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Published Kvcry Sstunlav b.v lolm Mitchell. Jr. ut 311 North Fourth street. Itichmoiid, \a. EDITOR, - JOHN MITCHELL, JR. All communications intended for publication should be sent to rent li us b> Wednculuv. l ittered at .the I’o-t Office at Iticlilliotll, Virginia as seitmd class matter. SI TtSt'll 11‘VION 1C A IMS One Year .* jf*;'® MX Months . LU> Three Mimtlis . Foreign Subscriptions . —'•0 SATURDAY.JANUARY 6, 1923 •P- 1 N KliKOKS FIlUfT. | _ ) A scientist in a lecture delivered be fore the Americuu Associutiou for tha Advancement of Science in session at Cambridge, Mass., created a sensation last week by declaring as a result jt his examination of thousands of skulls, lie reached the conclusion that the first settlers of the American Con tinent were of the Negroid type. They antedated the Indian inhabitants, who descended from them and formed a mixed race. Others questioned his statement, but he insisted that with the evidence, which Ire had examined he was correct. The Negro is a peculiar being. He is seen where least expected and his standing among the nations of tne world is steadily being acclaimed from unexpected squrces. We are not so much interested as to what we were and where we came from as we are in what wo are today and what will be the future of a <*lass of people, who L*r humility end good-will have out-strip ped the world. i I TlloriSLi: IN LOUISIANA. I __ I The activities of the Ku Klux Klan , at Mer Rouge1, Louisiana is attracting the attention of the civilized world. The treatment accorded the ill-fated white men is but a duplication of what has I con visited from time to time up i n helpless Negroes. It brings to mint* the saying, “The same measure ye mete the same shall be measured to you again.” You cannot persecute and torture Negroes without ultimately practicing the same savagery upon white men. Cruelty or crime does not always regard the color of the victim. It seeks to exercise itself upon some victim and when it cannot find conven lent victims of one color, it proceeds to exercise its fiendishness upon another. It is plainly evident that day is breaking in the Southland and that a new elemenf of white people are com ing to the front to take the lead in re storing order and producing tranquil-' ity in this land of ours. They are tir ing of this autocratic sway which re gards no law but the human will and passion. Governor John iM. Parker was elected Governor(of Louisiana and ho has shown a vigor and fearlessness, which is characteristic of the higher element of southerners. This class do not fear death and when they outline a course of action have the will to carry I it forward to its logical conclusion. The Ku Klux Klan. which had its origin in its hatred for the Negro •'ound out that prejudice^ especially race prejudice grow -, fat upon what it l'xds and the prejudice towards one rare leads to antipathies to other! races. So the wealthy Hebrew’s Roman Catholics came in for ’.ts venom. One of the results has hem to elect a Roman Catholic Governor of New ^ ork. from which pinnacle, he hopes to land in the White House. Rac ial and religious intolerance is a two edged sword. It will cut both ways and sometimes it injures the wielder of tho blade. We shall watch the result of this trial at Mer Rouge. The outlook is gloomy for the Ku Klux Klan in that neighborhood, even should the organization bide its time wait for the removal of troops and the machinery of law from one of the most ‘noted sections of Louisiana. The ex Ma.vor fears for his owm life there. W hat must be the condition of the Ne groes. who live in that locality? While the white folks aro busy abusing and killing each other, like *'Rrer Fox,” "he lay low’.” AMERICA AND THE NEGRO. ; These nr^ the words used by Dr. Rol and B. Dixon of Harvard at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science: The earliest skulls of the Iroquois and some other Indians show strong negroid features, continually modified from age to age as the Iroquois ex tended their power and territory, tak ing captives troui other tribes and ui> sorblr.g them. The whole theory Is bused on the in’nuce measurements of tens of thous ands *»f skulls. The different types ot man in the old stone age. according to this thebry. differed very sharply in the shape or their skulls. The middle i:• pe combining the characteristics or the long heads and the broad heads, was probably rare in early times and was formed by the blending of sharply differentiated ancient types. Dr. Dixon’s method was to measure tlrou.sands of I ml inn