Newspaper Page Text
O DEATHS REPORTED » <$ *£ The tollow'fTig is the list of deaths I Colored) reported to tho Richmond Liureuu of Health from Nov. 17, 1926 to Nov. 21 1926, with date of death: November 16—Louise WllllamB, 2 iiioh.; 1304 N. 17th Street. November 16 *Grace Marion Rich urdson, 5 mos.; 1719 Maury St. November 16- Josephine Christian, 76; 2104 Gilbert Avenue. November 15—Ruth U. Royster, 1 610 W. Fell Street. November 17—Edgar Kenner. 19; Weems, Va. November IS—Virginia Richardson. 1; 300 Loudon, Va. November 19—-Lee E. Coleman, 3 mos.; 1708 1-2 Idlewood Avenue. November 17—Charles Wyatt, 43; 105 W. Duval Street. November 16- John Wesley Ford. 42; 611 St. Peter Street. November 19—Thomas Gates, 51; 4 206 Fulton Street. November 1&—John H. Gee, 48; 917 W. Cluy Street November ID El!a M. J.one8 15; 2205 Everett Street. November 19—‘Lily Gardner. 20; 627 W. Lonoir P.. Raleigh. N. C. November 19—Frederick China, 19; 3822 20th Street. November 2 2—Moses Cary, Jr., 5; West Point. Va. November 20—Mary Morris, 26; 314 E. Grace Street. November 21—<Baby Logan. 4 hrs.; 1 7 King Street November 21—PR-hard Boston, 20; 20ft W» Clay Street. November 22—Sallie Taylor, 29; 656 N. 7<th Street. November 21—Lucy Burke, 21; 1219 Boyd Street. November 21—Audrey Epperson 31; 413 W. Clay Street. November 2 2—John H. Threat. 28; 1406 Decatur Street. November 22—Louise Price. 60; 1115 W. Moore Street. November 21—Martha Belcher, 60; South Richmond. GEORGIA STATE COLLEGE STU DENTS SURPRISE PRESIDENT On Wednesday afternoon President B. F. Hubert of Georgia State Indus trial College, received one of the moat pleasant surprises or his life when the students at the college stormed his office door yelling and singing their college songs. They escorted him to the chapel platform and their spokesmen, J. H. Benton and Clara Brownlee, told of the sin cere appreciation of the student bod” of their new president as they had come to know him and regard him. In the name of the students, he was presented a beautiful vase of pin’- carnations. Ir reply the president said: '•! was "ever more completely taken bark in my life. My heart and bands and purse are with you lor mav,n*» this the. greatest College in Gee—so T wish to tell you truth full” that in all my student and ten Vlng experiences in schools of the Soot* of the North and at Tuskegee wbonop j have just come, i have met and ming’ed with no finer body of students.” The students had invited several gi>e«ts 'mm the eity. among them being present were: Mr. and Mrs. John W Hubert; Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Harris- Mr. R. A. Harper, cashier Waee Earners Bank: Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Powell. Prominent Visitors at the College' At the chapel exercises Thursday morning. Mr. Arthur Itaper of the Interracial Commission, spoke to the student body and faculty. He was loud in his praise of the work being done at the college and he predicted for it a bright future. He assured them that the Commission would do everything in Its power to help make this the greatest College in Georgia. COT.ORG RAMS Missouri sounds the call for cot ■ton pickers. Howard University indulges in the largest registration in its history. Josephine Baker, comic opera star, has captivated P-”'« with her sing leg and dancing. Tb« Cardinal Gibbons Educational Institute for Colored Youths, at Ridce, Md., Is having a modern dairy annexed to the institution. Oh., reittlve youth’ Three hun dred students of Douglas High .