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PubllMi«tl L'*ry 8»tunlijr L. ,i-fi Mitchell, Jr. at 111 North Fourth Bti..i nchmood. Va. JOJIV MITCHELL. .Jit EDITOR 4i iiitvi.i. lor vnw xlloo ahould i.« *ciu u> mill i- 1.1 * r ItinnU, /.i> • • >t ll:.- \*t <• *J|| ' ■ ml, \ ugnim. a.. nccoii'1 < i.. i On<- Year ...... ... .. ....$2.00 8i.\ M<v"- ... 1.10 Throe ' nt. :s . ... 00 1 •»'*• "un - .ti'it ii|*ti*«n» .. 2.60 I'. ,-t> \• I o.‘o <i( Rejire-H'iii. t i'<• " ’I. y.i!l l’on*|M i. •« ••cnru».n Sr. ' • ’ •21 Mctixia Duihliuj, St Lot'll. Mo ; 420 !..■•>" .<-re ItuiMinc. New York. SAT -RDAY. .NOVEMBER 27. 1926 We have received a lengthy com inundation from Mrs. Beside L. Allen. State Supt. and Secy of the Kentucky Home Society for Colored Children at Louisville giving the history of these child-helping societ ies. They cooperate with the Juve nile Courts of the country. It is claimed that they have mot the ade quate need-, i" the I n ted States. The very ah e Dr. C. I! Parrish i< President. Financial h*»lp i •• ear nestly desired. Amount, large or small may he rent to the Kentucky Horne. Mrs. Bessie L. Allen. Secre tary, *2", South Sixth St.. Louisville. Kentucky. "DHTKCTIYKS K11 D.-ID HIM Some time ago. the white press of -this city waged an cditirl:;’. warfare egainst the indiscriminate use o' firearms by members of the Police Department. As a result, arrests are being made in the city with little or no risk to the sleuths, which Chief It. B. Jordan has marshalled for the defense of this community. Pr'vate Detectives T. C. Sweet an/1 J. J. Dougherty k:lled an un armed colored man at 16tli and Franklin Streets last Toopday night. It is all right to say ♦bat the man had no business there and he should not have been there. Tn all proba bility the ring, which : onducting this systematic thieve ing the profits t . from pursuit and <. lies stark and stiff If he had been cup.' jected to a rigid cross he might have gii ♦ which would have p robberies. There is show that the man k 1 main culprit and then and enjoy i.i is safe 1 p'geor." aiul sub xmination. i mation t»u future idonce to 1 was the no death penalty for running, when a man Is hailed by an o-ficov much loss when the o by private detectives 'clothes. Two powerfu’ revolvers stand off ana • uniform. ■ w is done i citizens lien with i. ii a moil down as though they were at target practice. Human life is held too ''.i up. fcitid. all of these things will be corrected in their own time. Wo slaughter , each other and thou private drtcc tives follow suit and kill a man for stealing. It may be that these de tectives were church members and had high ideals about appropriating for their own use their neighbor’s goods. Our advice to our people is to be honest, religious, practicing the fundamental principles of right and trusting in God. There is a lesson in this for the peoplo who are living by their wits It emphasizes the lacl that ‘‘tho wages of sin is death,” but who be lieves that Private Detective T. C. Sweet and Private Detective J. J. Dougherty have been selected to carry out the mandates of the Almighty? O! The pity of it! THE hall mills horrors Whatever the verd’et of the Hall Mills murder Jury, there can be no Justification for the blutal and prej udiced pol'cy that prosecutor Simp son has pursued. No horror has been omitted from the Jersey Sen ator's depth to break down the nerve and sanctity of the accused widow and her broth31 Only those calmed and sustained by a Supreme confidence could have wme through the chamber of inhuman horror* through which he has led the arlsto cratic woman. Neither the Innuisi tion of Spain nor the