Newspaper Page Text
ROANOKE. VA, Oct. 27.—Mr. James Neemoore, an employee of the Roanoke Machine Works, died sud denly from paralysis. Arrangements were being made at the time to take him to rhe hospital. Rev. W. R. Howerton, D. D. preached iA 11* A. M. Sunday to a large congregation. He is delivering wonderful messages. Mr. Charley Loeklayer. of Seyenth Avenue and Park Street is sick. Mrs. Laura Durphy fs much improved. Mrs. Bessie' Ford has recovered. Mr. James P C-oleton of 303 Patk fc>t. Is much improved The funeral of Jordan Reed took place at the First Baptist Church. He was 22 years of age, passing away October 20th. He had been married just four months. Rev. A. L James, the popular pastor deliv ered n most appropriate funeral ser mon. His widow thanks tne irienas for their many courtesies. Mr. J. C. Dugger. 207 Fifth Ave nue N W. is indisposed. Rally to your oid reliable agent. Mad, son Stan fio’d. Ho is placing R,oanoke on tbe map and keeping the colored folks there. Planets are 5 cents per copy. Mrs. Beatrice Ha:rston. 902 Jef ferson Street. X. died Friday nh5ht. Mrs. Maria Gaskins, two brothers, James and Benjamin, the mother and aunt are the relatives. Mrs. Camilla Croan's children are much improved. The funeral of Mrs. Mafrcellus Francis Barlow, who died October 21s was preached by Rev. A. L. James, the pastor. He was assisted by Rev J. J. Jefferson and Rev. Thomas a'C. HpurtiA ,S|he leaves 6 children. 24 grandchildren and 2 brothers to mourn the'r loss. Mr. Richard Oliver and Madame are visiting their brother Attorney Andrew J. Oliver, of Loudon Avenue N W. He is a native of Virginia, having left the State 40 years ago. He is now residing in Des Moines, lit. Mrs. iAmwe Branded, of 81R Seventh Avenue. N. W, Is visiting New York. Mrs. Gaskins thanks her friends for their sympathy and favor* A revival 'in progress at the Mt Zion Baptist Church. Mrs. Ger trude stanflold and litt’b daughter left last week for Columbus and Pittsburgh. Mrs. MaTtha Whales, of Eighth Avenue N. E. has returned from New York. FULTON NOTES. Owing to the inclemency of the weather last Sabbath the congrega tion was not out in full, but we all listened to a very helpful sermon coming from our pastor, the Rev, C. A. Cobbs. 8:30 P. M. a great mass meeting was held at Calvary under the au spices of the Fulton Welfare League. ‘ On the 21st instant the funeral services of Sister Hattie L. Jones were held at Calvary. Sermon by the pastor, Dr. Cobbs. lhe Fultorf Council, G. 1. O. St. Luke, No. 20G, and the Fulton Lily Beneficial So-( ciety, No. 1. Inc., had charge of her remains. Each of these societies pieced on her grave n beautiful stone. . | Have your clothes cleaned m FuM ton at the Rosary, C. B. Jefferson, npumger, Randolph 5US4-J. ^ ^ , The Richmond Baptist Sunday School Union will meet at the First t Baptist Church tomorrow at 3:30 P. M. Dr. W. T. Johnson, pastor; Mr. J. I,. Ballard, president of Union; C'.f B. Jefferson, corresponding secre-i tarjr, When you are in Fulton and want to have a good time spiritually, stop at the Mission on Lester Street Sun day and Friday nights. Rev. A. D. f Clarke in charge. CHICAGO, ILL. Mrs. Ella G. Berry, vice-grand daughter ruler of Elks, an employee ^ of the State welfare department, spent considerable time during, the week at Champaign, 111., on business and also visited several other cities, in Southern Illinois. • Mesdames Mabel McClaneham and, Sarah Harris, together with Frank; Harris, have returned to their home in Springfield, 111., having been call ed to the city October 4th on account of the death of a relative, W. 1 j Clark, late of 4812 St. Lawrence? Avenue. , . The Joint Building Association ol U. B. F. and S. M. T., of which J. B. Street is president, is holding many conferences and meetings loo ing forward to the erection of a fu ture home for the organization. The First Baptist Church of Lily dale, Ninth Street and Lafayette Avenue, is making every preparation for the laying of a corner-stone t. their new home building early in November. Fev. Jesse W. Coleman is pastor. The members and friends of Au gusta Temple, S. M. T., will be ten dered a reception on October 24tn at Bailey’s Hall. Mrs. Emma Smith. W. I’., expects a pleasant evening, j The Joint Committee of The Households