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Published e-ery Saturday I - Jr..proprietor, at 814 K. Bron imI Va., ?PHONK Saft. JOHN MITCHELL. JR., All commnnlcations Inter roust ti* aent to tbe .Jr., 814 Kaat Broad Street aud should rat Wednesday. K.M8IN ADVAN< One Copy, one year. .$1.60 One Copy, eight months,. One Copy, six mouth*.. One Copy, four month*. Ona Copy, three months.40 Single Copy,-.06 ?I'- " ? ADVERTISING RA 1 Tor one Inch, one Insertion._.t BO For one Inch each subsequent insertion... SK For twa Inches, three months. For two Inches, six month*. 1000 For two Inches, nine moe. th*. For two Inches, twelve months. Marriage and funeral noi S sandi na and transient r T the trie dial T nor opi Dil (Hil *t 1 loy Of lie |0 ed pa POSTAGE STAMPS OF A DEKOMIK HIGHER THAN TWO' I Kri'KIYIH ON SUBSCRIPTl ?ThiPusit la Issued weekly. The subscrip? tion* price isSl.&ua year. In mlvancc. There are rova ways by which money can t>e aent by mall atour risk?in a Poul Order; by Bank Chock or Draft, or a Money Order, and when none of th< - procured, In a Registered Latter. Monet Orders.?You can buy a Money Order at your Poatr-Offlce, payable at the Elena Poet-Office, and we will 1 aafe arrival. Express Money '' .? <>i> talnedatan-ofliceof the American Express Co. Use United States KxpraM Um Wells. Pargo and Co.'a Express Company. We Will be responsible for mon- . panie.. The stxpreaa Money Order isa aa* oonTenient way for forwarding raontrj - RxorsTKBKD LKTTKk.?If a Money Poat Orfioe or an Kxpress office i? not within your reach your Postmaster will register the letter you wish to send us on payment of ten >?? Then, if the letter ts lost or stolen, ii caa he traced. You can scud money iii this maimer at oar risk. We cannot be responsible for money sent in letters in any other way than one of the four iraya mentioned above. If you send your mon? ey In any other way, you must do lt at your own risk. RiNBWAU. etc.?If you do not wan 1Um KT continued (or another year after your sub? scription has run out, you then notify us bf Postal Card to discontinue lt. Theeoartshave decided that subscriber.* tm nc w ?papers who do not order their paper discontinued at thecxpir atlon of time for which it hus ln-cn paid are beld liable for the payment of the subscription op to date when they order tho pajM-r discon? tinued. COMMUNICATION :?When writing to us to renew your subscription or to discontinue your paper, you should give your name and addreas In full.otle innot lind your name on our books. Change or Address :? In order to change the address ot a sal former aa well as the present add ^Entered In the Post-OUice at Richmond. Va., aa second class matter. SATURDAY, SEPT. 26, 1896 Republican Nominees. FOR PBI&1DEKT. Hon. WM MCKINLEY, Jr QI OHIO. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT. Hon. Garret A. Hobart, Ol NEW JERSEY. s FOR bONQBJtfl 3RD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. L. L, Lewis. OF RICHMOND. Subject to Republican District Con? vention. Hypocrites are aa plentiful to day as they were during the time of Christ. Rsv. Dr W. W. LsVVDsmf, tue bril? liant Baptist divine hat entered upon his duties at Atlanta, tia. Our white friends should aid us in all laudable efforts to improve our condition. Colored men, let us not spend all we make. We should save some of our earnings, even though it average? a penny a day. President Cleveland has announc? ed his opposition to Bryan and Skwall to the extent of endorsing Palmer nnd Buckner. Whenever the Recorder gets tn trouble at home, it growls at the Plan? et with the evident expectation of finding relief. One would imagine it bad an attack of the jim-jams or wind colic. Judge Waddill of this district has made the mistake of thinking himself and the National Republican ticket one and the sams, by presuming that when the people oppose him, they op? pose the ticket. Nothing could be further from truth. Bryan was opposed to 0"Fbrrall, when he was a candidate for the Gov? ernorship as against a Populist. Now O'Fbrball is opposed to Bryan when he is a candidate for the presidency as against the true Democracy. If Bry? an is consistent, ho has no cause for complaint. Bryan's tour through the country may make for him some votes, but il drives away from him a great many more. Every city, as which he fails to stor and make a speech