^chrcj Baltimore, went on stride, heeann --ev ; j' ’ . i use thf-v don’t appreciate ’he value and pooesntty of irntion. Dr Mocdecai W ’-hn^on, president of Howard Univc-tdty has begun his adm inhtration in the spirit of Christianity peace. Firmness, Wis dom. Efficiency, and Tolerance. We hope fb "knife-sharpeners” will uind'y icke a ’’detour.” FRESH FI/WID4 iron* Fresh Sweet Florida Oranges $:l.00 per box of three hundred large stze. Sound Fruit and satisfaction guar anteed or money back. We pay ex press charges A box of tln-so makes an appreciated Christmas . <2 FARMS, Gainesville. Florida. foW* Your throat soothed, 5 head cleared, cough re Q lieved—by the exclusive menthol blend in LUDEN’S 1 MENTHOL COUGH DHOPS Soo ”o ^ na (Continued from page l) The four names mentioned in the affidavit are among those sent to Gov. McLeod by Mr. White. 3. The New York World continu ing its inquisition into the lyinch ing, in special dispatches published conspicuously on its front page, is arousing the press and the entiro State of South Carolina. In its issue of today, the World pr'nts telegrams from South Caro l'nrt editors showing that most of the white dailies condemn the lynch ing and are demanding punishment of the lynchers. As a sample of the comments telegraphed to The World by South Carolina editors are the following: Pierre H Fike. Editor Spartan burg Journal: ‘-The Aiken lynch ing is one of the foulest b’ots on the Vonor of South Carolina.. i Those who participated in the Aiken ivnchlng know in their hearts thnt they art* cowardly, brutal murderers .The punishment of the guilty | parties ought to be the business of every South Carolinian.” Charles O. Hearon, Editor Spartan burg Herald: ( ‘‘Every man who respects law and t order should demand that the mob members he punished.” It. Charlton Wright, Editor Colum bia Record: ‘•The Aiken lynching* stand out as the most ferocious and abhorrent crimes committed in South Carolina •luring the many years of my resi dence here.” A number of ed'tors. howver. re sent ‘‘outside Intrusion” and predict there will he no convictions no mat ter what the evidence uncovered. KFPKKSKXTATIVKS OF NATION \ij negro i:\position in VIRGINIA. Will Explain ai d Mins of Proposed Exposition Representatives of tin National Negro Exposition Corporation which is sponsoring the National Negro Ex position which will bo hold in New York City from June 1st to October 1st. 1927. will be in Virginia for two weeks famiijari/ing the people with Hie purpose of (lie Exposition. They wi'l visit nil of tb~ ct*ie« of the State and will >ake excursions into the smeller towns. 1 The National Negro Expos'Hop will celebrate the sixty-fifth rviniv . ary of the Emancipation of ♦' Colored Race and wi’l show it?1. progress from that date until the present time. This will he the first Vppto World’s Fair, and the Prut O"" /Mi nify of the Colored peonle lo open the eyes of the wnrM and show what the Negro is capable of p^odu^ing in s ionce, art. literature and industry. The Exposition Corporaton which has resources of over $200 090 hu.s secured grounds covering a space of over twentyflve acres. The various buildings will be of stucco, finished in a light salmon color. The mag nificent tronts of ihe buildings will be built in sections during the win ter. and erected at the Exposition grounds in March. After the clos« of the Exposition, these same fronts will be taken down in section*, and nsed year after year for oth« r *>o sit?ons. The management of the Exposition in in the hands of experienced Col ored business mor. Mr Tipps Bea ver. the President and Manpoine Di rector has had over feu y*nrs of ex perience in expo: itloa work. Mr F W. Terry D T>. S', is Treas« r^r and Chairman of the Ad/isory Doaid. Mr, J I. p->fson is Secretary and