of Ruth of Chicago and jurisdiction met on last Sunday af ternoon at the residence of Mrs. Lou Ella Young, D. G. M. I. N. G., 4114 Calumet Avenue, and made part’.a. preparations for their annual instal lation to be held in January. C. T. Hume, the State Street printer, 3341 South State Street, ha< installed the large Waite; Scott press No. 3344, which will enable him to take better care of the increasing business^. Mr. Hume is a native oi Texas and came to Chicago several yejars ago, where he has built up a large business at the above address. He is an active member of Fort Dearborn Lodge No. 44, Elks, and several other fraternal organiza tions. ABINGDON NOTES. The Jubilee Songsters of the Val ley Street Baptist Church motored to' Saltville last Friday night, where they rendered a service to the delight of a splendid audience at the Elk Hall. On the 15th instant G. C. W.., B. F. Crowell, of the K. P. Lodge of the Slate of Virginia, addressed the Gave City Lodge and Courts of Calanthe at the Charles Wesley Church. Quite a crowd was out to hear him on Pythianism. The Glee Club render ed some choice numbers, amongst them was “Can’t Hear Nobody Pray.” After the program the lodge members and friends retired to the Odd Fellows’ Hall, where a sump tuous repast awaited them consist jng of all the dainties ot tne season and old Virginia cured ham. Brother Crowell left the next morning for Bristol, much elated over his visit to our city. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McClan^han have moved into their new brick bungalow on Reservoir Hill. Mr. Solomon Randolph has moved from Taylor’s Hill to the Archie Goode property in the west end. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook and son will leave on the 31st for Florida to spend the winter. We wish for them a pleasant stay in the land of flowers. The remodeling of our public school building on Kings Mountain is near completion and the 'teachers and scholars will soon be in one building. At present the Odd Fel lows and Masons’ halls are being used. The property of Mr. Joe Wiley, that was sold at public auction on thel5th, was bought by the Abing don Col. Und. Co. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, who is visiting their mother, Mrs. Clara Rector, on Kings Mountain, will soon leave for Florida, where Mr. Smit i has a position as “chef” cook. Mrs. Carrie Hegg and Mrs. Isetta Freeman, after visiting their old homes in the city, left last week for Philadelphia, Pa., and Columbus, 0., respectively. Amongst those who are attending night school taught by Rev. W. D. Magbie on Valley Street are Masters Charles ' Ellison, Buster Flack and Miss Margaret E. Liggon At the close of the^East Tennes see Annual Conference, \Rev. W. H. Pleasant and Rev. A. D. Williams were reassigned to their present fields of labor. On last Thursday the news flashed over the town that Sister Jinnie Dickinson had passed away at her son’s home in Clarksville, a suburb of Glade Spring, Va. Sister Dick inson was a loving and faithful mem ber of Valley Street 'Baptqist Church and also numbered her friends of Abingdon, both white and colored, by her acquaintances. Those who motored here to attend the funeral Friday afternoon was the Lodge of the Good Samaritans, of which she was a loyal member. Miss Katy Lig gon, Mrs. Lura Coffee, Rev. W, D Slaybie, who had chai’ge ot the ser vice, and R. B. Goode. Quite a crowd attended at the church to pay the last tribute of respect to this •‘•ood and noble woman. Peace to l , I 'let' ashes. Mr. i. R. Simmons, of Blue Ridge, Va., was visiting his brother, II. M. C. Simmons, in the city last week, and left on Saturday morn ing, the 14th. , , Mr. D. H. Pope is employed by the school authorities to paint thej school building. l The dedication of the Sunday school rooms in the rear of the Val iev Street Baptist Church last Fri day night was a signal success. The two main features in the program ivas the masterly address by Dr. A. j J. Brown and the selections by our own glee club. Following the pro gram, the committee retired upstairs, and made ready the good things that satisfy the inner man. The occasion was all that could be expected. Ev erybody seemed to be happy. The silver offering was $10.00 and the proceeds ironi tne