feels slighted, and it is liable to act in accordance with that feeling. Gov. O'Ferrall declined to permit the firing of a salute from the capito grounds in honor of the arrival of 11 or William J. Bryan, the Popocratii nominee for the presidency of th* United States In this he was right It would have been carrying partisan ry too far whether the person to b< honored was a Republican, Democra or member of some o'her patty. The Colored Ambrh-\n announce! that Hon. John M. L uaosTOV has beer appointed a member of the Advisor] Committee of the National Republicai Committee. This is gratifying newi and Mr. Langston will have an oppor tunity of being of service not only t< his party, but to the people who hav< so loyslly stood by the organization. The appointment of Rev. Ernes Lyon, D. D , as advisory committee man by Hon. M. A. Hanna has givei more general satisfaction to our peo pie than anyothtr act of this distin guished gentleman. Rev. Lyon seems to have understood the situation snd is exerting his influ? ence in the interest of those whom he represents by showing them and the Republican managers the best u ny Um services of the American citizen of Af? rican descent can be utilized. ui Rbcosder is again meddling in affairs of other people in other dis ts while failing to attend to its own HraSt, he editor of this journsl needs ie of its advice snd cares leas for ita ?lotta. Wi bose never attempted lictate to the people of the Sc ?triet hs to what course they should rsue, and have never proven our nsubordinate enough or as die al as SO advocate the utter defiance the mandate oT the National Repub an Committee by refusing to sup rt the nominee which it had endors as the Recorder is now doing ? old remember that "no man is big that he can afford SO put him lf Id the way of success of a great rty like the Republican party " We are at a loss to understand how ir white friends eau iail to see the JOS*to* Ol providing *i reformatory r white boys and none for the col red ones. The state pays for the tiin te un nee of the institution stud yet portion of the people of the State are *r red. 1^ this just? Is it fair? We need n institution for the reformation of ur wayward boys, :md the sooner an lort is pot on foot to secure this in ovation, the better for the state of rhiob WO constitute a part . ?I ?? ???ss Tiikke is BO position in this district attMooftbo postmastership and the oliectorship of internal revenue hich is not under the civil-service nw. .lutely everything is walled in Oteept the position held by the ottiee at and BS that animal i* owned by me of the "civil serviettes," it may >e said that ever its position cornea inder the civil-service law Politi ?ia'i-i will taae notice. The news that Gov. O'Fk.rrall ffould oppose William J. Bryan, the lopulist-democratic nominee has been gently broken to its readers by the liichmond DisrAToit . This is very painful information since that journal seems to have fore very earaful ol ths feelings nf our Chief Executive There is one characteristic of Gov. O'Ferrall. he bot opinions of hi and dare to express them. Ile leads, rather 'han to be led and in every question presented to the country, he is outspoken and emphatic in expressing his views when called upon so to do. His nooroo means a loss of thous? ands of votes to Oie Bryan and Skwali ticket. THE LUHENBURG PRISONERS __ The Lunenhurg case hus occupied the attention of the public and the courts for more than ? year. The last chapter is about to be en? acted and it is now apparent to the people of that county that they were about to commit ore of the most heinous crimes 0001 chronicled in modern annals. They were foremost in consummat? ing an outrage, which would have been a disgrace to the commonwealth lt was the people of other communities which prevented the outnu As it is, Mary Barnes has beer, ing a terni in the penitentiary for moro than twelve months. She has waitsd natiently for that vindication before the law which she believes must conn to her. Porky IT?.????' I rperiOssOn DO too graphical'; told to need a further ? il here. Mari Aiiernathy has been twice un ntence Ofdostls, midas shebas time and again told it, so worried that sh j could not sleep . What atonement can be made to them for this cruel treatment? lt is a sud commentary upon our institutions and our laws. They have had a