Newspaper Page Text
TWO wills knocks IN TWELFTH ROUN AFTER AWFUL LUC (By Charles F. Mathison.) Harry Willi*. who Is matched witti Jack Dempsey, required twelve rounds at Madison Square Garden last night in which to linmmcr all the fight out of a practically unknown Negro boxer Clem Johnson. Johnson had absolute ly no business in the same ring witii Will*, lie was completely outclastsei by the New Orleans opponent. A1 though Clem showed a fair degree 01 boxing he was unable to withstand the attack of Wills, and only by clinching and hugging almost continually did he manage to remain on his feet un til near the close of the twelfth round Johnson took a terrific beating. The defeated man's face was bruised and cut and puffed and about the only thing that could bo said in favor ol Johnson was that be took a lambasting without a murmur of complaint. As a whole, it was a distressing exhibition and did not reflect much credit, on Wills as a finisher, ns he had numei ous openings to Johnson's jaw in every round and while ho landed frequently his blows did not seem to havo mucti i'liuct. WIIJjS'S HLOWS ARK \V11.1 > Wills was also wild in his delivery many oof his shots missing by inches-* The saddened spectators who watcnei, the affair to the hitter end were of the opinion that Wills would not last verj long in a contest with Jack Dempsey Wills's boxing was mcdioere, and as Johnson, while on the defensive read ed Wills's jaw a great many times n would ho an easy matter for a sharp shooter like Dempsey to land on tlu mark. Johnson was first to enter the rim and he looked boldly about the arena showing 110 evidence of the fright thai attacked the two members of the Jacl 8on family when (hey faced "Wills Wills followed almost immediately am Will king across the ring, shook haiun with Johnson. When Joe llumphrie: announced that the bout was to he fi ti-en rounds the spectators laughed ui ronriously. Wills weighed 21'? 15 pounds and Johnson 204. Tho hianngniont sought to allay tin cisappointinent of the spectators h: putting on an extra hout. The hoxer, were llohby Michaels and NJc.c Floi.?< two lightweights. Michaels put his mai down for a count of nine in tho 1'irs round ami knocked him out in fort} seconds in the second round. FIGHT BY !R/OUNDS. HOUND ONE?Johnson started win a right swing to Wiils's ear, Willi swung his right to Johnson's fa?o am Johnson sent a righthander to Wills': ribs at close quarters. Wills hooked ; left to Johnson's face and rapped hi: ear with his right. Johnson sent a let' to the ribs and then clinched. Will landed two righthanders on Johnson'i face in succession ami Johnson clincl ed again. Wills hammered Johnson oi tho Jaw with his ri^ht. and forced hin all about tho ring. Wills hooked Join son on the head with his left, am drove him into a corner with a shov er of lefts. Johnson was tired at th< close. noiTNl) TWO?Johnson shot a lot to body, and then hugged. Wills read ed the body with his left and I he ja\' with his right. Johnson poked a stif right into Wills's stomach and follov ed with a left to the same spot. Will: hammered Johnson on the jaw am Johnson held on tight at close quai tors. Ilarry pounded Johnson on th< hody and then reached his jaw witl both hands, Johnson clinching avoid punishment. Wills sent a heavj left, hook to Johnson's chin. Johnsov was running away at the close. ROUND T11RKE?Johnson sent r solid left to Wills's face W.iljs reachcc his faeo with his right. Johnson c.lincl ed at every opportunity. Wills caughl Johnson with a terrific righthander or the nose, and followed with a left Ic the face. Johnson hung on desperatelj but Wills got him in a corner ami pounded him fiercely with both hands In a mixup Johnson shot a hard right to Wills's jaw but Wills drove him of! with a solid right to his face and a left to the body. Jolinson was so tired lit could luirdly walk to tils corner. ROT I Nil FOUR?Cloni opened vitli straight left to W ilia's throat, and gol in return a half dozen rights and leftf to fare and body. Johnson shot a right to Wills's jaw ami then hung on foi dear life. Wills pummelled Johnson about the