OCR Interpretation

Richmond planet. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1883-1938, July 21, 1906, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84025841/1906-07-21/ed-1/seq-3/

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? ^ri/'f ?
--.Il !'l>\\ II IV 21ST. tSMW?
t the Ini
Clnmernn l?ow.??l und left the :
eran been so irri
lelefBe*? Ojuaat determination and
fnp'th.night had ii*>eKp?-?-t<?dlv thrown
lum off hi* well-laid trruk: not sn
ticipatiug any BBah >*elf aaeerti??
wiw* diaeomerted, and
at a loee how to proceed.
Is new thai it woull be iMaele-ss
to attempt deeeiviim a ?-irl of Made
'? character u second tinse; he
saw that she
tire?* :i the
alve, and preiaurv her for a>ny
s uri ?rise. Moreover, she would
prevent Mme. Kauvel from
frighten???! <o Submission
? .
With mortification arsi r?
saw that after all hi* plotting, when
eao was in hi* reach, when his
hope* were aJ A, he had
been foil???! and eOOrBfaUj set at d??
fiance by a giri; ti thing
?? over again.
Although Ma?!eloine> luu!
herself to ?*? - ?1 rei?
che ba?i rur idea of ?b?.:
blindly, and vould not bararvi h? r
>- ami her own happineas BBOfl
ii?*ertA?nty of BB oral pff I
(?????-t-.?? tack???! bus brain tei fur
? ? ? a eaal I
. ivt-l in the
not t??il Ma?l?vl?*ine* thai
Laoal f??r hla futur? harior
paal crii
?f all the
? thi- s-h minai in?
ni.1 hav. ? : h?'r BBOB
? to inform her
. ?
?on*? oobM I?
I'.ut (is: a of lhasaa
lid eut it.
? k to In?
? i.l himacJf of
. ipiiee a* soon
a* ? -
h it eras '.??t an ?-aay matter
a kiuivc.
in un.ler
Waa in.i m passion?
v? !
?, more
. to marry ber. Hai
?all his
tl: whom be re?c?M,-t.
be bed - isjh to see that
h?? a*Ja*hl mia ? ?? prospects bj nn
due haet?*, and that the safe?.?
Bid lv?? ?
robbery and ? upon l*r
Be awaited In anxious expech
of a summons from '
? be ooachaded thai MadeJ.-in?? wa*
v\;. r him to make the
I of yielding.
11.? wa* right; Madeleine knew that
afte r the la*< -? .iii
;uirt f??r ?
? kaew ?
no worse r* . ? would oowardljf
submission; aad, therefore, asar.
the entire responsibility of managt ??.?
the affair so as to k??e?p at baj l*>th
??<? knew that Vine. Kauvel would
be of
BC 'lcteiinin? ?1 to usi? ull her
influence to prevent h?-r dola?* t hi?*.
and to fon* upon b?'r the BBC* -
of preeervii... | silence.
This aaconated for ih?? ?
th?? tv?? . :,. w h?> vv?*rr qu..
oting for their ad versarie* U>
liicy ? ? ?
i? i. saaa*as*?4 imiif
'??i ? t'*e?; BsTVCI ... ?|iie?.u inx
about the r?il>l?e:y, or who were in
any ? e ted with it.
M Kauvel brought them aa aoaaaasl
of l*ro*per'i examination, th?? m
cha; ge* 1> : him, bla <ib
atiaate ???-mai of harlag stolen tie
money ; ami. Ci.aJiy. how, after ^'r.sit
: jdixify and ? lose stu.
by th? judge of instruction, the ci.sh
ler had been d;s< liar?,'???! for want o?
sufficient pr?x>f Sgainat him.
ran's offer to rentore
1hc noies. Mme Kauvel bad not doubt
Pr-oaper*? g?.?it. base s?i<i nothing.
L.it inwardly seeBBjrd bim of having
aadaaad her son from th? pith <?f vir?
tue, ami entice?! him into ??rime- her
son whom she would never ?-???su?.
io. ? ttv-r how treat ata fault*.
M.nlclcine bad perfect faith in I
par*? ata ?
