Newspaper Page Text
- -.faAa-i.jbfrfrl * > h *■*'*' > V*1 t t I Mi J ' IRoanohe Items ► _ dfrrt.* -ni i Mad rcu Stanfield, Agent) ROANOKE, VA.* February 17 Tiie Cnoeral servioe of the laJf jl* qt‘ Keeriby took rface from the High St Unptist Church, of which he had been a meinfo*.- for many years m Ki od Standing. He had been a faith ful and trusted man m all the years hts stay in the company’s service^ He was respected by his fellow work men as shown by the manner in which they turned out withhis fost r. mains. A delegation of ten white men was present and °tn® ^ anS commendable terms of the Me a character of the late.J. W* S i >,,v W 0 Lee selected for a text Itov. VV. W 4 t wer Revelations 8.1L {*e th se ohail not be hurt of tne 8® * ^ death” It was a marvelous CPnU d wonderful encourage <’ Iscourse of wpnaenui » ? Oohirr»o^“n con, with f. w° ReesW 1 frSd and brother. He leaves a wifi ^ i l^n several grajd children and ajortoU » Midway Cemetery. W. F. Hughes in change. On Friday February 13. the Koy ai Order of Hogs celebrated th® ^ Krthday of Dixg It Hughes. About 5 "o men wem ‘royally entertained in ihe Leal Club Hall on Harr.son A nue It was a wonderful outlay o everything A "hole hog was on the '"The Sunshine Club of Mt Zion A a; -H. Church is givfng their usual nvd-wintev picnic tonight at the Odd Fellows «all. Mr. George Thornton is president of the organization llrs. Lisz-’e Poindexter, of 1 Lynch burg Avjdnue is yet sick. Mrs. Majlinda Leftwich, of Ht> H Li-rison Avenue. N. W. is still con fined to her room. Miss Maggie Morton, of Peach Koad. North, is much indisposed at tMs writing. . . I am anxious that more subscrip tions come to me from the patrons of Roanoke and elsewhere. Mr W. H. Brooks, of Seventh Venue. N. E„ who had been in fail irg health, died h^re last knday j-tter a lingering illness. Mr. Brooks w’s born October IS, 1886 and died at the age of 39 years. The funeral v.; s held at. St. Paul’s M. E. Church Srnday afternoon at 2 o’clock with M:sonid and St. Luke honors He w; s a young man loved by all who m -t him. He was lovable and kind hr-irted. He professed faith in the 1.1 rd Jesus in the days of his youth j i i ever held on to the faith once del vered to the saints. Rev. M. M. Jefferson delivered the funeral eu lo'jr, assisted by Prof. D. W. Harth who read the 90th Psalms, after vh eh the pastor read loth chapter, F’i -st Corinthians. Rev. J. M. Ban n rer l ned a hymn. Mrs. Willie, » • Alt. Zion Baptist Church sang a vc.-y sweet solo, which touched the he irts of everyone in that vast assem bly. Rev. Jefferson was at the bed- i sice of Brother W. H. Brooks dur-^ iug his later hours in life and he ; h: soul. He warned his audience to | j*.; aired him that all was well with te careful to find favor in the saving ] blood of Christ Mr. Brooks leaves j to mourn, a sister, two uncles two aunts and a host of relatives and fdends. Mr. C. C. Williams had the funeral in charge. Mrs Della Patterson with Mrs. Ada Brooks wtdow of W. H. Brooks wish to thank all who assisted during the sickness and death of their brother and husband. I Kjjr. w tv nufcnv.