hurd time of it, and during the years which will come to them, vivid indued will be the recol? lections of the past, and painful the remembrances of the ordnals to which they have from time to time been sub? jected. There has boon no more striking ex? amples of the horrors and mistakes of 'Judge Lynch" than is shown in these Twice convicted, and once within two days of the time of execution ia an experience never to be forgotten. Through God's mercy, the aid of the people and the counsel and support of some of the best white people on the globe, they are in the land of the liv? ing, praising Him who made us all and thanking those who were humble in? struments in hia haiius. Editor Taliaferro's Ooiupliments. (Philadelphia, Pa. Christian Banner] Editor John Mitchell, Jr., of the Richmond Planet, deserves much praise for his noble efforts in the Lu? nenburg mordor ease. If be keeps on he will be called John, The Great Take our hand Brother Mitchell. FROM HARTEORD. Interesting Items At the present time Hartford is ful of politicians with Dr. Lassiter at tht head. Please bear in mind that the Zior Lyceum* will re-open the first of Octo? ber under our distinguished orator Vlr. V\ liliana Cross. Hiss M. E. Eskridge and Miss II E Boyd, both of Nev York City, lef! Thursday, September 17th, for theil respective homes, after spending t ? >f pleasure as the guest of .\1r and Mrs. Joseph Robinson at 6 Squill St. Rev G.L Stith has resigned his posi tion as pastor of Union BaptistChurch Miss Lizzie Chancelor left Monday 21st of September for her home ii Charlotte, N. C Miss Lula Sutton and Miss Annii ? 'reed are visiting friends in Brooklyn N Y. One. and all please pay up in ful Saturday, the 3rd of October, as wi ; the money. A. E. Walker, *.gent. Subscribe for the Planel A Chance to Make Money. 1 have berries, grapes and peaches, i year old, fresh as when picked. 1 usi the California Cold process, do no heat or .seal tho fruit, just put it up cold keeps perfectly fresh, and cost almos nothing; can put up a bushel intel minutes, bast week I sold direction to over 120 families; anyone will pa; a dollar for direction, when they se! the beautiful samples of fruit. Ai there are many people poor like my self, I consider it my duty to give mj experience to such, and feel confider) any one can make one or two hu nd roc dollars round home in a few days. 1 will mail sample of fruit and complete directions, to any of your readers, foi eighteen two cent stamps, which i? on? ly the ac tu almost of the samples, pos? tage, etc., to me. Francis Casey, jun6-18t. St. Louis, Mo. THE WOULD *HY SllVER DOLLARS ARE AS GOOD AS GOLD ONES. How ts it that a ai Ivor dollar, which poaaeasM nly about SS cunts' worth of commercial val ba mala tallied at a parity with the 'larr Hw is it that I can bay as much n<>w with r dollar sm I can with a geld dollar? Why won't silver dollars be Jns? an sood un L??r frcv coinage as they an> nowT Thone are samples of tho inquiries hat men are asking all over the ooun tv, and these and similar queries have xmrrd in upon Secretary Carlisle in inch quantities that he has deemed it tdvisable to answer them by means of M oi*u lotter, which contains a clo;ir, frank and convincing explanation of :his matter. Sunimed up in a single word, it may r>o said that FAITH is at the basis of tho grovcm mont's ability to maintain each >t the silver dollars on a par with gold. The people have faith that each silver dollar issued by tho government will purchase exactly as mach as a gold dol? lar will. Remove that faith, destroy that confidence, upset that belief, and tho government, strong and powerful as it is. will find itself unable to maintain tho parity between the silver and tho gold dollar, with tho inevitable result that the silver dollar will sink to its commercial value of about fi3 cents, while, on the principle that a poor dollar drives ont a good one. the gold dollar will disappear entirely from circulation. The tropic of this country have freely received silver dollars because tho faith, the honor and tho integrity of the na? tion aro pledged to keep the silver dollar on sn equality with the gold dollar. For this reason the silver dollar, in spite of its commercial shrinkage, has been readily accepted at its faro value bj- the p. opie But if any doubt arises faa tho public mind as to tho govern? ment's