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Newspaper Page Text
WIN A CASH PRIZE OE $50.00 How Many Objects Beginning with the Letter M Can Yon Find in this Picture? I-m---—________ M You'll be sure to get some fun out of it IUI M IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO TRY M Copyrighted 1922, KOen 1U. Uwson, Willmar, Minn. Contest Closes April 27, 1923 Well, there js Man ano Mountain and Moose. Just pick out the words, write them down, and see how fast and big the list grows. Go to it and see if you can find more M-word objects than Brother Pete, Sister Lue or Uncle Zeb. There is nothing hidden; no catch about it. It is simple. The one whofinds the most M-objects wins. Thats all. RULES OF THE GAME. Anyone who is not an employee of The Planet or a member of an employee’s family may try for the prize. It costs nothing to join the club. AH the lists submitted, should be written plainly and on only one a'de of the paper. If more than one sheet is used, each sheet should be numbered 1. 2, 3, etc; and ful,l name and address written on each sheet. Number each word. Only English words found in the dictionary will be counted. Do not use obsolete and fore gn words. (English d.ialect words wijl be considered foreign.) Do not use hyphenated words. Only such compound words as Ly ’ong ucag have become as one w’ord will be allowed. Webster s Standard International Dictionary will be used as authority sho.ild any question arise in the judging. Name each object but once even though two or more nameJ could be correctly applied to such object. This does not' preclude the naming of any object which is a part of another object, however. You may use either the singular or the plural, but when the one is used you cannot use the other. For example, if you use "man” you cannot use "men.” In making awards the judges will consider each list entirely on its merits. Every incorrect word counts against the contestant just as much as a correct word counts in his favor. A margin of 10 incorrect words will be granted each contestant without penalty, however, to allow for a possible legitimate difference of opinion. But above 10, the contestant will be penalieed one for every unac cepted word. The answer giving the largest number of objects beginning with the letter "M” found in the picture after d.eductions have been made for the 'Incorrect words above ten, will be given first prize. The next best, second, etc. Club members may co-operate in answering the puzzle, but only one prize will be awarded members of the same household and only one prize will be awarded where two or more persons have worked together in solving the puzzle. All answers will be given the same consideration regardless of whether subscriptions to The Planet have been sent in or not. Neat noss and penmanship will not be taken into consideration in award ing tlie prizes, but every contestant should bear in mind the im portance of correct spelling and plain writing. In event of two contestants tleing for first place, the total of 1 lie first and second prizes will be equaJly divided between the two if they both are in the same cla^s. If in different classes the divis ion will be pro rata according to their class. The contestant having the next highest list will receive the third prize, etc. .Should three or more tie for a prize the same rule will he followed. The judges will be three well known and reliable (resident;:) < f this community who have the qualifications necessary for the task. '1 ho judges' decisions will be final and each contestant agrees to ab de by their findings and awards. \ 11 answers to the “M-word” puzzle must be mailed on or before April 27, 1923. Where matters pertaining to subscriptions or ciher tli.ngs are sent with answer, they should >>e written on a separate sheet of paper from those of the puzzle lists. This Puzzle is a feature to increase the pop ularity of The Planet. It is not a subscription contest. You do not have to send in a single cent on subscription to win a prize. If the judges find you to be the winning contestant you get $3.00 regardless of whether you are a subscriber or not. However, we are not going to stop here. We arc going to make it worth while. If you send in three new subscribers with your answer and you s+ ?iUiri^,n. w,? wil1 make the prize $15.00. And still better If you send in four new subscribers we will make the prize $25,00, See table of prizes. SUBSCRIPTION BLANK. The Richmond Planet, Richmond, Va. Date1923. Enclosed find $to pay for yearly subscriptions to The Planet for the following new subscribers: Name Address Name_ Address_ Contestant's Name Contestant's Address_ _ HERE ARE THE PRIZES OFFERED arctiAL cash prize $50.00 to the one sending in the g™ highest number of Subscriptions over 25 sixth priIe CliASH 1 If no subcription Is sent In with an swer . $ 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 .50 CliARH a If three year’s sub scription including one now subscriber is sent in with answer. $ 15.00 10.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 •LABS it If four year's sub scription including two new subscribers is sent in with answer. $ 25.00 18.00 10.00 5.00 2.50 2.00 A DDHES8 ALL REPLIES TO THE PLANET, 311 NORTH FOURTH £>T., RICHMOND, VA.