Newspaper Page Text
SATURDAY. SEPT. 22. 1900. Digging Out the Dead From the Mass of Debris. HUNDREDS OF BODIES CREMATED. BnrnlnK the Dotlio* to Prevent a Terrlhle l*e*tllence? The Death Ll*t lat.,,,:, i ...i ,, t Five to Six Thonaaad, Tlmiutii lt Will Never ne Known. Galveston. Sept. 19.?The work of dearing the streets of debris Is pro gressing rapidly under tho perfeet or ganlzation instituted by military rule under Adjutant General Scurry. Over 2,000 men are engaged on the work. Nlnety-eight bodies aro reported as having been found ln the wreckage and removed yesterday, making a to? tal of 1,861 victims sc far recovered. The list Is far short of the accurate number of dead found, because no of? ficial records are kept. Bodiea found are buried or cremated, and no sys tematic record has been kept. Over a hundred bodies were recovered and cremated on Sunday, and on Monday aa many more. Several hundred bodies have thus been burned on funeral pyres of whieh there can be no ezact record. The total number of dead la atill estimated at 5,000 to 6,000. The news paper Ust is over 4,000. The namea of many negroes, Mexlcans, Itallana and other foreigners can never bo secured. The water works system la being gradually restored and the mains are now supplylng the various hospltals. The electric lights are also being rap? idly pushed. "There are only ten houses ln a habitable eondition south of High Isl? and," aays S. H. Spangler, general man? ager of the Gulf and Interstate Rail? way oompany, who returned yesterday from a tour of inspection of the prop ?erty of his company. "There were thousands of bodies of dead animals I and about 350 bodiea of human belngs found there. The latter have been | partially buried. but the hands and feet are protruding; from the earth la many places end there are not enough peeple left ln tbat seetion to bury the ?dead." Mr. Spangler will endeavor to get a party from here to go over and com? plete the work of burying the dead. Reeent dlscoverlea emphaslze the heroism of the sisters in charge of the ?Cathollc orphan aaylurn. It la shown I that when the sisters found the watera riaing all around the aaylurn their only thoughta were for their charges. They tied the children ln bunches, and then each aiater fastened to herself one of these bunches of orphana, determined to aave them or die witb them. Two of theae bunches have been found un? der wreckage, and ln each case eight children had been fastened together and then tied to a sister. Governor Sayers a?ks that the fol? lowing be publiahed: "Reports aent out that $800,000 or 1900,000 haa already been paid are ab aolutely false and calculated to do great harm to the needy aufferera on our eoaat. No such aum of money baa been received. or anything ap proaching it. It is belleved that the atories have done great harm, in that they have prevented the contribution of money whieh is so sorely needed at Galveston." The presence of the troops has had A benefleial effect upon the criminal classes, and the appreheusion of a brief, but desperate reign of anarchy no longer exists. The liquor saloons bave at least temporarily gone out of business. Orders were issued to the soldiers and police to kill any person caught ln the aet of robbing the dead. Alto gethe 125 vandals. black and white, were summarily executed last week. It ls found that so-called camera flends have been shot down, as well as the ghouls who despoiled the dead Two were summarily shot dead Satur? day by guards, who declare that the photographers were detected in the aet of photographing the nude bodies of dead women and girls. Their cam eras were smashed by the soldiers and the negatives were destroyed. The Delnvenre Compromlae Held l'p. Wilmington, Del., Sept. 19.?The Union Republican (Addicks) state ? committee