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UNCLE SAM’S CHIEF GRAZING EXPERT IS PRODUCT OF THE WILD WEST ' LIKE stories about the wild west? Meet Will C. Baines. U. S. forester In charge of grazing. At various times during his 70 vears of life he has been cowpunch er. cattleman. Indian fighter and soldier. Barnes came east from California at the age of 17 with an appoint ment to Annapolis. Unable to enter f he naval academy because of his height—he is of short, stocky build —he enlisted in the army signal ■ orps. His first adventure was of a com ■dy nature, at Fort Myer. Va., where te was detailed to fire the sunset ,un. Wanting to do an extra good job. he put tn an extra charge of powder—as much, in fact, as the gun would hold. Every window in the post was shattered by the explosion! Then he was sent west to Fort \pache. Ariz.. just as the Apache Indians under Geronimo started their famous uprising of the early ‘0*3. CLOSE CALL Settlers for miles around took i-vfuge in the fort. The Indians ad vanced to the attack. Reinforce ments were necessary if hundreds of men. women and children were to be -.-aved from massacre Barnes volun roered to go for help. A civilian 'ioout, quartered at the post, was ilso sent for aid “There were two ways of getting 'trough the Apache lines,” said tkirnes, wa road and a trail. The •cout chose the road, and I took the •ail. I managed to slip by the Indians. WILL C. BARNES AS HE LIKES TO BE. made my way to the nearest troops, led them back, and all hands were saved. I didn't think much of my experience—just figured it was a good way of getting away from the fort! What was my surprise one day to receive a Congressional medal of honor!” After Geronimo surrendered to General Miles. Barnes left the army and started cattle raising, taking up his headquarters at Holbrook. Ariz. •'In those days,” he said, “cattle thieves were thicker than fleas on a Mexican dog. “One gang was particularly active —stole thousands from my herd. “We trailed the thieves into Colo rado and found the man who was buying the stolen animals. He claimed not to know they were stolen, but we proved it to him by] the altered brands. When we took j the cattle away ha was so enraged] at the thieves responsible for his loss that he greeted them on their return j with a reception committee of sheriffs and marshals! "They were tried under the Colo rado law, and the ringleader died In the penitentiary. If they had been returned to Arizona they would have received more summary treatment.** . After the forest service was or ganized in 1905 Barnes was asked by the government to take charge of i its grazing activities. He accepted. * and has been on the Job ever since. : THE GREAT AMERICAN HOME By Stanley /Oh3ohm BE CAREFUU l OF THAT / [PICTURE!- L HOORAY I QOT i HIM THE LAST FLY 9100,000 STRUCTURE DEDICATED AT GAMMON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. ATLANTA. kSA.,—An important step in t>he progress of Gammon The [ological Seminary, this city, was marked by the dedication of Thir kield Hall, beautiful and commodious administration and class room build ing just completed at a cost of $100,000. Three bishops of Methodist Episcopal Church took part in the impressive ceremonies. Bishop E. G. Richardson of Atlanta presided, Bishop Robert E. Jones of New Or leans delivered the dedicatory ad dress, and Bishop and Mrs. Thirkield resporidd. Bishop Jones in his address ex pressed vhe hope that the Seminary might continue to be a center for the promotion of a vital and ethical interpretation of Christianity, as against changeless tradition and in flexible dogma. He also made an impassioned plea that it might be always an active agency for the pro pagation of interracial good will. “In God's name,” he plead, “let us have less of hate and more of love, un derstanding and fellowship. Surely there is enough in Christianity to en able us all to put aside bitterness and rancor and stand together in mutual good will and helpfulness.” The new building is three s,tories high, of brick and stone, and very impressive and beautiful in Its archi tecture. The work was done by an organization financed and managed whotflty by Negroes, “The Service ^Consitructdob Compand", wmen se cured the contract on competitive bid and carried it out to the letter. Dr. P. M. Watters, President of the Seminary, paid the construction company a high tribute for their faithful and efficient work and sta ted that tjhe Ibujilding would ever redown to the honor of the colored people. Funds for the erection of the new building were} supplied