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M ?af*a| ^;;00OC::-::CO:::vO-C-:::0OOOCvCvrH::':>0O:::0O:::000C^ I'l't'l'f'l'H ? ???? ?ft St i ? e I o SS E o o O f o ? O ' C? - O ' i L l Vr E O -- O '? O '? O ' o y o ?? o ? O o Or G O- O: O Or O O o O o o - 1 ? ?.? . -*- -::? ? L a L O O O O: .?.,-.,...._ _ -??,- -r- ;- ,- ?. OOOOOvOOOOO ooooooo GGO 4>i.a|..f at af ie> tf af.^4a|.a| ?{ ,j ?< ?<? ??! j ifr 4***4 KK ? ijnj i,?.,f 4^ ,f 4,, ooggoooogooogoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo&oogo The American's Christmas Greetings!! TO TI IE M LIC: IN the onwan success INS! K fi;-? m?.- uuiw<ui<u march of bu ??THE AMERICAN ! ANCE COMPANY talcos special pleasure m BaaB CHRISTMAS GRJ to its b membership and a generous public. This COMPANY has had the most remarkable ? of any other Com? pany upon the field: beginning four j ad a half ago, (August 1902) it has done a work which has surprised th?* world. There were other Companies on the field doing grand work before the American began. At first many critics doubt? ed the great undertaking led by Dr. W. F. Graham and hi l faithful co-workers. Nobody now doubts the wisdom and judgment of those who saw in their minds the opening for the great American. The y now looks back over its shoit history with langua te lo expresa thanks and ciation for the loyalty and warm reception on tho part of the pubii . 1 rom the very beginning in l()02 the peo?plc without the least hesitation ? both departa) On e? ou! p<?rt t? tin )od ? In ti it the lt. I ? . il. It $1< 1 ful \Mng and i> an BD| ro race. DR. W JRAHA! itt; JOHN \V. HOWARD. I lent M. M. M rtier: HER OFFICERS ARE: G. COLI MAN. \ nt; R \\ AND! il Rouie (ajpector; P. 1 \RK . \ ashler; The Branch Offices are conducted by men and women of superior ability and business tact. Under their energetic man? agement, led by the Home Office, the American will not be long in becoming the leading Negro Company in the world Her branches are found throughout the entire State of Virginia and Washington, D. C, managed by such eminent persons as W. G. Tate. \\ A. Millner. W. E. Davis. B. F. Watson. W. D. Steptor. S. Alexander W. A. Stewart, W. H. John? son, W. H. Smith, E. Alexander. J. P. Tate, J. E. Hubbard M. I . \ anden all. Homer Mitchell. L. N. Robinson. P. B. I lairston, J. S. Garrison. M. I .. Keen. J. R. White, J. T. Gay James E. Delap. N. F. Roberts, A. D. Mitchell, Maggie 1 ' nndexter. Benjamin Stokes. W. T. Rufhn. W. H. Human. James A. Payne. J. R. Johnson, M. L. Payne. These man? agers are assisted by a great army of agents and solicitors in and community uf>on whom depend in a large measure the life and success of the geat American. The American Beneficial Insurance Company vas the FIRST COMPANY OF ITS KIND TO DEPOSIT TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS WITH THE STATE TREASURER FOR THE PRO? TECTION OF ITS MEMBERSHIP. e further secured by ($7.