met yesterday to take ac? tion toward ratifying the compromise etate ticket agreed on by the Republi? can 6tate committee on Friday last. They refused to aceept Dr. L. Helsler Ball. the present state treasurer, who ls the compromise candidate for con? gress. The Union Republicans aub mltted to the Republican state com? mittee the names of six Republicans of Wilmington, any one of whom would be acceptable for congress ln place of Dr. Ball. They also objeet to Purnell B. Norman, the compromise candidate for state auditor. The rest of the compromise ticket waa ratifled. Thia closes negotiations for harmony at present. Brynn** **ew Vork Reeeption. New York, Sept. 19?The prellmina ry arrangements for the reeeption to William J. Bryan were perfected laat night at a meeting of the Tammany Hall committee on ratiflcatlon. In a apeecb Mr. Croker aaid that it waa the desire of Tammany Hall to tender to Mr. Bryan the greatest reeeption ever given to a presidentlal candidate. He predicted that 100.000 votera would aa aemhle in and around Madison Square on Oct. 16, the night of the reeeption. Mr. Bryan haa already signlfied his In tention te speak, and that his voice may be heard in all parts of the garden a> large sounding board will be erected behind the epeakera' platform. Krlaxhtened 111. Wife to Oenth. Chicago, Sept. 19? Mrs. Florenee -aJBuehler died at the county hospital Monday evening because her husband, Krneet Buehler, frightened her. He threatened to kill her. She was ao terrlned tbat ahe fell uneonseious Into the street, where they were walking at taj?^fy*ne^-*J*ji*iw-*_rLIli'*^^ ed up in the police statfara. whera he commltted aulcide by pancturing tha artery in hia wriat with a pin. Mra. Buehler, after falling unconscious, waa taJcen to the hospltal. where ahe re? mained' until har death. __ WEEX'S NEWS CONDENSED. Thnraday, Sept. IB. The population of Camden, N. J.. ls 75.935; in 1890, 68,313. New York Democrats nominated John B. Stanchfleld, of Chemung, for governor. Over a thousand deatha from the plague are reported to have occurred ln Indla last week. James Higgins, a miner, aged 40, was killed yesterday by a fall of coal at ths Short Mountain colliery, Lykens, Pa. Train Robber Ferrell was lndlcted for murder at Marysville, O.. tor kill? ing Express Messenger Charles Lane. Burglars secured Jewelry valued at about $3,000 from the Asbury Park residenee of E. D. Harrington, a wealthy New York broker. sept. 14. The population of Reading, Pa., ls 78,961; in 1890, 58,661. Cornelius Vanderbllt, Jr., won the Lipton cup with hls yacht Rainbow on the ocean course off Sandy Hook. The most Rev. Mlchael J. Hoban, bishop of Scranton, Pa., now visiting Rome, had an audience with the pope yesterday. The Morgan line steamer Whltney. concernlng whose safety there had been considerable anxlety, has arrived at Havana, Richard McDonough, a student ln the new Catholic semlnary at Bona parte Park, Bordentown, N. J., was drowned while swimmlng ln Cross wick's creek. Nitturtljiy, Sept. 15. The population of Harrisburg ls 50, 167; in 1890, 39,385. The population of Erle, Pa., is 52 - 733; in 1890, 40,634. The German loan of $20,000,000 haa been successfully negotlatcd ln New York. President Kruger, of the Transvaal, now at Lourenzo Marquea, ls to sall for Holland. Rear Admiral Montgomery SIcard, retlred, died of apoplexy yesterday at hls summer home at WeBternvIlle, N. Y., aged 64. An Imperial decree Issued in Aus? trla admits women to practice aa phy? sicians and chemists on the same con? ditions as men. Several convicted oleomargarlne dealers ln Philadelphia were sentenced to from ten to thirty days' lmprlaon ment and $50 to $100 flne. ?ItMi.lny. Sept. 17. " Chlcago coal dealers have raised the prlce for all grades of hard coal from $6.25 to $7. It ls