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- «» .. .. W our tinal triumph. UaV 17 IQO^ M ■M"*“ r JOHN MITCHELL. fH * * > V. v* v. • V* H '£? «• v '7'-. T ' 7 7 : ... - .. " " ■ 1 .“““■—■"•■•I^“*■“ . .V OIA. ME XLIIi, |g|. % k • . k: RICHMOND VIRGINIA. SATURDAY. MA^CH 13; . 4; '- PRICE. FIVE CENTS ij- i;j? - ■■■ •?—Li_■ •Afev-.-y •-•. v :: WOULD NOT APOLOGIZE—MEANT NO REFLECTION—PREACHING THE GOSPEL AS HANDED DOWN BY THE SCRIPTURES. Condition Improved—Friends Rally to Assist Him—Taking Nourishments - --— _-. _ ___ ^ 'Hhe Second Baptist Church was the scene of a near tragedy ilast Sunday morning when the able Rev. •Dr. Z. D. Lewis, pas or, arose and stood at tile sacred desk <to make a prelim nary statement relative to the , resolution adopt ed at the last meet* ing of the church. He Is repored to have said that in what he said Upon •tjie occasion of the services he^ an the Sunday morn tug prev ious that he meant no reflection up on the Deacon Board. When U came to apd/og.elng for what he had »aI(V he d<d not know that he would cvt*r do so. OVERCOME WITH EMOTK-N. it was then that lie 'seemed »‘o b* overcome wit^ emotion and he stood mo.iou.eBs. i-T.e w>fet who had watched his condition rushed to aim and he was led to a seat, where he coltapHcd. r>r. M. B Jones, who A/as in the audience adm nistered to him and a hurry Cb| 1 wag sent for a pr Vale ambulance and he was removed to his home at 202 East ljelg’’ street.. He was « eep ng, due be Mdatftvee administered hypoderm ioai* ay he pn.vsic «m. loiter he rallied and was able to swalow. He has rt.nce been able to speak and he haw made efforts to rise from the WILL RECOVER. Providing there is no other stroke, he w'il recover. The cause of the • irouble is due to the physical condi tion of the pastor, incident Ho a previous sfgto&e fwSijcch. ^e buffered many years ago. He has been able to walk, but his left arip has been of little service. He ooulld move He 5e ab^e now to move both of iheae limbs. Certain, deaeons con cfeVed the idea tlhat the church was bein^ retarded by the inability of the pastor tb discharge »t!he lul» du t-iins of his office I THH CAiTSE OF THE AGITATION. , They decided to settle the matter by retiring him upon a pension. The offer was $75.00 per month. They tried 80 convince him <that they were dfesirous of helping him, but he Whs of fhe opinion that cetfUtin mem SVrs of the Deacon Board were per **7 other motives and he op ijfcftfied themJ It was in practical de nciation of t'heir attitude that fhey >k offense and forced, through ths iding of the proceedings of the fteaoon Board tp show that their purpose had been to conserve the riirength yf »Lhe pastor and prolong bln Mia. m RtfWBNTED THE IMPLICATION. The dhurry seemed to have been ftonvncod of this, for when Deacon • John T. Tay or offered the motion that Rerv Dr. Lewis be required to apologise to the Deacon Board iij open services on 8he next Sunday moraine the hTglf spirited, dhrlne ^etfedi the implication pnd corv* trary to a previous report, is quoted as saying that he would never do it. He took the position that in defin ing the duties of <3he deacons in his *ennon, he was simply exercising the authority given by the Scrip lures and for which there could be so apology. He contented hlmsolf with saying thart, he meant no re fa^OB upon the Deacon Board. 1%en tho temporary s*roke came AWAITING HIg WISHES A t Ar the ia^t church meeting 'tfcp diurch evident?