skulls of the pres ent day and thousands of skulls of years ago In the effort to trace their chriruoterlsMcs to earlier Asiatic an i European stock. Tho formation of the na<al bones played a prominent part iu the enquiry. Dr. Dixon was opposed by two noted anthropologists. Prof. Franz Boaz of Columbia University and Dr. Ales Hrdllcka of the United Slates National Museum. Dr. Dixon is a scientist of high standing and simp ly stated the facts as lie found them. Even if the Negro first discovered 1 America, he has since first discovered i many other things of vital injury to himself In this same land of ours. l---- -- the lynching question. I _! The Cleveland* Ohio Gazette insists thei no unti-lyncMng bill with a rat ional scope can be drawn as to make such a measure constitutional. We are of the opinion that the brilliant Hon. H. C. Smith may be right and Editor H. C. Smith may be wrong. The U. S. Supreme Court decides a question one way during one decade and. then during another decade, it decides it another. In other words a constitution al luw may he declared to be unconsti tutional and an unconstitutional law may be declared to be constitutional. This august tribunal has been r: ccidly gauging Us decisions with its ° ir to the ground and it Iras been en deavoring to meet the popular desire. the Prohibition law is constitution al then the Dyer Anti-Lynching Ihil is constitutional also. It has ruled that ; citizens liberty may be put in jeopar i more than once, contrary to the e.c-! press provisions of the constitution it-' if and \vc see no reason why it ho'Ud not construe the Dyer Amti ynching BM1 as constitutional, j w! ieh virtually docs the same thing.; *o make nu.tters doubly sure though j >v< tliiiik it. advisable for all of us to! endeavor to get that Smith Anti-Lynch ing luw engrafted upon the statute! ’ ooks of every State in the Union. It is plainly evident that that law is con lutional. regardless of what the Su preme Court may say about tlie other ! measure. We should endeavor to make I life and property secure. -# To fully appreciate the other woman marry one of them. -¥ As a rule, people who grumble most, work least. Our puzzle offer ends January 15tb. Don't forget that. -¥ Ask your friend to subscribe to the PLANET. It will help us. -* People, who have hope will live a mighty long time. -¥ The sun does not shine in every body’s door at the same time. -¥ Fundamental laws are immutable. A violation of them carries with it the punishment. -* Some people let all of their sense run out of their mouths. They talk too much. --- Right will eventually triumph. Wrong flourishes only for a little while. -* Blessed is the drunkard', for he shall not be himself, when the Devil comes to get him. -—¥ People who worry over-much, usual ly land in a lunatic asylum. Some of them land in wedlock. Some mothers know how to rear children. Some others can never learn the art. People are still marrying and some others have long faces because they want a divorce. -¥— ■ Dospite the hardships and the % handicaps., we must build up race en terprises!, if we would succeed. -* » Some people seem to expect to get in to Heaven by the back stairs* but thm entrance Is locked. Modesty in a woman is an inestim able gift in tiie opinion of the man of refinement. -¥ Some people do not know bow to ap preciate prosperity any more than they know how to endure adversity. -¥ Preachers, like oilier people want more money and up Northv they arc giving it to them. The Devil doesn’t exactly own tills earth, but he exercises a powerful sway in some sectiops of it. ----¥ The short skirt, has been condemn ed. When the long one comes it will hide a multitude of peculiar limbs. --ic. Religion is all right when you get it. but so many people are unable to keep the religion that they get. -* All the white folks are not against us. Those of them, who arc for us are the strongest of friends. ---- Tiro Liberian Loan has been "put t.r sleep.” but it is worrying many a poli tician in this land of ours. A\ e believe that the Negroes’ future is in the Southland_eveil though future is under six feet of earth. -* 'hmy of our subscribers sent uj tiicir subscription fees and many oth ers paid far ahead in advance to hel:> us. -* Hon. Marcus Garvey is a fighter. He does not seem to quail in the face of hi -, enemies and he is "still doing bust ness at the old stand.” We have shipped some mdghty good people North and God knows we have shipped some mighty bad folks to that neck of the woods., -*-— There are people in this world mu' you do not like and people hero, who do not like you. but