said that F. W. Reltz, secretary of the Transvaal republic, will settla permanently ln the United States. For a murder commltted 14 yeara ago, Peter Austln, a farmer, at Pough keepsle, N. Y., waa lndlcted Saturday. With the thermometer at 20 above zero It commenced snowlng at Negau nee. Wls., yesterday and contlnued all afternoon. In New York last night 60-year-old Charles Sibley kicked a dog that waa barking at him and waa fatally ahot by 26-year-old Louis Gulffra, the dog'a owner. During the laat eight months the emlgratlen from Hamburg and Bre men waa 138,418, aa compared with 106,511 for the correspondlng period of last year. Taeiday, Sept. IS. The population of Elizabeth, N. J, ls 52.130; ln 1890. $7,764. The eattle disease known aa "an thrax" apparently is on the Increaae ln Wayne county, Pennaylvania. Prince Albert of Saxony waa thrown from hls carrlage near Baden Baden, hls horse taking fright. He was In? stantly killed. Grand Master F. M. Sargent, of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Flremen, announces that he will not be a can? didate for re-electlon. At a mass convention of Mlssourl Populist* at Kansas City resolutions were adopted endorslng the entire Democratic state ticket. Rather than wait 20 mlnutea for a ferryboat, alx negro laborera took a batteau to cross the river at Savan? nah, Ga. It capsized and all were drowned. Wedneaday, Sept. 10. The population of McKeesport, Pa., la 34,227; ln 1890, 20,741. Seventy-two new coal mlnes have been opened ln Prussia this year, ln? creaslng the output for 1900 by 2,000, 000 tons. Express train ran Into a freight near Red Key, Ind. Fireman McClellan and a tramp were killed and Engineer Montague had both legs broken. The yellow fever situation ln Ha? vana is decidedly unfavorable. Mr. Andrew B. Patterson, of Wheellng, W. Va., died yesterday of the disease. The transport Thomas sailed yes? terday afternoon from San Francisco for Manila with 1,648 enllsted men, 17 cabln passengers and $1,300,000 in treasure. Another Tenneaaee 1-Vnd Murder. Madisonville, Tenn., Sept. 19.?The Howard-McGee feud resuUed ln an? other murder yesterday. In a erowded hotel dining room Charles and Joshua Jones met Calvin and Tom Howard, and both sides began flring. Charles Jones was killed, Joshua Jones and Calvin Howard mortally wounded and Tom Howard dangerously wounded. Tom Howard married a member of the McGee family two years ago, against the family's protest. Ernest and Will Howard and George Morrow were kill? ed by the McGees two days later. The Jones boys are brothers-ln-law of the McGees. The McGees were placed on trial for the Howard murdera today. Ifo Aid From Bltnmlnnna Fleld. Altoona, Pa.. Sept. 19.?The anthra clte coal operators need expeet no aid from the bituminous operators in their struggle against the miners. At a recent meeting the operators of this district deeided not to meddle ln the troubles of the eastirn district. They are having plain saillng at present, and do not desire to court trouble. Tbey have all the orders they can flll at present and some are behind be? cause of a lack of cars during the sum? mer. The strike will divert the eara to the bituminous fleld and the opera? tors are looking for the best business ln their history this fall. There ia no talk of a sympathy strlke. WANTED?A number of man aid women for flrat elaaa plaeea in Rieh mond and elsewhers. If yon want work. eome to aee na. _Baaa__________l_i DO YOU KNOW THEM. Pbttus, Lobokb Oo.. Aaa.. Sept. Oth, i_oo. I deaire to know the whereabonta of my orother, who?e name waa Joe Nit !?