abernathy! -aaesflJBcjiominee of the Republican Con? vention at St. Louifl will be the next president of the United States. Will you help us secure ten thous? and Bubacribera? This ie the mark we have set. Will you help us reach it? We have endeavored to do our duty fearlessly and if we have made ene? mies on that account, we cannot help it. Wi regretted to lenrn of the death of our old friend and achool-mate, J. Bbl fobd Brown. Ile had during recent years been a resident of Boston. Tub Lunenburg people will yet see their mistake and the ring which has blinded the masses to the innocence of the women will yet receive their re? ward. Wi feel gratified whon ws note the spirit of fair-play manifested by the liberal-minded white men. It betok? ens the dawn for us of a brighter and better day. The Supreme Court of the United States expounds law in keeping with the sentiment of the country rather than upon tbe broad grounds of jus? tice and equity. Thi A. M. E. Church General Con. terence in session at Wilmington.N.C, elected the following divines bishops: Rev. Wm. B. Dibbick, D. D., of New York, Hev. Jambs H. Armstrong, D. D. of Washington, Rev. Jambs G. Embrey D. D.,of Philadelphia. Thb American Star for June cornea to us presenting an admiral appear? ance, replete with interesting reading matter and attractive "cuts." We wish Editor Patterson continued suc? cess. His Excellency Chablis T.O'Fbb rall ia Governor of all the people. His past record shows that fact. An? other fact ia that he ia a leader and not a follower. He nets the pace foi his party and does not wait for th* opinion of the masses to crystalize be? fore he gives expression to his viewi aa to what will be the greatest gooc for the greatest number. Thb Methodist Episcopal Genera Conference has been in session durinj the past week endeavoring to elec three bishops. The Committee 01 Episcopacy recommended that one o them be colored. Prof. J. W. E. Bowen, Ph. D? D. D. one of the ablest Afro-Americans to day in this country was a candidat and during the first number of ballot led in the contest. Mr. G. F. Richings, one of the bee friends our race has in the world tc day has written a book entitled "Evj dence of Progress among Colored Peo pie." It is all that its name implie and gives a most gratifying account c the successes attained by our peopl along all material linea, lt should b in every colored man's home. The introduction is written by Bish op B. W. Arnett. Giorgi 8. Fiaou son Company, Philadelphia, Pa , pub Ushers. Wi hive received "Africa snd th American Negro," edited by the brill isnt and able Prof. J. W. E. Bowen Ph. D. D.t who waa secretary o the Congress held during the Cottoi States International Exposition, De? cember 18?15, '95. It contains thi addresses and proceedings of tha body. It will prove a valsable addi tion to one'a library. It ia published at the Gammon Theological,Seminary Atlanta, Ga. POOK AUNT MARY i our Joy over the release of inno t Poiby Babnib, it flhould not be [Otter that innocent Mast Abek bt ia standing within the ?hadow of gallows, and that radical steps st be taken to eave her life mid give liberty. t U inconceivable that a communi :ouid be bo wrought up bb to con Tin two innocent people to death,! ittne another in the penitentiary and j ?n inaugurate a merciless leual war on them. rhere is absolutely no cause to sus et Aunt Mart ot this horrible crime. ich less condemn her to die. During these long dreary eleven jnths her enemies have been tireless their efforts to secure evidence ainst her, but none has lien found. The stamp of innocence rn upon her untenance. Gradually, it is dawn g upon the citizens of Lunenburg >unty that they made a fearful mis ke. Our efforts have not been directed wards shielding the guiltybut to keep lem from punishing the innocent. W? have had the matter thoroughly ivestigated snd we know that Mary bbbnvtht knew nothing about the mrder of Mrs. LflOl Jane Pom \ri>. Solomon Marablb, awaiting the day ;t for his execution declares that the omen are innocent, and yet there are eople who would hang this old ehris ian woman, would take from her that hich Goo alone can give, would choke er to death, would leave her nine ailing children motherless and would lory in the spilling of innocent hlood. lumanity revolts against such an out? age. But walk up and down roar lonely sell a few more days, Aunt Mary. Pray o that God as in your misery you ondle the babe which is slowly wasti? ng away. Man at times, is pitiless, jut the day of reckoning will come bye and bye. Your enemies have been le? gion,but friends, white and colored are pleading your cause anti the day ol pour complete vindication is at hand. You shrouded Mrs. Pollard. You wiped away the blood as it oozed from those cruel wounds. You performed the last tites for the dead with that Christian reverence for which you had more than once been noted. You watched during the stilly hours of that solemn night, and your tears and your sympathy were mingled with those of the bereaved family. But your troubles will soon he over and the glorious news of freedom will be magnified by the refulgent beams of peace. *truc time thin| Ptflja E Aub trial fljfljBB was T whi twi \OI cor T fou del V siv tin lt Um at* tm