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? ?L.. XXI NO. 20. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, SATURDAY. APRIL 30, 1904. PfcuCE.FIVjB < ?: TB 4Jim Crow" Street=Car Law Set to Catch Negroes. ONLY WHITE FOLKS IN THE TRAP. hanks to the Advice of the Citizens Mass-Meeting-Colored Folks Are Staying off the Cars. THEY ARE WALKING AND AVOIDING TROUBLE?BIG FEET A GREAT BLESSING. WHITE FOLKS ARRESTED. The only arrest on the first day of the enforcement of ie new streetcar law was that of John B. Meyers, white, a' irpenter and builder, of 500 Lewis street, who was tried and. Convicted in police court this morning on the charge of refus-' to change his scat in an Oakwood ear when so requested >y the conductor. There was no disorder in this act of law violation. Mr. rMeyers was in a car where there was but one Negro passen ger. The testimony was that Mr. Meyers took the third seat ivc" the rear. The conductor, following the company's con? duction of the law, as set forth in the rules provided the? len, asked him to go to the front. Judge Crutchfield declared the law ironclad and the case If Mr. Meyers a clear violation. He fined him $5.00, but re litted the fine as he believed the violation was merely a case misunderstanding the law. "The conductor has absolute power to make you hange," said the judge. "I had an idea that I was the czar this town, but you'll see me moving when the conductor fays move.'' ? * Captain Eckles,(white) conductor of the Cannon Ball train >n the N. ce W. road, one of the most widely known jnen in this end of the State, was the second victim of the Lew "Jim Crow" street-car law and was under arrest in the >olice court to-day for its violation. Capt. Eckles is recovering from a severe injury in a rreck received a short time ago and is feeble and weak in both and dropped into the first seat he reached and declined to move. He declared that he knew nothing of the new law. Counsel for the street-car eompan}' asked for his discharge gand he was dismissed without argument. [RICHMOND, VA., TlMES-D IS PATCH, ArRIL 24, I904.] Another disagreement arose on a street car last night, hich resulted in the arrest of George Stringer,a white pas mger, who was bailed at the First Station, and the threaten ;d arrest of F. Williams, a conductor. The conductor claims he asked the passenger to move forward, and on that simple request hung all the trouble, rhich started in the city and wound up in the county near vhirty-second and Q Streets. The two men bore marks of :rife upon their countenances. Mr. Stringer was arrested, id he declared that he would swear out a warrant against ir. Williams in the county. COLORED FOLKS ARRESTED. STREET-CAR SITUATION. bred Folks Walking?White Folks . i?-k i nir?A nui si na: Happenings. Knie Very l'npopiilar. le "Jim Crow" street car regul?? is in eff .H?t in this city and has since April 20th, 1904. White Miners are ushered p ? to the front |^e car and the colored passengers are ? in the rear. result, between eighty and ninety it of the colored people who have ?e street-car's are now walking street-car company is trying to ?e moving of the white passen? t>m time to time on account of ince of the colored ones, the J ? of the street-cars is reserved I wed passengers whether they lot. As a result it is a common ! street cars with the front ind the rear part empty. Di THE RKAK SEATS. then one or two colored per;? seen in the "Jim Grow'' The Clay street line has ivy falling off in travel, has been rammed, jammed kin the mornings with color? ing to work. Now at any in be obtained. |*ed people who pocket their L respect for their feelings {anding upon the platforms lise ri mi nation there, and they only move inside when they re? ceive positive orders from the conduct tors. Some eolored people leave the cars when ordered to take particular seats. WHITE FOLKS OBJECTIN'O, TOO. It is a noticeable fact that white peo? ple are objecting to the innovation and some of them walk rather than submit to it. Up to this writing only white people have violated the regulations and have been arrested. In none of these cases have the fines been collected. Trouble on a car be? tween a white passenger f>nd the white conductor which resulted in the latter's punishment with blows, although ' an arrest was made, has been "hushed," and no report of the affair given. WHITE LADIES CAUSE TROUBLE. Many white females have refused positively to obey the rules and the matter has been overlooked. Those colored people who ride obey the regulations, but the o.he?