<_*. My aiatot'a name waa Charlotte Nitlett and aay aiater, Katle waa a Dil lard. My name ia Riohard Dillard. I waa aold from them 8 yeara before the war. My aiater Katie and 1 were ear? ried to Miaaiaaippi. My mother's name *aa Suaiana. My two aiatera father'a name waa Loaia St. Jamea. My fath er'a name w aa Diek ot. Jamea, There were 6 of aa. Leonard St. Jamea. Hia name', is Leonard or Loonan, Siater Charlotte and Brother Joe and mother were soli to Taylor and earried from Frederioktown. Mo., Perteaie, Mo. Katie and 1 were ac ld together aod oarried to Pontoek. Miaa I went to war and left my aiater Katie in Miaei* ippi with my miatreaa, Laura Dillard. I have not aeen her ainee. Any infor? mation will be thankfnlly reeeived by Youra troly. Ricbaro Dillard. PBtTua, Lonokk Co., Ark. I deaire to know the wnereabout* of my people. My mother w?a named Kesiah Wright and waa aold from Wilta Wright to Joaiah Muby and he lived neat the land offtiupic-town by the old '?r yard. Hia brother's name was Jaok King and he belonged to Edmond King. Hia couain'a name waa Penny Wright and in belonged to Milto Wright. who waa a aaloon-keeper at thn ild tar yard about 50 yeara ago. Hia father waa an old blind man in Narsemond Oo. He waa an old fl.x beater. Solomonwia aold from Mills Wright to a apeculator, named Amo. tiarl and was earried from Subio to Kichm jvd, Va. and waa aold off the auction bloek to a man named Tom Dickenp. He lived in Memphia, Tenn. and earried him there and heia now in L.noke Oo., State of Arkanaaa. Any information wiil be thankfully reeeived by Bolomon Wbioht, Pbttus Are, Loxokb Co. At Mount O.ivet Fap.iat Ohureh on last Sunday able diviuea were preaent, amons whom were Dr. Harvey John? aon, who preaohed at 11:80 o'eloek, and Dr. A. N. MoEwen, of Mobile, Ala. Funeral Direetora Jaa. II. Dabney, and Ford T. Dabney of Waahington, D _. were the gueat of Mr. aod Mra. Thompaon, 112 W. Jaekaon Street thia week. FROM MANCHESTER. ****. - '_-?___ Qeneral maaa-meeting of Samaritani ,-K and Daughtera of Samaria. -~ There will be a grand gathering o< all Samaritana and Daughtera of Sa? maria next Monday nigbt at 8 o'olock, at Samaritan'a Hall, to consider qusa tiona of vitai importanee. Samaritana and Daughtera of damaria of Riehmond are oordially invited. +\% Youra troly, ^ W. H. Hatohbb. -Mr. D N. Tate will speak at St. Philipa Ohureh September 26ib on hia traveia in Paleatine. . _^ , m -Rev. Jease Harrell, raator of Uaion Baptiat Churoh, Main atreet, lambridgeport. Maaa., gueat of Deaeon J. H. D. Wiagfleld, wiil preaeh at the 5th Street Baptiat Chureh to-morrow morning at 11 a. m. ______ -Bev. 8. W. Timma of Brooklyn, N. Y.. the gueat of Mr. and Mrs. Ohria tupher Smith, haa returned to hia home. _ Lawyer Q. W. Lewia after viaiting New York, Baltimore, and Philadel? phia returned to the eity laat week. ??Mr. Thomaa M. Orump, aeerata ry and manager of the Southern Aid Soeiety, left Tueaday for Staunton, Va , to look after intereat of aaid aoei? ety. -Rev. J. M. Trammell, Editor of the Flobida Sbabchlioht publiahed io Jaekaonviile, Florlda and a profee ?ional artist ia here attending tbe eon? vention. -Mra. Delina Oreamer, of 119 E. 84'h street, New York, after a trip to differ.nt parta of the aouth for flre weeka baa been stopplng with her brother, Manafleld Minor of 916 At. John atreet, Riehmond, Va. A CARD OF THANKS. Mr. and Mra Edward Hall deaire to return many thanka to their frienda for r he preaenta which were numeroua and coatly. Ilnrlna Vacatlon. The Summer Girl?It pains me to be compelled to say so, but I really can not beeome engaged to you. The Summer .Man?Well?er?could you manage to be a sister to me for a couple of weeks??Brooklyn Life. The Chief Snfferer. Abner?Sile nnd Andy had a flght last evenin* down in Binks' store. The boys fit fer over two minutes, knocking one another right and left. Reuben?Who hollered: "Enough?" Abner?Binks did.?Puck. Infalllble Slgna. She?You haven't told me you loved me once to-day. He?And you haven't asked me if 1 loved you ainee day before yesterday. The honeymoon, shuddering, saw its finish.?Indlanapolis Preaa. Vhat Good Teaeher Experience. Miss Pecks?Johnny, dear, do yon think I am the beat teacher you ever had? a Johnny?No, ma'am. Experience is the best teacher.?Philadelphia Bul letin. Her lmpr.Mlon. Mr. Froot, walking alowly along holding a bloseom-covered apple twig ln hia mouth, was observed by Margie. "G'acious!" she exclaimed, "Mister Fwoot's Adam's apple has apwouted." ?Judge. National Employment Agency. 