OBI si do .io of or IB la EEV. SLATTESTS PAMPHLET. Wk have received a pnmphlet, en? titled "The NegToes and the Bap: by that prince of Roman Catholic priests,Kev. John R, Slattery of Balti? more. The article appeared in "The Catholic World Magazine" for May/W Rev. Slattkby is foremost in his Bfllf sacnltcing devotion to thc interests of the colored people, and makes a reply to the outrageous declarations of the Roman Catholic, Bfr.BoOBBB L. Didi BRof Baltimore. Hi? manly defense of the tenets and teachings of the Church of Home is lost flight of in his attack upon that great and good man, Rev. Dr. T. J. Morgan, secretary of the American Baptist Home Mission Society. To our surprise, he frankly admit? that he intended to make no reply to Mr. Didikr's strictures relative to our people, and only wrote the article in question on account of the leatlet issu? ed by Gen. Morgan. His explanation of this is given as follows: Naturally, our readers may think, why is this paper of Didier's noticed now, after so long a silence on our part, although urged heretofore to take it up? We passed it hy not only be? cause we were ashamed ol it. hut also because there is no arguing w ith preju? dice. Silence is ever the best answer to vituperation. He then cites the fact that the leaf? let, "Man or Baboon?" by Gen. Mok? oan has been scattered broad-cast throughout the South. Rev. Slattery, usually cool, collected and gentleman? ly so far forgets himself, as to indulge in slander and makes references to Gen. Moboan'b record immediately after the war. In this, he violates the very principles which he had a few minutes before laid down. He even goes so far as to speak of the Baptist Secretary as Morgan. But, enough, Mr. Didibr has done the Church with which he is identified much harm and that his utterances should be made use of to the detri? ment of the Church in Rome is no sur? prise. The intolerant spirit which pervades the latter part of the article of Rev. Slattery is what nas caused most of the criticism to which members of his faith have been subjected. Had the pamphlet in question been devoted in its entirety to a refutation of what Mr. Didibr asserted, and the assertions of Dr. Morgan ignored, the effect among right-thinking people would have been more pronounced and the disposition to further profit by the misrepresenta? tions of a Roman Catholic lessened. Wi have received "The Key to Scriptural Interpretation" by Rev. L. J. Coppin. The introductory is writ? ten by Rev. J. C. Embrv, D. D. The book is handsomely bound in cloth, 209 pages and contains informa? tion which will richly repay the one purchasing it. The explanations are con oise and Rev. Coppin, who is also edi? tor of the A. M. E. Church Review has shown ability in the compilation of this work which marks him as one of the brightest scholars amongst us. A. M. E. Publishing House, 631 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa., publishers. ANOTHER DECISION The Supreme Court of the United States on Monday, May 18, 1896 ren? dered a decision in the case of Plessy against Ferguson sustaining the con? stitutionality of the law of Louisiana requiring the railroad' of the State tc provide separate cars for white and colored passengers. Justice Harlan dissented. This is another practical demonstration ol the effect of public sentiment upon ev? en the greatest judicial body in the world. We can be discriminated against, we can be robbed of our political rights, weean be persecuted and murdered and yet we cannot secure a legal re? dress in the courts of the United States. Truly Las evil days come up? on us. But a reckoning day will come and all classes of citizens, sooner or la? ter realize that a government which will not protect cannot demand for it? self protection. The national government is being brought within very narrow limits, that of the territories and the District of Columbia and if the present con ? ? 1*1 ? aaaaSBI tion ot the law is many mare j nictated it will be a great < to be Governor than it will to bel idetit of the Tinted States. vbby statement made bj kn vTin upon the occasion of her [ w>e< consistent with her Ibam> :e and no declaration made by her indicative of her guilt. A BRAVE DEFENDER he action of Jack Tkici, colored, j fought fifteen white men killing ?, and fatally and dangerously jnding two others is worthy of all nmendation. ' he mob came to regulate Tri rteen year-old-son and the father ended him as above stated. ?'e admire the spirit of this inofTeti e colored man. What right had >ae w hite men to attack his homo ? was his castle and the relatives of ?se misguided outlaws will appreci > the lesson received while the de ins of darkness are singing jp IT their departed souls. Colored men defend yourselves ainst all lawless comers. Shoot writhe lynchers as Jack jTricb has ne, and take the eoQseqnons rh is one example will be the cause saving the lives "f many nv re col **d men in the Southland. Whether it be by prayer and I he ot-gun, by law and the militia, lynch m most im! Lynch-law must go] SAVED HIS LIFE. Editor Preston's Devotion?His Neck Saved. [Jacksonville, Kia., Advocate! The advocate feels happy to-day in unouneing, (seeing w** saw not an op ortunity in doing so before, hs