Newspaper Page Text
.w-i'ta. ■wr 1'HE RICHMOND PLANET. RICHMOND. VTRQINIA **•' -- 1 ^ggg— -I -"J-Ul ■— Ji J—i-- i — nn i SHSWH Uirls Earn Way Through College By Means of Cooking Knowledge CHICAGO—Is the time honored custom of young men and women working their way through college ‘ on the ebb? L)o students attend the great uni 1 versities for fun or for an educa tion ? 1 he answer to both questions is found in the results of an analysis of student employment recently made at the University of Chicago. The survey showed that DO per cent of the undergraduate popula tion of the jniversity are holding eiguty-five different kinds of jobs in Chicago. i. harter a taxicab and you may give vour fare to a collvge boy. Rine up an agency for a watch W? ® DEATHS REPORTED ® & & & ^ The following is a Ibjt of deaths (colored) reported lo the Kichmoud Bureau of Health from Juue 8, 1920 to Juue 21. 1328, with the date oi death: June 4—< Elian Carter, 4 days old, 13 E. Duval St. • June 7— •Cnarles Campbell, 23; 202 Mid lothian Pike, Annie 12. Kogers, 58; 007 NV 29tli. June 8— Emma Brown, 47; 105 E. 16th St. Maria itobinson, 43; 1406 N. 27th. .June 9— Anna Funn, 57; 114 E. Duval St, Robert Holmes, 6o; 809 St. Peter. Isabelle Harris, 28; 2901 M St.. • June 10— Thelma Marguerite Jenkins, IS; 522 N. 8th St, Corine Bullock.. 6; 1711 Downes St June 11_ Sallie Green, 51; 616 N. 7th St. Fannie Coleman, 44; 818 N. 3rd. .June 12_* Roderick Summerville, 70; City Home. Jacob Peterson, 50; 1311 E. Leigh. Effie Payne, 36; Burgess Store, Va William Fauntleroy, 74; 1316 Boy<J Bettie Payne, 58; City Home. June 13_ Sadie Clark, 35; 14 Children’s Alley Wm, H. Haynes, 33; 1318 N. 2 4th Jessie Williams, 94; 2414 Short P William Walker, 60; City Home. June 14_ Floyd McKinley West, 1 year; 904 Hickory SL Moses Kenley, 1 mo.; Midlothian, Va, George L. Morris, 30; 1305 W. IL ' man. a "shadow worker" or a ra dio repair man and a student ut the university is likely to report for duty. Tne man who collect?< your rent or the barber who shaves you may be an “undergrad.” Co-eds are clerking and book selling their way through school as well. They work part time as. stenographers, typists, and book keepers. You will find home eco nomics students in the laboratories of the food associations, aiding ex perts in working out economical recipes with double-rich evaporat ed milk, or doing research on some other form of food. They are em plojed as cooks, nurses, beauty parlor assistants, and shop girls.' Leigh St. Preston ltobinson.. 64; 108 W. Duval St. Mary S. Mason, 39; 1303. N. 1st June 16_ Mabel Knox, 19; 1111 W. Ciay. J John William Jackson, 70'; 1200 Moore St. Hannan Jones, 32; 121 Midlothian Pike. Erneet J. Cooke, Jr., 2 days; 1203 W. Leigh St. Elvner Henderson, 8; 710 E Bates Ben Waddy, 53; 416 Catherine. June 16_ I Junius Bolden, 62; City Home. June 17_ Anna B. Watkins, 74; 904 Statei. Lula Powell, 22; 2220 1-2 E. Main June 18_ James Doug ass, 40; 904 1-2 N 7th Oscar Thomas, 6 months; 519 St James St. Sam J. Weaver, 61; 1219 St. James St. . Spencer Coleman, 65; 1502 Deca tud St. WOMAN ATTACKED HV SNAKE. , YORK, PA-, June 2 ft.—Attacked l»y a big black snake at her home 1 yesterday, Mrs*. Cynthia Chanceford ran a mile over the hills for aid. jwith the snako girdled around her (neck and a‘most choking her, She j was near collapse from pain and shock when the reptilo was killed by men who went to her assistance. ) , The snake measured 7 feet 4 inches in longth. Mrs, Chanceford • had gone to the chicken house and reached into a nest above her head. The snake dn,*ted out and entwined itself about her neck and arm. AGENTS—NEW PLAN, makes it easy to earn $50.00 to $100JOC" week ly, sel ing shirts direct to wearer, i No capital or experience needed Represent a real manufacturer ) Write for FREE SAMPLES, Madi son Shirt Makers, 5G2 Broadway, New York. I l 'New Face AmongTJritish Royalty •*' - '* .