Newspaper Page Text
/ This may be our last battle. MAY 17.1923 * We believe that it is the beginning ot our filial triumph. JOHN MITCHELL. II* RICHMOND VIRGINIA, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 4, 1926 PRICE. FIVE CENTS VOLUME XLIII. NO. 43 FINLEY WILSON STILL AT HELM. THE ELK CHIEFTAIN DEFIES! EFFORTS TO RETIRE HIM Other Officers Fight.—Win Out After Bitter Struggle. Will Meet in New York Next Year. The Grand Lodge I. B. P. O. E of the World ended its annual ses sion at Cleveland, Ohio as was ex pected—all of the officers were reelected. It was one of the storm iest meetings in the history of the organization. Grand Exalted Ruler J. Finley Wilson lost no time in getting across tho winning line after the reading of his report. He was reelected near midnight, Thursday, -’6th ult. Judge Henry did not de velop the strength expected and the Wilson vote was in the nature of a landslide. HEAVY ARTILLERY. With Wilson out of the running. ♦ he heaviest parliamentary artillery was brought to bear on Grand Sec ietary George E. Bates and G*rand Treasurer James T. Carter. Bates’ report was so vitriolic in dealing with Harry H. Pace that later a motion was made to expurge certain parts of it from the minutes. At no time was Bates in danger of defeat. He had the situation in hand at the beginning and held it to the close. H's majority w'as so overwhelming that despite the hitter things said. Pace himself arose and moved to make it unanimous^ CARTER’S DEFENSE. Pace’s attacks upon Bate^ were one of the most remarkable features of the campaign. James T. Carter, Esq., who has been dubbed the “gen tleman treasurer’' maintained his equilibrium throughout the trying campaign despite the fact that he was bitterly assailed, by Harry H. Pace, who appeared in the role of investigator. He was opposed by J. T. Martin from Chicago. Tiffany Toliver from Roanoke and John W. White from Richmond Capital City Lodge’s delegation stood by White to the finish. GOING TO NEW YORK. Some were not disposed to extend the usual courtesy of making the •vote unanimous. The Grand Lodge voted to hold the next session in New York, but owing to alleged le gal entanglements, the Grand Exalt ed Ruler,, together with a majority of the Board of Trustees were au thorized to change the place of meet mg should circumstances warrant the same . The parade did not equal the one at Richmond last year and compar isons drawn were all in favor of Richmond. RTKPTOBl JORDAN. Mr and Mrs. R. L. Jordan are an nouncing the marriage of their daughter, Marian Antlonette, to Mr. Ohnrlea Schaffers Steptoe, of Roa noke, Va.. which took place private- j ]▼ In the home of the bride’s par ents, 71 fi North Road. Olnter Park, Richmond, Va. on Friday. Septem ber 18. 192 5. Rev. T. J. King per formed the ceremony In the pres ence of the immediate family. Mr. Steptoe Is a student of phar macy. at Temple University. Phila delphia, pa. Mrs. Steptoe Is a stu dent In the 8chool of Commerce, at Temple University. Philadelphia. Pa. After graduation Mr. and Mrs. Step toe will he at home to frlendri at 711 North Road, Olnter Park Rich mond, Va. A. M. Bi YOUNG FOLKS MEET IN NORFOLK. The Twenty-first Annual Conven tion of the State Allen Christian Endeavor League and Second Annual Convention of the State Sunday School Convention convened in the A. M. B. Monumental Church, Nor folk, Va., August 24, 192 6. For lour days the people of Norfolk were inspired hy the live and, instructive meetings Dr. James S' Hatcher, Attorney W. F. Denny, Miss Avis Jiatcher* Mrs. Cora L. Valentine . and Miss Ruth M Denny were dele 1 gates from Richmond. » I Dr J\ S. Hatcher conducted the Bible Class and Prof. W. H. Shack leford, of Nashville, Tenn. conducted ihe Object Lessons. Attorney W. F. Denny se/ved as the resolution com mittee and presented suitable reso lutions -which were adopted. VIRGINIA SEMINARY WILL OPEN SEPTEMBER 22. The Thirty-ninth Annual Session of Virginia Theological Seminary and College will begin Wednesday, September 22, 1926/. Thorough and modern courses in Academy, Profes |sional. College and -Seminary Depart (ri.ents. Strong., experienced faculty, representing the leading American • I’niversit’es, well equipped labora tories, moderate rates. | For further information apply to I President, or Registrar. j Signed: R. C. WOODS, A Aj OALVIN. Chairman of Board. I)r. A. A. Tennant and his Madame have returned from a most enjoyable trip to Oklnhoma, where the former Iv’sited his mother and sister He |\is’ted another sister in Kansas City Mo. and stopped over in Cleveland ! to attend the Elks’ Convention. He ’lesumed his large practice last Mbn- j day morning. IDEAL SOCIETY TO HOLD CON VENTION IN PHILADELPHIA The Philadelphia District, Nation al Ideal Benefit Society has made all things ready for the reception