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K.vni:i>\v ?M i i hi. ttea). TYPHOID MARY WANTS LIBERTY Woman Said to Breed Typhus Germs Gets Gut Writ. ISOUTEO FOR TWO YEARS Experts Say She ls the Moat Remark able of the Fever Bacilli Carriera In Country a?d Will Have to Remain a Pnaoner All He.- Life Unleaa Court Freea Her. boing 1 r in quarantlne oa aarOtl rs. thuuarh noi coaBflBltted hy a court. Mary Mal lon. a cooh. was prodacad before Su ?i. h ou a writ of haheai ;n the bopc of woman. Khn is known to the i departrafat as Typl red throogh her lawyer that ahe was Uteajally deatirea] of her iu. In ? r applit ation th* health raaaartaflaal alleged that Mary hat] I wlth whom she eamo ln t while hrrself immune. she had tho power of comrnunlcatinjr typhohl fr-vt r to otii. rs involuntarilv. ? The tt.ok statetl that she ha.' treatetl on Ntirth Brotl 1 like a l< per and h:t to oe I aay u ** ' bt r onb Baa I>r William H Parks. of the health department. aay* that Mary ia . ? than two aeore pereoaa in this country who are known aa t ba< lili t-arr:. r? and that her raae la all. Tt.. (4 : BBfl BT4 BBBSM !jre ln ?all hladder and to I from there hy the htle M^-hi. Bew grrms are takitiR the pl? at are oarrivd av. .< The experl - ry ef fort haa been made to cure Mary. who ls a remarkably healthy looklng wo? man. but. aciordinv arka. wlth? out avall H ea that. unleaa Bhe court ordera otlurwis.. ahe will hare to remain on N'orth H Island all her life. MRS. TUCKER DIVORCED General Logan'a Daughter Securea Decree on Grounda of Deaertlon. Kllralietb ohtalaed a di loai l William p. Tacker, MRS. MARY LOGAN TUCKER. - a.. ratjred, aa aToaada t.f ea senion. Alimony was eettled pri vately. Colonel Tiwker did not con test. Mra. Tueker was permitted to resume her raaidon name. The only ataaeeeee arere Mrs Taahar and ber mother. widow of General John A. Ix>gan. CUT IN HALF^ BY TRAIN Reading Braketnan Meeta Horrifale Death at Creaaona. Pottkvill.. Pa. June 30?James Faust. a Philadelphia A Reading rall aay brakeman at Creesona. waa liter ally .nt in half when he attemptf.i to rrosa over a moving freight train. He fell between the nr*t car. and the locomotive and the wheels of the car passed over hia body. Whiaky Killa Five-Year-Old Boy. Reading. Pa. Jaaa ... While his mother thought be was playlng in the yard. flve year-old Mattbew Amoroea, son of Dennla Amorosa. of thla city, earptored the coateata of a c^ whleh ae found a bottle of whiaky. The llttle fellow drank the liquor and In a saort tlme Iw-arue 111. He opeaed a window >n the rear of the house aad fell out land ing on his head and frae turlng bls skull H. di.-d beBBffl a hospital was reached. To Exclude Negro Firemen by Law. Atlanta. Ga.. June SO.?A blll to ex clude negroes from employment aa flremen and trainmen in this etate Ii heing prepared by a commlttee repre aenting tbe firemen and train of the Oeorgia rallroad. The blll wlll he pre sented to the Georgia legialature, aoa la aession. E MEN WHO HOLD THE REINS OF GOVERNMENT TO BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK TZ WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT { JAMES SCHOOLCRAFT SHERMAN Orrrta-hV IM. by Mofatt Bt?Kllc calaa?a. President of the United States PHILANDER CHASE KNOX Oopyrlfbt. 1*0* by Moffatt Btaaiu Cbica^ra. Secretary of State E. J. BABCOCK Secretary to the Secretary of State - abt. ia**. by BW.ffatt 8ta4l? i^iiar.. \ iec-Prcsident of the United States FRANKLIN MacVEAGH Oapy rl?bv X***. by atoffati etudta. Cbkwco. Secretary of the Treasury R. O. BAILEY ?a/ (l.aadlaat. W?ax ?natoa. a. O. Secretary to Secretary of the Treasury A Counter Irr.tant. "H is odd how his friend* treat a maa 8*8888 Ii*- g?'ts in hot a tbe i How 88 thav treat hlm?' ? Tha-y ball hlm out with ?-old caBh." COME AGAIN. ? loutit tt, i* plaln ? ? lln*: ?? 1 ''I. - irl. And the ? ?tis ? JUST WHAT HE THOUGHT. Bhun " Mewtfyf A Winner. I <l llke lo aay. Kr* tla too bfta*. All hall th? a* <'.irl arra.! The Wretch. "I saw Mr* Jinx out buggy rlding with a strang** maa yester.i "You did' I always had niy doubt* of that woman' I wonda-r wbo tbe man waa?" "Jinx; you told me no lonjrer than yesterday that Jinx w. Blw a atrange man," Some Charge. '?Roosevelt has gal fl all right ? l k" i y a rhl "S~" ?1 hy the gaa c ' I in Roing in for ; "Indee.r I.. | | ., you have II arilten " i tn not going to write any. you Thls is a booB ? | am going in to baj A Common Cornplaint. "It ain't my (ault r - "How do | ,t ottl"" raali o Natun 1 waa bora *ith ;t haacfa ol tla-?,. ;?%*?'!, ? What's the Uae? ttng | Accuratc ,nfl. " ? It * train i I IUIbc nm! b A N'ew Reading. ^EverythingEverythingtJ -FURNITURE-?i ?"ar FURNITUI^E SPECIALTIES ? <j* Floor Coverings ISYDNOR & HUNDLEY, INC | Leaders. A 709 711 713 FAST BROAD STREET. % W'^ *8\* *8a Baaa aaBaBBaaaBBBaBl??? 'Phone. 577 Richmond, Va A. D. PRICE, Punerol Director, Embalmer and Liverymon. All orders pronit>tly fllled at Bhort notlco by telegraph or tei? ephone. lialls rented for meetlnga and nlce eotertalnmenta. Pleuty of room wlth all neceeaary conrenlencee. Large plcnlc or band wagonB fjr blre at reaaonable ratea and nothlng but Brat clasB. carrlagea, bugglea, etc. Ke*p coaatantly on band flne fun aral supplies. "^lr No. 2 J2 East Leigh Street. "aam** (Keatdenee NVxt Door. 1 LOPEN AJLL DAY AXD Mf.liT ? Man on Dnty All Nlajnt. aBaa>aaa8hBaWiBBa^ 1. .bbIbbJ ^U"""ftmi 111 mtt aaaeeaaa Zbc Ipeople's TRcstaurant, 750 North 3rd St., Richmond. Va MEALS at All Hours?Hot or Cold. Board by Day Week or Month. SOFT DRINKS. POLITR ATTHNTION . GIVK ME A CALL Mme. SYLVIA L. MITCHELL, Proprtetress. ?? B*aBaBaB8BBBBa BaaBaBaBaBaBBaB ? W. I. JOHNSON, Jiineral Director ano Embalmer, Offlce & Warerooms, 207 N. Foushee St. Cor. Broad. HACKS FOR HIRE. Orders by Teiephone or Telegraph filled. Weddings, Suppers and Entertainments promptly attended. Teiephone, 666. Residence m Batiding ? aBB8B8a88a8a8a^