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► ! ► ; IRoanoke Items ? » * ► i; : .1: :- ■ ! , ■ i mm mu*. Rev. W. R. Howerton, D. D.. de livered an able sermon at Mt. Zion A. M. E. Church last Sunday morn ing. Rev. Smith, pastor of the A. M. E. Church, at Cave Springs, preach ed at 8 o’clock for Rev. W. R. Howerton and his congregation. It was a fine, helpful discourse. Mr. Junius Colvin is imoroving Mrs. Rosa B. Moore took an auto mobile trip to Durm, S. C., visiting her daughter, Linnie Blanton. Rev. W. M. Moore is celebrating his second anniversary at Hot SpringB, Va., Baptist Church. Mrs. Bessie Reynolds, of Wythe - ville, Va., who has been in Roanoke during the past three weeks on ac count of the illness of Junius Col vins, will leave for home. Mrs. Dungee is much improved. Mrs. Thompson is the mother of a fine baby girl, born May 16th. Mr. Thomas Jones is much im proved. Don’t forget Madison Stanfield, the Planet agent. You can pay monthly. Have it sent to your door. Be prompt, so he can be prompt with the publisher. Mrs. Josephine McGinsky is ill again from a relapse. CHICAGO, ILL. The Alumni Association of the Virginia Normal and Industrial In stitute (V. N. & I. I.) of Petersburg, Va., of which M. T. Bailey, 3638 S. State Street, has served as president for the past twenty-two years, has been called to meet in its regular biennial meeting June 10th and 11th at Petersburg, Va. The association is composed of more than 2,000 members, who cover the entire United States. At the close of the Alumni meeting, this body will at tend the commencement exercises of the school and witness the pre sentation of diplomas to the grad uating classes by the president, Dr. John M. Gandy. J. C. Martin, exalted ruler of Ft. Dearborn Lodge, No. 44, Elks, ac companied by Col. John R. Mar shall and Wm. Boyd, past exalted rulers, has just returned, ifrom a flying automobile trip to Cleveland, Ohio, as forerunners for Ft. Dear born Lodge and Marching Club, which will attend the grand lodge session in that city next August. The various lodges and temples of U. B. F. & S. M. T. are preparing for their annual sermon at Institu tional Church Sunday afternoon, May 23rd. J. B. Street, worthy master of North Star Lodge, is gen eral chairman. C. T. Hume, well known State Street printer, has returned from Texas, where he spent several weeks on account of severe illness of rela tives. Great Lakes, Lodge No. 43, and Ft. Dearborn Lodge, No. 44, Elks, together with the Sister Temples, will hold their annual sermon Sun-, day afternoon, May 16th, at Ehenezer Baptist Church 4 5th Street and Vincennes Ave. Mrs. Georgia E. Harding, State Grand Princess of S. M. T., Illinois and jurisdiction, is completing her annual visits to the temples in Southern Illinois, returning in time for the annual sermon, May 23rd. The 9th annual session of the Union Baptist Association, of which Rev. J. W. Coleman is moderator, will be held with the Lily Dale First Baptist Church, 9537 Perry Avenue, from May 19th to May 23rd. Mrs. Mamie Holderof, New York City, is in the city as the house guest of her friend, Mrs. Edyth Hop kins, 4133 Indiana Avenue, and will spend about two months visiting old acquaintances. ! REV, FISHER 8PKAK8 SUNDAY. I Professor M M. FlshdT*. the welt I known minister, of the Virginia Un lion University, will deliver an interf estlng sermon Sunday evening, May 23 at 8:15 o’clock at the Fourth Baptist Church, Churchill. His subject will be “Stirring the Eagles Neat.” All are cordially in vited to attends I -— MR. CARTER SPEAKS TRIBUTE TO THE N. A. A. C. P. To the Editor of the Planet: Dear Sir,—Your very timely com ment on the indispensable service rendered the race by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is praiseworthy and highly deserving of that paramount organization. For it is to the great efforts of “this truly remarkable aggregat on of colored folks” that Doctor Sweet of Detroit Mich, owes much for the freedom he now en joys. In such cas&s race prejudice is paramount to justice and law. It is therefore evident that Doctor Sweet and others with him in the case were facing long terms in prison if this remarkable aggregation of colored