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Newspaper Page Text
.00J Union Loses to Hampton After Tie Score. The ved and steel clad aggregation of Union's floor sattellitjes flashed brilliantly as they tied with Hampton 2 4-24 and then lost -In the ^tra per iod 26-24. in a brilliant floor battle last Monday night. Union outplayed the visitors, but loosened up the lattpr part of the first half and there lost their chance to get a big lead. For Union, Gardner showed rare form and J. C. Jackson guarded w*ell. ' The combination Palmer, Smith, Gardner. Uackson and Ballard showed up well. PEtfPlXTU The strong, undefeated P. E. A,. Basketball quintette will meet the j Flashy 5' representing the Sphinx Club of Union next Tuesday night at jJohnsons Awditorium. This game will be a real thrijUer. [WANT NOTICES for persons deair ing employment will hereafter b pnbHshed free of charge. Peraoa seeking Mp will pay full rates. I CLASSIFIED FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS RE WARD FOR IMPROVEMENT. Why do we accept the Dickerson Reward. 1. For the sake of liberty. 2. For the pleasures of a privilege. This America of ours, this sweet laud of liberty, this land of peace and industry and mutual helpfulness, this land where the average man wants to play square and trusts his neighbors to play square with him, thi3 land where to be rae^n spirited * or lasy Of niggardly; is the one lend In all the world where business men are held In greatest honor and where business is not onlly great in magni tude, but greatest of all because of the spirit 5ta wb|'«h it is conducted Sincerely yours, L. DICKERSON. NeslPng, Va. Inventor of the Oyster Punching Machine. James Williams holds ohampion ship of improvement throughout the United States. POSmONS WAITING .. Samuels Employment Agency, 35 Lexington Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Phone Prospect 0767. -.500 HOUSE WORKERS, MAIDS, COOKS WANTED! Cut out this ad. and take the train for New York. - Show It to the rail road Porter, ask him to take jou te Samuels and we can previde you. DON'T 89 TIMID; *■ ▲ QKNIU8; Umn to 8FIAK BLOQUHMTLT to i*Wto. Wo can teach yoa how §y Matt to six wort*. WWto, NATIONAL SCHOOL OP ORATORY, 9m I, Oakland, Calif. READ NEW SERIA AND OTHER FEATURES ON OUR MAGAZINE PAGE Is a prescription for CoWs, Grippe, Dengue, Head aches, Constipation, Biliousness. It is the nost speedy remedy we know FLAT FOR RUNT. The Union Workers Beaeflelal Club, No. 1, of Richmond, Va. desires to rent out the upper flat, of their hall, corner 7th and Orleans street, Fulton. Apply Real Estate Agent; W. B. Sullivan. 799 EL FrahkUn St. vi MANY MAKING $50.00 A WEEK. Mamie Smith's personal line (La Dainty) for the race selling like wtfd fire. OUR GREAT pREl OF FER HELPS YOU SELL. Writ* TYSON AND CO., Bo* T, Paris, Tennessee. KNOXIT PROPH /L ACTIC Unnatural and mieoits.t dis charges can be a raided by de stroying the genus of isfectfoos diseases.*! 1.10 at all druggists. EDW. STEWART 203 S. SECOND STREET RICHMOND, TA. DBALHt Of FAUCI GBOCKJUM* FRH^H MEATS. TOGBTAHLMM, KISH AMD OTBTBB8 PHON1B. MADISON 1«#T We PrM Carfe, Bgdgpg, Wfifog Papst, Mk, ...Cl <.C Placards, Fosters, Mioses, Tags, Boob, Pan phlets, Folders, Weddfog layitatiocs. Frarial Books. Pile and FiVure Work sr?d Newspapers. fe ftwfafc Maales aid Serve the Public Praptiy. Cal and See os when in need of any work ii out h*. We carry a large stock and we are prepared to do all work promptly, 1 I Give us your patronage. We wouM appreciate it. Call us up over phone, Randolph 2213. Out-of-town Orders Promptly Executed. | Workmanship and Quality Materials Guaranteed, The Richmond Planet, 311 North Uth St. Richmond\ Va C. P. BAYES Succoatior to A. HAYES’ SONS FUNERAL DIRECTORS 723 N- SECOND STREET; RESIDENCE, 736 N. SECOND §T FIRST CLASS AUTOMOBILES AMO HACKS CASKETS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Chapel Service Free to All of Our Patron*. f jfp* \LL COUNTRY ORDERS ARM GIVEN OUR ?PEC1A_L attention. ChON* MADISON 2778 Op*N DAY AND NIGHT TUP PI AM FT . Umbrella Coupes GOOD FOR FI\T5 VOTES. FOLKS IN OUR TOWN Pep’s Dollar and a Half Isn’t Ewaga By Edward McCullough | AUTOCASTER ' GfT tM fH8 IWIOH WlOB DRAWING- COKTH«T-» LOOK AT TWB RJN OP DRAWING- THB BB8T PICTURE IN ALL THB UNfiTO 6TTAT1S AND CANADA - 15 8»G* PPIZBS TO BE AWARDED. B*G LEAGUE &&GE8ALL GLOVES 0ATS AND BALLS - CONTEST open t& all Bovs 8 -ie s*s just draw a picture op old POP" IN THIS COMIC AN' MAKE WlCT LAUGH t^fiAL HARO - LARGER THAN REPRODUCED HtRE DRAIN 'OLD POP "IN ANV PORTION. WRITE NAME, ADDRESS. AGE AND TELL US WHAT KIND OP GLOVE OR BAT NOD WANT W= VOO ARE WINNER • SEND CARE THlS PAPER — AND BOVS - IP VOU WANT ID you CAN 5SNO IN AS mamv DRAWINGS AS VOO WISH-—* NEXT WEEK WB WILL TBV . * 'lOU WHO THB JU0G6S Be - WOWJ>