ours is ut :i weekly.) that poor penitent IT ash Smith. WOO iras sentenced tobe anged Wednesday of this week, has BOaired a commutation of sentence to fe imprisonment. As out Metropolis nhl sometime hinee, that a life imprifl nnient is very little belier than hang ng. yet, it is preferable, and we doubt o*- poor Wash appreciates this. The Advocate mast not fail to men ion thal thi- commutation by the Joveruor and Pardoning Board was one through the instrumentality of I .1. Preston, the editor of the Jack onville Advocate, neglected his dillie* n order to circulate and obtain signa ures to the pe'ition, and who said to lis foreman in the Advocate's office, I can't attend to you now, for I am msy trying to save a poor man's life " EDITORS BLACKWELL AND BOGER ARE ENTHUSIASTIC [Salisbury, X G.. Elevator.] lurrah! Hurrah!! Hurrah!!! for John Mitch ell, Jr , and Pokey Barnes Every Nei:ro should read the last ?SIM Ol tbe Richmond Piankt, giving m account of the Tki:mknih)is Vhtohv rained by the heroic efforts of Editor lohn Mitchell. Jr., in rescuing Pokey tJarnes. who was accused of murder, rom the gallows. Our readers will re nember that Pokey Hames with Mary \bernathy and Solomon Marable were anthia four days of being hanged when Editor Mitchell interposed. And now t turns out that the grand jury could lot make out a true tull against Pokey Barnes after a previous court had with [he shadow of a shade of a true bill condemned her for the supposed mur ler of Mrs. Lucy Pollard. ?Justice sometimes seems lo slumber, but when truth gets a heaving, it will ASSert its sway. This is a great tri? umph for Editor Mitchell, tor Pokey Barnes, for the Negro race and for jus? tice. Editor Hunter's Good Wishes. Western Christian Recorder ) That right will ultimately triumph over wrong was ne\er mere forcibly illustrated than in the case of Pokey Barnes. Environed by hate, caste and prejudice ; twice condemned by per? jured testimony of a heinous crime; within the very sha lows of death she by the aid of an all wise Providence was rescued from her peril. Nu hu? man agency was more potent in bring? ing about this grand result than our noble contemporary, John Mitchell, of the Richmond Planet, lt is such Edi? tors as he, such journals as his that wield a force inestimable, in moulding and shaping public opinion, in teaching the masses to love justice and virtue rather than injustice and depravity May such journals increase and may their inlluence broaden. Cause For Rejoicing:, (.Louisville, Ky. American Bap: Editor John Mitchell, who has made such a gallant fight in Virginia, for the Lunenburg prisoners who were con? demned to hang for murder has cause for rejoicing this week. The prisoners came near being lynched but this was averted and they obtained a new trial at which Pokey Barnes was acquitted last week. She was hastily taken to Richmond after her release where she received a great ovation. Thus tIn law is vindicated and the innocence of a helpless woman established. A Plain Statement. [Cincinnati, 0 , Voice of the People] The case of Pokey Barnes, indicted in the famous Lunenburg case ha* been nolle prosequied, and she is free Mary Abernathy was found guilty of murder in the first degree. The case will be carried to the Supreme Court on error. Editor John Mitchell deserves great credit for the manly stand he has tak? en. He insists that the three colored people are innocent of the murder of Mrs. Pollard, anil that Solomon Mara? ble is guilty. Editor Hunter Bemoans Her Fate [Western Christian Recorder] Mary Abernathy, although innocent and proven to be of the Lunenburg murder, has been convicted of murder in the first degree. Thus ends the celebrated case where a jury compos? ed entirely of white men, place a pre? mium upon perjury, hate, injustice, and prejudice ; where the innocent are not protected and human lift* id relent? lessly sacrificed to appease the passion of human blood-hounds. How long, oh how long will it contin"e. A Glowing Tribute. [Philadelphia, Pa. Christian Banner J John Mitchell, Jr., ison top in this state. He has saved Pokey Barnes from the gallows, and we thmk that he will save Mary Abernathy. Richmond is wild with praise for her young hero. Those who seek his downfall may as well cease their disgraceful proceed? ings. Very few Negroes are willing to lead aright?this we know ; and since we have one in the person of John Mitchell, Jr., we are going to stand by him.?Virginia Ct rrespondence. Another Great Victory. [St. Joseph, Mo. National Protest ] John Mitchell, Jr. of the Richmond Planet, has won another great victory. Pokey Barnet, one of the accused wo? men for murder has been acquitted. To the Readers of the PLANET. Don't forget thai, you can get fine Wines and liquors from a drink to ?Jj gallons at linnean'* Family Liquor BtOTS.iOt ft. Marshall Street. Tobacco, Cigars, I heroots and ligar ettes of the t*f?t quality. Your patronage solicited. 