Advertising Manager. Tti( exposition has already received the endorsement ef Honorable James 1. Walker. Meyor of the Cit> of New Vork, and of Enumerable nr>''n of in fluence in tlie city, teachers, minis • ter;., and business men #1,000,000 To end V^OICIS The 24-homx wmf There's <> »o iul colds so ef ficient, so complete that we paid $1, 000.000 for It. That way Is HILL'S. It stops colds lu 24 hours, checks fever, opens ihe bowe's, tones the entire system. The millions who know it alwuys rely ou it. Oo start It now. Hn&^CMCtrt-SraahMfcUM B* tur* you cot HILL’S, in Ik* r*4 beat with portrait. At. ail dramilt* JOa. Lemy Puller (Continued From Page 1V Funeral Director R. C. Scott has ascertained that the name of the colored man killed Tuesday night by Detectives Sweet and Dougherty, is Leroy Fuller, lie was a laborer. 27 years of age and resided vat 517 N. I 4lh St., with his parents, Ellen 1 Johnson Fuller and Alexander Ful ler. The family is from North Car oliua. Calling at 517 N. 4 th St., the Planet's representative was ushered into the room, where sat Mrs. Ellen Johnson Fuller., the mother of Leroy Fuller. She was in a highly hys terical state. *‘He kissed me good bye last night and said that he was going to his room up-town and would be back in the morning at six, and he did not do it.** When she had been calmed by her female asso ciates. she said that she came to Richmond from Kittrell, North Car olina, 26 years ago, when Leroy was a baby. She did not know anything about the facts surrounding the killing. Leroy was a laborer in the tobacco factory when at work. He was un married and was 27 years of age. A few moments later, after express ing sympathy, the Planet’s represen tative was at the office. Have T5he PLANET Delivered to You. Only $2 ! per Year. I iNUIA-.hrM'H GROWER <r. of - r<*«*iur»t i* reiiglO, VUv4* ; • • ♦*-.♦.»ti i iif Hair, if i i» i*r* ry try • INiHA HiViit GKtiWKB. o uoitiorwv ' u Falling Hair i •V. ItoElu# H«*ai|i or Hair • vvo want >ou >u try a Jar ©t INDIA HAIH <1 ROW HR. Tha ■j contains tuviitcai proprieties go lo tha root* of the hair oJatea tha akin, helping nature !o Its work. Leares the hair soft •id -tti Perfumed with a balm of a Uiouaun. Cowers. The beet known remedy for Hew ' aud Beautiful Black Byebrowa, «*b:o rf" *+*> dray Hair to Its Natural Color i ii n be o u •» tth hot Iron for Straightening t i I I PRICK sent by Man. &oc; m Extra (or Paataae \UKNT8 OUTFIT 1 Half Grower, 1 Temple OH j 1 Shampoo, 1 Pre&mng 011 1 Face Cream and Otrec- | 'ton for Selling, *2 "0 S3 cents extra (or postage | S. D. LYONS. 316 North. Central, Oklahoma CUy, Okla. W. i. -JOHNSONS’ SONS Funeral Directors h Morticians 10 W. LEIGH STREET phone mad DAY OR iXKilT SERVICE, WITHIN 'ooo MIEES WHEN ORDERED. U l. JOHNSON '- SUNS, EXPERIENCED MORTICIANS CONDUCT Fuuerals Flawies* y. Our Many Years of Experience Rnab es us to ConJuc, All Funerals in a Most Efficient Manner. We Try to Give More However by I corporating In Out Service a Spirit of Sym^ . u l;o ic Under'trndjng .. s'" „ WIGS OF NATURAL HUMAN HAIR MADE ACCORDING TO YOUR MEASUREMENT. Either Wavy or Crimpy. Can be combed and dressed. Buy direct from manufacturer. Write for free catalog of switches, transformations, bobs, straightening combs and everything in hair goods. Also Hair Dressers Supplies ALEX MARKS 662 Eighth Avenue, Dept. O., New York, N. Y. IT II IM The Meehan’ Office Building. O/f/ccs Ready, /1 Rt i. Unoccupied Apply, John Mitchell, ,> ' / 4 AV. Uth St. Male Lodger Permanent. i s Accommodat Transient or App,y to Albert V *ibbey, 212 r ast Clay Si, Rich rnond, Va. Crsnd Theatre. Chicago. UJ. Nov. 22. 