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Published Every Saturday by John Mitchell, Jr. it til North Fourth Street. Rlchmood, Vs. JOHN MITCHELL, JR.. ..EDITOR tit r-omui uni rations intended for pubC'ution etiould be rent to reach ua by Wednesday. Untried at tlie .’oat Office at Iticlunond, Virginia. a* second cia^j matter. On~ Year .«.... ..$ 2.00 0i\ .Month* .j. 1.10 Three Month* .AO Foreign Subscription* .2.60 Foreign Adve. *i«itlg Representative, W. I). .r.ifl Cornpa.iy, *08 'leathern Street, CUicaxn; 221 Victoria Building, St. Louia, )(o.; 420 Longacre Building, New York. SATURDAY_OCTOBER 22, 192G You cannot expect to raise decent children with indecent mothers. You cannot do wrong all of the time and then suddenly change with the expectation of doing right. President Calvin Coolidge may not he a candidate 1'or re election, but his friends are endeavoring to have him enter the contest. Colored folks are all right as a whole, but this risinga generation gives the older element u pain and a shock by its shiftlessness and lack of self-respect. The elTort of the Government these duys seems to increase the severity of the law and. to put everybody in iail. This process has never checked crime and it never will. You must start, at the cradle and the good results will be seen d,own to the .grave. Marcus Garvey may be suffering in the Atlanta Prison, but he gives no evidence of it in the articles, which he is contributing to the New York . Negro World. Putting him in prison . was a mistake and the keeping him there is an outrage. He has his opinions, with which many of us do not agree, but persecution is the surest means of increasing his in fluence and multiplying his follow ers. We have not ns yet heard, the last of Marcus Garvey. The hrillaint James Weldon John son, Secretary of the National As sociation for the Advancement of Cohered, People issues under date of October 15, 1926, a vitriolic reply to the attack of Robert L. Vann, editor of the influential and widely read Pittsburgh 'Courier, in which he an nounced that he had investigated the " ".Clta-land Fund” and that the same had been improperly dissipate/1. Mr. Johnson’s language, if used in Franco would mean “pistols and coffee,” for two, for he charges the popular edi tor with downright lying. We as a race cannot afford this kind of a controversy. This Associa tion is doing a great work and it is unfortunate that our people do not rally and place a half million dollars at its disposal. Certainly it is blaz ing the way to the securing of in herent fundamental rights for our people. We do not know the ani mus on either side in this unfortun ate controversy. To injure and de stroy this great organization would be a calamity. Let us have peace at least amongst ourselves. “O, Uie pity of it!” The Pacific Coast News* Bureau at I»os Angeles reports that Southern California or that part in this neigh borhood has but 1500 feet available to the 75,000 colored population. The privileges secured are about to be lost. At San Monica, a colored man owns a hotel several blocks from the beach and bathers must walk half a mile' ISepeated efforts to secure finance for these privileges have res ulted in failure. The same conditions which were In vogue at Atlantic City, N. J.. where George Walls held, sway •, have crept up •on the beach In California. Of course colored foP^s are largely respondhlo for these discrimination's. They aie too selfish, every one of them being for himself. It is God’s way of working out the problem. When they become absolute pariahs Jn thir own land, they will awaken to thb need of u unity of purpose and a oneness of a< tlon. Persecu tion will separate tho wheat of cooperation from the chaff of in .d'ivldualisnv Wy Ifevery ailing woman . «>d sir! in America could •ft the stream of letters telling of the wonderful change tha this been made in their lives through the use of Mrs. Summers Opaline