Newspaper Page Text
Twenty Million Dollars In Debt; Says He’ll Pay * ■f NBA Srrvlc* OAKLAND. Calif.—How would you like to go broke for $50, 000.000? How would you like to start life jail over again at 67 years of —Just when most of your friends were retiring from business? How would you like to start this '"second life” with a debt of $20. 000,000? That is what happened to F M ,-Borax" -Smith. And Smith, now 80 years old. will have every cent of his $20,000,000 debt paid ofT in five years! Smith has had two dreams In his tIlfe. He went broke In 1913 because his first dream had not come true. Now that dream is coming true and . the second dream is coming true along with it Discovered Borax J Smith's, first dreurn was to make Oakland the metropolis of the Pa ciflc coast. His second was to pay > his debts before he died Smith came out of Wisconsin to Idaho some fifty years ago. He made ',:blg money buying timber and aelling It for firewood. He switched to min ing. He discovered borax, made It a ■household necessity, "put ov?r“ the "20 mule team" and became a mil , "onnjn 29 times over "e came to Oakland with hi* mil , lions 40 y*ar» ago. He dreamed of ■Oakland as the-- metropolis of the Pacific. lie bought land—land— -Jand—and, ye* more tyind;. Jle organ Ized a street railroad system and rani cars Into tracts dotted with atumptf of recently cut trees. The people.! who were to come, must ride. They* would need water, too. so S.nlth or ganlzed a water company But In 1913 came the crush Tha people had not com# fast enough' Even the fabulous profits from his horax mine wouldn't keep the ftnani elnl ship afloat Bought a Mountain "I’ll pay you all back befo/e |J die." Smith {old hie creditors He. sold his borax holdings to pay somei of his bills For seven years Smith* was working quietly—almost for gotten Then one day he came back from* Nevada He had bought a mountain of borax He organized a new com' pany He paid some more of his deots. And about this time. 1921 j Smith's big dream begun to come true. The people for whom he had planned and hoped for many yeurtJ began to come to Oakland “ Smith’s land Increased In valuta. Many tracts were cut up " Because of the enhancement of^ the real property . . we believe that within the next five years this property will not only pay the entire^ debt but will provide a substantial1 sum In excess of this debt," reported! a committee of his creditors the other day. "-y , "I am glad and to live.”! said Smithy -’ Aw, Gimme A Bite, Wontcha? • •.' mm. m JB wmmm* —NEA, Boston Bureau • baby "chimps," captured In the Belgian Congo by Captain Phillips <St the 8. 8. West Inho, are much more Interested in the division of A , banana than they are In their first sight of America. Captain Phillips , values the lusty youngsters at $3,000 each.. » CHURCH DIRECTORY FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. (Broad and Collate streets) R«t. W. T. Johnson, D. D., Pastor. Residence, 621 N 8th St. Services* Sundays, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M* Sunday School, 8:30 A. M. All are welcome. EBENEZER BAPTIST CHURCH, (Leigh and Judah Streets.) Rev. W. H. stokes Ph. D., Pastor. Residence, 1607 Brook Road. Ser vices: Sundays. 11 A. M. and 8 P. M Sunday School. 9 A. M The public Is Invited. MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH, (26th and s Streets) Rev. J. Andrew Bowler, Pastor, Residence. 112 E. Leigh Street. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School 9:30 A. M All are welcome. MT. CARMEL BAPTIST CHURCH (1300 North First Street) Rev. Berryman H. Johnson, I\tstor Sunday 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M.‘ Sunday School, 9:80 A. M. All are welcome CLAY STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. (Formerly New Baptist Church, Clay Street, oppoeite St. Jamea St.) Rev. J. A. Brinkley, A. B., B. D.. Pastor. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A~ M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School. 9 ;30 A. M. All are welcome. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH (South Richmond) Rev. e. C. Smith. A. B., Pastor, residence, 1704 Stockton St. Services Sundays, 11:30 A. M. and 8-00 P. M.; Sunday School, 9:30 A. M.; B. Y. P. U., 6:30 P. M. All are wel come. RIVER VIEW BAPTIST CHURCH. (Jacquel-n and Lombardy Streets) Rev. B. D, Lewis, Pastor, Resi dence 316 S. Lon\bardy Street. Ser vices: Sunday, 11 A. M. and 8 P M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. Alfare welcome. MT. VERNON BAPTIST CHURCH (1902 Wallace Street) Rev. M. H. Payne, Pastor, Resi dence, 1900 Wallace Street. Services: i Sunday, 11:3a A. M. and, 8 P M. i Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. Alfare welcome. FOURTH BAPTIST CHURCH. (28th and P Streets.) Rev. Evans Payne, D. D , Pastor. Residence, 1209 N 24th St. Services • Sunday, 11:30 A.' M. and 8 P. m! ! Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. Alfare welcome. i FIFTH ST. BAPTIST CHURCH- ! (Fifth and Jackson Streets) Rev, T J. King, D. D.. Pastor, Res-’ Idence, 1005 N. 4th St. Services: Sundays, 11:30 A. M. and 8PM' Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. B.* Y* P. U. 6 P. M. Public invited. ST. MARK BAPTIST CHURCH, (Glen Alien, Va.) MT. SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH, (Penola, Va.) Rev. M. C. Ruffin, Pastor. Resi dency, 611 St. Peter St. Services at Glen Allen, 2nd and. 4th Sundays at 1 P. M. At Penola, services on the 3rd Sunday at 12:30 P. M. Sunday School every Sunday at both plaoes at 11-ao A. M. j ( MT. GILEAD BAPTIST CHURCH. | (Chesterfield County) ' Rev. W. H. Llggins. Pastor, Res- , idence, 1835 Taylor St. Services, 1st and 3rd Sundays at 12:30 P. M. Sunday School every Sunday at 10:30 A. ML MOORE ST. BAPTIST CHURCH. (1408 West Leigh Street) Rev. Gordon B. Hancock, A. M., Pastor, Residence Virginia Union 1 University. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9 ;30 A. M. All are welcome. SIIARCN BAPTIST CHURCH. (Corner First and Leigh Sts.) Rev. R. H. Johnson, B.D. M.A, pas tor. Residence, 11 E, day St. Ser vices; Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and 8:15 P. M. Sunday School, 10 A. M. All are invited. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH. (Byrd St„ between 1st and 2nd Sts.) Rev. Z. D. Lewis. D, I>., Pastor, Residence’, 202 B. Leigh St. Ser vices: Sundays, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M All are welcome. RISING MT ZION BAPT. CHURCH. (800 Denny street, Fulton) Rev. O. B. Simms, B. Th., Pastor, Residence, 728 Denny St. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A, M. All are welcome. Just add an equal amount of LEWIS linseed oil to * can of STAG Semi-Paste Paint and you have double quantity of the finest, most durable paint made, just the right consistency, at a saving of one-third the cost. You save money when you use STAG Paint—but you don’t sacrifice quality. $2.50 per Gal. Do your painting early—give it a chance to harden before the hot sun hits 1 gallon Stag Semi-Paste Paint, Plus 1 gallon Lewis Pure Linseed Oil, equals 2 gallons Best Paint made for $5.00 1426 E. Main St. I Richmond, Va. EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER Will Promote a Full Growth of Hair, will also restore the Strength, Vital ity and the Beauty of the Hair. If your Hair la Dry and Wiry try HAST INDIA HAIR GROWER. If you are bothered with Falling Hair Dandruff. Itching Scalp, or Hair Trouble, we want you to try a Jar of BAST INDIA HAIR GROWBR. The remedy contains medical proprieties that go to the roots of the hair, stimulates the skin, helping nature to do its work. Leaves the hair soft and silky. Perfumed with a balm of a thousand flowers. The best known remedy for Heavy and Beautiful Black Byebrows, also restores Gray Hair to Its Natural Color Can be used with hot Iron for Str&lghtenina PRICK tent by Mail, BOc; Ibc Extra for Poetage. I AGENTS OUTFIT—1 Hair Grower, I Temple OH. | I l Shampoo. 1 Pressing Oil, 1 Pace Cream and Dlrec I tlon for Selling. 12.00. 23 cents extra for postage, i S. D. LYONS. 316 North Central, Oklahoma City, Okla. W. I. JOHNSONS’ SONS Funeral Directors & Morticians 10 W. LEIGh STREET phone mad. osa DAY OR NIGHT SERVICE, WITHIN >000 MILES WHEN ORDERED. " 1 • JOHNSON’S SONS, EXPERIENCED MORTICIANS CONDUCT Funerals Flawlessly. Our Many Years of Experience Enables us to Conduct All Funerals in a Most Efficient Manner. We Try to Giva More However by I..corporating in Our Service a Spirit of SynT patlie’lc Underitrnd,ing LEIGH STREET M. E. CHURCH. IN. E. Corner Fifth and Leigh Sts.) Rev. R. M. Williams, Pastor, ree deuce, 616 North 6tb Street. Ser vices: Sundays, Sunday School 9:30 A. M.; Morning service, 11 o’clock; Evening service, 8 o’clock. Tne public is invited. PROVIDENCE BAPTIST CHURCH. (518 Lady Mile Road) Rev. J. J. Woodson, Pastor, Res idence, 1116 St. John Street. Ser vices: Sunday 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. All are invited. MT TABOR BAPTIST CHURCH. (North 22nd Streert, Woodville) Pc.v. R j Eats. Pastor, Residence 15 E. Duval Street. Services; Sunday 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M- All are welcome. MT CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH. (717 Orleans Street, Fulton) Rev. C. A. Cobbs, Pastor, Resi dence. 819 Nicholson St. Services: 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. The publfc is invited. FIFTH BAPTIST CHURCH (1400 West Cary Street) Rev. A. D. Daly, Pastor, Residence 1412 W. Cary St. Services: 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 10:00 A. M. All are welcome. 1ST BAPT. CHURCH S. RICHMOND (Corner 15th and Decatur Sts.) Rev. W. L. Ransome, D. D., Pas tor; Parsonage 1507 Decatur Street. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. Ail are welcome. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH, (20th and Decatur, So. Richmond.) Rev. J. W. Dudley, D. D., Pastor; Parsonage 1715 Everest Street Ser vices: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. a'nd 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M The public is welcome. FAIRFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH (Fairfield Street) Rev. P. Phillips, pastor, 712 E. Clay St. Services: 11:30 A‘ M. and 8 ;00 P. M. Sunday School, 3:00 P. M. The public is invited. WANTED—Transient or Permanent BOARDERS. Furnished Rooms with or without board. Home like surroundings. Apply to MRS. ELLEN N. JONES, 108 East Leigh Street, Richmnod,. Va. ii* • # AGENTS—NEW PLAN, makes it easy to earn 550.00 to $ 100.00' week ly, sel ing shirts direct to wearer. No capital or experience need.ed Represent a real manufacturer Write for FREE SAMPLES. Madi son Shirt Makers, 562 Broadway, New York. We do all kinds of job work. It will be done cheaply and promptly. 