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This niiiv k* our las! bailie. VVe believe tlml il llie besfiiiiiiiiu aj our liual triumph. JOHN MITCHELL. JP may 17. 1923 VOLUME XL11. NO. 23 R!C HMOND. VIRGINIA, SATURDAY. APRIL 18, 1925. PRICE. FIVE CENTS BURIED HUM. & T. COLL.. OEBNON (P K. Cherry) .. Dr James B. Dudley. President of •he Agricultural and Technical Col lege at Greensboro. N. C.. since 1896 died at his home ait 9:43. P M» Sat urday. April 4. of apoplexy. He had suffered two strokes before, which had greatly (weakened him. He was not the first president of the College as many seem to 'think. | The first president was Dr. J. O Crosby, of Salisbury, who held the position from 1891 to 1896 But it was under President Dudley 'that the school really took hold and began to claim the serious attention- and con fidence of both races. And it has grown. Me found fifty students; he left over five hundred H.e found physical equipment worth about a hundred thousand dollars: he left it worth a mi'lion. North Carolina has hardly produced another man who has been • * able as Dr. Dudley to get and hold the confidence of both ra< es. the public press, the different governors and legislatures in the interest of his school during the nearly thirty years nr his administration. The tnnenii’ services were held in Murphy Hall fho new dining hall so recently finished and dedicated. Fully fifteen hundred persons were present, including a large number of very prominent men of both races, several of whom paid 'tributes to bis mp anu win k. Amonp- those who spoke were Prof. M. C. S. Noble chairman of the Foarrl or Trustees and 'or forty years an intiraatp friend of Dr. Dudley's: Fo”. A. M Scales, member of the Board and former Senator: Prof. W. C. I’ackson. Vice-President of N. 0. College for Women and Dr J. R. Hawkins, Financial Secretary of the A. M. E Church. The services were conducted by Rev. C. E. Stroud, pastor of Bethel A. M E. Church, of which Dr. Dudley was for many years an acflve member. After the funeral, the body lav in statp in Murphy Hall un*il 10:00 P. M . when it left to- be taken to Wil mington. X. (\, bis native home. There was a military escort and “taps" were sounded as. for the last rim**, he passed under the arch. A final farewell was again sounded as the train bearing the remains pulled out from the station . A special Pullman car on the same train carried rhe family and friends to Wilmington where, with his fam i • and friends who had gone before he was laid to rest with full Masonic honors. At the exercises in Wilmington, many more prominent men of both races spoke, testifying *o the long and useful life of the deceased: of his gentleness, his self-sacrifice, and bis services to the Race, the State and ;hp Country. Dr. Dudley is survived by his wi dow. Mrs. S. B Dudley, a daughter. Mrs. S. B. Jones, whose husband. Dr. S. B Jones, is health officer of S*. Kitts. British West Indies. BEDFORD ACTING PRESIDENT Monday. April 6. at a call meeting o' the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. Prof F. D. Blu ford. Dean of ithe institution, was e’ec'ed Acting President to fill out the unexpired term of the late Pres ident Dudley. Prof. Bluford has been connected with the institution for twelve years, six of which he has been Dean. He is a graduate of T’nion and Howard Universities and has studied at Columbia University. •‘ERSOXALS AND H KIEFS: Mrs. S. L. M. Scott left the city Sunday noon, for Montclair. N. .1. where she wili spend the summer. \\'o regret to learn of the extreme illness of Miss Martha Rose, niece of Dr. Q \V. Moone. 80'6 Stt James St. —Miss Julia Jefferson. I?1? N. First St., who has been quite indis posed for the past four weeks . is improving. —Mr and Mrs. Leslie F. Byrd, of 700 N‘. F.Tth SL, accompanied by their little daughter. Lillian Gertrude spent the Easter holidays with Mr. r** J. E. Byrd, of Newport News, Va, WILL MARVIN MURDERED BY FLEEING A Grim Tragedy Here—Henry Mallory’s Market Entered. Lone Golored Man Ghases the Burglar. Meets Death on St. James St.-Efforts Being Made to Find Murderer. Will Marvin, a colored man-, who occupied a room at Paul L Donald son’s residence. 