supper was v* Thanks, come again. , 1 Miss Ernestine Wood, ot New York, stopped off to visit some rela tives and friends for a few days. Miss Wood has been in Chattanooga attending the East Tennessee Con ference. Mr. W. M. Gary, of Saltville, Va., and Mr. R. W. Langley, of Glade. Spring, Va., for the week end are visiting home folks. \Ve are gltrd to see Mr. Herbert Brown on our streets once more af ter a short but serious illness. Those who are reported still on the sick list are Mrs. Susan Turner, Mr. John G. Highley, Mr. J. J. Wilson. Miss Willie Mac Wiley, Mrs. Pearson and Mr. James L. Tavlor. Mrs. H. P. Williams entertained last Friday evening the Missionary Society of* the Charles Wesley M. E Church at her residence on West Bradley Street. The sudden taken off of Mr. Ed ward Miller in a railroad accident at Glade Spring last week was quite a sr.ock to the people of this section. He had been an employer of the N. W. Railroad for more than twen ty-five years. He was buried in Bris 1 tol, his home. Mr. Bruce and Con. Taylor, of Bristol, was visitors in the city last Sunday. J H. L. Page and John D. Wat | son have completed the brick work on the school building on Kings Mountain. R. B. G. The Nigbf-ngaJe Glee Club will give a concert at the Fourth Baptist Church on November 2, at 8:3o P. M. The entertainment is given for the beneft of the church under the management of Rev. W. iB. Brown. PLEADING. ! . __ i t 4^' William D. Robinson (For Pres‘on News Service) l (Note: Impressed by (he simplicity of the little things that we mortals ash to make up what we call hap piness, the l'o.I.owing lines spontan ■ eous’y burst forth.) I want but little here below’, Nor nefed that little long; Just a little, b t of sunshine; A little bit of song. just a little bit of gladness; j A little bf of cheer; Just to keep away the sadness, And keep the sunshine here. just a UttKa bit of friendship; A little bit of love,— ! Stars that dispel the darkest gloom, j Like sunbeams from abovte. A little bit of sympathy To ease the heart’s dull ache; A pleasant dream to light my sleep; Fond thoughts to charm me wake. 1 A little bit of home’s swfeet bliss,—• j The humble cottage’s joys; Contentment’s sweet and simple boons, Life’s most enduring joys.. I only ask a star and faith To fallow it to God; And love’s swelet flowers by the way To- beautify the sod. I have the star. I have the faith; | I’m climbing up to God. O give me love’s sweet flowers To beautify the sod CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO R. R. (Main Street Staton) , Published as Information and not Guaranteed- I Arrival and Departure of Trains i Daily, unless otherw'se shown. j * Daily except Sunday **Sunday only Leave for Arrive from I 7:00 am,,Charlottesville...7:D0 pm , 7 -00 am. .CMfton Forge.... 1 9 :*00 am. .Norf. & O. Point 6:35 pm j 9:30 am..James River L...4:05 pm I 1:00 pm..Norf. & O. Point 2:43 pm 1:45 pm. .CinthLouvl-Chgo. ,7:30 am i 4:15 pm..Norf. & 0. Point 11:33 am *o:13 pm. .Lynchburg... .*8:40 am #5:15 pm. .Charlottesville. .*8:30 am Clifton Forge_12:40 pm 5:00 pm..N.N. & O. Pc. Lo. .9:00 am >7:00 pm. .Cincin & West.. 4:00 pm 11:15 pm..C-ncin and Louyl-. j SHAVE WITHOUT A RAZOR Magic Shaving Powder will give you a clean, healthy shave without using a razor. It will also remove razor bumps and pimples from your | face. ■Got it from your druggist or department store or send us thirty cents in stamps for a half i pound ran by mail, postpaid, enough for 15 shaves. I SHAVING POWDER COMPANY,.. Savannah, Georgia. Coughs. Colds, Grip, Hoarseness. Throat and Lung Troubles TAKE JEFFRIES NO. 1 COUGH MIXTURE GUARANTEED PURE AND RELIABLE. HAS NATIONAL REPUTATION. Relieves Quickly. Excellent for Children as well as Adults. Protect Yourself From More Serious Illness. 'Get a Bottle from your Druggist today. 35c. 60c. $1 00—All Drug Stores. Mail orders filled promptly cn re ceipt of nrice. Stamps or money order TROS. TABB JEFFRIES Mfg. Pharmacist. 