in equal parts by the Methodist Centenary and from endowment income. Bishop and Mrs. ThirkieM, for whom it is named were sent to Atlanta to open the 3chool in 1883, at which time thqre vas but one member of the faculty and two students. Since then the school has sent out 1500 alumni and now enrolls annually more than p. hundred men and women preparing for the ministry and other forms of Christian work. Among its distin guished alumni are Bishops Jones, Camphor and Beckett. After the dedication^ $ie beautiful dining hall recent'Jy erected wa^- for mally named Bowen. Hall in honor of Dr. J. W. E. Bowen, for thirty eighti years a meml^i- of the faculty v/ ins Again You can t blame President Cool tdge trotn smiling in thl3. his latest picture He's been a consistent po Mtical winner Refused to accept Him Chentoi N. Weaver (above in mail sack! tried to have himselt mailed from San Francisco to New York, lie bought $718 worth of stamps. Bui Uncle team refused to carry him. How to Milk Goats Dr. W. Thurnheer of the Swiss legation shows how they milk goats lit Switzerland. Photo taken at government farms, Beltsvllte. Md. DISCOVERED ESTHER BIGEOU World'* greatest linger and ae tTesi says,“I use and recommend Hi-Ja Beauty Preparations. They are the best in the world. The finest, fastest and surest hair grower, straightener and softener known ...a peaseless preparation, highly per fumed, that does not look like grease on your hair, but will make it sparkle and glitter like a diamond. It does the work as thousands of the Race s lead ing men and women have proved. _ ~ Oulnlne HI*JA Hair Dressing Is the best hair grower, straightener and -beautiitcf on the market. Use it. A trial will prove our claims, for after all a trial is the only proof. Sold by leading druggists everywhere, or sent postpaid on receipt of price, 25c, or send $1.00 and we will send you 4 boxes of Hi-Ja Quinine Hair Dressing and one 25c cake of Hi-Ja Medicated Beauty Soap FRE£» Postpaid. Aa our Agent, You will make big money. Write fer Terms. Hi-Ja Chemical Co., Box 59®-d, Atlanta, Ga. L. J. HAYDEN Manufacturer of Pure Herb Medicines TO RELIEVE ALL DISEASES OR NO CHARGE 220 W. BROAD STREET. RICHMOND. VIRGINIA DO YOU LOVE HEALTH ? if bo, call and boo L. J. HAYDEN, Manufacurer of Pure Hart) Medicine* 220 W. Broad Street. My medicines will relieve yon, or no charge, m matter what yonr disease, sickness or affliction 'may he, and restore jot :o perfect health. I use nothing bat herbs, roots; barks; gum; balsams; leaves; seed; berries; flowers and plants in my medicines. They hart elieved thousands that have given up to die. MY MEDICINES CUBE THE FOLLOWING DISEASES: Heart Dt—S> Blood, Kidney, Bladder; Piles in any form; Vertigo; Quinsy; Sore Throat; Dyspepsia; Indigestion; Constipation; Rheumatism in any form; paint and aches of any kind, Colds, Bronchia? troubles; Skin Diseases; all Itchlni Sensations; Female Complaints, LaGrlppe, Pneumonia; Ulcer; Carbuncles, Boils; Cancer in its worst form without use of knife or instrument; Bcsemt Pimples on face and body. Diabetes of Kidneys, Bright’s Disease of Kidneys My medicines relieve any disease, no matter what nature, or your monej •efunded. * Medicines sent anywhere. For full particulars, writ*, send or eal on L. J. HAYDEN, 220 West Broa d Street. Richmond, Va. July 8, 1915., A perfect cure has been effected by L. J. Hayden’s Pure Herb Medi cines. Alter waiting thirteen years and have not suffered from the noralble disease, Gravel, I desire to make a statement to L. J. Hayden: Thirteen years ago twelve leading physicians of my city treated me for Kidney trouble and gravel without the desired benefit. These doctors advised me to be operated or., as that was the onKy chance for me. I was advfoed to go and get some of L. .T. Hayden’s Herb Medidpe and try be fibre being operated on. I did eo, and lb twenty four hours after using his mediciiffes I passed at least a half dozen gravel, somp as big as a large pea. Since that time I have not suffered: with the gravel. I highly recommend L. J. Hayden’s medicine to all suffering humanity. I im, J. ▲. PAGE, 4 Anburn Are., Richmond Va , I wae cured of a vary bad case o Rheumautism by two bottles of L J. Hayden’s wonderful Herb Medl cine, after suffering a long time witt the dreadful disease. 