all must live hero until (loath comes. --*— Everybody over here must have a plenty to eat. for we are feeding Europe free of charge and Russian Europe at that. -* Some of these sinners pray all right, hut they do not give God time to an swer their prayers before they are sinning again. Colored children, who grow up now seem to pay little or no attention u fundamentals. They are out for a good time and this is usually the open doo» to ruin. -* The Christmas edition of the Los Angeles, California Eagle was all right. The management certainly gave its patrons “a run for their money. ’ ' We congratulate both. -* Germany’s ofTer for a decade ol peace between herself', France and other nations was a shrewd move ment. which has had its effect. Ttu, people of the world are sick and ureo of war. --# Ttie Turks seem to know when they hold th^ upper hand and they are p!a> ing their cards to a “queen’s taste/ In the meantime, the Allies are dis agreeing among themselves over the Spoils. I* riendship can Only be determined in time of trouble. Some fair-weather friends become cold and distant, when they believe, things are going the wrong way. -« We should be temperate In alt things. Getting drunk Is a bad habit, even when it comes from indulging in prohibition liquor. Be polite an«l obliging to white folks anil you will be polite uml obliging: to colored folk? as well. Bo polite an 1 and obliging to colored folks and yo'» will be polite and obliging to white folks as well. -* President Harding has declined H» receive a delegation of women oppose J to the Prohibition Amendment to th * Constitution. As a result, tire aforesaid ladies are proceeding to “burn him up” with their tongues. As a rule, when young folks become so loving that tlrey cannot stay npan let a tnin'ster pronounce them as one and if they cannot get a bill of separ at.oil they will separate anyhow Just for the fun of it. -* \ Do all tlint you can to bring about a better feeling between the whit) and colored folks .ml you will be doing your race in particular and the country In general a service. Both ruces must live here and they should arrange to sojourn in peace. -* There is no whiBkey in Richmond according to the law..except that sold at the drug.Ktorcs and there were abont as many drunken men and wo men during the holidays as ever. As for egg-nog, you could get that they sny. even without the price. -* Councilman Umlanf has had a meas ure passed barring children under If years of age from dance-halls unies* they are chaperoned. This ordinance is a “joke.’r It will result in two things, the raising of the age limit or tire at tendance of enough grown persons to assert that Huy are chaperoning some young person worse than themselves We have Enough laws. We need the er. forcement of some of those laws al rep.oy upon the statute hooks. • — i -#-•• 1 liose people, who have been severe ly criticising President Harding for not securing the passage of the Liber ian Loan Bill and the Dyer Ant;-j Lynching Bill should cense this kind of attack in view of his failure to get the Ship Subsidy Bill passed by the* Congress. If the figlrt had been made on either one of tiiese measures in th.* interest of the colored people and the hills forced through, the Sliii/ Subsidy P:ll could also have been enacted into 1: w. Weakening on one measure ie-idi to weakening on all others. BISHOP GAILOK TERMS KU KLI X “CURSE OF COUNTRY." _ ^ (Tresfon News Service) Memphis enn.. Jan. 5.—Bishop Thomas F. Gaidar speaking before the Lions CInl> at a noon day Inncheon last Thursday denounced the Kn KInx Klan as “tl)e curse of the country m»«. an anti-society organization.’* He recalled an incident some months ago fii Dallas*. Texas when he saw 4 000 klansmen march in a parade down ! one of the principal streets of the Tex ! as metropolis. His scorching remarks! relative to this group of men came as! a climax to his ta,ik. He said these men carried banners favoring religious in tolerance.” The trouble with our relig ion is too many don'ts. We must have some positive do’s and take positive.' but religious steps to rid our country i j of this ungodly blight.” he declared. I CLARA PHILLIPS HAS NOTHING ON “SI G” GRANT. (I’rrston News Srrvicr) Statesboro, Ga., Jan. 2.