327 N. 2nd S reet, Corner Marsha l. Richmond. Va _ OTHER PEOPLE 1UDGE YOU NOW BY YOUR When you can gel FURNITURE and in' (IS from at) Old Established Hotis« like JURGENS—tha 's known to set the best quality goods, just ns reason aide as elsewhere—why not g ve y>>ur friends a good impression. *t will give us the greatest pleasure to shov you our wonderful stock of homo making, comfort giving FURN1TURF and RUGS and—don’t fail to ask out Salesmen about our BANKING PLAN which gives you 6, JO or 15 mouth*. In which to pay for any purchase ESTABLISHED 1880. ADAMS AND BROAD ONE WEEK’S USE BRINGS MAGIC CHANGE IN SKIN SAYS 1SS NAOMI BEST ; ! Mias Best, 58 Montgomery St., Newark, N. J., in a letter says, “Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener is very won derful. 1 have used it only one week and it has made a great change in my skin”. This is only one of the many ■hundred of voluntary letters re ceived daily, glorifying Dr. Fred , Palmer’s Skin Whitener Prepara . tions. It is simply amazing the way these marvellous beauty prep arations make even the darkest skin lighter, clearer and free from pimples, freckles, oiliness, large, ugly pores and sun tan. Ladies in all walks of life, from , hfaine to California and from the , Great Lakes to the Gulf, are im : proving their beauty, renewing the youthful texture of their skin and ' lightening their complexions with i Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener i Preparations, and there is a special preparation for each need. The Skin Whitener for lightening the complexion; Skin Whitener Soap and Powder for smoothing and beautifying the complexion and Hair Dresser for properly groom ing milady’s tresses. Any complexion, no matter how dark, muddy or oily, Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener Ointment will transform it like magic into a lovely, soft, ivelvety skin—the blotches and tan marks vanish, pimples clear up, the skin becomes clearer and lighter and the exces sive oil which causes “shine” dis appears. Women everywhere are simply wild about Dr. Fred Palmer’s Soap and Powder, for it is delightfully fragrant, clings to the skin nicely and has a soft satiny appearance. Wind does not blow it off, it pre vents oil from forming on the skin and keeps the skin from chapping in all kinds of weather. Dr. Fred Palmer has developed the most marvellous Hair Dressing known to science. It makes the hair straight, soft, long and luxu riant, removes dandruff, keeps the scalp healthy and makes the hair grow. No hair too stiff or crinkly for it to improve. Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener Preparations — four in all — Skin Whitener, Skin Whitener Soap, Skin Whitener Powder and Hair Dressing—may be had from almost any'' toilet goods counter serving race people. Be sure you get the genuine by insisting upon Dr. FRED Palmer’s, and if your dealer cannot supply you, they will be sent direct from, the laboratory upon receipt of price, 25c each, or the four for one dollar. If you want to try before you buy, send 4c in stamps for free samples of Skin Whitener Oint ment, Skin Whitener Face Powder and Skin Whitener Soap address ing Dr. Fred Palmer’s Laboratories, Dept R-l, Atlanta, Ga. Success is not LucK. It’s Perseverance and Personal Appear ance. Have your Clothes Tailored by | J. B. WILLIS, 607 BrooK Ave, Richmond, Va.,| and be Successful. Phone. Madison 4459-J Just add an equal amount of LEWIS linseed oil to a can of STAG Semi-Paste Paint and you have double quantity of the finest, most durable paint made, just the right consiste.ncy, at a saving of one-third the cost. You save money when you use STAG Paint—but you don’t sacrifice quality. $2.50 per Gal. Do your painting early—give it a chance to harden before the hot sun hits it. 1 gallon Stag Semi-Paste Paint, PJus 1 gallon Lewis Pure Linseed Oil, equals 2 gallons Best Paint made for $5.00 INCORPORATED • 1426 E. Main St. Richmond, Va. SUPERIOR QUININE POMADE Superior Hair Dressing and Tonic for Straightening, Beautifying, and Promoting the Growth of the Hair. Relieves Irritated Scalp. Removes Dandruff, giving Rich, Long, Luxurious Hair, Delightfully Perfumed. Ask for the Red, Box. Price 25 Cents Per Box. •A Wonderful Hair Invigorator for the Treatment of Brittle Hair. Superior Quinine Pomad,e Stands Unequalled. Give it a Trial and You Will Like It Distributed by _■ ROBINS SECOND AND MARSHALL STS., RICHMOND, VA. EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER Will Promote a Full Growth of HmI' will also restore the Strength, Vital ity and the Beauty of the Hair. If