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may\!m923^^ ^ l^st battle. We believe that it is the beginning of onr final triumph. __, JOHN MITCHELL. JR VOL. XL. NO. 29 RICHMOND. VIRGINIA, SATURDAY. JUNE 9 1923_PRICE> ^ GENTS PATTERSON SENTENCED TO CHAIR SECOND TIME FOR AE1EGE0 MURDER OF MERCHANT :.r T - * I Petersburg, June 4.—James (Bossyi P"tterson, colored, was sentenced t«. death for the second time in hustings court Saturday night. The jury brought in the verdict after one hodr and twenty minutes of deliberation Patterson was charged with the mm der of Irvin Seid, Hebrew grocer, on the night, of January 20, 1922. The date for the execution was set for August 3rd. Patterson’s attorney, W. F. Denny, colored, of Richmond, immediately moved to set aside the verdict on the usual grounds of being contrary to law and evident, but Judge J. M. Mul len nromotlv over-ruled the motion. Denny then gave notice of an appeal to 'he Supreme Court. The jury retired at 5:56 P. M. and returned the verdict at 7:20 P. M. It was reported that all the Jurors from the first were for the first degree ver diet, but tha'. they wanted time to carefully study all the evidence before '■eturning the vfrdict. The prosecution was conducted hv Commonwealth’s At tornev Charles E. Pollard and Attor ney Richard H. Mann. Patterson was defended by two Negro Attorneys. W. F Denny of Richmond and B. F. Har ris of Petersburg. The case was l»egun last Thursday morning but a Jury was not se cured until 4;30 P. M. that day. Dur ing the entire procedure the case was hotly contested and the courtroom wao crowded at all times, mostly by colored spectators. Patterson took the verdict calmly, but when Judge Mullen asked him If he had anything to say, he said: you think this has been a fair trial?’ His attorneys ordered him to be quiet end not to argue with the court. The star witness, William Tabb.' colored horse trader., swayed the case agqinst Patterson. Tnbb testified that on the night Seid was shot down, ho saw Patterson crouching behind a tree with a gun in his hand. (News Leader.) WHITE RUFFIANS SHOT DOWN GATEKEEPER (l’retton New* Service) New York City June 6.—“What’u the matter with you, nigger? Are you asleep?” shouted one man, when George Astlion, aged 36, gateman hi the Long Island Railroad crossing, did not allow a motor car containing several unknown white rowdies to cress the tracks in the path of an ap proaching train at midnight. One ot the men drew a revolver and shot Ash ton In the back. Ashton lives at 1971# W. 4th street, Coney Island. He is In Kings county hospital in a serious con dition. The men escaped. According to the police Ashton had lowered the gates on receiving a sig n;il of tire approach of the train. ht;ii the men in the machine saw' no train in sight they tooted tho horn of the machine and commanded the gate man to let them pass. Ashton refuseJ and received a volley ol verbal abuse. After the train passed1. Ashton, it is said went to the middle of the tracks to see if any train was coming from the opposite direction. Seeing none he raised the gates and signalled for the car to cross. As the machine was started across the tracks the men continued to curse Irm. Ashton made no reply and as be was about to enter the shack he was struck in the back by a bullet and fell to the ground. The machine escaped in a cloud of dust. Another gateman beard the shot and hurried io the assistance of Ash ton. Finding him unconscious he flagg ed a and asked If there wms a doe tor on board. There was none, hut a patrolman who was on board, admit. Istered first aid to Ashton and then summoned an ambulance. The chiel surgeon at Kings County hospital says that If Ashton lives It will be due to the efficient manner in which th*» policeman stopped the flow of blood from the wound. During the world w’nr Ashton serv ed as Sergeant In the Medical Corps ASYLUM INMATE KILLS COLORED MAN. I llVrtton Pittsburgh, Pa., June 6.