OCR Interpretation

Richmond planet. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1883-1938, September 16, 1922, Image 9

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84025841/1922-09-16/ed-1/seq-9/

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Member Severed Above the Wrist
Delivered to A. Philips Randolph.
Had New Orleans Postmark and Ordered
Him to Ceaso Klan Attacks.
"African Potentate" Rival Leader,
Says Publisher, Is "Stealing
His Stuff."
(New York Herald, Sept. 6, 1922.) '
A human hand, severed just below,
the wrist, and apparently that of ai
negro, was received in the mail yes-1
terday by A. Philip Randolph, editor'
of the negro monthly, The Messen-,
ger, which is published at 2305 Seventh
iavenue. With the hand, enclosed
in the brown paner package,
was a typewritten note signed "K.
K. K.", warning Randolph against his
writings in the magazine, and threat
ening to cut ofF his head and "send it
to some one else" unless he desisted
in some of his attacks. The package
bore the postmark of New Orleans,
and the sender had typed: "From a
Friend, New Orleans," on the address
tag. , '
The police of the West 135th
street station and the postollice department
inspectors are at work on
the case, and dispatches were sent
at once to /the Federal agents in New
Orleans to attempt to trace the sender
of the package. The hand was
wrapped in several layers of paper,,
apparently of the sort used in department
stores, and was considerably
Randolph and his assistant, Chandler
Owens, have been active in th^ir
attacks against the Ku Klux Klan and
have also waged a campaign against
Marcus Garvey, the self-styled emperor
of Africa. Long articles have
been printed in "The Messenger"
ridiculing Garvey, and holding him
up his "Back to Africa" movement to
More than once during the last
few months Randolph has been
threatened that he would be killed,
he said, the most recent being at a
meeting of the Friends of Negro
Freedom, held on August 27th, a
.Sunday afternoon, several hundred
.oi tne v nenos met to discuss tne
.subject, "Why Garvey Should Bo Dejiorted,"
and to ridicule the "Em-;
,peror's" Liberian movement. At that
.time Randolph sHya an unidentified
:Negro rose to his feet and shouted
that he was going to "get" Randolph.,
'This set the meeting in an uproar. I
As the trouble-maker was firmly led
.out of New Douglass Hall, at 142d|
:street and Lenox avenue, Randolph
;says he shouted:
"I'll get you and be glad to do fifteen
years in the pen for it!"
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| Anonymous letters have arrived in
large numbers from New York, Philadelphia
and Washington threatening
Randolph, he says, but ho has
ignored them. The receipt of the
package yesterday, however, is something
of a different matter, he says,
and he intends to see that the sender
is apprehended, if possible.
The letter, which was typewritten
rather badly on a machine which had
a blue ribbon, read as follows:
"Listen Randolph;
"We have been watchintr your.
writings in all your papers for quite,
a wile but wo want you to understand
before We act. If you are not
' in favor with your own race move-1
ment you cant be with ours, there *
is no space in our race for you and
your crowd. What doe you mean by
giving us a nigger? do you know
that our organization is made up of
all whites? we have sent you a sampel
of our good work so watch YOUR
STEP or else You . . . Now let me
see your name in your nigger improvement
association as a member,
paid up too in about one week from <
now. Dont worry about linching in
the south ... if you wero here you
wouldnt talk about it. Now be careful
how you publish this letter in
your magazine or we may have to
sen dyour Hand to someone else?
Dont think we cant get you and your
crowd. Although we are in New
York city it is just as easy as if you
were in Georgia. If you cant unite i
with your own race we will find out',
whats the matter with you all. Dont ,
be selfish . . . give your friends a tip.
"K. K. K." |!
A special meeting of the Friends :
of Negro Freedom has been called
for Sunday afternoon at New Doug-;
las Hall and the whole story will be
threshed out at that time. !
When a reporter for the New York
Herald called on Marcus Garvey at
his apartment at 133 West 129th
street, to tell him of the receipt of
the jackage by his opponent, the j
"African Potentate" was sitting "in
a council" which he conducted in his
famous Chamber of 1,000 Vases in
the luxuriously furnished apartment..