7 wae unabU to move hand or foot, and after 1 nad taken three doses of the ated iclne I was able to get out of my bed and walk across the floor, and only two bottles of the medicine ha> made me a perfectly well man la every.respect. I cannot give Mr. L T. Hayden too much praise for what he has done for me. I have seni many other suffering ones to him and they have aleo gotten cured. My daughter wae also cured of Rheums tlsm and Indigestion by L. J. Hay den’s Herb Modldnes at No. 220 Broad Street, Richmond, Va. I re commend Mr. L. J. Hayden as on« >f the greatest beaten ot the slot »n earth Respectfully, J. D. TAYLOR, S419 B. Grace St., Richmond, Ta “ READ SALLIES TEMPTATIONS HAS ENJOYED SUCH UNEX PECTED SUCCESS IN THE PAST YEAR THAT WE HAVE DECIDED TO ADD A FEW MORE BEAUTIFYING PREP ARATIONS TO OUR LIMIT ED BUT EFFECTIVE LINE The following is our/ complete list Strait-Tex Hair Refining Tonic . $1.00 Refine* kinky, frissy, coarse h*k 19 prkrtfs Refine* kinicy, irtssy. cooree on medium; medium hair to good* Strait-Tex Hair Grower 39c Not only promote* growth of the mt cai hair, but makes it soft, pliable1 and luxuriant. An excellent pressing oil. GloM-Tex Brilliantine 50c Makes the hair soft and glossy and MrksOii keeps i^in good condition without leaving it oUy or gummy. Strait-Tex Herbs f 1.00 Is a vegetable preparation that ao» mm cm tually straightens and restores the color to gray or faded haic. Color permanent—positively will aot rub off, no matter how often the hair is shampooed. Three shades: Black. Brown and Chestnut-Brown. Kokomo Shampoo 40c la made from pure cocoanut oil; OwbsOis cleans the scalp and roots of the haw f in a natural, healthy manner. Bronze Beauty Vanishing Cream 50c Is a soothing, greaseless vanishing pw ju face cream that will not grow hair. Bronze Beauty Lemon Cream 50c Is nourishing, softening and stirau Mr jar fating to the skin; is filled with • i triple strength of oil of lemon—mak ing it a mild, bleaching cream. Bronze Beauty Face Powders 50c Are suited to all complexions. Can Dvbtx be successfully used on dry or oily ^ skins' The shades: Hiih Bromo and Bronze Glow are favorites. Mollyglosco fl.OO Is a special hair straightener for men; positively guaranteed to straighten the most stubborn hair in from 10 to 20 minutes without the use of ho* irons. Will not injure the scalp or turn the hair red. »wiw AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Strait-Tex Chemical Company 609 FIFTH AVENUE PITTSBURGH, PA., U. S. A. i FOR YOUR SKIN. To mike your skin lighter and more charm* ing apply Dr. Fred Palmers Skin Whitener Ointment with a soft refreshing massage. Almost im mediately your skin bleaches clearer, becomes lighter and free from oily shine. * h “Isn’t she beautiful!” How many times have you heard that remark about others and wished it were for you? Do you know you can make your complexion more lovely, simply by using Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener Preparations. They will clear your skin, keep it free from shine and make it much more beautiful. FOR YOUR COMPLEXION. To improve your complexion and keep it soft and lighter, use Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener Soap which makes it more health' ful, free from roughness and satiny without shine. Then apply Pr. Fred Palmer’s Face Powder which is fragrantly sweet. FOR YOUR HAIR. To nuke your hair long, luxuriant and silky, use Da Fred Palmer’s Hair Dresser. It cleanses the scalp, makes the hair straight and pro* motes growth. It will keep your hair soft, glossy and easy to dress. Hundreds use it regularly and will have no other. Try it. Your druggists can supply you with these preparations, or we will send them direct on receipt of price—25c each. «for and get Dr. Fred Palmer's SKIN WHITENER PREPARATIONS Dr. Fred Palmer’s Laboratories, Atlanta, Ga. Please send me samples of your preparations. I am enclosing 4c for postage and wrapping. Name Address TOBEY AND TYKE By REDNER little GENTLEMEN 1 ALWAYS Give UP i THEIR SEATS TO \ LAD1ES-TO8EY --—n—r~i— NEXT DAY WELL TOSEY-THE SEATS J are all taken So you'll) HAVE TO SIT ON Ma^pj SAY^CP-YESTERDAY ’ MOM TOLD ME \'DAIWAYS .Give up my seat to j LADies^'S'at right'? t-i---- l-n—c-»*> WWV^ER-f _ HEY- LADY- YOU CAN HAVE MY | SEAT!! A ■ftpjtsg* When Christmas ehoi'ping «.• -is. •. other, too. will be shopworn. - .Vue bool-: of nature- is ease to f-a.dy when autumn turn.* 'ho ; .vcc. * * * A speed demon sits behind the t r.oel of misfortune to others. a conflict between turkey, china :: "! crease is s hcdulcd for Nov. 27 The only promising young man who amounts to anything is the one vho can keep his promise. Wlgnty-one per cent of the men's hats arc tcit with brims turned up. Derbies have been turned down. The dining room now stands b* tween two fires—the front room, grate and the kitchen stove.