311 N. Four'll Streef is the place. Call Randolph 2213. A GOOD SERIAL STORY READ IT ON PAGE 6 CSH® is; S’ PAIN IN BLADDER ^Promptly Eased ISANTAL I MIDY J Be sure to get the Genuine Look for the word "Midy” Sold by All Druggists DO YOU KNOW HIM? I would like to locate my father, Berry Anderson Green. I have not seen him since he left Kastman, j Lawrence County, Georgia. I am re , Hably informed that he Is pastor of . a church on the outskirts of#Rich | mond, Va. Any information of his i address or whereabouts will be ; gratefully received^ MR9. LKOLA SMITH, 1835 McClellan Street, Philadelphia, Pa. OFFICES FOR RENT. Cool, well-Highted offices, with ele vator service, light, heat etc. now available in Mechanics Bank Build ing at a price that wili save the professional man money and afford him exceptional opportunities. Safety Deposit Boxes also for rent. I These Offices will he handsomely renovated and window-lettering will he a feature. | For information and terms, apply I to your real estate agent or to John Mitchell, Jr.. 311 N. 4th St., Rich ! mond. Va j The Roof Garden can also be lease-1 I or rented for entertainments. “LIFE IN PRISON.” A vivid portrayal of actual condi tions of “Life in Prison” written by one who has known prison for ten years. Descriptively describing scenes and incidents aot usually disclosed to the public. $2.00 Prepaid. Agents Wanted.. NATIONAL SERV ICE BUREAU, Pontiac, Michigan. Widely Known Southern Belle*s Silken Hair j owes its wonderful soft beauty | and healthful glow to the daily I treatment she gives it with that 1 old established, marvelous scalp cleanser and hair food EXELENTO QUININE POMADE “I heard great praise of Exel ento Quinine Pomade every where,” she writes, “and I owe my beautiful hair and healthy scalp to its unfailing merits. Ev erywhere I go my hair is sure to be remarked upon for its lustre and softness. ■' “1 «1#o found great benefit in Exelento Skin Soap. It cleared my complexion and nude ray late as smooth aa satin.” It is a woman's hair and face that make her attractive. YOU can be as handsome as any belle by our easy, pleasant way—through the us* of Ex elento Quinine Pomade and Exelento Skin Soap used as directed. They are sold by all druggists, only at each, or will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price. I . Send four name today and pet our valuable book of beauty hetpe and liberal sample* of our I preparations, FREE. EXELENTO MEDICINE CO.. Atlanta. 6a. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Write Far Partieabra TObEY AND TYKE • 'sufcUV- Xou Tswo OOKT WEAN TOGO outimRoSuCwvth OV)T Pl)TTlH& OH TfcOO^ER^> OxEfr VOOR BATING TR0HK*b’ V Wt»M*>T CtRTAlHLY OOV UMAT'S W«OHb U)\T*TH«^ OUTFIT? VWG©«MA^\T18 The car where NO«OT>W VWLUSEE ^Kr^V'H muftHOf ML,AiMri? PtP’V (^vj«bT BECAUSE game THE v»0*\EN NOTING 7 ?R\NJ\LE GES T>oeSHT *(\£AH THAT THEY <?AVl TtU-OS WHAT KtHO OE etOTHCVwC SHOOCO ?V*T OURSELVES \ >HT0V. VDUKC TO khcau UoHAT YOOR- AAAVOvOOULO^AY \F »TOU> HER AVWT HERS8oRT~ * WHAT THEORY L JlGfeE-R-^’TdE CAR STAU.EE*! gra s*i u * # SSSSJStV^ A»K™Y^ &S55* J^1^60"5^ toSrpSp* f«TOUr<WB ’ 1 CRANK.