/ sympathized wiiih him for soon thereafter a res ohugfcn was unanimously adopted asking bun to report at the next moet’.ug of tiler body Just what he wasted the church to do. As the matter now stands no action in this mater a expected to be taken for some time. III is essentially neces sary that^ the pastor enjoy repose for die time being and. further agita » on of this matter woul<i be regard ed as se^ously endangering his ife and all part'jes disclaim any other attitude than •‘hat to help him and to benefit niie Second Baptist Church MUX’S DAY AT THIRD STREET BETHEL A. M.; K. CHURCH Sunday, March 14th is Men’s Day a Third Street. The pubic is in vi **(I to the fo-lowing: At 11 A M Rev. James S- Ha’cher will del.Ver on ’ SamuoV. the Model Statesman and Parental Failure.” This mes sage promises to be rich in hisior ical, insp rational and spiritual val ues. At 3:30 P, ML Jtabbi A. S- Ans p;i*cher, acting rabbi of the Be’li Aliaiba Synagogue wijl deliver th« address, the “Psychology of Negroes Progress.” This message coming from a man whose national higtory is so analogous with ours ought to bo helpful indeed. Special music Bethel Choir, Bethel Male Chorus, and Bethel Mixed Quartette will sing. At 8 P. M “An Inspirational Song Service” wM be conducted by Dr. Hatcher. RevL Hartcher, who ig him self a writer of music, hymns as well as a trained singed, is well quailed to giv© the history, mean ing and interpretation of many of our popular and cflaaaic hymns. Come bring your song book and partlcl | pate in this unique service . _ ‘ ! 1 im. W ALK Kit AT FIFTH STREET i Rev. ft, H. Walkyr, the Converted . OainMei<. will defljver a special mes sage, at the True Reformers Hall, ! Sunday. Marcjt 21, 3:30 P M., at the Sunday School Equipment Rally of the F1P h Street Baptist Sunday School. Mr. .fame* Walls, Superin tendent. The public Is invitedJ Mrs Bertha B. Alexander In com *e,,v wli»> her *on Herber R. and her daughter) Mrs Carrie HewVt. are In the city, having Just hurled her husband in Washington, D. C., W'- Come’ us Alexander formerly of t his nitv, who died In Detroit. March 3. 1926. M'*\. Joseph ne E Be'ford and pHarr j, Payne, of Detroit, Mlnh formerly ' he Davis girls of th e c'ty. are here *wjth thetr MHfer, Mrs. j Bep ha B» Afexander on account of the death of ►heir brofheif ln*law. Vr Corneous Alexander, They are Mtopplnlff at BUtmore Hofei, I I i Lucinda Price who was trans ! ferred from the Richmond city Jail to the Per* smoufb ja"il was brought i back to this city Friday. March 6th and will spend the remaining fifteen months of her seifence if* the Jail here. She Is the picture of health and 's well pleased With the transfer 1ST ABANDON IDEA OF WHITE SUPREMACY WHITES MUST FRANKLY ADMIT ‘UAICKKR RACES TO WORM) EQ.UAIjITY Off ELSE. i • _ Member of British Parliament Says AH Men Equal I’HTTOI^ONDKKANOE of numhers HOUND TO WIN FOR THE DARKER RAISES Tlie National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 69 Fifth Avenue, has received, from England clippings of an article pub fished tn EnglUdi newspaper* by the 18 ght Honorable Philip Snowden Member of Parliament, challenging •world domination by white people, and asserting the idea of white supremacy is having to be abandon ed. He writes in part:. “The old idea of the right of a people with a higher, divllizatflon and with a.more advanced economic development to dominate the rest of tthe world will have to ^ be frankly abandoned, it is be;ng abandoned. The constitution of the League of Nations is an outstanding instance of that fact. Regardless of color, race and size. nations are admit ted to the T/eague on terms ,of equality. •‘If it were sought!, to maintain the domination of the wh'te races over the colored by force the effort [ would be bound to fail in the long i run It is just a question of num ; bertf. It is. for instance. seldom realized that six out of every seven people in the British Empire are co’ ored. ‘•If the principle of 'numbers’ or ‘counting heads’ is accepted as the form of government, then there is no escaping from /the fact, unpa'at 11»Me as it may be to -he whfte races Chait in lnternatV>nal government he fn’uro of the world