37 N. Juriper St., Philadelphia, Pa. I ean plaee any number of young houae work girls. Good wages. Write or partisnlars* 6 24 Tl" ^"M mvi t\ .-im Cures Weak Men Free Insures Love and Happiness. How any man may qulckly curo blmself a-t?ry-*-u**or sufferin** from aexual weak n?*?, lost vltallty, varicocele, etc , and en larKe small weak oriran. to full alzo an.l vlgor. /tniply send your name aud addreaa ??? I* ' ' *-,K?*?PP. '*<?-*-? Hull BldK., Detroit. ?alch ,and he wiu gladly send the free re? ceipt wlth full directlons ao that any man may easily cure Himself at home. Thig ia cei tauily a most Kenerous offer and the follow liiK extrai-ts taken from liis dally maU show how men write hlm: atlaataSF* =lr:~ p,e**s* **?c**Pt my alncere thank.** for your* of reeent date I have irlv en your treatment a thorouah test and the uenent has been extraordlnary. lt has compietely braced me up. 1 am just as vli*<>r I pus as when a boy and you cannot reallze ' now happy I am. ''hear Ir:?Your metbod worked beautl rully. Results were exactly what I needed. treiiKth and vlgor have compietely re nirnrd *nd enlargoment ls enttrely satlsfac tory." "/>e ?"*??;:?Yours was r--celved and I haa no trouble ln making uso of the recept asdi r-etted, and afier a few days use can truth rully aay lt lsa boon to woak men. I am greatly Improved in slze, strength and vlg "".11 correspondeneo ls strlctly confldontlal malled in plain sealed envelope. The rert'ipt ls free for the aslclng and he wants everv man to havelt. ?'A THING OP BEAUTY 18 A JOY . FOREVER" Do you know that Mr 0. M. Rteward, 807 Monroe Street. the celebrated grainer and aign painter. will grain your doora or number your tranaom*. artiatically and beautifully ao that it will alwaya be a Joy thereafter to look at them, and charge you no more and in some inataoeea, not ae much aa thoae who apoil them and render them objecta of diapleaaure to you everaft erwarda? ?*****? You have only to aee hia "work to be oonvinced. Call on or drop him a dob ?*?-? 8-15-lm JON'/ * b ,"***fk/\f'* 0****h**tl ' eparatic :est of time ana never ***|-| tc satisfaction. It renders the b?*i and glossy and ma'Kts m fr**w. S:>L. ?K) years and used fc* "*-'mi: .i:.i.-, *" rant<*<l Ii:irmIoss. -t raatune on request. 50 cems. Soic ln srs or send us $1.40 Postal or E ? Money Order for three botties. expr* Write your name and address plainly tr OZONIZED OX MARROW CO., **6 Wabash Ave.. Ui HUMPHREYS' VETERINARYSPECIFICS ~"_***" ??"?*"? ?I-!*K- ronaeallona. IiiDamm*. CUBBB i tlyns. I.unc Kr.rr. Mllk Fevrr. J^a??aV.K?*-*?*-*.? **ni-*ne**. Injartra, CUaUa*i Khruinallam. ^^ t^iiii?.1" THROAT' ??*I***V, KplaooUe. cl*?2i}wORMB. Bota. Orala*. ^?--.if01'*3".?! ^0,",?? ??**?-*?*"??. Inflame4 c*ia**a > Lun... IMmro-l'nciinionL. ??----*"*-? r.r.