Newspaper Page Text
EIGHT Roanoke News 'RiOANOKE, "VA., September 1J>.? Alice Wicks lias returned from Philadelphia anfl Atlantic City, N. J., \vh0p3 sho visited the relatives of her father. Miss Mary J. Wicks also is home Prom Halifax County, ATa., where she vifcited the relatives of her mother. Hev. J. J. Mayo, of 619 Eighth Avenue, N. E. had his right foot broken while operating the elevator ait the Ponco dc Leon Hotel about' livo weeks ago. lie is much improved; at this writing. j iur. ana Airs, wmtam i "copies ana J Mr. 11. J. Peoples, or Aflox, Ky. wore called to the city last Wednesday: because of tlio d(eath oC thclp sisterin-law, Mrfr;. Mary. E. Peoples, of 325 1-2 Fourth Avenue, N. W. lleri funeral took place Friday morning, September 16 from the Mt. Zion A., M. E. Church, of which she was a faithful member. Rev. James S. Hatclior, D. I), delivered the eulogy from the hook of Job. Prayer by Rev. Claro of tho St Paul Memorial M. E. Church. Tho remains were laid to rest in tho family burial ground at StefwardsviUo, Va. Her placo will be missed in tho home and around tho fireside. | Tho Cunoral services of Mrs.' Francis McDaniel of 154 Wolls Alley N. W. took placo Tuesday, September 10, at 3 o'clock from the Sweet Union Baptist Church. She was a faithful member and a very dearfriend to all she came in contact with. Tho casket was of black cloth and tho florals wore numerous and, very beautiful and befitting. Many turned out to do honor to the memory of this sainted mother who had been blessed to the ripo age of 83 years. Rev. W. W'. Gilbert delivered tho eulogy in a very touching manner. Mr. C. C. Williams, tho polite funeral director and ombalmer, had charge. A large family of nieces and grand nieco, many rolatlvos and a host of friendp mourn the loss. All realize tho Saviour loved her 'best and took her to Himself. Her remains were peacefully laid to rest In Midway Comotery. No more glowing tribute couUl be paid to the memory of a departed friend and Christian mother than was done by her bdloved pastor, Rev. W. W. Gilbert. Mrs. Mnry C. Claibourne of Martinsville, Va. was in tho city last Saturday on business. She worshipped at Mt. Zion Sunday and\ left for homo Monday eve. A very splendid service was hold at Mt. Zion A. M. E. Church, Sunday September 17. Rev. Hatclior's subject was, "Tho Modern Day Danco," from which he painted an awful picturo which none should ever forget ?tho torriblo price of such indulgences. September 17 was Educational or Endowment Day throughout African Methodism. Tho collection for tho day was ? 125.00. A delightful program was rendered at night by tho Ants Dramatic Club of the A. M. E. Church, in which were quite a number of pleasant features of religious sceneries of Biblical events, such ub "Naaman tho Loyer." Tho monthly meeting of the Missionary Society of Mt. Zion A. M. E. Church was hold on tho newly ropairod veranda of tho parsonage of tho cluirch, 115 Seventh Avenue, N. W. Mrs. Gertrude Hatcher is president of the society. r Bishop J. Albert Johnson will anvlwrt ~ A.wl ?111 WT w 111 AVUUUVIVU X UUOUUJ it II11 Will lecture at Mt. Zion Thursday night. ' He will visit other charged In his district during the week end. Miss Stolla Broadnax, of Seventh Avonue, a teacher in the public schools, spent tho summer away. She has resumed her duties In school. | Mr. and Mrs. iGl L. Plttman havo| returned homo after many weeks of i rest and recreation in Rappahannock County. Mrs,. Magnolia Ponn, of 212 Sov-{ entli Avonue, N. E., who has been] indisposed for several weeks is much? improved at this writing. i j j Hair Dressing, manicuring, mas-j saging, scalp specialties and quick lunch at 115 1-4 N. Henry Street, j Phono 385'i-W. ! i Mr. Henry Price, 614 Eleventh. Avenue, who for many years has j boon quite indisposed, has been confined to bed foP four or five weeks. J Ho is reported slightly improved. \ s MUs. C. Chester Burrell, of Nor-j folk, Va. i? visiting hor mother, Mrs. | Ada Meade, of Tenth Avenue, N. E.; ? Mrs. Mamie MeKnuckles Gilliamsj of Boston, Mass. spent two weeks in) Roanoke visiting Mrs. Elijah Iirown' o? Roanoke and somo friends of Wythevillo while in these parts of the South. She returned to Boston | last Friday much impressed with her< trip. She was accompanied by her little son. j Mr. M. D. Barlow is homo getting j along nicely. Ho resides at No. 66 Chestnut Avenue. 