Newspaper Page Text
OHIO ELKS HOLD ANNUAL SESSION. AHuir One Thut Will Long He Remem bered—Oruml Ball a Dazzling Event—Had Big Picnic Next Day. (Crusader Service.) East Liverpool Ohio. June 21.—iMore than two hundred delegates and v*v»t ors gathered here lor the first annual session of tire Ohio State Association ol the Improved Benevolent and Pro tective Order of Elks of tho World. Members of Sunbeam Lodge hosts of the convention, left nothing undone to make the affair one that w.11 long be remembered by the visit lug Elks. The visitors wero guests of Sun beam Lodge at tliulr Memorial Servic es on Sunday afternoon at which time j. Finley Wilson, Grand Exalted Rul er delivered tho principal address. Business sessions were held Monday When officers for the ensuing year were elected aud the mooting place lor the next convention selected. War reu won over Columbus in a hotly con tested election. Offleors elected were J. W. Turk, president; Thomas J. How atd, vice-president. C. P. Lancaster, secretary; Leonard H. Foreman, treas uier. A gruud ball was held Monday eve ning in Eagles Hall and on Tuesday a picnic at Rpck Springs Park, W. Va. was the center of attraction for the visitors. - ,v*L» ANCRUM SCHOOL TURMS OUT YOUNG MUSICIANS. (Crusader News Service.) Boston, Mass., June 21.—Elsie Wooo. Lewis and Rufus O. lire"* were among those who receivej diplomas in piano 1‘orte teachers co arse at the Commence ment Exercises ct the Ancrum School of Music held in dates Hall, Wednes day evening June 6. An excellent pro gram was rendered by the graduates, assisted by members of the faculty, ad vanced students and the school orches tra. Mr. Brent, who is a graduate of How ard University will continue his stud ies at the New England Conservatory. Mrs. Lewis will return to the Ancrum School for a post graduate course. The Ancrum School is one of tne best known in Massachusetts. It giveb courses on the following subjects: Pumo, Pipe Organ, Violin, Voice Cul ture, Violoncello, Saxaplione, Clarinet Flute, Cornet, Harmony, Harmonic Analysis, Counterpoint, Solfeggle. Theory, Sight Playing, Sight Reading Transposition, Stage Deportment, Choir Training, Hand Culture, Italian French, English Piction. MANY NEW TEACHERS IN ATLANTA. (Preston News Service.) Atlanta, Ga., June 20.—At tho re cent meeting of the Board of Educa tion of Atlanta the following addition al teachers were elected for the Negro schools: Miss Lucillj Holman, Miss Ruby Ford, Miss Orethn Brooks, Miss Eliza hiih Williams. Miss Lilli^ijj L. Beav 'e'Fs; Miss Katherine Marion, Miss Nel lie F. Warner, Miss Inez Bush, Miss Amelia Hill, Miss Janie Wakefield, Miss Willie Mae Starr, Miss Hattie Wimbush, Miss Nellie Brewer, Miss Mae Ruth Lemons, Miss Flora Bedding field, Miss Hallie L&ster Warner, Miss Elcise Simmons; Miss Gladys Althea Barnes. The following transfers weie also announced: Miss Minne Wise, formerly principal of Houston Street School to be made principal of the new Irwin Street School and Prof. R. O. Brown to be made assistant princ* pal of the same school. Prof. E. L. Wynn, now principal of Ul4 Mitchell Street School to be made principal of the new Edwain P. Ware School and Miss Ollie Taylor to be made assistant principal. Principals tor the Houston Street School and the Mitchell Stteet School have not been announced. VACATION SCHOOL IN NORFOLK IS OPENED. > " *' - ; ** (Preston News Service., Norfolk Va. June 21.—The Vacation term of eight weeks’ duration opened June 18th for the purpose of giving the following classes of pupils inatruci tion: i 1. Those who have failed in not \ more than two subjects. 2. Exceptionally bright pupils who! are capable of doing a full term’s work during the vacation period. j Condition pupils and those who have failed in their studies due to loss oi time from sickness. 