Large palm plants were all about the
rnnm. whinh wno vii4iinl1\r fllln/l fn
overflowing by vases and bric-a-brac
of every possible description and pe-.
riod design. When told of the pack-'
age and its contents, he said: .
"I know nothing about it, but I
can venture just about what the'
whole thing is. It looks to me liko a
good publicity stunt which Randolph
and Owen have pulled to get some.
notoriety. They have been trying to i
steal some of my own publicity for a
long time, especially all during August,
when the thousands of my delegates
from all over the world were
here. They have charged that I made
an alliance with the Ku Klux Klan ^
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simply because I conferred with Su- j
preme Wizard Clarke while I was
South last spring. I have no connee- 1
tion with the Klan of any kind."
(Preston News Service.) 1
New York City, Sept. 7.?Harry
Wills, the Bronze Panther of New !
Orleans, with a crushing right hook '
to the jaw, after two-minutes and '
five seconcte of fighting in the third ;
round of his bout with "Tutt" Jack- '
C/Ml Af llAllOfl n I
fame, vindicated himself and firmly '
established his position last Tuesday !
night at Ebbett's Field, flooring his 1
challenger for the count.
Exactly one week from the day,!1
when he disposed of "Buddy" Jack- 1
son in Newark, N. J., before an en-':
thusiastic gathering of Elks, Wills 1
disposed of the other Jackson, and 1
thus practically swept away the final ]
barrier to a match with the present I
heavyweight champion, Jack Demp- ;
sey. Followers of "Fistiana" are '
wondering what subterfuge the wily '
Jack Kearns, manager of Dempsey, '
will resort to in a futile attempt to '
stave off a championship bout be- '
tween Dempsey and Wills.
Fight Muit Be Stagod.
And, inevitable as the coming of
another championship match, Wills
and Dempsey will meet. Just when, !
where, how soon, no one, just now, is <
in position to tell. ;
But Wills' two recent victories,
while they can hardly be called sen- <
sational, have certainly knocked all
competition out of the way. The
public has been clamoring for Wills ,
to really show his class, lie has done
this in no uncertain way. White |
heavies would not meet him, so he
took the only colored men in his class
who showed that they had any records
and disposed of them?yes, disposed
of them so easily, in fact, that
the aftermath is rather amusing,
from a mere reader's point of view.
This leaves Dempsey with only one
tuuisu cu yuisut'i uiuiur no will
have to agree to meet Wills?and
soon, for the American public, whatever
else might be said of it, really
wants the best?or step down and
give his title to some one who will
fight. It is needless for him to travel
all over the country attempting to
meet set-ups, like the fat, over-sized
Billy Miske, Bill Brennan, or the
rapidly-aging hunk, Jess Willard.
Boxing commissions will not stand
for it?the cancellation of the Labor
Day attraction havirrg shown as
Now They're Singin* 'Em.
And now sport writers are beginning
to sing the ""Blues" again. They
are trying to discredit the fact that
Wills knocked out both his opponents?knocked
them into a cuckoo
with practically not effort. Here's the
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1 Iff 11 v IIIL-1^;ist
of their lament:
First?A leading sport authority !
lias stated that Wills, while the lead- j
ing eontendor for Dempsey's crown,
is no match for the American champ. |
Second?Chairman William Multloon,
of the New York Boxing Commission,
has announced that he has
begun investigation into "Tutt"
Jackson's record.
Now, let's see just how far these
statements should go. Of course, no
one takes the talk of the gentleman
from New York seriously. For those
who saw the fight last Tuesday night
nre unanimous in their opinion that
yv ins win give lur. uempsey tne ngnt:
of his young life. And, again, Mr. i
Dompsey must think that Wills is'
somewhat of a "Vanther," for he con-'
tinually refuses?not in words, but
in actions?to bo enticed to sit on a
three-legged stool opposite the
bronze adonis. And why? Just because
he knows that when that fateful
day comes the championship is
likely, very likely, to once again j
change hands. i
This self-same man gives as an-)
other reason, that Wills cannot hit
as hard as Carpentier! Think of it I
A man who can floor Norfolk with a
blow which travels barely six inches;
n man who broke six of Fred Fulton's
ribs with his punishing body
blows; a man who simply toyed with
Buddy Jackson and made him dizzy
when he got good and ready; a man
ivhn frnpfnrnH fKroo nf "'Puff1* Tor?lr
son's ribs and injured his spinal column,
cannot hit as hard as the 175pound
Frenchman? These facts
should provo conclusively to any fairminded
sport the ambiguity of the
statements of the Eastern sire.
