Vublithed Every Saturday by John Mitchell, J
at 311 North Fourth Street. Richmond, Va.
Ml communications intended for publicatio
die uid be sent to reach us by Wednesday.
Entered at the Post Office at Rfchmonc
Virginia as second class matter. c m
'Joe . Year .$8.0
tu Months .
Three Month* .8
Foreign Subscriptions . 2.5
Foreign Advertising Representative, W. B
Sill Company, 60S S. Dearborn Street, Chicago
321 Victoria Building, St. Louis, Mo.; 120 Lon*
acre Building, New York.
GRUMBLING is all right some of
the time, but it wiU never do all of
.the time.
THIS life is a struggle and it takes
a valiant individual to make a suc
cess of it.
SOME people are never happy un
less they are getting some one else
in trouble.
TRUST God and you will come out
all right, eveu though it may seem
at times that your troubles are about
to absolutely destroy you.
HON. JOHN W. DAVIS and his
political organization are all right.
The only trouble will be in getting
the colored fo'.ks to believe it.
WITH due respect to Dean William
Pickens, what would Marcus Garvey
be worth without his mouth or W.
E B. DuBois without his pen?
TREAT white folks right and some
of them will treat you right. Treat
co ored folks the same way and they
will follow the example of the white
RACIAL persecution brings about
racial concentration and racial sol
idarity. Those who have been criti
Rising the Negroes for these charac
teristics should direct their attention
to those people who caused it.
- IT 1 -*
W]0 sometimes think that the
Millenium is wetf nigh at hand
What better evidence of it do you
want than the fact that Texas has
voted against the Ku Klux Klan and
Louisiana has proscribed them. In
addition to this a Democratic Candi
date for President has denounced In
unmeasured terms, the whole organ
THEY laud Hon. John W. Davis
and tell of his transcendent qualities,
hut ■when it comes to the Hon.
■Charles W, Bryan, Governor of Ne
braska and brother of the Great
Commoner, Hon. William J. Bryan,
they have no word to say and ap
parently have overlooked the fact,
that he, too,, was nominated by the
Democratic National Convention at
New York. As the campaign pro
gresses, it may be that the Demo
crats down here will remember that
two candidates are running for of
fice instead of one. ,
Rev C, B. Jefferson preached at
Mt. Calvary Baptist Church Sunday
morning on “Spiritual Power.” The
pastor. Revs. W. E. Brown. G. W.
Co'eman and Jackson were on the
The funeral services of Miss Corine
White were held at the church at
11:30. Pastor Cobbs delivered the
sermon. Several solos were sung,
and resolutions were read from the
Sunday School* Four and Twenty
Elders, and K. of D., Juvenile lodges.
The memorial, services of the Hia
watha Beneficial Society were held
at the church. Brother Willie Bol
den, the President, presided.
Mrs. Maggie Williams, 808 Denny
St spent her vacation with the fam
ily of Deacon Beverly Valentine at
Rosebrough. Mrs. Alease Valentine
is spending her vacation with her
sister In New Jersey.
Personals and Briefs
airs. Vergie James arrived in the
city this week after spending the
summer at Asbury Park, N. J.
Attorney R. L. Lancaster, of Farm
ville, Va. spent Fast Monday in this
city on official business.
Mrs. Minnie uewis has returned
to New York after a five weeks in
this city visiting her sisters, Mrs.
Emma J. Carter and Mrs. Cora Nel
son .
Miss Muriel Underwood has re
turned to the city after spending ten
days vacation in Philadelphia visit
ing relatives and friends.
Mrs. Janie Neal Miss Lil ian Blu
i ford. Miss Mary Cogbill and Mr. Nor
vell Jackson and Mr. Lawreuce Neal
■ motored to Washington Sunday, the
7th inst. and returned Monday.
The Lincoln Chauffeurs Associa
; tion, with Mr. George D. Gipson,
1 Secretary., is completing its organiza
* tion in every State. The lieadquar
> ters are at Hotel Tanzy, 2476 St.
> Antoine street, Detroit, Mich. For
further information as to advantages
offered, address the secretary.
Dr. Alexander Morris, of Minneap
olis, Minn., who has been visiting his
: relatives and friends here left Mon
day for Pittsburgh, Pa. While here
he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
George Thompson, 1509 Stockton St.
On his, return trip he was accom
panied by his sister, Mrs. Nannie
Morris Thompson. An unique enter
tainment was given at 114 E. ISth
street in his honor, on the 12th inst.
by his sisters, Mrs. Thompson and
Miss Ruth Morris. A fine time was
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Randall
announce the marriage of tlieir sis
ter, Grace Blanche Lawson, to Mr.