—John Maj kovic an Inmate of the Woodville In sane asylum was held for the murdei of William H. Jones aged 47 years, also a patient of the institution, bv the coroner’s Jury at the institution last Thursday morning. It is saiJ that. Majkovic struck Jones on the head with a brick while they were in the exercise yard of the Institution early last month. The blow was 'atul killing Jones almost instantly. DEAN BROWN, OF TALE WILL SPEAK AT THE HAMPTON MINIS TERS’ MEETING. Tenth Annual Meeting Will Bring T> gether Leaders in Religion—Con ference Final Program, June 25-29. Announced by Rev L. Fenninger. Hampton, Va., June S.—The Rev Hr. Charles R. Brown of New Haven, Conn., Dean of the Yale Divinity School and w ell known author ol books on religion, including “’The Re liflon of a Layman.” “The Mastor h Way,” gild “Social Message of the Moo ern Pulpit,” will deliver a course ol lectures on “The Art of Preaching" at the tenth annual meeting of the Ministers’ Conference of Hampton In stitute, which will be held from June 25th. through June 29th, according to Rev. Lawrence Fenninger. Chaplain «'•! Hampton Institute. CONFERENCE LECTURERS. The conference lecturers will in clude Rev. Edward A. Clarke, D. D., pastor of St. John A. M. E. Church Cleveland Ohio, who will speak on "The Bible and Its Use;” Dr. James H Diliard, resident of the Jeanes and Sifter Funds. Charlottesville. Va.; rrot Kemper Fullerton, professor of Old Testament In the Olierlin Gradu ate School of Theology, Oberlin Ohio; Hie Prophet Amos;” Rev. William l\ Hayes. D. D., pastor of Mt. Olivet Baptist Church. New York; Rev. Mor derni W Johnson. D. D„ pastor of the First Baptist Church, Charleston. W. ‘‘The Social Situation Confront rng the Negro Church;” Rt. Rev. Lyu w-.od W. Kyles. D. D., B;shop of tire A. M. E. Zion Church, Winston-Salem N. C.; Rev. Hermann N. Morse, direc tor of publicity of the Presbyterian Bif.rd of Homo Missions. New York. “Tie Country Church and the Coni minity;” and Franklin O. Nichols, at iooiate director. Department of Field Organization. American Social Hv- j giene Association, New York. PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENTS, sue conference will open on Mon •lay june 25th. at (1:15 o'clock with a,n Annum dinner of the executive hoard welch will ho followed hy the annual meeting of the board. At 8 o’clock Do.* tor Hayes will preach the conference sermon. On June 26th nt 8 o’clock a union imotlntr for ministers and teacher.-, wilt he held in Ogden Hall. Hampton : Institute. Bishop Kyle and Doctor I Dillard will be the speakers. Jn June 28th at 8 o’clock Dean Brown will speak on “Abraham Lin coln” at a public mass-meeting in Ogden Hall, Hampton Institute. Time will he set aside for informal group meetings and for personal In tel views with the lecturers. An ex bibit or posters and books, which will lie of interest and help to ministers w 11 he arranged in Clarke Hall, the conference headquarters. The Kev. Dr. M. E. Davis, Ports mouth. Va., Is the president and the Rev. Lnurence Fennlnger. Hampton Institute. Va. is the executive secre tary of this conference, * t MTTCHELL DEFENSE FUND SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions and contributions to the Mitchell Defense Fund will be re eetved at the St. Luke Penny Savings Bank, The Commercial Bank ann Trust Company. The same will hr du’y acknowledged In the columns of The Planet. BRUCE GRIT SENDS 1 MESSAGE OF HOPE ! i .€ i. * * 258 West lP,9th St.. New York City. June 7. 1923. Dear John Mitchell:— : have only recently returned frora a long stay in hospital where I have been treated for Diabetes with the new remedy Insulia and for a pair of very bad eyes and have seen the today for the first time since the early part of April. I note in it what the enemy is trying to do to you ana I do not misunderstand the psy chology of the white men. who are at tempting to discredit and disgrace you before the world and your fellow I citizens of Virginia. Since hey have the machinery of the law in their hands, —who can stop them from hounding the originator of the slogan. “Lynch Law’ Must Go.” of the pollti cian w’ho organized tire Negroes of Jackson ward and aroused the! rraciai consciousness to the point where they decided to make him an Alderman, to ghc voice to their thinkings and ex prcssion to their will ns political units in the