Then again, he intimates that Wills
cannot "take it." Now, who has
proven that he can't? No one! Mr.
Dempsey, possibly, is the only one
who might be able to show the sporting
world whether or not Wills can
"take it," but never a peep from Mr.
All you can hear from that august
gentleman, down east, is the gentle
refrain of $500,000. All he wants is
? lease on the Treasury Department
of the United States and a couple of
the government mints. But force of
circumstances might bring about a
meeting?with 110 train load of
shekels either?and then!
About tho Investigation.
Chairman Mulldoon says that he'd
have to investigate the record of the
Ohio youth. No one discredits that
statement. But Mr. Mulldoon must
remember that it was the white!
dailies which gave "Tutt" such a
wonderful play, with his enormous |
reach of 80Vj inches, his royal height!
and his wonderful height. These
papers were the ones that literally
shoved Jackson into a flght with
True, the accounts mipht have
been exaggerated. But did any commission
investigate the facts when
Carpentier, weighing little more than
170 pounds, met the closo to 200pound
Dempsy? No, not one.
Atlfl ft fiirhtpr in tho honuurunl rrVi f
class must battle at catch weights.
They say that "Tutt" was a "novice,"
but ringside followers claim that, the
defeated youth was clever, in a way.
Everyone believed that he did not
ar in Ad
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have tho experience. But the white'
public was hoping against hope that
tho dangerous Wills would go down.
Otherwise why such publicity?
Will. Still Waiting. I
Having disposed of his opponents,
Wills is still, silently but vigilantly,
waiting for Dempsey to make a movo.
And when Dempsey does movo, thon
ho will come forward. Wills does not
want a fortune. All he wants is a
crack at tho title. When will ho get
it? The race waits in suspense.
(New York Herald.)
The State Athletic Commission
yesterday announced the suspension
of Tut Jackson, who played the part
of a punching bag for Harry Wills;
his manager, Billy Palmer, and his
publicity promoter, William McCarney.
The suspensions will remain in
force until such time as the ch*cumstftnrpR
nrn invpsticntnil. Tho i-linrtro
against the manager is that he misrepresented
the facts as to Jackson's
physical. qualifications and also his
fighting ability.
The commission reinstated Edward
Forbes,. Brooklyn writer on sports
and referee, who was suspended following
a dispute with former Deputy
Commissioner Tom O'Rourke regarding
a seat in the press row at Ebbets
Field. O'Rourke sought to have
Forbes vacate the seat and is alleged
to have struck the reporter when the i
latter refused to give up his seat.
The suspension of Tom Stanley, a
manager, having been raised by the
Connecticut commission, the New
York commission took similar action.
Milwaukee Wis., Sept. G.?SenutOi
Robert M. La Follette has been swept
.into tho Republican nomination loi
United States Senator at the Novemtbor
election in this State by the gretn
est mnoiity that any candidate has
over polled at a primary in Wisconsin.
Returns received from more thai
four-fifths of the State early tonight
show him loading by 178,333, W. A.
Ganfiold, of Waukesha, president, of
Carroll Co^lego Iris only opponent.
The vote from 2,057 out of 2,523 precincts
in tl'io State was 'La Poll cut,
294,857; Ganfield 524.
In rolling ut> this tremendous ma
orlty Sonutor La Fcrtletto carried with
'htm) what was' known as tlio entire La
Pollette slate from- Urtlted States Son
ator down* to Attornoy-Goneral.
Umbrella Coupon
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IUere'e an opportunity to earn bit money?
to to *13 a day, with e**y work, *11 your time
or epare time and obtain * Word Automobile
frM baalOaa. A itraljthtoat from the shoulder
bailn**e proposition. Mo votlug or iuc**lng
contest. We want wide-awake men and woman
to Introduce into every home our famoua
ZANOL Vara food Prodnote, Non-Aleoholle
I Food Flavor* In tnbee, Toilet Preparation*,
41 Perfume* and Soap*; 250 oiber light
weight household necessities.
