Newspaper Page Text
SATIJKPAY, AUG 81, 1901 MOM'MKM' rNYKlLlN??. In Honor of Col. Thus. \V. Mitchell. (By O. M. Deaaaid. We rais?? this monumental shaft Here on the shores of tini??, And on it writ?? an epitaph. In classic pros?? or rhyme: To h?>nor our heroic? demi. Who ?-how a lot so wise. Whose spirit hem??? to God is fled. Whose dust thmreuuder lies. Brave soul was his wlu.s?? aoaoc wa TJphol?! before the world. That all uiay r*?n?l as aere they see His character unfurled: How noble <l?H?ds liv?> after death? HtJW friendship love mid truth "Re-spin? with iniuiortal hreath Auil ever hlooniin?* youth. How thos?? who fall in duty's line. Whil?- sowiiii- M'e?ls ?>f luve. Do never die. but ***o t<> shine In hij*h? t walks above. l**T-r, though in th*' prime of life thev fall. And we lament them sore. *T?K?>nly a chance at -plier??, that's all They'r?? alive as her?t?itor??. Because he sought not Fame's fnir fiu'e. Fame l?l?'sse<l him triplefold, Becatis?? for <*l?ry he'd not rae??. 'His i*lory all lnliold: Heraus?' he love?! his f?dlow man And sought not ?'Irish ends. With pleasure, all his past life sean, Approv??! by fo?s and fri??iids. A rae?> of men as yet unborn Shall r?ad apoa that ston??. How life ?-ut down in brilliant nmrn. Inspiw- o? nil still shoii??? Becatis?? th?' deaf h less principle ? Of Ood was in it she<l. And hem?? it conld not di?' -was full tyt lif? amongst tlie ?lead. And thus inspired they shall fight To uphoM the truth divine. To estiibh>*h rieht against all might, ?? light in darkness slime. That justice, mercy, Love may n-ij-n lu all the earth's wide .-pa????. Thnt sin ao li>ng?-r mar and stain In realms marked out for grace. Tins, worthy acts of those who sleep In death**) serene embrm???. Shall live to sooth foml heart- that w?-ep Tor d??r ones gom? ii-iac??. And those who bravely stand for right. Though ?had live OB for BJOOd, Their sun shines mi and knows no luj-lit. ILikc ti?le e*er at the flood. 80, if this life v\ luvst? niord a < II??? n? t<i*?lay with \ ride, Hss 11? ????(1 un? soul to iiobl?T in-? With God and right to side? It vili not basa asea li\e?l for nought, *Nor y??t have died ia vain. A mira? le it will have wrought. And more than li)?? have gain? d. To All Whom It .May Concern. For tin? past :!<> days ?>r mor.) there have V? en false minors circulating DOB* ceni ir. g a benevolent s?>cictv known as the Rising 8ons aad Daughters of the Btar of Bethlehem. Ko. l. This Socie? ty has three subonlinate lodges ar.d tlie Moth? rhei ?1 department, thelat??r which on or al-,ut the Sad Sumlay iu June ins? tand? d, by ? vote of aOto 1. This ??niis ed a great ?t of trouble in the Numlver 1 lodge as there was already dissatisfac" tion on aceoant ?if a charge against one j of its members, viz: Catherine Dicker eon, who sine?? that time has resigned office and meiidrership. Therefore many' of the members, of Ko. 1 hsYt} left, and I they together with a portion of those who once foiined th?? Motherhood De-, partir.? ut have 1? rated a society kimwu M the 8??? and Daughters Of Lilierty,' and this li dge desires this to Ire tho? roughly oaderStOOd by the public since some of the head officers of the No. 1 Lodg?? are K??ing around spreading false raartorfl and abusing (?Ttain nienibers of the Bon? and Daughters of y. They also ar?? ovei--estimating the ?meni Worth ?>f their lodge, and deny? ing th?? fact that its m? ntlx-rs ar?? still leaving. They also claim that tin? Motherhood Department has not disbamlc?! which thing is false in the highest senso of the woril of thos?: few are still together who have not joined th?-S??ns and Daughters of Lit ?rty ami still retaining tin? same name, WO, the i-Ons and Daughters of Ldherty, are prepared to prove that they are ill? gaily existing. The main cause of th? total disltandnieiit of the Mothcr hood De'tartim-nt was th?? ma? jority wanted to be admitt*??! into what isr-alled the "Union"' and the two offi? cers nferre?! t?> in the lieginuing made a general canvass and misled the weak miiid? ?I *>oople, thus causing the present result. This is only an outline of the affair. Further details will bo published and personal discourse will be us?