This We ek
By Arthur Brisbane
Laymen, out of respect for the
courts, assume that the Supreme
Court judges of California inter
preted the law accurately when, by
a majority of only one, they de
cided that La Follette's electors,
although duly named by petition,
should not go on the ballot in No
The people do not like to be told
by a judge, or anybody, that they
may not vote for their own choice.
For a court by a majority of one,
in disregard of established custom,
to say that State electors are the
servants and agents of political
conventions, and therefore the peo
ple have no right to name tneir
own electors by petition, is DAN
This California decision will be
worth a great deal to those who
believe that the public, having
power to put judges on tne bench,
should also have the power to take
them off.
Louisiana follows California by
refusing La Follette electors a
place on the ballot. President
Coolidge, much to his credit, ex
presses regret that any American
should be forbidden to vote for the
man of his choice. The President’s
statement will be applauded by
ninety-nine per cent of American
Somebody is saving money in
this country, because of higher
wages or prohibition, or whatever
you choose. Savings deposited in
1923, as revealed at the bankers’
convention in Chicago, amounted
to more than EIGHTEEN THOU
While the population of the
country mcreased fourteen per
< nt, savings bank deposits in
< eased 108 per cent.
Business men that put Detroit
cn the m"1 and Detroit products
all over the world, propose to *43
control of the flying maohine in
dustry to their automobile indus
try. • Edsel Ford suppliee. money
for airplane research, and puts a
flying field near hia Dearborn plant
at the service of all working on
metal airplanes. lue Hudson and
Packard motor companies are
spending money gsnefiusly in the
same direction.
^ All that is good news for those
interested in this country’s inde
pendence of foreign domination.
Two thousand years ago the land
in Palestine was marvillouely fer
tile, a real earthly paradise. Money
would restore that fertility, and
strangely enough the money, more
than Palestine ever dreamed of in
all its glory, may be taken out of
the Dead Sea.
That great body of intensely salt
water is found to be heavily
charged with potash. It can be
got out simply, at a cost of $5 a
ton, and marketed in Europe at
$15 a ton, against the now prevail
ing price of $30. There is a chance
f or enterprising Americans.
Americans will watch with in
terest young Theodore the Second,
following in his father’s footsteps.
The original T. R. went to the
New York Legislature, so did his
son. The original T. R. ran for
Governor and was elected. His
son is now running for Governor.
Whether he will be elected or not
remains to* be seen.
Georges Clemenceau celebrates
lvs eighty-third birthday in his lit
tle house on the French coast, look
ing out on the wild waters where
ancient Basques used to catch *
Clemenceau’s health is good, be
cause he is wise. A fighter all his
l fe, he avoids all controversy now.
Anger poisons men always, and in
old age it kills them.
Picking a rose in his garden he
rays, “I like flowers; they have
n advantage over men, they are
s lent.”
The average citizen in this coun- '
try pays less attention to news of k
the war in China than he would to I
news about someone falling off a
Yet there are 50C,00C^mcn lined i
tip for the decisive Chinese battle I
that is expected. And that is no
child's play. The Chinese like the
Japanese are building fighting fi.y
r:g machines. Let that he remem- j
h red by elderly naval
d ing sweetly, unconscious of the
f t that the battleship is obsolete,
c* t of date, a joke in war. The
firing machine is the new weapon,
the ONLY one that counts. The
r. - is the NEW OCEAN. Who
rules that ocean, rules the world
A private school for children, un
der religious influence and competent
instructors. Night Classes for Adults.
Will begin sessions at 410 North
Monroe street, city, about October
15, 1924. For further information
consuit W. B. BALL, Minister,
2214-A Henrico street, or phone
Boul. 3738
is a prescription for
Colds, Grippe, Dengue, Head
aches, Constipation, Biliousness.
It is the most speedy remedy we know
More Than Two Hundred Ministers Return to the Fold*** Many
Expect to Return Next Session**^Several Give $300.00 Esch to
Great Publishing House***Dr. K. Williams of (Chicago, III.,
is Re*eleeted by Acclamation.
(By Charles Stewart)
(Continued from last week.)
After Dr. L. K. Williams called
the convention aft 9:30 Thursday
morning, devotionals were conducted
bv Dr S. T Eldridge, Connecticut,
and Dr. S. E. J* Wfetson, Illinois
“The Conquering Christ in Racial
Rela ions” was the thenfre discussed
by the Rev. W. C. Brown, president
of the Florida Baptist State Conven
tion. “©very race has some out
standing characteristic,” said Dr.
Brown, “and it has been the same
with individuals. It was given to
the Hebrews to preserve oracles of
God and to give a form of worship.