Remedy they would immediately take heart. For )4 yean tbif famous Treatment has brought the happi , I—;—*7 , Z via»vuiagvu| sick is invited to write in all confi dence for full information regard* •gMrs.SummersHomeTreatment. Send in the coupon and a woman who understands and sympathizes will write you the cheering story and sepdyou a renefous trial which you can use without lire knowl edge or aid of anyone. ' Send m«* without obligation yonr 10 day Ftou Tria' Offer Mra. Summem Opaline I'.cmcdy. Name.. St. or R F. D. Town. State.. To Summers Medical Co., Box 4 il» South Beud, Indiana w mwiffT-mt . www—— VIVID ACCOUNT OF THK FIGHT, fContinued from page 1) Uncle Sam’s, before 40 000 wild eyed fig’t fans nt Ebbets Field The end came In the thirteenth round of a scheduled 15-round bat tle which was desperately, viciously, savagely fought, a spectacular strug gle to death. Forty three seconds after the thirteenth session started Referee Pat3y Haley; a gray-haired j pygmy alongside the two giants. [ stepped between the pair, waved , them apart from a clinch, and went right on waving in the direction of Wills forcing the Negro heavyweight to h;s corner, disqualified for foul ing. Wills’ disqualification tame as a consequence of his repeated use of the backrhand blow and his offense in hitting on the breaks. It was for barkhanding, or hitting with the heel of his glove, and for twice strik ing Sharkey in ♦he face with short right crosses after Referee Haley or dered the embattled pair to break from a clinq£i, that Haley disquali , fled. Wills. • I i “I disqualified Wills for pulling 1 .his arm and hand back and using his right in a backhand blow in the 'clinches and for hitting twice in this L round after being ordered to break,” said Referee Haley after halting i the battle. ‘‘I warned him no less than ten times during the fight. I .could do nothing else ” Sharkey Well in Lead * Of the twelve rounds that preced ed, the final one, the Boston battler had won all and was well in the lead in the thirteenth. At times lie had Wills so groggy that after sev eral rounds the colored, boxer start- < ed to the wrong corner. The fans were startled at the poor showing of Wills who was unable to do any thing but clinch. He was badly beaten and left the ring a battered boxer j Sharkey First in the Ring Sharkey was the first to enter the ring and seemed to bo in excellent spirits and, jigging around, went to a neutral corner and spoke into the ! radio microphone. When Sharkey was introduced he got a big hand, but Wills received a bigger cheer. As they came to the center for a preliminary talk, the fighters tower ed over the white haired referee Patsy Haley. At the bell Sharkey drove a right to Wills’ body. Shark- . ey then rushed in and Wills crossed ’ a heavy right hook to the jaw. They fought along the ropes and then , Sharkey sent a right to the head and Sharkey came in again with his right. Sharkey weaved in and sent { a right to the jaw. They clinched I on the ropes and Wills missed a ! left. Sharkey sent another to the j jaw as they clinched. Wills sent { Shark -y back to the ropds and Shark- j ey sent another to the body. Shark- j ey was backing Wills into Harry’s j corner at ie bell. It was Sharkey’s j round, They met in the center for the 1 second round and Jack drove two i shar,. lefts to the face as^Wills miss- . ed a right to the face and then 1 clinched They sparred at i ng range, aft ■ a session of wrestin' In .wh’ch Haley had his troubles i parting Hie men. Wills r> i< s *1 left Jn the head, and S’ r'*- « in wit! a right to the head. Sharkey then sent a ri ?