ring. Johnson occasionally ' ;t right and left to Wills's face. Wills sent two lefthanders to Johnson't nose and shot over a right that nearly toppled over Johnson. ROUND FIVE?Wills readied the jaw with lijs right, and after he had gotten two bard drives frenin Will? Johnson hugged. Wills sent in a boll dozen shots to hodv fliwl f;irr? iiiwl Inlin son clinched. Wills staggered Johnson with heavy loft and rights to jaw and drove him against ropes with hard rights to face and jaw. Wills uppercut Johnson on chin and sent in some smashing hooks to the face. Johnson was so tired he could not even clinch, ROUND SIX?Wills uppereut John son on tho chin and shot a left to his nose and then followed with a vollel of rights and lefts. Johnson's eye was closed and he was bleeding from mouth and nose. lie was so weary he couTd not do anything but fall into clinches. i HOIJND SEVEN Referee warned boll* fighters to get busy and Wills went after his man With a rush. Wills staggered Johnson with right uppercut to the chin and then hit him in the faco with both hands, sending him to his heols. Johnson was being pummelcft with everything Wills could sond ovei. Johnson rallied and landed a weak OUT CLEM JOHNSON ID - CLEM HELPLESS IN6 BY COMING CHAMP i blow or two. Wills hooked his right t'J i Johnson's head and apparently hut?. bin hand, for ho failed to us? it thero - after. ROUND MIGHT?Wills gave John ' son a terrific bounding, but f*Ued to I knock him off his foot. Johnson clinch ed to save himself. Wills slowed up and i Johnson went back to his cori??v not ' ko tired. , | j kiwisij nine?Wills started a!U-? Johnson but failed to land with effect { Johnson pot a straight left to Wills's !(throat and Wills pounded him in body I and face with both hands. Wills wna ' nearly as tired as Johnson at tho hell :l : ROUND TEN?Johnson rallied some i what, landed two or three left banders 1 011 Wills's face. "Wills was getting wild 1 and missed some of his blows by a foot Johnson was wabbly from short hooks ' he took on his jaw at tho end of tho ' ' round i HOUND ELEVEN?Johnson pot a right bander to Wills's jaw. Johnson then traded punehes with Wills, aim I did not get much the worst of it. Wills staggered Johnson with a volley of rights and lefts. Johnson was getting 'I a hard pounding, but was on his feet 51 when the gong ended the round. r j ROUND TWELVE?Wills bombard jed Johnson with all kinds of blows, 'j Wills drove his rival to a corner and ' I pounded him hard on the Jaw. lie was '; lying helpless on tho ropes under N heavy fire when the referee stopped 5 the bout. Time of round. 1 minute. 3i5 \ seconds. ' i i j .MCKENNA GETS DECISION [! Charlie MeKenna, former amatcm light heavvweiirht chv.mnimi nnrm.l I * the judges' decision over Leo Caites S of Adams. Massachusetts, in an inter ^tCRting six round bout. Guiles held hi* * I opponent on even terms for the first 'i four lounds, hut. in the fifth round Me Kenna floored his man with a well f executed cross to the jaw. McKenna 'also staggered his man in the sixth ' | with heavy right banders to tlie j??w, 3. and had him tired and groggy at the 'hell. McKenna's work in the ring Ik l, marred hy his combat dancing. I Floyd Johnson, the promising heavy weight made short work of the voter1 tin Whiter Allen. The match was ai J ahsur done. Allen being completely out ! classed in all respects, Johnson weigh 'weighed 107 1-2 pounds to 170 by Al* Ion. Johnson began toslj-oot rights mu ? lefts to Allen's face from the sound ot tho boll, until Ilaloy the referee stepped between the men and brought tho ono sided affair (o a close. Allen was helpless, leaning against tho ropes at. the colse of the bout. The time was 2 minutes and seventeen seconds on the first round. Joe Sterling of Harlem and Jimmy Sullivan of the West Side boxed four rounds to a draw. Sullivan, who was formerly an amateur boxing champion appeared to have a slight advantage 3 because of a woill directed straight loft to tho noso that jarred Sterling to his heels every few seconds. Sterling made occasional efforts with a right wing, j which shook Sullivan several times. Sullivan wan