3inos It's Provoking to be deceived; it's annoying to have a poor article of shortening. You can avoid both by seeing that your pail of COTTOLENE bears the trade mark?steer's head in cotton-plant wreath?and be sure of having delicious, healthful food. Other manufacturers try to imitate COT? TOLENE. that's the best reason mhy you want the original article.. Mada only by Th* N. K. Fairbank Company, ST. LOUIS and CHICAQO. MOBGAM OOjUjLsjKOjB AJMjNjEX. LYNCHBURG, VA. ntXB BOOKS. ? BEST AOOObTMODATIObI TOTAL COST. SSJ? FEB MONTH, laehase* Board, Wasalng, Borvks-JTurtles, Pads, Benella, and ?rnr re*. foe School ase Bulldiag Heated Br gteaaa, aad lighted by Gas, Bast InstTBatsra. Writs Bat Catalogue. BesstoB be gi na Scptoanber 19th, ? J. WAGNER, A. M. D. D, PBjaaiBBJrr. CLAIRVOYANT. Your past and tatura correofly rerealedi separated brought together) fain* das kn al tboae yon like; apella, sickness aad anani removed, lucky numt>era?narai falls, aatiifarti? guaranteed. Full particulars Cat tva alua pa. MRS. CARY, 1535 Rood St., Philadelphia, Pa, W. I. JOHNSON FUNERAL DIRECTOR & EMBALMER iFUCFANtt WAREROOHS: il??M?tniV", i i.? ?, . .lt?< *.nOu ollSa>?. 301 N. FIRS NEAR BROU n ? r-? i - n i ' . t t t t ? ? i ? i Lirvvji\i-- run ii i i\i Orders by Telephone or Telegraph promptly filled. Weddingl uppers and Entertainments promptly attended. H. F. JONATHAN, SHIPPER of Fish, Oysters & Prodace 120 N. 17th St., Richmond, Ta. Ordsra will receive prompt Pawns ITS. Wa HaJDAVIS, * HOLE8ALE A RETAIL DEALER IN ^W FISH, OYSTERS aft GAM" 22 N. 17th St. or 1st Market RICHMOND, VA. Shad and other kinda of /ian ahipped by express C. O. D. to any part ol we state or adjoining Stat**. Omore adit i ted avnd received. We Are Your Friends! OUR AGENTS WILL CALL UPON YOU. Richmond Beneficial and Insurance Co. Authorized Capital Stock, $5000 OFFICERS: W. F. Graham, President, W. R. Cunningham, vice-President, John T. Taylor, See A Busroesa Man. A. T. Grimes, Treasurer. Dibbctobs: ? W. F. Graham, W. B. Cunningham, E. F. Johnson, C. C. Williams, J. J. Carter, F. A. Mar? tin, A. T. Grimes, John T. Taylor. A. B. Hawkinfl. We pay Weekly Sick Benefits ? and Death Claims. Further Infor? mation will be given all per? sons by add rei sing th* Business Manager. Building : 728 N. Second S1 United Aid & Insurance COMPANY. Chartered under the Laws of Va. Authorized Capital Stock, - $500< This Company pays Sid aud Death Benefits. OFFICE: 506 E. Broad St., Richmond, Va J.E. Byrd, President; _ S. T. Hill, Secretary. ^lB?**Send all communications to tin President, J. E. Byrd. 506 E. Broai Street, Richmond, Va. E. F QUINN Dealer in FRESH MEAT AND GREEN GROCERI1 Jelly,. 3c. per lb Apple Butter,. 3c. per IL Beans,. 5c. per Ul Figs. 5c. per lb Codfish. Tic. per lt I! ir utz Mustard Pickle. 15cts. qt No. 818 North 5th St. BOkWiSON St THOMAS. HM B. Broad St., Richmond, Va ?air flfljfcfcsag, BBarlag sad aaaaBBaal&s AU #?* -trtssjy *st-?ta*s. ta* ia Richard E. Frayser, ATTORNEY AT LAW No. 1117 Ea.-t Main <tre*-t. Kiel mond, Va. P. O. Box IPI 1 in?3rr G. W Lewis ATTORNEY-at-LAW. Room 5 -Panet Building ? :<<: Practices in all the Courts of I li Titles to properly examined? Deeds and Wills prepared. Charters of Incorporation of all kin< written and obtained. Money to loan on real estate. Nathaniel J. Lewis, ATTORN KY-AT-LAW PRACTICES Ul A Ll, COURTS Ol VI KUI MA.?BU SI NI STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL A> PRIVATE. 812 E. Broad St. - Richmond,1 1 i n -3 mos CHEVEU 1TRE CIR ! ! ^ JBB BBV C u pa & Baw h Sh** .fl w r Hair made perfectly and parana' ,-r straight (by this restorative. N'o niall r 1 poor the quality may !>??. ( heveii will mal ?oft. silky an-i absolutely straight. No i used. This compound i?- a fluid, the metho treatment being \?ry simple and offering injury io the scalp ur hair. I'ncc ? . per t?>i One bottle will last six months Ado -, .!!:.?_> Dearbon Street, Ch WATCH AND WAIT ! Wonderful Discovery CURLY HAIB MAOK STRAIGHT BT TARIN "OH Liri. SRPOSS tNO AFTtS TSfATWINT. OZONIZED OX MARRON (OOPYRIO'IT BT Bl OK a HAYNES, OKIOaOO.] This wonderful bair Lion.a.'.e. ls tho only ?: preparation In lim vf.>i lil nuikes kinky lu straiKritasshoWii sbovti. It letKlrrsthehalr ac pliable and glossy, arel bj .? the rix impart* new life and \ ix<-: i>erfumi Ozonized Oz Marrow is nmnufs tm :?:! only Huck S Uayner, the well Baw*)ll driiKfflsti Otilcago. Their rei>utstion |h n (ruaninteti tl lt ls perfectly parr ar.a harmless. 1 ware of Imitations. See tb it tbelr Dame blown In the h .ls rho barrs BM tbs Rennins <>i >r.i7.e<i ox Marrow testify to never falling merits. Kuli <llrect;ons with ev< bottle. Price only Wi rents per Lottie. Sold druggists. If your driig-K'.st <l<t?s not keep lt. will send yon 8 bottles lor 11.36 or 6 for ti Always Inclose a post office ni.>m y order, as do not send (roods 0. O l? Writ* your addr and cams plainly Address BUCK 4. RAYNER, a^ATE sa* MADtfcON STB.. CMICAfl Not Second Handed But Nt Grace St.Glothing Hou Fine Dread Hats, Suit Caps, Hoots and Shoes, Oalicoe CuMon and Notions going cheap I am celling ray entire Stmk at reduced Pricea. R. J. BASS 1717 E. Gracy Si., Richmond, SAUTED! KY KUY who exp* eta ts build to cali at our titles \\her?? tl K?'t ss ti Bast? urnished for llOl'SKS. rangiiiK from 100 IO $'J0<X) and upwards, entirely reu of cost; also drawings snd ap ati' ns fun sh?d L MOORE, Dealer in Lu mtier and Roildtog blip ?Uss. 12U E Broad 8a. 'Phors lt? . /-rJBT~Cal! and see di awing of all lin' houses. 