-d if neces? sary. Yours for the right, Bons ?fc Daim.htkrs of Liberty. Place of meeting 8019 ? St., ?.n each 1st and I'rd Monday night of the mouth. From Suffolk. Ya. Th? ?!rd Sunday in August will longl be remembered by the g?x>d people of Buff oik, Ya. It had been previously announced that Rev. Richard Wells, ' pastor em?ritos of the Ebenezer Baptist Church of Richmond and Rev. EliTartt of the Tabernacle Baptist Church would he present and preach on that day. The reputation of these two noted di? vines was sufficient to insure a crowd. Long bofore the services the people, irre.?-*x-ctive of denomination or church ufflliatiou were seen wending their way to the Pine Street Baptist Church of which Rev. M. B. Hucless is pastor. Daring the three services large and tippreciative audiences listened to elo ? and profound sermons from these 1. ichmond pastors. These services were made more interesting other than by -just the great sermons, hut the great { Oreen of Song, Madame Emily Price J Tartt sang at each service to the great delight of all present which waa evir denced by their return on Monday eve to BCTf entertainment she gave for the benefit of the church. Too much praisv cannot be paid Mad? am.? Tartt <?r the strong support she re eeitad from som?? if the liest talent of Suffidk. This church is nbsohit?>ly out of debt. Many improvements hav,? be??B made sin???? Baa. Hucless took charge. Out the constant growth of the c?t*agrega tion <leinand?sl oth?-r iniprovemetits for which ?-nr-xisc this grand ralfly was hel?l. Tne **a.**tor hnd asked for $lo0.00 on that day and before the services clos? ed that night the *>eopl?? to the surprise of all pri**sent had given iu ?ash <rl60-52. Too much credit and houor cannot be paid to the broad and Uberal-hearted paonlaof Suffolk. Whcnev??r the call is made they are f??und ijbediently re? sponding -Mies Lillie Belle Porter left the city Wednesday for Portsmouth, Va. She was accompanied by Miss Daniie Butl??r to Ih? h??r guest until Sep-tJeuibe?*? l.">th. ISM. From there she will go to Hampton and Old Point, Va. VIRGINIA. In the Citfcuit Court of Henrieo Co., "In vacation", Aug. 23, lSJOi. y Frank Martin, Piai*? tiff In Chanc*e***r vs. ( Marinda Martin, Df't. The Obje*-t of this suit is to obtain a divorce :? vinculo matrimonii by the Slaiutiff, Frank Martin .from his wife, larinda Martin, d??fendant. on the grounds of desertion for a period of more than three years. And an affidavit having beeu made aud filed that the defendant, M ari ?da Martin, is a non resident of the State of Virginia, it is order-ad that she do ap? pear here within fifteen days, after th?> due publicad??! of this order, and do what is n??<??'i?*sary to protect her interest herein. Tasta: J E. Bkumuhs, Clerk. A Copy, Te?t??; John E. Bkoadih's, Clerk. You are herebv notified that on the l.">th day ?if October, 1901, at the Court house of HenrieoConnty: Virginia, be? tween tlM? hours of !? o'clock a. m. and .*? o'clock p. m. of that day. I shall pro ???????l to take the depotutions of Wm. H. Lyons and others, to be read as evidem .? m my Indiali' in a certain suit in Equity -?ending in the Circuit Court? of Henrieo County. Virginia. wh??rein I am plain? tiff aud you are defendant. And if from any causo the taking thereof In'not corn? ili? need with, or if eominem??>d bo not ?-onclude?l ?>n that day. the taking of de positinus will lv continued from day to day and from time to timo h'twiiMi the same hours, ami at the same place until complete?!. Fkvnk Martts. By Couusel. (?ko. W. Thomas, p. q. ?????. <MB, NO. 1. Social Ou ti ni* l'or the Peuple to Spotts ??????d t'ark. Lahor Oat K? p (?nih.r M, 1U01. At the earnest stilieiiatuin ?<t many frit-mis and the public in general, we have agr?'?'d and |>lanne?l to make Labor Dmv one <>f pleasur?? for all who go with us. The park is situ?t???! in a lrody of large woods, plenty of must exivllont ?v?-lL. pania an l spring water. ? very ?om DsodiOBs pavilion, aaaal scho?d mm??? for speaking. ?