6# i lf? iipiri?H >N?Hr;-*t DHb yea
- .I kiw. |t>< yea Ue right atari ui h?)p
I fnattiliiNMi. Abeelntalyae limit
I te yesrearalat power. Weeenoaeealy
UMESlMttL a aeileln LtmVtr ( Qanaia) A|?ate
i HHfVA N (tl U unh with o? at (as*.
W? fiinlik ear rapratanu.
I Ffc/*T tltaa with a fna oiomoblla.
W/a 11(11' \ MBd P?'*?> t" parllaa*
I EM mm \Ur..odmou.TOi%tlof offtr.
r\l Mil rvCSSytoa U?Bt?AN rkoouiiB co.
THE Y. M. C. A. NOTI58.
Still the Y. M. C. A. I? contending
for what belongs to Christ. Pleaso
Join tho battle for Illm who has never
lost ono.
Kvery boy and man of tho Y. M. C.
A. wns actltve lost Snnday In mind or
body for the other boy and man.
9:3(F A. M. at tho building tho work
ers for a got ready hour. |
Tho meeting for tho womon In tho
ponltentlary 10 A. M. was ono ftill ol
tho spirit and overy ono was well paid
for attending thlh meeting.
10 A. ftf. the prisoners of tho city
Jail and tho Inmates of tho city bom*
were remembered by the committees.
A good time. |
At tlio building the boys wero out
in full 4 P. M. to lioar their proslden |
speak. Songs wero right accompanied I
l)y Master Ilobson. Start the boy right
anil follow him ho will bo alright.
5:30 P. M. at the building a warm
meeting for men and they enjoyed the
address. Subject: A Decision For
Christ. The men sang from their souls
Men be on time Sunday ready for
hard wdrk and tlio other man.
I^et tlio workers bo on time for service
at tlio building, 9:30 A. M.
Mothers send your boys to tlio meet
ing for tho m4 P. M. at tbo building.
All men aro Invited to tho meeting
at tho building 5:30 P. M. Mr. C. TV?,
Taylor will speak;. SUtiJbctr WITT A
Man Rob Qod? I'Avv songs. BO on ttono
Tho Y. M. C. A. Is very much in
need of prayer. Please do not. forgot us
Subsorlbo to Tho Richmond Planet
only $2.00 per year in advance. Sent
any whoro In the world.
*<>? ?'? ?
$2 00
for $2. i
eliable race jc
Prices are h
e lowest poss
notypes are hi
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th Stre<
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7 - 'As ' J' OVjf/i - tf*V-w
> ' -' ;;^
for DarkGrnpexions-If
you wont to bo respected, admired and
loved by everybody. Bee that you havo a
beautiful complexion, freo of bumps and
nplotches, and tliat your hnlr is smooth and
properly dressed. Your best friend la your
"looks"?here's how to keep them.
To Whiten the Skin, no matter how dark
your complexion, is nn easy and Bimplo
matter if you will only uao Dr. Fred ,
Palmer's Skin Whitencr Ointment?it
quickly bleaches, la perfectly safo and delightful
to use. At your druggist or sent
postpaid upon receipt of price, 26c.
Oily, Shiny, Dumpy Complexions soon glvo
way to a soft, omooth, velvety skin after
using Dr. Fred Palmer's Skin Whitenor
Soap, following with his delicately per*
fumed Faco Powder. Try this and watch
your akin improve. At your druggist or
sent postpaid upon receipt of price, 26a
You Must Havs Smooth, Luxuriant Hair
and tha bent and safest way to g?t it Is
by using Dr. Fred Palmer's llalr Dresner?
it makes tho hair straight, promote* its
growth and cleans tho scalp. At your
druggist or sent postpaid upon receipt of '
price, 26c.
Writs for Agents* Monty-making
Dr. Fred Palmer s Laboratories
Sold lor 36 Ycari. Pamphlet on \ho ecalp ma"ed
frco on application to
129 W. 2 4tli Stroet Now York City
ammmwmmm u i iu umn in ! 'i1. n
Read The Planet and keep informed
as to what our Race is
tloingr in world and domestic affairs
Affords protection against in- {
fectious diseases. All prudent
persons should avail themselves
of this dependable germicide.
i >
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Va. |
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