•* *o * he Toe put a l°ft ‘o the b^dy then wrestled i Sharkey to thr r -mer "'rd was hoc | ed, by tiia crowd for holding This, i 'oo. appeared to lm —' \ > round. I Sharkey Rushes Shar’.ey rushed a i he ring at. the opening of the •! .. and soo • } i'i:s!,« d .’1. s to (he ro’°s as fu.»v' v.'ere »’ rr >ped *n a eltn*1 '01 *ev m men its. Vv ills miss**d With hie ! right ..s Shirke-" rushed In with two I short rif,J ‘s i the taw and TTar-y • pushed Jack back against the ro^s 1 agt ’n. r ey sparred, a'ter v'"-'"’- i 'a. k hookpd a fierce ri< it to tb ) I jaw » 11 i slowed up considerable and ! i little power !n his punches I Wilt abbed Hh^rkev's right eye I wl». . s left snvi 'jht to ♦v,o i bead opened a cut > Sh trk e-o. '.’be: Were <11. ec at Ik * after -V'll. b it ri 1 1 w» Sharkey’s round. Vho> met l*„ the ceuit,. for the fom cli round Wills’ right ; li’ left to th j body were toj pee a ju Jack jabbed to the face as they clinch at ! the ropes As they cat : out o»’ the 'clinch W’lls Jabbei sb -piv to ♦he jaw. Wills threw i i n ioft to (ho body but Jack brought up « right to the *aw and Wills was lr b*.d rbape. Sbarkev missed a right * pT/trcut by no eyelash, which p'-rhai.'y would have ended the bat’.b . He weaved, in close end they hacked ii to a corner. Sharkey opt. ever a Iff* to the faco ard, a i *t to tt* e.omach which jarred V'll. Ac Sharkey came Y AniF? ,25 00 COlTRSK IN HAIR CUL li/il/LLO incIu<Hng one of mv $3.00 COMBs hnd ■ ,*7-20 Wor4th °t ™y DoubleSt.^ength HAIR GROW ,, This Course teaches you quickly how to become an Expert Hair Grower, ho you can Earn Big Money. 1000 More Women Wanted at once to learn my NU-WA SYSTEM and give my 7:TF\T*- .UON7. SEND ANY MONEY. Just send your Name *ddro88 *uU Particulars. Build up a Life Time Independ 'our,?"n «nd Make Big Money at Home. Only one A* w .7 “AT" towns Easy Work» b,K Pay. Own Boss Write today, Address: „ . „W.L JOHNSON. MV , _ 527 South 11th Street Philadelphia. Pa. Mention The Richmond, Va. Planet when answering this Adv. in Wills hit him a light left to the body, but Sharkey landed a round house right to the head at the beil und it was easily Sharkey’s round They mot in midring coming out for the fifth. Wills put in a right to the jaw, but Sharkey came over with a hard right to the heud and Wills was bkmlng. Sharkey shot another left to the jaw and, Harry ' shot a left to the face. He then put ! over a round-house right to the head I and staggered Wills again as they | By Janies P. Dawson | A feeling of relief in the removal i of the menace he constituted, and a sense of satisfaction for those who i championed the cause and the capa bilities of Jack Dempsey whenever I talk of a mixed title match occurred, stood, out in the backwash of the downfall of Harry Wills at Ebbets Field last Tuesday night. I Mingled with these emotions was a feeling of regret that it was not Dempsey who brought about the rev elation. For not a man or woman in the vast throng which witnessed this latest ring debatle w’ould deny for a moment that Dempsey always was the master of Wills, basing the state ment on the standard, of compar isons. The fight brought another title contender to the fropt—a more dan gerous challenger than many yet re alize; certainly a more qualified ancj established contender than ever Wills was. Jack Sharkey today is op a plane with Jack Dempsey in the list of pursuers for Gene Tunney, present champion, if . indeed, he is not de serving of precedence over the form er title holder. The Boston ex sailor did, what Dempsey could not or would not do when he undertook the match with Wills. He also did, what Tunney would not do. Tunney Once Evaded Sharkey fihnrkey right now looks like the r«an who will beat Gone 'Tunney if Tunney la so reckless as to give the HubLithuanian a chance at the ti tle in his first defense of the crown he won a few weeks ago. It is rea sonable to conclude, too. that Tun ney has a wholesome respect for the Boston lad. The work of Sharkey here against Eddie Huffman and, against Wills recalls to mind that this same Sharkey was responsible for the difficulties in which Tunney found, himself with the State Ath letic Commission and the License Committee last summer. Colonel John J. Phelan of the Li cense Committee