'I he teachers for the summer school are: Lott Carey School Miss Martha Wilson; M. E. Anderson; N. B. John son; M. L. Lee; T. L Williams: J. R. Dongle and M. M. Taylor; Booker T. Washington School: Instructors have not been appointed • yet. It is thougt that Prof. J. D. Reddick will be prin cii-nl of the Booker T. Washington Sraool. POCAHONTAS LODGE MEMBERS RALLY TO THE HEAD. Deputy Johnson in the Foreground. Pocahontas, Va.. June 9, 1923. Sli John Mitchell. Jr., 311 North Fourth St., Richmond, Virginia. Dear Sir and Brother:—Inclosed are handing you our check for $25. 00 as contributors to Mitchell Defense Fund. We are familiar with the case through the papers and we feel that Sir John Mitchell, Jr., has not com mitted any crime. Therefore, we are standing willing to do any thing that we can. Our fin ancial aid is at his disposal. From Trustees of Pocahontas TxhIcc No 41. K of P J. W. BETHEL. C. C. D. C JOHNSON, Chairman Trustee Board. U. S. G FROE. Secretary P. M. WHITE. < Treas. A WORD FROM PORTLAND, ORE. Tin- Advocate, Leading Colored News paper of the Northwest. Portland. Oregon Mr. John Mitchell. Jr., Editor Richmond Planet, i Richmond, Virginia. Dour Sir and Contemporary:—We have read with a deal of Interest the newspaper Items concerning the fail ure of the Mechanics Savings Hank. Wo have read your statements con cerning your side of the question. And while we are so far away and not ublo to he on t.he scene and see things for ourselves, let us assure you that we have confidence in your Integrity and honesty and cannot possibly believe that you are guilty of the charges al though declared so In a court of law. Having lived In the South at least half of our lives we know something of tho white man's Justice to educated high-minded colored people. If you had been shrtPtless, a do-nothing and a luit-in-hand Negro, you would have not only been tolerated but encouraged. But you are the equal of those men who seek to down you, und there’s where the trouble begins. Then, too, there are those of our own race who cannot stand to see others of their kind advance and be something. They are jeajous, envious and poor things, ignorant. They would rather eee us all down than for one to rise above the other. we nave been engaged in work to wards the uplfit of our own and no sooner than we get our heads "above tibe water,” get a little recognition fr-<ra the other side, above that of the masses, our own becomes the enemy. It is a hard task; It Is a great sacri fice this lifting of a race. We hardly know what to write to you, but we wanted you to know that whMe you have been found guilty by the courts, we do not believe you guil ty Remember tho' that if there is any stealing to be done from our people, let the white man do It. There is not near the holler if he does it and they knew it, as there is when one of our own is suspeoted. (smiles) We are a funny people, and we sometimes won der if we are worth saving at so great a price Let us know what we can do away up here to help you. Our better half. Mrs Cannady is a practicing attorney here and the other half is still engag ed in publishing The Advocate. Per I Ts we could do something. We have little money, but no doubt we may be able to collect a small defense fund to help out. Send us the information we need because we feel that whatever et fects one of us no matter where locat ed. effects us all. We feel your intet est just as keenly as if we were there or you up here. With best wishes, we are, MR. AND MRS. E. D. CANNADY. A WORD FROM OJRANGE, VA. 1 * v A . Orange, Va. June 13, 1923. Sir John Mitchell, Jr., 1 311 North Fourth SL, ■ 1 Richmond, Virginia. Dear Sir and Brother:—I can not f. el satisfied until 1 have expressed to you my sympathy. Wo are all in this world to have trouble, and the only thing to do is to fight bravely to the end. I have never dreamed or thought that you are guilty of the thing with which you are accused, but continue to pray and let the Lord lead you and I feel perfectly safe in saying that you will come out more than victor ious . I am Fraternally yours, EDWARD THOMS, D. D. G. O. l A VOICE FROM BRISTOL, VA. Bristol, Va.