Richard Henry Jones. Wednesday
evening. September 24. 1924, at
1774 West Warren Avenue, Detroit,.
Rev. C. A. Cobbs, pastor of th®
Jt. Calvary Baptist Church, Fulton
(reached a befitting sermon on .last
Wednesday evening on the corner of
>enny and Gilham streets. It speaks
veil for a young man pastoring a
urge church to condescend to preach
uch a fearless sermon on the streets,
rhe Reverend was on vacation and
vas accompanied by his Madame. A
urge gathering was on hand. C.J.
The annual Men’s Bible Day Exer
cises conducted by the Richmond
Sunday School' Union has more than
’ulfilled the wishes of its most ar
lent supporters. A direct result of
ast year's celebration was the form*
ition of the Progressive Men’s Bible
[Mass Association, which has met
monthly, and has been of incalcula
ble benefit to those in attendance.
It is our aim to bring out the man
f>ower of Richmond on this occasion
in such numbers as to require an
overflow meeting. Our slogan is
;very man on time with a Bible in
hand at Ebenezer Baptist Church.
The financial goal of the evening is
$250 00 for missions and education.
This sum is urgenty needed to pros*
ecute the program of the Richmond
Union in its State Convention work.
An evening of inspiration, informa
tion. and Christian enthusiasm is
promised t0 all. Women and chil
dren will be admitted to the ga ieries
WYTHEVILLE, VA., Sept. 17 —
Excellent services at all city churches
Sunday, were well attended:
Rev. T. W. Hebron was at Rural
Retreat Sunday and preadhed to an
appreciative audience.
Rev. Arthur King will preach at
High Point Baptist Church, the
fourth Sunday for their pastor, Rev.
T Wl. Hebron.
Mrs. Trigg Robinson, who has been
visiting her mother for a short time
left for her home in Louisville, Ky.
last Friday
Mr. Robert Hill left Sunday night
for Columbus, Ohio.
Mr H. T. Crockett, who is work
ing at Patterson, Va. spent Saturday
and Sunday with his family.
Subscribe for The Planet,
Mr and Mrs. Harry Jones, of
Washington, D. C. motored to Pulas
ki, Va. to visit her father and spent
Sunday in Wytheville, the guest of
Miss Daily Rogers.
Miss Ethyl Sheffey left Tuesday
morning for Knoxville Norma! School
where she will spend her time delv
ing into the sciences.
Mr. W. W. Harper has purchased
Mr. Varney Redman’s home in Qual*
ityville and will occupy it on or
about the first of October.
Mr C. R. Chapman attend
ed the Odd Fellows Convention in
Pittsburgh. He stopped in Balti
more, Md. and while there was the
guest of his cousin,, Rev. C. H. Step
teau. D. D.
Mr T. J. MilPiner. Jr. and bride
from 'Kimball, W. Va. are visiting
relatives and friends in Pulaski and
Wytheville this week.
Don’t borrow The Planet, buy it!
Dr Max Roach operated on Mrs.
Lucy Gibson Sunday morning. She
is improving slowly.
Mrs. Oratta Dempsey, son, James
Otey, Jr and brother. Nathaniel
Burks, who have been visiting her
sister,’ Mrs. James Green, of Blue
field, W, Va. returned Sunday.
Miss Belle Coates is quite i.l at
this writing.
Mr. W. V. Gibson had quite a nar
row escar° frnm death when his car
the railroad track just outside of
Marion. Va. last week. The car was
practically demolished and his collar
bone was broken with other minor
cuts and bruises.
Mr Thomas Lee has bought a new
Ford coupe. Go it Tom.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam 'Grubb and
from the road to
Miss Daura Mittohell motored to Ga
lax fair last week.
The weather is extremely cooil.
Mrs. M. J. Stepteau is slowly im
Miss Carrie Austin, bf Memphis,
Tenn., who has been visiting her
sister.) Mrs. Bessie Dylie left Satur
day night. She was accompanied by
her niece, Miss Vivian Dylie, who
will attend school at Abingdon, Va.
Mr. George Williams, of Bristol,
Tenn. is visiting his mother. Mrs.
Carter Porter, of East Wytlievile.
Mr. Stewart Newton continues
quite iU. We hope for him a speedy
The Baptist Sunday School had a
splendid time last week at Macansaw
| Sunday, September 21 is Rally
Day at Bethel A. M. E. Church, Rev.