insisted on Tunney boxing Sharkey in Madison Square Garden as a qualifying test for Tun ney, then being boomed, as an oppo nent for Dempsey. Sharkey signed for the bout with alacrity Tunney, or Billy Gibson acting for Tunney, verbally accepted the bout, according t« Colonel Phelan, but never signed articles and, ignored Sharkey. Sub sequently Colonel Phelan favored suspension of Tunney until he fought Sharkey, and, while the suspension never actually was Imposed, the fact remains that Tunney never was per mitted to fight here. Now. as champion. Tunney has this same Sharkey ramping on his trail. What Is more, while Tunney is ring id.le, Sharkey plans to keep active in the sport, fighting any riv als selected for him, gradually forc ing the issue until the public de mands that Tunney give him his ti tle chance. The first step in this di rection will be taken |>y Johnny Buckley, manager- of Sharkey, next Tuesday, when Buckley plans to go before the commission and submit a challenge from Sharkey to Tunney. Will Press Claim for Match “I want to get Sharkey a match w'ith Tunney for titlo now ” said Buckley yesterday*. “We have been phasing Ttinn3y for morn than a year, but haven ight tip with M*n yet. I Oil it Jack is en titled to reco"i •. i iw as the out standing challenger or the title and I am confident the public wjll sup port us in our campaign to get Tun ne/ into the ring when tlie time comes for him to defend his title. “In the meantime S’-arkey will con tlrue fighting. I am not g»ing to v J im tiT ^lpntv of lighting is e pr«, tXtg.iuda «n too world, and <t won’t do him any ha- rn. T^et . o • 3t otrrs 'Mr up the opponents. Jack ")emp*o* tck Dolenev. Wills sin, anyone Jack will fight, them 'i .e Boston lad left by auto lart night for his home fn the Chestnut TT' 1 > action of Boston. 3harkey Is t p'oud father of two dn"gbterf: thy, nineteen months old. and 1y* fl» ** i. o>-.h° oU!. an 1 Ms de- , •> to ge* hark hon.e to h!« family took *'ir awny from +he city with out day. “I r.evr** had any fiar rf Wills said Sharl'ey "T knew T could beat I t m i" he was made to observe the * » T am happy fl > t *t v- ;s r who •...owe , V Is up as . i.n.dhi g of an over <t' _ 'igl.ter. Now T want Tun p^y. f think T a chance at ^ Mle and T intend Jo keep afte’* i h nev nnMl T get it. ut .Vilis 1k not vet through w+tb the i<ng. or so ho says. ‘ T would I ,’e aoo*,’er chance with Shrvkev." sale wills v -st. rdry. "I, d'” n_rht mv «rrj,< last night. Tv: t*s he only oxenae T can offer I 1 ve no allbts Hu* I feel I can turn j the tr hie* tf Rna’Vey will m^et me for , n T’rr not go'ng to retire. I still have plenty of good fighting In ■ne and maybe n »w it won't he so tmrd for r e to get fellows to fight." •Vlils’ check for the fight was sent yesterday by Promoter Humbert Fhi gszy to the State Athletic Commis js'on in accordance with the rule* of 1 the Commission which withholds the noney of ail boxers disqualified for fouling, pending investigation. Pro moter Fugaz.v announced Wills’ check was made out for $41,701, repre senting 35 per cent of the receipts. It is reported, however that Wills’ reward will be $100,000. in which case the fight will result in a finan cial loss. The paid admissions yesterday were said to total 21.097 and the gross receipts were said, to amount to $133,000. Sharkey’s end was $ 1 i .700. or 1T> per cent of the net receipts. This constitutes the big gest purse the Hub lad ever has collected. His largest purse prior to Tuesday night was $9,000 for his last fight with Jim Maloney. He has been boxing professionally for tVventy-elght months apd in that time, has earned close to $50,000 DOUBLE Protect Your Home! ACTION •W'N« Outcviindi* Winchester J 38 Special or 32 Uses Standard American Ammunition**"—^ Blue or nickel finished. Absolutely perfect and accurate. Powerful nun at ■ bargain price. SEND NO MONEY 4 P«Y postman on arrival our arecial — PriM $H.5° pluipow.nt. Worth $35.00. A wntten guarantee given with this powerful ■un. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back AMERICAN IMPORTERS COMPANY 299 Broadway New York City Dept. P 11 DEATHS REPORTED i The following is a list of deaths report^ to the Richmond Bureau of Health from October 13 to October j 19, with date of death: 'October 12—Robert Wrenn. 26; j la20 Kemper Street, 'October 12—'James Winn, 44; 32 W. Orange St. October 12—Washington Lewis, 46; 1603 Ashland Street. October 14—Melvin J. Van, 3 inos.; 1820 Idlewood Avenue October 12—Benjamin Campwell, 24 6oj N. 30th Street. October 13 —George M. Sweeney 1 • 521 N. 4th Street. October 14—Virginia A. Kenney, 5; 121 S. Lombardy Street. October 14—William Marshall. 45 701 N. 3rd Street. October 15—Curtis Edwards, 1 mo. ! 90 6 St Peter Street. October 1 1 —Geraldine L. Page, 1; 1N1G Idlewood Avenues October 13 Mabel L. Williams. 21; 913 W. Marshall Street. October 11—Ruth Trent, 17; City Home. I October 14—Enirlfnc Nillum, 32; 721 W. F.eigh Street. OctiW>er 15—.Jane HubbaTd. »6: 8"3 Center Street. October 14—James'* Chatman, 62: 281 o M. Street. October 1 3—Wjill lair. Malloy 40; 723 Catherine Street ■October 14—LilHan E. Jackson, 12 hours. October 15—LuTu Daley. 4 3; City Home. October- 15—James M. Winfree, 4 days; 1805 Wafl Street. October 16 —Warren Ford, 3 ir.os.; 1311 W. Cary Street. [October 16—Thornton Easley, 65; J Buchanan Street. October 16—.Robert Julian Harris, 9 months; 1814 Fairfield'. Street October 16—\Vinston Baarett, 55; 521 Short Henry Street! FliLTCN NOTF.S The s *rvicea fas' Senl?y at Cal vary were very ihspiving] Tb morrow marks the herf*inf*»g ,if the 4 7th anniversary of the Church and the 7th anr'/ergarv oF the Pas tor. Tht-’e nurvicei v,jp enc. Mon .ay October- 31. After the ser\ites or he 3lrt home warming, and repast v/U. r»e ’’eld at the parsonage, 802 I'Oul.dnna Street. All are welcome. The following d{ vines wH appear on the pro Krai r *1. verends J f , Bin ford. D. D.; J. W. 77udie.' t. D. ; K S. Brown, of New York; J. J. Woodkon. l> IT. Hines, lir. W. t. Johnson. B. J. RrT t W. J. Jmcas. A. B.. If> B Ifancoca, A. M. Re.. C. >* J'ffe.’Bon pr„c.-’’ed last Sunday at the New Vine B» ptlot ',hurch< Charles City County, Va. Su Ida/. October 3 7 » ev«. will he Men’s T>hy at the C.a d rill Bap tlst Church. tl:f0 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday, October 31. 12 Nion, will he Womon’s Day at the New Vine Baptist Church. Tier W. It. Tuck* Is pastor of both churches I _ MAIL US YOUR KODAK FILMS Fo*- developing and printing by expert Flr.aberp. '.rial roll and i? rrlnta developed 1 r 26c. Film pack* ard 12 print*, 50c; R ro-prints from nega liven, 20 centn. You will be delighted with our p* serv ice. , V. DOVE COMPANY. 419 Wil liam* St.. Norfolk, Virginia I - vou want efflcea well located, *< -hone In th.i Mechanic^ Office bv tiding. DII> \OU EVER SEE ANYONE IN A MORE EMBARRASSING PREDICAMENT? ‘ ^ " ~-~ ~ — ~ _‘ _ Fiends, Big issue ccwf/?omTwg This HEBE M^Uoh IS — 15--foe Big issue is- leTaie Thnk-is-ah-h-h-is The 15SUE 15 CHEYNEY DEFEATS DOWNING TOWN 18 to 7 Wins Second Annual Game In Hard Fought Content In a gridiron battle marked by Cheyney’s clever thrusts off tackle and several long dashes around the ends. Downingtown Industrial School’s eleven was defeated 18-7 in Its second annual contest with Cheyney Training School for Teach ers. The latter’s victory was all the more noteworthy as It boasts a squad of only thirteen men Down ingtown outweighed fifteen pounds to the man. made a Dlucky, stub born fight but was unable to uncork an offensive which could gain con sistently In the final quarter a twenty-yard pass from It. Taliaferro to Leeder was blocked by a Cheyney back but dropped into the arm's of Haul Wh ' sped fiftv yards »o a touch down with beautiful Interference. Harry Taliaferro. diminutive Down ingtown quarterback, was the out ».defen?,ve Pteyer on the 'eld. His