city of Richmond; of the man w’hose moral w’orth and public servico as a champion of his race, whoso business acumen and init iative stnhlished a hank and won him. membership in the Great Ameri can Bankers Association, who wa», teaching by example and precept thrift and industry to his people and j heartening and encouraging them to be independent, self reliant and progres sive diligent in business; of the pub li'* spirited citizen who having estab lished a reputation in good works. I and Justified the faith and confidence of bis fellows had the audacity, the effrontery, to he a candidate for Gov ernor of the State in which his fathe: had once been a slave there must he an end to his activities and aspirat ions and so these forces with long memories, great palience and the in nate racial antipathy of their type l.ave set out to himiliate you. to de stroy your good name and to discour age < ur race from following otberi. who may come after you. \ They refuse to give you a White; Man’s Chance for obvious reasons. I , You are too clever, know too much and therefore a dangerous Negro who j should be made a horrible example of (hence your arrest, conviction and in dictment. It is only another case of killing the shepherd to scatter the flock. Thoughtful Negroes are not go ing to be influenced l'y the hasty act ion of the authorities of your city in .your case. They understand the mo tives and know that you are one of Virginias most representative Ne groes. What has transpired has not lessened but increased my friendship for and faith in John Mitchell, whom I have known and loved for nearly forty years. In the language of the Immortal Homer; "Eight for everv right with all thy might." Faithfully yours, —JOHN E. BRUCE, "GRIT.' FRENCH GOVERNMENT TO STAMP OUT ALL CANNIBALISM. (Preston News Service) Washington, l». C. June 7.—Acord ing to advices received here the French gove/r.un-n. has decided to stamp out cannibalism in western and Central Africa. It has determined to punish cannibals with death accord irg to the decree Issued by the French fovernment. Crses formerly were dealt wPth according to local native customs, the sentences were frequent ly mild. COLORED GRADUATE NURSES’ MEETING. — The Annual Convention of the Asso elation of Colored Graduate Nurses of \ irg nia will convene nt Hampion, Va., June 19. 20. 21; registration at Bayshore Hotel, Buckroe. The plans already made should j make this the best meeting that this Association has ever held. The sub jects to he discussed will be both prac ti'-al and Instructive. The clinics will be of interest to all of the professions W.Mn th« social side will be the beat* that can be afforded at this wonderful resort. CAPT. STATEN TO COM MAND THE LIBERIAN- - ARMY. I (Preston News Service.) Spokane, Wash, June 7.—Captain Mcody Staten, who held the rank ot Captain in the American Expedition ary forces in France, last Wednesday received appointment from the Secre tary of State Hughe* to the Liberian Army. The Liberian Government* a communication from, the Secretary ot, State, explained, had requested as signment of an American Negro officer who could assume command or the Libor inn Army. Staten will sail for Liberia on June 9tli. He joined the American army Iti 1912 ms a private and after his dis charge became a student at the State Normal School, at Chaney Washing ton. During his service in the army he made an enviable record as a soi d'er and student of military tactics. Staten felt that his further develop ment in life depended on having a bet ter fundamental education and salt. I that is why he entered the normal school following his discharge fron the army. Col. Archer Drew of Portsmouth, Va., was in the city June 1st. He re ported conditions encouraging. —Mrs. A. E. Cooper of Midlothian. Va., Agent for the Richmond Beue flcial Insurance Company was In the city this week. Viti.ough having l>eti. iuu.i posed fui past winter she was much improved. —Mrs. Lillie Lewis of 2519 Bain bridge street, Southshle left the city this week to spend the week-end in Washington, D. C. She was accom panied by her husband, Win. E. Lewis. -Mrs. Minnie B. Wyche of Empor ia, Va., has been the recent guest of Mrs. Katie Wyche, 1600 West avenue. Mrs. Katie Wyche did everything put-<dble to make it pleasant for her during her stay here. —Rev. H. N. Jeter, D. D„ forty-two years pastor of Shiloh Baptist church Newport, R. I., and founder of the or ganization known as The Humane and Reiorin Association was In the city thf8 week. —Rev. W. F. Graham. D. D.