6-16-3m. Mi V" t Straight Hair Guaranteed. OSLINE. Thc latest improvements, that have boen malle in Osline makes it the finest hair pomade that has ever been offered to thc public. Osline will make thc hair grow faster than ;;nv thingclseand restore it to arich black, y appearance; it makes tbs hair as soft as silk. Straightening?For straightening thc hair it cannot be sunaasasda Price 5<>e per l>ottlc, or 3 bottles for *l-5- * _ FACE BLEACH. Any one who may bc embarasscd with Freckles, Pimples, Blackheads. Liver Spots or blemishes of any sort on the face should order a bottle of Simms' Pleach. Tanned, Sunburnt. Sallow and Mtiddy skin is bleached and given a clear, transpnrent com plcxion. Thc skin can he bleached from one to three shades brighter in one week, by this superior preparation. Price 50c per bottle or 3 bottles for *'-=v _ Address JAS. N. SIMMS, I>?iM?Bit-Bj: a-tolojyfiftit:, 6*2 CENTER ST., P.0.BOX661. LOUISVILLE, KY. ;>tivc Circulars Sent Free. Agent* Wanted. \V ri ic for terms. rn Mention this paper when you write D. O'SULLIVAN, 1st li A Main Sta.,Richmond 1 Smithfield Hams. [ have 6,000Choice limns of this cure in stock. They are the finest on the market, and are sure BO please you.? Mountain Rolled Butter. Finest Mountain Koiieu Busier. This kind of Butter i- scarce. It i> fresh and BOT pound 1 Bl li? ds LO Fine Sherry Wino. You can buy a gallon of line Sher? ry Wine for. Fine Old Kye Whiskey, per gal? lon. Fine Old Med ford Kum. 4 yours old. Glean Currants. This is the only kind lit for mak? ing Fruit-cake. We have pounds in 1-pound boxt-s ; 3 lu>x . New Mixed Nuts. 25,000 pounds Nice, Clenn, Mixed Nuts just arrived. We guaran? tee them fresli ; per pound. 500 boxes Seedless Kaisms, per pound. fi Kine Mocha and Java Coffee.fri sh rousted. 2'2 1 bushels White (urn. 4f, Sliviiifs Pride, Pineal Fhiiii ly Flour on the market This Flour is sure to give satisfac? tion. Try a barrel mid you sure to like it. 4 X ii pounds Fine Raisins. Try a pound of our Fine Tea This is a boon to dyspeptics pound will convince you of its otlieacj in relieving indiges? tion. 60,000 poonda Choice French Can? dy, imported. 8 6 pounds Nice, Fresh Oyster Crackers. lO.OUll bales Fine Timothy Hay, per hundred. 7< 28 tubs ol Fine 'reamery Butter, just the kind for buckwheat cakes. 15 7 pounds Virginia Buckwheat. 25 Gibson's Old Rye Whiskey, live years old. 3 00 Fine Cream Cheese. 10 We have un immense stock of Christmas Goods, which we are sell? ing at cut prices, as we are determin? ed not to carry them over the holidays You can buy choice goods at your own price. A. F. OLIVER 901 N. Third Street, [N.K. COsUfXB OF BAKKK I 4(1 ltly IOU i- it ron il ol nu Uv. Ka? toa rv New and Complete Stock of Groceries, Wines, Liquoie, Tobacco and (igars. Fresh Meats, Fruits, Fish, Oysters and Country Produce. W owl and Coal. Low Pr ie 4-ll-3m S.N. l>ftaV,*'T '??' p*tmiiuIi'iI ii DU Iv I ?1KL3 \ pike's MAGNOLIA. II .UmIiT lint's not k.i'i I, wr li ur hiiiI wo will in Iforvayonbowtosptlt. A' k [nowie lu 'il to t?'Titrates! ?V. W. JOHNSON A CO I liirmnnt I, O. Bscc iBorn to B. H. PIZB, ? OLE DISTILLER*. (^Magnolia L WHISKEY Cincinnati sTOHIO.* JW. se ate B, E. J. Crane, PBACTICAL Watch-Maker and JeweUei Ths only Colorsd man In ths Soul* arsr known to maka a watch ont and ont. 30 yea** practical sxpsrisnee snahlet nina to fire pertest talufao tion In rsr airing j Watches, Clocks, Jew*h>y E. J. CRANE, 123* W. Broad 8t., Richmond ? ? (Near JsnVraoB.) your watches by mail or eipr^i \si 11 st to mackinac >!? HAKE THE-4-< ? TO MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHiCAGO Sew Steel Passenger Steamers he Greatest Perfection \ et attained In Boat instruction Luxurious I quipmenl. Artistic mialling. Decoration and t?Miclent Service. uring tn? hilliest dcicre* of >riFORT, SPEF.D AND SAFETY. Four Trips pis Wick BtT*fi* oledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOSKEY, "THE SOO." MARQUETTE, AND DULUTH. .OW RATE5 to Picturesque Mackinac and turn, including; neals and Berths. Krona ryeland. $18. from Toledo, 919; from De >it. $13.50. EVERY EVENING ictwecn Detroit and Cleveland Connecting at Cleveland willi Kar'.iest Trains rall p. South and Southwest and at rtroit for all point* North and Northwest, mday Trips lune, luly. August snd September Only. EVERY DAY BETWEEN lev eland, Put-in-Bay jp Toledo rad for Illustrated Pamphlet. Address A. A. SCHANTZ. ?. .. ... OBTMOIT, MICH. tie Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Go. K S ' I ? 'HOS. W. LEONARD DRUUQIST, 734 North and. hs Purest Medicines. Dnur*, T">* Articles, Cosmetics Ac Tra aral known reliability of thia long astabllshad pharmacy ta ths bast gn ar antes cal ood faith. Prompt attention a: hours. Prescription Corr poon?' lat upon ths shortsst and lo ths bast manner. SATISFACTION OU * R A nimb. j.. J. H. LEWIS, DRUOaiST, 14 W.Leigh St. Cor. Adam Si r^BTBBt Medicines always on hanf IbbT Prescriptions carsfnlly oobj panndea day or night "VH A MTLL BUFPLT OF 50AP8, BRUSHES A FANCY IK CLE8 Ae at lo wast Pries* HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS are scientifically prepared. Remedies; have been used for half a century with entire success. so. PTHII IC FOB 1?FcYsrs, Ooaagestlona, Inflammations. 2?Worms. Worm Fovrr, Vimn ( olio... 3_ Teething, roll<-,?'rylng.