OCR Interpretation

Richmond planet. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1883-1938, April 25, 1925, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84025841/1925-04-25/ed-1/seq-8/

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; IRoanoke Items
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jiyq»yiiiii i f y M ) '.'H H HI I I
(Mad ron Stanfield. Agent)
ROANOKE. YA.. April 22.—Mr.
Henry Montreve an aged and pen
sioned employee of the N. and W.
freight house died Saturday night, be
tween the hours of 8 and 9 o’clock.
Tie was field in highest esteem by his
employers and feilow workmen. He
was a faithful member of St. Paul’s
M E. Church.
• Mr. Jacob King. 2 00 Ninth Avenue
N E.. who was reported very sick
last week is much improved.
Mrs. Frank Woods,, of Ninth Ave
nue. died here {jabbath morning a‘ter
a short illness Funeral services
-a»re fieid this afternoon.
* .M:ss Mable Baiey, of 9 Fifth Vve
.n t*; ‘f. itich improved.
. Mrs. Caroli «.r Cross’ll, who has
't* u quite i ul . j osed for three weeks
a* 303 Gregory Avenue. N. E., is very
much better under the care of Dr
Mr. George Wheaton, of Fairfax
Avenue has been indisposed since
Wednesday. He is slightljr better
Mr. and Mrs. Gallenious Whales
have both been quite feeble for the
past three weeks They are some
what improved at this writing.
Mr. Irving W. Howard, who re
turned home from Virginia Union
University because of illness, is con
valescing .
Rev George P. Miller, of Mt. Zion
A M. E. Church delivered a splendid
sermon to fils hearers last Sunday
morning. It was a message to med
itate and ponder over
Mrs. C J. Dickerson spent the
week end ’n Western Virginia in in
terest of the St. Lukes.
Mr J. C. Dugger. 207 Fifth Avenue
N. W. has been much indisposed since
Saturday. He is slightly better. (
There was a very fine display here
^unday afternoon when the Elks
fined Peach Road, on their way to
Hill Street Baptist Church, where a
splendid program was rendered.
It is an assured fact that Rev. J.
K. Billups will begin work for an
other year at Ebenezer. May he sur
pass all previous years in the work
of the Master. We hail his return.
We are sure the Conferece was
r leased when Mt. Zion reported more
than $4,451.90 raised during last
Conference year Let us make :t
$8,000 for the next one. We are so
happy that Rev. W». R. Howerton was
returned to Roanoke.
Rev. Dr. King of the A. M. E. Zion
Church preached a splendid sermon
at Mt Zion A. M. E. Church. His
text was: “Be not deceived. God is
not mocked, whatsoever a man sow
eth that shall he also reap’’. This
scholar gave his audience some of the
most fundamental Gospel truths and
all were well paid for their presence.
(By Ethyl M. Hebron)
WYTHEVILLE, VA., April 22.—
The ordination services at the Baptist
Church, Sunday were in charge of
Rev G- W. Loman. of Chilhowie, who
preached two excellent sermons to a
large congregation. Brother Samuel
White and Sidney Bourne were or
dained as Deacons.
Rev. Robert Johnson preached all
day at the A. M E. Church.
Rev. C. B. Holloway preached at
the Franklin Street M. E. Church,
morning and night to a large congre
gation f?
Mrs. Carrie Chaffin had as her Sun
dav guest for dinner. Rev. and Mrs.
0. B Holloway, Misses Ida Clarke,
Doris Dungee and Mr. C. R. Chapman
Mr. Veste,- Russell, of Rural Re
treat was the Sunday afternoon
guest ot' Miss Marie Chapman
—Mrs. Kate Sayers and Mrs. Etta
Sheffey spent the week end in Pulas
ki. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Mr Mar hew Myles, of Richmond,
at rived in the city Friday to visit
iiis family, also to be at the bedside
of his sister. Mrs. Mary Catlic. who
13 quite 5,i at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. B. '(?. Russell, Mr.
and Mrs. William Washington, of
Black Lick. Va., Mr. Henry Wilds,
of Rural Retreat attended services at
the Baptist Church Sunday.