folks as referred to in your editorial comment had not come to their as-| sistance. Thus instead of much talk this great organization is showing the world what it can do, what it has done and what it is now doing In thinking of this great organiza tion’s achievement and t)he in dispensable service it has rendered the race, making more secure their social condition the writer is remind ed of your praiseworthy labors to save the lives of Solomon Marable, Pokey Barnes -and Mary Abernathy, 28 years ago. All three of these' poor colored people would have been hung if the editor of the Planet had not gone to their assistance. It was1 therefore, through his timely en deavors that two of the three were saved and given their freedom, while the force of evidence and adverse sentiment hung the third. These timely endeavors by the educated and the cultured of our leaders for our social betterment is in the writer’s judgment far better than the phantom ships of the Vaunted Black Star line which has not as yet materialized before the eyes of the “four hundred million negroes of the world ” It is not clear to the writer just where they get this vast number, but such talk . will not free Africa of Anglo1 Saxon rulo Tuo white man is in Africa and as the years go by j,e seems to root himself deeper and deeper in the African soil. If then, the negro would go there for a permanent resi dence he would have the same kind of haughty prejudice to fight there as he is now fighting here. There fore in view of this fact, the great organization at 69 Fifth Avenue,' New York, is of a greater service1 to the race than any other social flfftrregation r.ow in existence. For our concern and advancement and mater al development is here, not in Africa. ROBERT W. CARTER. J May 15th, Broqftylinq, -Mass. i - ■ ■ " T—" 1 ^ 666 to a prescrlptioa for lolds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue bilious Fever and Malaria It Kiils the Germs. Wo will iwnd yon The Plane*, cud The Richmond. Va. News Leader for 16c per week in tftito city. Leave your orders s' The Planet Offioe 4^4^^^4444hM 4i'i’i pet ymPFyiimi'ikm Checker Cob Low Rates' and Prompt Service i » j £2^WHEN you want service RADI Y* YOU WANT IT AT ONCE! I THE CHECKER CAB SERVICE with its Polite Colored Chauffeurs is only equalled by the superb YeWow Cab Service with White Chauffeurs. CALL RANDOLPH 456 and, Surprise Yourself ou Finding Out Just How ' Prompt They Are. THE LOW CAB RATE can be Made Even Lower by the of the Service. You Can Do This by In creasing the Patronage of the Line. Regular Stand, Second Street Near Leigh Street. Checker Cab Randolph 456 MM* ^ ^ ft i* / ’ g "*■! t —4 g -g. r .-t - —t«—t — *P1 uKcr Wins Again *'I was terribly discouraged about my hair when I started using Im proved Pluko Hair Dressing," says Miss Luella Wells. “But I had CKjr>W only been using this preparation a few days until my hair became DINUW smoother and glossier. This encouraged me so much, I kept right on y using it and now I have an abundance of long, straight hair which I can arrange in any manner I wish.” Improved Pluko Hair Dressing is fairly taking the country by storm as more and more men and women, like Miss Wells, are finding how easy and pleasant it is to use this delicately fragranced preparation Which melts at the temperature of the scalp; soothing the itching of dandruff and quickly doing away with this trouble; making the hair soft, and glossy and easily arranged; and stimulating its growth, so it soon becomes long, straight and abundant. If your dealer doesn’t have Pluko, send us his name along with &0c /w If you want the Snow White Pluko or 2Sc if you want the Amber 1 iflC r'lURO 1.0 •fed we will tend it to you through him and thus save you postage. % J | :> I •» Corley's is thc/Homc of the Best in Mwfc I EVERYBODY’S MUSIC STORE. I There's everything you could possibly want in the realm of music at CORLEY'S* from a 25c Mouth Organ to the * marvelous Stein way Duo-Art Reproducing Piano, And whatever your purchase* the Corley reputation for fair dealing always protects you. Easy terms gladly arranged. wummconmm 213. East Broad 214 East Grace RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Ill; independent Order Good Sa*| iimaritans and Daughters of j Samaria, The Old Reliable. Twenty •fifth Anniversary of j 11 the Endowment Department. LooK and See What Has f Happened Since 1901. ;6 THIS DEPARTMENT WAS STARTED IN 1901, WITH NO > MONEY AND FEW MEMBERS— NOW IS ONE OF THE ** > LARGEST AND STRONGEST ORGANIZATIONS IN THE 1 < STATE. UP TO APRIL 1925, W® HAVE WRITTEN 29,282 ' ; POLICIES. COLLECTED FOR THIS DEPARTMENT * ALONE $34 9,903.30 PAID 3,054 DEATH CLAIMS * % AMOUNTING TO $272,105! 