me flbunt Bn\> anb l£ver>ptbm$
We Print Cards, Envelopes, Writing Paper, Bills,
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Placards, Posters, Minutes, Tags, Books, Pam*
phlets, Folders, Wedding Invitations, Financial
ks, Rule and Figure Work and Newspapers.
We Furnish Estimates and Serve the Public
Promptly. Call and See us when in need of any
work in our line. We canr a large stock and we
are prepared to do all work promptly.
Give us your patronage. We would appreciate it
.— -*
Call us up over phone, Randolph 2213.
Out-of-town Orders Promptly Executed.
Workmanship and Quality Materials Guaranteed.
7 he Richmond Planet, 3H North nt* st
Richmond, Va.