1 The Planet Agent is on the road, and solicits your patronage, if you! wish to read, a good colored newspaper. The Agent will furnish you as he passes through your street,' or whorevor you clianco to meet him. I Ho has many wondorful remedies at his dteposal. Try them. Your. friends have been holped and the world moves on by our helping the other, follow. Don't knock the man who Is doing things. Read The Planet and keep informed as to what our Race is doing: in world and domestic affairs FUJL/CQN JNOTIfiS. Men .and women wautod, at tho Mt. Calvary Baptist Sunday School. Miss Alma Logau Superintendent, Miss Rosoly Harris, secretary. Rev. :C. B. J offer son Super intoiulont. I "We had a good many visitors prosout wltli us last Sabbath, including R>evs. Jennings and Jenkins of the Sooond Baptist church. Wo wore glad to so-3 three of our members buck after spond ing tho summer out of town, namely Miss Laura Nolson accompanied with Miss Louise Martin of New Jersey, Miss Charlotte Jackson and Mrs. HalHe Robinson. Subject for (he morning was Sawing and Reaping and at Night Power of CSod. .1:30 1*. M. tiio promotion day exercises of tho cradle roll department were held and certificates wore dollv* ered to tho pupils of that department by Miss Alma Logan, who is a groat worker in every department of oui Sunday School and church. The Biblicnl discussion was hud by tho moiu? hers of the Teacher's Training clash of the school, with M1ss Edna Clarke tho assistant secretary of tho school as Miistress of Ceremonies.. Tomorrow tho Dr. G. W. llrent of Washington, D. C.? will preach for U3, morning and night. Let us come out and hear this great man of God. Livo music will bo had by tho choir. 3:30 P. M. our pastor wilji preach tho Memorial services of tho Iliawtitha BeneUicial club of Richmond. A very interesting programme ban been arranged for tho occasion. t Tuesday, the 19tli inst. tho funeral services of brother James Hnckett, Jr., were held at tho church. Tlio funeral was preached by Rev. Oobbs. Ho is tho fcen of Mrs. Elian Hackett and brother of Mr. Walter Hackett. He leaves many relatives and friends to mourn their Ions. He 'is gone, but will not be forgotten. , I Great Musical and Elocutionary couj cert,. 4th Monday n,ight In September] 8 P. M. at the Mt. Calvary Baptist church. Composed of Richmond's best talont. Como out and hear for yourself. Admission Fifteen cents. Second Tuesday in October, 8:30 r. M. there wjy 1 bo a grent voting contest between tho leader of the choir, Mr. Nathaniel Yates and tho President j M-iss Sylbelia Barnes. Come and help ( one of them to win. A unique program will be rendered j A Rev. Wv L. Tuck carried on three weeks successful revival services at1 the New Vino Baptist church, Charles City County, iHiising Mt. ZiCn Baptist Churchy Henrico Co. and tho First. xjiipuiHL ciiurca, uormuda Hundreds, Vrt. Each week tlio services were con ducted by tho Rov. C. A. Cobbs of tlie Mt. Calvary Baptist church, Riclunom., Vn. During these services there wore over 51 converts and accessions to the Oburch. Rev. Tuck baptized at ttio Now Vino Baptist church last Sunday and tomorrow ho will Baptize at tho First Baptist church, Bermuda Ilun drcds. | Rev. Tuck willl preach his farewell' sermon at tho Rising Mt. Zion Baptist church, Henrico, Co., on the First Sun day in October. Rev. Tuck is a great t preacher of tho Gospel. RISING MT. ZION CHURCH. Wo were privileged to hear Rjpv.; TTnl,A,<A? Inat Qllll/lftV duiiv^ ui iJMiiuvx'i \juu/uy KIOI