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PICTORIAL REVIEW OF THE CURRENT EVENTS OFTHE WORLD CLARA PHILLIPS WILL HAVE NO RETRIAL. Because oi ner sensational break fer freedom. Clara Pnillips vhe “Ham n;er Murderess” will not be granted a retrial. The s'ayer is on her way to Los Angeles xrom New Orleans where sVj landed recently. Photo shows he? anjard ship which brought her. PRETTY HAT FASHIONS. A summer hut of blue and gold taffeta with a wreath of red and black eher ri\*s and trulls of cherries down the slues. NAME OF FORD CONNECTED WITH SLACK’S BILLION DOLLAR SHIP BID. Henry Ford was a visitor at Silver Creek. N. Y. last week, the headsuart era of Mr. Slack, who is president of tne Columbia Postal Supply Co... wh'i presented the bid of $1,051,000,000 to the U. S. 1 (Wide World Photos) CRIQUI KNOCKS OUT KILBANE Wl NNINQ FEATHERWEIGHT TITLE Eugene Criqui the “iron-jawed” wa- hero of Frn7.ce knocked out Johnny Killiane in the 6th round of a schedtil e I f fteen round bout at the Polo Grounds in New York. Photo shows Kilbane on hit, back after the knock out. *■ ... .. FRENCH (Wide World Photoe) AND AMERICAN “AIR FLIVVER” KINGS MEET. Lawrence Sperry, (right) American "air flivver King" an«l Georges Barbot d-ft) who hears a similar title in Prance, chatting before the latte i?h Thnnnen TlY'” (‘“ v'hlch he recently crossed the Eng lish Channel) nt Roosevelt Field recently. ATHLETICS 4 * * ♦ v REPORT (Preston News Service.) Los Angeles, Cal., June 20.—Accord-' ing to a statement alleged to have j been made by Jim Johnson, Mayor ot i Shelby, Mont., Kid Godfrey, Jack j Dempsey’s sparring partner, let go a swift uppercut to the Jnw and the tan. ous title holder fell to the canvass for the count. It Is said that when God frey realized that ho had ended his boss too stiff a blow he rushed to bim.) caught him and relieved him of the brunt of the fall. Fight fans in this sec tion are up In arms because Jacv: Dempsey is failing to take his trail ing seriously. They point out that he is hitting the “shine” too heavily nud neglecting his training. Some are In clined to thii-k that he holds Gibbons too lightly. Others are of the opinion that Dempsey wants to be whipped as he had a decided aversion to th? td<*a of surrendering the champion iV.p title to a Negro. It is thought in many circles that Dempsey knows that Wills can lick h<m to a frazzle and for that reason,, he Is not training as seriously as ho should. .• < MYSTERY IS DEEP AROUND DEMPSEY’S CAMP. Champion Disappears for Day and AH Visitors Are Barred From Quarters. Great Falls, Mont., June 12.—An at mosphere of desolation and emphasiz ed solitude strangely reminiscehce oi the famous mystery training camp or Georges Carpentier at Manhasset, L.. I.. two years ago hung over the tram ing quarters of Jack Dempsey, world’s heavyweight champion, here today. To all exterior appearances the place was deserted. Exterior is used advisedly here, because it was impos sible to obtain first-hand information from an interior standpoint. The place was locked, barred and hermetically staled. A sign decorating the wooden gate of a barbed wire topped fence, iu formed curious visitors and prospec tive cash customers aJike that thero' would be “boxing tomorrow; nothing d<.ing today." Two camp employes, one sporting a large sombrero and the other with 9 cap at a rakish angle on his head, hov ered near the gate discharging the Dutch of camp gendarmes. Inquiring newg gatherers in the ordinary course of events accorded courteous treat-, ment. were ignored, Just as was tht I average admirer who went to the camp. Inquiry elicited the curt informat ion thnt Dempsey waa ofT fishing motoring or visiting. The champion s exact occupation for the day was uii certain. Neither guard seemed to know positively but If was definitely estab lished Dempsey was away from the camp for the day. Both were unan' I mous on that point as they were unit' ed in the determination that, nobody could advance beyond the camp por tals. 1 “One-eyed” Connoly. gate-crasher ex traordinary. was discovered disconsc* c.tely hanging about the camp, deject ion written over his countenance His reputation was punctured. Skilled in ♦he use of diplomacy In gaining ad r stance even to exclusive nffairs. Con mV’y was nonplussed. He found him .. . sr)f unable to overcome the impregi; able barrier with which he was con fronted anu finally took himself ott on a jaunt over the winding back trail '.o town. i. was rumored that Mike Trant she Chicago detoctive was about the pi ic^ with some of Dempsey’s sparring pari ners. But this report could not be veri fied. Bill Mathes camp chief stolidly refused to divulge any information. Jerry Luvadis Dempsey’s trainer was away from the camp but beyond tha* ho knew nothing. Quite a few people were disappoint ed. It had been announced and was ex pected that Dempsey w'ould resume work today after his fishing trip yes terday. No announcement was made of a change in plans. It is expected that Dempsey will return to training tomorrow unless further changes are made in the camp plans. Manager Jack Kearns was conspicv ous by his absence from the camp and the city all day. It was said at the Park Hotel where he makes his head quarters that Kearns departed on an early morning train for Butte io at tend Bermondsey Billy Wells In the 1st ter’s bout there tonight. Kearns Is ex pected back in town tomorrow and | will leave according to present plans for Shelby on Thursday. He is ached i uled lo collect $100,000 from Promot , err. Loy Molumby and Mike Collins on F*. iday when the second instalment of Dtmpsey’s $300,000 guarantee is due , f Paris. June 12.—The Boxing Feeler- I ntron has ruled (hat Buttling Siki must meet Marcel Nilles on July 8, as scheduled before lie leaves for New ^ork The penalty for disobeying this mandate will be disqualification for life. However the Federation intends fiist to take the question up with Ro’ er; Eudeline and the New York box ing authorities before taking such ; stern measures. Siki has signified i his intention of placing himself in \ t-be care of Eudeline. Crlqui’s manag er while in the United States. He also has said that he intended to sail for New York on June 22. Robert Eudeline. manager of Eu gene Priqui. the n^w world’s feather weigh* champion yesterday denied thn* he had any connection with the pro p-jsed visit to the United States by Battling S’ki. Senegalese light heavy weight. Siki was quoted in Paris dis patches as saying that he would place himself under Eudeline’s management here. “S ki hag asked me on several occ.i sions to take charge of his ring af fairs snfd Eudpline. "but under no circumstances wlil I do so. I know I nothing -.-hatever of his impending | trip to th's-country.” f Promoter Tex Rickard admitted I that he siili was seeking ;o nv.tCb Siki | with T'M Xo-'olk. y• -ro light he~vv » M. T. DOME wn.iwavr.i.. fi&agap—BgJtt By 4. M. Baer I >HEF?£ CODE'S THAT COLLECTOR AQAlNl! Tell l-r.MVoaxs THAT HE IS I f nPO B05Y TO'TALK TO YOU! j ; Ti~Tr^—N TT tell, him i'm too busy TO TAUK TO him! T r 1TlV f'd.usi IfcUL IJIIM' HE WON’TJB f HAVE TO 5AY A WORD!! yOUR complexion can be easily and quickly beautified, your skin lightened, your neck and arms made plump and velvety your hands soft and smooth and your hair long, straight and luxuriant by simply using Dr. Fr*d Pahner'. Skin WHitnner Preparation.. These are the most exquisite of all skin whitencr preparations and are used and preferred by thousands of the best men and women, who owe their charming looks and beautiful, healthy skin to Dr. Fred Palmer, A FEW SIMPLE DIRECTIONS TO IiIOHTEN Tin! 8KIV1 No matter how dark vour comnlevton if is ..01. get It ‘ Just right” by lining Dr. Fred Fulmer’* Hkln WhiKfrr nil.i* * - nounced by thousands of men and women a. the most delightful, most remarkable wlfZ'l^v3' of, “ll *kiu Preparations—It qulckTy bitches and ptlwS7 f l0“r dr“sel,t **n ““PPly )»". or Brut po.tpulil Jpon receipt of r«*i«":,rpnr!^ik-",:;1:ri‘t' g"1 <"•*“ "»«■ »•« or »< »™i 3,,E1 Dr- Frf,d Palmer has developed wonderful Hair Dressing known to science. **•£■ he1haLr Btr®,*1,t’ 80ft, long and luxuriant—re inoves dandruff—makes the scalp healthy and helps the hair grow. No hair too stiff or crinkly for it to lm prove. Get a box of Dr. Fred Fulmer’s Ilui, prtS, 25c.r or •»» KOOlMW opoS'r"'"' ot DR. FRED PALMER’S LABORATORIES DEPT. F-2 ATLANTA, GA. J)r.Fred Palmer's bKHf\VMT£KER_> PREPARATIONS Agents Wanted for this line of ex quisite beauty aids'. These preparations sell rapidly upon their merit, as everybody knows about them. Write today for our liber al agents’ propoai tlonl that Johnson was murdered aud that his body was placed on the tracks afi er his death. The police have the case under investigation and it is expected that an early arrest will be made. OTIS RALLIES IS SHOT TO DEATH IH LODGING HOUSE. (Preston News Service.) Lorain Ohio, June 20—Otis Rallie. aged .t5 years, was shot and instant!)' killed in a boarding house here last Thursday night. The police are hold ing James Pleasant, alleged to have committed the crime. It is said that the shooting resulted when the two men engaged in an argument over ■ leaving a door open, according to the P'dtce. noth men are said to have come to this city recently from the South and were employed in the local mills. POLICE MJ^MUST GO TO (Pro*ton News Ser/fee) r .oronce. Ala.. June 21.—Stewarc Col b tormer police chief, must go to prison for three years tor the killing °f Moses Fathead, whom he sought to a nest, under a decision of the court of appeals Thursday afternoon. Cobh was given a term of three years for manslaughter. It was alleged that Fat head attempted to escape after he had been arrested by the officer and that Cobb shot him in the back. '1 be opinion of the court of appoo.s. ini mated that this is a case for the "°ard of padons. but stated that it is nu within the province of the court to exercise any pardoning powers Anderson. S. C., June 20.—Follow ing the arrest of Edward Saford. em ployed as a labor scout for n monufnc taring concern in Burlington. N. C . told the sheriff of Anderson Countv, you nre welcome to your South Caro lina Ir.bor for the most part they have done little except shoot craps and cn gage In an occasional fight or cutting scrape. They have stayed with me, some of them, about, long enough to get on the payroll and then have con tinued their way northward. Tlicv are positively no good." Sanford was arrested on a charge of soliciting labor without, a state 11c on?e. He deposited the $1,500 requir od for bond and returned to North Cnr olina. i wolght, but said negotiations were incomplete. Sifci several days ago war reported to have turned down a $10. 000 offer from Rickard to fight Nor folk in the United States in July or August. JOHNSON GIVES WALKER A DRUBBING. (PrMton New* Service) Harrision, N. J., June 20.—K. O. Johnson, the living pride of Orange, N J.. won from Battling Walker, of Jer sey City in the main bout of the Mc Oi'igan Club entertainment last Wefi day night. Joirnsor had the best of the fray all the way th^ . He outbox cd Walker in every department of the sport of fistiana. MEMPHIS RED SOX BEAT ATLANTA BLACK CRACKERS (Preston News Service.) Memphis. Tenn., June 20—The Memphis Red Sox handed the Atlanta Black Crackers a genuine lacing last Tuesday afternoon at Lewis Park by a score of 6 to 2. This makes the sec ond straight defeat the Georgia team has received at the hands of the Ten n^ssee lads. The Atlanta team now holds second place in the standing of the Negro Southern League, hut with a very slender margin. Slim Billings hurled air-tight ball for the Red «ox. allowing hut four hits, while F* elds allowed seven hiT? in a row in the sixth, permit ting four of the Red Sox to make the r,lreult and win tire game. Following the Atlanta Crackers the I.lack Barons from Birmingham win held forth In a four game series wltn the i<5ed Sox at Lew's Park SIKI’S MANAGER DECIDES to an to irelbup. ePrwton New* New York City June 21— Aeeord ng to uncensored reports coming from Dublin Mike McTigue has signed arti cles to meet Battling Siki in a return bout at Dublin on September 8th. It is said that the agreement was reaches between Dr. Patrick McCartan repre senting Siki and Joe Jacobs. McTIg ue’s manager. McTigue is to receive $j()0,000 for his end of the purse it was 8?*.!d._ Just what Siki is to get no men ticn was made. SIKI STILL DECLINES TO COME TO THE U. S. (Preston News Service.) New York City, June 21.—Atten tion is forcused on what Siki is going to do about the Tex Rickard offer to come to America and meet Kid Nor fo k. According to latest reports he had not as yet consented to como to America. However, it is reported that Siki 1ms asked Robert Eudeline to take charge of his affairs in America Eudeline is reported as stating that under no circumstances will he take charge of Siki's affairs in this country PENNSYLVANIA TO HAVE A BOXING COMMISSION. (Pre*ton Ncw« 8<r'Ice> Harrisburg, Pn.. June 21.—Gover nor Pinchot hhs signed the bill provid ing for a boxing commission in the Keystone state. This measure it is nolnted out will be a great hoone to the manly art game ?n this state. I *ghi promoters have taken on new life in this state and indicaions are fact some real big bouts will be stag ed in “Penn’s Woods” In the near fu ture. CHA»t?P) WFM piiom'ng CH'tNCN (Preston Ne"s Service.) Ne^- York Ci*y. June 22—Charges that a 'ormer Sinto superintendent af education in South Carolina whose name, he said, he could not recall had refused to co-operate in a flre-prevent ion campaign last year and thus had contributed Indirectly td the disas trous Cleveland, S. C., Church and School fire, were made last TTuesday afternoon In an address before the committee on Fire Prevention Week of the National Fire Protective Asso ciation by T, Alfred Fleming, chair man of the committee. He declared that this colored mun failed to lend any assistance in a concerted effort to ri-’ the state of fire-traps. Mr. Fleming declared that J. H. Hope, the present superintendent, has co-operated well in .'11 efforts to rid the state of fire tr-ip schools. TRUCK DRIVER HAS A VERY NARROW ESCAPE. (Preeton New» Service) Little Rock, Ark.. June 20.—Fred Moore, driver of a Ford truck of the Pulaski Ice Cream Co., narrowly es caped injury and possibly death last Thursday afternoon when the track got out of control and crashing through a billboard, dropped more than 20 feet over a bluff. . According to eye witnesses] Moore was driving the heavily loaded truck and when he applied the brakes and the wet condition of the paved street caused the truck to skid. Moore leaped to the street and the truck roll ed into the billboard. It passed through the billboard and dropped to the ground below. The care was com pletely demolished. Moore was unhurt. MURDERED RAILROAD (Preston Now* Service) ll'rmlnghnm. Ala.. June 20.—Accord fng to the verdict of a coroner's-^ury last Thursday afternoon James John son hose mangled body was found o:i the tracks of the Southern Railway near Trondale. on Tuesday, met his de.-th by unlawful homicide. Evidence Dr .fineed at the hearing, according to ^e^j^lussom. showed conclusively AND PUT TRACKS. MAN 01