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This may be our last battle. We believe that it is the beffiuni/g^OlirHhial triumph. ^ MAY 17.1923 ^ j JOHN M1TCHE.LL. JR HBIBBMQ • * " m' 'ri J—™ ” ii » uwiiiii "gg* —— in* nmm \ i —■——————■——gp«— i j..m —— ————————wnrnmm^mrrwmam^mm^-mwir-[Tnr-rM—n~unmr^Mjm—^L.__±j VOL XL. NO. 37 RICHMOND. VIRGINIA SATURDAY. AUGUST 4 1923 "= C'j S PRICE. nVE CENTS LIQUIDATION OF-PROPERTY ABLE FINANCIERS HELP.^ RECEIVERS FRIENDLY. — -- ■■ .1 * Opportunityone Large Creditor i Funds to Pay This Debt oft Available. A SUNDAY MORNING KILLING IN FAMOUS CRUSHER l« RESORT Alberto. Langston Kills Her Husband —Undertaker Corn's From N'orl<|tk. Isaiah Langston, a piano player was shot and killed, at the Crusher Inn b** t veen 4 and 5 oVlor-k Sunday morn ing, 29»h ult.. by his wife, Alberla l/iingsron Langston was a piano play ev at the Inn. His \« fe was a cabaret singer. AH that » t . to be known al « ut the affrlr is, that the two had retired when a shot heard in the room and he was found attired only j in his pajamas will. ,-t bullet through j lus henrt. Site claimed that they were. 1 *— ‘ j ■ i .... — Mm ii li . —m* DRIVE NOW TO DISSIPATE ALLEGED INSOLVENCY. Depositors can sign the Petition at The Planet Of fice, 311 N. 4th St.; Henry Mallory's Market, 1 st and Clay; A. D. Price, 210 E. Leigh; Bowles & Shackleford's Pharmacy, 3rd and Clay; North Carolina Mutual Insurance Co., Mechanics Bank Building; Edward Steward's, 203 South Second; Rev. T. J. J. Mosby, 6 W. Clay St. Oufi of the leading banking institu tions through its attorneys authorized <-• postponement of tlie advertised sale of 103 E. Clay street, Monday, Jul.v 30th for tlie time being. This was th< result of extended correspondence wiib the officials and counsel by Ed. tir John Mitchell, Jr. who explained t! c prevailing conditions and the et fortsuow bejng made by the depositor oi Vfre Mechanics Savings Bank to re habilitate and reopen that institution un icr now management. The insvitu ti ‘Ji had not cliaunetl in its trier . !y ati tudc towards the colored people o. towards the Mechanics Savings Bank. had ecu forced : to lino poslfion or. account of Federal statutes, which r -mired the liquidation of obligations within a reasonable specified time. THE BANK WILLING. They are willing to accord to the Mechanics Savings Bank every oppor tunity to settle its aeounts. Upon the payment of the expense, the sale whs postponed. John Mitchell* Jr., having paid the expense. The property at 816 N. i; li street was also advertised for sale by a leading real-estate firm, on account, of the failure to pay one of the interest notes. Editor John Mitch ell Jr. took the matter up with the fivm and they agreed to cancel the sr.o if the interest note was paid or the rcnt3 were assigned to take care of sani3. One of the receivers was consult ec and he stated that he saw no reas m whv tliis could not l>e done. DEPOSITORS SIGNING. iMitor John Mitchell, Jr., took the irutter up with the real-estate firm and this sale was stopped. lie is nov; making every effort to have the depos itors s'gn the petition, which will lie presented to the Chancery Court of Richmond in duo time and this wil: enable the payment in full to its erect iters. The original amount due was ($125 000.00) One Hundred and Twen ty-five thousand dollars. This ha< been reduced to ($30,000.00) Thirty Thousand dollars and with other liqui ds.‘.Ions will be further reduced to ($20,000.00) Twenty-six thousand dc 1 lurs. If the depositors continue to siga up. this will Do wiped out. NO REFLECTION. Editor Mitchell explained that ;* receivership handled in the most up pioved style must necessarily deprec ate the assets of thjp bank and with no reflection upon the receivers, it is es pecially necessary that the receiver sli p be vacated. Thx* receivers ar» showing a friendly spirit and It Is un derstood that they will interpose no obstacle to the plan to help the institu tlen to get "upon Us feet" agnin. The depositors have Ween visiting the Planet Office and other stations to s»gn the petitions, whlich have been circulated. Out of town depositors car. secure the blanks by sending to 3*1 Ninth Fourth Street tor them. When tl.e depositors sign up, the receiver shin will end and the bank will be in a position to reopen again. MRS, MARY RANKS EXPELLED FROM CHURCH, SUES. , I I ** '' ”r'J t (Prnrtoa Ntm Service) Atlanta, Qa., Aug. 3.