UUHVUV Rev. Jones delivered an electrifying t sermon. His doop theme as well ns the skillful handling df tho discourse" caused all to go out fully gratilfied. I Thursday at 2:00 P. M. tho fun?ral service of Mr. John'Scott was held a. j the ahovo mention church. Rev. W. H.! Brown officiated. Mr. Scott has been j sick for somo considerable time and I his end came no*, unexpectedly to rela-. tives and friends. j Mrs. Maria Brown continues quite Slick. i THE DOINGS OP THE Y. M. C. A. Our General Secretary is very h<np-j py over the flowers which one of the members of tho Y. M. C. A. loft in the ( private office. A little sunshine helps iu make things ro. He thanks this mom her one of of the leading business men of Richmond. J i ' A full day's service was rendered by the boys and men last Sunday anu every thing went well under tho guid itiico of God. ! 0:30 A. M. at the bufilding n workers' get together meeting before enter ing upon the work for the <lay. Much was aeeomplishod at tlio pern tentiary 10 A. M. with the women and the meeting was a good one. 10 A. M. the committees found them selves busy in the Jail and city home. Men do not got tired for we only are to live for others. Vice-Pres. William Spurlock made a great hit with the hoys 4 P. M. at the building and his address was one in the right time. Subject: Influence. Th songs came iMght fromi the soul. [Mr. C. M. Tayloir. 5:30 P. M. at tlio building gave tl?o men ono that will not be forgotten vory soon. Subject. Will a Man Rob God? Others took an aetjive part and the meeting was full of fire. Glad to see the strangers. Oome again. The men sang with the spirit. Men be on time Sunday ready for hard work and the other man. Workers bo on time for the meeting 9:30 A. M. at the building. i A great, one for the boys 4 P. M. at I tl" building. Every one on time. THE R10HM Editor It. P. Vftughan has a good on<5 for the men G:30 P. M. at the building. Something tlmt tvll moil should got. A Trip to Boston by tho Way of the Editor. Prof. Josoph Matthews will havo a Holoct quartetto to tfijig. Men do not miss this. I ? . 5 1'. M. the class for the explanation on tho Sunday School Wv son Will opon. According to promise Dr. W. II. Stokes Will lecture at this hour. Subject: Capital Punishment. He on time for a soat. Free. Tho work for the senson will bo launched at the Loigb Street Memorial M. E. Church Sunday, October 1st. }. P. M. Mr. A. W. Holmes one of our act lvo members and among the leadins business men will deliver tlie address. Tho choir of tho National Ideal bonofit Society will render tho music for the evening. Free for everybody. Come Wo nro now asking that every honm will luivo special prayer for the Y. M. C. A. Y, VW. O. A. NOTICS. A very splendid address was deliver ed by Dr. 1). B. Tliarps at the Vesper! borvice on last Sunday. Dr. Thorps used as her theme: "Judge not that yoj bo not judgo."Tlio novel way in whiMi' tlie Speaker developed her tlicmo, show ing the power of true friendship wau a delight and inspiration to the audience. The music under the dlrecuoiJ of Mrs. James Poindcxter was excellent. j Prof. M. W. Connor will bo the speak or n't tlio Vesper hour on Sunday. Ves Iters from G to 7 P. M. You are cordial ly invited to nttond. Registration for tlio Physical Recreation class will begin on Monday, September 26th. Information can bo obtain ed by calling at the 'Y' or by calling Madison 2547. Classes in Cooking, Art Work, and Millinery are planned for opening in October. Those wiping to enter these classes nro asked to reglffttcr tJjeir names with us. 1 ,1 _ , ( Only a few moro days romiain In , which to register for Indies Tailoring. I Shofnld yon desiro to tnko this course; see ns at once. GIRL RESERVES AND INDUSTRIAL, DEPTS. j< Formal opening of Pall Work, Tuesday evening, September 26th, 7:30 P. M. to which all griln are Invited and expected to be present. The features of the evening will be the joint repOi given by