entitled to the verdict. !, (New York Herald, Sept. 2S, 1922.) i ? ' A. M. K.ClirROIf NEWS. ~ t The fourth episcopal district of tho 'African Methodist Episcopal cnurch is one of the most important districts .'of (ho denomination. j It is presided over by Bishop L. J. j Cof|?pin, 1"). D? of Philadelphia and is j made up of the North West, Chicago, I i Illinois, and the Indiana conferences. Bishop Coppin is just closing his conic icnce sossioM)?. \mong the distinguished visitors to the district during tho conferences r wore: Bishop A. J. Carey, 1). I)., cl I Chicago presiding bishop of Kentucky niwl TMinpRsnn ninl T?r>v A T. Onines ;|i). D., of Baltimore Maryland both of JI whom delivered addresses. The em ire A. M. E. connection is now turning it's ' mind to the General Conference to bo I held in Lduisville, Kv? in May 1924. Tho responsibility of entertaining ! the General Conference will l>o in tho ! hands of Bishop Carey and the General ; Conference (Commission of which Bish ' op J. Albert Johnson, D. T).t of Philadelphia, is Chairman. The General Conference will elect two or three | new bishops. Bishop Evans Tyree died since the last General Conference and one other Bishop at least will probably 5 retire. With this in view, tho Chicago Conference in session at Keokuk, Iowa, and the Illinois Conference, at Quincy |j Illinois, unanimously indorsed and II j.lodged their support to Dr. A. ) 11 Gaines, D. I")., of Baltimore. Md? for Bishopric. Dr. Gaines is one of tho 1 most Widely known ministers of tlu 1 A. M. E. Church. The largest amount of dollar money from any church in the connection w:m reported from Bethel Church, Chictigv ! Uev. S. Tj. Birt, pastor. Bethel report 1 od $1853.00 (dollar money.) ^ 5 4 I <lfi i WOMAN irntT IN AUTO MISHAP, f Preston Nows Servico.) Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 27.?Mrs. Rebecca Knox aged SO years of 2230 T^n Place street, suffered several lacerations aboil I tbe face and body last Wed nesday afternoon wfcon a largo truck collided fMth tbe taxienb in which sbo was riding, in Wylio avenuo near | Washington street. Tho driver of tho { taxicab escaped injury. Mrs. Knox was j taken to the Mercy hospital wli'ore her < injuries wore treated. 1 THE RICHMOND PLANET, RIOHMOK NKW VIKW OF COSTANT1NOPMO. CAPITAL l'hoto shows a ?vio\v of Constantinople from Staniboul, looking out < Turkish soldiers. Nows Hems from Turkey tell of the sacking and bur 1 I' ~ "? .~^*"7irjr~i J M'|l|Hf(.?l ll^l IH III l.l.ll.' 111,1.1.' Il"l| III mill Ml ?| ..... "USING HIS HEAD' TO GOOD PURPOSES. piSKRi/^wPhoto shows an interesting incident during tho play botwoen the Spurs and the Cardiff City representatives, two popular soccer teams. Tlris acrobatic stunt, in mid-field helped tho victors win tho game. i Miss Florenco 13. Ward has the spending of nearly $'.5 000,000 each year in her sort ion of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, a's part of hor job. Her work is that of co-operating with the State Collegian 'through development of extension programmes and, projects an agriculture and homo economics. MINERS WHO WEWE ENTOMBED IN ARGONAUT MINE. First and oxclusivo photograph of tho miners who woro ontombod In -ho Argonaut mino, at Jackson, Cul., when thoy woro trappod in tho drifts md tunnols on tho 1600 foot lovol by a flro, they were furnishing as itniosphoro for a motion picture compnny. Now tho only known pictures of tho trappod miners, one of which Is shown hero, wero onlargod from littlo strips of motjon picture film. / HP, VIRGINIA ? y.VVtWi~)jLi inn innTfoTTiV.YiY> >T T)''JV i < ; ' V c ' v s ' ,'v* N V: . v VJV ' >-. ? OF TUKKBY. i over the harbor, showing Allied and ' niug of Smyrna by tho Komalists. { h "J 1 I1 1 .? . ?! ?i > j * * V--,*.