- " r text at Mt. »ion AM. E. Chvxrch w?9 taken from Matthew 5.14 He made a wonderful portrayal At <: 30 he preached from II John 5. • Picture* in his discourse the numer ous and varied worlds we are called on t<J OT«rcome in our t fe He mentioned the social world tho natural world, the political world Ihc buinees world, the scientific world and many others. The pastor j£S3£P«* Rev. W. W. Hicks at Mr. R. R. Stanfield arrived home Sunday night from Glea Rodgers, W. Va. feetiag flue- He had 1)0611 ing at carpentry there since last fall. Mr. O. L. Pittman, 212 Seventh Avenge. N. B. is improved. Mien Lillie Wright is somewhat indisposed on N. W Seventh Avenue. Mrs. Battle Patterson, 1012 N. JkPerson Street is much improved. Salvasena. Payneze Liniment, V. S. Salves, Inct'an Herbs Tablets and many other of the health restoring i« mediee oan be found a* the home of the Ptanet Agent. M. Stanfield, of 15?, Wells Alley. N. W\ at any hour, night or day. His time and seivice are vours, pleasantly. A. M. E. BISHOPS AND NEAR BISHOPS MEET TO CUSS AND DISCUSS. Rev. T. W. Cotten. D. D., Presiding Eld r Roanoke District A. M. E. Church and Rev. Isaac Ewer, P. E. Staunton District returned Saturday 14 rTi inst. from Wilmington N. C.. St Stephens A. M. E. Church, the ii.Pira of African Methodism in the T r Heel State, where th^ey with m?ny other prominent ministers were in attendance upon the Bishops Council. They r.eport a very pleasant and profitable meeting of the council of twenty Bishops, most of whom were present and also a very helpful and inspiring meeting of thp Connectional Council consisting of from three to four hundred prominent ministers and laymen from all parts of the co»»'try. The meeting was brim full of in tubation that served to give moun ta*n top experiences and visions that l>rrij»re men for larger measures of Ml III I I II tHa annua,! sermons for r'C ccas™ * Bishop W. a Joho^os, D. D., J Plains Ga. of Philadelphia, ,p»- • . t the Virgin's « representod at^ ” meeting by Brs. . p , Seaton. A. Davie. Portsmouth. P. Sea , Nottingham^ A.T W Couen and Isnao Ewer <* Roan 01 The cross word puzzle on the 1-SV' rZwtC ot ton for thb Bishopric in 1928 WYTHEVILLE ITEMS. u-vthRVTLLB VA., February 16 -Rev C B Holloway Ailed his pUl_ [•Sunday morning and night. He p.-ched two excellent sermons irge and appreciative au^ce. Rev. L. Bn Alston preached at the aptist Church. Sunday. Bethel Rev CP O. Wing preached at Betnc M E- Church, Sunday. Congrega ion about as U8U8J. . . x Watch for the date, time and n g f the big celebration of George LlUngton8 given at tto «*£» t M. E. Church by Mrs. Carrie haffin She is sparing no time in the little folks for this oc i 1 Read The Planet for news of m Lt Bethel A. M. E. Church Sun afternoon. February 22 win be an an interesting program by Miss E. Breckenridg’e in honor of : derick Douglass the greatest of m all. One feature of the pro ; m will bjB an address by Prof. J. idd Hill. Hear him. < ’ Walter Hebron J*. was taken V sick Sunday afternoon. Medical was given him and a* this is resting easy. Messrs. Karen; *'*• — R Alex. Hebron were Sunday guest of Mr. W. H. Stepteau. A lovely dinner was served at 3 P. M-. Little Lottie Hill spent the Pa,st j week at Max Meadow with her cousin Grace Lampkins. After a pleasant stav she returned Sunday night ac compan ed by Grace who will spend the week end with her aunt, Mrs. Kate Hill, on East. Sipring street.' 5 Mr. Adam C. Songer who has been confined to his home for the past two weeks, fe somewhat improved at this writing. His friends will he glad to see him out again soon. Little Alyas Lucile Stepteau, of North Wythoville is spending the week with her aunt Mrs. Ethyl M. Hebron 1 The Valentine Sdc’tal given last Thursday and Friday nights by Mrs. ; 1’adys Hairston and Miss F. L. Pi liikenridge at Bethel A. M. E. Church was indeed a success. Each one expressed themselves as having delightful time. 1 Miss Marie Chapman was confined ■ io her l>ed last week with Flu. 1 Mr. John P. Brown, of Roanoke, Va. was In the city last wefck the guest of Mrs. Ollie Bl Gibson. Misses Flora and IGeorgie Brown, j who have been making their home v’th lh?ir cousin. Mrs. Ollie B. Gib ; sou since the death of thefcr mother.) 