terrorism o1 the Bolshevists was a more fiendish trial nor a more vicious appeal t< class and race prejudice. The In cessnnt display of the raurdere< couples clothing before the eyes o the accused might have been justi fled in u third degree attempt t< wring a confession from an habitus criminal. But the sadden produotlo’ of the effigy of the murdered pal and the mimic cutting out of th dead woman’s throat and her vocs organs was « ghastly torture wrac upon which the ghoulish candldat for Governor of New Jersey hope to p'nion his helpless victims. Rue revolting court play would has broken down the nerves of th strongest Innocent man or womai Th's is Jersey Justice at Its wor »nd should be barred forever fro * <’ Wert Xrb&n't CKit •t bur frv#* drrs for my cuir.” Mi««Sra i »CA»*nu, JcUciaua City, Mo. mYonr frrforotio* U> dent my kmr to miflk food I skill tutor W without it* Mm T.ema Open Newkirk, OkU. 7'V"’ -“«*< «V7 could not ttrick hold •] my hair, hut now / *<;* yj.< it up nicely." Misa Anna Adams, Zcllwoud. Fla. iviany Pretty Girls Owe Their Beauty To IL j "My hair has brrn curly, and il is note straight and combs easily." Miss Annie Bkaselky Springbcid, Ohio Nelson’s friair Dressing jpROM all parts of the country we receive letters telling of the wonders of Nelson's. It is the oldest established hair dressing on the market^—the original, and it has led them all because it brings such sure and quick results. I hose who take pride in their personal appearance should care for their hair. (»o to your druggist and ask for Nelson’s Hair Dressing and Nel son’s Scalp and Hair Cleaner. Wash the hair thoroughly with the cleaner and then apply Nelson s Hair Dressing. Brush the hair vig orously. Almost at once it will become iongcr, smoother, and more lustrous. Soon you can arrange it any way you wish. You can be as proud of your hair as thousands of others are of theirs! If your druggist cannot supply you, send us fifty cents in stamps and we will send both preparations to you at once. NELSON MANUFACTURING CO., Richmond, Va. HAIR DRESSING 2 Warning don’t take the wrong package When you ask for Dr* Fred Palme r’s Skin Whitener Prepa rations—be sure you get them* Don’t 1st the clerk hand you the wrong package* Hundreds of people have been deceived —just because they failed to say Dr. FRED Palmer’s* The original Dr. FREDP./ er’s Skin Whitener Preparations have proven their merit ar _ when you buy them, you know you are getting the best. Insist on Dr. FRED Palmer’s Skin Whitener Preparations—AND TAKE NO SUBSTI TUTE* Get Dr. FRED Palmer’s Skin Whitener Preparations from vour druggist. sk for and get Dv. e d Palmer’s SKIN WHITENER. _ REPARATIONS Dr. rYed Palmer’s Laboratories,, Ga. Please send me samples of your preparations. X am enclosing 4c tor postage and wrapping. Name.. any American Court. There was i but one other trick for the unscrup- ] ( ulous persecutor to pull. That was i to appeal to the race prejudice of the jury. The press publicity and the trial conduct of the Simpson or ganization from the first centered n i racial attack against the charactei of Nellie Russell, the colored star witness .' gainst the ‘‘Pig Woman” , accuser and for th® defense. She was called as a witness. She had been discredited by Simpson in the eyes, of j tiie jury as a ‘‘'•oujuring, character- i i less Negress.” That was not enough ' , Mrs. H ill’s brdther ‘•Willlo” Stevens had to made a '•Negro” to fit la < , with the "rst j.!c of the pig v/'-nian. t So Simpson is now engaged in a sordid stealthy effor* to nuke him an illegitimate colored half hrothi-r. Surely the dec < < th'-ens of ! w Jersey, whtt* r < I' m colored Ml not forget ' ,■ •>[)!