nbility to keep its pledge, there is at once a sudden withdrawul of gold from circulation either by foreign crcd r hy donn st io hoarders. Such & condition was created in 1K93 and was responsible for the panic of that year, which was farther duo to the additional fact that tho government WOJ issuing too many silver dollars under the Bland law, and too many paper dollars in pay? ment fnr silver bars under tho Sherman law. Congress was Obliged, therefore, to stop the issue of this money. But al? ia arly $000,000,000 in silver dol? lars and silver notes had been created, and the government naturally found eonsid orahlo trouble in keeping this mass ol together with $840,000,000 in gu en backs, on a parity with gold. As s result it was obliged at times to pur? chase gold to hosp up tho equality by the issue of bonds. Now, if the government has had so much difficulty in keeping its silver ami gold dollars exchangeable, with a com? paratively limited issue of silver dollars and notes, how can it possibly hope to maintain tins parity win n our mints aro OpOO to all the silver of all tho world, when the citizen of any nation on tho globe eau come to our mints and havo .">:{ nuts' worth of silver metal coined into a silver dollar? The government would no longer bo able to redeem its obligations in gold, because, a point would soon be reached where it would be impossible to exchange gold for silver dollars and their paper representatives, the parity between tho gold and silver dollars would soon be removed, the equality in tbs exchangeable value of the coins would be destroyed, aud the coun? try would descend to a silver basis, with ?nit that a silver dollar would bc worth its commercial value aud nothing more. This commercial value now amount* to about 58 cents, and, reckoning on that basis, tbs enactment of a law for the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 would be a violation of tho explicit obligations of the nation, which by an act of congress has de? clared it to be "the established policy of tho United States to maintain thc two metals on a parity with each other. " It would be a confession that the people had lost faith in the ability aud integ? rity of the government to redeem its promises. It would be "a violation ol the implied and expressed pledges ot the faith of which tho people have ac cepted hundreds of millions of these sil ver dollars in payment for goods one services at their full gold value. Ji would be a wholesale repudiation on th< part of the government against its owi citizens, and the dollars, being full lega tender, would compel all debtors to re pudiate half their obligations, ont dowt pensions, wages, salaries, savings bani deposits and insurance policies one-half, and whelm the whole country in disas ter." These are, in brief, some of the rea sons why the silver dollar today passei equal and current with its gold com pauion, and why the silver dollar wil sink to its own intrinsic valne if ou: mints are opened to the free and unlim ited coinage of silver. A tricky dollar never yet made an: nation prosperous nor added anythiuj to tho real wealth of its people. '"Ai honest man is the noblest woTk of God,' and an honest dollar is the noblest mon ey, and tho most profitable that bones men caa coin or The Arkansas verdict was discouutei in advance. Every ono knew that tin Bryanites were guilty of as ooaOtOO frauds as Tammany Hall ever commit ted. And that is saying a great deal even for Tammany. Free silver means disgrace and pov erty to the United States. SCHOOL OF MUSIC. 820 St. James St. MRS. ROSA K. JONES Teacher. PIANO, ORGAN, VOICE Science of Harmony Care? fully Taught. Grad? ed Course. Terms Moderate 9,10-3mot. BE JOSHUA. ?New York Advertiser. R. U. INSURED? THKN WHY NOT INSl'RK IN 'I ll K JEOUBITY IBDUSTBIAL & MUTUAL AID SOCIETY \nd be prepared for [ DONT TRUST TO LUCK All Claims Paid Promptly to Date Hustling Agents Wanted Wm. Isaac Johnson. President. Masonic Hall, 111 E. Clay St OrFU K afOTTH Ul ? te 9\\ Ba. Ot Sst. To the Public. The place for the rich and the pool Federal Street Market, is where I pur chase my groceries. You can take ? small amount of money and spend i' h a way as to have a big dinner and then have cake and cream. Why don't yon know he has opened an Ice Cream Saloon, and dispensed with thi wines and liquors? You can take