'eft Saturday for Brooklyn, N. Y., * wherto they will in the future reside with their aunt Mrs. Mary Francis. { •__f ^ ! j j speed Her Forte. Margaret Ravoir of Philadelphia, a member of the American Olym pic team last year, is shattering records every week now. Recently she#’roke four records in one we**. • TTqv« Qpnt r ’■^r °^ Vo - o for rno too • T>»« onof *© nr*V f*0 t)ot Tf n corvprl vo.* *%• a -'r' ' ♦nrv Read Phonograph Star's Beauty Secrets Esther Bigeou, exclusive phono graph artist and famous vaude ville star. “The Girl with the Million Dol lar Smile” na tionally acclaim ed for her beauty. Esther Bigeou is known throughout the United States as one of the races most beautiful ladies. Her hair long, straight and fluffy, has been ad mired by thousands. Her skin, clear and light is the envy of women everywhere. How has Esther Bigeou acquired her beauty? “I owe my appearance to Hi-Ja Beauty Prepara tions,” she says in explanation. For her hair she uses Hi-Ja Quinine Hair Dressing which lengthens and nurtures the hair. In addition she uses Hi-Ja Cocoanut Quinine Shampoo. For her skin she uses Hi-Ja Skin Whitener Oint ment and Hi-Ja Medicated Beauty Soap. You, too, can win beauty with these products. Buy toda> from your druggist or if he does not handle them order direct from us. SPECIAL TRIAL OFFER In order to introduce the wonderful Hi-Ja Beauty products to everyone we are making the follow ing special trial offer. One Box Hi-Ja Quinine Hair Dressing, value 25c, one bottle Hi-Ja Cocoa nut Quinine Shampoo, value 25c, one box Hi-Ja Skin Whitener Ointment, value 25c, one bar Hi-Ja Medicated Beauty §oap, value 25c and one pack age Hi-Ja Complexion Powder, value 25c. These five products with a total value of $1.25 will be sent to you for only $1.00. Act Now. This offer will be open for a short time only. Agents: You, can make more money selling Hi-Ja Beauty preparations than, any others he cause they sell easier and faster. Write for ou remarkable agency offer today. HI-JA CHEMICAL COMPANY Atlanta, Georgia Boy, Call Me An Aerial Taxi _let to ^ Pop-pop-pop. 5? • 9-* Q* Five gigantio motor*, sflor * fer ments hesitant sputtering — unanimous proclamation of ter* violent discomfort at thus bokxg aroused from a much needed siesta —soared simultaneously ; and; anjid a final waving of arms from the cockpit portholes and a least deaf ening, (fespairing drone of resent ment from the huge exhausts, ten tons of metal, fabric and humanity “takes to the air” with the ease of an eagle. The “Trans-continental Aerial” is off on the last leg of its ten* hour “hop” from York to ’fhrisco. • Familiarize yourse'f with the above episode. There is every ln<*ie»tl*n that it will supplant, perr'uner*ly and universally, the fan'.Iliir “All Aboand” of our Pullman Conduc tors and dae-siag of bells, the bang isf a. /sorf and the shrieking of stool against steel, to long asso ciated with the departure of our aroaeaft dap 'Twentieth Century __ lev contrivance of man noeeaawGy pan through three stages, tka most Important of which is tee experimental stage. That neceartty is truly the mother of Invention is shown by the ground covered in aeronautical ex periments during our late national emergency. This crisis lifted avia tion ouce aad for all out of the experimental stage and compelled a recognition of its practicability in warfare