( %*. e induct of Senator Sirupso i im>l Ills type already pnscdii hon’d be driven for all time fro... (lie public life of America. —N. Y. News. So say wo all -Ed. Local K. P s i (Continued from page 1) I__ - Hrown, who has been violating the > plain provisions of the law by prac 1 tiring his profession under rover. i while drawing '•fat” fees, which r should have gone to other reputable e colored attorney* In the State many 1 of whom arc* members of the Order It In good standing that It. seem* lr» o possible for him to take stern action d in the premises and remove the hin h dering cause*, e e THAT TATI,OR WARNING 1. it Many member* hero are wondering na if Sir F. J9. Puryesr la ready to neet the Issue and save the Order. < le is helpless, so long as conditions 1 emnin as they are now. Many mem* I iers her" rer^-mbc. Sir John T. i ray' .-nin H * labored hard :o s’ - •iu ne hat the beat i :oi *ue ■:»» to accept Mr. i <t offer and po £n cnixr terence »nn him while here and freely discuss thc< situation behind ‘‘closed doors. *-c o speak. They would not htur Mr. Taylor, v ;j .ictically everything he said > iil.out Mr. Mitchell has come to n-'<. Another thing, whi"*- V. ' . ifig m rncnt is the action of u ’ Brown ind J. R Pollard king seven hundred dollar* the Grand Court end thus diver* tl> ' ■' >r women” money tl. '*y r?'. iv i i ed. WHO SIGNED IT? Just, ivho s*gncd the order to draw this mi-... y In-m the treasurer he", not beer, disci sod. Some snv here that it is reported it .lie six taun dn d dollars were taken out when th .- miner received from the receivers of the V linn'-m Savinas Rsu'.' v-nr turned over t<* he treasurer Thu •vomen here t-e- m disposed *o let the men no th< ir way and they will po their*, if s< ie of tho exp" -lops here are to he relied upon. lufor nr tic i has reached hero thru <'»t ♦»rmy .1. It. Foliar- ha« w 1 dred dollars due the T. <_ from nn "Piste. He pare the treas urer of the Grand Court a check i*'hi cl was returned to the Grand Tressu’-or rs being worthless. FTTT.L WAITING It ptso said that tho Grand Worthy Counsellor is awaiting the check. Just what, will he done should *’’ • v mount not he V.rtb c^-ruin"’ will be a matter for the Grand Court Order of Oalanth-j vn the State Court. It Is a^o oported that many woil known colored attor neys wiP he availshle tlr* oUPce ! —l f Grand. Attorney should! tflue Grand x>dge decide to. oon.tLn.ue office. ' or whirl! there is no provision in lie Constitution e£ Che Cltv: d Lodge. a *ny lodges ere at the point of [ropping out of the O \ tiid the idviee hns gone (fawn uiw line for ili that hare u(xt done *<* to hold i i no y(h~ k\ow I P. 7* Jordan. Chief of PoJ re<\. ed *: >. * *■.. i t; coticf { it-jiie oi BJoefleld v ^a.. ' to Richmond. Ya. two •-are ago last Bepferabe Bho innr ied a mnn, h^re ott four years ago. ilt« name w<wh Kd Croner and two rear? ago oro tght her and his child »nd left it. 'with her parents, who have become i rcVo to maintain the ’Uld ♦ tbou; the aid of its parents. Any informal! u ri.netrninn them .vfTi i lhfr'Iv rr eh * . . idress .’a. -» t vr ROHlNi.TTIT. 1009 Hanover g<., uriofie d. W. \“e. \ ' <IA In Hustings Court ; t -f IT of the City of Richmond j NoveuTrr /ind, 1926.