—Clara Phil lips the hammer murderess of Cali-; forniai. has nothing on "Sug” Gram.! of Georgia when it conies to making a| complete gctt-a-way from modern has- j t les. Maybe ‘an angel rolled away the stone' or Grant tried to imitate Samson of old. Anyway the Georgia officials will not know Just how it hap pened until they capture the ellusive Grant. According to reports, they have their doubts about catching Grant as they have already termed him a “human eel.” It is said that Grant was put in Jail during the night. Officials claim that Grant did not wait, until night to do his "eel-act.” He selected 2 o’clock in the afternoon—probably the busiest time of the day. The jailer commenting on the get-a way of Grant said. “Others have sawed the bnrtf, picked their way through the brick walls and others have made their dash for liberty Just as they reached the jail door but Grant ,s the first to actually pull the iron pins out of the big hinges of the heavy iron doors and deliberately lay the door to one side, the bitter being fonnd leaning up against the wall of the jail and the former were found upon top of the cell where they had been thrown. Afr er getting out of Jail Grant was seen by several, but he did not tarry. Th's is. without question the most remark able escape known to the annals of jail history.” It is thought that Grant has made IPs way to some northern state where he hopes to evade the Georgia officials j ff.e is a man of ordinary build, and not 1 regarded as a prodigy of unusual I strength, Just from observation, the 1 po’ice say. COLORED MAN LYNCHED 4 Masked Men Take Prisoner from Passenger Train. Hattiesburg. Miss.. Jan. 3.—Ben Web *t« r, colored was taken from an east-, bound passenger train on the Alabama . and Vicksburg lijiilroad at Lawrence last night by a hand of about twenty five nmskeel men and his body was found this morning hanging from a bridge about two miles from Waynes boro. Wayne County, and a distance ef some twenty-five miles frona Law rence according to reports reaching! hero today. Webster wus roped and manacled,! an end o! the rope being tied around the arm of tlie deputy sheriff, when the masked men, with drawn revolv ers entered the colored couch,, after de tunneling the conductor to hold the , truin on threat of death. Webster was! oh urged with the murdfcr of Rood Cot tractor Alford', of Hazelhurst Mis*. ! last November at Waynesboro. He was being taken to Waynesboro for trial. Man Kills Young Son of a: Raleigh Merchant. (Prewton New* Service) Raleigh, N. C.. Jan. 4.—Manchester Debman, eight-year old son of Charles Debman a Negro merchant here, was fatally shot when he tried to aid his father put a lcoisterous Negro out of the store. He received a load of blr I e!*® urea8t an(1 died Instantly. Joseph Stephenson Is In the Wade murder?**' Wl,h TIfK DOTNGS OP THK Y. M. C. A. Happy to know that wr are sfll Chnr!!.n" ",e '*"»<•'»'«> of .10.:' ■ Christ, the One upon Whom the Young Men's Christian Assooiat on stands. Isaiah 41:10, "Fear tiZ not; for 1 am with thee, be thou no*; dismayed: for I .,m thy God. I will' s tTiigthen thee. yea, I will help thee. I Vill uphold thee with the right h.iiH of my righteousness." The kev • tor the New Year. ® \ Happy to have been able to make' tho o happy who had but few friends The men of the penitentiary had n strong gospel meeting conducted by our General Secretary. Dr. Scott C. Burrell. Subject. "Too Well Sat-: isded." Two men accepted Jesus: tbri.-:;. Prof. Joseph Matthews led the men in songs. Mr. George \V Howell, pianist. 10 A. M. The com nr t tee for the city jail and home was busy. 10 A. M 4 P. M. the boys at the Y. M. C. A. were happy to have Prof. James H. Rhorer. who gave them a very t3mely talk. Happy to know that the larger boy is cultivating the Big Brother Spirit, thus we will have those for work whose hearts go out for the other boy. I The Last Call for men by a busi ness man. Mr. B. L. Jordan. 5:30 P. M. Mr. J. J. Carter led the meeting. Mr. W. S. Morgan and others spoke from their hearts. Mr. Jordan made a special appeal for Christianity. A great' time closing' the year. Pianist, vice-president of the Boys' Work. Mr. William Spur lock. Today 5 P. M. at the Y. M. C. A. meet Dr. W. H. Stokes for a good time. Women and men. The Great Evangelistic Drive for men will open Sunday 3:30 P. M. ’ at the Sixth Mt. Zion Baptist Church Dr. T J. King, pastor of Fifth Str>et Baptist Church, will preach a spec'al sermon. Prof. Joseph Matthews will direct, the singing. Every man come. A good time for you. lEvery home is asked to pray for the Young Men’s Christian Associa tion . Boys’ Meeting 4 P. M. at the Y. M. C. A. Y. W. C. A. NOTES}. The Girl Reserves wil] present the Student Y. M. C. A. of Vfrplnia Un ion University on Sunday. January 7th at the vesper hour, 5 P. M. The program which was arranged by Mr. Ward D. Yerby, secretary of the or ganization, Is' as follows: Vocal solo. Mr. O. M. Thomas: vio lin