-Tenn., June 14, 1923. My Dear Mr. Mitchell. Jr., Grand Worthy Counsellor, 311 North 4th Street, Richmond, Va., I want you to know that I am pray lug fcr you and that my heart, car ries many sad regrets of you being the least, worried and wrongfully treated by a people that cannot see as it really is. May God ble^s you. My father and I are willing to help you in what ever way we can. You shall always have our support. I am hoping to sea you happy again. Yours sincerely, MRS. C. B. BANKS, Bristol, Va. (Bristol Hotel.) A VOICE FROM ROANOKE. Roanoke, Va., Juno 11, 1923. Hon John Mitchell, Jr., 311 North Fourth St. Richmond, Virginia. Dear Sir and Brother: — Standing as you are upon the block as the hosts go for your people and the right of aJl people, listening to the cruel jeers of those who have forgot ten their sacred oblignt'on—look! Amid the dark clouds about yo i stands the Damon. (Prayer.)Through and by him the entire race and all races have stayed the cruel execution ers o! frighteousncss. Through Him I shall ever present your case and your worth to the world to Go 1 who rewards the life and net the ce!or. Remember this: Out. o;' the hottest flame We obtain pure gold; Braving the cruelest shame Proves the noblest Soul. Ever yotirs in F. O and B.. REV' P. O GRAVIT Y. 123-Vth Avenue, N. W. Roanoke, Va. Buy H*-Ja Quinine Hair Dressing, the miracle hair treat ment, at your drugguts. from our agents, or by mail direct from us. Price 25c. postpaid. AGENTS WANTED Write for our money making plan and circulars TODA Y% We hove thousands of agent* who are making real money sell* «ng Hi-Ja products. KINKY NAPPY HASH-DON’T HAVE IT! rii-ja Quinine Hair Dreeing, the marvelous new hair treatment, makes it possible for you to have beautiful hair. This i, no idle statement Hun dreds now have hair that falls in soft, silky strands below their shoulders because they have used Hi-Ja Quinine Hair Dressing. woumers kinkLor stLubb?rn> start using Hi-Ja Quinine the diortTst Time Hi 7 o' "if* ■*' rCtU,‘* which wi» in but ilov * Qu'n'n.e Hair Dressing not only beautifies the hair disorder*.7** ” “ *,0p‘ ,,cb,ng of ,he »ca,P* tetter and relieves all scalp ^ “ H' J' H.i, DreMing—the hi-ja chemical co. SPECIAL INTKOni'CTORY OFFER So that every Indy and gentle mnn may see just what Hi-Ja Quinine Hair Dressing will do to straighten and beautify tho hair we are makintr the follow ing remarkable introductory of fer. On receipt of $1.00 wo will forward 4 boxes of Hi-Ja Quinine Hair Dressing and 1 bot tle of Hi-Ja Cocoanut Sham PJ® (value of this assortment. $1.26), all for the price of $1.00. Send $1.00 Today MITCHELL DEFENSE FUND. Collection . Newspaperman .. Editor B, j. Darla, Atlanta Collection Friend . . I M. F. Longlst... Mary F. Owens.- . -. WtlKam Jenkins ...’.7...*. Mrs. Alice Norrall. L. t. Johnson.. Rev. Robert J. Jackson.. Mrs. P. M. B. Hodge.. .7 R. W. Whiting. Mrs. Angie Burnett. Collection .... Dr. A. A, Tennant .. „. A Fdag, . W. A.’^jlson. Ji>-. aCefford, Waterbury,.. 16.IS 6.90 10.00 11.05 J 5 .25 1.60 1.60 1.00 1.00 .60 .60 1.00 .20 2.40 10.00 1.00 3 00 vuuu. ... • t • • IU.Uv A Friend . 1.00 Chester Carter . 1.00 A Friend . 1.00 A Friend . 1.00 A Friend . 1.00 Ttn.mas Byrd . .21. A Friend . 1.00 Mis. Harriet Blunt . 1.00 S. S. S. .. 1.00 Mrs. Lucy Dabbs . .30 A Friend. .10 Mrs. A. G. Thompson . 5.00 Donation . 200.00 P:;caliontas Lodge No. 41, K... of P. Pocahontas, Va. 25.00 Lawyer J. R. Clifford Martins-. burg, W. Va. 6.00 M.fcs Frances Pollard, New .. York, N. Y. 1.00 Mrs. Mary L. Johnson . 1.00 Mrs. Annie Sharrah . 1.00 Mrs. Susie T, Winston ....... 1.Q0 B. F. Morrell. Jamestown., R. I. 10.00 Mrs. Elenora Jones. 1.8') Donation . 100 00 ATTORNEY CLIFFORD. ' Mortinsbur?, W. Vf— June 11. 