She wae s<i confident of hist being
re?*?t<>red t<? that she ventured
to ask her unti??, under pretext of
some chant. . t. to give her 10,
000 fram-s, vabui. t?i the un
fortunate v-jctim of circumstantial evi?
de me. who. from what ?he had heard
of his poverty, BUBal be in n??ed of as?
in the Bfttet CBf fr??m the prnyer
ls>ok to avoid detection by wri'mg
?eBQasBaa*f*aaaj rha aaoaajt >b?? ad^vtaed
l'rosper to lea* ? . leecause ?he
knew that it would lie impossible for
a man of his proud nature to remain
on th? scene of his disgr**?*: the
proater hie mms-e-rwe, the more In?
tolerable hi* suffering.
Beside?, Madeleine, at that time
feeling? that she would be obliged to
marry Claxneran, wa? anxious to have
the in?vn ?he loved far, far away from
On the day that thi* anonymous
pr?s* ?t wa* sent, in ooposltion to the
*rr?*hes of Mme Fa uvei", the two poof
women mars entsngled fearfully in
pecuniary difficult iee?
The tradesmen whose money had
?USB squandered by Itaoul. refused to
give cr<(!it any longer, and insisted
upon their bill being paid at
saying they could not understand how
a man Of M. Fan?, el's wealth SBd
?.i<>n eoaJd k? ?-[> them waiting for such
insignificant .sums.
The butcher, grocer and wine mer
clmnt ha?I bill? of one, two and live
hundred francs only; but, not having
even that small amount. Mm.?. Fauvel
bad difficulty in prevailiag apon ?'mena
to receive jaur* on account, and wait
a little longer for the residen.
-s threat?
ened to ask the bti- * h??ir mon?
ey, if ?vurytbing was not settled be?
fore the ??nd of th?? WUBk
aUaal Mm??. ' -loess
asnounte?! to 15,000 fraina.
deine and her aunt bad de?
clined aJl iuvitatiiirus durine tbe win?
ter, ? .Jiivg evening
dre?sc?; having always Ix??mi remarka
r their anperb toilets. -
pearinir in tbe same ball dress ti
they dared n>? coassaenl
? arii.g their old ???????, and
; would Ih? the
first to a ..f this sudden
snatnap ... them aJways
tke i?? enea in tbe room.
Bat at but they wen to ap?
pear in public. Mane. I?uisl*?
Messrs. Jaudi
sbout ? ? splendid
ball, aud, as ' :t, a
? hall, which would ?reqeJrt
vtnnra would tan
Tiicy h;ul been owing a large bill
lO th? ? >-r a year.
? lo furnish
dresses ??. ? lutdiamed
lO ask her.
Madeleine's new maid, l'a'..
CnocsreOle, extricate?! them from this
Thia girl, w !. d all tin
minor Ills ?<f life which, after all, ar?
? ?
dlvin?-l I as' saudi I
At ? ? ??ut.tarily in
tbat a friend of
her?, a Brst-claau Brasa mak??r. hail
just Bat ap a tul woubl Ik?
glsd to furnish naaterlala snd amkn
obtaining the patro I Mm??
? i and h?T nie????, which woui?l at
Hut it was eertiod.
a ?till greater on?
Mn . I and BBS SioOO c??ujd
? at a Ik.
had been
taken by Kaoui, ami pant]
After thinking the ina??
Mad?? .1 to
tske some of the stolen money, and
m the last set ?if Jewel? he had
from hi? mother. She in?
forni???! bar aunt of bar intention, and
that sdmitted ?>f no
point an Lab
1 not date to refuse y??u; and !
will go La ] our st.
.e coiiratr??ou. jrtrt
iie in?
clement weather, weal t?i \
She would l, filled With
. had ?b?? known that M
Verdure! and I*rt>?per were foil?
close behind, ami wrttaeneed ber Inter
from th.
Her bol ? fruitleas, !
had divided with i
|mt; that half of th?? n
?. atul that he had not a na?
He even refus???! to give up the
plCdgi ' >*?*ort
<>f ex posara, ?*???>?? ?he
eonM ladaee him to aurrender the
four or ' _r article*
that w?r?? lndia*peauBih4e t?> their,
Clam?T?:t bad ?*rdere?l him to r?-ru-s?
bet?us<? lu? hoped that iti their ?1is
treas '.hi ?nil upon him for
? he BlnBrantana w-itne?**???!
..:.'-. ?.?? ?? a 1 ni
laoia, h ?.I ' tad by t h
of t>
were at this time
on wry IkuI t.-nu-. I ?ameran wae
M-ekiug a ?af?? mentis of getting rid
of [linoni; and tbe youanj -eaiu(>, hav?
ing a presentiment of hi? ancle
teiitioi.e, was d??t?-riuin?-d t?i OUtwit
Nothing lut th?? certainty of mi?
pondi . id reconcile them.