>t<?. It is located al>out 20 mile? 1????????1 Pi tersburg on the S. ?. 1.. Hy. Tin? pmk is one of the most beau? tiful to be found for many inil??s and siirjiasivri by none. All organi/.???! Clubs, 1'nions or other s.nieties will secure special attention. We shall I??*? pleas???! t?? meet the prop? er oftuOrs of any organization ami make s-K^-inl arrangements for tiu-ir aoOOBS coinmodation. We op->ose no one bat Invite all t<? lu'lp us now M we have helped them in the past. I-rf't all turn out to enj?>y Labor Dav. L??av?? Broad ami lt'thSts. at Bo'clock. have De Witt at ti o'ckx-k. See bills. Jekf Martin, Pr?s.; .?a?,? Stovai.i., Geii'l Manager. Jas. Davis, See'y. ????.?0?1) NOTICE?. Twelfth Annual Convention, National ?>f Letter Carriers, Chattanooga, T??n MsB*?- Sept. 3??, IDOL For the aliov?? ?ict?asion the Soutln-rn Railway will soil special round trip ti?k?'ts to Chattanooga, from all ticket stations ?m its lines from Virginia and N?.rth Carolina at one fare for the round trip, tukets OB sal?? August "51st, Sep? tember 1st and ?nd, with final limit SepteinlxT 10th. The Southern offers th?'choice of all routes to Chattanooga, passing through "Land of theSkv." Virginia State Fireman's Convention, Staunton, Va., Sept. 23?27, 1901. For the above occasion, the Southern llailway will s??ll special round trip tickets from all ticket stations on its linen in Virginia toSfiauiiton and return at one and on? -thir?! fares for the round trip, tukets to be on sale September MtB to 2 7th inclusive, with return limit October 1st. A very low rate will ap? ply for Firemen or Brass Bands in uni? form, IB ?>r more OB one tkket. Sabbath School Convention Synod of Catawba, Alierdeen, N. O, August ?2:??September 1st, 1901. For the above occasion, the Southern Railway will sell tiek??ts from all ticket stations on its lim-s in Virginia and North Carolina to Aberdeen, N. C, and return at faro and one-third for the round trip, tickets on the certificate plan. Unv?'ilmg Confederate Monument, Char lotte, Co., Drakes Branch, Va., Aug. 27th, 1901. F?)r the above ?occasion, the Southern Railway will sell special round trip tick? et s from Richmond, Lynehburg, Dan? ville. Clarksville and intermediate sta? tions to Drakes Branch aud return in accordance with tariff one, tickets to be on sale August 25th to 27th inclusive, with return limit August 28th. Annual Encampment, G. A. R., Cleve? land, O., September 10?14th, 1901. For the above occasion, the Southern Railway will soil tickets from all ticket stations on its lines from Virginia and North Carolina to Cleveland and return at one fare for the round trip, tickets to be on sale September 7th to 11th inclu? sive, with final limit to September 16th, 1901. By depositing such tickets with Joint Agent at Cleveland on or before 12 o'clock noon of September 15th, and a fee of fifty (50) cents at time of depos? it, an extension of final limit to October 8th may be granted. I agt-24-St. I -Miss Manne S. Porter left the <*ity Thursday to visit friends and rela? tives at Louisa C. H., Va. She isac companie?l by Mrs. Murray and her daughter, Miss Bessie. "While away they will be the guest of Rev. Thurston. | From there they will go to West Vir? ginia. THOMPSONS' DINING ROOM 7?2 E. BROAD STREET Is the best and only Up-to-I)ate place in town to get your m.-aIs. All cars pass our doors. Open all night. Give us a call. S. W. ROBINSON, NO. 23 NORTH 18?? ST. I DEALER IN FINE WINES, UQUORS, CIGARS, Sec. BaT All Stock Sold as Guaranteed.-?"???? PROMPT ATTENTION. Your patronage ie respectfully solicited. Wanted Weekly- i 00 Cooks, Housemaids and Waitresses for New York and other Northern cities. Wag? es from ?3.00 to $5.00 per week. Trans? portation furnished. Also 50 Farm bands for Maryland. R. W. ELSOn, 417 E. Broa?*. St., Richmond. Va. BLACK SKIN REMOVER. y - bcj-uRE AFTER ;A Wonderful Face Bleach. AND HAIR STRAIGHTENER. both in a box for $1, or three boxe? tor $2. Guaran ted to ?lo vrhat we say and to ta? the "bean In the world." Od? box i- all that 1? required If iiaed aa directed. .