It was given to the Gtreek tto refine
literature and -culture of the world,
and to ahe Romans to give the world
a system of jurisprudence., It was
given to the Anglo (Saxon to make
explorations and extend £he borders
of the Christian religion. They have
not brought in the era of universal
brotherhood and have not therefore
fulfilled their mission. To the Negro
race Is given the task of showing to
the world the mosi beautiful exam
ple of patience, humility and loyalty
under the most trying conditions and
to make a most endearing contri
bution to \he civilization of the age.”
117 delegates came forward and
received welcome for their return to
the Convention the first time since
the split. Rev. J. W. Crawford said
he had discovered his error and was
returning home. He said that after
studying the records of the conven
tion his eyes had been opened. Rev
M. F. Ware, New Mexico said he
felt at the next session every Baptist
in his State would be represented.
Dr. W. W. Brown, New York, also
made a strong address. He was fol
lowed by the large delegation from
South Carolina. Dr. H. M. Moore
spoke for the State
- -SU)
President Williams asked all to
stand in silent prayer. After prayers
for consecration of our gifts by Rev.
Dr. B. Jk Perkins, Tennessee, Dr. A.
M Townsend, secretary of the Sunr*
day School Publishing Board made
cer.ain explanations. The Rev. Dr.
R. I. Bradby, Detroit, Mich, made
the address setting forth the neces
sity of giving for the completion of
what is destined to be the greatest
publishing house in the world owned
by the race and the property of the
National Baptist Convention.
Dr. Bradby brought $500 from his
church for the Publishing Board. Dr.
L. K. Williams 3ien said that the
Olivet Baptist Church sent $1,000
and he was making a personal do
nation of $300. Dr. W. F. Graham
said that he did not desire to em
barrass the president of the conven
tion by giving more personal money
for the cause, hence he would be just, j
one dollar behind him, and put down '
$299. * <
Then followed John L. Webb, Hot i
Springs, a prominent layman He is
custodian of the Woodmen of Union
heading one of the largest fraternal i
organizations in America, deacon of!
Roanoke Baptist Church and super- j
intendent of the Sunday School. He
said he was proud «o be at the head |
of the laymen movement of the con-'
vention and he wanted to show his
interest in .the work, hence his per
sonal donation of $300. He said the
laymen would be liberally represent*
od. for they would give at least one
jliousand dollars.
William H. Steward, chairman of,
the enrollment committee made a
partial report, showing thal up to
that hour 1408 regular delegates had
enroled. ,
At this poittl, Dr. Watson called
r.ften i n to the great work being1
Cr n > by President L. K Williams,
i.u.; mov'd that the rules be suspend [
r.! end Fr. Williams elected presi -1
dc. t. The second came from fully j
a thousand voices and Dr. Williams.
vas elected.
( To be continued)
ROANOKE, VA., October 14-—Mr.
R B. Bailey, 9 Fifth Avenue, N. E.
is improving.
The monthly meeting of the A. M.
E. Sewing Circle took place at the
residence of Mr. C. H. Howard. Mrs.
Emma Burks and mother enter
tained them. After business a fine
menu was served. M. Stanfield
was the only male member present.
The old Salvasena Agent, the
great American Herb man, the Ord*
way Plasier agent and last but not
least, the Planet hustler of Virginia,
asks your assistance as aforestated.
Subscribe and get Uncle Sam t'o de'
liver your Planet hereafter, as re
quested by the Agent, M. Stanfield.
Mrs Charlotte Penn, 119 Wells
Avenue, N. W. has returned from
Washington, D. C., where she bag
lived with relatives since the demise
of her huSband, Mr Green Penn.
Miss Mamie Williams, of North
' west Gilmer Avenue died here Mon
day. Funeral Wednesday,- 3 P. M.
from 'he High Street Baptist Church
of which she was a member.
Mrs. Zenobia Banister of Seventh
Avenue, N. W. is spending h:r va
cation in Abingdon, Va.
Mrs. Mattie Staples, 715 Park St.
has been indisposed for four weeks.
Miss Maggie Dehaven returned on
Monday from Marion, Ohio, where
she attended the funeral of her aunt
Mrs. Victoria Kestler, who died Octo
ber 4th. She was accompanied by
her aunt, Mrs. Sarah Nowlin.
Remember I am stiill asking your
aid by subscribing to The Planet by
the year and save me the expense of
delivering Planets.
Mrs, Manuel Richardson, of 602
Eleventh Avenue, N. E. is out again
after three weeks sickness. Hill St.
and Mt. Zion Baptisl Churches are
thanked for the beautiful flowers
sent during her illness.