*?ptJC. Brllvarhe. Wlnd-Blown. eBBBBB] Oiarrhra. Dyarnlrry. G.?. Prevent* MIM ARRIAGE. aaaaa \ ******* * blaDDEr disordbr*], Ctma*> l leera. <*reaae. Farcy. J. R. I BAD <0\01TIO\. xtarlnc Coat. ruBj-aS lndicrailori. tstunvarh Ktaacrra. tOts. <?ach; Stabls Caae, Ton Bpretflc*. Book, ac, *?. At drusRlsta <>r sent prepald on itvolpt of price, Humpfara}*' MtMi'-lm. CV, Cor. William af John Bta.. Wew York. VrraauwAaT Majctai. h-ort Frk*. NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAI* weakness and Prostration frorri Over work or other causes. Humphroya' Honieoptaithio Speciflo No. 28, in uso over -*0 yeun, the only ?ucccvaal*ul remedy. $ 1 p*r Tial,or speclal packaa** wlth po-a*d*r,f er $? Bold by DrusKlats, or aaat poal pai.1 rm ruaipt of r-rlc ?CBrBBXT-tl'BBD. CO., Car. WUttu, * J... Bu., *.. Tarfc Are You Ooming 10 the National Bapt. Coavnetion?; All delegatea expeetiog withont fail to attend the National Baptiat Oon? vention 12th, 18th, 14th, 15th and 16th. of Beptember will pleaae aeod in their namea at onee with proeer addreaaea to Rev. W. F. Graham, 728 N. 2ad 8... Riehmond. Va. ?? ?*? Failure to comply with~thia reqoeat may give delegatea aome trouble in being appointed to their homea. Youra reapeotfully, g_W. F Graham. RO BT. S, FORRESTER PLORIST, 215 B. Leigh Street, Riclnnond. Virgfiu a I am prepared to rurniah the publie wnhplanta of all kinda. Cut flawerat uneral de'igna, etc. ?*tP iwill be pleaaed *o h-*he at-e. pv ronage'of the publio'? SECOND TO NONE. Womin's oraer Stone Beneficial Ass'n* Incorporated, Mareh, 1897 OFFICE: - - 502 W. Leigh St. Authorized Oapital, $5,000.? Olaima promptly paid aa aoon aa aat iafactory notioa of aiokneaa or death ia placed in home office. OFFICERS: Louiaa E. Williama, - Preaident Kate Bolmea, - Vioe*Preaident J"8.8'0"". - * Treaaurer Mildred Cooke Jonea, 8ee. A Baa. Man. Board of Dxaaoroaa: LoniaaE. Williamii, Kate Holmea Mattie F. Johnaon. Ann M Johnaon' Bettie Brown, Mildred 0. Jonea. KN0XVILLE~C0LLEGE, -:o: TwKNTY-FlFTH ANNIVERSA? RY Jubiler. June 11 and 12*. Addreaaea by prominent Eduoatora South and North, including Preaident W. H. Uounoili of Huntaville, Dr. E. *?*? -Parka of Gammon TheoloaTieal Sem inary, Rev. O. W. Mood of Fiak Oui veraity, Dr. W. H. Metfillan. of Alle ghanj, P*., Governor Bentao MoMil aa and othera. iiRedooed ratei on the eertifleate plaa of oae and a third from all pointa in TApaeaeae, Kentoky, Georgia and Alabama. 1 expenae for tha year of board, ti iiiiiMirtlirfiiilMMiliBirimi llal ? 1,000 REWARD, Dr. Sl\ea, Marvelous Medturc; Gives the namea of dead and living ftlaud. tell who and when you wiu marry, also ol business Journeya. lawaulta, absent frtands ?_~ta.or anything you know, no mattex what lt ls. He can caU up your apirit rrlends and show them to you. Can mak< them rap aU around the room. Be asks nc ?luestions don't ask you to write namea fo> him Don't Uy to pump you ln any way but tells you rUcbt off. He ls thorouKhly rn dorsed by lea?'l_g spiritualists everywhere re<-etvod from them a gold medal and speo lal llcpnse to practice hls wonderful powera credentlals no one else caa show, cnn alve tumisands of referem-es to both white anC colored natrons. Twentv-Svo vears practlc* ?seven ln Itrooklyn?wiil show vou that b? can do all that he can tell or. Can tell what buaineaa ls t.estror you and where, how te wln speedy xnarrlaKo with the one you love How to be stioc-ssful Inall vonr dnlngs lr short what is be-1 ?o do. He Sii; wher all others Tail. -"ositlve aat Isrnetlon or nc pay. Call and _.-?e. You win nnd lt luckv to consult this Chriatian gentleman. He has a medicine that will cure drunketmeae, cn.t ba (><>s-lvi n patient not knowing it. Thosand. through him are uow , RICH, T1APPY ANDSUCCESSFUL. % with all their undertaklnjr., while those whc netrlect hlsadv.ce are still la>orlng against poverty. Through hls perfeet knowledge o* chemistry, hecan i.npart to you e secret that will overcome your enemies and win youi rriemis. Mls aid and advlce haa often beet -olicited: the result has alwavs be-?n the ee i-uriii!f <>f sn__dy and happy iuarrtnges ani all your wishes. ln love affairs he nevei rails. He has the secret of wlunln^the a. eeThTna ol he ppeelte sex It ls the curai ofaplrltualiam ihat ln all large ______ S__M are a clas? of mm aod women who elali* powrra they do not pos*eas. Th.