__ A WOND*a**K*rUL FACE BLEACH. ? PKACH-MKtC ?--omplexloa obtained If used a? directed. Will turn tbe skin of a black or brown '??r*? m four or five ?bade? lighter, and a mulatto person perfectly white. In forty-eight honrs s shade or two will be noticeable. It does not turn tbe skin in spot? but bleaches out white, tbe skin **-* mainltig beautiful without continual use. Will remove wrinkle?, freckles, dark spots, pimples or bumps or Mack heads, tasking the skin very soft snd smooth, Kma 11 pox pits, tan, liver spots **??> moved without harm to the skin. When yen get the color you wish, stop using the prep?ratlon. THE HAIR 8TRAIGHTKNER. Hist sroee !" erery one dollar box Is enough to make anyone's h sir grow long and straight, and keep? It from fallin? out. Highly perfumed and makes the hair soft and easy to comb. Many ot our customers say one of our dollar box-*? l? worth tin dollsrs. jet we sell it for one dollar a bos. ? ? ? M0-s-m.L thrown In free. Any person sending us one dollar in a letter or l'ost-OffW money order, ex press money order or registered letter, we will send It through the mall f?stane prepaid; or ff yon want It sent C. O. *>.. t will come by express, 3Sc. extra. In any esse where It falls to do what we claim. we will return the money or send a box free of charge. Packed so tbat no one will know con teut? except receiver. CRAKE AND CO.. O 122 west Broad Street, Rich ?o?-?. Va. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER Oonteina a Reliable Rooord of all tbe Eventa In the THEATRICAL WORLD ANDTHI WORLD OF SPORTS. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Sa.OO A YKAK. eiNCUE COta*V, lOcte. Por Bala by all Newadoalere. SAMPLE COPY? FREE. AOdroaa NKW YORK CLIP PEA, NEW YORK. , LJ. HAYDEN, ?3 INDIAN HERB MEDICINE MAN. 404 West Broad Street. Greatest Healer of the Sick on Karth, Cute? all Diseases or No Charge. I cure all diseases that are known to man or beast or no charge, no matter what youe-fc?sease, sickaess or affliction may be, and astore you to perfect h??lth. Millions of ?**??*?*4?, the best ?nd leading ones in the United States, will testify that I am the most wonderful healer of all complaint? in the world. I use noth? ing but herb?, roots, barks, gums, bal? sams, leaves, aeeds, berries, flowers and plants made into teas, for all complaints. I have ?cured thousands that the most skillful physicians and the best hospital physicians in America have given up to die and ?aid there was no cure for them, i I cure the following diseases: Heart Disease, Consumption, Blood, Kidney, Bladder, Stricture, Piles in any form, Vertigo, Quincy, Sore Throat, Lung, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Rheumatism in any form. Pains and Aches of any kind, Colds, Bronchial Troubles, Sores, Skin Diseases, all itching sensations, all Fe? male Complaints, La Grippe or Pneumo? nia; Ulcers, Carbuncles, Boils, Cancer, the worst forms without the use of knife or instruments; Eczema, Pimple? on face an?l body, Diabetes of Kidneys or Bright's Disease of the Kidneys. I cure any disease, no matter of what nature. All Venereal diseases a specialty. Med? icine sent to any address by express. For full particulars, aend two-cent stamp for answer, 404 West Broad St., Richmond, Va. MEN! Are y<ui tired ?if working. drudgin?-. f<?r other BaBB? Do y?m ever f?H?l any ?l??sir?> to be your own boss? Would you like to go into imi?ipaadsat Imsiii??.*.*? for your st'lf? If so. and if you have, or can }*?'t. from IIS to$60, you can soon beoonie S successful business man. s niHimfactur er, in fa?t. ?-mpioyin?- oth??rs to work for you. IK you have any taatgj ?'?'',? ambition in your nuikc-up and ar?> wil? ling to work half as hard for yours? If feo a**aSO0B*a independent, as you ar?? com BsQad to arata for others as a depend ???. write to nit' for information, anil I'll call and explain. Address by 'tostai, 'Information,'' care of the PLANET On And After September 1, WE WILL OCCUPY w Our l\ew Store> ?aBaa?aaBt?aaaaaa?aal * ^ ?%?\\?\\?\\?\ ^**^ ?\\???\\?\\?\?%?? ??rVVWV WW^s%L?