the delegates of the Kittrell Conference, introduction of tlie new Girl flteserves Advisers and commit-i tee and an outline of yearV* work. The Richmond Conference songs, yelTs and cheers will be used am ! taught at that timo. Representatives from the Girl Reserves of the Central with the/1 r Girl (Reserves Director Miss Litakcr are expected to bo present. | PROGRAM?Opening, Silver BayPrize Song; devot.ionals, Miss Hazel1 Tyler; song, Sunlight; tlio conference ' theme and how it was developed, Miss Myrtlo Griftln; religious activities a. conferenco, Miss Almeria Edmunds; anthem, Faith, IIopo, and Lovo; ttao technical hour, Miss Grace Lewis; Kit troll Prize Poem, Composed by Mists T.' S. Alexander, Miss Henrietta Barrett; j prize song, cctnvposcd by Miss Evely.i Burwell; How we won honors at conference, Miss 13urnell Lee; amuso, ments Misses Ethel Jackson, Annie J Jenkins, Delilah Crump, Elsie Gaines; i remarks, Miss C. Kyles; bongs and cheers led by Miss Eve.lyn Burwell, liianijst Mias MyrtJe Giflln., Mistress or Cermoniee, Miss Hazel Tyler, chairman Girls Work. On Friday evening, a Girls Counci. including threo representatives from each of tlio organized groupb both of the Reserves and Business and Indus trial groups and tboir respective advisers will be organized. \ NOTICE! I A mass meeting of the Community Sorvico League will be held on Wednesday night, September 27, at O ^~-l- - * - ~ * o u mguii at uucnanan school. Tho various clubs, organizations clmi dies of the City niifi Vicinity have boon invittd to bo represented. Tlio purpose is to plan for Emancipation Colobration on April 3, 1025, if found advisable by the representatives. Should thoro bo any clubs or organizations who have not received a communi-cation send your two delegates just tho same and they will bo gladly received. We tried to got iu touch with all organizations. Wo may have missed somo by not knowing -tho ofilcers and tlioir addrossos. Please romomber the date, Wednesday, tho 27tli, at, S P. M. Community Servico League, headquarters 700 N. 17th St. Nathaniel Roy, president; W. R. Jones and C. Tt. Williams, secretaries. Committee, Rov. J. H. Rinford, D. D., M. P. Ty.lor, W. R. Jones and C. R. Williams. NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION WIIjTJ MEET IN ST. IXHIIS. Solma, Ala., Sept. 15 1922. To the Raptrtat Churches Thru-out the Country: Dear Brethren,*?At a meet ing oP the Executive Board held in Helena, Arkansas, Tuesday, September 12tlh. it was decided to hold tho 42nd. Annual Session of the Notional Baptist Convention in St. IjOuIr, Missouri December 6-11, 1922. Thin action 1b based on tho importance of holding a meeting this year and the distance of travel the ratee and hazardous times fdjr a trip to bo mado to California. St. Lourth being more centrally located tho Committee is of the opinion that a bet.tor delegation can be had at this season o fthe year. By order of the Board,, W. a. PARKS, Pres. II. B. HUDSON* Sec. OND PLANET, RICHMOND A WORD FROM RAL.TIMORK. Common da tor y Statomont to the PJuuctt and Editor. 1 am a constant road or of tihe Planet havo boon for years. I enjoy It and I am interested In It; 1 take pleasure in poHsessing each copy -weekly. Woll folks I in my man* readings and ohsorviligs of tho Planet, and Editor, one of the most daring and vigorous NegrO editors, John Mitchell. Jr Tho very fact that he is a Negro and livos in (Richmond dooB not l>r*> vent him from being very courageous, almost to a fault. Ho surely has been regarded as a natural born artist. Much of his work lias been highly com mended by Hon. Frederick Douglass. Senators Malumo and John A. Logan. Ills strong point as an editor is to battle against tho outrages perpetrated upon his people in tho Schitli. Hut folks, tho world is funny. It is rnther cold and indifferont. It seems to sit idly by and let peoplo perish or thrive witho\it tho least comment. It doesn't wire. It lets deintiny do what it