— -’ • I Z~A : GET IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR j SELF. No experience or capital ! required. We teach you every thing. One young fellow in a pris on cell created sales in excess of 191,000. With y°ur opportunity your ■ Held is unlimited. Send stamp for | further Information. NATIONAL SERVICE BUREAU. Pontiac, Mich. Read The Planet It will be de , livered to you for 60 cents for three months with postage prepaid. Send In your order. AN ANNOUNOKAOBNT. The Goodwill Baptist Church. 410 , N Monroe Street is a new unit to the Baptist Church, with a very broad program. Rev. W. B. Ball, pastor < invites the public and his many ! friends to worship Sunday. Septem ber 5. 11;30 A. M. and 8:00 P. M.. Communion 1st Sundays. 3:30 P. M. | Sunday School. 10:00 A. M. Special music. All are invited. B. Y P. u., 6:45 P. M. REV. W. B. BALL, Pastor. F. BALL. Clerk. —The Capital Photograph will be distributed to any licensed merchant throughout the State, at wholesale price. Notify The Planet Office or L. Dickerson. Nesting, Va. From 15.00 to I500.001 reward will b« given for any substantial improve^ , aient on the machine. The Improve ment must be considered by L. Dickerson. ! KNOXIT PROPHYLACTIC Unnatural and mucous dis charges can be avoided by de stroying the germs of infectious diseases. $ at all druggists. EDW. STEWART 203 S SECOND STREET DEALER IN FANCY GROCERIES, FRESH M EATS, VEGETABLES, FISH AND OYSTERS. Richmond, Va. PHONE MAD. 1637 We Want AGENTS to S*ll The DOWN SOUTH HAIR GROWER. Stops Falling' Hair. Heals Diseased Scalp. Promotes the Growth of Hair. Pressing Oil 50 cents; Grower 60 cents; Double Strength Grower, 60 cents; Straightening Combs, $176. | Agents Wanted. Write for terms MME. J. F_ MCDONALD, Excelsior Springs, Mo. ! I ^ NORFOLK AND WESTERN R. R. (Broad Street Station) Leave for Arrive from l 9:00 am..Norfolk .7:00 pm 9 am. .Cincin’ntj & Columbus 7 pm 2:30 pm..Roanoke .2:10 pm : 3:15 pm..Norfolk.11:33 am 5:30 pm..Norfolk Local .. ,6:35 pm..Bristol Local ..8:10 am | 10 pm. .Gin., Mem, N Or. 8:10 pm j....Nor. and Lynch. Local 9:40 pm i *""" " ' RICHMOND, FREDERICKSBURG AND POTOMAC RAILROAD 1 . (Broad Street Station, except where otherwise Indicated) Leave for Arrive from I 4:00 am. .Washington and beyond.6:68 am M4:23 am..Washington and beyond..Ml2:07 pm 6:60 am..North (no coaches).0:20 pm *7:10 am..Aabland Local .*0:20 am M7:20 am. .Washington and beyond. ,M0:68 pm 8:80 am..Washington Local .....11.80 am 10:20 am..Washington and beyond.8:26 pm 12:01 pm..Washington and beyond.8:00 pm Mi :02 pm. .North (no coacbea).M0:16 pm *2:00 pin..Washington Local .9:00 pm 8:80 pm..Washington snd beyond.1:00 pm , **4:26 pm. .Washington Local . *4:80 pm..Fredericksburg Local .*3:10 am MS.35 pm. .Washington snd beyond. .Ml 1:67 pm *6:86 pm..Ashland Local .*6:10 pm 8:20 pm. .Washington and beyond.... 12:60 am M Main Street Station. •Dally except Sunday. ••Sunday ealf CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO R it. (Main street Station) Published as Information and not Guaranteed. | Arrival and Departure of Trains . , Daily, unlena otherwise shown. | * Daily except Sunday ••Sunday only ; Leave for Arrive from 7:00 am..Charlotteev1ile...7:00 pm ' 7 ;00 am..Clifton Forg® .. ,9:00 am. .Norf. & O. Point 6:35 pro 9:30 am. .James River L...4:06 pm 1 1:00 pm..Norf. & O. Point 2:43 pm ’ 1:45 pm. .Clntl-Louvl-Chgo. 7:30 am i 4:16 pm. .Norf. & O. Point’ 11:33 am I *5:15 pm. .Lynchburg. ,..*8:40 am [•5:15 pm. .Charlottesville. .*8:30 am Clifton Forge.. ..12:40 pm • 5:00 pm. ,N.N. ft O. Pt Lo..9:09 am 1 7:00 pm..Cine;® & West..4:00 pm i 11:15 pm..Cincin and Louvl ......