* i { I s I ? I ! : U>r M 11 1 i ,< , ' </; , ! ii^f. - ... I ; I : ^ . | t WINS TIIB PROFESSIONAL TRAPj SHOOTING- CHAMPIONSHIP. e 1 Art. Killam of St. Louis, Mo. win- t 1 nor of tlio professional championship F of North America, competing against r the cream of tlio trap shooting i world in'tho Grand American Han- t d*cap, liolp at Atlantic City, N. J. | Mr. Kfllam broke 197 out of a pos- C sjhlo 200. f i a ' :i : . *:S ' V'. '' '"'" GIRLS BltHAK RECORDS IN ATHLETIC MEET. -Photo shows Florence Evans, winncrl of the S80 yard walk (IJrWltronmt a I o.) in the record time of 1 minutesI 12 seconds. " j SS^TtS^KWrn: ?i\gS^C HH I \V)HEN THE iCH)II(LY WINDS OP AUTUMN BLOW. An attrnctlvo, yot Blmplo and popular, hand knitted throo pioco varjoty evory "Woman admVrcs. Mad,o of M>inerva Yarns. ilOMAIi HRIZK8 KNTIIUO NKUTItAIj' I ASIA ZONK lfiXGElT 1UUT1BU. | \rniy now Up Againqt Intrenchments J at Ohunak; No Shots Yet Fired; J Sultan Reported Abdicated in Favor' of Iloir. Constantinople, Sept. US.? (A?Hoelat, 3d Press. )T ho Turks liavo occupied , ho entire neutral zone on tho Asiatic' side of the Dardanelles, with the ox:option of the Chanak area, aroum. tvhioh they have established infantr> | mils in a scmi-clrclo, virtually invest j in' tho British lines. i The Turkish cavalry squadrons are eliriiiK and the llritish troops, win* ire in strong force at Chanak, aro oady for what may htippcn. ' In theso circumstances (juneral Ihir ' ington, the Uritish commandor in '. liief. lias sent a windows message to ( < l'aslia at Smyrna asking for an mmediatc personal meeting. Ho lou\ (e "S (he choice of place to Kemal, wlioUo ^ eply is expected momentarily. (A roport sent to Paris by the llavas, lorrespondont at Constantinople say.>| he Sultan of Turkey has abdicated in avor of Prince Abdul Mcdjid Eftendl, ] he heir apparent.) ' d Yussuf Kemal Pasha, the Naeional-' ^ st Foreign Minister, is understood to (j lave gone to Angora to submit tlio (] illicd joint note to the Nationalist As ; ifinbly, but in the mcantiine Turkish1^ oncontrations are being pushed with " he greatest speed. UUTIK1I RUSH HMINFOltCKMIONTS llritlsh reinforcements are reaching vero and the thresitened area. The su < lerdreadnoughts Kevenge and Kevoluion. the most powerful fighting ma bines afloat. have arrived in the I)a?l.inelles. while a battalion of North 1 itaffordshires and 1.000 men of tins i tritish nil* foroc.? landed today an I narched through Constantinople with Kinds playing. Their presence ban iclped to bring about a reassuring 01 , eel . Tiro Turkish instruetions lo the men 11 (lie Chanak seder are to advance he furl best possible without meeting ? esistanee. They nre now practically igainst the Hritish intrenehinents and a tbviously t In* situation cannot lie iiulu initely prolonged. Xolwithstanding (be Kemalist con ^ !ontrations around Chanak, however, he Hritish are confident., of holding heir lines against all odds. They de :'are that their flanks are well protect <1 by the fleet. The battleships, with heir 16-Inch guns can sweep the vhole area around Chanak for i <!isnil no nf fwnttfv ?uiiAn ? ? 1 iiiiivo, tiliu II IfS pU5*Sf* ? ;'o for (lie British to dismount somo >f their giant naval guns avi.l iifi hc-m for shore bat'erios. The Turks at present have only ma ' ihino Rims in (ho Clianak area. Tf hoy brought up heavy artillery thu | iccurlty of Chanak might he seriously j :liallongod, the llritish admit, hut (licl ntrenehincnts in (his sector are sai<? | o ho more efficient than any used in I lie world war. Since September 11 2., i00 men from the labor squad. 1.000 roni (ho fleet and several thousand rom the arirfy have been steadily luildingtrenchos and setting up gun mplacemcnts. Two thousand Brit fab marines and .renadier Guards and two battalions f Dorsets are duo here tomorrow. SULTAN ABDICATES. | Paris. Sept. 22.?Mohammed VI.. S?i an of Turkey lias abdicated in favor f (ho heir apparent. Prince Abdul ledj'd Effendi. according to a report ont by (lie 1 lavas correspondent at Constantinople. The news, be adds, las not .vol boon officially announced. Prince Abdul Mcdjid who is a consn of the Sultan was born in ISfiS. E London. Sept. 28.? (Associated Press -The Sultan of Turkey lias abdicated coord ing to a Renter dispatch from 'onstantinoplo coming by way of 'aris. n ft. D. PRICE, w\ Jt* UN liHAL DIRECTOR, EMI ; AJ1 Orders Promptly Filled at i Telephone. Halls Rented for merits. Plenty of Room wit). Large Picnic or Hand Waj;.; Ra^es and nothing but I i