pleases. Sucoss then, is sfnvp^y case of the survival of the fittest. Hut maybe all this is as It should bo. It makes us all fight for what wo get, this, Mr. Mitchell has dono and is still onward in (movement for tho pinnacle of success. Fight for what we get. it brings out tho biggesit and beat that'> in us. Wo will admit, that only livo fish swiim up stream. When you act quicker, or think deeper, or work harder, or try metro persistently than your fellows?you succeed in bigger measures. Other wiso you sink, you fall. Is this editor, who has (lib rcpu union or being the gamost Afro-American e<lltor upon tho continent swimming up-stream, wcj'l I'll say he is. In view of the fact that lion. Olivet J. Sands, President of the American National Bank Ikis consented to offer plans in the movement of re-opening the Mechanics Hank of which Mi. Mitchell is president, let ns honor Mr. Mitchell, if only a fow. May his life ho spared to continue the great work ho has set for himself. May his personal bravery and courage bo an incentive to others. As ho enjoys tho confidence, ostecJiin and support. of his follow citizens wMcli spoaks openly for tho Planet undMurb ed resolutions. ?CIIA11I,ES A. SMITH, 934 E. Madison St., Baltimore, M?l. T11H TUCK AH OR ASSOCIATION IIOIjD OKIE AT MtfHTING. I i Tho Tuckahoe Baptist Association liftUl Ito 5>Rt 1? Annual session with Good Hopewell Baptist Church, Rev. J. E. Fountain, B. Tli., pastor 011 September 13til>, 14th., 15tli. 1922. The wel come addresses wero delivered by Miss Viola King and the pastor. Rev. S. I*. Robinson presided over Iho Association and Mrs. Ollio B. Courtney over the Women's Auxiliary which lielft joint sessions with the parent body. Rev. Robinwn has been Modorato/ ten years and Mrs. Courtney President seven years. Both off their annua, addresses wero good anil will lie puullshed in full. Tho sermons were preached by Rev. J. J. Woodson, Rev. I. IT. Hines and Rov. M. C. RuiTin. Each one brought a strong and inspiring message. The climax was rebelled at noon Thursday when the Corresponding Secretary off Lott Carey F. M. Convention, Dr. A. A. Graham t-vpokc on Africa. He gave both information and inspiration which wo fcol will bo produc live of good results. Among othej distinguished visicors who spoke were: Dr. E. Payne and Dr. A. S. Thomas. Mrs. Annie E. Bitt^R- ' well. Mr.-. A. W Clarke of Amelia aid Mrs. Edith L. Bradford. j The Auxiliiary elected officers as lol lows: Pres. Mrs. OtHo B. Courtney; Vice-Presidents, Mrs. OlivSa R. Robinflon; Mrs. Maria Ford, Mrs. Alma Bon Ar r? %wl f a P \T TTaIvoarv Tl* n olof nf o iiui <iii\i mi n? v/. v iiv/^owii. i iiu oiovvi raised and turned tfvor the sum o?.' $224.40. Ra.ised at this sessicn $837.05' Amount forwarded, 2,994.14; Grand Total $3,831.79. ft est d os 100 acres of land for a Bapt ist. church home. Next mooting to he J with 31st Street Baptf'.st Church, Rev.' |3. P. Robinson, pastor. Rev. S. P. Rob, 1'nsoix. Moderator;; Rev. J. 13. Fountain, Vice-Moderator; Rev. A. W. Olarko, Olork; Rev. 1. II. Hines, Treas urer; and Rfev. D. J. Bradford, Cor. t Secretary. i ? i -e { KARTj KINO IS STCNT TO PRISON' FOR LTPR, (Preston News Service.) St.. Joseph, Mich., Sept. 22.?Ear! King1,, aged 21 years, was sentenced to life imprisonment at hard labor in ' Marquette prison last Friday. He is : charged with slaying Ferrand Reigh-j ardj. a University of Michigan student, at Ann Arbor. ??