your Hair is Dry and Wiry try EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER. If you are bothered with Falling Hair Dandruff. Itching Scalp, or Hair Trouble, we want you to try a Jar of EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER. The / remedy contains medical proprieties that go to the roots of the hair, stimulates the skin, helping nature to do its work. Leaves the hair soft and silky. Perfumed with a balm of -> thousand flowers. The best known remedy for Heavv and Beautiful BlaH< Eyebrow, also restores Gray Hair to its Natural Color f'r,r. b* >ised with bot Iron for Straightening PRICE aent by Mail, 50c; 10c Extra for Po^tane AGENTS OUTFIT—1 Hair Grower, 1 Temple Oil, j 1 l Shampoo. 1 Pressing Oil, 1 Face Cream and Direc I tion for Selling, 12.00. 25 cents extra for postage. | ■-1-— S. I>. LYONS, 316 North Central, Oklahoma City. Okl» Kelly Miller’s Authentic History of THE NEGRO IN THE WORLD WAR A Great New War History. } In addition to its containing a j graphic account of the War, includes i many chapters on subjects of vital I interest. Following are a few of the S subjects treated: The Flash that Set I the World Aflame—Why Americans I Entered the War—The Things that Made Men Mad—The Sinking Sub I marine—The Eyes of Battle—War's Strange Devices—Wonderful War Weapons—The World’s Armiefs—The World’s Navies—The Nations at War I —Modern War Methods—Women and the War. A volume of general in formation upon all subjects which have their bearing upon the World Conflict, as well as an authentic ac count of the Great World War. The Book also includes the follow ing subjects: The Horrors and Won ders of Modern Warfare. The Bar barity and Merciless Methods Em ployed to Satisfy the Ambitions of the Kaiser and His Imperial Govern ment. The Ruthless Submarine War fare Waged to Starve England and France Into Submission. The Story of the Hardships and Horrors which the Belgians and French were Com pelled to Suffer. The Billions of Dollars Required to Carry on the Awful Struggle. The Terrible Loss! of Human Lifd and the Desolation of Countries. The Weird and Wonder ful Methods of Warfare. The New. and Strange Devices that have come into being. The great “tanks’', the (“blimps”, the submarine, the gas and poison bombs, and the marvela of' science. Things about which you may never haye heard. Marvelous guns that shot for miles. Feudal and Me dieval weapons that again came into play. The plans of the HohenzollernS' to create a World Empire, which; drew upon them the wrath of Na tions. The Nations Involved. The; Armies and Navies and what they Represented in Men and Equipment. This Great Book tells all about the Negro Everywhere in the World War —How He Did His Duty. In every capacity—from right up in the Front Line Trenches and on the Battlefields—Clear Back to the Work of Keeping the Home Fires Burning: On the Farms: In the Mills and Munition Plants: On the Rail* roads and Steamships: In the Ship Yards and Factories. Men and Wo men with the Red Cross, the Y. M. C. A., Y W. C. A., the War Camp Community Service, the Liberty Loan Drives, etc., etc’ This Volume tells the world how the Negro has won his place and his right to a voice in the affairs of mankind against prejudice, ridicule, race hatred, and almost ineurmount-l able obstacles. Many striking testi monials from the Secretary of War ami Army Officers of high rank and reputation are set forth in no uncer tain terms. The following ringing words of Major General Bell, ad dressed to the famous “Buffaloes”, the 307th Regiment, are typical of , the high regard and respect of Amer lean and Europeun officers for our , colored troops. Every private in this [ regiment and most of the officers I were Negroes. The General said: — ‘"This is the best disciplined and best drilled and best spirited regi ment that has been under my com mand at this cantonment. I predict ed last fall that Colonel Moss would have the best regiment stationed here and you men have made my predic tion come true. I would lead you in | battle against any army in the world with every confidence in the out come” . L THE NEGRO IN THE NAVY. More than fifty pages of the Book 1 devoted to the Achievements of the Negro in the American Nary—Guard ing the Trans-Atlantic Route to France—Battling