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% V a. JHH| VOLUME XXXIX, NO. 34 KNIGH OFFICERS GRAN Bristol, Vn., Juno 21.?-The Grand Jmdge, Knights of Pythias of Virginia, N, A,, S. A., Q., A. & A. i filled out its committees yesterday morning. iGlrand Chancellor John Mitchell, Jr. succeeded in clearing up business the first day. The Uniform Tinnk did not sleci) In the camp Monday night, owing to the late or- j rival 01 so many of thorn, but lust night tho touts wore in position ami tlio boys wore happy. The Grand Court, Order of Calnnthe convened In the lecturo room of the John Wesley 1SI. 10. Church. Grand Worthy Counsellor John Mitcholl, Jr. proslded, alternating . with Mrs. Margaret H. Bnrroll, of Roanoke, Va., Grand Worthy luspee trix. RA.RGI5 CROWD RUBSENT. Tho vacancies on the committees were illled. The exercises last night ! nt the John Wesley M. B. Church! was a brilliant affair. Sir B. li.l Rrown was master of ceremonies and! right well did he perform the task. Sir Charles H. Rrown spoke. The choir rendered a selection. The church wan packed. Mr. R i?>. Olay, the well-known armor and lecturer Introduced Mayor Gammon. Ho paid a glowing tribute to Mr. ! Clay. Ho also spoke of the friendly' relationship existing betiwcon tlio' white and colored people of Bristol. Two Mayors wore scheduled to speak as one-half of Bristol is in Virginia ami the otliov half in 'I'ftininconn no visible lino to toll one State from the other. Till') MAYOR SPEAKS. Aftor the spunking, Sir U. S. (I. Proo introduced (Iranil Lecturer, W. 11. P. Crowe!!, who made 0110 of his characteristic addresses brimfull of eloquence. As tho Mayor had to leave to moot auothor engagement Sir Crowoll stated that be was laboring under tho handicap of responding to tho address of one who was absent. A musical selection was rendered and a solo was admirably sung by Mrs. C. I). Hanks. Tho G. 0.. John Mitchell, Jr. gave an extended account of tho trouble ot the Grand Lodge of Virginia with the Supremo Lodge, emphasizing tho fact that this Grand Jurisdiction had dono everything it could honorably do <o end, iho trouble. i THE INJUNCTION READ. j I The injunction granted by the Supremo Court of tho District of Columbia was read, declaring that tho momhors of tho Order in Virginia were ontillod to all the rights and privileges of members of the Ordor. ' At the conclusion of tho remarks, a ' collection was lifted for tho Church, j Tho beuoillction was announced , by ; Rev. J. W. Pryor, of Richmond, Va. j ? TITH NEXT DAY. * Bristol, Va., Juno 22?Tho Grand J Lodge met at 9 A. M. at tho John' Wesley M. Ifl. Church, Grand Chan-! cellor John Mitchell, Jr. presidingi J The body was opened in ritualistic; form. Tho roport of the Grand Lodge oflleors being in ordor, tho Grand Chancellor read his roport. ; Ho wont into the minutest dotnil of. tho work (luring the past year and,' showed that the lmlanco in (lie, treasury of (ho iGirand Dodge was, highly gratifying. At tho conclusion, many were 011 their feet to move that tho rules be suspendod. This motion prevailed by an unanimous voto and then came tho motion to eloct unanimously. This was carried, hut not before many spoeclios had boon made praising John Mitchell, Jr. \ . PINE SHOWING. During all of this time, Vice Chancellor T. J. Free, of Newport News, Va. occupied tho chair. Itov. Dr. Thomas II. White, Sir W. R. P. Orowoll, Sir U,iS< G. Froc, Itev. Li. J . M,orris and many othors figured ; in this discussion. Grand Keeper of ltocords and Seal A. V. Nor'rell, Sr., made a fine report, wliilo Grand Master of Rxclioquor. E. 11. Jefferson thrilled the assemblage with tho statement that tho Grand Dodge ahovrod a halanco in ita treasury of ($61,714.42) sixty-one thousand, (Contlaned on Fifth Pag:?) '" *wwi>>wwi#WMWiBhi www?us^jijwuxu RICH ni'" ?JULIIIII I ' ll'lH * I-._..JU..LJJ ? ELECTED?GR/! D MASTER OF E _ SIXTY-ON Delegates in Attendance of kSmBL', John JVfilchcl!, Jr..t Grand Chancellor I: ?