13 W. Clay street, i and boarded in the same apartment : there with Frank McQueen, was shot ' twice and killed on St. James street, between Leigh and Jacksoli streets, near '.h© mouth, of the alley Saturday morning, April 11th, shortly before 6 o’clock by a colored man. who had! a few moments previously gotten out, of the grocery store and market of Henry Mallory, at 101 E. Clay street on the corner of First street. The man doing the shooting escaped at : the time and the police have been making a determined effort to locate him. DISCOVERED BURGLAR IN STORE j Frank McQueen states that he lefc! home before 6 o’clock. Will Marvin bavin* preceded him to the corner j by about four or five minutes. Both I were to 'take the car at the corner \re C’av and First streets to go to Bryan Park, where they were em li oyed, When. he reached the corner h^ smv his boarder on the other side o? First street by Mallory’s Market. The glass in the side door to Mal Icrv's Market had hern broken out and a man had put his leg over through the door to. get out. As he did so Marvin went up to him and a scuff e took place. RURCiLAR DREW REVOLVER. The man got our and then drew a ’ revolver on William. McQueen says lie ran back up Clay street to tell. Henry Mallory, the proprietor, who' i resides alt IT W. Clay, next door to( Donaldson While there, he heard i two shots and later learned that his companion had been shot and killed on St. James street, about two blocks and a ha If from Mallory’s Market. D. H. Miller, who resides upstairs in the house, in front of which the murder too place, says he heard some men ta'king oultside. He was in bed He heard the two shots and when he looked out. he saw a man lying on the ground. DIED IN TEN MINUTES. The man (lied in about ten minutes withoi* making any statement. McQueen- stated that he did not know exact'y how the man spelled his j name. It sounded like William , Marvin He did not know where lie j came ‘'nun He 'thought ho was tcom j I Tennessee. Mr. Mallory found that j i eggs and other supplies had been piled up for removal and it seems ! that the man in the store was wait- j , ing for at> automobile or a truck to i remove the goods, when the affair took place Others were concerned in the robbery and the police have ' arrested two suspects. The remains were turned over to William Isaac Johnson Sons. They are anxious to Ideate some of the re'atives ol' the deceased. -- |»H. KING AT GOODWILL BAPTIST GHFRCH. FRIDAY. 24TH. Dr. T. J K:ng, pastor of Fifth St. Baptist Church, will preach at the Goodwill Baptist Church. 410 North Monroe street. Friday. April 24th. S:30 P. M. Subject: “She Painted Her Face to Flirt With Death”. Special music by his choir. Don’t miss this great occasion. Benefit of Building Fund. GOME TO ELK MEET WILL GIVE OPEN AIR CONCERTS IN FRONT OF PLANET OFFICE. One of the features of tTie coming; i (invention of the Improved Benevo ieri Protective Order Elks of the j World to be held in this city the last full week in August of this year win he the appearance here of Mon arch Band, that crack musical outfit under the famous Lieut. Simpson, of Newr York City. * At the Elks convention held in Chicago two years ago. Monarchj Band won *he annual band contest, j over H field that covered every parti of the country. Again, in Pittsburgh last -ear. Monarch Band beat every band and captured firs. prize. This year P is said that several Elk bands have been practicing in an effort to take the laurels away from the New York band. To do 'this it will be an extremely hard task, as Monarch Band today is conceded up around New York as one of the country’s finest bands regardless of color. Last week the hand was again ( placed on the list of those musical | organizations which will play in the city parks of Greater New York this summer at-the expense of the city of New York. This ig n*>t only an honor but means ■». Iwtfbfttfve employ ment for the men. Last year Mon-. arch Band, led by Lieut. Simpson had the honor of being the first colored hand to play in the parks of New York City. So well did they perform and so popular was their playing that Mayor Hylan of New York City personally saw to it that j the hand was again