- am i li 1 UNIVERSAL PEACE CONGRESS TO. DISCUSS RACE QUESTION. The National Association for the. Advancement of Colored People announced todny through its Sccretnry. Jsmcs WoMon Johnson, the icceplt of a IcHcr fror.i Mr. Golay, General Secre-j fa-y (t" ?.he International Bureau <>f Peieo with he a' quarters at Bevne, Switzerland, stating that that organization at ilts Twenty-second Congress Ireld In I^ondon, July 25-29, adopted the following resolutions: I "The International Bureau of Pence Jfl asked to put on tho Agenda of the j next International Peace Congress the: question of the relations of tho whlto and colored races/' | Mr. GojViy In his letter further tftatefl that th'e (Bureau was directed to communicate fcWs resolution to the governents of the world, to the dele3 i. vreaiNiA gat.ey to tlio Assembly of tho L?eaguo of Nattb 11 a, and to all institutions Interested In tho quostion. Tho letter concludes with a roqueai ' of tlio National -Association for tho Ad vancomcnt of Colored Peoplo to provide tho Bnrean with documents and ' Information that will enable It to obtain adequate information regarding < the quostion to be discussed. FOl'ItTEKN AltIO HIIHT IN HOMll EXPLOSION. . I (Preston News Service.) Praddoclt. Pa.. Sept. 10.?Fourteen persons suffered minor injuries cr shock as n result of a powerful bomb being cxplo<led under the veranda of a double frame dwelling ut 5SG-58 Cell- ' tor s'ret*. t 3:15 o'cloVk Thursday.' morning. Occupants ol" the double house and in the house adjoining were . thrown from their beds by the force I - of the explo sion. wVJiol* damaged thojj double house and the adjoining housoj ami in many buildings.THE INJURED. John Smith. 44 years old. 550 Center street; burned on the feet nnd legs, bruised on body and suffering from shock. Mrs M' nnie Smith, 28 years old, wife 1 of John Smith, burned on the feet j'nd letjs; bruised on body and sutf n-ing from shoolc. John M lone 12 years old, 55G Center ' sfreet. bruised on right leg and ( right side. , Mrs. Georgia Mnlouo, aged 38. wife ot , John Malone suffering from bruises , nnd slrock. ' Mrs. Lena Gaits, aged 38 years, 551 | Center street, suffering from buvisca j jukI shock. I ; DnvHd Wi|lliains, aged 2s years, samo ] address, suffering from bruises ami 1 shock. Samuel Darbett, aged 34 years, suffer 5 lug from minor bruises. , i There were seven members of an Italian family living next door who received mdnor injuries. The bomb was exploded under the veranda adjoining 1 tho first floor quarters Occupied by . Ihe Smith family. Tho bomb tore a hole through tho side of the house along side the bed in wlild* Mr. an I Mrs. Smiith wore sleeping. Tho forct* of the explosion struck tho foot of the bed and burned both painfully and im bedded bits of plaster in their flesh. ' Both were hurled from their bod l>y Mlft lioof n,,/l " ? ?mu lunuiuro in tlio room wns overturned. The police of Braddock, It is said, nre of the opihiion that t)>o explosion is due to labor troubleH. DR. JORDAN'S NOTES. At a meeting of the executive and other commlttoes having in charge a'l of the work of entertaining the National Baptist convention held Tliurs* r day, September 7tli, the following ro^o lutions were passed: ; 'Whereas, for twelve months wo have been organizing and planning for entertaining the National Daptii.^t con volition, and Whorcas, because of labor an 1 < strike conditions the meeting of tho convention with us has been Indefinite < ly postponed. And Whereas, few oitles liavo ever nuulo more adequate and complete arrangements for a meeting < of the National Convention than tho City of Los Angeles. And Whereas, tho coming of tho convention meant, sn much in Jul group and ko much more to our de i nomination and bolievo tliey will do i a'.l in their power to have ovir poople , on tJ>ls sfldo of tho Rockies brought in contact with those from other parts nt the world. ; i And W.lieiuis, ;ho olty authorities' r:' Cliambor of Commerce have Joined the entertaining committee in muk ing tho stay of our guests pleasant and helpful. Get Tho Planet at your door cvory week for a year. Send $2 and tho 1 carrier will bring it to you > j 1 WANTED?Men and women, (white and colored. $15.00 and $25.00 weekand big commission. District Salos ^ Mgrs., Salesmen, Agents, Wanted, a ; great opportunity for advancement.' HAIRDRESSERS: petrolatums, 9 1-2 \ cents pound; Med. hair oils, shampoo'( baso. Full supply of chemicals, Jaru, ( labels, and containers. ?For full im-j, formation, address: CAPITAL COM-jj MERCE TjARORATORY, 24 Calvert,?. j Firnv 13, Annapolis, Md. (! i ei-m".sum**jiff.'ij.'fi 1 ag.