1926. John Mitclioll, Jr., Richmond, ' a. r Mr. Mitchell: In reply i«> year letter, which has ut.t re»vrhod me, concerning one, Cli "ford Mitchell and a check c'aimed to have been drawn bv me I wish to say I know nothing con •ern me Issue. i do not know sai l 'Tit hell, nor hare I an account with ”v hank in Washington. I thank you for your c >ufd mce and letter and hope if it is n case of fraud, the guilty partv will he -np-choiH'i-i. If i can he of ar* further service in the matter, ad •re ■ mo care of 252 West 129th New York V” ’i best wishes. I *m Yours very truly, IRVIN C. MILEER. • MAN WITH SHOTGUN BI,OW8 ; OFF HEAD OF ANOTHER IN 1 VADINq HOME (Preston News Service) Pittsburgh. Pa.. Nov. 26.—Henry Heed aged 20. of Petrosky Way. NorU sfde. was shot to death lato last Friday night when he attempt ed to force an entrance into the home of McK In ley Hughes In Can trill St.. Northside. According to the police. Reed went ♦ o the home of Hughes and accused him of harboring his sweetheart •there. He is said to hnve drawn a revolver nnd threatened Hughes. Hughes, police say. seized his shot gun and opened Are, The full dis charge of the gun striking Reed In the forehead, tearing off the whole top of his head. PEN POINTERS It is «a.d that we ara now worth* $3,200 t>er capita. If you haven't got yours, try to get it. How many of vour New Year'll resolutions are still doing duty? A Boston doctor says that married iwomen live longer than spinsters, i ,but hardly enough longer to make up ,for the time spent tn darning socks. A carload of oeer was smuggled into Detroit under the label of , 'washing powder ' Thut reminds us of the old household recipe, thn c. told jus to clean spots front fabrics with* stnh>.bcer WANTED—Transient or Permunou BOARDERS. Furnished Roomi with or without board. Home lik< surrounding*. Apply to MRS. BUL.BN N. JONES. 108 Eas Leigh Street. RJchmnod V*. PAIN IN BLADDER Promptly Eased by SANTAI. MIDY Be sure to get the Genuine Look for the word ' “Midy” So!J by Alt Druggists j i i Widely Known Southern Belle’s Silken Hair owes ita wonderful soft beauty and healthful glow to the daily treatment she gives it with that old established, marvelous scalp cleanser and hair food EXSLENTQ QUININE fOMADE ‘ 4/T teard great praise of Exel ento Quinine Pomade every where,'’ she writes, "and I owe my beautiful hair and healthy scalp to ita unfailing merits. Ev erywhere I go my hair is sure to be remarked upon for its lustre and softness. ’' •£<> *>and arrest benefit in Exelento Skin Soap. It cleared my complexion and made ray face as smooth ee satin." It is a woman’s hair and face that make her attractive. YOU can be aa handsome as any belle by our easy pleasant way— throogh tl.e um of Ex elento Quinine Pomade and Exelcuto Skin Soap uaed as directed. They sre sold by all druggist*. only J&4 each, or will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price. 1 S»»<f « fcyf«y ei«d «l onr valualU UU~l °S“" EXELCUTO MEDICINE C8.f Atlanta. 6a. ACEHTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Write For PirttftUn TOBSY AND TYNE 2B? r. 'UVJ To^ev - x ’ ^ N^° O^.I'M Cy>’U T**t' <t * osr wir F JvT x w ^ v Ov i v » ; V*’v\^^)v ^:'>V:J **& *'V% Twev TO *■ \TVj&l%V *<*>* >-nT^ ^T/VR .*«, iVO*-I£¥' *yit IsN « rw ^ ---- - .^Ov At*ENTS—NEW PLAN. makes it easy to earn.$.50*00 to lit)1* On week ml lng shirts tLroti wearer, upltai or hxi»v.: u it needed eiu h real r i .tciurer lor. K’HEK SAMr*. i\ludi m lrt Makers, i>* _ itruadway, York. voml Tlie Planet It will be de red to you for 08 ceuta for three iths witpostage prepaid. Send '•our, order. "* -- ■ Ji-a AN ANNOUNCEMENT. Goodwill Baptist Church, 410 •nroe Street Is a now unit to the •st Church, with n very broad nun. Rev. W. 13 Ball. Pastor • the public nnd his many ’••'is worship Sund.nv Novom hor 11:30 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. vmnn*on 1st Sumtnv- ::: ".o p. M. lav School, 10:00 A M Special ,faisle. All are Invited. 