IM danger wa e?l ??> them lx>tb
at the JaadkUei hnlL
Who wa?? ti. mount??
bank that ladabjed in su.h
parent allusion* to M:n??. Kaiiv?!'- pri
vate trouble?, and then .-sud with
?ening sign'ti? am?? to l.o:iis
"I wa.s the beai friend of
brother (?a^tou'.'"
Who he wa-, \?.'i?-ra? lie ivinie from,
could not Imagine; but they
\ au* that be wa? a daagerona
enemy, and forthwith attempted t?
aasaasiua'?? him llpoa hi? bating ihe
Having been follow???! and wat?h???d
.??ir would-!;?? victim. :
came alarm... illy when he
Buddenlj y de
elded that the safes! Rung thej then
could do w.a.s to ratura quietly so
their ho'
"We can not be too guarded in our
conduit," Whispered < ?une; an: "w??
must anmnner wko he is. iw-fore tak?
bag any ftirther ?Teps in tasi matter."
Onoe more. Ibioul tn?-<l U? induce
kirn to give up hi* projeet of marry?
ing Mad? i?
"N?-v?-r aim?s(!. fiercely, "1
will marry her, or perish in the at?
H?? thimght that, now they were
w?orn?-d, the danger of being caught
was l?-*setie<!, when on his guard, few
people cotil?! entrap ?a.? ?-xperierveed
and skillful a rogai.?.
Little did ('lamer?n know that a
man who was a hundredfold more
skillful than he, was closely pursuing
?The PLANET delhrered at your
door for ouly $1.50 per year.
Schoc?lsrirla Can Cook as Well as Ca?
terers?How to Make a Sandwich
a Work of Art ? Old-Faahioned
Cookie* Are a Toothsome Relish?
Be Good Tempered When on
Picnic; One Cros* Person Can Spoil
the General Pleasure ? Arrange
Every Detail Beforehand?A Picnic
Where the Lunch Was Left Be?
BY ? G??.
? less.)
1 ?ron?er it you g Uuskiu?
of , loan itus
kin ? ? -lyist.
the ctoee ine-, ? art?
ists ami as arali th uad ? h.un?
til is
Mr. Ruakio a BhlOh .ire
model sBttfel English,
so tb. literature
Of his
aad LUlea, Mr.
sa good deal of
tiou I 'ii in
a?lvi< . hing*
th:it ;i gli her mission in life,
in ?lain:y
You ar?? pretty s :
m UM tbiiu:
like ? in a ?????G that.
?d who does
not h
? ha ir.? bora
am! BOt
bit Ol it. Any gtrl with a clever brain
and two hands may learn ht ?
ythiag thai la needed la an
ordinary : rl who at
~s will tell you tb.it
ad of
fun. To e I to waste
minine ac
"That yoaag girl anritea ?
.r<! a man say,
"but ' roil a
! ?oui.? I : him
thst th??
??a a likely
. in broiling and b
and ; or a pudding
than her stupid neighbor who
set her mind on gaining Intel!
cui tu- cultivates her brain
? will
? min? and
will ?bow tits aa an all
round girl.
I will a i piv
To do this suoc***fuliy you should
Of som??
will a; . t all
the more If It rodactioa.
keeper* used to In rears fron? by,
and maki for I
I Velli
and aluin
:i furnish
an svppetlalna bill <>f fat ?? a aota
. samlwi.h :
: one
a loaf, hack? off a eoapte of thick
and bat? La lump
ting bet* . ntly frag?
ment of aw TMv
: ?rich It will satisfy a
waif, but It Bill not please
who la r
and faatldioaa TO make aandwi
proper ly : u ahoald
a sharp kalfe aad n ataady
Bread <?n.? daj ?.:.?r than breed
fr??shly bal ... ine
crust and f'.rst butter:. ?lice
? cutting It it with
.111 or chicken, or with nuts
'?r with I ? hard
: egg. or wit! -tuco,
cri.?-;, aad vr..-? and flavor??.1 with a
mayonnaise dreaatas*
A girl ?Im ? an make a dainty may?
onnaise if already ? food oook, and
beraelf pooaaaaad of a fin?? in
Th?? pile of sandwiches placed on a
pr.at platt?r may have a tot*
beauty if every one 1? tied with baby
ribbon ?>f your class colors.
lsi not be too ambitious about the
cak?? you provide for a school spread.