^.1 l^ Frown Hat Works' 5(M NORTH THIItD STIU4ET MECHANICS HANK BUILDING Wo Are Remodeling Cleaning and Reblocking OLD VELVET IIATS in the Latest Fatl Stylos for both Ladies and Gentlemen. , PARCEL POST ORDERS A SPECIALTY. 1AJ 1UU iVWUW X'ilJtlii>lV Harrison Mason, son of Squire Mason born in Ilick's Ford, Va., wishes to locate his brother Andrew and sister, Susan or other relatives. Ploase write, Harrison Mason, 524 Is. 58th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. EDW. STEWART 203 S. SECOND STREET RICHMOND. VA. DEALBB IN FANCY GROCEIUBH, 1 FRESH MM ATS, VEXHBVAWJDB, FISH AND OYSTMRS. PHONE), MADISON 1687 . > '-i.\ " .yj'i.ittl -i VA ' ^ ' * ' ' iV-i. Li- I x - < ' *" ?. ?/. // A Manufacturer of Pt TO RELIEVE ALL DISi 220 W. BROAD STREET, DO YOU L0V1 If m>, cnll and soo Li. J. IIAYDEN, 220 W. Broad Street. My medlclnos matter what your disease, sickness oi to pcrfoet health. I uso nothing but leaves; seed; berries; flowors and p relieved thousands that havo givou up MY MEDICINES CURD THE FOI Blood, Kidney, Bladder; Pilo? in any Dyspepsia; Indigestion; Constipation and aches of any kind, Colds, Bronchia Sensations; Female Complaints, LaGri Bolla; Cancor In its worst form witliou Pimples on face and body, Dlabotoa of My mediclnos relieve any disease, no rofunded. Medicines sent, nnywhero. For on L. J. IIAYDEN, 220 West Broa < Richmond, Va. July 8, 1915. A perfcct euro has been effected by Li. J. Hayden's Pure Herb Modichief*. After waiting thlrtoon years und liavo not suffered from the horrible disease, <>ravel, I desire t? mako a statemont to L. J. Hay den: Thirteen years ago twelve leading physicians of my city treated mo for Klduoy trouble and gravol without Lite desired benefit. Those doctors advised mo to bo operated or., as that was the only chance for mo. 1 was advised to go and got some of L. J. toaydon's Tlorb Medicine and try be fore boing operated on. I did so, find in twonty four hours after using ills medicinos I passed at len?t a lialf dozen gravel, sonio as big as a largo pea. Since that time I have not Buttered wi>li tho gravel. I highly recommend Ij. J. Haydon's medicine to all Buffering humanity. I am, J. A. PAGE, 4 Auburn Ave., Richmond Va. Read What The Planel Before Making W. L JOHNSON FUNERAL DIREOTO) 10 WEST LEIGH STUKliT, Prompt Service. Orders lu or out CoBkots and the Ghenpest 1 Marriages and Social Fun DAY OR NIGHT SERVICE VIRGINIA:?In Hustings Court Part 11 City of Richmond in Vacation September 12th, 1922. JESSIE FARROW Plaintiif vs. JOE FARROW Defendant In Chancery The object off this suit is to obtain a divorce from (he bond of matrimony from the defendant on the grounds of; dosertlon and abandonment for more than three years last past, And on nf fidavtt having been made and filed that the defendant Joie Farrow is not; a residont of the State of ViVginia, it | In nr/lnrrwl /1a nt\nA?H -w w.?.v?v? vuivt 1IU uu ni l l' VY ii.fl in ten days after due publication oJ , this order once a week for four succe& sivc weeks in the Richmond PInnet, n news paper published in the city oi I Richmond, Va., and do what is nece* ; sary to protect Wb interest in this suit C. MIMMS, P. Q. A Copy Teste: W. E. DU VAL Clerk PIRGINIAvi?In the Cjrcuit Court of The County of Henrico, July 11th,, 1922. tUKiNH JOHNSON, Plaintiff vs. In Chancery 3EN JOHNSON, Defendant Tho object of this suit is to obtain n livorco from tho bond of matrimony >y tho plaintiff from tho defendant. )n tho grounds of desertion and aban* lonment for more than tlireo years vitbout causo, reason or excuso. And \flldavit having been made and filed hat tho defendant Ben Johnson, not a resident of the State of Virginia t is ordered that ho do appear hero ivlthin ten days after due publication if this order and do what is necessary to protect his interest in this suit. (Vnd that this order be published once \ week for four successlvo weeks W tho Planet a newspaper published in Lhe City of Richmond, Va. R. M. ROSCHER, Attorney. 