86. HAVE ISSUED 4,245 JUVE- 8 ® NILE CHARITY FUND CERTIFICATES. % ' iWliat we have done and are doing for others! we can do for K youi JOIN NOW, one of the Subordinate Lodges which we have S throughout the State of Virginia. Joining. Fee not les3 than $2.00, 8 and as much more as the lodge deHde« Sick Benefits of $2.00 to 8 *4 00 weekly. Death Benefits of $100.00. g A DRIVE IS NOW ON FOR 2000 NEW MEMBERS. $150 00 TO BE 1 GIVEN AWAY IN THE, CAMPAIGN ENDING MAY 25, 1926. I HOM1EI OFFICE. N. W Corj 6th and Duval Sts, Richmond Va GEO. R DUKE Grand Chief, EDWARD THROP, Grand Treasurer. 8 610 Market St . Norfolk. Va, 956 Hansom Ave , Norfolk, Va. 8 J. W. THOMPSON, Secretary-Manager, Richmond, Va. '*1 “OH, HOW MUCH GOOD IT DID MY FACE!” —and then Miss Beatrice B lakes, of Advance, Mo., says further, “I have tried many things, but there is none can beat Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener Prepwfctions.” Every day, more and more ladies are learning of the wonderful mer its of Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener*. Preparations for taking care of the complexion and hair. Once they use them, they wonder how they ever got along without them before, and invariably pro nounce them the most wonderful of all toilet preparations for race people. Ladies in all walks of life, from Maine to California and from the Great Lakes to the Gutf, are im proving their beauty, renewing the youthful texture of their skin and lightening their complexions with Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener Preparations, and there is a special preparation for each need. The Skin Whitener for lightening the complexion; Skin Whitener Soap and Powder for smoothing and beautifying the complexion and Hair Dresser for properly groom ing milady's tresses. Any complexion, no matter how dark, muddy or oily, Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener Ointment will transform it like magic into a lovely, soft, velvety skin—the blotches and tan marks vanish, pimples clear up, the skin becomes clearer and lighter and the exces sive oil which causes “shine” dis appears. Women everywhere are simply wild about Dr. Fred Palmer’s Soap and Powder, for it is delightfully fragrant, clings to the skin nicely and has a soft satiny appearance. Wind docs not blow it off. it pre vents oil from forming on the skin and keeps the skin from chapping in all kinds of weather. Dr. Fred Palmer has developed the most marvellous Hair‘*t)ressing known to science. It makes the hair straight, soft, long and luxu riant, removes dandruff, keeps the scalp healthy and makes the hair ?;row. No hair too stiff or crinkly K or it to improve. Dr. Fred Palmer's Skin Whitencr * Preparations — four in all — Skin Whitencr, Skin Whitencr Soap, ’• Skin Whitencr Powder and Hair ’ Dressing—may be had from almost * any toilet goods counter serving race people. Be sure you get the genuine by insisting upon Dr. FRED Palmer’s, and if your dealer cannot supply you, they will be sent direct from the laboratory upon receipt of price. 25c each, or the four for one dollar. If you want to try before you buy, send 4c in stamps for tree samples of Skin Whitencr Oint- . ment, Skin Whitencr Face Powder and Skin Whitener Soap, address ing Dr. Fred Palmer.’s Laboratories, Dept. R-4, Atlanta, Ga. ■ I _ __ They Stick to Board Through. Fire i p —i ii 111 "Where’s the fire?” came hundreds of calls through the Ashland, Wls„ telephone exchange one day recently. ’’Right here,” was the best answer (that ’’Central” could give. And that’s where the Are was, In a store below jthe exchange. The girls stuck to the board throughout the thrae hours Jvhile the A remen were Aghting the flames. The