and commerce. Aviation has reached the com mercial stage of its history. Fly ing is no longer a sport. But fly ing as a business, as transportation haB only just begun. we are earned away «u me wings of imagination when we try to picture aeronautics of the fu ture. It seems that nothing is im possible. Planes are now being built to accomodate fifty to a hun dred passengers and to take daily trips Detween New York and Los Angeles, even as the commercial planes of Europe are making hour ly “hops” between London and Paris. The advent and recent perfec tion of the radiophone is another boon to aviation. By simplifying communication between «dr an£ ground, it will not only reduce the number of lost ships to the mint, but will facilitate navigation and fueling. • The future alone holds tk» sec ret of the ultimate perfection of ’u'civier-than-air crafts, but it Is 'xlerately Bafe to predict that, *. planes cf twenty-ton weight •: live hundred capacity !■' a. • ;-,t •' r ;.0.000 fr i * d t ■ • • ONCE BTA NTDRjr ^ciooinid \£nce Got Once in a ccnlurv the times arc ripe For some hian who shall serve and yet command, Some man of such a clear and trenchant type That brave men rally where his banners stand And die together for their native land . * Even such a one • ' / Was Washington, The hero of our history well begun [ Once in a century there comes a man Whose day of birth we dare not disallow Without whose presence we had scarce known how To comprehend our country and its plan; Whose linger writes in the Eternal Now, Even such a one :>v . Was Washington, And such remains till liistory be done! (Copyright. 1030, N. E. A.) _ ___ igerous Eyes -— • -..r;* dangerous eyesTri Amer . -:<\ in speaking *>f Ivy* t Mush Box Hcvue" STOP COUGH. COLD, GRIP. TAKE A NATIONAL REMEDY 35c, 60c, $100—All Drug Stores. i i TWENTY YEARS’ REPUTATION. ; Best for Cough. Co <1, Croup, Sor ! Throat, Hoarseness , Protect yourself from more se I rious illness. Excellent for childrei as well as adults. Get a bottle fron your druggist a: once. Mail orders filled promptly on re ceipt of price. Stamps or money orde THOS. TABB JEFFRIES Mfg. Pharmacist 327 N. 2nd S reet, Corner Marsha l Richmond, Va^ —The Planet will be sent to you foi one year, price $2.00 or it will be dellv ered at your door every Saturday fo F! e Cents per week. Men’s and Young Men’s New Spring All-wool $25 & $30 2-Pants Suits On Sale at a Very Low Price J5he Models are Smart and Correctly Styled. Tailoring' is o/ the Best. Sizes For Men and Young Men. There are snappy models lor young men and conservative styles lor the older folks. An immense variety ol patterns and colors that will be favorable this Spring assures every man that attend this sale a sat isfactory selection. A complete range ol sizes that assures every man a perfect fit without the necessary alterations. (Weisberger's Main Floor.) L, J. H 7\ Y D E N Manufacturer of Pure Herb Medicines TO RELIEVE ALL DISEASES OR NO CHARGE 220 W. BROAD STREET. RICHMOND. VIRGINIA DO YOU LOVE HEALTH ? If so call aud nee L. J. HAYDEN Maimfacuiei ol Pure H'rrb M«-J eiw W Broad Street. My medicine* will relieve you. or uo charge l* matter what your disease, sickness or affliction may be, and restore you to perfect health I use nothing but herb*, roots; barks. gum. ba sum*, euvea; seed, berries; ticwera und plants in uty medicine" They u# •'« relieved thousands that have given up to die. MY MEDICINES CURE THE FOLLOWING DISEASES Heart U»* * Blor-d, Kidney, Bladder; Pile? in any tor*; Vertigo; Quinsy; Sore Thro*r Dyspepsia; Indigestion; Constipation; Rheumatism in any form; pain* and aches of any kind. Colds, Bronchial troubles; Skin Diseases; all Itcb«u* Sensations; Female Complaints, LaGrlppe, Pneumonia; Ulcer; Carbuncle* ' Boil*; Cancer In its worst form without nee of knife or Instrument; Eci^tca. I Pimples on face and body. of Kidneys Bright’s Di?eere of K'dn**» j My medicines relieve any disease, no matter what nature, o* voii' iu ”• •' refunded MeiiU’inos eon* anywhere For ”• !! s>nrM< ularo write, rend or -aiv | n 1. 