Mr. David it. JDnes, the chorister
of Mt. Moriah had his choir at the
B’irst Baptist Church, Hollins, last
Mrs.‘Roxey Wright Hall, of Chica
go, ’HI. is 1n the ciiy visiting her
three sisters and two brothers after
an absence of ten years. She is
s jopping with her oldest sister, Mrs.
Mattie Rucker, 224 Ninth Avenue,
N E.
Mrs. Ellen Holland, 319 Tenth Ave
nud, N. E. is’visiting friends and
relatives in New Rochelle, N. Y. She
also visited o ther northern cities.
She attended churches pastored by
Dr. Brown and Hr. Boddie in New
York and her brother, Rev, Washing
ton Roberson in Washington.
Rev. W. R. Howerton, D. D. de
livered his sermon at Mt. Zion A, M.
E. Church Sunday mbrning from the
tex| Jeremiah 6:16. It was a gem.
The offering for the day was $91.00.
The services were very helpful and
inspiring. At night there was quite
a nice attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Pleas Casey have
returned from their northern trip.
They report a pleasant Kime.
The two and one half year old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Monday Baxter was
drowned October 9th at tiheir home
in Vinton, Va.
Mrs. Mary Penn, of Northwest
Seventh Avenue remains very ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Baxter wish to use
this method in thanking their many
friends for the floral designs and for
kindness extended them daring their
hours of grief and of their lit
tle son’s death by drowning at Vin
ion, va.
Mr. Francis of Ninlh Avenue has
returned from the Burrell Memorial
Hospital somewhat Improved.
Mrs. Hunt, of Eighth Avenue has
returned home from the hospital
somewhat Improved.
Mrs. C. Ji Dickerson, 241 Tenth
Avenue, N E. left Saturday for Gaj
lax, and Pulaski, Va. She organ
ized a new council at East Pulaski,
where she hopes soon to complete
the same. She had a successful trip
Mr. William Calloway, 411 Sev
enth Avenue, N. E., who has been
off his job has been confined to his
bed for the past week.
Mr. Henry Cosby, of Northeast;
Nin h Avenue died here Monday, (
6:30 A. M., October 13. • . !
Mrs. Martha Preston and husband !
of Balleyhaclc were the dinner guest
of Mrs. Catherine Stanfield. Also
Mr. Thomas Riley and Master iSdgar
William Stanfield spent the day with
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan
In sad hut loving memory of f>ur
dear Father, Marshall Calloway, who
departed this life twelve months ago
Oc oner 1, 1923. We have had
many lonesome hours, many a lone
some day since our dear father has
been laid beneath the clay, but what i
joy to know if we are faithful we’ll
moot him some sweet day. His cfhil;
dren, Mrs. Josie Hairston. C. W.
Thompson, J. T. Thompson, David
and the youngest daughter, Mrs.
Sadie Calloway Barksdale, of Ninth
The Y M. V. A. ‘’mis herself busv
in /rving to grip the boys an-1 mee
for the Master's service which wi1!
make them useful to the community
and fhe world.
A high time in lie pen’trntiary
last Sunday morning with th-- worn
en and ihey were delighted to hear
Mrs Mildred A. Cross, who so kindly
sang and spoke. As usual she was
invited Do come again, by guard and
v The address to the boys 4 P. M.
at 4he Y M. C. A. by Committeeman
Linwood Herndon was laden with
iie best of advice. Subject, “Christ
the Model for the Boy.”
Today 5 P. M. sharp, women and
men are invited to the explanation
on the Sunday School Lesson. Bring
another. Free for everybody. Dr.
W H. Smokes will be glad t0 meet
Mothers, do not forget to invite
your boys to ".the Y. M. C. A. 4 P. M.
A great meeding for them.
The Men’s Bible Class of the New
Baptist Church will conduct a gospel
meeting for men 5:30 P, M. at the
Y. M. C. A. Building. Be on ilme
j for a real good time and watch your
Every home is asked to have spec
ial prayer for the Y. M. C. A.
The Membership Campaign is
warming up. New applications are
i pouring into the office from all di
rec,.ions. The indications are that
the Drive will be a decided success.
Deputies Mary J. Jenkins, M. W.
Garland and M. L. Kyle are on the
firing line. Substantial reports were
received from all of them for the
pasi month. Miss Jenkins is in the
western part of the State laying a
foundation for a great Drive which
will take place in the next! few days.
Mrs. Ora Brown Stokes, our
Grand Shepherd, Is actively engaged
in the Campaign and has visited a
number of places within the past
few days and has planted i(he seed
which is sure to yield an abundant
harvest in the near future.