-s prefer to walk. Od Sunday, the absence of the colored people from the cars attracted universal attention. Some colored people are saving (50 cts. per week and some as much as Jl.60 per week as a result of che new rules. A colored man was seen coming up Main street having "pulled" the grade from 8th to 5th St. He had his hat in one hand and a handkerchief in the oth? er, while a fine pair of new boots in which his pant's legs were tucked told that he was * propared for the weath? er." the cook ??.???:?te?>. A white gentleman HM t Editor Much ell and inform -d liim thai he had trou? ble with his cook on his account. His eyes twinkled and h?? laughed as he told the editor that he wi>uld have a fuss with both hi in and his cook "Why I told her to bring my dinner to ?ne on the car." She said, "Yes, sir, I'll bring it, but I'll walk, sir, and bring it " "No, you wont," said he "your time belongs to me. You bring it on the car." "She said nothing more, but looked worried. She brought the diuner, and when she w >s going back, she saw you and some friends ahead of her. She got off the car at Sixth street and walked the remainder of the way.'' The white gentleman laughed heartily and went on his way. OUR WHITE COLORED FOLKS. Several white colored folks have been forced to ride with the white folks, the conductors having orderea them to ride there. Mr. Peter Chandler is one of these and Mr. Henry Austin is another and there are numerous other instances. It is suggested that all of our white colored folks wear tags duly certified to by officers of the street-car company in order to prevent the further consumma? tion of such an outrage. In these cases, the conductors evi dehtly did not believe them when they told them thit they belonged in the rear sears according to the rules of the com panv. from Mt. Vernon, X. Y. Mr. Vernon, N. Y., April 23rd, 1904.? Editor John Mitchell, Jr., My l)?ar dir: In view of the recent action [of the Virginia Passenger and Power Company now operating a system of cars in Rich ?nomi, some people here have been to me and stated thar they would, at any time <? tiled upon, aid any movement that the Plaxet deemed worthy to? wards conveying the people whom the said \irgiuia Passenger and Power Co., have so unjustly-discriminated against. The people about her* that came from Richmond are more than surprised to hear of such actions as the Virginia Passenger and Power Company has taken in yours and other cities of Virginia. I am yours truly, T. H. Bridges, Walking Kveryuhere. [FORT SMITH, ARK., APPRECIATOR.] Texas and Virginia, have been added to the list of "Jim Crow" street carism. Well boys, swallow the pill manfully. Don't begin crying, but walk. Negroes every where are walking. RICHMOND'S JIM CROW CARS. Of all the towns beneath the stars, Oli Richmond beats for Jim Crow cars. They thread her streets and all around Her suburbs Jim Crow cars abound. And some are fast and some are slow, But in the rear all serve Jim Crow. The smokers on the rear platform Can joke and smoke when cold or warm; In wide spread door conductor stands, Ihat joke and smoke of vilest brands Throughout the rear may freely flow And fill the space kept for .Tim Crow. In summer time they'll smoke Jim Crow; In winter time when bleak winds blow. Jack Frost will stalk through open door. And killing draughts will always pour. Upon those who shall hold the row Of feats in rear kept for Jim Crow. But the summer cars, when they shall go To the lakes where pleasant breezes blow; Refreshing air of day or night Will strike alike the black and white! And Jim Crow then will have his rights, And lair ?s well as any whites! But will he though! But will he though ! Who hold the two rear seats I By