Nothing: for this purpose surpass.
fashion?,! ginger snaps and nicely
BfOBBOd cookies made from your
grandmother'.?? recipe. Ask her to giv*
. and you will acknowledge that
I am telling the truth. Sugar cooklea
have a toothsoro?? flavor that is just a
Util?? height? ned by the addition of
nut? < .ally sprinkled
Into the doatgh
e e ? e e
A picnic diftVrs from a spread in the
important Item of environment. One
may have a spread in the classroom
or In one's own room or at a friend's
house. A picnic Implies an excursion
to a seit???? point. It may
be by mil or by water or one may
prefer as a picinic ground a place
within walking distance. We picnic
out of doors.
One of the most dellghful picnics io
m> cxpot.eiic?? was on the l?ng Is?
land shore at a point where the
wave? of the great South bay come??
rolling and tumbling ln. We startedI
on the picnic at four in the afternoon
driving to the shore, a nierry com
pany of boys and girls with an aunt
or two and a mother and a Jolly old
Bailor uncle, and we unpacked our baa
ket* at six and ste our supper In the
sunset light We boiled the kettle
and made tea and we feasted on cole*
broiled chicken and bam, bread and
butter, biscuits cheese sad pound
cake, and later went home by moou
llght singing all the way.
An essential thing for the suoceaa
of aay social function, whether it bo
an informal spread or a formal dinner,
is good temper. A single cross or fret?
ful person may act as a wet blanket
on everyone concerned There is no
surer way to ?poll a good time than to
carry along somebody wbo Is selfish
or blue or disposed to find fault and to
fry for the beet place and the feaat.
labor. Very possibly there is no snch
girl In your school, hut once In a
while she strays In at a picnic or a
party from some ?> dity. For
ourselves the pe for good
times is a sunny d: -
a brave heart ami ?? lfishaeas.
?ythlug in this world BSe.
ter If Judiciously planned for and
? Before
inviting people to a function be aure
that you have arrange?! every detail.
If you are going on a picnic let It be
thoroughly understood at what time
-tart and from what place, how
much it will coat each persoB for car
fare or lila?mho?I tick?' and at what
h uir you will set out fo- home.
If possible always on stona
the company of
BaOtBBT or an old fr?en.
?unes arise when
somebody with BlBSlk in n is a
fort and a safeguard, aad a aj
thetic older fir the enjoy?
ment of the hour h ictlng
from It.
?of havre the provisions in the
. who
blunder Into f. them |
pi from boat. Thia j
once happened at a pier I was,
lornly on i
the beach watching the
b 1
and left Bl COB- I
tents of our
not stifnrlent any?
thing except a few dry ? tckera at a
The Color Is a Dark SI Straw?
berry Pink and a 1 Silk
Sash Is Wc
A simple school dm na In
this ssmher; it Is in ? ? irk shade
Ink foul?? The |
has a loa
the material Is then arr.-r red la I
: back an I They
. 'ening
1?? made tinder thi k one.
A Pen. n?!. DR1
Th?? spaces between the j.leata of th?
naatT-t-' i? tu set to
the hust The uji: 'h??d and
to th? lining. Tbe full skirt
which I? sewn t?. th?? ;?ntng. I
1 and pleated III
only the ?tltchlni:
part wa> dows
worn round tl. The cuffs and
collar ??
half yar.! IV?? yard*
lining, and u ^l!K
Sec ? .n rhi- un
they .
splrathm ... tkrowa of!
tur body,
In them a pool
skin a eke I heee wast?
?tuffs and that you know is bad
without in} teUlai
l>st aerar emralai puas that yot
do not draw a ??;? brUBti
BBBdbag rand lifting the OBBBI Witt
?n??. befbri you leave y>>\:
and ' - ????? arm oxereises
trunk boadlnga sad eoi ? work
on ttabsg only a minute, perhaps, but
yoa SO not kn?iw ho* much it ma>
mean to pan to for p. 'he habit.