youi wife or best girl there and sit and chat with ease and comfort. It is so quie' and nice in there now, and he is so po? lite and courteous. Come, I will show you the place. Andrew Aaronson, *g't., 1st and Federal Sts. A GRAND EXCURSION From the Mountains to the Sea-Shore. There will be a g^and excursion from Clifton PorgO, Lexington. Lynchburg, and all way stat ions to Richmond. New port News, Hampton, Old Point, Pot? tressMonroe. Norfolk and Portsmouth, Sunday October *th, 1896. The train will leave Clifton Forge, Sunday morning, at 6 o'clock ; leave Lexington at 7 o'clock A. M.; leave Lynchburg at fl:15 a. m. Returning will leave Norfolk, Monday evening at 3:30 p. m., arrive in Richmond at 7 o'clock p. m , afterlaying in Richmond for 6 hours, the train will leave Rich? mond for Clifton Forge at IL'o'cloek sharp. Kure for round trip from Clifton Forge to Richmond, $1? 50; from Lex ington to Richmond, $2 28 ; from Lynch burg, $1 BO. (hie dollar will be added to these rates to Norfolk. For further information apply to George Williams, .lr , Managi 1200 Eighth Street, Lynchburg, Va. Groceries! Groceries!! Groceries!!! At Prices to Suit Everyone -AT THE Federal Street Market. ANDREW AARONSON, agt. Corner 1st & Federal Sts. Richmond, Va We have saved money for you in the nnd propose to du so always, we always guarantee everything to be as represented. Call and be convinced for yourselves. MJBT V* e respectfully quote a few of our spooioltiot: All Sugar at Cost. No. l.Salt Meats, per lb. Best Good Lard, per lb.5,!_t ( offee, best for your money.l>-< breakfast Bacon, per lb.B and 9c Best big Soap in Town.4c Best big Bread, per loaf.4i Diamond Dust Washing Powder.4i New Mackerel.4< Lemons, per dozen.10< Baking Powpers, per box.M< Best Tomato Catsup, per gai.30< Boneless Ham, per lb.11< Canned Peaches.,.10< Cooked Ham, per lb.14< Best Starch,.4< Ku tty hunk Blue;.4< Best Porta Rico Molasses,per gal....85< Large Glass Mustard.,.5< Large Bottle Catsup.6< 8 Bars Fine Soap, value 40c. .Hi Best Gingersnaps, par lb.5< 6 lbs French Mixed Candy.30< Imported Maccaroni, per ito.8< Very Fine Flour per bag.26i Very Best Flour, per bag.27< Best N. Carolina Rice per lb.6< Sweet Mixed Pickles, per Shoe Blacking, per box.2< Ladies' Shoe Dressing, per bott I. Large Bottle best Writing Ink. b> 25 Cakes of Soap.25* Best Coffee, per lb.20 Meats and Vegetables, Re? ccived Daily. Presents to all. Call and be eon vinced for yourself. All orders deliv ered free of charge. FEDERAL STREET MARKET ANDREW AARONSON, aot. Cor. 1st & Federal Sts Richmond, Vs Knoxville College. Classical, Scientific. J School Courses, together with Theological i will cover all aajonasi ol t??ni, tuition, fi ami ina tn ni for little girls and another for Monday In ? .or catalogue Tenn. ^ We would like to lead you Cata THECLEVELAN II. A. LOZIER Branch Horans:?337 Broods! Ps.; 804 HeAUister St neisoo 0 PlnOO de la Nndolaine, Paris. Fm and Toronto Junction, Ontario I Mei THE NEW YORK DISPATCH. ?***? Oldest and Best lo ? ekly Paper in the United ; Improved Management, and ; hod* up to du A Family Journal Of Morals and Public inter-! ??s), Literar. tifio. Humorous, Useful, En tertaining. Also (i. \ Et . ? nie and - One C-?py,Onc Year, $3.30. yourself on what is going on in New Y??rk. Ad<! The N. Y. Dispatch, USONsssau Street, N. V. ?^a BtStBrSMBfet ete*e> state etetSr etet& BMStG ctej&etetc < ?JtT^V I-UH ? i r?Tf_r_s*a \y *?'?"' '" ' ri ll ha \ PIKE'S rV.&OKOUA WHISKEY JSSK Cincmnau Jr caa?sa--M?M.o. ^OHIC.?^ Saccsssars ts S. V. tilt. aO.C DI*TILLCn?. N. MARTIN, fl5 R. 9th St., - Richmond, Va. -DKALER IN Notions, Groceries, ToboeOO and Confectioneries. WOOD & COAL. To the Beaders of the PLAHET. Don't forget that you can get Ant Wines and Liquors from a drink ti 47? gallons at Duncan's Family Liquor 8tore,603 rfi. Marshall Street. Als. Tobacco, Cigars, ' heroots and ligar ette* of the best quality. Your patronage aolloit^d. 8mo P. B. Ramsey, SERGEON DENTIST. Office:?102 West Leigh Street Richmond, - - Virginia Extraction Painless. ALL ORPERR VNoMPTl.Y FILLED. Office Hours:?8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wonderful Discovery CURLY MAIR MADE STRAIGHT BY >??? p?om Lirs. asreas sn* ?rti? tssithimt. OZONIZED OX MARROW (oopyaiaHT ht sr ero a ha^nf.s, cmosoo.) This wonderful hal.