1923. Hen. John Mitchell, Jr., Richmond. Virginia. My Dear Friend Mitchell:— God knows my heart goes out tr you. I hope this little gift will be ro ceived in the spirit the Widow’s mite was. I shall keep my ear to the ground and if I find a duplication be necessary, you shall have it. Mrs. Clifford and her sister. Mrs. C. F. Cook, wife of Prof. Geo. W. Cook of Howard University, boldly believe in your honesty. I still have faith in your Supreme Court in your behalf With sincere love and beet wishes. I am very truly yours. J. R. CLIFFORD. A VOICE FROM GRAHAM, VA. Graham. Va. June 3, 1923. Sir John Mitcrell, Jr., Thinking of you ns a hi other affords me much pleasure in telling you not to fear, because I have asked tno l-'*rd to help you and He has never failed to help me Please dont doubt Him. He will save you. Now don’t for get me and what I have said to you; don’t thank me. but God. He has for given you. now be at ease. God is with you. Now pray for mev. Your friend, BRAXTON RODGERS. Lodge No. 165. K. of P.# Box 356, Graham. Va. A VOICE FROM ROXJ3URY, VA. Roxbury, Va ; June 10. 1923. My Dear Mr. Mitchell: — Inclosed you will find my subscrip-, ticn to The Planet as I am following your case with great Interest and do not care to miss one issue of your val uable paper. I have been a subscriber to the Planet for over twenty-five years and have always had implicit faith in your honesty and integrity, and my faith in you is still unshaken. I If lleve that it is a plot of those who are Jealous of your progress as a Ne gro and your ability as a man. Fight it out Mr. Mitchell, your cau*p Is the common cause of all. Your peo pie. the people whom you have loved and done ro much for. will stand by you. If all the lawyers, judges and courts In the world convicted you and said you were guilty, we would still believe in you and love you. “In spite of rock and tempest’s roar. In spite of false lights on the shore. Sail cr.. nor fear to 1 reas-; the sea! Our hearts, our hopes are all with1 the,— Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers. our tears, Our faith triumphant o’er our fears, Air all with thee —or*1 all with thoet * Sincerely yours. REUBEN C CARTER. I BE A CHIROPRACTOR ENROLL NOW. NEXT CLASS JULY 16, 1923 I EVENING CLASSES. WHITE FOR INFORMATION. RESIDENCE COURSE ONLY. U. S. COLLEGE OF CHIROPRACTIC 302 N. CALIFORNIA ST. INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA A VOICE FROM NEW YORK. New York City, June 12. 1923. Sir Joha Mitchell, Jr„ Enclosed you will find the sum of One dollar ($1.00. though small ln Its pi*-c.entation, I trust that you will re celve it as a token ©f long friendship and great respect as a friend of my father for many years. I trust that the Almighty will corn fort and uphold you In this strife. Your friend, FRANCES POLLARD, 2089 Madison Ave., N. Y. C. Daughter of Col. W. H. Pollard. DR. L K. WILLIAMS SPEAKS. ' Great Baptist Leader Pledges Support. iijT' ■ r v m Chicago, Illinois, -flfay 28. 19? i. Mr. John Mil.-hell, Jr., Richmond, Virginia. My Dear brother:—I am writing to say that I regret very much to note the course of the CourtB In respect to you. We have great confidence in your ability, slnc?rlty and the unselfish ser vice that you have rendered to ycur race, the light of which can not be bo dimmed by thle oloud of sorrow through which you are now passing. We are praying for you and If there is anything we can do to serve you, do not heetltate to command me at once. Very sincerely yours, L. K. WILLIAMS. Pres. Nat. Baptist Convention. U. S. A. HON. JUDSON W. LLYONS, EX REGISTEiRi OF TREASURY. Augusta, Gt»., May 31 1923. Mr. John Mitchell, Jr., Richmond, Virginia. My Dear John:—Words are Inade quate to express my deep and sincere sympathy for you In your present em barrassment. No one could make me believe that you would have deliber atoly and intentionally mts-used a doi lar of that money, and I have an abid ing faith that you will in the end con vince your bitterest foe that you did not. God bless you old friend and giv,.' you a “safe deliverance.'