Mrs. Willie Hines, of Radford, Mr.
and Mrs. Will Rayma, of Max Mead
ow were the Sunday guest of Mr and
Mrs Jonas Lampkins in East Wythe
ville. ”,w
Mrs. Lillian Robinson is uuite ill
at this writing. w *:
Miss Gracie Lampkins of Max
1 V T T t T T T TTTTTTT*tt.t.»t,
Meadow is visiting her aunt, Mrs.
' Kate Hill
• ’ »
| Mr and Mrs. Pearl Richardson,
| Mr. and Mrs. Robert Collier, Mr.
Charles Russell and family and Miss
Virginia Murfey. of Rural Retreat,
were visiting friends in the city,
Miss Mattie Mills, of Pulaski was
in the city for a fe%v hours Tuesday
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Obley
Mr James A. Harper is indisposed
this week.
Mrs. Margret Carter continues quite
sick ai her home near the station.
(Thomas Page, Agent)
Rev. Gurst. who is now residing
in Fulton, preached a powerful ser
mon Sunday morning at Mt. Calvary
Biptist Church. At night a sacred
concert was given by Mrs. Alberta
Thornton’s club for the church. Two
beautiful solos were rendered by Mrs
Ethel Lewis and Mrs. SissertDa
Washington. Mrs. Lena Smith was
mistress of ceremonies.
Our pastor will preach tomorrow
morning on the subject: “Can a Man
Have Religion. Then Die and Be
Lost”? Let us pack the house and
hear this message. The anniversary
of the &tar of Zion Beneficial Club
will be he'd at 3:30. The twenty
four‘h anniversary of Fu'ton Lodge,
■ No 42, K.. of P will take place'a*
$: 00 o’clock P. M.
Tomorrow is the final raJlly day.
Let us not be a Saphira or Annanias
but be fair with ourselves, the church
and our God. Do all that we have
decided in our hearts to do, and
more, if necessary.
We felt proud to have Mrs. E. A.
Log’n Parker, with us last Sunday.
I She has been a great help to Cailvary
and we pray God’s blessings in her
new* efforts at Eastern Shore, Va.
\ *
The people had a joyful time at the
Union Level Baptist Church on last
Sabbath. Rev James Edwards will
preach Sunday morning and night.
Prof. Hancock
(Continued from Page 1.)
• -
like little Willie’s pride when his last
I piece of jellied biscuit falls to the
j sand.
Dr Hatcher tries to decoy us from
the issue by injecting a deliverance
on the Virgin Birth in which he gets
a chance to say things that ave
'‘popular” but not pertinent to our
discussion I simply refuse to move
on to another issue before we settle
the simple matter of whether this
. man boasting of learning and degrees
and ji'that really believes his doctrine
of “a four-cornered earth and a mcv
ing sun”.
In his advocacy of this doctrine
we doubt his sincerity but feel he is
I rather desirous of attracting atten
| rion to himself: for a casual exam
ination, of his deliverances indicates
i that he takes himself seriously for,
j he speaks much about ‘‘large crowds”
and “congratulations” and “collect
. ions” and “auditoriums” and “white
ministers on the platform” with him
etc. Because of these unfailing re
' ferences to the great things he is
! doing we suspect that what ails him
is either pernicious intellectual anem
ia or he has a “popularity complex”.
Whatever the ailment is, it seems
deep-seated and complicated and we
feel that surgery and not gvlve must
be the ultimate remedy and we are
speaking plainly lest this minister
contributes to his own undoing as
w'eCl as to his community’s chagrin.
If possible this man should be saved
for the cause of intelligence.
Dr. Hatcher waxes vehement and
asks, “Why this howl”? We shall
proceed forthwith to apprise him as
to the whyness of this “howl”. First,
because a perfectly possible minister
crt' our common community has be
come an impossible fame-hunter.