included in the ! bands to- play this year. During the Elks Convention in this city the band will give one or two ] free open air concerts in front of the Richmond Planet office, under the j direction of this newspaper, giving the people of Richmond an oppor tunity to bear this wonderful aggre gat ion of musical stars. Their con cerns are famous in New York and include some of the most difficult classical music interspersed with many of the popular selections. j Richmond folks will look anxiously forward to the appearance of Mon-1 arch Band in this city. The band is j jil ied with the famous Mi-Tee Mon arch Lodge of Elks, No, 45 of New 'rork City. Rev. Dr, Hatcher Comes Again. He Replies to Prof. Hancock of Virginia Union University* Neither Medium Nor Seer**Not in Rev. John Jasper* s^Li^ht E. IE NIC KINNEY’ REPLIES TO REV, DR. HATCHER S DEFENSE I /■By Ernest Rice McKinney) -Preston News Service) The gentleman mentioned last -week, i-n connection- with a sermun pleached 1 supposing the astronomical ideas of' Joshua and Rev. Joho Jasper, has replied in a lengthy brief,’ surpassing ; even his published sermon. This col lege trained preacher says that he is >i "Fundamentalist”. What is a Fun damentalist? Is it necessary to be lieve that the sun. revolves around »liP earth to be a Fundamentalist? A° a matter of fact, it was the Fundamentalists, of His day, who put Christ to death. It was the Funda mentalists who persecuted 'Galileo; who in* ituted the Spanish Inquisi tion: the Salem Witchcraft; and the Fundamentalists in the Protestant lUpJscopal Church who were the back bone of slavery in the South. A Fundamentalist is nothing more than the same old reactionary strut ting forth in a brand new ~obe. Like tho reactionary jn politics and eco nomics be is a barrier. _ an obstacle to civilization to climb over and bat ter down. He is the fellow whose evos are on the golden age of the nas»\ We hear him talk about men growing weaker and 'wiser, and more wicked. The Negro race is filled to over HE’S OUT AGAIN .j. .. ^ lowing with these “Fundamentalist" | gentlemen. They are everywhere and j 1 in everything. They keep us poor, ignorant and weak But, soone day. ; we will revolt and 'then someone will; have to get another job or starve ; l.KKiH ST. M E. CHURCH HAS AN, AHLE pastor. Members and friends of Leigh St. Memorial M. E. Chrch were impressed very much last Sunday by Rev. Dr. Williams, the new pastor, who has •issumed pastoral charge here. His Easter message was “If a Man Dies Shall He Live Again.” He proves ta be a man of learning, energy and wisdom, and comprehensive in his intellectual capacity. He handled his theme in a master ly manner. Dr. Williams said, among other things that men have tried to answer this great question. ‘ Science says he may live again; Philosophy says he hopes to (live again; Ethics say he ought, to live again,” but this brilliant orator said, “the Bible has answered this question conclusively, tha a man shall live again”. We predict a brilliant future for this young divine at Leigh Street Memorial M E. Church. —WTS Ill Menicclnm. CHILES—In sad but sweet remem brance of our dearly beloved one. Marietta L Chiles, who fell asleep in Jesus, four years ago, April 16th, 1921. —Her devoted Brother and Family JOHN R. CHILES and FAMILY. In Mem or la in. CHILES—In loving remembrance ' of our dear son and brother. Creed W. Chiles who departed this life, April 20th, 1924: • ^ j One year has passed, our hearts still srfre, As time goes on we miss you more, Sad and sudden was your call Your srdden death surprised us all. Although you could not speak to us And oou'd not say “Good-bye”. We know your thoughts were with us When you'were called to die. From our chain 'this link has fallen, Tn the sky that star has set, But engraved on memories tablet Is the name we will ne’er forget. —Mother. Father, Sisters and Brother HQOD TEMPLE A. M E. ZION PROSPERS I’XDER J>lt. GAIXES ! We he'd our fourth and last Quar-| fer’y Conference of the Conference, year on March 31, 1925. Presiding Elder G. W Brown presided. Many, changes have been made in our j Church since Dr. Gaines has been our, nastor The membership has increased 35 percent. The