of the Supreme Lodge to convene Sept. 7, 8, and 9. Mrs. Ellen B Taylor, Deputy In ircarge and the splendid [loyal workers have made every pre* iparation for the convention Many [prominent speakers will welcome 11 he Ideals to Philadelphia, namely; Mayor Kindrick, Hon. Charles B. Hall president of the city council. [Mr. Peter Gibson, Hon. E. Washing ton Rhodes, assistant state district e ttorney. Mrs. Lena Trent Cordon. Mrs. Mary Banks, Mrs. Florence E Dixon and others. Those to respond are Mr. Lorenza C. White, Dr. W. T. Johnson of Rich rnond. Mrs Martha R. Brown of .Washington. D. C., and Mrs. Daysle | L. Cooke of Newport News. Va. The P. F. and P. and the Penna Rail loads have arranged to take the Richmond delegation to Philadel phia In special cars without change ir Washington. Will leave from Broad Street Station. Monday, Sep ■temher 6th, 10 ;20 o’clock A. M. The Tidewater delegation led by Mrs. Cora L Jenkins, of Newport News and Mr. Samuel C. Jackson of Norfolk, will go by way of Cape Charles. i All Ideals are looking forward to u great convention* FULTON NOTES. The Children's Day Exercises at Ihe Mt. Calvary Baptist Church last Sunday were vtjry inspiring. The children played their parts well un der the instruction of Mrs. E. Cobbs and others Services tomorrow at Calvary: In 11 jie morning a message by our pas j tor, ltev. C. A. Cobbs; 3:30 P. M., Jour regular communion services. A sf cred concert will be given by Miss , Kula Cunn'nghnm and Miss Emily ii.ewis, benefit the Shepherds’ Band. ! The Band has been invited to be present? Rev. Cobbs has returned from L**ui a. Va. and left Tuesday for New York to attend the Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission' Convention. On the 27th of August there was held at the home or Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Shaw, a party in honojr of Mrs. Cora Townsend, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Several persons were present, including Mr. and Mrs Harry Gray, the Jolly Twelve Chorus and the writer. The menu consisted of potato salad, sandwiches and several other oainties. : awi We are glad to welcome Miss Ruth Godfrey of New York City, who is here visit'ng her parents. Mr. William Trueman and Mr Moses MiPholl of Westhampton, spent last wcok In Baltimore with their cousin, Mr. William Bradford. 835 1-2 W Franklin Street. Mrs. Sarah Trice of New Yort City left Tuesday for home after a stay here of six weeks, the guest of Mrc 1 Martha Edwanls, 800 State Street, j do you Know them Vienna, Ga,« July 20, 1926. i I dea*re to know the whereabouts of my relatives. I am Millie Brook’s daughter an(i I was sold j away in slavery. I was born in Richmond, Va. My mother be longed to Jesse Brooks. I was sold to Squire Fouse. I had four broth ers: George Washingtop Jerry Am- ' bos Jim Jerry, My aunt’s name was Caroline Rambert, Martha Wash- . burn, Nancy Brewer, Steve Wash- ; burn, Eliza Washburn. Daughter, Ryd,ia Washburn. j Any information will bo thank- j fully received by Lydia Webster, Vienna, Ga. HELP WANTED. $15.00 Dally, easily made. Great opportunity. Men and Women. Eg perience unnecessary. 8! cents pro fit on every dollar. Write quick. Particulars on request. UNITED SATES AGENCY. 3159 Indiana Ave r.ue, Chicago, 111. , A 11KART TO HEART TALK TO , PARENTS AND GUARDIANS ' And' to All Who are- Interested In the Welfare of the Rising Generation (By Rev. Jame£ M. Henderson, M. M , President of the Industrial Un on of America-) The secret habits that grow out of impure thoughts is' a great injury to the child. There ure many tempta tions all along the way to turn the minds of children from the path- of t Ight and purity. . A practical education Is the only | hope for your son ,or daughter. De , pend.ence and helplessness are the characteristics of ‘childhood. The parent Is the natural and legal guard ian. Among the rights of children Is the right to education and the guardian of that is! the parent. Remember alwayfe that It is your duty to co operate; with those who are earnestly engaged In providing | good schools for your children. Send your children to school at once. School habits become a part of adult eharacter. Sometimes children need compulsion Some are Indifferent. But always remember that Ignor ance threatens more severely the in i different child, than the apt and willing one. Your boy Is to become ft man and your girl a woman some j day. This is an age of sharp com 1 Petition when everyone needs shill j * «i order to conquer. An ignorant i *.oy has no future before him and ( I an ignorant girl will be the misfor* tone of an unborn [generation whose ! mother she is to be. Mmost every European nation, as well ns America, fias experimented •vlth this instruction until It lias be come a matter of statistics that "hu n n education lowers