^? afc-aW'-lS-aa? ?*??*?? CORNER P0?SHEE A?D BROAD STS, MAYER & PETTIT, STHE GREAT PROVIDERS FOR THE HOME.? CVnter building and one next to it, not yet ert^ctk-d. ST. PAUL NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL LA WRENCEVILLE, VIRGINIA. Admits both sexes of 12 years old and upwards. Has Primary, Normal and over 20 Trade Departments where young men and women are prepared for t helr life's work. A full corps of competent Teachers and Instructors employed in all of the Normal and Trade Departments. Terms within the reach of the poorest. Students who ore not able to pay their Board and other bills, amounting to $50.00 a session, are allowed to work ont the same in some department of industry in the School. Trade Certificate? awarded all completing the ramrod course. The grounds and some buildings lighted by Electricity. Location most healthful. Session opens October 1st. For Catalogne and any additional information, apply to 8-24-41 JAMES S. RUSSELL, Principal. Lock Box 149, Lawrenceville, Va. Actual Size The Greatest Offer Yet! ?*? -^^aa?---***^-abv ?^^BBB*a---?~'' JUST WHAT THE LADIES WANT., Seno H (Soo? pbotogra-pb. 7.7T? E WILL SEND YOU A HANDSOME GOUXPLATED BREAST-PIN WITH VaAJ4 YOUR PICTURE HANDSOMELY COLORED AND REPRODUCED THEREON FREE OF CHARGE. ?? They can be worn by either male or female, being called either Btrtton or Medal? lions. We have made special arrangements with one of the largest concerns in the country to furnish all new subscribers, who pay $1.50 cash in advance for the PLANET one of these handsome Medallion free of charge. Kill out the Coupon and send it with $1.50 together with a good Photograph of the person whose features you desire reproduced in colors and we will send the button or medallion? All photographs will be returned. Enclose 5 cents extra to pay postage on the same. If you are not satisfied, your money will be refunded. Send us one yearly subscriber and we will send one Medallion. Two yearly subscribers, two Medallions. Now is the time to take advantage of the ?fter. The Medallion alone is worth the price of the subscription. COUPON. 19 JOHNraTCHELL,JR., . J 1G , JTtttL ^Ptfb?sner, THE PLANET: Please find enclosed $1.50 for the Planet for one year, which you will send to the following address: NAME,. STREET,.^^.^.'...,.~. CITY OR TOWN,._. C0UN1Y, STATE,. ._,. Find enclosed photograph which I desire inserted in medallion or btrtton. Asthma Cure Free! Asthamalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Core in All Cases. ? SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ONJREOEIPT OF POSTAL ? jra?**-NVRITE YOUR ???? AND ADDRESS PLAINLY. CHAINED FOR TEN YEARS Then? is nothing like Asthamalene It brings instant r??li?-f. ??von* in th?? w?>rst cases. It cures when all BaBl fail?. The Rev. C. F. WELL*-*, at Villi. Ridge 111., nays. "Your trial lx>ttle ?>f Asthmalene re*r?'iv??d in good ?onditi.??. I cannot t?>ll yon how thankful 1 ft*?l tut lisi BIJQtl ?Wllfafl from it. I was a slavo, ??haiii???! with putrid sore throat Bad Asthma f?>r t??u years. I despaired ut" ? \.t Ix-ing cured. I saw your adver t is??d for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting diseas??, Asthma, and thought you BBd overspoken yourmdvos, hut msolvinl ?) give it a trial. T?) my astonishment, the trial act??d lik?? a charm. Send me a full size bottle ." REV. DR MORRIS WECHSLER, Rabbi of th?? Cong, linai Israel. New Yoke, Jan. 8, 1901. Das. Taft Bros.' Mf.imcixe Co., Gentlemen: Your Asthalene is an ex ????llont remedy f?>r Asthma ami Hay Fev ??r, and its conipoeitum alleviates all troubles which combine with Asthma. Its success is astonishing and won?l?r ful. After having it carefully analyzed, we can state that Asthmslene contain*? no opium, morphine, chloroform or ether. V?