\VaJu>fulneas 4?lllnrrhrn, of C'hildreu or Adults. 7?4'oughs, Colds. Bronchitis. u-\riiralcla. Toot!iaotu\ Kaooscha..... ??Headaches, Bk* llrailncho. % ortlgo. SO?Dyspepsia. TUllousmss, < mistij>atlon 1 1? HtippreM?f>d or Painful Periods.... 12?Whites, Too lYofuse lVii<xl3.m I."!-Croup. Laryngitis. HoarsonwBI. 1 1 Kuli ltli.-uiii, Krynli?-l.i?. Eruptions. 1 ft -Hheiimatiam, or IUioumatic Pals*,.. 16?Malaria, Chills, Fevtrand Afruo. 19?I ntarrh. lullu?-n?a. Cold In Lac Head BO?Whooping Cough,.?.... ti7?Kidney Illsenscs..?. ??H-Xervous Ilel/illty. 30-1 rina ry Weakness,. 34-I*oro Throat, V.uui*y,I>lrhtn?rla.... "77" for GRIP. BoM ?>y DriUKl???, or s*nt pr*rald ??" T?<~"rt nf rrtrs, aaa., oe ? for SI., in?y !>? ???<>ri...l . r i?, ?l. alM.mlr. ti* 'i^rHairi'aAni'i^Kuiuddiu.MM UAH ass ssa Ul armin V?kl?. CO.. Ill A I IB ??ullasi8t..S?w Tsrs. JOHN M. HIGGINS, DEALER IN Choice Groceries, Wises Liqaors&_Ciga*s. Pare Gooda, Full Value far Um Mousy. 1610 E. Franklin St., INear Old Marks*,) RICHMOND, . VIRfiUiaaV D. N. MARTIN, 711 N. 9th 8%^ ? Richmond, Ya -DEALER W Hctlons* Qrcctrlttia Tobacco, \U Contatlontrlti. WOOD &COAL S. W. ROBINSON, No. 23 NORTH 18th STREE! Dealer in Fie Wines, Liqnors^Cigars, &c AU Stock Sold as Guaranteed Prompt Attention. Your patronage ia rsspsetfcasjj aolieits JOHN G. SMITH. 1301 East Leigh St Pine[Gtocerie*. Wine*, Liqmort Cigars and Tobacco. WOOD AND COAL Low Prices and Quick Sales MT Call and sae Um -tan W. G. SINGLETON, N%>. MM BAST FRANKLIN 9TREE1 (Fermerly with vhs lass 0. 0. Mftshsll FINE GROCERIES, (HOARS ? TOBACCO. Ths Beat Wines & Liquors. Prom] attention Given. All Goodi st the Lowest Prices. Oall ?ad Isa Ma JLNARDJ ?14??19 E. Broad Ht. Fins Wines, Liquors, Cigai A Tobaeeo. OYSTBMS IN EVERY STYLI AoaommodsftloB First-lass. Prices 1 reasonahle aa say la ins etty. GIVE Ml A CALL. QOOM DELIVERED FEB, -Richmond Steam Laundry, 3 N. 7th St. Motto: Kine WOrk. (J. 1 Jj? Bragg, proprietor. 'Phone 1206, aBBBBaBaasaBBBBBBj)aaaaB hrVW ?tnnBjk??uaBra il? RKDULI IN KKFB-? DEC. 1,1896 JU TI KK'HMONO BYKII-HTKEJ-T STATION. 48 A. M.Dall/?Rich rn one aad Norfolk. Va* TIBCLB Li mitbd?Arrive Norfolk Il .BJ A. M. Stope caly at Peters bnrK.Wa*?-rly aad Suffolk. Saooad Haas tlcksts not accepted for pas snare ob thia train SB a..a?. IUilt."TIIK < IIICAOO EXPRESS* tmm l.vBcbt.orK Roanoks. Blnefl-Mrt Pocahontas. Keaova. Colamba* aad Chicago. I'ullman Buffet Sleep ar Boaaoka to Col a mb us without chang*; also, tor Radford. Bristol Knox rills. Chattanooga and loter mediate i><>!nu Norfolk. Hoffolk aad Intar ?asdints stations. Arri's Norfolk HbP.E l.SQP. M. 'tal'y. for Boaaoka. Halford. Pa iasKl and Bristol. Conn*- ts at Hna aoka 6.16 A. M. with WaehWton aad Chattanooga Limit d. Pull maa Bleepers Roan' ks to kl sm p bl? and Nsw Orleans. Also, foi Blas flsld ear Pocahontas: also for Rocky Mount aad ad statlors Winston Halem DlelaloD. 'U^LMl* PALACE BLEEPKR between RICH |>NU and LTMHBCKU readv tor P. M ; also Pullman Basso sr Petersburg t< >aaoks. Trains arrive Rvhtro id rom Lynehbare am* ti* Wast dally ? 4- A af. aad 7 00 P. sf. Prov aad ths last, ll 06 A. M aad V**tlbnl?f united T 00 S. hf. B. W CO UBI NEY. District Pssasagsr i|m?. W.B. BKVILL i-eneralPatsragsr Ajreat. MaaraJ tiffin.. Knsnnkt Va \ [CHMOND, FKEDERICKSBURG ^ \M> POTOMAC RAILROAD. I HKMI.K IN KKKKCT APRIL tl i LBAVE HYKH STKKKT STATION. M . Dally, for Washington ami uni nts North. Stop atXlba ana local BtationH. I'ullniitii Car. U :<?> M., Daily, except Sunday, for Wash In g t?m ami points North, atop at Klha, Ashland. DoSTWel). Milford. rredarlckshurB, Brooke, ami Widewater. Parlor-car; alao. aoaaeeta with Congressional United at Washington. 7:15 P.M.. Daily for Washington and points North, sups nt Klba, Ashland, Doaweil Milford Frederic ks bo ra, ?rooke. <t nd w iiliwatrr. Aii.l oth? er stations Bundara Sleeper, Richmond tn Beer York. ARRIVK BYRD-STRK1 I STATION. 8;S>A.M., Ditily. Stops nt Widewater, ke. PiederlaiEBbarg, Milford. orel] und Ashland, ami other stations Sundays. Bleeper, New York to Richmond. I:!.'? P. M., Pallyi exoepl suinl?y. stops at koeal stations and Klba. Parlor ? fruin Washington. 7:1" P. M., Daily. Stops only at Fredericks burg. Doswell, aad Ashland Pulliiinn-Curs from New York mill Washington. i M.. Daily. Stops at principal looa! stations ami Klba. Sleeping Car. Connects with Congress ional Limited between New York ami w Babington FREDERICK.8BURU ACCOMMODATION. 11 >aily. except Sunday.? 4 :?> P. M., Leaves Byrd-Streel station. sstnA. M., Arrives Byrd-Street station. ASHLAND TRAINS. < Daily, except Sunday.) 7:1K A. m.. Leaves Elba. BM P. m.. leaves Elita. \. m.. Arrives Elita. r.;(tl P. m.. Arrives Elita. L rAYLOK. Trnftic Miuiiu'i'r. E. T. H. MYERS, President. fe 12 <UQ. Chesapeake aud Ohio Railway. ROUTE. EprErrivB Nov. 17, 'flo. TBAISS LI1VB BJCBMOKD, BaOtMTttfT MTATIOB 8.50 A.M. Dally with Chair Car for Norfolk Portsmouth, old Point. Newport News, and local stations. ajtt P. M. Dally, with Pullman for local sta? tions, Newport >*ws. old Polut. Norfolk ana Portamouth. BVBi a. M. floral crain (except Monda.* | tot Weat Clifton Forge. Connects at Gordonville for <>ranira. Rap It* an, Colpspsr. Calv, rton, Manas At Union Station Charlot tee rills for Lynchburg, at lissie lor Ha. srstown and at Stauut on lor *A Inchnater. 