Joe! Those seats belong to him who smokes And loves to crack his ribald jokes. And swift wind ^ from the rear will blow These sweet things to our dear Jim Grow. It is the principle involved, Ah all will see when all is solved, Which now enigmatic may seem To those who do not wake, but dieani: 'Tis rights of man! make here no balk? Man's rights we claim! For these we wain. ?O. M. Steward. On the liiirlit Track. [BALTIMORE, MDS., AKRO-AMERICAN LKDOER.] Our contemporaries coming from Richmond, Va., advise us of the "Jim Crow" program with respect to the street cars of that city which goes into effect on July 1st. They are united in tl:e rndvict to the colored people of Hich nioiul in the attitude in which they should sustain towards this legalized ef? fort to efface our manhood and self res? pect. They advise the colored citizens to do what they were to do before the advent of e'ectric cars?that's walk. And where the distance is very great they advise the enterprising men ot the race who are proprietors of teams and other vehicles to inaugurate a 'bus" system for the convenience of Afro American people.The advice is genuinely good and orthodox, and the colored people of Richmond will do well to heed the same. In so doing, they will not only maintain their self-respect but what is equally as helpful they will add to their acquisition faculties and in? crease their own financial resources in turning into race channels a great deal of money which now goes towards building up the hand and the arm up? lifted to crudi us out. It is a peaceful but a very effective weapon. PROF. (?. W. HAYES TO DELIVER AN ORATION. ?Higher Education of the Negro Youth." Reformers' Hall, Monday Night. May ?Hi. You and your friends are cordially in? vited to witness an oration, subject: "The Higher Education of Negro Youth." by Prof G. W. Hayes, presi? dent Virginia Seminary and College. Lynch burg, Va , at True Reformers' Hall, Monday eve, May 9th, 1904, 8:00 o'clock. For benefit of Mt. Carmel Bap? tist Church. Prof Hayes is a national character. He ranks among the leaders of his peo pie. He is a scholar of the highest type, and enjovs the distinction of being the greatest orator of the State. The lovers of education will hear him. program: Master ot Ceremonies, Lawyer J. R. Pollard, Welcome Address Oapt. B. A. Graves, "Response on Beahlf of Prof. Hayes, Prof. Chas. Mitchell, President Richmond Business College, Solo; intro? duction of Speaker. Hon. Jno. Mitchell, Jr., President Mechanics Savings Bank. Oration, Subject "The Higher Educa? tion of the Negro Youth;" Prof. G. W. Hayes. General Admission, 10 cents. %it Reserved Seats, 15 cents. Wanted?10 Cappers, 10 Rollers and 50 Stemmers for Hannibal, Canada. Apply to Rison & Reynolds, 119 Market St., Banville, Va ?? APPEAL FOR FVSDS. tir. MH?hee's Statement-Te Test Kare Legislation. The women of our race, our mothers wives, sisters and daughters are pre? paring co go to the meetiuar of the Na? tional Association of Colored Women's Clubs at St. Louis, and that they may escape the indignities of the "Jim Crow" cars, are casting about for means whereby they may engage spe rial Pullman cars at an extra charge and expense; and even in this many will be inconvenienced and not a f* w will not be fortunate enough to thus se? cure the comforts afforded by the Pull? man Company, and above all, escape from the "Jim Crow" cars. All honor to these brave women for their foresight, undauntedness, and courage too; hut what a shame that they are compelled to resort to these means in order to have decent accomo dations on a public carrier. The women of no other race will be thus compelled to do. And double deep the shame that their being denied the accomodations. facilities and privileges furnished end supplied by the Pullman Company to all others who apply, is chargeable to the neglect of the men of our race. To pro? vide against just this condition, for eight mouths we have spent some ef? fort to collect funds to test the right of the Pullman Company to refuse such accomodations. AU recall the case of Rev. H. T. John? son, ( Editor Christian Recorder) vs. the Pullman Company