girls are Mias Annm L<ewAndow*ki (left) and Anna Lutke. I\aiiy Miiler’a Authentic history o/ The Negro In the World n nr A Great New War History. I« addition to lu containing a> graphic account of the War, includes ntaojr chapters oa subjects of vital la to rest. Following are a few of the eubjects treated: The Flash that Set the World Adame—Why Americans Entered the War—The Things that Made Men Mad—The Slaking Sub marine—The Eyes of Battle—War s Strange Devices—Wonderful War Weapons—'Tbe World's Armies—The World’s Navies—The Nations at War —Modern War Methods—Women and tbe Wttr. A volume of general in tormatlou upon all subjects which hnvfc their bearing upon the World Conflict, as well as an authentic ao count ot the Great World War. • The Book also Includes the follow ing subjects: The Horrors and Won aers of Modern Warfare. The Bar barity and Merciless Methods Em ployed to Satisfy the Ambitions of the Kaiser and His Imperial Govern ment. The Ruthless Submarine War fare Waged to Starve England and France Into Submission. The 8tory of the Hardships and Horrors which the Belgians and French were Com pelled to Suffer. The Billions of Dollars Required to Carry on tbs Awful Struggle. The Terrible Loss of Human Life and the Desolation of Countries The Weird and Wonder ful Methods of Warfare. The New and Strange Devices that have come into being. The great "tanks”, the ’’blimps’, the submarine, th« gas and poison bombs, and the marvels of science Things about which you may never have heard. Marvelous guns that shot for miles. Feudal and Me dieval weapons that again came into play. The plena of the Hohenzollerns to create a World Emplry, which drew upon them the wrath of Na tions, The Nations Involved. The Armies and Navies and what they Represented In Men and Equipment, i This Great Book tells all about the Negro Everywhere In the World War' —How He Did His Duty. In every capacity—from right up In the Front Line Trenches and on I the Battlefields—Clear Back to the Work of Keeping the Home Fires! Burning: On the Farms: In the Mills! and Munition Plants: On the Rail-! roads and Steamships: In the Ship Yards and Factories. Men and Wo men with the Red Cross, fhe Y. M. C. A., Y W. C. A., the War Camp Community Service, the Liberty Loan Drives, etc., etc’ | This Volume tells the world how the Negro has won his place and bis right to a voice In the affairs of mankind against prejudice, ridicule, race hatred, and a’most Insurmount able obstacles Mnnv striking test! monials from the Secretary of War and Army Officer* ef high rank »*d reputation are set forth ia no ancer tain terms. The following ringing words of Major General Bell, ad dressed to the famous “Buffaloce*' fh« hi6lth R,4*l“*at’ typical or the high regard and respect of Amer lean and European officers for our colored troops. Every private In this regiment and most of the officers were Negroes. The General said:_ ’This is the best disciplined and best drilled and best spirited regi ment that has been under my com mand at this, cantonment. I predict ed last fall that Colonel Moss would have the best regiment stationed her* and you men have mads my predic tion come true. I would lead you 1* buttle against any army In the world wiib every confidence In the out come” . THe NEGRO IN THE NAVY. More thun fifty pages of the Book devoted to the Achievements of tho r^egro in the American Navy—Guard Ing the Trans-Atlantic Roots to France—Battling the Submarine Fsr 11—The Best 8«llors4n any Navy In, the World—Making a Navy fn Three Months from Negro 8tev*dore* laborers— Wonderful Accomplish- ! ments of Our Negro Yeomen and Yeowomen. As we have fought for the right* of mankind and for the future peaco »nd security of the world, the people want to be correctly and fully 1* formed of the facts concerning OUR Heroes—nnd this Is THE Book they are looking for THE ONLY HISTORY THAT WILL. FULLY SATISFY THE AMERICAN COLORED PEOPLE This Book appeals to the Colored People. They are eager to buy It. Why—Because It Is the only War Book published that thrllllngly, graph •cally. yet faithfully describes the wonderful part that the Colored Sol dier has taken In the World War and Is absolutely fair to the Negro. It relat i to the world how 300,000 Negroes crossed the North Atlantic, braving "is _* rors of the Submarine Peril, to battle for Democracy. The loyalty and patriotism that characterized the black man’s nature his sublime self-sacrifice, his lnd's« pufnh’e bravery, the wisdom of Negro Officers In command of their own troops A NEW REVISED BOOK WITH PEACE TERMS—750 Pages. 