2,16 P H. lbs Cincinnati and asa. UuSjsj l.liui ted. dally, with Pallmaus tn cin dnnattl. and At, Louis. 8'op. Baall st Important stations Conoei'ta at Ch ri ott- sville deJiy fif Lynchburg and at Ashland foi Lexington. Kv. and Lioalavllla M'als served < a Dining Cars No. 7. Loci Tram except Hun.lai fellows shove train from Gordon* vllls to Ht' on od fi.30 P. M. Loeal traiu. oxcept Mauuaj t.rou. datlon for Charlottes* til-. I0.S0 P. M. Dally lor Cincinnati. *ni? lennis. J. K. V. lor Hinton, and Cl ot dans ville ts Cincinnati and Louisville tosel served oa Ulalna-Cars. Connects a Covington, Va.. daily for lin Springs. TRAIN LEAVES KIUUTrJ HT. HTATION. K.4S A. M Dally, tor Lyncubora. Lexington and Clifton Forge. Connect* at l.reu-. except sunday, for Roane at Ly nih burn Dall.* with tbe Norfolk aa. Wasters and wttb the Southern Rall way for Southwest and Mouth at Hod aemer Bxosrtt Sunday, for Cral* Ci y. aad at W Clifton Forge si tl for Clni'.unattl. 3.3u P. M. Except Sunday l*ocal anrcmoda U ta tor Colombia TRAINB ARRlVr. AT RICHMOND ItUOAl Sl'REBT STA ITON &B0 A. H. Daily from Cincinnati, ll 30 A. M. Dally from Norfolk nod Old Point. S.St) P. M. Daily, from Cincinnati and l<onh villa. 6.50 P. M. Daily from Norfolk a-d old P 1 t 7 46 P. M. Eicip Hamley fr<-m Wert ? I ftoi Forgo TRAINS ARRI VF EIGHTH STE KIO OATIO' ?r0 A M . Exit pt sunday from Columbia. 6.46 P. M . Dally from D.vnchhurM, \a xin. to and Cl'fi-on Forge. JOHN D Poi I H. Dividion Prsseugrr A- eat Southern Railway. [PEIDMONT AIR LINE.] CONDENSED 3CHRDUL.K IN EFFECT. Nov. LEAVEB RICHMOND. 2;O0A.M.. SOUTHERN EXl'RliHS dally fe Danville Ureensbero Wlrston BaJem. SI epem. Klchmond. Vu , to Danville an tireen*bjro Connec's st Danville alt Washington and Soothets'ern Ve?t:bol? Limited (No. 37) carrying e'eepers. Dai ville t > Ash-ville, Atlanta, Chattunoogi lUruilrgbbin, MHiupbU, New Orleans, sn Jttcksocviiie, also flrst-clasa (Uy ccaihi b tween Waenlngton and Atlantt. la aengere can ase thess coacbe< without ei tra charge connectlhne made at afemph and New Orleans for ill pulutu In Text and Calif< rnla. S eeper open for p.hum gera at ?.S0 P. M. l_>:Mt P. M. K*Si MaIL dally for Atlanta ac p.ln.s So^th. Connects tt Moseley wit lt F AP. R.a. at Kensville for ('lark vlils. Oxford Henderson. Dalham aad i Urrriifboro for l.'urbam. Ka:leah and WI ston salem Carri.s Bleepers Nea Y> i to Atlaata and Montgomery snd fro New Yo'k t t Jetsonville. Parlor Ci Atlan'a to tiirminn ham. d:00P.M.. LOCAL, daily except Banday t< Keys ville and Intermediate points TRAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND. 6:00 A. M.. From Atlanta and Jatkaonville. 6;40 P. M., From atlanta and aukiuiu, 8:40 A. M..?Fr- m Keys'Hie. Freight Trains will also carry pssstnpei YORK RIVER LINE -Wkst-Iou LEAVE RICHMOND. Train No. 10. 8.10 P.M.. LOCAL, FXPKEKS. dally exes Munday. Stops at all stat! <as. At un Manor connects with stage for Wa kerti also at West-Polat with Yolk RD Steamers for beltimore. Train No. 16 4.45 P. M., IIALTIMOMK LIMITED, dall* i capt Sa a day. Close connection at Wi Point with steamer for Bal Imore. Steamers leave Bailie- ore 6 p. m. and W Point 6 p. m.. dally axcept Sunda*. TraL.s torm Weat Point arrive at Rlcbmo ?.07 a. m. delly and 10.40 a. wi. daily except Si day and Monday, and 7 00 p. m. dall* exe* Sundav. T/aln No 44. 7 20 A. M. LOCAL MiXED. dallv except Si day. leave *J3rd St. for West Point an. Interr dlate points. Ticket office at station foot ot Virgil street Open 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. and from ? P. M to 2:0-1 A. M. City ticket Offloe?00] east Matin ?* aa. J M.CDLP, W. A I'l'Rk. Traffic Manager. Oea'l Passenger Ai W. H. URKKN. Oeneral Snperloteadent. N. J O'BRIEN. Superlntendeat OL W. CECIL, Traveling Passvnger Agent. 020 R.. Main Ht. Richmond. Va. LJncoln Flat: New York 261 ?5c 263 W. 47th Stree Between Broadway & 8th Ave. For Respectable Colored Families. Rent From $8 a Month Electric Bella, Door Openers and Li ter boxes. Apply to, [ANITOR ON THE PREMISE JOHNJA/.^ENNE The well-known Adama Express Mesaenger ia Manager of HOUNIHAN'8 COLORED PUBLIC B. Cor. Central Ave. A Jon uso ti St Staunton, Va. Mi is mi TLANTIC COAST LINK Va. <*vanuah BJ \ M . '>g at Itel K KrrKCIIN K Tl EMMY. JAN CARY 15. IN*. I K KM HMOND? INION Bj| HW A. M., Arrives IV ttSBsnr.t'BI folk ll:* A. V ereburg. U i \. rly anuSu S? A. M.. Ai ilon 1! Bl v. M . i 1:40 A. M., Jacksonville Port Tampa< at W toiLii I PulllllH'. York lo Tampa, via Jack MP. M.. laical. Arrives Petersburg 3:IJ T M Makes all stops :80 P. M.. Arrives Petersburg6:M r\ M folk K:3o p M M iki - all - :30 P. M.. Arrives petersburg * ?M P. M.. Wei ? lon via p. m . Pa ve tte vii le B M.. t harlest.aiO -Jf> A M Sav aniiali ?SJB A. M.. Jacksonville Ix Port Tampa a aa r m. s:K\\ I INF 1" MIMI.I K...K?>K(.IAJI'<> r;?J A. M., Arriving al Aiken. Augusta I M ..'Macon ipa M., atlanta ia: 16 P. M Pu ll uta it > a York to Wilmington. Charleston, Thoa viii- neille. Port Tamps, Aiken, Augusta and Macon Il :2u P. M.. Arrives Petersburg A. M.. Bur kevllls J:ii A. M., Lynch borg 4:ftft A. M.. Roanoke tl .Vi K ll:r?u A. M. Pullman Sleeper I; mond to Lynchburg. 