(XX)) seven thousand dollars in real < and bonds, not to say anything ?ut the wealth and worth of the strong men who back it nt ?. Men like Adolphus Humbles of Lynchburg, \ .? ; Dr. Ho! land Powell ol Ohio; A. D. 1 Richmond, man. B. I I. Peyton, John W. Howard, R. \\ on, R. H. Fauntieroy, J. Thomas Hewitt, Jame I I. D. Wingfield, Jam un. Jo i. ?Loving, James I I. (biles. \\'. I \. W?tkma, and Dr. \Y. F. Graham. These men all t? something. The wealth ; tliem running up as high as $l'>0.(X)0; $30.000; $10.000; j n. The American is hete le? slay. the future is bright. Before many yean its branches will l??* blished throughout the entire United States. B. 1 1. ?G? J Manager; R. I I, I \\ \ ? ?? ? . General Imp, ? ? lOlVtAS I !IA\ IN. Atto) Home Office: 613 North Second Second Street, Richmond, Virginia. d o S i O i o S o oggooogoogooocgocggggoggggocggggooggo ?:::? -? O o-.? ?:::? ?:::? i ... - O G ? O? ?:::? - G ?:::? - O? O O i O i ? o i 6 i o o ? ?: :? ?:;? OGG OGGOGGO ?::.??:::??:::??:: GOOGGOOGGOOGOOO?:: OGOGOGGGGGGGOOOOOOGGO ;C-:':?.?.:,?:':: C?:: :??:. O O ?:.:??:.: OCOOGOOC ::vvOv OC ?- O-,-. .: GCCOOOGOOGGOGGGOOOOCO Warning ! Gbristmas Ibol?fca^s ARE NEARLY HER] I) OWING To FIRE-WORKS, THE Danger of Fires WILL BE GREATLY INCREASED. ALL MY FRIENDS AND PATRONS ARE URGED TO SEE THAT THEIR PROPERTY IS FULLY ?* PROTECTED AGAINST LOSS,^ IF NOT. THEY SHOULD INSURE AT ONCE. Phone? 257?. GEORGE C. JEFFERSON, FIRE INSURANCE AGENTt 6 North I Oth St. Times Building. vOO O O O O O ODO O O OvOOOO O O O O O?:::??.::? ?:.:? ?:'.: MAI W l.l ? Wo saall publies l bs pori re I ty-fifth Infantry, togetbnr \?i: I i salt's affair Th?? pi? t .? BBCaran] lar ?>iir us?? t WV.-kly, that f?rt?;it Illusi pablleatlou whii-?i now has the at iii of th? d world. ?u ; ? p . \ ? liilnl Str?-?-t ?. M ? Citarci? 3 at ti. I ?" h .ir? . Sunday evmlng. ?? ?. I>r. IVrkiii?. Kumt Out. C?aaaanT IVrkiiis, I) I), had isfurtum? to lose his resid?n<?? hi Buckingham C. H.. Va., Saturday.! Dec. 15th, at is o'atoek in Usa aaf The place was insured. He bas not decided when be will rebuild I Ulli Kijiiivt ?hur? h Last 8ui with th?? Kiftii Baptist* Oiiir<-h in point of attend - ; tu n.? ? u!;ir collection Pastor VI iiain Bsoralas: to ? D from the suhji-rt. "Hai? . Mi-mini || liaea ?ii-lof-k th?? fiiiu-ral of Mm Nanni?? Hani ? many ?frienda? whit?? aa ? ? were in ?1 a't? At four o'rloik communion il riattlBg m (sisters including Rasa. w n \Mii ami ??????????? w > G? 1 in tin? ?hurt Mr ? Baaferi preacaed al lauen! aad powerful aeraaoa OB for th?* day, $7 1 II In itn will prea?-?i to-m?>rrow mom 'ing and night. ?Mr. O. \V. Murray of Baltimore Md. wa* in Um < it> tats w.-?-k reare BBDUbI UsB M.-trop.illtan Mercantil?? and Realty Company of New I ???..?"'...?-...??-.."?-..-"..."...- ..??...??..??..?'..."?..'?'..."...??...?'. .' ..??...??.-?. ?...? ?,.'"...?*...? .-??..?-?..???..??*. .?"?..*"?..?"?. .?'?..???. .???. .???.. ??? ?'??????1IIEN nl,lk" ?:?O CHRISTMAS pur > chases, remember ; that the Hfe-- ' ? CAPITOL SHOE * SUPPLY COMPANY, 2 IO I:. Broad Street _______________________?_____ '".. .?;?. Can suit you in the SHOE I in?* V. - a swell '- line lay "Specials" ici* m ; broth? ir and the babies too, ;s a call SPECIAL SAMSON LINE, KING GEORGE CONC ERT and Misses Welt in ' heel are the best that the fue.or makes. .?. .