- i>- t'isiv ts tan only safa preparation in tba wo: M tfist in-koe kink; bair straight s.??li>>? ,i <N>v. It i ??: .!-rn Ui?> hair soft, pllablsaud ?jl< 'sy, i:i>1 li} : "iii-lsDlng tb" rooti imparts rmw Ufa nut \ laor. rUuvanUy parfumad. Otonltod Ox Marrow la mm uf?; tu rd < br Buck S Bayoar, lt.? w?;l kr. wu <1niK|il?t? <?( Ohlca-o. Their rapct^tl <n I* a ruarantn> that lt ls psrfMtly |ior* s^d hrrnil-sa Be? ware of Imitation*. S<-<- that tlK'tr Dame la blown tn tl.^ h.'ti;" Tl ? ?mdf sh.i hmmud Ul* _?>!>>. ?tarrt.s- testify to 1U naywr falling ??.thfT?.rj bottla. I Sold by drt'eajtsls. It )o- i drtimlsa d.?^? not keepit, wa wil. san' 11.Jf. or fl rnrt-.aU Always Incl. >s?- r j ^r<l*r, ssw* io not s..iH ?? t? ynt^addraat and santa pl >' itj >lsrss? _^ BUCK \ f>-VYNER, I STATE aw. Ma.pi?C*? STS JVIICAO? 0 Ox Marrow, Face BUach Yallart*, AFRICAN NVONDER ros SALS ST ? 19 E. Broad St MRS. L. W1LDT. The Hotel Douglass, 220 B. St. N. W., and 255 Penn? sylvania Ave, X. YV. THE FINEST HOTEL IN THE CITV. Write or call. Polite Wailers. First ciass table board D. A. C. JONES, Projn ietrt-s*. Washington, 1). C. Board !>>' ttM day. srsafe or month. V?1J :im. Read's Hotel AND RESTAURANT. ? I ! Board and Lodging by the ]j day or week. ?I JD__T"Lunches 10 and loots. Meals I 25 cents. Lodging 25 and 50 cents. ? i Persons stopping over in the city, s can be nicely accommodated. Polite 5 sttention, Good Fare, Neat bedrooms, s pleasantly located and a few steps ' from Union Depot. ; j 'Phone 286 J. M. RE\D, Prop. 815 Jefferson St, Lynchbur u, Va. . < 95-3mo j Money Made in a Minute. - 1 have not made less than sixteen 5 dollars any day wnile selling Centri? fugal Ice Cream Freezers. Any one should make from five to eight dol? lars a day selling cream, and from seven to ten dollars selling Freezers as it is such a wonder, there is always a crowd wanting cream. Von can freese cream elegantly in one minute and that astonishes peo? ple so they all want to taste it, and then many of them buy freezers as the cream is smooth and perfectly frozen. Every freezer is guaranteed to freeze cream perfectly in one minute. Any one can sell iee cream and the freezer sells itself. My sister makes from ten to fifteen dollars a day. J. Do not delay- the collector when he calls pay him. tsrricultnral. Mechanical, Normal and Comtnoa ind Medical Schools. Fifty-five Dollar- a Year ne), light and furnished room. Separate home little lioys from 6 to 15years. Tena iMirinslast to President of Knoxville College, Knox ville, ? \\ I] DON'T CARE ko come before the eople w ith thc stereotype "Best on Kurth" reposition. We wish to state briefly that re making and selling a Wheel that's IICIIT, and although the price is 1100.00, r?pul HONEST VALUE in it; don't fail i remember this point. logue; it's to be had for the asking D BICYCLE,?---* & CO., Cleveland, Ohio. fofl York; :i2i) Arch Street, Philadelphia i. Cal ; ls Milburn Viaduct. London, 1. tn:?-Toledo, <>., Thompsonsillo, Ct ition this paper.) Hie COAST LINE to MACKINAC - r ? S-TAKC THC ? ?< ? TO MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHIOAGO I NewSteei Passenger Steamers TIM O reatajt Parfscttoa yat attained la Heat Construction ?Luxurious llquipmant. Artistic -arnisbing. Decoration and Efficient Service. nsurmif the highest degree of JOflFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. tove Tatra si* Wick Brrwtia roledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOSKEY, " THfc SOC*" MARQUETTE, ANO DULUTH. LOW RATES to Picturesque Mackinac aa* Return. Including Heals aaS Berths. Preea Cleveland. $18; fro*. Toledo, $15; (rosa Ds Lroit, tijgo EVERY EVENINO Between Detroit and Cleveland Connecting at Cleveland with Ka ri lest Trains foi all points Vast, South and Southwest and at Detroit for all points North and Northwest. }anda)i Trip* lana. Jary. August and Ssptsmbsr Only. EVERY DAY BETWEEN Cleveland, Pu.