;4 ;v< ' j >.* Prizes For Hustling Workers Offers from a Collar Button to a Ford Car. A Dr:ve for Subscribers. Trip to Pittsburgh Includ ed and From Other Points Than Richmond. Fine Tailored Suits for Men and Handsome Gowns f r Women. Complete Outfits Will Be Furnished, if the Necessary Amount of Work is Vouch' safed If You Do Not See Just What You Want in tht List. Write Us and We Will Tell You Just What is Necessary for You to Do, in Order to Secure It Organize Clubs if Five, lee, Twenty or One Hundred. Two Si bscribers secured by one of 2 Club of One Honied will entitle .the Subscriber to a Prize in the One Hundred Subscribers List We will furnish a Complete Puipit Set for Churches, We will {m ush a Complete Lodge Outfit Sanitations. On All Job Work, Coupons will be fiven when desired and Job Work amount h»g to as much as Two Dollars will be equivalent to One Year's Subscription. Fifty Dollars Worth of Jeb Work will he equivalent to Twenty-five Subscriptions and any Prize under that heading will be sent ti you, Advertae&eiiL ire also included, in fact, all work o? an/ kind will entitle you to Prize Cou ?y§ offer - round fm Met ti go there. We will also give you a typewriter of any make and will lunik!- you with a fire-proof safe, F you so desire ¥?- csssot thr.Ii of everything and we leave fh? task to you. wkf vou want f et the Coupons and tell m * One 3-Mo. Subscribe] Spool of Cotton Drinking Glass Paper of Pina Collar Button • . Small Funnel Tin Plate Teaspoon 1-Stb Pound Candy Bottle Soft Drink * Lead Pencil Pen-Holder ^ Memorandum Book '**. Cake of Soap Shoe Strings One 6-Mo. Subscriber Handkerchief Collar Buttons ^ Cup and Saucer Towel SlJTI Key Ring > Ouff-Buttons ,.| r«^r of Pins Papeif oi Lead Pen Pea Shoe Poliah' Knamel fU Toy Coach Top . "* - , - . t Doll Baby^A jt.B»| DoH BabyTObhoar* ■* Chamois -- ni -"Zmf*** , <■} Bottle Witch Hml Pencil Box *? ’ I * 1 Pound Flour ’ l Rubber Sponge Violet Ammonia Stamped Center Piece Cake Toilet Soap Powder Puff String of Beads * 1 i Yearly Subscriber Towel ' ! Cup and 8aucer ' ( Plate Sauce-pan 1-2 Pound Candy Chain o! Cheap Jewelry Canned fleat Tea Strainer "Med Knife Plated Fork Plated Spoons TTatnmer File Box Tacks I t.air Bottom Hair Net S'eet Munir Bay Hum " itch Hazel l‘<4«d Bracelet* r .ted Harris** l< .4 Pas Mouse TYib T . id bier* 1 nwtr Seed* ' trrtable »•(,> B lbs (Firmer) l'-te* ] Pound Lard 2 Pound* 8ii£»r B«i Writin* Paper Fcncy Cup and Saucer V ■ .» i ';*?<* r 2 Yearly Subscriber* Towel Bex Paper Lace Collar Beauty Pin* . So ice pau ■ r ’•'uized Bucket j Perfum* 1 '4 * 'Ji 1 Talcum Fttrdt/ 1 Books — ,* t Bo*> f Diib 1 Tound Candy Scarf Pin Clothe* Line Spectacles Eye Classe* Whisk Bmsh Hubbcr Heel* Hammer Batteries > ■ Kpp-Beatcr Scissors Comb Hair Rrush Pillow Tops Center Piece Scarf i «T. Necktie Clothes Brush Hearth Shovel Letter File «" 1 Pound Bacon Olives 1 Pound Cheese 3 Pounds It ice