Second, because it is humiliating to
Richmond in particular and the Negro
race in general to have a Negro
boasting of learning and college de
| grees and ministering to a great con
; gregation in a great city openly and
with calculation aforethought advo
cating the sensational doctrine of “a
four-cornered earth and a moving
sun”. Third, because this avowed
Fundamentalist shows himself in his
writings to be so utterly short on
fundamentals and yet he claims ever
to believe in the “whole Bible”. If
he so believes in the whole Bible and
its literal interpretation by what
stroke of language or logic does he
justify himself with a baptism short
of immersion? (This question is de
signed for Dr Hatcher only).
Fourth, because openly he is trying
to exploit the fame of the immortal
Jasper before the eyes of those who
hold Jasper’s name as a sacred mem
[ ory. I)r. Hatcher tells how he has
been “congratulated” but this ia how
one of John Jasper’s members esti
mates Dr Hatcher’s “efforts”. In
passing down Brdad Street Saturday
morning, I chanced to meet a very
dear old lady who reveres the name
of Jasper. I asked her if she had
heard Dr. Hatcher preach his “sun
i ‘does move’ sermon”, to which she
, ! ' * '*« __ _
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Noonan of I^aw
rence, Mass., don’t mind at all in feeding
thirteen mouths three times a day,—theit •
family of ten girls and three boys, — nor
have they ever found it a hardship.
Threshing With Electricity
■ ' -*
_f . T,„ Uuu *b«u .nd oau :ftu b« successfully
Eugene . . . ’..v <,i«>ctr'cal iK>w»r With a <0 horse power mofjr :h-»* irv.'es«h«*l i3* bushels of
^SJ!TStS.W."SSii.'—- * — •— «•*<• •«*«» »• —o! •
traction ©n.' ''>•' • '■ ?h uv'mm uncut?
replied, “Yes, Honey, but h'e can’t
tell it like Brer Jasper, but he done
the bes’ he could”. Fifth, because
our perfectly respectable community
has had foisted upon it a kind of
notoriety that does not help it but
embarrasses those who are working
for the community’s uplift. The doc
trines advocated by Dr. Hatcher are
suited to churches situated on a "spur
track” but certainly not to churches
on a main line. The foregoing are
our reasons for “howling”.
‘‘Dr. Hatcher seems to justify his
doctrines by telling of. “large crowds
—“seven hundred etc.” who heard
the sermon. He seems to forget how
ever that his crowd would be large
if he were doing sleight-of hand
stunts or walking a slack rope or
doing the “human fly stuff”. Or, if
he preached a sermon from the sub
ject, “First One Thing and Then
Another”, in which he discussed
“tweedle-dee” on the one hand and
“tweedle-dum” on the other, his
crowds would not only be large but
he would have “congratulations”
and an occasional convert.
His second justification seems to
be a “white minister will be on the
platform” with him. To this we re
ply that it takes more than the mere
presence of a white man on the plat
form to convince intelligent Rich
mond of the truth of the doctrine, of
‘‘a four-cornered earth and a moving
sun” and this fact alone does not
save our colored community from
humiliation at the hands of the man
who should be seeking to bolster our
Richmond is not as sleepy as it
seems and personally I expect no riot
for entrance to the Auditorium Sun
day P. M , for some may have my
seat. If a crowd should turn out-—
and I have no quarrel with them if
they do—I hope they are looking for
a revival rather than a “jollification
meeting” People like to be jollied.
If anyone is converted on the doc
trine of “a four-cornered earth and a
moving sun” they deserve salvation
for theirs is a great faith—greater
than was ever found in Israel.
In so far us Dr. Hatcher is a devout
sincere minister of the iGospel, I-re
spect him. but wherein he turns fame
hunter. I pay him the following com
pliment: _ ,
When he tries to use John tfasper s
fame as a stepping stone to his own,
he presents the picture of a pigmy
trying on th© boots of a colossus. As
a claimant to scholarly distinction,
he is a stupendous impossibility and ;
a brisking failure; as a theologian,
he is a persistent and a vague excuse;
as a member of an intelligent com
munity he is a chronic affliction and
an inconvenience; as a polemicist he
is the poor imitation of a wriggling
sophist, and as a fame-hunter he is
just an “ordinury bother”.
Df. Hatcher’s defense has a ‘‘flat
tire” May Dr Hatcher ‘ behave
himself” befrtre' Richmond in sheer
self-defense demands it.
