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Newspaper Page Text
TOe t>rint Bn\> an6 lEvec^tbtn^ 1-0 We Print Cards, Envelopes, Writing Paper, Bills, Placards. Posters, Minutes, Tags, Books, Pam Hets. polders, Wedding Invitations, Financial Books. Rule and Figure Work and Newspapers. J We Furnish Estimates aad Serve the Public j Promptly. Call and See us when in need of any work in oar line. We carry a large stock and wc are prepared to do all work promptly. Give us your patronage. We would appreciate ft. i j Call us up over phone, Randolph 2213. Out-of-town Orders Promptly Executed. I Workmanship and Quality Materials Guaranteed.* 1 hC Richmond Plzmct9 SU North Uth St. RichmondVa. LEGAL NOTICES VIRGINIA: la the Circuit Court of the City of Rchmoi;d, July 27th, 1925 # GLAD VS EDMONDS PEACE. Plaintiff against I HENRY PEACE.Defendant1 The object of this suit is to obtain1 a divorce from the bond of matri-j inony. in favor of Gladys Edmonds' Peace, the plaintiff, against Henry Peace, the defendant, who is her husband, ou the grounds of wijful desertion or abandonment, for a per i iod of more than three years, as provided, for by the Laws of the State °f Virgin a. And an affidavit having .been made and filed that due diligence has been exercised on the part of the plaintiff. Gladys Edmonds Peace to ascertain in what County or Corporation the defendant. Henry Peace resides with out effect, it te’ordered that he do [ appear here wiehin teu day3 after due publication of this order, and do what is necessary to protect h.s in terests in this suit. A Copy: Teste: E. M. ROWELLE, Clerk J. THOMAS HEWIN. p. q. 1M»IAX IMriM KSs MIW'iE HAWK. If you are troubled with any aches or pains. especially Rheumatism, I will rub it out with CHIEF BIG BEAR INDIAN OIL If vou are troubled with Indigestion my INDIAN ROOT will cure you. Try my Indian Building Tonic—Try mv Blood and Liver Purifier—Try mv Johnson & Morris Indian Corn Out—Trv mv Hair Grower. nManufactured by MINNIE HAWK, S02 Constant St., Tampa Fla, 117-119 W. 142nd St„ New York. Halm Rend ng Free. Send 6ac for a bottle of RUBBING OIL postage in cluded. Sole Agent: WEBB'S DRUG S'lORE, Tampa, Fla. I • —The Capital Photograph will be | distributed to any licensed merchant [ throughout the Statei at wholesale price. Notify The Pianet Office or L». Dickerson, Nesting, Va. From $5.00 to $500.00' reward will be I given for any substantial improve ment on the machine. The improve ment must be considered by L. Dickerson. AN ANNOUNCEMENT, ; The Goodwill Baptist Church. 410 N. Monroe street is a new unit to the Baptist Church, with a very broad program. Rev. W. U. Ball, pastor inv'tes the public ond his many friends to worship Sunday, August 16th, 11:30 A. M. and 8:30 P. M. Oommunlon, 1st Sundays, 3:30 P. M. Sunday School, 101:00 A. M. Special music. All are Invited. REV. W. B. BALL, Pastor. F. BALL, Clerk. OTHER PEOPLE JUDGE j YOU NOW BY YOUR FURNITURE When you can get FURNITURE and I RIGS from an Old Established House ; like .H'RCENS—that’s known to sell the best quality goods, just as reason able elsewhere—why not give youi friends a good Impression. It will give us the greatest pleasure to show you our wonderful stock of home making, comfort giving FURNITURE I mil HUGS and—don’t fail to ask our Salesmen about our BANKING PLAN which gives you 6, 10 or 15 months In which to pay for any purchase, j i ESTABLISHED 1880. ADAMS AND BROAD 10! E. Clay 407 W. Leigh VISIT MALLORY’S MARKET. Inc. Keeps everything that’s good to eat All kinds of FRESH MEATS and all kinds of FRESH FISH, POULTRY FRUITS VEGETABLES, OYSTERS GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Up-to-date Sanitarv Store. MALLORY’S MARKET, In, Phone Randolph 4529. • Nigbr Call Residence, Aladlsnr H039 THANKS. Watch out for our great salesman ship campaign. Read carefully our next issue.j Automobiles and other prizes will be ready for you. Do you want a touring car? You will have the opportunity to get one of- the finer make*. tlfcidHifl CD 1-1 71 V Ft (Successor to • »ln 1 Loj A H^yes (£L Son) 727 N. 2d St., Richmond, Va. LATEST IMPROVEMENTS IN FUNERAL EQUIPMENT. Automobiles Furnished for Funerals. Social Affairs or Short or Long Distance Trips—Fine Caskets—Chapel Service Free. Country Orders Solicited—Prompt and Satisfactory Service Phone Madison 2778. Day or bJisht Calls Answered Promptly. Patronize Our Ads