for refusing him the accomodations, facilities and privil? eges that the Company supplies to the public. The case was tried to the court and a jury; and the jury returned a verdict for the highest amount the Plaintiff could recover. The Hon. Kirkpatric who tried the case set aside the verdict and gave judg? ment for the company, notwithstanding the verdict, on the ground that the company had the right to deny persons the accomodations of their ears solely became of their color, tnrt there was BO law? neither statutory nor common. that forbade them denying such right. Step;-, were at once taken to carry the case to the Supreme Court of the I nited States. We had taken the grounds that unless the ruling was reversed the company would enforce a rule, at least through? out the border and southern States re? fusing its accouiodations to persons of color. The first money for the case was raised at a service held at St. Pe^er Claver's church (a Catholic Church of St. Paul, Minn.) With this printed matter was gotten out setting forth in full the case and the purpose to which the money was to be expended. Broad? cast the matter was distributed and race papers were urge?! to publish the appeal for funds; ministers petitioned to ask contributions of their churches; indivi duals importuned and associations und societies visited and contributions solic? ited of them, and all were requested to send in the names of persons who might contribute. The receipts have not cover? ed the expenses involved and had it not been for the National Afro-American Council taking the money out of its reserve fund the appeal would have had to be abandon? d. And even now there is serious want for funds to prosecute the appeal to final determination. What now will the race do? The company is enforcing such a rale. Bishops of our churches, and our women are forced into the "Jim Crow" car there to be subjected to all tli6 indigui ties common to the coarser classes of both races. Will we now contribute the necessary money ? Surely the conditions make the duty urgent and imperative. Longer delay but brings more hindran? ces and to make success more difficult to obtain. For myself. I still have the faith that a response will be had and so appeal again that thoso who will, to send what sum they can. A dollar is asked of every one. but credit will be given for any amount. A much less sum would be sufficient if all would contri? bute, but we must provide against a large number failing. Perhaps I should state, though I think too I should not, some friends of mine and of the race, Catholic Priests h .ve extended me an invitation to come into their parishes and lecture concerning the race to their parishiouers and re? ceive contributions to the fund. My mind is, funds should come wholly from the ra -e, but the cause is that of right between man and man, and all men have to do with such a cause. This em? phasizes in my mind the thought that the pastors of our churches should do as much. We are glad to furnish all informa? tion wanted and quite pleased to receive the names and addresses of persons who are likely to help so good a cause. Respectfully, Frederick L. McGiiee, Vice-Director, L. B. N. A.A.C. Union Block, St. Paul, Minnesota. TU ? DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY Mr. McCarthy Wins?Alderman llahen Defeated. The muncipal campaign has attracted much attention. The Democratic pri? mary was held Tuesday, April 26th and Mayor Richard M. Taylor was defeated bv Mr. Garit?n McCarthy by a maioritv of 189. J J Only 5,167 vetes were cast out of a voting population of 23,000. Mr. Mc Carthy received 9,653 votes ??. : Mr I Taylor 2,514. It is evident tlm* th? j change in the election le ? ' about the defeat of th* bent. Alders for PERSONALS AM) BRIEFS -Mr. Mack Harris of this citf 10 now in Philadelphia. -Mr. J N. V ander vali, Proprietuer of the Essex Steam Carpet CleauHinj?: Co, E Orange, ?. J , was in the '?rp this week. -Mr. Reuben Carter of Bestand Charles City Co., Va., visited our >ffic? this week -Col. W. Henry Stokes wh vrm operated upon Wednesday, 23d. ????? much improved. -We return thanks for an ::r:??a*? tion to the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. ?