Package Oatmeal Mackerel Correspondence Card and Envelopes Hot Dish Mats Baby’s Rubber Pants Rubberized Household tp'rous 250 Subscribers Refrigerator Book Case Writing Desk Axminster Hug 9x12 Lace Curtains Bath Tubs Closet Outfit Enamel Sanitary Sink* Row Boat Repeating Rifle or Shot Qun Vacuum Cleaner Blower Combination Forge and Hot Water Incubator Power Sprayers Wagon and Buggy Harness 150 Subscribers All Polret Twill Silk Suit All Wool Fancy All Wool Bollvlar Silk Lined Ladies Coat Fine Hat, Latest Style Ladies Tailored Suit All Wool Sport Coat Silk Lined Fibre Covered Dress •Trunk Co .■'•iiur Outfit QunFty Pearl Necklace Fine Spectacles Opera Glasses Accordion Organetta Junior Drum Outfit Junior Table Electric Lamp Fibre Craft Set Cedar Chest Baby Carriages Brussel Rugs Tr.icotine Silk P 100 Subscribers All Silk Canton Crepe Dress All Silk Canton Crepe Beaded Dress All Silk Taffeta Dress Fox Chokers Ladies Tailored Suit All Wool Sport Polo Coat Ladles or Gents Rain* coot irtrtUif Bag ill Wool Double. Coffee Set Jttekneevr Clock Weketor** Nlw Inter* national Dictionary Cameras ' Violin ' ;;?r^ Banjo Roller Organs Dinner Set, 66 pieces Felt Mattress Sewing Cabinet Tea Wagon Lace Curtains Lavatory ~ Padded Back Hammock Couch Fishing Tackle, Rod and Lines Blacksmith’s Forge 950 Subscribers ROUND TRIP TICKET TO CALIFORNIA ROUND TRIP TICKET PANAMA CANAL 250 Subscribers 5 Ply Fibre Wardrobe Trunk Ladies Suit Case Auto Touring Campf-ng Outfit Men's All Wool Suits Men’s Fine Overcoat Sewing Machine Diamond Ring Gold Watch Diamond Lavalier Round Trip to NEW YORK and 1 Week's Board Round Trip to ATLANTIC CITY A 1 Week’s Board Round Trip to CHICAGO, . and 1 Week’s Board Round Trip to PITTSBURG, PA. A 1 Week's Board Victrpla or Graphophone Claironet Picalo Sifts Tremhone Bass Drum Tango Drum Outfit Kitchen Cabinet China Closet Bullet Dining Table 600 Subscribers Silver Service Suit of Bed Room Furniture Table Buffet and Six Chairs De Luxe Davenport Warm Air Pipe Furnace Radio Outfit Gang Plow Tractor Disc Harrow Auto Trailer 50 Subscribers Ladies Pongee Waist All Wool Crepe Dress Boys Worsted Suits Ladies Silk Hose Telescopes Boys’ Coasters Boys’ Go-Carts Reed Buggy for Little Tots Gasoline Table Lamp Rope Portieres Couch COrera Basket Bplls Foot Balls ? Hammocks Steel Slat Settee Car Bed for Ford Car's? Hunters’ Outfit ‘t Table Cutlery I 25 Subscribers \ Woman’s Frock . Woman’s Tissue . Gingham Ladies’ Hat Ladies’ Botobette ’ Pajamas Terry Cloth Bath Robe Boys’ Serge Pants Men’s Overalls Solid Silver Flexible Bracelets Fine Crochet Bed Set 14 Karat Solid Gold Seal Ring, Ladles or Gents 10-Karat Solid Gold Lavaliere 14-Karat Solid Gold Band Cap Fountain Pen Imported Nickel Plated Watch Bircbwood Guitar Ukulele Outfit Woodshell Banjo Orchestra and Band Stand Shoe Repairing Outfit Reading Lamp Bathing Suits Roller Skates ■KR'i. Write “Cbe planet” 311 Worth jfourtb Street.