-; 1 P'lVFT*
Pjl<;hl> given in love, health
BUSINESS—Your Life Problems ,
Solved. Avoid sadness and distress
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life’s problems and mysteries and
gain all that this world has. Some- ,
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and you have mastered all and the
world will be at y°ur feef- &Pe‘‘ial
t0 the readers of this paper for 301
days—one question answered for 25
cents or five complete questions an
swered for one doillar or explanation
mailed for one dime, sealed. STUDIO
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J I f
ING. A-l Mechanical Condition.
Good Tires and Paint. State and
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$15CL Madison 2914-W.
Kelly Miller’s Authentic History of
A Great New War History.
In addition to its containing s
graphic account of the War, includes
many chapters on subjects of vita
interest. Following are a few of th(
subjects treated: The Flash that Set
the World Aflame—Why Americans
Entered the War—The Things thal
Made Men Mad—The Sinking Sub
marine—The Eyes of Battle—War’s
Strange Devices—Wonderful Wai
Weapons—The World’s Armies—The
World’s Navies—The Nations at Wai
-—Modern War Methods—Women and
the War. A volume of general in
formation upon all subjects which
have their bearing upon the World
Conflict, as well as an authentic ac
count of the Great World War.
The Book allso includes the follow
ing subjects: The Horrors and Won
ders of Modern Warfare. The Bar
barity and Merciless Methods Em
ployed to Satisfy the Ambitions of
the Kaiser and His Imperial Govern
ment. 'The Ruthless Submarine War
fare Waged to Starve England and
France Into Submission. The Story
of the Hardships and Horrors which
the Belgians and French were Com
pelled to Suffer. The Billions of
Dollars Required to Carry on the
Awful Struggle. The Terrible Loss
ofi Human Life and the Desolation of
Countries The Weird and Wonder
ful Methods' of Warfare. The New
and Strange Devices that have come
into being. The great “tanks", the
“blimps”, the submarine, the gas and
poison bombs, and the marvels of
science Things about which you may
never have heard. Marvelous guns
that shot for miles. Feudal and Me
dieval weapons that again qpme into
play, The plans of the Hohenzollerns
to create a World Empire, which
drew upon them the wrath of Na
tions The Nations Involved* , Tbd
Armies and Navies and -what they
Represented in Men and Equipmeat'
This 'Great Book, teli’s all about the
Negro Everywhere in the World War
—How He Did His Duty.
In every capacity—from right up
in the Front Line Trenches and on
the Battlefields—Clear Back to the
Work of Keeping the Home Fires
Burning: On the Farms: In the Mills
and Munition Plants: On the Rail
roads and Steamships: In the Ship
Yards and Factories. Men and Wo
men with the Red Cross, the Y. M
C. A., Y W. O. A., the War Camp
Community Service, the Liberty Loan
Drives, etc., etc’
This Volume tells the tforld how
the Negro has won his place and his
right to a voice in the affairs of
mankind against prejudice, ridicule,
race hatred, and almost insurmount
able obstacles. Many striking testi
monials from the Secretary of War
i and Army Officers of high rank and
reputation are set forth in no> uncer
i tain terms. The foljlowing ringing
words of » Major General Bell, ad
i dressed to the famous “Buffaloes”,
the 367th Regiment, are typical of
■ the high, regard and respect of Amer
ican and European officers for our
colored troops Every private in this
regiment and most of the officers
] were Negroes. The General said: —
•[This is the best disciplined and
| best drilled and best spirited regi- :
ment that has been under my com
mand at this cantonment. I predict-1
ed Tast falll that Colonel Moss would ,
i have the best regiment stationed here'
and you men have made my predic
tion come true. 1 would lead you in
battle against any army in the world
with every confidence in the out
come” .
More than fifty pages of the Bock
devoted to the Achievements of the
Negro in the American Navy—Guard
ing the Trans-Atlantic Route to
j France—Battling the Submarine Per
|il—The Best Sailors in any Navy in
the World—Making a Navy in Three
Months from Negro Stevedores and
Laborers— Wonderful Accomplish
ments of Our Negro Yeomen and
Yeowomen I
As we have fought for the rights'
of mankind and for the future peace
and security of the w;ojrld, the people
want to be correctly and fully in
formed of the facts concerning OUR
Heroes—and this is THE Book they
are looking for.