+ Yancey, 829 W. 52nd St., New Tork Sunday, May let, I p. m. -For fresh fish, oysters, etc ^m. ; on Messrs. M. Lawson & Co. See adver? tisement. -Rev. Dr. A. Binga, Jr., pastor oC the First Baptist Church of Manches? ter, Va., will celebrate his ltd anniver? sary Sunday, May 1, ISM. Let All Walk. [OMAHA, NEB., ENTERPRISE Richmond, Va., is to have Jim Crow" street car system. The Virginia. Passenger and Power Company of that city has announced its intention tc separate the races on the street cars :*? signing white people to the front vnc Negroes to the back seats. Th > ? duetors have been clothed with ;???' authority so that they can compel NV groes to take such seats as they < ? f? to assigu them or oU< submit to a rrea*. Ben i? a studied effort and m deli "rate plot to foni.-ut inter-racial strife. Be It Mid 10 the credit of the ? press of R'chm >n 1 thaf they at?? ; ?.. . moue in advising their nice to w , * # * * The Nt'.-r. M of Richmond will lo fri? right thing if tti.-y tollow th.- ad give? and aN?> establish 'bus line? 1 three of thes?? panari ??'???>??. Every Ne? gro in Ri? hmoiid ?boald stay 00 uh? street cars. Odd F?lions Attention! The annual T!ianksi;iving Sermon Lj the various lodges, Fa m Grand Master'? Council and Household* ?>f Ruth >f th? ii G. (). of O. F., will be del 1 venni a Moon Street Baptist Church, Sunday May N:h at 1:00 o Vlock P. M. Lodgi? aud Past Grand Masters* Council wi . asseu:id?? at Price's Hall. Leigh Stre<*. promptly at 1 o'clock P. M., tcosar. thence, escorted by Richmond Patri? archy, No. 1, will proceed to the church. Households of Ruth will assemblo a tne church. O. W. Yorv;, Chairman. Ost'AK N. Bkown, Secr*?ta?-y. Y. M. B. A. NOTES. The Y. M. 0. A. Conference in r -u* t Friday evening. E wh man presea* showed by his report that he had not been playing. The work in the jai!, alms JOTti ? upon the coruers of the streets is loin g much good. Mr. C. F. Foster addressed the boy* bust Sunday. Subject; "Small Thing*?. ** The small foxes spoil the vines. Rev. J. Andrew Bowler address?*! a large number of men last Sunday at f.tut True Reformers' Hall. Every man im town should have heard him, Subject 7 "Curves." An address from the shoul? der. Hopkins Quartette ?*:,..der<?d ex? cellent music. The men hope to have them help again soon. You are invited to the explanation 00 the Sunday School Lessons to-day 5:t>0 p. m., at the rooms. Everybody want? to hear Prof. B. F. Me Williams who is deeply interested in this class. Do not forget to be on time Boadoy for the committee work. Boys' meeting Sunday 4 p. m., at tbm rooms. Mr. J. H. Rhorer is always jla??* to make the boys welcome. Now fora Big Men's Meeting Sunday 8:30 p. m.. at the True Reformers Hall. Prof. J. R L. Diggs of the Virginia Union Uiiiversifytwill address the men. Subject; "The Black Man's Claim ? * No man should tail to hear this tiruei.y address. Trente' Quartette will sing' special music. Bring another man. By special request we will have a special meeting for women only Sun laj June 12th 3:30 p. in., at the True Refor? mers' Hall. Rev. W. H. White, pastor of the Mt. Carmel Bi-ptist Church will deliver a special address. Tell all the women. Let no home forget to have Wftt -a prayer for the Y. M. C. A. 8150.00 Endowment Paid. Richmond, Va., April 27th, IttH This is to certify that I have receive*! from John Mitchell, Jr., Grand Chan cellorof the Grand Lolge of Virginia Kuights of Pythias, ($150 00) One Huc dred and Fifty Dollars in payment the death claim of Sir Lewis L. Biuks who was a member of Blooming Lily Lodge, No. 15, K. of P., ?. ?.. S A ?., ?., ?. & ?. Richmond, Va. Signed:? Isaac Banks. M. S. B. 81 "??.?0 Endowment Paid. Richmond, Va., April 27th, 1 This is to certify that I have receive ? from John Mitchell, Jr , Grand Chan, cellor of the Grand Lodge of Virginia.. Knights of Pythias, ($1?0.00) One Hon? ored aud Fifty Dollars in pay men r the death-jlaim of Sir Austin Hill, *rh.. was a member of Samson Lodge, No ??. K. of ? ?. ?., S. ?., E , ?., ?. ??? Richm jud. Va., Signed:? Grac ?'??^.