THE GREAT AMERICAN HOME By Stanley ] tu£ OPTIMIST “ROTTEN STONE” - * * * ★★★ Senator Says Capitol Is Falling to Pieces t m & ■_u 1»nn. caprio: i .1.11 ci ivui'ii i. . is falling 10 pieces. j It is now being held together I tty paint! This is the startling disclosure o; Senator Porter H. Dale of Vermont. He conjures up a picture of the j "great, gray dome." Us supporting •walls and columns crumbled away, crashing to the ground! "The central building of the cap itol," he said, "is constructed, of Virginia sandstone. "It is rotten stone. It is chipping and crumbling away. "Every year it is soaked with paint, to hold it together. Other wise It w\>uld fall to pieces. ^ 300 FEET HIGH "But despite the manifold paipt coats, anyone can see the holes where the stone has.scaled away. *■ "To verify this, it is only neces sary for one to look at the walls behind the magnificent east portico. "The capitol ls*-known for its ma and beauty of : a—but its main - and central part is bu»U of rotten stone!” Su&c on the "rot to a stone-' cf »»*" f>«*«»utcr Dale speaks is the $:«»c uot’.ie. It *>' kavwn os •'the c»p ,«-- cro'vnu'g c!ory.“ springing f-v-n a p-^r’o of tluud Coripti a.n «>‘S «1iowm here s-t I.iikh - 11• -7-*;•;•»«.!. • 'hlcMtro, | rhi.ri- „n entirely now nose Is iminjr i fur mm" Ilis original appen -ms torn olT l»y ti falling piece . • is which severely injured his i | • tr ! \ \ Women Children Everybody — — / / See List of Prizes on Page 7 '-;V£ THE PLANE! V • A., S. A., E., A,, A. and A. } (Operating Under Supervi- X sion of U. S. Government) 415V^ Malvern Avenue Hot Springs Nat. Park, Ark. ;£ $Hot Radio-Active Water Furnished by the Government *£. For All Baths. Sanitarium has 10 Rooms, Diet and Operating Rooms X X jHotel has 56 Rooms; Telephone, Hot and Cold Running £ j | Water in Every Room. Rates $1 to $3/per day g 11 BATH RATES: f !| 21 Baths . 813.00-10 Baths . • . . $6.50 g I* 21 Bath* to Pythians and Calantheans, $8.50 !|! £M~X««X.«X.«X..X.*X‘.X"X"X«.X~X-4"X~X~:*X~X~:~X~X~X**X«X"X**:~**^ I ____ __ . „---— -r-:-Rv REDNER lUHiL.'. C * [ ^ _ / ^__ ( *ip crni-T ~YdcES HE COMETOj—-YWHAT DOES HE » Y] (/AND YOUR MDDY| "Y MR.STOUT A I JYwHATU YOU.PO ,C,c . r TnMARRY- SEE HER EVERY NOT EXACTLY- qq WHEN HE !-! DOESN'T APPROVE hrr^.p.— IOUD DRESSER?IbetSHURUFEI WHEN YOU RE AS ,t;1 “TT "lC s,““GzM««™ sejstJRsFJ 1 . ~ ’ts.SSi d!U^N;^ iAPRYM? PARLORSALt- ^ 1-l,r— / AUTOMOBILE-? “SSEE? uY MARRY MY WAYS DARK ONSTRATIMG HES LOOKINb SISTER.- , when MBS .THE CLUTCH- F°R^m°T ' ' WITH HER- J 1 . ' ^ L. r ■ nr THE NERVOUS ! WRECK " j A GREAT SERIAL. READ i IT ON MAGAZINE PAGE . I *