* Sincerely yours, JUDSON W. LYONS. A VOICE FROM ROANOKE t Roanoke, Va. Hon. John Mitchell, Jr, Editor The Richmond Plant!, My Dear Sir:—I wish to extend to you my heart-felt sympathy In the re garda of racial trouble. I want to s&y that I have been praying sincerely for you Blnee your trouble began. I have never doubted once that, you would get clear and will never. I feel that It Is a trial of your faith and I want you to pray and be a bold soldier. I am sure that the smoko from the ba* tie field has nearly cleared away. ! realize I can see It at a distance through Christ. Summit Court Is In sympathy with you and also Blooming Rcse. This Is from a friend untli death. Yours truly, (MR* ) G. S. EDMUXD30N. A WORD FROM DANVILLE. Danville, Va. May 29 192? Hon. John Mitchell. Jr.. Richmond. Virginia. Dear Brother:— In this lour ol your trouble I tal:e this method of ex press'T-g to you my heart felt sym pathy With my pen I not only endee.v or to show you that you have my sym pnihy. hut my dally prayer Is that you may have juat'.ce lu your new trial and r!ght will win I hnve personally known you since June ? 9, 1905 and dealt with you from r business stand point as well even down to this time without an unshaken confidence in you and with your past reputation and square deal ings. I have been successful in hold ing together the Lodges in North Dan vi le District. Although a few have fallen by the way they regret they wtre so hasty in so doing. But with the majority of member^ and friends ns well, we are praying that you may over come. If God be for you who can be against you? Be it ever remembered that ever/ dark cloud has a silver l;nlng. May God bless you and heaven amil-' upon you. I remain your friend. Yours in F. C. and B., —G. W. FULTZ. MADISON STANFIELD SPEAKS. Roanoke, V&-. Sii John Mitchell, Jr., I was greatly relieved of no little burden when I read the proceeding* and results of your trial last Tuesoa*. I l ave always contended your fidelity and innocence of ever haring wronged any man or men. I shall pray Gods favor upon you as the days go by, hop in* that all may be made clear and plain and that the lnnooent may not be caused to suffer further for the guilty. I hope to remain yours in F C and B.. MADISON STANFIELD SENDS TEN DOLLARS. . y Cumberland, Va.. ' June 4, 1923. Mr John Mitchell Jr. My Dear Friend:—I received your* of a recent daite, which found me well as 1 hope this will find you, with all of my best wishes and sympathy for yo * in your days of trouble, of which no one, who knows you and studied you on questions, which were directly ugainst your interest could believe a dishonest thought or act could be nt taelied to your life. I wish very much to see you. 1 thank you very much for your confi dence and hope that you may over come your enemies and triumph with your usual force and justice. I here with inclose; check for $10.00. I am yours truly, A. M. TOLER SERGT. Troop D., 9th Cavalry, RETIRED. A WORD PROM OHIO. College Hill, Ohio, May 28, 1923. Mr. John Mitchell, Jr.. Lear Sir:—I cannot feel satisfied until I have written you a word of en courngement. I regret that buch trouble has befallen you concerning the bank. I do not feel that you are guUty of such as happened. A man of your standing cannot be. I hope and I trust that you shall over come your enemies. Yours truly, MRS. MINNIE PRICK. A WORD FROM BOYKINS, VA. Boykins, Va., June 4, 1923. Mr. John Michell Jr., kir-'-—I am Just saying n few words of consolation to you in tills hour of trial. We are in one world of trouble and wo are having it so The Lord Is ; not dead. He lives and reigns yet so. jThe wrong cannot overoomo right and sad to me to think you put your «el/ upon the altar and not be accept jcd. Wo the Boykine Court. Is prnying ;for you to put all your trust In the God of heaven and bo man once more time and if any good, we can do I wo will be more than glad to help. TVe cannot believe the fqgirt to be 'true nor can I think the that aro L. J. HAYDEN Manufacturer of Pure Herb Medicines TO RELIEVE ALL DISEASES OR NO CHARGE 220 W. BROAD STREET. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA DO YOU LOVE HEALTH? 220 U J’ HAYDEN> Manufncurer of Pure Herb Medicine* 220 W . Broad Street. My medicine wiU relief you, 0r no charge no matter what your diec«e. .IcWaem e, »«*««.. may b. r«to« y« to perfect boo!tli. I uee nothhig but herbs. root.; barb*; gum; bakuunn leevos. eeed; berries; Cower* and plant* in my medicines. They rcLered thousand* that have given up to die. MY MEDICINES CURE THE FOLLOWING DISEASES: Heart Diaeasa Blood. Kidney. Bladder; Pile* in any fora; Vertigo; Quinsy; Sore Throat Dyspepsia; ^digestion; Constipation; Rheumatism iu any form- pate andacbM ofany kind. Cold., BrmwhUl MU.; Bkln DlMn«,; ail'l^TC Sensations, Female Complaints. LaGrippe, Pneumonia; Ulcer- CarbuneW PlmtjoTT'fLl,11 b°?* ,<>n“ "1lho"t us* «* kn“» Instrument; Ecmal Kmplw on face mid body. DUbetee of Kldneyn, Bright’. Dleemm dKuZ refunded**11*3 ”""* *" “ -«•* —* ~ ?£?££ . on ifrssas. •stsa el;rstsT*^-wr,u- — « -» | Richmond, Va. July 8, 1916. I At Perfect cure has been effected b* L., J. Hayden's Pure Herb Medi cines. After waiting thirteen years s and have not suffered from the hcuirible disease, Gravel, I desire to make a statement to L. J. Hayden: Thirteen years ago twelve leading physicians of my city treated me for Kidney trouble and gravel without the desired benefit. These doctors • advised me to be operated on, as that was the only chance for me. 1 was advised to go and get some of L. J. Hayden’s Herb Medicine and try be rore being operated on. I did so, and In twenty-four hours aftsr using his medicines 1 passed at least a half dozen gravel, some as big as a large pea. Since that time I have not suffered wish the gravel. I highly recommend L. J. Hayden’s .medicine to all suffering humanity. 1 J. A. PAGE, * 4 Auburn Ave., Richmond Va. 1 was cured of a very bad cum at Rheumautiem by two bottles of L. J. Hayden’s wonderful Harb Medt cine, after suffering a long time who the dreadful disease, i was unable U> move hund or loot, and after 1 had taken three doses of the med iclne 1 was able to get out of mi bed and walk across the floor, and only two bottles of the medicine has made me a perfectly well man la every respect. I cannot give Mr. L. J. Hayden too much praise for what he has done for me. I have sent many other suffering ones to lu^ and they hare also gotten cased. My daughter was also cured of tism and Indigestion by L. J. Hay den’s Herb Medicines at No. 220 W Broad Street, Richmond. Va. I re command Mr. L. J. Harden as one Jf CTMUst healers of the sick in earth. Raqpectfully. - J. D. TAYLOR, 2418 E. Grace St., Richmond. Va. i____ W. I. JOHNSON'S SONS, INC. FUNERAL DIRECTORS, EMRAT.MTOfi lO U 1.ST l.KIGH STIIEKT, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Protni^t Service. Orders In or out of the city solicited. The Finest Caskets and the Cheapest furnished on short notice. Marriages and Social Functions Also a Specialty. DAY OR NIGHT SERVICE PHONE MADISON 686 trying to convict yo uthink so, it 1* Juet the black heart in them bo don’t be discouraged for God is not dead, or ae’eep, pray on. I hope you can win the race at last. Please Sir accept these few remarks In the greatest sympathy. I am one that is praying fo* you. —MARY G. TURNER. A VIRGINIAN SENDS HELP. * ( Waterbury, Conn., i June 4. 