-in-Bay jp Toledo Send for Illustrated Pamphlet. Addreas a A. A. aOHANTZ. m. m. ... DBTROIT, SMOM. Tue Detroit i Cleveland Steam lav. Ci. e. j. CRANE, WATCH MAKER. The only colored man In 'he South ever known to ll A K B A W A TO 11 OUT AND HIT Semi jour WStCllsOS hy Mnil or Express* and have them repaired United we sts o, divided we fall. W. Broad St., Kiehmond, Va. Dyeing, Cleaning & Repairing done in tbe most thorengh manner. All work Strictly first-class and Satisfaction Assured. J. W. JOHNSON, 712 E. Broad St., Give him a call. Richmond, Va. ST. FRANCIS HOME ?Bd FOUNDLING ASYLUM JACKSON STREET, Near First. Richmond. Va. This Institution in charge of the Sis receives and educates neglected infanta and children. Orphans and others whose parents are not able to provide for them. The best juossible care is given to these infants and children in hous? ing, food, clothing, medical attention and schooling. Ste|.8 are also being taken to provide a home for these chil? dren for the Summer. For Admission application should be made in Richmond, Jackson St., Near First. Norfolk, 118 Brewer St., Sisters of St. Francis. Lynchburg, Miss Lillie Reade, m? 410 Fifth Ave. CL W. ROBINSON, No. U x. 1st li street, Dealer In Fine Wines LIQUORS, CIGARS, &c. All Stock Sold as Guaranteed. Prompt Attention. Your patronage is respect fully solicited W. G. SINGLETON, No. 13_3 E. Franklin St. Formerly with tho late G. C. Mitchell FINE GROCERIES, CIGARS & TOBACCO. The Best Wines nnd Liquors. Prompt Attention Given. All Ooodsst the Lowest Prions. Call and See Me. H. F. JONATHAN, SHIPPER OF Fish, Oysters & Produce 120 N. lTth St., Richmond, Ta. >rders will receive prompt -M ts stan. *Vr?n*lN. CHEVEUITRECIR! ! x c. _tj p P MM * w u ^m sw * Hair ir. !ly and permanently fltrnlgh i>y tin- (to natter bon poor Um qualiu 1 will make lt soft, silk; and absolutely straight. No iron used. Thi compound ls a Said, the method of treatmen belnn vt-ry simple and offering ni> Injury t< .In or hair. Price tl met Dotti*. Oin-lxi ! hut six mon tha A<blrens Rf. bucca a .. ;il ir, l>i.arlK?rn Street, Chicago, 111. WATCH AND WAIT! WA NTED:?For United States Arm] abled bodied, unmarried men, be tween ages of 21 and 30, Citizens o the United States, of good characte: and temperate habits, who can speak read and write English. For informa? tion apply to Recruiting Office, 82 East Broad St., Richmond, Va. ?BHsm^S A. IF YOU Hrtistic TMork. f + |j|liliiiiiui:iiiimtiiiiimimiiiu.iii..?....iiii..imtf?--."?-i'i' IDiGb^Clase FINEST WEDDING STATIONERY SUPERB VISITING \RDS FOR THIC PUBLIC AND SECRET SOCIETIES. HmiimimnnfimmiiiiHiiiiiii?^???"?H??'??"w?>mim" VISIT f THE CITY i CALL r TO SEE ki -+ \ ... 5ob*_p>rintinG If you arc desirous of securing any kind of work iu tho Job Printing Linc such as VISITING, INVITATION, AND BUSINESS CARDS; SOCIETY-STATIONERY, CHECK? BOOKS, POSTERS, &c, scud us your order. We are prepared to do all work promptly and at the lowest prices. Special Discount for Cash. Per? sons desiring cuts or drawings <>f them? selves or their places of business, can have thc work neatly executed. Satisfaction Guarantee*). DON'T ASK US TO SPECIFY .... .... WHAT KIND OF WORK WE D< I. We arc prepared to execute all kinds and at prices which will be as satisfactory as the skill displayed in the execution of the order. Address, XLhc IRicbmonfc flManet, 3obn ilMtcbcll, Jr., JEbitor, ^ phone 935. 814 mZ. _6roai> Street, aRtcbmonb. IDtro.nia. US. PLANET SUBSCRIPTION ONLY $1.50 PER YEAR. W. I. Johnson, FUNERAL DIRECTOR &. EMBALMER Office and Warerooms: 301 N. 1st St., near Broad. RESIDENCE, 115 W. JACKSON St. PHONE 686. ? HACKS FOR HIRE. Orders by Telephone pr relegraj I>L^y idled. Wed? dings suppers and Entertainments promptly attend* Stein Shoe Co. Successor to Wertheimer 422 BROAD ST. 4-22 Grand Sale of Oxford Ties. Ladies Tun Oxford Ties.tte Ladies' Bleak oxford Fies.; Ladies' Block Strap Slippers \sith bow. 1 Ladies' Tum How Slippers,.i Men's Pan < >xford Ties.I Hen'* Black Oxford Ties.| Men's Patent Leather Oxford Ties.7 A complete line of Tan and Patent Loather Shoos from $1.00 up _\W have no branches, no partners, no eennectioii and no reiationsiiip willi any Ciuicern Koep strictly lirsl class Shoe Store; no coinmon Shoe Store and OUT entire three story brick building lilied with shoes?and not a handful of shin's like some of those second class common store. VERT RESPECTFULLY, Stein Shoe Company 418 SHOES 418 ALBERT STEIN THE ONLY SHOE MAN, usti Has just received a complete, line of low shoes for summer wea comprising such values as these. Ladies' 3 Button Oxfords,. Ladies' 3 Button Prince Alberts. Ladies Razor Toe Oxfords,. Ladies' Razor Toe Tan Oxfords. Ladies' Razor Toe Tan Prince Alberts. Ladies Twentieth Century Oxfords,. All the above shoes contain the latest st vie toe such ns RA ZOR, OPERA, BLOCK AND 20th CENTURY. ' Albert Stein, 41 8 EAST BROAD STREET We TO LEND ON PROPERTY IN LARGE AND SHALL AMOUNTS. \\ / O SELL PROPERTY, w -s r w-nBUY PROPERTY. W LU RENT PROPERTY. W _H.BUY GOOD NOTES. -??? WRITE DEEDS. nnkVAmi-rwrn TITLES TAKE ACKNO'WLEDGMENTS. I? Fact Do a Geneneral Real-Estate and Brokerage Business. 