1 Y p IT.. 6:45 P. M. REV. W. B. BALL. Pastor. P. BALL. Clerk. The Capital Photograph will be uisirfhtited to any licensed merchant throughout the State, at wholesale nr'ce Notify The Ptanet Office or L. Dickerson. Nesting, Va. Pro« 15.00 to 1500.00' reward will be given for any substantial Improve* ment on the machine. The hnprove tnent must be considered by Dickerson. KNOXIT PROPHYLACTIC Unnatural and mucous dis charges can be avoided by de stroying the germs of infectious diseases. $1.10 at all druggists. EPW. STEWART "T>3 S SECOND STREET DEALER IN i \'CY GROCERIES, FRESH \tFATS, VEGETABLES, FISH AND OYSTERS. Richmond, Vn. PHONE MAD. 1687 DO VOU KNOW HIM? I am trying to locate my brother, ; Alexander Goodman. When last t heard from, lie was In Norfolk Va. When lie left home ^.3 left father , and mother, Solomon and Bettis Goo’man. His sisters were pamed Lettio, Rosa and Zondor Goodman? ,1 blethers were Solomon and Roll er; Coodjnan. I will be glad to hear anything concerning his wliere 1' ts. Address his sister, ’iss Rosa Goodman, 2615 E. Main lliclunond, Va. OFFICES FOR RENT, < >ol. well-flighted offices, with elo _, ^rvice, light, heat etc. now iibio in \lechanics Bank Build at a price that will save the i-.,.essioual man money and afford exceptional opportunities. iV >:yP°posit Boxes alto for relit. " e Offices will be handsomely renovated and window-lettering will o a '°atiire. For information and terms, applv V;./?”'-, real estate agent or to John Mitchel. Jr., 311 N. 4th St.. Rich •.••onrl Va "’’c 1 i* Garden can also bo leased >■* i*f ted for entertainments. NT. V01.n AND WESTERN B. R. (Broad Street Station) I,eave for Arrive from TOO am..Norfolk .7:00 pm 9 am. ^iucin’atl & Columbus 7 pm 2:3ft pm..Roanoke .2:10 pm 3:15 pm..Norfolk .11: S8 am f»:30 pra. .Norfolk Local . 6:36 pm..Bristol Local ..8:10 am 1 pm..«ji.r Mam, N Or. 8:10 pm -Nor. and Lynch. Local 8:40 pm* RICHMOND, FREDERICKSBtTRCl AND POTOMAC RAILROAD ! blt Street Station, except where otherwise Indicated) !>eave 'or Arrivo from <:00 un V?n*hi^ton end fceyoa,J.•:»? air, WiAhi ijtoa and :»oyond. pto '*;tw kin. North (no ooachea).•:») par I •7:1# ini. Ashtaad Local .^ j **"' • WaahingtoO and beyond. 118:5* pm I 8:80 at i r?<uldncton Local . 'i «_ j <'t. M vr . Watbingion and bey w id.c » pm j VM pni.. Waahington and feeyooo.S HU pa , *':C' pu»..North (do coach**).VS:IB pa I t:W) t>i>i .Washington Local ..«c pa » fn ..Washington and bajed... .1:^ nq J "■ M»* Washington . j TW wn. .Pirderictcaburg Local t lT, ■if6:86 pn» -Washington and bsyr .td. £ii pw ’ *C:*8 pm. .Ashland Local .«■ ^ J 0: <0 pot. Washington and bcr*.J .. •*.M> aa ! V Main Street Station. I'Duliy except Ruc4av ••Sundew *»!« i CMKfiAl’EAKB AND OHIO a. <. (Maln street amotion) S>ut>iiahod ae Information and n> t Guaranteed. Ar .val and Departure of <\ -Hint Doily, unless otherwise shot i. *Dalij except 8unday •*3ub<U»/ oniy Let ve for Arrive from 7:00 atn.. Cborlot.teavTllo.. .7:0? pm • ;00 am..Clifton Forge. ■):t'0 am..Norf. A O. Point f*SE pm *•'80 Rfi).,.Tamee Hirer L..4:8& pm • ‘.At pm Norf. A O Point 2:41 p® ■ 1 pc;. .Cinti-Louvl-Chyo «. 2# anj yen. .Norf. A O. Pcrlnt' il:f| Rm ' :1 pm..Lynchburg....*8:4# a,n •1 • if rra. CharlotteevHie. .*8:18 an. i; • ' pm.. Cincfn and Lcurl tTllfton Forge. . ..If:4f p» Oft >.rn..NN. A O. Pt Lo..8:t8 am 0 pm. .Cin&n A Went.. 4:84 nm