% wSZ Surtewrt_.!1!i?,V.._.C;,'denM<*U nor reterenceg Barely the oolo<-ed people are notso wahtlna ln aenae aa to throw tfielr time end monev w*inT._i,niia*h- Dr-P5T* **'?" to the Hon. William Drmno!-. ^frhHeet and ball^er.41 , e.V*T- -v*i_ *nd Arther Zewell "hip luillder. _outh Zrooklyn. All T_ave kuow. r_-_ J_V,,e?T.ast "evpn ***"?? He givea t rrretest ot his power to all. The doetor hai ractlcedflve years ln New Orleana, 8t Lot la, Memphia and Loulsvllle: understand! ti.2rr_.U*,!lj* S2 <???*??. apelto or lntluenoe. the race lt subject to. He la nowandalwayi had a large patronage from them. 1*1,K ASB READ THB FOLLOWING: th_.^__*lyn; *m% ?.-W*-Thla lstocertlf? that came to New York from Albanv. I w_L a stranger ln a rtrangecity. out of Work an. out of money. I had no luck ln anythln* I undertook. What todo 1 dld not know , rrlend adwlsadaaa toge and sc? nr. Shea I dld. He told ma tbe eause of my trouble. Th.^Sft'B !?.____ treat?? *"? ?w ? brothei 1. __?UR,_ ?,nl ! *ot * B***1 poaition that ver week. I had been to othera; thev took m' money and dld me no wood. I bless theda; inmniet Dr. Shea* I would advlse all li bad luck, aick or ln trouble to go to hlxn a< once, o Slncerely, t) Albbbt Ateks, 2M7 Atlantic Av* South Plalnfleld, Aug. 15. Wei.?Thia la tc eertify tbat mv husband had gone away an. been absent two yeara. I mourned for hiir nluht aud dav. I gavo him upaa dead. ? Hearing of the wonderful things Dr. Shea waa doing, I reaolved to consult him H. told luemy bashand waa alive and well'an. whera he wa?; told nia he would c^n.? home and when. Tomy Joy all oflt came a_r_B_ He ls home now, coma baek Hke one from tbe dead. I alao wlah to aay t.iat thia month ) lost tho sum of |SM_. I ain a poor womar and I waa moat Insane I went to Dr. Shea aad he told me 1 would flnd my money anc to my Intense Joy I dld flnd lt aa he told me I thank God there Is a man ao glfted ln otu midat that can help people and teU their what to do. Slncerely, Maa. Mabt Mili.kb, South rialnfleld^N. J. A SBNSATION IN BROOKLYN?A MINIB TKR'S 8TATKMK1.T. 1 wlsh to state that one of my parlsnonen waa slck and ln trouble for a long time, Mra rirown, 87 Gay Street, No one seemed to un? derstand her eaae. She had several doctora but none of them seemed to know what wa* the matter. None could do her any good. It was iny duty aa her paator to call and aaa her. Heetring of tha wonderful werk being done by Or. Shea tha laat f aw yeara, 1 thought I would call and aee him myseir. I founC him a klnd symnathetlc gentleman. He gave me a wonderful teat of hia powers; told ma to send him a lock of patient 'a halr, whlch . dld by her daughter. He told atonce what waa the matter anC tn a short time cured her aound and well Her family had seemlngly been u__der a cloud Now all is changed. All are well an. prosperous. 1 can truly and heartlly recom in end Dr Shea to all thoae ln slckness or dla treas of any klnd. Rev. William Johnaon Pastor Lebanou Church, Brooklyn. mt Dr. Shea can ahow thouaands auch ~a tb. above. DR. SHEA has been carefuily eduoated ln the Homce pathlc and Eclectlc Schools of Medicine Hls succeaa ls wonderful ln curing paralysls Kheumatlsm, Asthma, Sore *_>-_*, Tumors Cancers. Constlpatlon. Ague, Dyspepsla Tape Worms, Llver Comnlaints, Deaf n?ss Catarrh, Dropsy, Pllas, Nervous Dehlllty Heart Disease, Oomsumptlon. Dlaeaaea ot women and children, Klts, Kldney Disease and all strange mysterlous diseases whlct others don't understaud. All diseases, nc matter what they be. Nothing but honora ble treatment He can aad will bonestl; teil you lf you can be cured. Has all nev ri'iii'illcs and now success Has had amptc experience ln puhllc hospltals and prlvatt ciinit _. No tiifilng with human life. Call at once. Do not delay. Diplomas hang ln parlora