Director J. A. Hines and Grand
Secretary Treasurer A. C. Clai"k mo
tored to Midldesex county lash Sun
day in the interest of the Supreme
Grand Council I. O. of St. Luke and
;ihe Improved Order Shepherds and
Daughters of Bethlehem. Mrs. La
vinia Jefferson, Mrs. Virginia Hines,
Miss OHie Allen and Rev. R. T. Wat
kins were members of this party.
Three great inspirational meetings
were held a'J Union Shiloh Baptist
Church, Zion Branch Baptist Church
and Calvary Baptist Church. Much
interest for botjh of these Orders was
manifested by those who attended
all of these meetings.
Deputy Beftie Pryor is making her
influence felt in her community by
the large increase of new members
she is putting in the Order. Her
Fold, New Green Mountain, is the
Jargest in that section of the Broth
We certainly feel very grateful to
Mrs. Georgia A. Starks for the in
terest she is manifesting in the Or
der and in The Richmond Planet in
her efferte to secure readers of our
Order for this paper.
Thomas Diamond Fold held a
very good meeting on the 5th of this!
month. Mr. A. L. Woolfolk is the
Presiding Shevherd of this Fold. Un
der his leadership the Fold is des
lined to succeed. Mrs. Mary Thomas
is its organizer and keeps a watchful
eye over it
The Executive Committee met in
its regular monthly meeting on Uhe
8th of this month. Considerable
business was transacted. The follow-’
ing amounts were paid to the bene«
•ficiaries of the following members,
who wtere lost to the Order during
the past month by death:
Phelix Dorsey, Ingram Branch, W.
Va., 825.
Maggie White, Richmond, Va., 875.
Lula Anderson, Glen Jean, W.Va. 875
Sarah Lee, Richmond, Va., 86/).
George Harris, Richmond, Va., 8100.
Jeff iGlilliam, Appomattox. Va., 875.
Lewis Powejl, Rhodesville, A .i., 8100
Benjamin Franklin Yancey, Esmont,
Va., 840.
Rozetta Lucas, Wash., D.- C., *50.
Sterling Silver Pearl
Ring. Se\ with a
gorgeous Marie An*
toinette Pearl inde
structible and guar
anteea for life. Has
an oriental sheen, can De worn <11
all occasions. Must? be seen to be
appreciated. MONEY BACK guar
antes. Price $3.00. F. WALTERS
ANO CO., J-113, Roebliug. N. J
WYTHEVILLE, VA., Oct. 15.—
Quarterly mee.fng at Bethel A. M.
E. Church Sunday was a decided
success. Collection $43,31. Rev. T.
W. Cotton, District Presiding Elder
preached two able and soul stirring
Rev. Holloway, tlhe new pastor of
Franklin Street Church was at his
post of duty Sunday and not only
made a most favorable impression,
but gave promise of reaching new
heigbjs in his new field of labors.1
We welcome him to our city and
'homes and. trust that God may guide
him in moulding a more healthy min
isterial sentiment in our community. |
Rev. T. W. HGebron was at Rural
Retreat Sunday and preached two
strong and helpful sermons. His
family came after him and his par
ishioners loaded the car with many
gifts, which were highly appreciated.
Read The Planet for the latesl
■* J
Some people in our city have
found out that giving vent io their
feelings is a costly nuisance.
Mr. W. R. Gibson, who has been
in Baltimore, Md. for three weeks,
returned lasy Wednesday night, ac
companied by his son, Mr^ W. R.
Gibson, Jr. He reports that^his wife
is slowly improving.
Mr. and Mrs. James .Harper mo
tored to Pulaski, Va. Sunday after
noon accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
William Williams of Bluefield, W.
We admit -,fi&t Baltimore, Md. is
a great city, but did not expect a
small town dweller to be completely
knocked senseless or carried into
the land of semi consciousness.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Gibson, Mrs.
Katie Sawyers and Miss Rachel Hale
motored to Max Meadows Sunday.
The rally of Rev. Sawyer’s, pastor
of Max Meadows A. M. E. Church
was a success. The day was ideal.
Rev. G. O. Wing, of W*y>hcville,
preached in the afternoon.
Messrs. Charles Coffee and Robert
Cook, whose store: Is on Corner of
Sixth and Spr. streets have all kinds
of fancy and staple groceries and ask
your paCkonage.
Don’t forget that the Race needs
you in its every field of endeavor
Your support is absolutely necessary
Give ft -and do it n£W.
' A lesson learned -in following is a
double lesson in leading. Learn K.
Rural Retreat is affording a great
amount of attraction recto fly to a
certain Wytheville young man. Is
it cabbage, or what?