-* ??. .*, *. a* - . .?- . .'. .'. .?. .?- .'. --> a*. .". .*. ,?? ,?? ??. ??, ... ? ' '-.?" ??* "'a* "'? .?"??? "?? ""?.?*?*"??? ' ? Merry Xmas. A Hoppy New Year. OUR NEWLY REMODELED STORE IS THE CENE OF A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF ?Christmas Goods ?L EVERYTHING THAT CAN BE MENTIONED To add to the happiness of one's home during the HOLIDAYS CAN BE BOUGHT. Imported CAN GOODS stock can't be excelled. AMUSE YOURSELF BY. G?? l? DDI7C DRAWING A PACKAGE OF TEA G?? ? G KILLi OURLlNPOf piRp WORKS m THE m] [Imported ??. Vi do*... > ? - ? i Han? per li?.u;<\ ?Mocha ? M>p!?' Cider, per quart.i"?? .& ami lOd Moon Boap, two kn .IOal Mixed Nata, - la?. -' <? ateal *efc..lScl .I "???? l'un!..? rioni kg. Lari, par n>. I Cakee, io a. Coa-ponad Lard, per ib. Ih. cans. Ili . .25tt Bnelleh Mr?>akfast Tea.SOe? ? |{??ans. 9<-t One Ptoarder Tea . .Ilei 1..?\p???????? (ofr.?.. ??*, 3 cane. . . 50ct. !<? Olleau S>rii*\ ?*t qt Maryland Peaches, per can. . . ????' Patto Ki??.. pt?r qt.lOct. in M M Fil Y FI u south 4TH st.. JUnil I UALL, RICHMOND? VA. -}-?~ IS93. ^"^THE^*^ 1907. Southern Aid Society of Virginia Inc., TENDERS ITS THOUSANDS OF POLICY HOLDERS ^and friends Its cordial thanks for all past favors, and solicits a continuance of same, assuring you of our appreciation and that we deem it our highest duty and purpose to serve you in the most acceptable manner, that all who place their INSURANCE with the SOUTHERN AID SOCIETY OF VIRGINIA INC. will not AN? insure in vain. t WITH THE MOST EARNEST ENDEAVOR TO IMPROVE with the age, we have kept far ahead of all competitors with but one object before us?how to best conserve the every interest of our policy-holders and friends. TO HAVE INSURANCE THAT REALLY INSURES AGAINST ALL THE EMERGENCIES OF LIFE FOR ONE PRE? MIUM, YOU MUST HAVE A Soutbern Hifc Society policy. Besure you get a Southern Aid Society Policy. Besure you get a Southern Aid Calendar. Insures against Sickness, Accidents und Death, that's all! HOME OrriCE: 504 N. 2nd ST., RICHMOND, V?. Eastern District Office: 555?25th Street, Newport News, Va. ?. A. Cephas, Superintendent. Branch offices in principle Cities of the State. 1H ?. ? - ?Ta ? " *XX ? ? ?a ?*T lioui-.i <>f nuaunnnani \ l>. PUMI:, l*r?'si,|?nt. EDWARD vil \\ UM. i>t \ ?? ?? Pane. ? IS, ?. < IRTKR, 2nd Vi.? Prua. ?. \. < i:i#ll ??>?.. :;??1 \ ??? l*r?-s. THOMAS at. i'Kimi', Secretary. It. I.. JORDAN, Auilitoi?. ay. ?. BAKER, Titnanrta. \ \\\sni\(iioN, \\. \. JORDAN, (HAS. Pi. JACKSON, R. C. 1UCOW.V i f Itcsidcnt lutarti. Humilie. Va. S. I). Mil.I.S. (Imlriiiaii. PRO! . Tilos. \ LONG, Qtttwimrj. ?.??? w iioi.imouK. IHt. A. L. \VI\sl.o\\ . RI v. Kor.i i;r <;. ADAMS. DANIKL P. ?.?G?. < n \i;i.i s w. w i:sT ?T. I-:. X. ROISSKAl1, SuiM-rlnt<-ndent. fjp3^> AGENTS WANTKD. ??? -' - ?l ,i?fai*aW'*aK?*ia) 4ym*a*?a) ++++++++ + + _a m% a* ??* al al ?a? ?M. V VV>i >>?>>>>?>< ?- >> v> -??JT T V ? - * - A ? ? h . ... - -. ? - * - -. 1?. a ? ? - I . . . . . . - ,a - - , - - - I ???. L ML? t., t P-1?-??T + y i- !? I? 1" ??>"!" y I >???>'??????????? ?'?????????>?i?-l?^^'???hfrhh t