—Mrs. Mary Banks filed suit in Fulton Superior Court last Tuesday afternoon for $5, 000 against Tabernacle Baptist church, She alleges that she was maliciously expelled from membership. The pastor Rev. J. T. Latttmore Berkley low-i and Mix. Lizzie Harper arc specif icai ly named defendants in tbfe case. The petition also alleges that Mrj Banks was expelled from a woman't organization of the cliureli through the malicious action of the defendants 6 Mechanics BanK Building. Friends, both white and col movement Let us vacate the Receivership and with a new personnel, other things will follow afterwards. PERSONAJft AND BRIEF*. —-Rev. Matthew Hamilton of Nor folk. Va., has been In the city for two weeks. He Is indisposed but will be here two weeks longer. Hfe lost some valuable papers and wishes the finder to return them to No. 2 W. Marshall street. A reward will be paid. -Miss Marttm A. Chiles left the city last week to visit relatives and friends In Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and after a very pleasant vacation of two will spend most of her vacation in [Kansas City, Mo. —Miss Lizzie P. Coles, formerly of t-'.is city! but now residing in Gorman town. Pa., has returned to her home, aiter n very pleasant vacation of two weeks* spent with her sister Mrs Emily Raker in North Seventh Street - —Mrs. Kate S. Thomns. has return ed to the city after spending four weeks in St. Louis, the guest of be;* daughter Mrs. H. F1. Evans, whose husband is pastor of J*ane Tabernae e C. M. E. Church. She was the recip ient of several receptions during hoi stay there and was delight ed with her trip. —Miss Mary L. Collins of 104 W Clny street and Mrs. Roberta C. Mille: of 12 E. 20th street are visiting relit tives in Shelleyville Ky., and friends in Lexington and Louisville, Ky. Mi,88 Oracle B Farmer, of South Richmond, \b spending two weeks In Baltimore and Philadelphia visaing. She returns Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Logan ar rived In the oity last Sunday from New York to spend, three weeks with their many friends. They are look ing well. , Mr. Robert P. Crawley of 814 Petersburg Pike, has been appointed Notary Public by His Excellency, Oovrenor H. Lee Trlnkle and would be glad to serve the public In that capacity. Miss Alice C. Chiles Is In the city again after spending several weeks at the seashore. engaged in a scuffle and the revolver i wert off, but the coroner is of the opin ion tt/at the revolver cduld not have he» n fired at suet* a close range os ti e diameter of the powder stains wa.. about ten Inches. A CHARGE OF MURDEKtv She was held upon a charge of mar de-. There were no ey&witnesses tc the killing. Alberta Langston sent a telegram to Isaiah Langston's sister *n Portsmouth, stating that she should come at once, Isniah is dead. His sis ter sent Funeral Director H. Jackson o* 1003 Berkley Avenue. Norfolk, Va to get the remains. He arrived here Sunday afternoon, thfe remains having I been removed to A. D. Price’s funeral director’s establishment after tht atrfopsy by the coroner. Funeral D'rec tor Jackson stated that they had an 13 months' old child at Portsmouth, tjut i Alberta Langston’s mother was in I New York. A TECHNICAL CHARGE. . The dead man is the son of James! Lingston, deceased and Bettle Lang ston. Albert V. Norrell, Jr., and W.a\ brly Hatchett, In charge of the Crush ei Inn were arrested on th.e technics, charge of running a disorderly house. The place has been closed for the tinw being. It is reported that Langston and his wife were under the influence ot liquor. The remains were carried to Nt rfolk.. Monday afternoon on the 4: 15 ♦rain. Alberta Langston Is in