the Submarine Per il—The Best Sailors in any Navy in the World—Making a Navy in Three Months from Negro Stevedores and Laborers— Wonderful Accomplish ments of Our Negro Yeomen and , Yeowomen. As we have fought for the rights of mankind and for the future peace and security of the world, the people want to be correctly and fully in formed of the facts concerning OUR Heroes—and this is THE Book they are looking for. THE ONLY HISTORY THAT WILL , FULLY SATISFY THE AMERICAN COLORED PEOPLE. This Book appeals to the Colored People. They are eager to buy it. Why—Because it is the only War Book published that thrillingly. graph ically, yet faithfully describes the wonderful part that the Colored Sol dier has taken in the World War and is absolutely fair td the Negro. It relat< 3 to the world how 300,000 Negroes crossed the North Atlantic, < braving .A.Tors of the Submarine Peril, to battle for Democracy. The loyalty and patriotism that characterized the black man’s nature his sublime self-sacrifice, his indis putable bravery, the wisdom of Negro Officers in command of their own troops. A NEW REVISED BOOK WITH PEACE TERMS—750 Pages. Cut out this Couoon and send us $2.98 and . { we will ship you Kelly Miller’s Negro in the World War. - $2.50 i The PLANET. One Year. 2.00 $4.50 ' $4.50 for $2.98. the: planet, I 311 N. 4th St., Richmond. Va. t 'L. J. H A Y D £ N Manufacturer ol Pure Herb Medicines TO RELIEVE ALL DISEASES OR NO CHARGE 220 W. BROAD STREET. RICHMOND. VIRGINIA DO YOU LOVE HEALTH ? If no, call and see L. J. HAYDEN, Manufacturer of Pure Herb Medicine* 220 W^t Broad Street. My medicines v&U relieve you or no charge, no matter what your disease, sickness or affliction may be and restore yo* to perfect health I use nothing bur herbs, roota, barks, gun. balsaams, leaves, seed, berries, flowers and plants in my medicine* They have relieved thousands that have given up to die. MY MEDICINES CURE THE FOLLOWING DISEASES: Heart Disease, Blood, Kidney, Bladder, Piles in any form, Vertigo, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Dyspepsia, Indigestion,./-Constipation, Rheumatism in any form, Paine and Aches of any Kind. Colds, Bronchial Troubles, Skin Diseases, all Itching Sensations, Female Complaints, LaGrippe, Pneumonia, Ulcers, Carbuncles, ' Boils. Cancer in its worst form without use of knife or instrument, Eczema, Pimples on face and body. Diabetes of Kidneys, Bright's Disease of Kidne7S. My medicines relieve any disease, no matter what nature, or your money refunded. Medicines sent anywhere. Forful! .particulars, write, send or call on L. J. HAYDEN, 220 West Broa d Street. Richmond, Va. July 8, 191b. A. perfect core has been effected toy L. J. Hayden’s Pare Herb Medi cines. After watting thirteen years and have nht suffered from the horrible disease, Gravel, I desire to make a statement to L. J. Hayden: Thirteen years ago twelve leading physicians of my city treated me for Kidney trouble and gravel without the desired benefit. These doctors advised me to be operated or., as that was the only chance for me. I was advised to go and get some of L. J. Hayden’s Herb Medloine find try be fore being operated on. I did and in twenty-four hours after using his medicines I passed at least a half dozen gravel, some as big aa a large pea. Since that time I have not suffered with the gravel. I highly recommend L. J. Hayden’s medicine to all suffering humanity. I am, J. A. PAGE. 4 Auburn Ave., Richmond Va. I was cured of a very bad case of Rheumatism by two bottle? of L. J. Hayden’s wonderful Herb Medi cine, after suffering a long time with the dreadful disease. I was unable to move hand or foot, and after I had taken three dose3 of the med icine I was able to get out of mjf bed and walk across the floor, ana on«y two bottles of the medicine has made me a perfectly well man i» every reaped. I cannot give Mr. L J. Hayden too much praise for what he has done for me. I have senf many other suffering ones to him. and they have also gotten cured. Mr daughter was also cured of Rheum* tlsm and Indigestion hy L. J. Hay den’s Herb Medicines at No. 210 W Broad Street, Richmond, Va. ,1 ,-oromand Mr. L. J. Hayden ae on*) of the greatest healers of the sick] on earth. Respectfully, J. D. TAYLOR 2^JL9 E. Grace St., Richmond, Va.l