12:BB A. M.. Arrives Petersburg I :H> A. M . Wel? don IjbB a. M.. Henderson i M.. Kal.'lgh IS; IT \ M . F.I turton i 1' M.. Atlanta I Bl P. NI- Pull? man slee jier Washington Ut Attauta. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND: 3:WA. M. 6:30 A. M. From .Luk-oiivilic. Savannah. C lia ri cst on. Atlanta. Macon, Augus? ta, and al! points Soot li. Flotilla special from st. Augustine, Jacksonville Savannah ami Charles ton. Atlanta. Athens, Raleigh, Lynch? burg and the W est. Petersburg l^s-al. H :Jjf> A. M.. i rirniuu ll :iit. \. M.. Norfolk. Suffolk and Petersburg. 6:40 P. M., Jacksonville, Savannah. < lharleeton Wilmington. Uoldsboro', ami all points .?south. 7 :<?i P. M.. Norfolk. Suffolk. Waverly nilli Pet IbtxlSji 'ind Lynchburg ami IBS Wi Bl k:'J8 p. M., PetersburgIxwal. T. BT, KMBBaV J. R. KKNI I V. Tratlic Manager. I.eiieriS Manager. < \MPHKLL, Division Passeugcr Agent. STEAMSHIP LINKS VIRGINIA NAVIGATION company > 1 aJaTJBl hiv kr link To Norfolk. Portsmouth. Old Point. Newjtort News. Claremount, end James River landings, and connecting al Old Point anil Norfolk for Washington, Baltimore anil the North. Steamer Pocahontas LbaVSB Monday. BTBB gBaaaa abb Fbipat at 7 a. m. Kleotric-cars direct to wharf. Fan- only $l.r*> and 11.00 to Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Point anil Newport News. Music hy a gram! Orche* trioii. Freight received dally from above named iiml all jMiints in KasU-rn Virginia and North Carolina. IRVIN WKI8IG1 R, Superlntendeafe. KOWARI) K. RA RN KY. President. Oeasral Offices: Planters' Bank Building. O LI) DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. DAILY LINK FOR NEW YORK. Passengers can leave Blehmoad liAlI.Y via Chesapeake ?t><i ohio railway, at *:'?*> A. M.. or Richmond and Petersburg railroad, (Norfolk ami Western route) B.-00 A. M.,connecting al Norfolk with old Dosntnion-Llne steaaaer, sail? ing same eveniug for New York. Al.l. WATKK BSSTB. Steamship Old Dominion haves Richmond every Monday al ft :<?i P. M.. for New York via JamCB River. Tickets on sale al Richmond Transfer Com? pany's, '.to:! east Main St reel ; < hesats-ake and Ohio railway and Richmond ead Petersburg railroad depots, and at company's odaec, wi Main Street. B lob nana if Beaajsag* esstsBked through. FKEIGHT. lui r..-? Y--ik niid ai* |>.?iiii^ uc-jrolld f."i n i-* ahtppvd by direct steamers, sailing from Rich mond every MONDAY AND FRIDAY.6*10 I Also bv steamer leaving Richmond WEDNES? DAY ISP. M. for Norfolk with steam? er for New York. Manifest dost d OBS hour before sailing time. Freight received and forwarded and through bills of lading Issued for all northern, eastern and foreign points. KKOM NEW TOBE. gers can leave daily except Sunday Ut Norfolk or Old Point Comfort, com.. with Norfolk and Western railroad or ( jH-ake and Ohio railway. Direct Steamers (Via James River route), leave every SATURDAY (Passengerand freight end MONDAY, (freight only. Sailing from company's pur. No. 'A'.. North River foot of Benah Street, al :t li? ll rda J igao p. m. For further Information apply to UKO W. Al LIN d CO., Agents. IBU east Malu street. Richmond, Ya. W. L. Oulllaudcu, VMM President and Tramc Manager, New York. ? Caveats, and Trade-V. wrks obtained, and all Pat-J ent business conducted lor Modcratc FEES. . S. P/otKT Omer1 less lime than lboat Oub Ornct ts Oreosm U and we can secure patent in remote from VVas-hington. .. _ . < Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip Itfon. We advise, if patenlsblc or not. free ol charge. Our lee not due till patent is secured. }A Pamphlet, "How io Obtain Patents,'" with coat of same in the U. S. and jureijn counuiea sent free. Address. ;c.a.snow&co.| I opp. P?rrnT r mm-.ton, O. C. e k??~?.t~?^.^ -^^s^s-e-a/ias WH\ 1 CERTAINLY you won't miss seeing JURGEN'S line of furni? ture and Carpets It is the biggest and best in the city and the prices are the lowest. Weean sell you cheap goods or fine goods for cash or credit. Come in and sea us. We want your TRADE. C. 6. Jurgen's Son, e ?Usc 421 E BROAD ST. FURNITURE, CARPETS pt Kt t, TheBesi ?EWING laACHfMl MADS WK OR OUR DKALKRS SiaVeciS /on machine* cheaper than yost cam stet elsewhere. The NEW ff 02UB la our heat, bat we make cheaperkindee each aa the CLIMAX, I UK AL. ansi other Hf Rh Arm Full Nickel Pl a tedi Bevel nc machines for $1 S.00 ansi np* Call on our agent or write na* We want your trade, and If prleen, terna* and square dealt ne; will win, wei will Bare lt* W? challenge the world to .produce a BRTTBB $50.00 Sewing iflachlne. for fSO.OS, or a better $?0. sewing machine for $20.00% than row can bur from na, or our Agent** ni nw Bin mm iachim coona Orange, Mass. Boston, Mass. 28 Halon Sq. N.T, (Jhlcagojll. 8t. Louis,Mo. Dallas,Tex. ? Ban Francisco, Cat Atlanta. Os. , ^ tm<r ^_ rOBI BAH BY x_^^_; J. H. BUSBY, 1406 E. Main St.. Richmond.Va ML For Information and free Handttook write to MUNM A CO. atl Bao.DWAT. Kaw Yob*. Oldest bureau f??r securing patents in America. Krerr patent taken out hy us ls brought before i the public by a not lue given free of cnarye Iq the I MtnilUc ^mtttim forrest e?rrulatlon of any sHenUflo paper fa tha world. Hplandldly Illustrated, man should l>e without lt, W rear; $i.r*> six months. Address, m, Vneusaaaa, BB I Uruadwar. Mew Tork Citr Ni> Intellleent b^nM-s: