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Richmond planet. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1883-1938, June 23, 1923, Image 5

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Correspondence, jj
Last Sunday the services at tin* Mt.
Cu.’vary Baptist church were excel
l at. In the morning the services in
tic Sunday School were on the par
The pastor’s subject in the morning
v'?.s “Paradise.” In the afternoon our
p istor. Rev. C. A. Cobbs in compnnj
• with a large delegation of members
an l friends of the church went to tlu
'Little Bellrel Baptist church. Port
r Le«r. Va. He was recently cal 1cm 1 to the
church and last Sunday he preached
h k acceptance sermon which was to
tfce delitrht of all present.
8:SO P. M. the choir of the church
entertained the members and friends
w’tb many musical selections.
Tomorrow the services are as fol
lows: Sunday School 9:30 AM.
Pr, aching 11:30 and S:30 P. M. B. Y.
P U. at 6:30 P. M. In the morning
♦he pastor will preach from the sub
J'Vt: “Sowing and ’Reaping.” Come
oat and have a grand time.
The Heliotrope Sewing Circle held
ltj closing at the residence of the
. President Mrs. Hattie B. Hrcket%
week before last, the work on exhibit
w».s grand. They were entertained by
the Capital City Quartette, after
wHicli a buffet supper was served by
t! members. All of the friends and
members went to their homes, very
Jo' ful after such a rare treat.
T>a8t Sunday the services at Uplon
Level church' were very electrifying.
. Too Sunday School was well attended
owing to the many set backs. Rev. W.
E Brown of the 4th Baptist church
preached both morning and night.
His sermons were very touching to
tae soul. 3:30 P. M. the Communion
services were served by Rev. Roots.
P" tor of the Cedar Street Baptist
church. Later on in the evening the
Rev. Cobbs came In and we all had a
jgmnd time in praising the Lord.
Itev. Murphy will preach for us to
morrow; come out and hear this great
man of God. Tomorrow at 8 P. M
tnere will be a Pew Rally and a Spirit
uni meeting. Come one and all and
help in this effort.
The services at the Nfew Vine Bapt
is*. church. Charles City County were
well attended last Sabbath. A nic<J
gathering in the Sunday School under
the leadership of Rtev. Starks. One of
the classes were taught by Rev. C. B
JeiTerson. He also addressed the Sun
day School, using for his theme. “The
Coming School of the Church. Rev
Tuck preached a very vivid sermon
from the words, “In My Father’s
House are Many Mansions.” The do
votionals were in charge of Rev. C. B
, JefTerson . The pastor administered
the Lord’s Supper.assisted by Rev.
C; rter of New Vine Baptist church.
Rev. Starks and Jefferson spoke dur
ing the passage of the bread and wine
Rev Tuck is doing a great work* for
the church assisted by his madam.
Mrs. Alice Tuck
The annual sermon for the Chicago
Division of Ancient United Knights
and Daughters of Africa of which
Airs. El.za Jackson is Stute Grand
Queen, was heal on lust Sunday niter
n jou at the Ebeneezer Baptist Church.
Ihe order was welcomed at the church
b> Dr. D. P. Jones and the sermon
.was delivered by the pastor Rev. C. H.
Clark. National Officers from St.
Louis, Mo., who were present and
spoke were Hon. William H. Fields,
National Grand Master; Dr. George
M Otbrell, National Grand Secretary
treasurer; Ernest Patillo, National
Chairman of Building Commission;
Major General J. A. Shackleford. A
military ball was held on Monday eve
ning under the auspices of the Milit
ary Department of which Col. Jas. B.
.McCall is Commander. An elaborate
banquet was tendered in honor of
*.\e National officers Wednesday morn
ning at Appomatox Club. Hon. Fields
' left Thursday morning for Des Moines
and Major Shackleford left for Indi
ana and Ohio to inspect the work
Miss Anna 15ill of Evanston who
has been quite id jor several weeks,
is much impto^eii. Miss Hill is sten.r
giaplrer in the law ofllce of Attorney
Walter M. Fai;ne.i 181 W. Washington
, William Crutlup, well known officer
and member of the Ebenezer Baptis*
church has returned to His home foi
lowing weeks of confinement, at Prov
idem Hospital on account of a slight
The Virginia Society will hold it*'
next meeting June 20th, at which timej
a liteiary and musical program will
^ he given. Every Virginian and
friends are invited.
Kev. I. S. Stone., State Grand Mas
ter of U. B. P. and S M. T. was on
his annual visit to the lodge and tern
pies in the city. Before leaving. Rev.
S:one wns tendered a reception given
under tire auspices of the temples.
Attorney Walter M. Parmer, 184 W.
Washington street is hack in the city
after attending the first reunion of
graduates of Lincoln University, Jeff
erson City, Mo., on May 30th where
he delivered the prlneipl address and
was conferred with the degree of Do?
tor of L«w by ihe University on recom
mendation of the Alumni. Attorney
Farmer visited friends at Columbia
and St. Lonig, Mo.
The closing exercises of the Enter
prise Institute B14 Aldine Square of
which Rev. J. W. McDaniel la presi
dent and Mrs. M. B. Newland Is man
nger will be held on June 19M» at the
Pilgrim Baptist Temple, 33rd and In
d’nna Avenue. •. ;
The Sunday services were well at
tended at each church.
Hev. W. W. Ward preached an ex
cellent sermon at the Baptist church
Sunday afternoon. The Franklin St.
M E. choir sang and we hail u hayp>
tlmo. Come again Bro. Ward.
Hev. Sm‘th a Baptist minister .
(white) of the county preached at i>
l’ M.. at the Baptist church, a nuro
her of his friends came with him.
•Mrs. Susan Taylor continues quite
Mr. Frederick Greenlee Is still on
the sick list.
Miss. Vivian Hylic left Sunday for
Abingdon, to spend the summer with
her grand mother Mrs. Emma Austin.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Carter left
for Petersburg to attend the grand
stsslon of the K. of P.
Head the Planet for local and stato
\ <• •
Mr. Chas. Allison Is soliciting your
What about the Fourt of July? Get
! together brethren and bring some
thing to pass.
If Christian men and women *ero
toto cooperate as sinners do, wo would
be able to do much good.
| None of us are so important that a
community could not do without us.
The more we feel our Importance,
the less we are respected and we be
come a menace to the welfare of socle
1 he Eureka Ohoral club gave a mus
leal at Mt. Mitchell last Thursday
night at Rural Retreat und also Frl
day night. They will g0 to Austins
vllle June 20th.
Mr. W. H. Stepteau is slowly im
proving. *
The K. of P., banquet was a success.
The Wytheville Giants are open for
engagements. Come out and support
this baseball club. It is one of the
best In Va.
Mr. R. c. CUsbuw of Columbus Ohio
is visiting his wife Mrs. Rachel Cu
sh aw.
the doings op thk y. h. cl a.
The first hour "The Young Men's
C.itistlan Association was conceived
In sincere prayer, bom from the *
hearts of men big with unselfish Chris
tian Interest in their fellowmen.” Men
stand (or the old land mark. Christ, j
e were hlud to welcome the rnanv
strangers who yrere passing thru Rich
mond. Nothing beats a home.
T-ost Sunday every moment was act *
:ye and the boys and men showed
tvat they were working for the otter
bey and man.
9.30 A. M. at the building prayer
hour for the workers.
i he meeting for the women in t.h«*
5»ih# *!I airy i1.0 A M' was ful1 of th0
Spirit and ull felt the presence of
tie Lord. Never be ashamed of God’s
10 A. M. the work in the City Jt
was alive and the committee w
very busy Chairman Thomas and Jol
sou were happy to serve.
Chairman James Dunn
in the City Home 10 A. M.
mates were helped.
was active
and the in
4 P. M at the building a live meet
ng for (Ire boys. Attendance good. I
'Hie Van Guard Bible Class of the
Second Baptist church 5:30 P. m con
ducted a great Gospel meeting' for
men. President G. T. Walker opened
with some pointed remarks followed
bv the teacher Mr. Clarence D. Griffis
r !!!.CJ0,r.Ut of 0,11 ML Z‘°n Baptist
Cmirch 1 shers sang from soul. All
il'0‘t4lan'1 Jctlve part. Such fellowship
meetings for the Lord will soon im
crease the right spirit for living. j
Men be on time Sunday ready for '
1j.>id work and the other man. 9:30
A. M workers at the Y. M. A. Tho
rueeotlng for boys at the building 4 p. ■
M ■ i
Women and men to the Cth ML*
ji-ii Baptist church 3:30 P M. to
hear a special sermon by Bov. C A |
Cobbs B. Th.. pastor of the Calvary
‘.'•1'Mst church. Subject: Hell. Tl«
J’.nlor choir of the church will sing
Director Mr. W. A. Brown. The volun
, * rally by Reds and Blues will
close at these services Let everybody
bo a committee.
• be T M. C. A. is asking everybody
have special prayer.
ROANOKE, V.A., June 19.;—Mrs.
Bailie Roberson Walker and daugh
ter. of Pittsburgh, Pa. Is visiting
Mrs. Mary Jordan..313 Tenth Avenue
Mrs. Hattie Stockton, 24 7 Tenth
Avenue. N. E. left Saturday night
for New York City and Philadelphia
to visit her son and daughter. Misses
Hattbe and Annie Stockton accom
l>anled their mother.
Mr. Hubbard Gill, the restauran
feur of Norfolk Avenue undergo
RurrelJ Memorial Hospital,
ing an operatfon and treatment at
Mr. and Mrsi Miles diver have
Just returned, from Philadelphia after
a two week* visit to her cousin, Mr.
Elihu C. Myers of the Quaker City.
They report a helpful and happy trip
Mrs. MiJIJe Montrose, cor. Third
Avenue and Fourth Street, died here
. .^s, the owners of the Mechanics Savings Bank, representing approximately three hundred
individuals, the depositors, representing about three thousand, not including the holders of
Uuisimas Savings iClub Cards, the white and colored people of this city, who are vitally inter
ested mretaming the confidence of the colored people of this community and the good opinion of
the white and colored people of the United States, are waiting.
They all want to know tiie approximate amount of the assets to re-open the Mechanics
Savings Bank. The amount is stated in the following extract from the decree signed by the able
Judge of the Richmond Chancery Court- —^
f •
And it being represented to the Court that the closing of
said bank by the plaintiff vas because of the presence in its
assets of obligations of the Bonded Realty Company, Inc,
amounting to the sum of $83,500.00, which are not secured to
+ ?Zti0«n °f the Pontiff and it being further repre
t+ Court there is a reasonable prospect of the
defendant being able, within a short time, of satisfying the
plaintiff as to said obligations of the Bonded Realty Company.
Inc., and as to the entire solvency of said bank, it is fur
ther ordered that said receivers be authorized and instructed
to report to the Court, at the earliest possible date, togeth
er with a statement of the assets and liabilities of said
bank, such offers and plans as may be submitted to them by the
defendants, or others on its behalf, with a view of satisfying
the requirements of the plaintiff and effecting a prompt dis
charge of said receivers, and the return of the assets of said
echanics Savings Bank, of Richmond, Va. to its proper
But how much more is needed? The Receivers assert that they cannot determine this
amount until all the pass-books of the depositors have been turned in and balanced. To meet
thm conditwn the depositors, in meeting assembled, by unanimous vote, decided to share in any
kabihty m excess of the amount already ascertained. This relieves the situation and enables the
Receivers to strike a balance and submit the same to the Court with such a recommendation as
may, m their judgment be fair to the people whom they represent.
This then will necessarfty end the delay as the Receiver* have been unofficially reported to
be m favor of re-opening the Bank and witling to do all in their power to help the colored people
of this commumty. The issue is plain. Personal feeling and animosities should not figure in this
matter. Let us re-opep^pe Mechanics Savings Bank in order that those depositors who are ur
gently m need of some of their money may be able to get it and those who wish to deposit their
savings may be permitted so to do. The depositors stand pledged nut to make any run on the Bank
Other issues and conditions can be met as they are preseuted The primary purpose at this
time is to do business again. Let us ascertain the approximate amount of liability, put up the
assets necessary and with the aid and support of the good wfiite people and the self-sacrificing
colored ones, backed by an abiding faith in the Almighty God, let us re-open the Bank
Friday, June loth after a lingering
illness. She was a faithful Christian!
and member of the High Street Bap
tist Church for many yearl. Funeral
servilos look place Sunday afternoon
2 o'clock, Rev. W. E. Loe officiating, j
She leaves to mourn their loss a
losing and devoted husband, Mr.
Henry Montrfeve; two sons, Richard
and James, three daughters, Mary
Steele, Mrs. Lillie Johnson and Mrs.
Cora Campbell.
Tho Buds of Promise will be seen
at Mt. Zion Baptist Church Tuesday.!
July ?». at 8 o’clock. Admission lfi
cents. Rev. W. VV. Hicks, pastor;
Mrs Margaret Noe, directress.
Thoro yas a grand Mirth day party
given at tho homo of Rov. James S.
Hatcher ttpon the occasion of his
thirty-ol’gWh annliversary and his fifth
year at Mt. Zion A. M. E. Church.
He loft, the same afternoon for Co
lumbus and Xenia. Ohio to attend
the commencement exorcises at Wfl
hcrforce University. Rev. George
I’. M‘flier and othor members of his
church will also atjtend. Miss Grace
Miller Is n student at this (institution
-vhich is the oldest of color In the'
United States.
Many members and friends of Dr. I
Hatcher’s parish were In attendance.
Among othoro were P. E. Rev. T.
W. Cotton, of the Roanoke District:
RJev. Smith,, our pastor at Cave
Springs circuit and Mrs. Tlallle Bell
Benjamin, of Staunton, Va. Many
useful Presents (were given.
Mrs. Gertrude Hatcher is recover
ing from a sprained ankle.
Qul|e a large delegation boarded
the train here Monday enroute to the
Pythian Grand Lodge session! which
convened Tuesday morning at Ebe
nezer Baptist) Church, Petersburg, Va
Among those leaving were Col. W.
B. F. Crowell. Ornad Lecturer: Mrs.
M. H. Burrell. Mrs. M. • B. Paxton.
Mrs. G. S. Edmondson. Mrs. Cath
erine Stanfield, Str P. O. Gravely.
Slr D. C. Johnson Joined the delega
tion from Pocahontas: Sir Parker,
from Pulaski, Sir Coffee, from Rural
Retreat and others.
A grand picniic was given by the
Iiill Street Baptist Church Monday,
at Coodes, Va.
Mr. Marshall Calloway, of Ninth
Avenue who has been Quite ill is re
ported as imvroving.:
(.Preston News Service.)
Norfolk. Va„ June 20.—Diplomas j
were handed to 7.5 young men and wo j
Tnoji graduates from the Booker T. i
Washington High School last Friday i
night. The baccalaureate sermon was i
delivered last Sunday in the First j
Baptist c hurch by the iRpv. Dr. R H.
Bowling. He urged the graduates “to
go forward without fear.” The alumni
of the school held a largely attended
reunion last Thursday niglrt. Many per
tlnont short addresses were made.
You can get fine groceries from
Mr. Edward Stewart. See his ad
Blood Brotherhood
W. T* WHITE, District Organizer,
States of W'est Virginia and Virginia.
To the Men and Women Wlto are
Loyal to the Race—Apply at
Thl's Office at Once.
Yours for the Betterment ,of the Race,
w. L. WHITE, Organizer.
J. S. NOEL, Acting Sec’y.
VIRGINIA—In the Clerk’s Office of
the Circuit Court of the County of
Chesterfield, the 18th Lay of May
The object of this suit la to obtain a
divorce from the bond of matrimony,
by tine I'la; nt iff from the Defendant,
on the ground of desertion. And an
affidavit having been made and filed
that the defendant, Joseph Rosemon
i-J not h resident of the Stato of Vir
ginia, It is ordered that he appear with
In ten days after due publication of
this order once a week for four succjs
sivf weeks In the Richmond Planet., a
newspaper published in the City of
Richmond and do what _,may be noeea
sary to protect his interest herein.
A Cony Teste: Clerk.
J. E. BY7tJ>. f. c.
VIRGINIA:—In the Law and Equity
Court of the City of Richmond, the
18th Day of May 1923.
• -rr.“ ** {
MOLLIE B. BUTTS, Plaintiff
against In Chancery.
JAMES BUTTS, Defendant.
The object of this suit is to obtain
absolute divorce from the bond or
matrimony, by the plaintiff from the
defendant, on the ground of adultery.
And an affidavit having been made and
filed that the defendant Is not a resi
dent of the State of Virginia,. It la or
dered that he appear here within ten
davs after due publication of this or
der and do what may be necessary to
protect his interests herein.
A Copy,
J. E BYRD, p. q.
When you can get Furniture and
Rugs from an Old Established house
like JURGENS—that’s known to sell
the beet quality goods, Just as reason
abio as elsewhere—why not give your
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yrfve ue the greatest pleasure to show
you mr wonderful stock of bom*
making, comfort giving Fornlturv
and Ruga and—don’t fall lo usk our
salesmen about our Banking Plan,
which givoe you ft, 10 or 15 month*
In which to pay tor any purchase
cis. e. jus son
KSyTA I3LI8HE1) 1880.
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Chapel Service Free to
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Makes short, coarse, stubborn
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Unnatural and mucous dis*
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