rests w«th the colored, races." Mr. Snowden asserts t£hat the out come of the read jus* ment depends on the attitude taken bv the wh'-e races, that there need not be viol ence and an array of white against colored, if due respect is given to the aspirations and opportunities of a** peoples. •'Thiil gdave problem/' concludes Mr. Snowden, “with ifls possible men ace w II be solved, if It be reeog nized that 'all men are equal born’; and -hat, just as Lincoln said that no man was ever good enough to govern another without his consent, so no race has the right to condemn anther race to a portion of per manent inferiority." RSV. j. W DUDLEY, D. D At Sharon baptist Church Sunday. March 14th at 8:i5 P. M Text, LuKe iO: 23-24. Subject, ‘Prayer Meeting in Hell.” ID STUDENTS HONOR PROF. BUCKWELL .1 H. BLACKWELL. PH, D. SUR PRISED BV THE MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI. CLASSES 1#91—1910. The members of the Manchester Public HlKh Seiiool- •Allumni, under the leadership • of Mrs. Cora W. Wymler met a«‘<fhe home of Dr. J. H. BSackSfreTfl. ’Jr.. 21V East 18th PROF. J H. BLACKWULb Street. Friday night, February 26 1926 ift honor of the birthday cele bration of Prof. J. IT. Blackwell, Ph I>. The affair being a surprise to Prof. Blackwefli. he was lured to the home under pretext of meeting some of his son’s friend/* whom he had invited for an evening of pleas ure. j On his arrival to the home by previous Arrangement Messrs. John K. Cogblll, Charles H. Robinson, Charles H. Greene and Leicester PVasanfp, some of Ms early grad uates, rurfhed to t!he car, an<| as soon as he alighted seized hsm au<| ea cortefV him into i&e house* while ^resdames Kate Holmes* Susie H. Robinson and Miss Martha A. Fowlkes, other graduate** escorted Mrs, BlackwekJ. As they entered the hair the guer. stood and sang, "Auld, Lang Syne" as they were escorted down the halil through the drawing room into the parlor; at the conclusion of which Hr. W. L. Ransome offered prayer 1 The guest then sang, "Pratee Him, Jehus Our Blessed Redeemer,” Afl i being seated Miss Paul/ne W, Wyn der deftly ^ aye^ a march air to which Master Anthony Binga,’ in royal page attire marched in beard ing on a silver platter a large and beautiful bl’Whday cake, lighted by , forty candle's. Mrs. Etna Moon Brown, of Peters burg, had bean saT.ecte^ t© make the i Presentation. She was sick in bed, | fhift' sent her oddgeJis and, it was : reafj by her classmaf’e. Mies Mary E. (Continued on page 4* Mrs. Harriet E. Thompson, who lias been -Indisposed Is much 1m proved Armstrong will, be present en maser to cheer ire oonteffant fo victory, at the Irf’orscholastic High School Ora'oifeal ’Contest? a» VtL U U March 26th. at 8:15 p. M. \ v I Mr-i Nathaniel Roy is out again after a prolonged illness 1 Mr John B. BHCey, who under , went a serioun operation at the ho* | Pita], is hack again at his home ookng much improved. I On not being given charge of tho l»o<ly of one of its members, a deld gation from Capital C'.ty Lodge. No. II returned to the lodge’s home on last Monday afternoon. Col Q F. Knickerbocker and Yr. Frank A. T^wfs, of Washington. T>, C. were In the city this week Trtrerscholasilc Oratorical Contest at Va V. TT . March 26th. at 8:15 P. M. ' . Elks Leave Remains of Member » * j They Declare Order Was Not Recognized Peculiar Situation*••Family /,>/«» ders Decision***The Funeral Director Obeys Orders. -q THIRD STATE HIGH SOHOOIi ORATOR] *AIi CONTEST SOON I Tiw th rd innuai /jiter scholastic : High Schoo Orator cal Contes* tor the J. Raymond Henderson Trophy .UK! cash pi* zea win be held in tho chape! of Virginia Union University on Friday. March 26, 1926 at 8:15 P. M. This contest, which e con ducted annual y by the University, was founded in 1924 by Mr J, Ray mond Hender<-on. .farmer/ orator and