weekly offerings have run above normal and in addi tion the membership of rhe Church has increased from three to five each Sunday. The Sunday School and Christian Endeavor have also in creased al the same rate, .. Attending the District Conference last week we found that Hood Temple; was in the lead of the whole Peters burg District. We have raised from all sources for the pas/t eight months 87,524 46, almost an average of 81.000 00 per month. We are planning for our Spring Rally on the fourth Sunday in April and are asking the prayers of all Churches, that it may 'be a success. Come to Hood Temple, corner of Adam and Clay streets. Services .every Sunday at 11:00 A, M, and 7:3D P. M. You are welcome. Our Motto: “Do all the good you can by all the means you can, in , all the ways you can, to all the peo- . pie you can. as long as ever you can”, i ELLA Z YOUNG, Church Clerk, i KIEV. O. WGAINES, D. D.f Pastor, i THE CRUCIFIXION OF TRUTH”. 5EING A REPLY TO PROF. G. B. HANCOCK, FOR HIS UNWAR RANTED ATTACK UPON MY SERMON ON THE MOTION OF THE SUN (By Rev. James S- Hatcher) ‘‘And thou too Professor Haucock "? Sure y this is 'the “Hand of Esau but he voice of ♦ acob”. Wherever the Jiospel is faithfully preached there is either a ‘‘riot or a revival”, some times both. So we have both in this Instance. I am not surprised that the riot and revival are on-, but I am surprised, my dear sir, that you, a man ordained to declare ‘‘the whole counsel of God”, should be amonp the •Masters of the Demo»lac of Phil ippi” (Acts 16:16-24). The Truth has been shamefully CRUCIFIED in every point of your attack First, you claim that I have desecrated John Jasper. More than 700 persons crowded into my church ro hear the sermon, and many who heard have congratulated me on the respec1: an*:l reverence which I paid him. Secondly, you assume that because I have “degrees” and “ministerial paraphernalia” that I could not have the “Truth”. Listen- brother, have vou forgot ten that “the wise men “rom the East” found Jesus as w'ell as the humble “shepherds of Bethle hem?” QUESTIONS PROPOUNDED. Again, is it charitable and unkind id judge a man’s motives when you have not even heard his words? 'You have never heard me, you say Well why not? I am here; and. since I “da exceeding 'trouble your city” and since it is generally conceded that I could nor do these miracles (see re ply to Mr. McKinney) except “God he with me”, why not have the hon es-v of Nicodemus and “come by night”? Judgest thou a man most learned professor, before thou hear est him? Cruel! Further, you would have a code of ministerial ethics to safeguard the “poDularitv of ministers”, while vou set yourself to the task of destroying any good impression that I have made. I hereby appoint you chair man of the committee on ways and means to construct .‘this code of ethics”. Act immediately and report at once. And.—you charge me with associa tion with the unseen world. Sir. I am neither a medium nor a spirit ualist. I do not frequent the abode of “the dead”. J cannot “sr^P out of John Jasper’s light”. PLAY FAIR. If I am so much in error in deo’ar inc the “Motion of the Sun.’, in h s’mn'e Gospel sermon in which I was simnlv contending for the Omnipo tence of Ood. why don’t you rreach on, the “Stillness of the Sun” and invite the people to hear YOU? Mine w-ns not a discussion of astronomical theories.* but a positive affirmation of •« “thus saith the Lord” You write and reason like a “school hov”. You say in one niece that ther* nro manv ministers who con’d preach “John Jasner's sermon < which (Continued on Page 8> SPEUIAT/ SERVICES AT FOURTH BAPTIST CHURCH Sundav. April 19th will be « great dav at the Fourth Baptist Church. 28th and P streets. Bv special ar rangement. Dr. Evans Payne, com* r»1etin«r 45 vears of service, will nreach at 11:90 A. M-. on “The Partin* of the Garments”. At 8:15 P M- sharp. Rev. M. Fisher, of the Virginia Union Uni irersit* wPl nreach on the «uMect: ‘Is Jesus Only Human?” Prof. Fisher’s sermon will be an appraisal if the fundamentalists and liberal •nntroversies eroiner on in the various dinrehes of the country. Capacity mdiences have been attending both* lervices during this year.