( ot Philadelphia, Pa., preached at the4th BaDtist Church last Sunday on ac count of the 43rd anniversary of Rev. Evans Payne, D. D. He preached at the Fifth Street Baptist church Wed nesday night. PRESIDENT MITCHELL 1 PETERSBURG i John Mitchell, Jr. will speak in Petersburg, Va. at the Ebenezer Baptist Church, Wednesday night. June 13 th. DR. KING AT EBENEZER. "Slie Painted Her Faco to Flirt With Death.” The Ushers of the Ebenezer Baptist Church will present Dr. T. J. King, of the Fifth Street Baptist church In his famous subject: "She Painted Her Face to Flirt With Death," Sunday night June 10th at 8 P. M. Dr. King w'll ho accompanied by his choir ami ushers. Program:—Usher, Benjamin Tay . lor, Master of Ceremonies; devotional* Dr. W .H. Stokes. Ph. r.; music. 5th j St. Church Choir; sermon. Dr. T. .1 I King; collection, Usher J. H. Smith. Under the auspices of Usher* or Ebenezer Baptist Church. Usher Sheri dan Jackson Chairman. ^ ® ' * *50.00 DEATH CLAIM PAID. * Juno 5. 1923. Mr. A. W. Holmes. Supreme Master of the National Ideal Benefit Socie ty. Dear Sir:—I take this method of thr nking you for the prompt payment of $50.00 the death claim of my sister, Patsy Johnson. I also thank the officer* and members of Twilight Lodge No. 1 for the many acts of kindness shown her while a member of their lodge. S’gned: RICHARD JOHNSON Witnesses: M. S. Payne. 9. B. Cogbill. m BISHOP SAYS STAY IN THE SOUTH (I’rfMtou New* Service) Wabaseka, Ark., June 8.—Rev. W. T. Pope, presiding elder of the Wab baseka District of the A. M. E. church in an address at tlie secoud quarterly conference urged his hearers to baa j ish fear of harm from the white peo pie of the south. "Banish all feur of harm coming to you as a race through uny organized movement,1' he told his audiences, “and do not be misled by the stale law requring the registration of firo arms for it merely is a tax tc aid the schools. We have no reason to believe that a migratory movement will give any more substuntinl relief than in the past. There are those who are ready to play on your fears and prof it by your sacrifices if you throw' up all you have labored for. Keep your faith und face the future resolute’y. Every foot of southern land has been consecrated by tlie sweat and labor of our fathers. Let us stay here and reap the benefits.' Pome Negroes expressed the fear that Rev. Pope was being paid by in du.Urial and agricultural interests to use his influence in this direction Many Negroes say that instead of things getting better they are grow ing constant ly worse. The ku klux klau the cheating landlord and lack of educational facilities for the olid dreii as well and lack of justice Iu the courts make the way for ambitious Ne groes harder and harder. In fact un bearable. Negroes in all parts of the state say that conditions could be no worse wherever they go. However, most of them prefer to remain in the south, if there whites would only show the slightest signs of modern civilization and justice. BAPTISTS DEDICATE A NEW SEMINARY. (Preston News Servioe. ) Washington, D. a, June 5.—A large number of people attended the dedici tion exercises of the Baptist Semi nary and College site at Douglass Park Wednesday afternoon. Tho crowd wai so large that the exercises had to bt held in the open instead of in a large tent that was on tho lot. A special committee consisting of Dr. R. L. Biadby, of Detroit; Dr. B. F. McWi. liams of Toledo; Dr. S. B. Butler of Indianapolis; Dr. L. G. Rose. Roches ter, N. Y. were present and took pari in the exercises. Dr .Bradby delivered the principal address. After reviewing the condi tions confronting tire entire nation at this hour in the migratory trend of Negroes to tho North, east and west. He said, "More than one thousand a