debater of Virginia Union University. Annual cash prizes are awarded and the J. Raymond Hen derson Silver Cup is award.ed to tho .schoo’ of the winner of first place. Contestants for th,:-s year’s prizes of $25t $15. and $10 will represent Armstrong High School Richmond; ’Hartshorn Aotulemfc Department; Way and Academy of Virginia Union University; 9\ Paul N. and I. t.. LawrencevJHe; and a fifth repreSen tat We of Tidewater Virginia. ! All are urged *0 secure tickets at 25 and 25 cents, and attend in or der to cheer 'their respective schools t o victory I i -0^ > ^ BAR ASSOCIATION TO MEET. 1 A special meeting of The (Td Do minion Rar Association. will be hold, a* ,hp Firs* Calvary Bapt’st Church. Norfolk. VTglnia on Monday, March 22nd. at 4 and 8 P.. M o’clock. Op flcedB an(j members are urged to attend as matters of grave impor1 ance are to be discussed. HENRtY D. DOLPHIN. President »’•’» TON NOTES Ttev. C. R. Jefferson preached f t Mt. Calvary Rap'is>: Church last Rundav morning At 2:20 Commuu •on services were conducted by our pastor, assisted J>v Re* r T. Mayo. Monday and Tuesday evenings onr ' ear s burned wi'hin us wh*’e we 1 -'stoned to the gospel of Mm Ron of Cod preached l*v Dr. R. H Wa'ker Tho services were in diargo of Rjv. r B Jefferson dur’ng »h-» absence of the pnifor, who left Von-1 tv #or Vrw Jersey. During the two weeks revive1 ••e~nna:*n at! Calvary which was eoiidneted by Rer C T Rrenp. of Dtechingron. D. C.' more th^n fifty '■o*’fpRs|onp. were made Dr R H. Walker wMl nreaeh at ’ o V Calvary Baptist Church fo , t?'"row. 11:20 A. M. We take preol nleasure In tet'log •«, m|ti»> know that »he O’d Do ter. C*v>u ine nnd Pressing Works are yet iIMve. Oood work renaonnb’e price:*. Work railed for and dtf'vered 414 Louisiana ‘Tree; Phe~* Randonh 5198-.T Mr .funius Moseley. Prop. I - - The funeral of Joseph Hanrison t arrar '.ook place last Monday af •ernoon ;it the Ebenezer Baptist liiirch, with Funeral Director A. D Price, Jr. ofTcia'ing. The services "ere impressive. Rev W. H. Stokes I’li. I), delivered the eulogy. The .'Rsket was a handsome si'ver ! ronzed s'ate. The Richmond' Atli It'S o and Social Club was out. Before proceeding to the house it seems ‘hat Exalted Ruler George L. Branch of Capital City Bodge. No. ; 1 had « conference with the tanily. He iiad a delegation pres ent at the house and he found out that all t\he palh-bearers had been previously selected, leaving no place for the members of Capi‘al City Bodge. No. 11. of which lodge young Farrar was a memlier. his brother aflaw being Granc^ Exalted Ruler of the Bike. THE WISHES OF THE FAMILY Hpon fun her enquiTy he was in formed that what had been done "'n‘' in accordance with the wishes of 'he family. Some of the members of the lpdge were in favor orjtro ceeding to the cemetery, bufVtbe majority ruled 'that the proper pro redure was to leave the rroceiflon at the Ebenezer Baptist Church* in ns much as the lodge was not-ac corded, represeiYation and given charge of the body. This was done ;md no funeral ceremony over tjieir departed brother was performed at -he grave in Evergreen CemetcTy. Mrs. J Finley Wilrton was present to attend the funera1 of her brother I* was a forwards explained that the m'sunders'anding was due to hav ing previous^ ;nvited certain friends to a on as paH (bearer*: Richmond AthleMc and Social Club lenders re gretted tho affair. In Mnnmrlniii. MINOR— In loving remembrance of our dear brother and nnc’e, Charles Minor, who departed tbf«, life one year afo, March 11. 192R 192f>: lust, a line of sweet r'memhrnrr'* Just a memory fond and true -Ttuf a token of love and devotion That our hoar's stT think o' -ron. The trrfden eaten were open. A gon"e voice sold come. And wit* farewell unspoken. Ne ca’mlv entered home. Slater CORA S. CHILES. Niece. ARLETTE S .TONER