1 HAYDEN 2?n Went Bros d Street Richmond va. July 8, 191o. | a perfect ear* b&s been effected bt L .1 Hoyden's Pure Herb Medl •ino? After w»m** tft*rieen years trifi bars oot eufioced from the ,->r :hl#* in Gravel. I desire to T.sVo « statement to L. J. Hayden: Thirfw.*n years ago twelve leading nhvslrlone of my city treated me for Kidney trouble and gr.vrel without *be desired benefit. These doctors «.d vised me to be operated on. af> that was the only chance for me. I was advised to go and get some of L. J. Hayden's Herb Meddcln* and try he fire being operated oc. I did *o, and Id twenty four hours after using bis medWifbe T passed at least a half dozen gravel, some as big as # targe pea Since that time I have not suffered wiito the gravel. I highly recommend L. J. Hayden’e medicine to ail suffering humanity C am. J. A. PAGE. 4 AohHru Ava.. Richmond Te I Wftfl cured ot a vsr? oao ca** f Rhaumautism by two bottlen of T J. Hayden’s wonderful Herb MM dial, after suffering a long tlm* »♦♦* the dreadful disease. T was »mab to more hand or foot, and bad taken three doses of the m*' tela# I was able to get out of bed and walk across the floor >n^ only two bottles of the medicine hr* made me a perfectly well man , every respect. I cannot give Mr i. Haydan too much praise for whir he has done foT me. T have many otter suffering ones to Ve-. and ♦hey hsve also eotter cored da m eh ter was pj«o cured of Rh#n»i>n. tiem and Indigestion by L. J den’s Herb Medicines at No »»' ^ Broad 8treet. Richmond. Va T r* •oamend Mr. L J. Harden as rf the gree test beaten of th» *»<•* is earth Respectfully. J. D. TATl/lR 1419 ■. Graee 8t. Richmond day PHONH, RAN. 4903 NIGHT PHONE, MAD. 6SOS W. A. PRICE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBAL MER Spaciou, Roam, (or Meeting, and Entertainment*. OFFICE AND WAREROOMS 700 N. I7TH STREET. RICHMOND. VIRGINIA PROMPT SERVICE IN CITY OR COUNTRY. FACTS AND TRUTH IN EVERY STATEMENT. Bad Digestion many years. Pain and Cramp in Stomach 24 hours re lieved in 10 minutes. Ulcer or Ul cerated condition of Stomach and Intestines entirely relieved in week or two. Dysentery stopped in 24 } hours. I Typhoid Symptoms lasting more ! than a week, stopped in 24 hours. Acute Indigestion stopped in 10 min* i utes. Ptomaine Poison Symptoms 1 stopped in 2 to 4 hours. REGAL CAPSULES and < ' Full directions and Information. 200 EAST MARSHALL. SETer people iudge YOU NOW BY YOUR FURNITURE When you can get FURNITURE and1 RUGS from an Old Established House like JURGENS—that’s known to sell the best quality goods, Just as reason able as elsewhere—why not give your friends a good, Impression. It will give us the greatest pleasure to show you our wonderful stock of home making, comfort giving FURNITURE?: and RUGS and—don’t fail to ask our Salesmen about our BANKING PLAN which gives you 5, 10 or 15 months* In which to pay for any purchase. & G. JURGENS SI ESTABLISHED 1880. ADAMS AND BROAD Advertise In The Planet. It will •ender you first claw service. We do all kinds of Job printing at the lowest prices consistent with good service.