G. Oliver Wing, B. D., Pastor.
9:30 A. M., Sunday School Rally
Miss F. L. Breckinridge*, superin
tendent. 11 A. M, and 8 P. M.,
preaching by the pastor. 3 P. M.
sermon by Rev V. J. Bolden, pastor
of Frank‘in Street M. E. Church.
Every member is asked to pay In the
rally $2.50 at least. Three prizes
will be given away on this day. In
God’s name please let everybody do
his or her best and God will give us
the victory. Bethel' Church moves
on very nicely. Good crowds attend
her services. ^
ROANOKE, VA., Sept. 16.—Mrs.
C. U Walkeij Ot 622 Peach Rond
owner of Community' Cafe has re
turned from an extended northern
tour, visiting relatives and friends.
Many of Roanoke’s college stu
dents are leaving Roanoke this week
Among them are Irving and Cather
ine Howard, of Northwest Seventh
Avenue and Miss Mary Hairston, of
330 Tenth Avenue. N. H.
It is reported that Alva Lee Dong
lass attempted suicide by cutting hie
throat September 1.
Mrs Annie Carter of New Havwr,
Conn., who spent the Summer in
Wythevflle, Va. spent the week end
in Roanoke visiting her sister; Mrs..
Mary Colvin.
Mrs. Beesie Reynolds who accom
panied her sister from Wythevil’.e left
Monday eve for home.
, Mr. Robert Mayo, of Omego, Hal
ifax connty, Va., brother of Rev. J.
J. Mayd, called on The Planet Agent
while in the Ctly.
The funeral services of Carr lTef;
fres of Vinton, Va. were held at
Hughes Chapel Tuesday. September
16. at II o’clock A. M. The Rev. J.
J. Jefferson officiated. His text was
taken from the eleventh chapter of
John. Mr. Jeffres leaves to mourn
their loss, a deyoted wife, married'
daughter, two sons Interment in
Midway Cemetery.
Mrs. Dorothy Simms, of 331 Ninth
Avenue, N. W. is home again. She
visited in the'- neighborhood of
Christiansburg after about 36 years
absence. She visited her brother*,
Charley Hames and family and also'
stopped to see her sister, Mrs. Nan»
nie Bible in East Radford.
The services at M-t. ZiOn A. M. E..
Church Sunday morning were fine.
Rev. Howerton’s sermon was a gem
of thought. His text was, John 9:25:
“One thing I know, whereas I was
blind, now I see.”
At night, Rev. Howerton delivered
a wonderful message on how the
Lord saved Hezekiah from the hand
of Sennacherib. It was a great pic
ture of God’s care for His people.
The day’s services were inspiring.
An excursion from South Boston
arrived here Monday morning, Sept.
16 and returned Tuesday night. They
Oame to witness the last series of
baseball games between the Boston
ians and the ^Spriugwood Giants.
The Boston team won.
Mrs. Lizzie Poindexter is quite in
disposed .
Mrs. Burnie Glasgow of Northwest
Hart Avenue Is indisposed.
Mrs. Clark of Northwest Jackson
Avenue has been quite sick the past
three weeks under tihe care of Dr.
L. C. Downing.
The annual rally of Mt. Lebanon
A. E E. Church will take p'ace
Sunday, September 20. Many Roanj
okers are expedted to attend this
rally. Presiding Elder T. W. Cotton
D. D. will preach at 11 A. M. and
Rev. Smith, the pastor will preacOr
in the afternoon.) It is hoped! it!
may prove a wonderful success over
other years.
My dear Mr. Mitchell:
Here is $5.00 toward your Defense
Fundi It isn’t much, but alt a poor
wage earner can spare. Have been
wanting to do this and more for you
but domestic demands by reason of
Illness prevented me. But thank (God
the load is a little ‘lighter now for
me and I think I see the same sun
light coming toward your door. No
true man or woman ever believed
you guilty of wrong doing. May
God bless you and cause you yet to
prosper much.
Your friend
No. Chatham, Mass.,
September S, 1924.
The Law Department of Virginia
Union University will open Monday
night, September 29, 1924.
Registration of old and new stu
dents will take place on that night,
begining at 7:00 o'clock, in room
No 18, Pickford Hall.
For further information, see or
call Prof. Peter J. Henry, 1106 W.
Leigh street. Randolph 683 |T.
UNHAPPY, undecided, in d,oubt,
worried, not well? Business, do
mestic, sociai, love affairs wrong?
Write freely, frankly, and confident
ially—request information and ad
vice peHffining to this beloved wom
an’s work and methods. You can
win. Do it now. GRACE GRAY
De LONG, Miami, Fla.