week are reaching Detroit alone anti cv»ry effort must bo made to provide proper educational facilities for these migrants. A great school hero at tho nation’s capital would have in fliionccs radiating throughout the na tion. I pledge myself to support suc> an enterprise.” Other members of the committee made short addresses and pledged themselves to the task of building the proposed institution. if HOBSON LODGE ELECTS. » At a regular stated communication of Hobson Lodge No. 23 A. F. and A. M.. held June 4th, 1923. the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: F. L. Williams W M.; J. R. Hobson S. W.; Dr. J. H. Blackwell. J. W ; W. E. L. Smith-. Treas.; A. Q. Powell. Secretary. l'he following appointments were made: E. N. Simmons, S. D.; Allle Black. J. D.; Jacob Carter and Webs ter Deane, Stewards; John A. Mason. Chaplain; Norman Olphin. Tiler; Wm. E I,ewls, Marshal NOTICE OF REMOVAL. : The Supreme Grand Council. Sons and Daughters, I. O. St. Luke wish to notify the public that they have moved frem Rooms 401-403 Mechanics Sav ings Bank Building to their own home at 301 E. I,eigh Street. Richmond. Va JOHN A. HINBS, Secretary-Treas. JUDGE DECLINES TO REVERSE HIMSELF i\ crowded house greeted Joint Mitchell. Jr, President of the Me chanics Savings Bank Thursday night May 31st at the Union Baptist Church Rev. L. C. Garland pastor. The people of South Richmond were thoroughly aroused and listened with steadily in creasing interest and added applause as Mr. Mitchell told of his experience* wi*h the institution over which he hns presided for so many years. Sympathv for him was expressed on every hand. The crowd extended out into the street and Rev. L. C. Garland occu pied a sent on the rostrum, compli menting him at the conclusion of Ms rousing address. A committee was appointed to con t’nue the work of organizing Mitchell Defense Fund Clubs and the following resolutions were adopted. In addition lette spoke etaofn shrdlu mfwpy bgky to Mrs. S. L. Scott. Mr. C. H. Howlettc spoke. The following committee was appointee!: —Mrs. R. D. Crawley, 814 Petersburg Pike; Mrs. Florence Cogbill, 114 E. 18ih Street; Mrs. Amanda Randolph. 1718 Stockton St.; Mrs. Laura B. Har ris. 902 Petersburg Pike; Mrs. Mazife Gr.ilnnd. 1720 Stockton St.; Mrs. Har riet Cheatham. 105 E. 13th St.; Prof. Blackwell. 14 E. 13th St.; Mr. Jas. Johnson. 2316 Decatur St.; Mr. Jas Ryales, 14 E. 20th St.; Mr. Samuel Alexander. 203 W. lot'i St ; Mr. Alex. Bough 2414 Hargrove; Mr. C. H. How lett, 2805 Hull St.; Mrs. Mattie Brooks. RESOLUTIONS. 4 * % - *• •. Whereas, we the citizens of South Richmond have know’n John Mitchel; Jr., for more than twenty years an * h s reputation for honesty and square dealing has been his greatest rssec and we have not during this time ob served any act on his part to cause us to lose confidence In him and, Whereas, his leadership has been of the highest order and his upright con- 1 duct has been the source of commenda ticn on the part of all classes and.. Whereas his unselfish conduct in aid lng and helping the oppressed and the championing of the rights of his peo ple has given him a standing In this cotntry second to none of our leaders therefore. Be It Resolved, That we take this method of assuring to him our united and undivided support. Resolved Second, that we pledge to him our full support and recommend the appointment of a committee of seven to organize Mitchell Defense Clubs in this section. Resolved Third, that we pledge our support in his effort to reopen the Me chanic* Savings Bank and urge the people everywhere to aid and assist in tliis laudable undertaking. Resolved Fourth, that this misear rlnge of Justice In his ease consti tute* a serious menace to the colored p-r-ple of this State and we call upon the authorities to correct this blunder before It is too late. FLAYS KLAN III SPEECH L tnr Illinois. (I’rwton N«-w« Service) Dixon. III., June 6.