tackling was hard and sure and prevented Cheyney from ,? l,n.p;n a 'nrzer -core. However b s judgment in the selections of nlays was faulty and will have to 1 e improved in the future games ' Jackson end. also played a fast game despite an injurv rece'ved dur •W? scrimmage of the game. Dowplngtorn plays James Adams ^Jiool of Coates-ille. October 30 1 - ream hag open dates for Nbvom - a and 20, and would like to es wlth some team that C n r ah°Ut 1>" pnur,d ‘- Write B T-«omar. Athletic Director. IM) YOU KNOW THEM* Vienna. Ca. Oct. c, ID 2;' 1 doriro to know i .e whereabout; of my re!;.li,es I a... mill;.. Jroo! daughter and r v .as cold away in Va'ei 1 wars boru 1,1 li^hnior.-l n 'n|.My motrser beloacou to Jesse Brooks who had two sons. Ike a id fl,cl* wa» ROl(- to S mire Fous~ in North Carolina. i had fo';. brothers: G*urfee Washington. J« r Ambos and Jim Brooks Any information will be thank fully received by Lydia Web.t , ^ Senna, Ga; MONEY I’Olt CLIPWN NE Vi,. Clifton Nt-ui. aged 23. left Mhdisoa N. J in Auril 1913. H3 ls a mis heir and If he immediately comm i'ates with Hester Neal, of li Cen jral AreniM.. Madison. N. J. or Lieut. 1111 nrri ,T Ryan of Madison Polic-' Department, he w,’.i r -e a geo.'1 a im cf money. WIFE WANTED j want* *• ^.fe. One wftr a little jecars ar .. partner in I small bus nesb; 101 over 36 or »ird’< 25; must fee refined an* also have a sound r u‘.; with no chi! , dren. She t ue* > r at SAMUEL JON 2 -t., S3, St., 17-hilad.oi^ pa. OTHER FEa RLE TUDGi, YOU NOV L.Y YO T< I When yo\ car p#: FJK. . RKH and j KI’qs from ai- Oli, c. a> ■'•l ed Hons* I 1-fce HELENS—tba- •. » ,vn t0 gel)! Ithe h«» qt’ -lhy gooda. in ♦ >8 r tag 1 ! able as v hy j, ' friend* a good ln.pra.ig' It will i ***• as the greater pi >at jre to she* yon our wo' *t> 0f home making, comfort, giving r (JRNITURE and RUG8 and—don’t fall to ask our Salesmen about our BANKING PLAN which gives you K. 10 or 15 months In which to pay for r.ny purchase. . S. ®8TA BLI8HKD 1880. ADAMS AND BROAD I C. P. HAYES, 7z7 X. 2d Si., (Successor to A Hayes CQ. Son) Richmond, Va. • LATESi IMPROVEMENTS IN FUNERAL, EQUIPMENT.^ Automobiles Furnished for Funerals, Social Affairs or Short or Eon- Distance Trips—Fine Caskets—Chapel Service Free. Country Orders Solicited—Prompt and Satisfactory Service JW.e Madison 2778. Day or Nisht Calls Answered Promptly. Y-*» ?m «*. > - BROWNS Photographic Studio OF THE LATEST AND unoT lu^iomn A»>L OF THE LATEST AND MOST ARTISTIC PHOTOS AT MODERATE PRICES Paii*lo Exterior „„cj |„,„n„r Work "« stsusss.w* ..•;iovPE?ovVvSJ^k «»' ««< 'n.^co,;;:;v; . ' ’»J ‘)Nr)i’1-. HK’MMOMD V \ A. 0. PRICE, 212 Bi>i HIGH SfHtti * i NI.RAL DIRECTOR, EM&ALMER AND LIVERYMAN A!, 0.4..,s Promptly Killed at Short Notice by Telegraph or , "oi'‘ ' Meetings and Nice Entertain. ;;!-n’v of Ko ' all Necessary Conveniences. - ire Vn c .-r l’-.. - *a6ons for Hire at Reasonable H.^tcs an i Nothing Rut First-class Automobiks and < tr Keej constantly on hand fine Fun ,,,, r;i* "'’IM'h'es. 0|»en All Day and Night. ? ? 10X11 Man On Duty All Night—Richmond, Va (Residence Next Door) Sf***v ope W* iv Offe r ^ - n»- . shjets of note prmer and 1 ' envelop -s printed >»• ° >nd Paper, *$ 1,0/i) Delivered r-r. loo 1 ;ts of paper, 1, and I0o *nv-|opes e- ’-.nd Paper, $1.50 Deliver id ,r *?,^a:h cf'?ncr -s 4' '• " • «•* exce. J;t* 3 lire*- incher. w'de '•> *o ^se'erted b’ us. Same popy io be used on ^ * on envelope? Her* , yourcb ~e. We do a, v JOB W'WC. sfc t *.Ii ordi ;o TUB F\H.\'ETt 1 ,4. «th St,. Kin -.oi.d, Va. DAY PHON**, ran. 4*08 W. A PRICE, Incorporated FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND i v?BAt MER bpaciousi^r for V’ ir. > n* * TaunomH. 700 N. 17TH STREET, RICHMOND VIRPIps.?a PROMPT ^ERVICM IN OP^Y ‘J» ; /tNTRY V,K<^IMA Funeral Parlor Roat-Roomm DlapHv t+4g* p*om. Phone* OflCA Pan. J07,. Reeide;*,.. r». ,7oT\.^ ^n. 1*7," ROBERT C. SCOT)1, Fiuernl Director 2223 EAST MAINSTK >T RICHMOND, VA