-. .. .. • Little Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, shown above. Is the newest of Eng land's princesses. The Infant Is the daughter of the Duke and Duchess of York. Water was brought especially from the River Jordan to be used for hsr christening. CHURCH DIRECTORY FIRST BAPTI8T CHURCH. (Broad and College Streets) Her. W. T. Johnson, D D., Pastor. Residence, 621 N 8th Stl Services. Sundays, 11:30 A. M aim 8 P. M.‘ | Sunday School, 9:30 A. 1L AH are welcome. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH. (Byrd St., between 1st and 2nd Sts ) Rev. Z. D. Lewis. D. D., Pastor. : Residence, 202 B Leigh St. Ser vices: Sundays, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M All are welcome. I BBENEZER BAPTIST CHURCH, (Leigh and Judah Streets.) Rev. W. H. stokes. Ph. D., Pastor, Residence, 1607 Brook Road. Ser vices: Sundays. 11 A. M. and 8 P. M Sunday School, 9 A. ai The public is Invited. FOURTH BAPTIST CHURCH (28th and P Streets.) Rov. Evans Payne, D. D , Pastor. | Residence, 1209 N 24th St. Services • '.Sunday, 11:30 A.” M. and 8 P. m! 'Sunday Sohool, 9:30 A. M. All are welcome. FIFTH ST. BAPTIST CHURCH (Temporary location pending rebuild ing, True Reformers Hall, 2nd St.) Rev, T. J. King, D. D., Pastor, Res idence. 1006 N. 4th St. Serrieee: Sundays, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. B." Y.’ P. U. 6 P. M. Public invited. st. Mark baptist church, (Olen Allen, Va.) MT. SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH, (Penola, Va.) I Rev. M. C. Ruffin, Pastor. Real* utence, 611 St. Peter St. Service® at Qlen Allen, 2nd and, 4th Sundays at 1 P. M. At Penola, services on the 3rd Sunday at 12:30 P. M. Sunday 1 School every Sunday at both places at 11 ;30 A. M. MT. GILEAD BAPTIST CHURCH. (Chesterfield County) Rev. W. H. Digging Pastor, Res idence, 1835 Taylor St. Services, 1st and 3rd Sundays at 12:30 P. M. Sunday School every Sunday at 10:30 A. &L MOORE ST. BAPTIST CHURC1 (1408 West Leigh Street) Rev. Gordon B. Hancock, A. M., Pastor, Residence V.rginia Union University. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. aud 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9 ;30 A. M. All are welcome. SHARON BAPTIST CHURCH. (Corner First and Leigh Sts.) Rev. R. H. Johnson, B.D. M.A., pan-, tor. Residence, 11 E. Clay St. Ser vices; Sunday. 11:30 A M. and 8:16 P. M. Sunday School, 10 A. M. All are invited. v RISING MT. ZION BAPT. CHURCH. (800 Denny Street, Fulton) Rev. O. B. Simms, B. Th., Pastor, Residence, 728 Denny St. Services: I Sunday. 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30'A. M. All are* welcome. MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH, (25th and s Streets) Rev. J. Andrew Bowler, Pastor, Residence, 112 E. Leigh Street. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School. 9:30 A. M. All are welcome. MT. CARMEL BAPTIST CHURCH. (1300 North First Street) Rev Berryman H. Johnson, Pastor. Sunday 11:30 A. M. and, 8 P. M. j Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. All are welcome CLAY STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. (Formerly New Baptist Church, Clay Street, opposite St. James St.) Rev. J. A. Brinkley, A. B., B. D.„ Pas'or. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School. 9 ;30 A. M. All are welcome. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH (South Richmond) Rev. EJ. C. Smith, A. B., Pastor, residence, 1704 Stockton St. Services Sundays, 11:30 A. M. and 8 ;00r P. M.; Sunday School, 9:30 A. M.; B. Y. P. U., 6:30 P. M. All are wel* come. RIVERVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH. (Jacquel'-n and Lombardy Streets) Rev. D. D. Lewis, Pastor, Resi dence 316 S. Lombardy Street. Ser v ces: Sunday, 11 A. M. and 8 P M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. Alf are welcome. MT. VERNON BAPTIST CHURCH (1902 Wallace Street) Rev. M. II. Payne, Pastor, Resi dence, 1900 Wallace Street. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and, 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9: 30 A. M. All’ are welcome. Just add an equal amount of LEWIS linseed oil to a can of STAG Semi-Paste Paint and you have double quantity of the finest, most durable paint made, just the right consistency, at a saving of one-third the cost. You save money when you use STAG Paint—but you don’t sacrifice quality. $2.50 per Gal. Do your painting early—give it a chance to harden before the hot sun hits it.!I 1 gallon Stag Serm-Paste Paint, Plus 1 gallon Lewis Pure Linseed Oil, equals 2 gallons Best Paint made for $5.00 14-26 E. Main St. Richmond, Va. i EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER Will Promote a Pull Growth of Hair, will also restore the Strength, Vital* ! lty and the Beauty of the Hair. 11 i your Haly 1» I>ry and Wiry try HAST INDIA HAIR GROWER. If you are bothered with palling Hair ! Dandruff. Itching Scalp, or Hair Trouble, we wwnt you to try a Jar of BAST INDIA HAIR GROWER. The ! remedy contains medical proprieties that go to the roots of the hair, 1 stimulates the skin, helping nature t to do its work. Leares the hair soft FRIC1 and silky. Perfumed with a halm of a thousand flowers. The beet known remedy for Heavy and Beautiful Black Eyebrows, also restores Gray Hair to Its Natural Color Can be used with hot Iron for Straightening sent by Maid, 60e; 10c Extra for Postage I AGENTS OUTFIT—1 Hair Grower, 1 Temple Oil. | I 1 Shampoo, 1 Pressing Oil, 1 Face Cream and Direc- ; | tlon for Selling, $2.00. 25 cents extra for postage 1 I S. D. LYONS. 316 North Central, O klahoma City, Okla. _ W. I. JOHNSONS’ SONS j Funeral Directors & Morticians 10 W. LEIGH STREET phone mad. os-s. DAY OR NIC-1IT SERVICE, WITHIN iooo.MILES WHEN ORDERED. u 1. JOHNSON'*5 SONS, EXPERIENCED MORTICIANS CONDUCT Funerals Flawlessly. Our Many Years of Experience Enables us to Conduct All Funerals in a Most Efficient Manner. We Try to Givo More However by Incorporating in Our Service a Spirit of Sym pa’lie'ic Underlie nd,ing LEIGH STREET M. E. CHURCH. (N. E. Corner Fifth and Leigh Sts.) Rev. R. M. Williams, Pastor, res idence, 616 North 6tb Street. Ser vices: Sundays, Sunday School 9:30 A. M.; Morning service, 11 o’clock; Evening service, 8 o’clock. The public is invited. PROVIDENCE BAPTIST CHURCH. (518 Lady Mile Rond) Rev, J. J. Woodson, Pastor, Res idence, 1116 St. John Street. Ser vices: Sunday. 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. All are invited. MT. TABOR BAPTIST CHURCH. (North 22nd Street WoodviUe) Per. R. J Eass. Pastor, Residence 16 E. Duval Street. Services; Sunday 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M- All are welcome. MT. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH. (717 Orleans Street, Fulton) Rev. C. A. Cobbs, Pastor, Resi dence, 819 Nicholson St. Services: 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. The public is Invited. FIFTH BAPTIST CHURCH. (1400 West Cary Street) Rev. A. D. Daly, Pastor, Residence 1412 W. Cary St. Services: 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 10:00 A. M. All are welcome. 1ST BAPT. CHURCH S. RICHMOND (Corner 15th and Docatur Sts.) Rev. W. L. Ransome, D. D., Pas tor; Parsonage 1507 Decatur Street. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. AM are welcome. i ZION BAPTIST CHURCH, (20th and Decatur, So. Richmond.) Rev. J. W. Dudley, D. D., Pastor; Parsonage 1715 Everett Street, Ser vices: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M The public is welcome. WANTED—Transient or Permanent BOARDERS. Furnished Rooms with or without board. Home like surroundings. Apply to MRS. BIDDEN N. JONES, 108 East Leigh Street, Richmnod. Va. WANTED—Young Colored Man for oiean, pleasant, dignified work. Good pay; unlimited opportunities*. Party must have sober habits and high school education or eqaivalent. References required. Address L«. C. FARRAR Princ'pal Center Street School, Weston. W. Va. We do all kindp of job work. It will be done cheaply and promptly. 