#, IN TANCBJtYt ARTIULi L. < P!FS _ PtafutifT AgHost ! ANI7/ » ^18S- Defendant • - > f this su t ia to on f. -a h h absolute iHvor ' tor the P iintitf ’rom the d- tend ant. Anna P r- t'ir« upon fue grounds of deser t ->r. anu ah lotiment for more than throe "rior to the commortoe njeai of this suit. A ad af ldsTit haring been made and Q’ed ♦hat the defendant. Anaa *. Criaa Is not a resident of the State of Virginia, ft is ordered that, she do app-sr here within ten days offer *he due publication of this order nad do what. Is necessary to protect ho** interest in this suit. A. Copy. Teste: w. n. duval, Clerk. C. MTU MS p. q, Rock That Rancher Fed His Chickens Proves Granite; Brings Wealth THIS Is the story of a combina tion chicken ranch, eucalyptus grove and rock quarry which uas made a "small" rancher wealthy R E. White went to San Diego. ,Calif., several years ago with enough money to Invest In a few acres and • few hundred chickens. For many nonths he struggled along with his orood. nursing a rapidly depleting ;>ank account. One day he discovered on the cor ner «»f his ranch a white substance which looked like a fair substitute for the grit he had been purchasing for his chickens. He rubbed it In his •fingers. Ho scooped up a few quarts Into a pall He fed It to his flock Chicks Thrive Nothin* happened to the chickens jand he •‘mined” a few more bucket's of It. These went the way of the first, and the feathered egg-layers thrived. in a year or so White's chickens began to pay, and ha looked around for new endeavors. I rIe looked often and Intently at the corner of the field whence had come tho grit, and one day he took a wheelbarrow there and. with nd par* tlcutar end in view, took a few loads s~ay. Underneath he found eolld rock. Rock had ruined many farms, but not the White ranch. He took out a sizeable specimen pnd had It assayed. ‘Granite,” read the brief report. And from that point this rancher rock miner planted his feet and •tarted forward toward a fortune. Friends Help Along White borrowed to his limit, then Interested his friends. “I have tho R. Bne«t granite In the west." he re peated to thepi, until at last a suffi cient number believed to, provide the money -for machinery. Today White’s granite sells in Ver mont, the original granite aftate; It goes Into tho making of thousands 9f California tombstones; It makes roofing material; it goes Into stucco aggregates; It forms the basis for terrazzo flooring—and 60.000 tons of grit!*** been crushed tor chicken The granite need by the crueneN to make supplemental chicken feed ** **»• ■PuBs, or cast-off material! which remains after the solid chunks hare been cut for tombstone and ornamental purposes. White ts one man who believes flrmiy m the adage that wealth grows beneath every man’s foot! (LIND, GOING BLIND AT A It ACT. SORE EYES TART \ ft ONS1LITIS. PYORRHOEA, EN ARCED GLANDS. CHRONIC AP ENDICIT1S often restored with nr Special Combination, after ©th •s entirely failed. ) Years Experience. Investigation Solicited. REGAL CHEMICAL CO. 30 E. Marshall, Richmond Va. ‘ ** i * GENTS WANTED to Sell DR ' “ LINK’S KEEP STRAIGHT II.vl iRESSER. $1.50 per dozen, 50c. ‘ri Kller. W.Ite for Free Samples Dr ’ }• rfak Medicine Co. 261J Elm s ialiao, Texas. __ :! LEGAL NCT’C?' IIICINIA—In IIu.l ugs ' a ll,. Ol lilt City () K; !,... bv-r 26III 102 6. Ir.r * ClaiA Dri; kt against Idil'e* ! lick 1 'y. fin Clianre > Tl;*'of»iecl of t i d'verce f cm f’’ l« iony ly tlte p'a'c»!f to i’ r.'ktr' f 11 |’>P , i . I’-l n*T. f .. hr?»* jail's prlcr to (' /tv1 }if'T(*n’*'t ha’'5”" nd. 4f“ f (Ft-if f e dcfe”ni. .!*!* '•r’cSrey. fn rot a r n • , t 11 “a*e cf it s o ’er i ' o fie appear her? w ! ’ter duo* pithRcoffrn ( ‘ t'-’s • lP, '» a tr»ek foil- s a ■ vecHa in Eire Richmond ply.r t •Tv.spaper publ's’ied fn the (’ !.• . Richmond'. Va., and ties what is ne-es >arv to protect his interest in ttrtis-.’- ■ lU'iTt A Copy—Teste: ! W. E. DUVAL Cl-ri; ! t. ir. JACKSON, I» q "Tp " i VFV—Tn 11 i.