At nigh ? t live or t-i
minutes to thia ?rork and ?UBjtknsbM
th?? ebani B*Ort sad trunk bendi:.,
th.- waist line, the weak part of youi
anatomy Just now and possibly rnad*
so by the fashion ??t w.-arng two-plec?
garments, skirt? und waist?, aa wel;
as by the corset, which more or lee*
restrict* activity just at the walsi
Keep th- ? A daily ?pong?
and hard, brisk rub will not only pre
vent your taking cold ?? easily, bul
be fine ?xer?d?se for your arms, etlm
tke skin m better work, strength
en your heart and Increase your lunf
BUS bo PB ont ?ne during
the ?lay. Pill your lungs and exe'reis?
your body in tbe opea air and suashln?
for .u ?sasi tea mmutm daily. .\e>??
let rain U???;, you in, for as long ai
pen ar?? bl up and working
about the rs able to rux
out for a :
One of the Family
Hal?Congratulate me, old man;
henceforth we are brother?.
-How's that?
Ha!t?Your sister has just promised
to be s sister to me. also.?Chicago
Dally Newa.
Stated on Authority.
Do you think wealth bringe happi?
"Mine does," answered Mr. Cumrox.
I ho hotel keeper always cheers up
when I pay Bay bill."?Washington
She waa ready to sink through the
door. She did not apeak, but he had
only to look Into her great, ahy eyes
to divine her mind.
"fSoing down'" he yelled, accord?
ingly, to the elevator boy?Puck.
I are
tarla, is
th'-n say truth in the
?miei f fall heir
to a fortune nnd U me.?Chi
This Would Help S -me.
Th!? ?? id be a : place
If cuTininclv all m? I
To rr
wun whit lasir ?ins pr. t.-nd they
him awfully.
instead of
sn auto.
Clam- Well, ah? certainly hasn't
horse- sense,- ... j \?*ws.
Wasted Sweetness.
"Nature ? anything ln
vain." said the moralist.
"I aappoee m Col. stlll
well of Kentucky, "but It kinds of puz
M) to see a handsom?? bed of mint
groerhai in u prohibition town.??:..
'"He'l he a rl ? one of these
"He doesn't think ?
r of an Income
tax" ?
Man Medicine Free.
You can now obtain a Isrge dol?
lar size free package of Man Medi?
cine?free on request.
Man Medicine cure*?, man-weak?
Man Medicine gives you once
more ihe gusto, the joyful satisfac?
tion, the pulse and throb ? . physical
pleasure, the Veen sense of man?
sensation, the luxury of life, body
? power end body comfort?free.
Man Medicine does It.
Man Medicine cures man-weak
nervous debility, early decay,
discouraged manhood, functional
failure, vital weakness brain fag.
backache, prostatitis, kidney troub?
le and nervousness?.
You can cure yourself at home
by Man Medicine, and the full elre
dollar package will be delivered to
you free, plain w:appe:, sesled,
with full direction? how to use It.
The full size dollar package free, n?
?nts of any kind, no receipts.
no promises, no pap?*rs to sign. It
Is fr??e.
All we want to know Is that you
are not seeding for If out of Idle ca?
riosity, but that you want to be wel
rioslty. but thai you want to be well
and become your strong natural eelf
more. Man Medicine will do
what you want t to do: make you a
real man, man-like, man-powerful.
Your name and address will
bring it; all you have to do Is to
send nud get It. We send It frea
to every discouraged one of the man
sex Isteretate Remedy Compnny,
263 Luck Building. Detroit. Mich.
? ?
Ine II ?
? ?? ? ? Drla?
? ? Jonathan.
ISO N. tTTH eat-, lUCIOfOTfTJ. VA.
Long Distane* Phone. 79*?.
?loo K. Baker 8tre?.
Chartered June 14, Ito*. Co-eaV
ucatlonal. The only Colored Col?
lege In Virginia for a thorough
course In Medicine. Dentistry and
Pharmacy. Seaaloo: 190.1?110?
begins Oct. 2, 1905.
For further Information, write.
fasti tilery.
19 1 ail ? G. V |rd M.,
Fine Tailoring*,
Ratea Reasonable. All the Comforts
? a> or Home *> a
Order? received by letter or telegraph
sili V.fn.1 M . Richmond. Va
Ikn?gbte of fl^tb?as,
?. ?., S. ?.. ?. ?., ?. AND ?.