7 Cutou* this C i'jo ja anri send us $2 98 and Yi,U,.s,K,p you ^ i!1V Miller’s Negro in the World Wer, . . . 32 50 The PL ^N LI. O Year. 2.00 ___ \ $4.50 lor $2 03. $4.50 I. Tit PLANET. 311 N 4 ti St.. RbhmoniiVi. L. J. ti A JK U £z i% Manuiaauru ul rurt Herb Medicine* to relieve all Diseases or no chard 2 24 W. bioaa bt., Kicunond, Va. DO KOI LOVfc ULALTH? If po. «-u I mid e i/ •.! H.-u DEN. Muiniiac. urer of Pur© Herb Medicine^ 224 W6st Broad Street.. My medicines vvi.l relieve you or no charge, no matter what vutii lii^i'.i.-ie s.ckn^ss or affliction may be and restore yu%. to perfect heal n I - se u •thing but herbs, roo.j, barks, gun balsaams, leaves, seed ben •<•:,. tlnweis mid plants in my rnedici^AP They have relieved thnnsrm u- i , h -v,. k»1 ven up rr> die MY MEDICINES CKF THE FOLLOWING DISEASES: Heart Disease. Blood, Kidney. Bladder. Pi es in any form, Vertigo, Quinsy. Sore Throat, Dyspepsm. Indices!r.»n Constipation. Rheumatism tn any form, Pain» and Aches of any Kind. Coio* Hroncmai Troubles. Skin Diseases. a11 Itching Sensations Fema'e Complaints, LaGrlppe. Pneumonia, Ulcers, Carbuncles, Boils. Cancer 'n Us wor-t term without use of knife 0r instrument, Eczema, Pimp’es on fnc? end l ody. Diabetes of Kidneys. Bright’s Disease of Kidneys. My medicines relieve any disease, no matter what nature, or your money refunded. Medicines sent anywhere. Forfull particulars, write, send or cal) on L. J. HAYDEN, 224 West Hroa d Street. , ? jgi® Richmond,, Va.. July 8, 1915. . A perfect cure lias been effected by L». J. Hayden’s Pure Herb Medi- ! clnes After waitinp thirteen years and have not suffered from the horrib!e disease, Grave!, 1 desire to make a statement to D. J. Hayden: Thirteen yearg ago (we've leading physicians of my city treated me for Kidney troub'e and grave', without ,, t,iH>r»*C hotlOlM I i'<1/'ClOr*‘ iv ^«-ii hi.- i" i>i iip0-*' •! f>‘ n tbs' »•*!* «h»- nun .•hiifiec for m** / • wa*> ,n K.n hi go *n<1 get sum** of l. • ; . <*.rr Mf-ficle- 4U0 *ry he r*> t.»-i-i y oper»re«i or * did aO. .„j u, iw^niv four hours after using . ,r, ..#• i. • ! oiis<a< d h1 <ea*t a , f dorei grove some as big a« o MMh «*...•» fn»t rime 1 have . miftMfMO Vigf. ’he fcravel 1 . f. -M * '. f Havden's med cine to all suffering human ty. 1 am, J- A. PAGE, 4 Auburn Ave., Richmond, Va IMPROVEMENT NOTED AT ONCE Mr. L. J. Hayden. •2 4 West Hroad Street. ' chmond, Va I received your treatment O. K., •r>d T have s'nrted to taking It l’ready for a few days, and It has ready hegun to mprove my all n»*nt so I am Rending to you for one nore bottle of medicine for the • ood. T hove ppoken to many of my ’-lend,a and they nay they are going o send for n treatment. I think It s a great remedy. I do not suffer vith my pains aa I used to and my »ppo‘lte *8 Juat fine and I sleep much hotter every night and fael fine every morning. Yours truly, EDWARD BRYANT, Douglas, Ar zona. Camp Harry J. Jones, Co. D, 25th Infantry. FOUND GREAT RJ5LIEF. Power, W. Va., Feb. 9, 1925. L. J. Hayden, 22 1 West Broad Street, i'tchmond, Vn. Dear Sir: I received, your medi cine and I must say that it hag done me ho much good and it makes me iee ™ch better. I am writing >ou o p'easo send me some more as you sa d in your letter that it won (j take more tbnn one treatment Yours truly, Twei,l«Ve a P(‘rson of h,s trouble. i harking you, I am, 22 4 West Broad Streot, Yours truly, MRS MARY GROCE, Power, W. Va MORE WANTED. Dauberville, pa., March 25, 1926 Mr. L. J. Hayden. 221 West Broad Street Richmond, Va. Dear Sir; Please send me your Blood Purifier and Stomach Remedy. I got some a few years ago wh eh I found to be so very good for Indi gestion. So find enclosed money order for 62.65. Please try to send the medicine as soon as possible as I am In need of If. Yours truly, MRS. fJWARLBS BBLTNO. OunbersrHle, Pa.,