1017 Bank Street. A Copy.? Teste: SAMUEL P. WADDILTj, ClorK. OTIHIP^R F jnnOF YOU NOW BY FURNITURE! When you can get Furniture and Ruga from an Old Established house Ilk? JURQENS?that's known to sell tho bOBt quality goods, Just as reasonable as elsewhere?why not give your friends a good impression. It will give us the greatest pleasure to show you our wonderful stock of hom? making, comfort giving Furniture and Rugs and?don't fall to ask our salesmen about our Banking Plan, which gives you 6, 10 or 15 months In which to pay for any purchase. US. 6. in SON KSTAm,T8Fmn ADAMS AND BROAD 'j >. >v {&S-4. X t/.v/ Ux . t o uC*Xr ? &y .n - "vV ' '* * / [ YD E N ire Herb Medicines IASES OR NO CHARGE RICHMOND. VIRGINIA E HEALTH ? Maiiufucuror of Pure Ilorb Msdlelnes i will rellove you, or no charge,. uo r affliction may l>o, and rowtore you horbs. roots; barks; gum; baleums; lants lu my medicines. They have i to die. .LOWING DISEASES: Heart Disease, form; "Vertigo; Quinsy; Soro Throat; ; Rheumatism In nnv form* ?ni?i il troublos; Skin Diseases; nil Itching ippo, Pneumonia; Ulcer; Carbuncles; it use of knlf? or Instrument; Eczoma Itldnoys, Briglit's Diseaao of Kidneys, matter what nature, or your money full particulars, write, send or call [1 Street. I was cured of a very bad case of Rheumnutism by two bottles of L. J. Ilayden's wonderful Herb Modiclno, after suffering a long tlmo with the dreadful dis?aso. 1 wan unable to movo hand or foot, and after I had taken thrco doses of tlio medicine I was able to got out of my bed and walk across the floor, and only two bottles of the medicdno has made me a porfectly woll man in overy respect. 1 cannot glvo Mr. L. J. Hayclon too much praise for what he has done for me. I hnvo sent many other suffering ones to him, and they have also gotten curod. My ,1.. * " ~ uiiu^iiiur wan avso curea of Rhoitma tism and Indigestion by L. J. Hay den's Herb Medicines at No. 220 W. Broad Streot, Richmond, Va. I rocommend Mr. L. J. Hay den as one of the greatest healers of the slcli on earth. Respectfully, J. D. TAYLOR, 2419 E. Grace St., Richmond, Va. t Advertisers Say ; Your Purchases F'S SONS, INC. ElS, EMBALMERS RICHMOND, VIRGINIA of the city solicited. The Finest urnished on nhnrt nntim ctlons Also a Siioclulty. PHONE MADISON 68G C. P. HAYES Successor to A. HAYES' SON8 FUNERAL DIRECTORS 7Z7 N. SECOND STREET RESIDENCE, 735 N. SECOND ST. FIR8T OliASS AUTOMOBILES AN1> nAOKS. OAHKJETS OP ALL DESO.UPTIONH. Chapel 8ervlce Free to All of Our Patrons. LL, COUNTRY ORDERS All? GIVEN OUR SPECIAL ATTENTION. PHONE MADISON 2?78 OPJBN DAY AND NIOHT ,< Pretty Women HAVE PRETTY HAIR Wherevel vou find a Pretty Woman, you will surely find a woman with pretty hair. Herolin Hair Gloss and Temple Oil will mike your hair (oft, smooth. long and glouy. It hat no equal for toftcninu and pi'etiing the hair, adding to its growth, impsrtina a natural tjost andfumiihins oil fo> the cclls of the hair that have become dry. Order a can today and rnako your hair pretty. *5c Stamps or Coin by Mall. ACENTS WANTED: Write for particular. Herolin Med. Co.,Atlanta'Ga HAIR STRAIGHTENING AND SHAMPOO COMB This Comb ! Well Worth $1.00 llmkm Solid Brass, wooden handle 8% inches long weight 4 ounces. given as a present to all who taka advantage of our great BIG OFFER NO. 1144 JUST WRITE TO US AND SAYj'I would like to get a hair straightening and shampoo comb'free. Send me particulars regarding your No. 1144 offer." Be suro and write your name and address plainly, and lull particulars will be sent you. Do not wait, write to day for this offer will not last long. We are doing this to advertise Ford'* Hair Pomade and Ford'* IXelr Straightening nod Shampoo Combi( 0 Address your letter to f THE OZONIZED OX MARROW 00. WARSAW ILLINOIS - ' '.'3'