ls a reglstered phydlclan. A new remed. for Rheumatlsm Just discovered, not a Haa ment. Hopeless cases and those that othen cannot cure soliclted to caU. Fat folks thlr the child less made parents. All letters must contaln $1.00, two stamps, age, lock of halr For cousifltation, adviee aud dlagnosla. N< postal cards. Charges for medieal treatment only. Men tion this paper. ? ?51 FUL_TON STREET, ? BROOKLYN, N. Y. Artist. Little Billy'sPlace, 20 W. Leigh St., Riehmond, Vs. FIrst-Class Shaving and Hair Cutting:. ?3d_F*0ur atylea are the latkbt and oannot be eaaily imHated. Your pat ronage reapeetfully aolicited. _apl-28-jy-28. S. W. Robinson, 23 N 18TH ST Dealer In Fine Wines, LIQUORS, CIGARS, &c. ?___T*All Stoek Sold as Guaranteed. PROMPT ATTENTION. Your Patronago ia Keapeetfully Soli eited. WANTED WBBKLY 100 0OOK8 Honaanaida, and Wattreaaea for New York and other Northern Oitiea, wagai from at8.00 to |6.00 pa week. Tranaportation furaiahed, also 60 farm haoda for Maryland. _________ai___i Old Phone, 577, New Phone; 1133 A. D. PRICE, Fnneral Direcior Embalmer and LiYerymat a i ?eoeaaary eonvealeaeee. Large picnic or band wagons *?-- * l.^TrwAtxmZ a?on^ bu?.o*,eta. ^STK 211 East Leigrh Street ^^ _ [Rbsidbncb Nbxt Door.] OPEN DAY AND NIGHT?Man on Duty All Night Established 1868. Old 'Phone 1431 J. A. &C. J. Cooke SUCCESSORS TO ?JHenry Cooke, I Jacob A. Coofce. Cornellus J. Cook*: Fnneral Directors, Embalmers and Liverymen OFFICE, WAREROOMS 8c STABLES; 528 N. Adams St. Near LeiffhSt N.sbtCalU *nd Ordei* bt 'Phon. PrompUy Kxeoated. KMiaanMUp-rtair..* Hotel Dale??z?&i?S Atlantic City N. J. Ladies' and Gents* Cafe. Eurooean Plan. OPEN ALL NIGHT. E. W. DALE, Prop. NATHANIEL, DIGGS, Me eaaanumi*.<**>*>,aeaiaiia*** BEFORE MAKING"--*** J u R G E N S ?Yonr purohaae yoa woald do wel l to oall at the moat reliable f urnitnre houae in the eity and aee the flne line o( Refrigerators, flatting.*., Oll-CIoths. aad ln fact everything that ia need ed in houae furniahinga. RUQ5 AHD CARPH-TS. Of erery deaoription t alao the lat eat deaigna in ROOKERS and apeo ial OHAIR8. Oar goods ara the beat for the priee aad tbe price i ? very low. G, 6. Jnrgen's Son 431 EaST broad bt., a JPB*T"between 4th and 5th Street eee*-ioa***at*t**M*MM**o* umimim** John Polke, (Formerly of 807 N. lat 8t.,) HaaRe mo~ed his Entire Restaurant 16 West Broad St., AU Kindi of mlxed drinka aerved at the table. Lunohea aerved to order 'Speeial aeoommods+ion. Wben Yon Are Sick Pure and Freah Medieinea only wiU r aore yoa then parohaae yoar *-? Druga and Mediaine from; # Leonard'? Reliable Preacriptloa Drug Store 72*4 North Second Street. Wm* Tennant, 9 E. Duval St Richmond, Va. ?Dealer in? FINE GROCERIES, MEATS, VEGETABLES, CIGARS TOBACCO AND FEED. WOOD AND COAL; *? PRICES I.OW. ? BBBBBBBBBBBBBBal 'The Economy 808 N. 8RD 8TREKT. W. O. Turnbr, Prop. PRACTIOAL OUTTER ANI FIT1ER. Genta' Fine Garmenta. Tha publie is invited tooall and inapeet oar lins of new Imported 8pring ani Sam mer Gooda. " " ?""? ?"I""r* OLEANING, DYEfNG AND REPaIR. ING A 8PECIALTY. "^ Goods ealled for and deliverad promptly. Old'Phone 1188. UTera" DENTISTRY PAINLESS EXTRACTION Fine Deniatry Ib poaaible, only with flne material faahioned iato oor *???? torm *"-*h inflnite eara andl akili. Money inveated in flne Dea tatry pay a high rate of interest, often for a life-time. The intar eat 11 beautiful Teeth, Oomfort Pleasure and Health. O-rr oa Houag: From 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Old Phone. 816 Dr P B Ramsey, ioa W. Laigh St.. Rlch mon _. Va. GRAPHOPHOKlS NOISOTHER, MUCH 9rtxen aoeompentod by a Onabonb-M-e cao beoaedto Prlea -__hkecoad__T.a7.aa **-*? tbe __h___i_ ReconbT j8ae? mnamr ta amr ?_____* adtam. COtUMBU ITit?*0_at4PH CO. KBW TOBJC, i?._? fciiln _ _ a_g-L_0. ifc TTaamattmm. ?-^?^^^rte-?