Miss Wil'lie C. Monroe is home
visiJing her mother, Mrs, Jennie
Monroe, for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Williams, o<
Bluefleld, W. Va. wer= the Sunday,
guest oJT Mr, and Mrs|. James A.
Harper, on Frankjin St.
. .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chapman and
children, Marie, Edith Lee, Mary :
Emma, Charles, Jr. and Mr. D, B.
Carter spent Sunday in Dublin, the
guest of Mrs. Chapman’s mo her,
Mrs. Mary Lewis.
Messrs. James Dimpsey and Rob‘
ert Thompson left last Wednesday
for Welch, W. Va. on a business
trip. x |
Mr. Garland G. Chapman and little •
daughter Myr fte, Mrs. T. W. He* j
bron and children. R Alexander and
T. Wa’ter, Jr. spent Sunday in Rural!
Retreat, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. •
hf>r’es Russell.
Mrs. Marie Burks and Miss Myr~,
Ti USE are the WORD'1* of "WISDOM ‘o which every man sliou’d give car. *
Succeeds Like Succe ;, and to Achieve Success you Must Look
uccessful. And while it if true tint clothes do not maKe the man. they i
-iva a reliab e tip on th<*/?crt of in-a he is.
( Funeral Parlor Rest-Rooms Display Rooms Lodge Rooms
1 Phones—Office Ran. 2073. Residence, Ran. 2703. Asst., Ran. 2052-w
ROBERT C. SCOTT, Funeral Director
Now Showing New Fall
Men & Young Men’s
$24 75
New Patterns New Colors
New Styles ALL SIZES
Bath House
and Sanitarium
Knights of Pythias of N«
A., S. A., E., A., A* and A.
(Operating Under Supervi
sion of U. S. Government)
415Vfe Malvern Avenue
Hot Springs Nat. Park,'Ark.
I Hot Radio-Active Water Furnished by the Government |
For All Baths* S»«farmm Ins 10 Rosins, Diet and Operating Rooms X
Hotel has 56 Rooms; Telephone, Hot and Cold Running £
Water in Every Room* Rates $1 to $3 per day «{•
21 Baths . , $13.00-10 Baths . . . ♦ $6.501
21 Baths to Pythians and Calantheans, $8.50 |
;le New .Ion spent Friday in Pulaski
laving some dental work done.
Mr. and Mrs. Toney Chaffin, of
Uolumbus, Ohio arrived in the city
Sunday the guest of their parents,
Mrs. 'Grubb and Chaffin,
Messrs. W. v* G'tu.jn, Wil on L)y
in i nd Leroy tlupman spent Thurs
lay in Bristol and Abingdon,
Mr. H. L. Crockett of Patterson
jpent Sunday wi h Lis family.
Miss Rachel Lanipkin3 of Max
Meadow was "die week guest of
ler aunt, Mrs Kate Hi 1, who has
Seen quite sick fur the past week.
ITNHAPPY, undecided, in dpubt,
worried, not well? Business, do
me-tic. social, loie iffairs wrong?
Write freely, frankly, md confident
ial.'y—request information and ad
rice pertaining 10 thin beloved wom
an's work and methods. You can
ivin. Bo it now. GRACE GRAY
L>ii LONG, Miami. Fla.
*w. £
duccessui tr. t. HAV ICS* SONS
Chapei Service Fro# to
All of Our Patron*.
Subscribe to THE RICHMOND
PLANET. $2.00 Per Year in Advance.
i .. .
Unnatural and mucous dis
charges can be avoided by de
stroying the germs of infectious
diseases .*$1.10 at all druggists.
Pains in stomach or intestines. mu:h
r little, quickly relieved with REGAL
I Pains in sides of chest, under should
er Inades in 10 minutes, with 15 drops
f LIVER SET We demonstrate with
I Throat coughs and sore throat speed
' ly relieved with 15 drop doses of 10t>
' N 1 ON SUGAR. One dose will prove
Save your chickens from Gap
Roupe, Hard Crop and your PIGEON’S
from Sour Crop and Canker with 100
IN 1 (100 per cent. /I taken in tiuiu.j
Use l'OO IN 1 for Neuralgia, Rheu
matigm and every * tin or sore you
have. Purify your h.ood with REGAL
iand be thankful for such Good Rem
'edies. Made at 200 past Marshall St.,
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101 E. Clay 407 W. LeigH
cvcryth'rtfr i Sa' < soorl to cat
All k'nds of FLE<H MEATS and all
Up-to-da*t Sanitary Store.
Phone Randolph 4529.
Night Call Residence Madteon 6039.
nwoimr WAPISOW M97