1 “Bossy;” Patterson, who was con
victed of the crime of killing a Jew
merchant in Petersburg, Va and sen
tenced to die in the electric chair
was ably defended by Attorney Wil
liam F. Denny of this city. Attorney
Denny and his associate were far
sighted enough to Inject a Federal
question in the case and as a result
have been enabled to take the case
up to the Supreme Court of the
United States based upon the plea
that n0 colored men were permitted
• to act as Jurors of the Court, in
, wfhich the condemned man was tried.
; The following is a copy of the
' writ of error granted by the Su
preme Court of Appeals of Virginia
, and will prove to be interesting
> The Supreme Court of the Common
< wealth of Virginia
James Patterson alias “Bossy Patter
l.son” ...Appellant
The Commonwealth of Virginia,
To the Honorable Frederick W. Sims
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
of the Commonwealth of Virginia:
Now qomes James Patterson alfas
“Bossy Patterson,” the above named
appellant, by his attorneys, Wm. P.
Denny and B. F. Harris and com
pl'lafns and alleges that he is a citizen
of the United States of America;
t that fn the above entitled matter on
the I2th day of June. 1924, final
judgment was rendered against your
petitioner by the Supreme Court of
the Commonwealth of Virginia, that
being the highest court of Law and
Equity in the said Commonwealth
of Virginia, wherein it was adjudged
ordered and decreed that the decision
of the Hustings Court of the City of
Petersburg be affirmed and the judg
ment thereon sustained,, in which,
judgment and proceedings had prior
thereto in this cause certain errors
were committed to the prejudice of
this petitioner a.1/1 of which will more
in detail appear fiiom the assignment
of errors which is filed with this
That the Supreme Court of the
Commonwealth of Virginia is the'
highest court of the said Common
wealth of Virginia ih- which decision
in this prosecution couiW be had. .
Wherefore, James Patterson alias .
“Bossy” Patters.on” the appellant pe
titions and prays that a writ of error
from the Supreme Court of the
United States may issue in this be- !
half to the Supreme Court of the
Commonwealth of Virginia for the
correction of errors sio complained of
and that a transcHpt of record, pro*
ceedings, and papers in this case, duly
authenticated, may be sent to. the [
Supreme Court of the United States,
dated this 23rd day of August 1924.
alias ‘‘Bossy Patterson.’'
Wm. F. Denny and B. F. Harris.
Attorneys for Petitioner.
The writ of error as prayed «>r in
the foregoing petition is hereby al
lowed this 11th day of September A.
D. 1^24 the writ of error to operate
aa a supersedeas staying the execu
tion of the Anal judgment rendered
in said Supreme Oourt against the
said James Patterson alias “Bossy
Patterson” on the 12th diay of June
192 4.
‘ In further consideration whereof
that it is also hereby ordered by the
undersigned judge of the Supreme
Court of the Oommonweadth of Vir
ginia that the clerk of said court
make return of said writ of error
allowed to the said James Patterson
alias “Bossy Patterson” by trans
mitting to the United States Supreme
Oourt a single true copy of the re
cord and Bill of Exceptions and pro
ceedings and all things concerning
the same in the above styled case
and also assignments of error filed
on behadf of the said James Patterson
and the petition Cor the writs of er
ror filed in the above styled case by
the said James Patterson.
Done this 11th day of September
President of the Supreme Court of
the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Second Baptist Church, Southside
is looking forward to another great
day on the third Sunday, September
21. The newly elected pastor, Rev.
E. C. Smith, A. B. will be here again
ami wilt preach in the morning from
the subject., “The Characteristics, of
Good Fk>lks.” Communion at 3:30.
At night he will preach from the
subject, “Come and See A Man.” All
are invited to hear this wonderful
LIGHTERS sell on sight, whole or
spare time. Big profits. Write
at once, S. WENTLIN1G CO., Palmy
ra, Penna.
We Print Everything
We Print Cards, Eavelopes, Writing Paper, Bills,
Placards, Posters, Minutes, Tags, Books, Pam*
phlets, Folders, Wedding Invitations, Financial
Books, Rule and Figure Work and Newspapers.
We Furnish Estimates and Serve the Public
Promptly. Call and See us when in need of any
work in our line. We carry a large stock and we
are prepared to do afl work promptly.
! Give us your patronage. We would appreciate it
j Call us op over phone, Randolph 2213.
Out-of-town Orders Promptly Executed.
Workmanship and Quality Materials Guaranteed.
The Richmond Plant
3H North Uth St Richmond,