Jail here charged with murder. One of the attendants of Funeral Director Price stated that when they went to ttc room of the couple on that Sunday morning, she was kissing the slain rr .n as blood, oozed from his lips from the shot that killed him . -- J. M. Newman, M. I)., who pur chased the office and home of the late Pr. John E. Merlweather, 820 N. Sec or it street has duly installed himself ir. *his attractive plnce and rehabili tntu! in a way and manner that maker it appear as though it- has heer; repent 1} built. H,0* is bolding a In j ye prac tice in this new homo and his patrons ate invited to call and see him. FIFTH DISTRICT CONVENTION OF AMERICAN WOODMEN WILL MEET IN BALTIMORE. Dlstrlojt No. 5 of The American Woodmen, wdUch comprises States of Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylran ia. New Jersey, Maryland and the District of Columbia, is to convene in Baltimore, Md. August 6 to 10 Inclusive. Jt is predicted that the above named convention will be one of the largest attended and one of the most constructive assemblages of our group hold in the Middle At lantic States for a number of years. The Virginia and" West Virginia delegation, under the constructive directorship of Mr. Grover C. Grant is ready to move towards Baltimore and delegates from all points in these two States are to arrive in Balti more, Augu-1 6. Mr. William R, Thomas. Misses Susie R Johnson and Pearl C. James have been selected to represent Richmond City. (Preston News Service.' Washington D. C., Anr A Acejo.b i- P to :m annomic-'men. i bv i»■ 1' -t(,r Kines of Veteran I'i eau. ,i { •I’'''. > physio m< . - .hie for - at/ .. .he Worm < ».. - i, ,a Tu< k.-eee. Ala., has ; . •« y erotically coni pPted and that some of them would ho sent to the hospital in a very short time. Director Hines says he is still waiting for a second reply from the committee of white folks at Tuskeg. e y. i?li reference to their desires respect ing white control or the institution. HANDY, JAZZ KTNG^ A^TD SARA MARTIN, BLUES QUEEN. TO APP/JAR IX RICHMOND. I Yiie World’s most famous colored organizat'on. Handy’s Original Banu. with W. C. Handy himself knov.n toioughout America as the “King , J'zz,’ and Sara Martin indisputably ,tl '- “Queen of the Blues.” will appear jointly here on Friday. August 10. at tie City Aud;torium. Audience* that have packed the theatres In all cities htr.e greeted this famous colored ag gregation. In several cities visited Ii has been necessary to call out police reserves, so great has been the desire to see and hear these celebrities of the phonograph world . An evening packed with tintilating melodies, shoulder-shaking rhythirns ar d syncopated tunes played anti sung a- no other race In existence can do will be the fare spread before local amus -ment lovers. Handy > to the co oted musical world what Sousa is to the- while. Ills name has been sounded around the world as the creator of Jazz anil blues. Sara Martin has out* stripped all of her rivals r r enorm ous sale; of phonograph recordings. So pet hot is her voice said to record and so unmatched is her rhythm that .t lias become the fad In New York ami •.'her cities to buy her records for u.*o a* fashionable dances, and It Is safe lo r iv that her appearance here with Handy and his famous l»and. will ere j a* • new interest in this wierd, chanty. I melodious style of song. A meeting of the Depositors of The Mechanics Savings Bank will be held Friday night, August 10, 3:30 o’clock at Hood Temple A. M. E. Zion Church, Adams and Clay Sts. Rev. Dr. T. J. Mosby has been invited to deliver an address. In formation wHl be given concerning the re-opening of the Bank. TOM BIRD'S 76TTT BIRTHDAY Mr. Tom Bird, veteran blind paper carrier and a unique figure on the streets of the city, will be 7fi years oi l to-morrow. Sunday August 5. 192 !. He was born August f>. 1847 in Staf f <rd Oounty, Va. As usual he win gladly welcome a hearty hand-shake fro m his many friends, lie wishes »o b< remembered at his accust/rmed place, Fourth and Broad Streets.