311 N Four'll Streef is the place. Call Randolph 2213. A GOOD SERIAL STORY, READ IT ON PAGE G (Continued from Page ]) I Dempsey-Tunney match first and was prepared to go stage if elsewhere, presumably Boyle’s Thirty Acres in Jersey City, if denied the right to put it on in New York City. Rickard, who also appeared before the commission empowered to act for Dempsey, declared he could not re cede from his plan to match the champion with Tunney. He disclosed that after signing Dempsey at Fort Worth, Texas, some time ago, he ap proached Harry Wills’ manager on the subject of signing for a title bout only to be informed that the negro was still tied up under con tracts signed with Chicago and South Bend, Ind., interests. Subsequently, the promoter added, he signed Tunney, advanced money to him as well as to Dempsey, and felt obli gated to go through with the match regardless of the attitude of the New York commission. Motion Is Tabled. Chairman Farley sought to have Dempsey classed formally as ineligi ble as a result of the champion’s fail ure to accept an ultimatum, expiring today, to sign for a Wills match, but his motion to this effect was tabled. In its place the commission decided its rules on championships would ap ply to Dempsey. Such applications automatically would make the cham pion ineligible, since he had not de fended his title in nearly three years, but ns he is not a licensed boxer its effect remains doubtful. The situa tion simply is that the champion is barred from New York so long as he does not fight Wills, tha recognized and official challenger. The next move in the situation, critics agreed, is up to Rickard, but the promoter tonight declined to say what it would be or whether he would decide definitely to take the Tunney- • Dempsey battle to Jersey City. Wo will send you The Plane* and The Richmond, Va. News Leader for 15c per week in*this city. Leave' your o/ders a* The Planet Office. VIRGINIA: In the Hustings Court, Part II, of the City of Richmond, June 2, 1926. j Catherine T. Wright.Plaintiff I vs. George A. Wright .Defendant' The object of this suit is to obtain j divorce from the bond of matrimony • by the plaintiff from the defendant on * the grounds of willful desertion for j more than three years prior to the! commencement of this suit. I An affidavit having been made and filed that the defendant, George A. Wright, is not a resident of the State,' is ordered that he will appear here within ten days after due publication i of this order, once a week for four j successive weeks in the Richmond; Planet, a newspaper published in the | City of Richmond, Virginia, and do what is necessary to protect his inter est in this suit. A Copy—Teste: W. E. DUVAL, Clerk. i E. B. JACKSON, | Attorney at law. * Widely Known Southern Belle’s Silken Hair owes its wonderful soft beauty and healthful glow to the daily treatment she gives it with that old established, marvelous scalp cleanser and hair food EXELENTO QUININE POMADE “I heard great praise of Exel ento Quinine Pomade every where," she writes, "and I owe my beautiful hair and healthy scalp to its unfailing merits. Ev erywhere I go my hair is sure to be remarked upon for its lustre and softness." “I also found great benefit in Exelento Skin Soap. It cleared my complexion and made my face as smooth as satin.” It is a woman's hair and face that make her attractive. YOU can be as handsome as any belle by our easy, pleasant way—through the ut* of Ex elento Quinine Pomade and Exelento Skin Soap used as directed. They are sold by all druggists, only 2W each, or will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price. Sendyour name today and get our valuabl* book of beaut]/ help*, and liberal tamplet of our preparation*, FREE. EXELENTO MEDICINE CO., Atlanta, (a. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Writs Far Particalan 1 VBh.1 AN 11 1 THE | G< ' s .It TO©ET- VCUR ffAVJO AND t GO\WC- TO MARKET- SOTOo’Rc. ELECT eO TO KEEP NOOR EYE ON tve sary and the eAT and t*e CANARY/-©E A GOOD LAD UNTIL \WE RETURN AND I’LL TELL. SANTA .1 ©LAO© NOT TO FORGET VCO NEK.T C.tfRvSTrAAS-^ I! AW GEE- C.AWtT*' GO S\tt\fA*MN'\mTH THE ©ONDH ■ pmv C-o Port i jtN ft srotm* '\ V DO YOU KNOW THEM? I am very anxious to locate some of my people. My father’s name ie Steven Jordan; my brother. Steven Jordan. Jr. My mother was named Mandy Jordan. She died In Lynch burg, Va., where my father lived be fore he moved to Richmond, Va. I do not know my aunt’s names. Aunt Rachel and Aunt Bell, my mother’s sisters. My grandmother was named Sophia Hilton. Any information concerning their whereabouts will be gladly- received. MRS. MARY JORDAN STONE. 901 1-2 W. 7th Street Sioux, Iow'a. AN ANNOUNCEMENT. The Goodwill Baptist Church. 410 N Monroe Street Is a new unit to the Baptist Church, with a very broad program. Rev. W. B. Ball, pastor invites the public and his many friends to worship Sunday June 27th. 11:20 A. M. and 8:00* P. M. Communion. 1st Sundays. 3:30 P. M. Sunday School, 1C:00 A. M. Special music. All are invited. B. Y. P. U. 6:4r P. M. REV. W. B. BALL. Pastor. F. BALL. Clerk. —The Capital Photograph 'will b* distributed to any licensed merchant throughout the State, at wholesale price. Notify The Planet Office op Li. Dickerson. Nesting, Va. From 16.00 to 1500.00 reward will he given for any substantial Improve* ment on the machine. The improve ment must be considered by L. Dickerson. KNOXIT PROPHYLACTIC Unnatural and mucous dis charges can be avoided by de stroying the germs of infectious diseases. $1.10 at all druggists. EDW. STEWART 203 S SECOND STREET DEALER IN FANCY GROCERIES. FRESH MEATS. VEGETABLES, FISH AND OYSTERS. Richmond, Va. PHONE MAD. 1637 We Want AGENTS to Sell The DOWN SOUTH HAIR GROWER. Stops Falling Hair, Heals Diseased Scalp, Promotes the Growth of Hair. Pressing Oil 60 cents; Grower 60 cents; Double Strength Grower, 60 cents; Straightening Combs, $1 75. Agents Wanted. Write for terms. M-ME. J. F. MCDONALD, Bxcelsior Springs, Mo. NORFOLK AND WESTERN R. JR. (Broad Street Station) Leave for Arrive from 9:00 am..Norfolk .7:00 pm 9 am.. Clncin’ati & Columbus 7 pm 2:30 pm..Roanoke .2:10 pm 3:15 pm..Norfolk ......11:33 am 5:30 pm..Norfolk Local . 6:35 pm..Bristol Local ..8:10 am 10 pm..Ola., Mem. N Or. 8:10 pm |... .Nor. and Lynch,. Local 0:40 pm I -.a RICHMOND, FREDERICKSBURG AND POTOMAC RAILROAD (Broad street Station, except where otherwise Indicated) Leave for Arrive from | 4:00 am. .Washington tod beyond.l:Hui M4:2S am..Washington and beyond. .MIS:OI pm ft:60 am..North (no coaches).9:>90 pm *7:10 am..Ariil*od Local .*6:29 am M7:20 am..Washington and beyond. .1(9:62 pm 8:80 am. .Washington Local .11.90 am I 10:20 am. .Washington and beyond.0:25 pm 12:01 pm. .Washington and beyond.8:00 pm Ml :02 pm..North (no coachee).1(8:18 pm *2:00 pm..Washington Local .9:00 pm 8:80 pm. .Washington and beyond.1:00 pm ••4:26 pm. .Wsahington Local . i *4:80 pra. .Fredericksburg Local ..*8:10 am 1(6:86 pm. .Washington and beyond.. 1(11:91 pm 1*0:86 pm..Ashland Local .*6:10 pm 8:20 pm..Washington and beyond....12:50 am I | M Main street Station.. | ‘Daily except Sunday. “Sunday onlf !-- ■■■-—--11 j (TIE8APEAKE AND OHIO SL it. (Main Street Station) Published as Information and not Guaranteed. Arrival and Departure of Trains . . Daily, unlesa otherwise shown. ♦Dally except Sunday “Sunday only , Leave for Arrive from ,7:00 am..Charlottesville...7:00 pm I 7 :00 am. .Clifton For*© .. 9:00 am. .Norf. ft O. Point 6:36 pm 9:30 am..James River L...4:06 pm 1:00 pm. .Norf. ft O. Point 2;43 pm 1:45 pm. .Cintl-Louvl-Chgo, .7:30 am 4:16 pm. .Norf. ft O. Point il:33 am •5;15 pm. .Lynchburg.40 am ‘6:16 pm. .Charlottesville. .*8:30 am Cl!fton Forge....12:40 pm 5:00 pm. .N.N. ft O. Pt Lo..9:0t am 7:00 pm .Ciacin ft West..4:00 pm | 11:16 pm..Cincln and Loufl...