0_.rPl.OMPT ATTBWTION ANO MODERATE CHARGES ~*MaN ?as... o?awfosd QEO. E. CRAWFORD et CO., ?. s. ns-a 1006 Bank Stskjit. Nasnr *+ P*ssrr Ovs-uca Subscribe to the Plane THOS. I. LEONARD, DRUGGIST. 7'J l North Second Street. The Purest Medicines, l>ruxrs, Toilet Articles,Cosmetics. &X The well known reliability <?f this loller es? tablished plinrmncy is the guarantee of good (nilli. Prompt attention at all hours. Pr? soriptions Compounded u|m>h the shortest notloa and in the best man uer. L8FAGTOOIS GUARANTEED. Prssoripti^M si d Patsj I Medicines at reduced pn <>KT?Wr,?? ma GAV t A10,1 nflUt MARKS mW -*W COPYRIGHTS.^ CAS I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to >l I > N di <'<?., who bare had nearly nifty yoara' oiilHTicnfi' in tli? patent busmens. ( oninnjnics tloim strictly r-<Hi!Mential. A ll lln<tbook of In? formation cotvennru! 1'nlriiin aral bow to ob? tain them sent free. Alto a catalogue or mechan? ical and scientific books sent frets. Put.ins taken thr.nit:h Munn & Co. tmeetvm special notloe tn the *?< iriitirto A merion n. and thoa are brought widely i*?rore the i with? out cost to ttie inventor. Thia splendid paper. tamed weakly, elegantly illost rated, has by tar the lanreef circulation of anv acieininc wia-k In tho world. S3 a year. Sio sent free. Building Kdition,niont lily. Os year. Single Cornea, UH cent*. Rrery nunilier contains beau? tiful plat ea, in col otoKranhtt of new bowaai. wltb pallal, enabling builders to show the latest deattrna and ntiih- omi mets. Addreas munn k co. nkw Tomat, .mi uhuiiiw-t. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS are scientifically prepared Remedies; have been used for half a century with, entire success. so. ur ac I Kir TOR 1 -Feyer*. Con^i* Inflammations. %?Worina, Worm Fever, Worm Collo... 3?Teething. I olle.Crj 'lng,'Wakefulness 4?Diarrhea, of Children or Adults. 7? Coughs, Cokls, ltronohltla. H "Neuralgia, Toothache. Kooeaehe..... 9-lleadachea, Sick llendiuh. Vmttnm, 1O - Dyspepsia. DUlousiieaa. Constipation ll?(suppressed or Painful Period*..? l?-\\ hiles. Too Profuse 1'erluil.,.ss 13-Croup, I.aryn.lils. Hoarseness..... 14?Salt ltheum, KrMdpel&s, Eruption*. 1 ft - lt tiriiiiiaiUiii, or Rheumatic Patna.. IS?Malaria. Chills, Fever and Ague. IS?4 alarrh. Influenza, Cold In the Head SO?Whooping tough,. Ut ?Kidney Diseases.-.- -~- - ? UH? Nervous Debility. . . SO? I rlnary Weakneas,. ? 3-a-Horo Throat, Quinsy, Diphtheria. "77" for GRIP. HoM by T>-dccI?<*. or aMil r<r?r>at<l ?>" rsc?l|'t nf pries, , sxespt 2?, tl. ?!"? only. bs M. arnilii''.l. i.Kulsr(ad A BsVBW/a I Hi -l-il ii M>' Ill a ill Wiaissi Ht.. Nsw Tars, Caveats, and Trade-Mcrks obtained, and alt Pata( ent business conducted for moder atc Fees I Our Office ts Opposite U. S. Patent Officc and we can secure patent in less lime than ihoat ', remote from Washington. il Send model, drawing or photo., with descrtp-i' tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of ] \ charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. 11 A Pamphlet, "How lo Obtain Patents," with ' oo-t of same in the U S. and foreign countries, , aent free. Address, 11 C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp Saism Orncc. wa?hii?oto*j, S c # fc,%%i***-?i-?->i~','~ ?*? ~ A*^^^^^.^* United Aid & Insurance COMPANY. Chartered under the Laws of Va. Author), d Capital Stock, - $5000 J his Co mr ?n nv pays Sick and Dentil lien eli ts. OFFICE: 50('? E Broad Sr", KichraoDd, Va. J, K Byrd, President; S. T. Hill, Secretary. Send all communications to the President, J. K Byrd. 5<?6 E. Broad Street. Richmond. Va First Bapt (hu sch?College, (14th) Street. lietween Broad and Mnrsh:tll. mdsy-sehool, 9:30 a m.; pleach? ing? summer months excepted?ll :90 a. m , 3:30 and 8pm < ormnunion, the second Sunday in each month husinesa-meetings, 1st nnd 3rd Mon? day night* in each month; prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock ; choir practice every Fri? day evening at 8 o'clock Christian I Endeavor meeting, Tuesday at 6:S?> p, m., and Wedueadav at 6:30 p. m. J. ll. Holm sa. Pastor.