This Book appeals to the Colored
People. They are eager to buy it.
Why—Because it is the only War
Book published that thrillingly, grapft
ically, yet faithfully describes the
wonderful part that the Colored Sol
dier has taken in the World War and
is absolutely fair to the Negro.
It relates to the world how 300,000
Negroes crossed the North Atlantic,
braving the terrors of the Submurine
Peril, to battle for Democracy.
The loyalty and patriotism that
characterized the black man’s nature
his sublime self-sacrifice, his indis
putab’e bravery, the wisdom of Negro
Officers in command of their own
PEACE TERMS—750 Pages.
-— ,
Cutout this Coupon and send us $2.98 and
we will ship you Kelly Miller’s Neg'ro in the ,
World War. - - - $2.50
The PLANET, One Year. 2.00
$4.50 for $2.98.
the: planet,
311 N. 4th St., Richmond. Va.
Selling Toilet Preparations and 100
cither items. Used and recommend
ed by the Famous Jazz Singer,
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Worth $30.
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Do your painting early—give it a chance
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1 gallon Stag >tm.-Paste Paint, Plus 1 gallon Lewis Pure
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1426 E. Main St. Richmond, Va.
L. J. H a Y D E N
Manufacturer of Pure Herb Medicine*
If so, tail and see L. J. HAYDEN, Manufacturer of Pure Herb Medicines,
220 West broad ytretc. My medicines wm relieve you or no charge, no
matter what your disease, sickness or affliction may be and restore you
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leaves, seed, berries, flowers and plants in my medicines. They have
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Boils; Cancer in its worst form without use of knife or instrument; Bcssma
Pimples on face and body. Diabetes of Kidneys, Bright’s Disease of Kidneys
Hy medicines relieve any disease, no matter what nature, of your money
Medicines sent anywhere. For -• it particulars. write, send or call
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Kicnmona, va. juiy ».
A perfect cure has been effected
*r L J Hayden'* Fare Herb Medl
•lr.es After wgltlne thirteen years
‘ihvp oot suffered from the
mri !ble dl*«ea««. Gravel. I dealre to
•ihI"1 h qtw’pment *o l< J Hayden;
Thirrpj»n vpars ae« twelve leading
>hf0>oinn^ of mv city treated me for
{Irinev trouble and gravel without
hp d«nirpd benefit These doctor*
dv'«Pd me to be operated or. a* that
fa« thp onlv chance for me T was
.dvt^d to go and get some of L. J.
Tqvdpn s Herb MedJdp" and try be
-•rp hplna operated on. I did *©.
uid In twenty four hours after using
lie medicines I passed at least a
lalf dozen gravel, some aa big as a
arge pea. Since that time T have
lot suffered wl|h the gravel. I
ilghly recommend L. .T. Hayden**
nedlcine to all suffering humanity.
I tm, J. A. PAGE,
4 Auburn Ava.. Richmond Va
i was cured oi a very um new
Rbeumautism by two bottlee of T
J. Hayden’s wonderful Herb Med'
Cine, after suffering a long time with
the dreadful disease. T was unable
to move hand or foot, and after *
uad taken three doses of the med
icine I was aWe to get out of
bed and walk acroee the floor. «nd
only two bottles of the medicine has
made me a perfectly well man In
every respect. I cannot give M* f r
T. Hayden too much pra!«e for wha*
he has done for me. T have sen*
many other suffering ones to b'"»
and they have also gotter cured W*
daughter wae also cured of Rheums
tlnra and Indigestion by L. J. Hay
den’s Herb V»di<*nes at No. 2*0 W
Broad 8treet. Richmond, Va. I t*
-nmmend M* i 1 J, Harden u one
*f M»e gre»*-*t heelers of the efet
in earth. Respectfully.
2419 ■. Grace 8t.. Richmond. Ye

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