the criminal record;” But,, notwithstanding this inct there aTe thousands of children on the streets today who ought, to «>(.: in some tra'ning school, i Dear Parent: This is a serious matter. You owe all the education possible to your child Our govern ment cnlls upon yen as parents to prepare the boy for citizenship and heaven commits the girl to your guardianship and tender care to pre pare her for the duties of a wife and mother. , The Industrial Union Training i School at Southern Pices offers' an un parallelled opportunity to your child, also to young men and women. REV. JAMES M. HENDERSON "Apply thine heart unto instruction and thine ear to the words of know ledge.” Proverbs 23:12. One word more: Parents are often to blame for their children going wrong because they do not give them the needed instruction. Self ob tained experience has too often proven to be a fatal lesson which the poor victim has learned, at the cost ojf his life. "A, child left to him self brings h’s mother to shame ” ! Proverbs 29; 15. Again we are taught by the Good Book, to “Train up a child in the way it should go and when he is old he will not depart from It.’’ Pro verbs 22:6. t Ministers, school Teachers: Your children are getting worse. What are you going to do? The Race is no greater than the weakest one in it. (More to say later. Will rest my burden here ) AGENTS- -SELL CUSTOM TAIL ORED SHIRTS to wearer. Earn big money. |35 Drawing Account when qualified Samples Free CUSTOM CRAFT SHIRT, 1133 A Broadway. New York. SEEKING THE LYNCHERS. Judge Condemns the Horrible Crime. GOVERNOR BYRD ACTS. State Legal Machinery in Motion^ WAS JAS. "BOSSY” PATTERSON GOILTY? James (Bossy) Patterson was electrocuted in the death chamber •v.thin the grim walls of the Virgin ia Penitentiary Friday morning, '•'llus ended one of the most stub bornly contested legal fights ever known in this country. It was Jan uary 29, 1922 that Irvin Sled a Jew was killed by some one on Harding Street, Petersburg, Va and later ..Bossy”’ Patterson was arrested and charge^ with the crime. Attorney Wili am F. Denny of this city, who “won his spurs” by the practice of law in West Virginia was retained to defend him in conjunction with un-other colored attorney, who finally dropped out. APPEARED THE CASE. Attorney Denny after the convic tion of Patterson took the case up 1 o the Supreme Court of Appeals of \ irginia and secured a reversal of the verdict of death. On the second trial, a death penalty was meted,. Attorney Denny again appealed the case and when the decision of the lower court was sustained by the , Supreme Court of Appeals, he took j an appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States upon constitution- , ?il grounds. The final tribunal ruled tha* it was without jurisdiction. I RED THE MONEY RAISING. * TlUs prevented the consideration (Cop’tnued on page 4 > t lY.WGELIKT SKIPAVITH STMtS JERSEY CITY, N-. J. Zion Baptist Church, Rev. Dr, W. A. Epps, Pastor—For six weeks un- , der tent on the campus of our church | Mo greatest an<i most noted preach er, singer, and evangelist of our race Die Rev, Dr William If. Skipwlth, has been defying the devil and all of his allies. ; One hundred and forty (140) per sons quit the broad way of life and signed up for Christ. We have bap tized sixty (60). The beauty about tnis man of iGod, is he gets his crowd i.nd keeps them; then he's purely or lliodox. Has Virginia (Richmond) any more like him? Send them up. I W. A. E. f The Richmond Baptist Sunday School Cnion will hold, its regular monthly program of exercises Sun Jay, September 6th, 3:30 P. M. at Die Second Baptist Church, South Richmond. Rpv. E. C Smith, pastor. f\n excellent program is arranged. *nd the public i» urged to attend. Mr E. J. Cunningham is superinten dent of the Second Baptist Sunday School and he promises a fine session for President John Ballard, of the [ nfon and his officers. Mrs Mary Brown, of Baker Street ir Visiting her brother and sisters In New York City. I KEY. M. KING AXI) FAMILY GO TO PITTSBURGH. KKV. UR. MORRIS SEEKING HARMONY. i Rev, T. J. King, D. I>. preached, his farewell sermons at the new Fifth I Street Baptist Church last Sunday, crowds throngej the structure dur ing the day Rev. Charles S. Morris i D. 1). was installed as supply pastor , 10 hold over until a regular pastor s called by the church. He held a conference with the officers of the church Monday night and the feeling of unrest was for the time being rPayed. He took the position, so it said, that he was ready to leave whenever the church agreed upon a regular pastor. The congregation is faced with an indebtedness aggregating more than $75,000.00 and some of the members have been outspoken in their disaD proval of conditions. The effort to bring harmony in the church was es sentially