>/-f.<5?,raf&ftvi^Tv?> ?5K9 * *, '? n .*> , * *:.^k vim. ijucib b. c. scott Grand Worthy BoglcrUr of Doed? MR *<.-?" -' V " 4 KPIiiite mm IMOND, VIRGINIA, SATURDAY, Jl (THIAS ^ND CHANCE XCHEQUER ETHOUSAN the Grand Lodge, K. ( A. V. NORRELL, GRAND KEEPER OP REi 8. KATB 8. TH0MA8, Qka^u Woarttv fltnwm <, % JLY 1, 1922 ai fcjki :llor mitc jefferson d dollars :>f P. and Grand Court CORDS AND SHAD > jfl f /Of ./'*' r p?ro?rr* MRS. M. H. BUHRBLL, Ql flrr, , \* .\ . . m 'Kl li 1 -lj-L?:--1-1:?; - -t-'WWL11, MWtssm STOI HELL'S A BAU A rnmmm Q. of C. . ^ - r i mi iviasier or r.xcnequer t i i i i t I I h H| I Br H t j ' ' ^ . 1 AHo WORTHY iKsmmu* 1 H" B -- H r? Br^sS B?Bgtggg i Ian i MBgBMMP PRICE. FIVE CENTS L, VA. j REPORT SkNCE f McTiluctI OH. PEYTON'S RESIOITION MONDAY I _ I Consternation Reigns nt The Sixth "Alt. Z'on Church Meeting Monday Night to Pass oil Dr. Peyton's Resignation. The Divine ! in New Jersey. ! Tlie notion of Rev. Dr. R. V. Peyton in proeipitutctlvcly tender! ug UiV resignation to the Sixth Mount 55 ton Paptist, Church has produced a sensation in thai part of this city,, known us "Old Jackson Ward." it seems- -jr that lie ims lu en'm touch with the Montclair congregation for some time aiiu had accepted the call to Hut church there without previously advising the congregation hero of ins action. On this account, some of his members hero are criticising It I in. while a host of others are hoping almost against hope that he can lie induced to reconsider, his determination to leave them and return to his Hoc., here again. So far as the general pu , lie had been advised all was peace and harmony between the congregation and the distinguished pulpit divine, everything was done for his comfort.. T1U0 PASTODVS SALARY His salary is reported to have been $150.00 per months with $25.00 extra for expenses, his coal furnished, a parsonage provid?<l for him and lus store-room kept filled. ;n addition to tlicse things, he had purcl used in his these lllimrM lie l.e.l ??? . o". mm luiruiiiisnil 111 lllfi own right n summer home in Washington Park ,ii suburban village, where he could spend his days and cool nights in retirement. Per. i.?i. Peyton had recently launched a drive to build a fine palatial new church, the estimated cost ranging any where from $11)0 000.00 down to $100,000.0o Somo of the members of his flock are said to have looked with some apprehension at this venture, but the over whelming majority of the church seemed to he supporting him in the movement. ACCEPTED THE CALL. Then came the thunder-clap, the acceptance of a church in a northern city and afterwards a peremptory resignation which has upset the church. It can hardly ho said that his enemies were dumbfounded for it is not credited that he had any In this large congregation in tho church, which Rev. John Jasper founded. A church meeting will consider (lit. resignation in all of its phases nexi Mondaynight. Whether it will !>o nc cepted to take effect at once is the ques tion, although' ho has severed his con ncction with tire church and is now the pastor of another church in New Jersoy. Rev. Dr. Peyton left the church once before niuler similar circumstances. I PUDPIT VACANT. The pulpit was kept, vacant for him for a long timet, until ho formally gavo up tho church in Washington and camo hack to a mourning congregation. Will tho Sixth 'Mount-fclon Baptist Church accept, the resignation of Rev. Dr. Poyton next Monda> night and will it declare the pulpit vacant and seok another divine to fill h's place? If pcaco and harmony prevails; it is expected that this question will he decided and thnt other ministers will he Invited in rotation with a view of finding a sboplmrd for a united people, who arp trying hnrd to secure a man of God to lead theiu again . II SHOULD GOUT RUSY WITH THE PDANBT'fl B-WORD OONTWST AND ft*T SOME KASY MONEY, Road th? rule? of the contest on page 3.. tnd get your pencil and p&por.