—Judge E. D. I ShurtlefT. of Marengo, in an address here on Memorial Day services devot ed the larger part of his address to law enforcement and the condemns <lon of the ku klux klan. The Jurist declared that he knew of no other nr,re sinister influence at work today in America for the ruination of tlM nation than the unspeaknble klan— cowards, afraid to show their faces. This kind of activity ig doing most to undermine the very foundations of the institutions made possible by the supreme sacrifices of those brave heroes whoso open and above-board services to the nation and posterity we are here mot to commemornte he concluded. A SPECIAL CAR FOR FEDERAL, PRISONERS. (Pre*ton Now* Service) Richmond. Va., June 8.—Among •he thirty-one federal prisoners going to Atlanta penitentiary in the special far Is Junius Jones, sentenced to life imprisonment for shooting to death his sweetheart Emma Pend at Old Point Comfort. He was convicted on murder In the second degree. - ■■ ■ -<-1 , Counsl for Defnse Finds More Law. Attorneys for John Mitchell, Jr., K. Lynch Montague S. S. P. Patfteson. Ex-Commonwealth Attorney Georgo E. Wise on Friday. Juno 1st, 192* gave his Honor D. C. Richardson Judge of the Hustings Court another opportunity to reverse himself by cit ing a case from the Supreme Court ot West Virginia in which that tribunal ruled that nn indictment similar ta the one under which* President John Mitchell, Jr., was convicted was an lawful and set aside the verdict of the Juiy. COMMONWEALTH'S ATTOR _ _ NEY SILENT. Argument was made by Mr. Monta gue. Mr. Wise and Mr. Patteson. Th.* Commonwealth Attorney made no re ply to the argument, hut sat busily et* gaged in writing. As for the Judge, he declined to change his opinion saying, he had no eonlrol over the jury, that body being tl.e soul Judge of llie facts in the case. r. he motion waQ made for the purpose of perfect ing the record in the appeal to the Supreme Court of Appeals of Vi* • glnia. . . , MITCHELL DEFENSE FUND. Collection . g 15.13 Newspaperman . . 5 Oq Editor B. J. Davie, Atlanta.. 10.00 Collection ... n.os Friend.... 25 M. F. Longist.26 Mary F. Owens..., . 1.50 William Jenkins ... 1.60 Mrs. Alice Norredl c l!*00 L. t. Johnson. LOO Rev. Robert J. Jackson.. .60 Mrs. P. M. B. Hodge.. .7 .50 R. W. Whiting.1.00 Mrs. Angle Bumsltt.^20 Collection ... 2 40 Dr A. A. Tennant. 10.00 A Friend . i qo W. A. Wilson. 3 00 Jus. E. Kefford, Waterbury,.. Conn. 10.09 A Friend . 1.0O Chester Carter . 1.00* A Friend . 100 A Friend .i qo A Friend .1 OO Tbf.mas Byrd ..* 2U A Friend . 100 Mis. Harriet Blunt .. 1 O0 S- S. S. ^00 Mrs. Lucy Dabbs.30 A Friend . 10 Mrs. A. G. Thompson . 5.00 Donation . 200.00 FRATERNITY BREAKFAST. Undoubtedly one of the most unique entertainments in the history of Vir ginia Union University was the ‘Frat’ breakfast of Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. The occasion of the breakfast, was Sunday. May 27th. at 9:20 A. M., in Martin E. Cray Hall. Before entering the (lining hall, tho members of fraternity with their ' guests delighted themselves under i the shady frees of the Campus. ! Upon entering, the groups saw tho ) specious alcove beautifully decorated with flowers and tho University and Fraternity banners An excellent onnkfast was served In courses. Mr. C. h. Franklin, the President °f Chapter was toast-maste**. Short addresses were made l»y Dr. W. J. Clark, president of the University • Dr. J. B. Simpson. Prof M. W. Conner, tc cher at the University; Dr J M O. Ramsey. Dr. J. H. Blackwell] Jr ] Pref. T. Ervin. Mr J. R. Henderson. AH of them with the exception of the first two ar* members of "Gamma.’' M'ss Hazel Veils. Instructor at Harts horn College, was spokesman for th° ladies present. The principal ad dress was delivered by Attorney Tames C. Thomas, member of the Alnha Chapter, Alpha Phi Alpha Fra teintfy who Is the Assistant. IT. S. At torney for Southern District of N. Y. The President of the chapter Mr. C T. Frankltn. says, “that the great siu-1 ce. s of the occasion is duo t.o th" hearty cooperation of every member of the fraternity with tho committee on arrangements headed by Messrs H R. Young and C. E. Jackson.” The guests are unanimous in the ar clamntton of praise of the affair. Th-s is only one of the great events foster e this vear br Oemmn Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity of Vir ginia Union University.