solo. Mr. W. L. Bank*; address. “The Emancipated Wbinan,” Mr. N. R. Olphin; vocal solo, Mr. C. J. Broadfleld. Miss Ora Harris, vice-president of the Business and Professional Girls Club will be the hostess. The Girls Executive Council will hold its regular business meeting on Friday, January 5th. at 6:30 P. M. The principal feature will be the elec tion of officers. The Club schedule for the year Is as follows: The Gourdlns. Wednesdays and Saturdays at. 5:30 P. M. O’Cheer-Extempo. Thursdays 6:30. R. T. C., Mondays 6:30. Carnations. Mondays 6:00. Triple t. Fridays 7:00. Aimhi. Fridays 8:30. Golden Rods. Fridays 4:30. Executive Council every first Fri day at 6: 30 P . M. The Classes have re-opened after the Christmas holidays and are scheduled as follows: Needlework, Tuesdays, 6:30 P. M. Millinery. Thursdays. 6»30 P. »rT Dressmaking. Tuesdays and Thurs days. 7:00 P. M. C!.r’;s "Gym.” Mondays, 5:15 P. M.' Adult ’UJym,” Tuesdays 8:15, The Sunday School of St. Philips P. K. Church was in charge of the Vesper Service on last Sunday. Dj*. IX A. Ferguson tnade a very inter esting and Instructive talk on “The Training or the Child Tor Service.” Tlie program was one of the beat given und wits thoroughly enjoyed. Mr. Itoper Is tho efficient superin tendent or this school. MADAM IDA B. JEFFERSON, A WIDOW LADY EVANGELIST IOTH EPISCOPAL DISTRICT A. M. E. CHURCH, NORTH TEXAS A HEALER OF GREAT POWER Every man and woman ought to see this wonderful lady for "h* C"n y°u raany things that will pu.t you to wondering. Mndan o Jefferson can bring tangled brains to the light of helpful . our call cure uny disease that you were not born with, in fact, sho can locute any disease in the human body, and tell your complaint by your writing to her When other doctors have failed, then write her and she will give you full details of your disease. Madame Jef ferson possesses a nat ural born gift from birth and Is one of the greatest licensed preacher* of the age. She has a supernatural gift. Qod has given her power to heal and lead her people. Her advice on business problems Is worth more than you will ever be able to pay. Only business matters will* be answered. Send ten oents In stamps for reply. Mme. Jefferson nas discovered a woMemi Bair restorative. It grows hair on bald heads. Agents wanted. She teaches the art. For consultation, other than sickness, send two dollars (12.00) and If you take treatment, this will go jtmr Mil. MME. II>A B. JEFFERSON, BOX 64 8, LONGVIEW, TEXAS Will Promote a Full Growth of Hair, Will also Restore the Strength, Vitality and the Beauty of the Hair. If Your Hair is Dry and Wiry Try EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER ■ If you are bothered with Falling *ff Hair, Dandruff, - Itching Scalp, or. any Hair Trouble, we want you to try a jar of EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER. The remedy contains med ical proprieties that go to the roots of the hair, stimulates the skin, helping nature (io its work. Leaves the hair soft and silky. Perfumed with a balm of a thousand flowers. The best known remedy for Heavy and Beautiful Black Eye-Brow's, also restores Gray Hair to its Natural Color. Can be used with Hot Iron for Straightening. I rice Sent by Mail, 50c; ioc Extra for Postage. AGENTS OUTFIT 1 Hair Grower; 1 Temple Oil; 1 Shampoo; l Pressing Oil; I Faoe Cream and Direction for I Selling. $2.00. 26c E*tra fbr i_ Postago_ I I 8. D. LYONS Sib North Central Oklahoma City, Oklahoma V — .... DAY PHONE, RAN. 4&0-J NIGHT PHONE, MAD. 5,S-W W. A. PRICE COMPANY FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Spacious Rooms for Meetings and Entertainments. OFFICE AND WAREROOMS 700 N. 17TH STREET, RICHMOND. VIRGINIA Thos. D. Rodgers, Pres.; W. A. Price, Treas.; Nathaniel Roy. Mgr. W. T. GRAY All WEST CLAY ST., ' RICHMOND, VA. AUTO GARAGE. CARS STORED AT REASONABLE RATES. Automobiles Washed, Polished, and Greased. EXPERT AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS Always Roady to Sorve You. TAXI-SERVICE FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. 1 Cars Furnished for Short or Long Trips. ROBERT C. SCOTT, Funeral Director FIRST GLASS LIVERY. OFFICE 2220 E. MAIN ST. TELEPHONE. RANDOLPH 2073. ALL NIGHT AND SUNDAY CALL RAN. 2703. RICHMOND. VIRGINIA. PHOTOS—We Offei You tho Latest and Most Artistic Photos at a More Moderate Figure tbnn you can Obtain Elsewhere. Special Attention Paid to Children. We will also be Pleased to Quote You Prices on Exterior and Interior View Work. ENLARGING AND COPYING FROM OLD PHOTOS A SPECIALTY. GEORGE 0. BROWN, Photographer 003 NORTH SECOND STREET, RICHMOND. VIRGINIA <