This organization is one of the most powerful in the country and its
pre ? phenomenal. The Grand Lodge of Virginia has juris?
diction over all of the cities rod counties in this state. Thirty malea
are icquired to oiganize a now The benefits paid constitute one
of its strongest features, but the principles are greater than anything
else. K.uuiii?.'?! ?m Friendship, based on Ch.niiy and esta Mi shod on Bs>
nevolence. the respectable, upright people of the state will find it au order
worthy of their heartiest SU]
It pays an endowment aud burial benefit of of $200.00 for al It
pays $4.00 per week sick dues. The badge costing 75 cents each is the
only absolutely necessary reg.illa. For information concerning the organ/ait ion of lodges
appi}' at the main office.
rhe Courts of Calanthe
Is the Female Department of the Order. It requires a ni<
thirty pers >us to organize a court. Its meuniers are pledged to exhibit
Fidelity, exercise Harmony and prove Love one for the other. It
an endowment and burial benefit of $150.00. It ; ;.oo per week sick
dues. The only expense for regalia is the cost of the badge, 50 cents and
a rosette, costing 2 s cents for funeral occasions.
THE BANDS OF CALANTHE or Children's Department also con?
stitutes a feature and persons cannot do better than to enter the little ones into this mrstic
circle. The expeuse is nominal and the benefits all that could be expected. It pays from
$1.00 to $1.50 sick dues and death benefits of from $30.09 to $40.00. If you have noPythian
Lodge or Court or Baud in your neighborhood, orgrnize one.
For all information concerning the Children's Department address,
Mrs. Anna Taylor, \V. M.,
I2C W. Hill St., Richmond, Va.
For all information concerning special rates of JOHN MITCHELL, JR.,
membership in the lodges and courts, address vi N. 4th St., Richmond, Va,
Old Yatcht Club,
Will Satisfy the lover of the right
kind of etlmolant. Special prices.
We have all gradea of good licjaora,
Cigars and Tobsvooo. OaU
422 E. Broad St.,
Richmond, Virgf-ftiia.
Traoc Manse
CoevaiOMT* Ac
?G.t??* tandtn? a sketch snd dee cri pilon stay
qntckiy ascertain ossr .?????...? free wI.sk her an
insei.iii.il is pcohalilt p;?i ?.iladie. ( <.ir.nsiinl<"a
??.,??? strict lyce.nndent lai. ???????? '?o l'ateo*?
sent free. Oldest aere?.-t f'-r seoaiin? ostenta.
l'Atout? taken through Munn a ? u. recasse
esesssl sioiks. ?It h?jut cha rue, Iq the
Scientific American.
A handsomely lllastraied weekly. I.arsest etr
ciilatl???! <>f nny ertemi??? Vernal. Terms. SS a
rear: lour mtmlka, |L Sold by all newsrtesvies-i.
MUNN & Co ??1?*?' New Yott
Hraucb offiea. ?? Y BU. Waatolastoa. IX C
?0? H. tad St., Klchetoad, Va.
r*?ve Ptaatocrapha Tra* to Life. High ?lese
asar.toa. f etrtl ?? ??tttt??t??? tu rint*t?T?rii
le Q*J ?\eor Wer? ??enoeed Beasoaahl? Ba
Banses aad fVtmap* aarertoa. PlotsaTS? Balare
?rlfroa* OM na?attr? or Ph<sk??rrap?a ame.
X?ln?teb Htb Insurance Company
HOME OFFICE, 312 East Broad St, Richmond, Va.
lu.ornorated I HO I under tin? lawaof Virginia. Capital S toda. ?fSS.OOO.
Has written over Three Million (??,???,???-??) Dollars worth of
business since organization.
Over sixty-five thousand policy holders.
Over twenty-five Branches.
All clalma paid to date.
Ten Thousand IKdlars on Deposit with the Treaaurer oi Virginia.
J. B. Byrd. President.
W. W. Lee. let Vice President.
D. S. Alston. 2nd Vice President.
W. J. Spratley, Sect'y. and Oen'l. Manager.
R. L. Clay, .Asst. Secretary.
R. H. Stokes, Cashier and Treasurer.
R. C. Malloy. General Inspector.
J. E. Byrd, W. J. 3pratley W. W. Lee. D. S. Aleton, Fu L. Clay. V.
Bailey, W. C. Carter, P. S. Brown. C. H. Jones, R. H.
Stoke*. P. E. Puryear.
Reliable men can Und employment as solicitors and ageata.
Add reas,
Ill B. Broad St.. 1 cumonj. Va
WHY NOT CALL ON ??? Wtaen ratta*
When hmyt**,
?a VV bea laafltnfi bub if,
Wbea hi arra ? lag anai
Whea yon waavt an
Wb?aa y?
?lust call
Ma. 717 H.

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