-C' i?rf P&, n' City .tf Richmond, November ' r*:rqA. sANCv TACT? FT AN f ... P^im ,, ve. >•• vk«- v.trc;w,v ... mfm.ift.ut* • Tbe ob'ect of thts 3’ilt ito ot/tait* r^r the prafntifF aa aKd idi/i .< "r: m tile defendant upor tho /rounds " rf desertion and rban.’,cr?m«nt fe* rhan throe •Tarr •'Hor to *i ’ •'. MT renermert :*? this .,t:lt And r. pf lav'l hovir.> bt*e& mad’ and* tiled that the defendant, Tc ,.i., Vairahan 1r rrot »i reardcnt- of f'-*-- v State of Virtrtr.ii. • rV ,re« t, he (Pa appear here w*rti?r* ten dr>T s •; frwm the dne pirblieavfon 3f tWn c» « dor- and do what mitt e recere r- cy * t<s protect hfa interest '' 'big;a\ !t.. < A Copy-—To$v*«*: ; W. FI DI*t'AL. «. BrA.tnTOjt,t. r. . C. MT . M8. n. q. "'MtCINIA T’* tho < 'vtwt" Co* »•♦ • the Cft~ of R !< ii 4Tb;V Ts’orrmbor -tfh MTCANO POWIU r . __ ptafnM ( • Afra!nnt MART TVBTY POWU’T Pi'ondnp* ' ^hc '-bjoet of thf .si ft 1.? to obtain * • w d«vorca from the of Matri mony bp th“ pba'nttff fro*r the 6o-‘ 'ft ndnnl on the rro> nd of viifj* action and abandonment, r.a .! *;i i /pffld irlt bavin* her- . vU and T.fufl , *h«t the rield defendant 1« not a »ee ' Heat of the Stnto of V’ralnia. and ♦ hat. her ?a»t known not lorfiee id dreno WM PMled-TphJa. Pa. It 1* hereby ordered that the said Mr * Ivey po*/e!f inpt»r he-o wlfblr ♦■> dayn aft- d’.o pnbllreti-.n o<; tbi-j order an.; do what !a nersavary to i protect he- Interoat In thli anft A »py. . Te*te 0 ARI.ANf> B. **•* * 0R D C C. A. McKftNZIB. P O I Li HZSVP^ (Successor 10 • * * ■ * ** ■ A.. Hayeo &. oon) 7liV ISI. 2d St., Richmond. Vo.' LATEST IMPROVEMENTS IN FUNERAL EyUlPMEN t £ Automobiles Furnished for Funerals, Social Affairs or Short ^ 1 Long Distance Trips—Fine Caskets—Chapel Service Free | Country Orders Solicited—Prompt and Satisfactory Service I Phone Madison 2778. Day or Ni«ht Calls Answered Promptly f H!F FROWN'S Pliologiapllie Studio AIJ. fVp THE LATEST AND MOST ARTISTIC PHOTO' A r MODERATK PRICES t. 1-rtni to Children Exterior hu<1 ini*»*v ,r Wm* S>...-t Not re. VV© Specialty** nn RM.AH'UN-} • f *1 ' iXf ; r Of.I* PHOTOS V ll. I S W ORK DONE «N *1.1. KIM»v .» Wit.AVHK • ti ot• •11 !’ y>-. >.,* a •''esotu-e r:-. ’ • Him LENS Ra n, .%■!•:»,• in- In-t r '• r*»WN VISITOR: A R '< w » , " s- '. *yxn Si K-. -v ' I.. • • » HUHMnnD. va i ♦A* iw ! *T 1- i • t:t «tr, . Vv !■ V: . tliSliL, 212 USi LLIbu biiitli , v>. -' 1 ’i ‘ T«>R. EMBALMER AND LIVERYMAN* ‘ ly V»ile«l at Short Notice by. Telegraph orr > K« in *1 for Meetings and Nice Entertain*, i ktHiW with ail Necessary Conveniencos. » and Wagons for Hire at Reasonable fh«»K I’.iii F'irst-class Automobiles and !* Necp constantly on hand fine Fun ,r?J >cr, y.Rrs (>jn*n All Da^ and Night. 5/7 •-A' lit On Duty All Night—Richmond; Va i Residence Next Door) i.-u :.+t riiv■ Special Offer 100 smgie sn^is <~*f note par 10J envelopes printed on t <Xf $j qo Dp live; td prep aid ICO shs'ji' ji: pape-ir. double, and 100 envelopes printed on RmH Papor, $1.50 Delivered prepaid Sach customer Is flowed to seiiu cop./ not exceeding 3 lines, 2 Inches *1de. Type to selected y »v Same -opy to be w .e : on paper as on envelopes Here Is ► /our chance. We ao Klims of SOB W^r &. Sene ail orders to i_ TZ a Pi.TUSBT, 1 H. 4tb St . Rlchmo.ic, Va. **'•* vasau* ismv .-£»*• &».?«?« da.y phone ran. ** j W. A. PRICE, Incorporated P NF.RAI. DIRECTOR AND EMBAL MVU. Sjmi iotw Rooii' jo; M ” ri)d Luttnainr.ienU OFFICE D W AREROOMS I 700 N. 17TM STREET. RICHMOND. VIRGINIA PROMPT SERVICE IN CITY Oil COUNTRY. !3BSr mr-vgiii1 g,1 j'« j* ^’u“oral Parlor Reat-Rooma Duplay Rooir.» Roo«b« \ Piiona*- OfBcs Ran 2073. R»eM»of*.. Run. 17$a A»*l . ftar. 303t*» • ROREP- r SEOTT, r.;3cral Director 2223 EAST MAIv SJKEFT RICHMOND. VA.