>rv trulv v?mrs. REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLER. Avox Sprixg??, M. Y., Feb. 1, 19?L Dr. Takt Bros'. MEdicivk (V>" Gentlemen. I write this testimonial from a sense of duty, having tested the womlerful effect t>f your Asthmalene, for the cure of Asthma. My wife has been ?iffik-h-a with spasnuodic asthma f?)r the past 12 years. Having exhausted my own skill as well as many others, I chano???! to see your sign upon your win?iows on 130th St., New York, I at once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene, My wife com? menced taking it about the first of November. I very soon noticed a radical im firovement. After using one bottle her asthma has ?iisappeared and she is eutire y free from all ^ symptoms. I f?H?l that I can ???insistently recommend the medi iiice lo all who are afflicted with this distressing diseas??. Yours respectfully, O. D. PHELPS, M. D. Du. Takt Bugs'. Medicine 0?x Feb'y 5, 1901. Gentlemen: I was troubled with Asthma for 22 years. 1 have tried numer? ous remedies, but tiny have all faihid. I ran across your advertisement an?l start ed with a trial bottle. I found relief at once. I have since purchased your full sized bottle, and I am ever grateful. I have a family of four children, and for six years was unable to work. I am now in the best of health and am doing busi? ness every day. This testimony you can make such use of as vou see fit. Home a<ldress, 2:.5 Rivington Street. S. RAPHAEL, 07 East 129th St., New York City. TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. FOR SALE BY ALLfDRUClCISTS. Do not Delay. Write at once; addressing DR. TAFT BROS*. HEDICINE CO., 79 East l3Qth St., N. Y. City. J. T. TEMPLE, THE BICYCLE MAN. 219 West Broad St. Gives away a Bicycle every month. A chance with every purcha?*c or repair job, no matter how small the price. Come to ?e* me. Only t*hop run by power in West-end. -j-30-3m KNOW YOUR FATE & FORTUNE. MADAM ALVIAH. Wonderfully Gifted ??Clair? voyant and Business Medium. ' If your lost or absent friends interest you; if you desire to be more successful; if you desire to have your domestic trouble removed; your lost love returned^ your enemies converted into starnici frien?le?in a word, whatever may be your trouble, suspicions or desires, call on this Wonderfuily Oiftsd Lady. If secret enemies h?ve hurt you, tlie madam can remove their evil influences and cure you. Madam Alviah advises you with a more than human foresight and powtr. She can diagnoa? disease through her Clair? voyant sight. Readings by mail, send soiled pocket handkerchief, *fi.oo, 2 cent stamp and I receive complete life reading. All busi | ness strictly confidential. MADAM ALVIAH, 321 Brook Avenue, Richmond. -OFFICB) hours: From 10 A. M. to ?? P. ?. Daily. Dr. Prince's New Discovery ! Is goaranteed to cure Corns and Bu::- ! ions of every description. $25.00 will be paid in any case where it fails to cure. We have^hundreds of testimon- ? ials which attest the value of this N? v- ] er-Failing Remedy. Price, 50 cents. 1 Agents wanted in every city and town on big commission. Address all orders to DR. PRINCE, P. O. Box 22, Station A, Richmond, Va. Rtfssefl's Nerve And ? loop Cure. f Cures Nervous Exhaustion and Gen? eral Debility. It quiets the nerves, re? vitalizes the Blood, restores the appetite and infuses new health and strength in? to all the tissues of the body. MAXES ONE FEEL BRIGHT AND I BUOYANT. INCREASES THE FLESH. For Sale by Druggists or sent by mail, postage paid for 50 cents per box. RUSSELL MEDICINE CO., P. O. Box 30, Richmond, Va, Agente wanted in every county. Write lor particulars. Druggists on Oommis sion. Agents. ?_ ?3SS^8-io-3t LOST?At Buckroe Beach on the 7th inst, a watch chain. Liberal reward paid if returned to owner. ?Jefferson'Art Gallery, G? 523 E. Broad St. ?PHONE, 577 NEW PHONE, I i 33. A. D. PRICE, 'm THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR, EMBRLMER AND LIVERYMAN. ?? ^BB*A11 orders promptly filled at short notice by telegraph or telephone. Halls reeled for meeting? snd nice entertainments Plenty ot room with all necessary conveniencea. Large picnic or hand wagons for hire at reasonable rates and noth? ing but first-class carriages, buggies, etc. Keep? constantly on band fise Funeral Supplies. p - - 212 EAST LEIGH STREET. ?. [Residence Next Door.] * OPEN ?ALL DAY & NIGHT-BUn on Doty AH NignU