1925. Mr. John Mitchell, Jr., Richmond Planet. Richmond, Va. My Dear Mr. Mitchell :—Having written you before to express my sympathy, I am writing now to ex prees it in a more substantial way. 1 am glad to read in the Planet that a Defense Club has been organized to raise funds to defend you and I trust it will be large enough to defend you to the highest court of the land if it becomes necessary. I am from Virgin ia and you know that means I believe in fighting until there is no fight left ’n the adversary. Here is a chance fcr our people to make a hero of a Hero, instead of making heroes of our criminals ns is often the case. 1 trust that we shall be able to not ohl> raise a fund largo enough to defend you in your trials, but large enough to restore to you your home if yon should loose it. Please find my check enclosed nnd as long as I hare one dollar you can have a part. Yours for success. —JAS. E. KEFPORD. — A VOICE FROM CHARLOTTE CO. I Charlotte C. H.. Vn. ! May 17, 192S. Mr. John Mitchell, Jr., 1 My Dear Mr. Mitchell:—I note witn ■very deep regret thnt your request for a new rial has been denied you and 1 am writing to say that I trust you will have more favorable consideration when your case comes up before the Suprme Court. With renewed aasur antes of my sympathy, I ojn Fraternally yours, J. MURRAY JEFFRESS. R. W. O. L. A VOICE FROM ATLANTA, GA Atlnnta. On. May 25, 192a. i Hon. John Mitchell. Jr., Editor, | Richmond Planet, Richmond, Va., j My Dear Brother John—-This Is to ex press to you my most sincere sympathy 1 I and keenest regret In your unforttt-1 nate dilemma and to assure you of my unshaken confidence in your in-! trgritv. I cannot bring myself to he lieve that you have intentionally de frauded anybody- -the verdict of tho court to tho contrary notwithstanding. I do not beleTo that you in your d eel in ing years, after having fought foi the right of your prople, and made the many sacrifices you have, and as dear j as the bank of which you were in* founder, was to you, that yon would wilfully, wickedly and criminally t'tirke it down and defraud, the people you have done so much to uplift. If I can assist you in any way, I shall be giad to do It. I am enclosing you a little check for $10.00, as an evi dence of my sincerity. I do not know that you need It, but If you do. I shall be glad to do more. With the hope that you may In the end be vindicated and praying to that end, I am Yours very cordially, —B. J DAVIS, Editor. A VOI£® FROM CAPE Cape Charles Va. May SO, 1923. Sir John Mitchell, Jr., 311 North 4th Street, Richmond, Va. ^ear Sir and Bro:—We the under* aign desire to write you a letter to let you know that we are in deep sym pathy with you in your great terror [you are going through, which we sfn cevely believe is caused by sins or others. Knowing you as we have for many years and knowing you have stood for honesty, Just and right, pria oiples wo will never believe If all the world of your enemies should falseiy We further believe and know the; you are being tried as Jesus was. Not for your sins, but for the sins of oth ers. Wo are praying that all mav he well with you soon. , Yours in F. C. and B.. SIR S. J. DOG AN. DR. D. W. PALMER, accuse you. that you ever had any otb er mot’ve than honest*. Just and righi principle. FROM PITEBLO. COLORADO. Pueblo, Colorado. May 26. 192;r Sir John Mitchell. Jr.. 311 North Fourth Street. Richmond. Virginia. My Dear Mr. Mitchell:—The sat* news of the Court ruling In your cage came to mo as a great shock. I was startled. It Is nothing but prejudice malice, and enry. If I had the means I would come to your rescue at once. Be brave. Let us hope and look for the best. Mrs. James and I will pray to the God of heaven, our God for you He Is a loving God. He will bless’ you and support you from all harm. We are your sincere and true friends. MR. and MRS. L. L. JAMES. A VOICE FROM RICHMOND. Richmond, Va., i ... June 3, 1923 Mr. Mitchell:— Flense accept this little token of re spect. Tt Is small but glevn with the deepest sympathy. I can only pray that God in His infinite goodness and mercy will comfort and uphold you. If T ern be of any service to you, do not fail to call upon me. Your friend, » MRS. ADELAIDE G THOMPSON.