Carriages, Keep Cors eral Supplies. Opon A Piionk Madison 577?Man On \) (RESIDENCE Nl* JtfL-ii l1 * "i1.. ui ajRWiiai. iwa^uae-f 'I'f'wrg For fifty years known to the ti BATAVIA LEAD! If your dealer cannot supply portation charges paid, u $end for BAKER describing the Baker Gun 314 BROADWAY, NEW Vl;l,IXiI)I> TO 1IAVK IMUVEN 00 JlUJiS AN llOUH. (Preston News Sorvlco.) Washington, D. C., Sopt. 20.?Albert I. PUlco, charged with speeding, was ried before a jury in Tratllc Court lore on Thursday and convicted. The ^ourt set tho fino at $50 or fifty days 11 Jail. Prlco paid the fino. According o Policeman Nicola, Price came souiu m Georgia avenue, running' at sixty niles an hour or more. Tho oUlcer said hat lie chased Price on his nnJtoji ^ yc.le for fifteen blocks and then 1'at) id to overtake him. Nicola says tho notor cycle does not have a spceuomu er 011 il, but was geared to niaku Iglity mi let; an hour. Tiro policeman mid that in tho long run lio failed to ;? ! any closer to Price than n block. It s saill that Price owns a high power el automobile and is very fond of driv ng at a high rate of upend. lUl'il* MAN IS lOl .M) DIOAI) I\ CILAIIt. (Preston News Scrvico.) Washington, I). C?, Sept. 28.?Wlllain Wyatt, aged Sf5 years, was found load seated in a chair in his home nt 06S 30)h street about 7 o'clock Thurs [ay morning. It was said that his loath was due to natural causes. tO to 112 n tiny, Willi etiny work, nil your timo jy or Hpnro limo ntul obtain a Konl Autoniobilo n fipc bouillon. A ntrnlKhtoiit from tlio Miouhicr u btmlneBS proposition. No votinK or RUosatliK M content. W? unnt wiilc-awakn men nn<! women W to introduce into otery homo our famoiin ZANOIi Pure Kood l'roiliictn, Non-Alcoholic B Food KlnTora in tube*, Toilet I'ropamtlonn, H I l'orfuuio* and Soap*; i'.'.n other iiwlit t otiuhi,,^ weight household nucCMBitios. I MAKESGOA WEEK EASY. i 8?jKP| INo riprrltnc* tiooMikry? rrc tr?cli too t how. Rite jou Ihi rlithi ?t*tt Mill help J OuH't)/'' 1 )o?n>?kt?iu?iM. Ah-olultly u* limit | to your fMDlnf pow?r. We c?n ut? ouly I SjfjTj ? certain number of I1erm?) Agcnti I ^ar.:j?r-?'. /i ,0 ,ous'1 with ?t ?lc?. I I Z*&Xr,Vr vyJ:'.1 VxVuxr. Wr fon.lili our repreieiit*- I ' '< I w"h ? fr<-? automobile. I p'l \ l?r? ot><1 inonoT ni?Mur olTcr. N > ['AW ti l lAMKIltCAN t'ltODI'tlH CO. H rA\p',/?>. tsCVV /?7098*ni?r.Bldf .Clnciiiili.O.fl -i *^iTjnnn'nnifrtHiiiWl>/T" ft it. TT." 1 * ? - - ? igqaaBgraOTgnro wMi?M?iin.Mi?n 'his I (id;/ vices oil the credit for fict beautiful hair mut com flexion to h'X KUINTO pre jut rut ion a 8e More Beautiful A wonderful preparation linn boon discovered thntchntiKOBshort, conrso hnir Into lonpr lovely tresses. It K?vea tlio hnir n beautiful irlossy ehcen. _ It puts glowing health Into uriiue, iiieicss iiatr; stops dandruff and Itching scalp. This marvelous preparation ia EXELENTO QUININE POMADE It has given thousands tho beautiful long, ecft, silky, lovely Iinir which ia ono of their chief attractions. It has made it possible for you, yourself, to obtaiu lino straight hnir. Another marvelous beauty help is EXELENTO SKIN HEAUT1KIER. n delightful cream that quickly removes skin blemishes and clears up in an astonishing manner dark, , callow complexions, l<'or making tho skin (iinooth, velvety and clep.r, it is unequalled. If your druggist cannot supply you, send us POj# in stamps or coin for full aizo packages of both l'omado and Bcuutitier, or send 26(J for Ringlo package. Gain tho nttractivo beauty, you noon can haye, by getting tho EXELENTO preparations right NOWl .XELENTO MEDICINE COMPANY ATLANTA, GEORGIA AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Write for Particulars r S 2 ' i i jo s* LISi LlU^ tiiftlti MvW K A .MT) ), I V KK y tViAN Shoi' Notice by Telegrnpl-. Oj awl Nice RntertJunJill i i' Pnm />n ... . > " ? vvru ? v ? \ iii:. tai IT.u- at Roa.Mtu.-vi.ii. rsi cla^s. Automol' .t:h ^n?' trolly on Hand I**ilie- I'uii .11 Day .:h! X:ght. lltv Aii N-I^lu?ivtLli HONn. Va XT DOOIt) Guns rade as the best for service ?R, Price $37.00 you we will send, transpon receipt of price. LBOOKLET entire line.? Company f YORK CITY, N. Y.