necessary and it was to this end that Rev. Dr. Morris met the disgruntled elements. After the meeting the opinion seemed to be practically unanimous that a good beginning had been mad,e. Deacon James B. Page is chairman of the Deacon Board. OVlIER MINISTERS MENTIONED. Rev. Dr. King and his Madame left Monday morning for his charge in Pittsburgh. Pa. Many other candi dates are beinp mentioned, for the pastorate Among them are Rev. R. II. Bowi ng, of Norfolk; Rev. W. T. Hall, of Danville, Va.; Rev. A Hobbs of Norfolk. Va.: Rev. W. V. Graham D. D, of Philadelphia; Rev. L. K, Williams, of Chicago 111.; Rev. Wal *er H. Brooks D. D.. of “Washington D. C\ ; Rev. A C. Powell D. D., of New York: Rev. Eli Tartt, of Pe lerrhurg; Rev. R. G. Adams, of Portsmouth. Vtss Rebecca T. Mitchell la visit nir ber mother. Mrs. S. L. M. Scott, in Montclair, N J. Me. .Tames W Tbompaon. who has been confined to his room bv sick ness is slow]v Improving under the skillful treatment, of Dr. William H. Hughes. He la not. permitted to see vialtora as yet. btrt hopes to be out again in a few weeks. t BHng votir Job work to The Planet Office Phone orders for The Planet !»<• per week; 60c for three months. Emmett M. Burke on the eve of • lr. departure from the Greenbrier. White Sulphur Springs. W. Va., had is ’veeh end guest Messrs. Byron \. Anderson, of the Secon<; Street Savings Bank, and St. Julian Saun Ws of the St. Luke Hank and Trust "’ompnny. Richmond. Va. This ree 'rd tr p was an enviable one. The nort beautiful scenery, the stlmr. ;»tlng water and Invigorating air wa« truly beneficial to both. Mr. Riirke is returning homo through fbo Valiev of Virginia and other r-oinfs of Interest before resuming ills worry at the Virginia State Col lege Petersburg, Va MAXWELL TOURING CAR. GOOD Condition. Cash or Credit Call Madison 5797. Residence Phone. Boulevard 8«29-<w. p WYTHEVILLE. VA., Sept. 1.— The lynch ng of Raymond Bird here by a mob from outside of this town has excited more attention outside (ban it seems to have caused here. Colored people here are taking no outward action, but are watching with interest the action of the white folks. The Richmond Planet, which has been seen here is not seen any more as there is a tense feeling, no colored person knowing just what will happen after the outside influen ces, exerted by the Governor, the Attorney General’s office and the' State press have been -withdrawn. ABLE ATTORNEYS. I ( The colored man was lynched Aug. j L>, 1920, in such a quiet manner, . lhe body being removed, that few , persons knew of the tragedy until' I well into the next day. ' Common j wealth's Attorney Heuser, Assistant i Attorney Joseph H. Chitwood, of » Attroney Josenh H. Chitwood, of ' Roanoke are conducting the invest! i eat on. Judge Sutherland’s charge | to the jury while short was emphat [ ie. He declared the lynching of Bird i he crime, which shames both i the County and the State of Vir ginia. DOCBT WITNESSES. J The fooling here is (hat the testf j j Tinny of the witnesses summoned j will not he direct enough to fasten j the or:me upon any one of the lynch !<>rs although there is not doubt, but I "hat the rfficials engaged in the lash moan business an , will reallv do nil in the'r power to bring about the indictment of some of the men who were responsible foe the tragedy It has been difficult .or some of tbe people here to understand that the lynching of the colored man was !.- cr'me against the State and that J his guilt or Innocence has no bearing upon the crime. I _ j RELATIVE WRITES THE TRUTH I ABOUT THE BIRD CASE. 1 We have received a letter from a relative of Raymond Bird, who tells of the trouble and the cause of the lynching, she says: “I just came back from Rural Re treat and Wytheville. That is just ( few miles above here, where they lynched Raymond Bird on the 15th of August I took supper with his mother, who is my first cousin. Sho is very sad over the matter. He has a nice father and, mother. He also has a wife and three small children, the oldest not over 5 years of age. "There are three white girls rang ing in ages froth 12, 18, and 20 years. The one 18 years of age gave? b rth to a child about four weeks ego while in an automobile on the way to Abingdon Hospital. She • old the nurses the baby was white, but they told her it was a colored baby. When she left the hospital, sne went to Roanoke and tried fo get some one to take the baby, but couldn’t find a home for it. She took the baby home and, then Raymond got an automobile ami look It to Wytheville to a colored woman. I saw the baby yesterday. It Js a pretty baby, being a brownie. "The girls love Raymond and tho white girl told, the. officer that she would die and go to h....l before she would go against Raymond. The 20 year old girl is In the hospital. (Continued page 4)