Newspaper Page Text
NHUKO ORGANIZATION SOCIETY TO HOLD NEXT ANNUAL MKKTINu IN NORFOLK. ’I hut tile next aiuiual meeting of tile Aegro Organization Society shall i>e heal .November S, 9, 10 aiul 11. in tile city of Norlolu was the de i isieii ot the Central Committee ot tae Society in its recent Meeting iieid at me oitice ot the Field oec rotary, JOl Mechanics Bank Build mg, itlchmond, Va. invitations were presented from Williamsburg. Koanoue and Noriolk. but the desire to perieci certain t\ork started at the Cape Charles meeting, together with tnu excel.eut transyor tat tonal facilities which will enable delegates and visitors to reach Noriolk irom ull sections of the State prompted the committee to choose that city as the logical place lor its next antfual meeting The committee considered other phases of the work which will be reported at a later date. Those present at the meeting oi the Central Committee were Major Allen Washington, Hampton iiist, Hampton, \a.; President John M. Candy, \ irgiuta Normal and Indus trial Inst., retersburg, \a.; Dr. A. A. "Jirahum. Phoebds, Va.; Lawyer T. Walker, Gloucester, Va.; Rev. A1 E. Davis, Portsmouth, \a., and Rev. W. T. Johnson, Kiclinioud, Vu. l.lness kept Mrs. Maggie L. Walker, ot Richmond from attending the meeting, while Prof. J. W. Barco, also ot Richmond and Rev.’ L. L. Downing, of Roanoke were detained by previous engagements. WILL W. ALEXANDER OF INTER RACIAL COMM IS SON WINNER OF HARMON AWARD. ATLANTA, GA„* Dec. 20.—Advices from New York announce the award by the Harmon Foundation of $o0j and 'a gold medal to Will W. Alex ander, of this city, as the person adjudged to have made the most no table contribution to the improve ment of race relations in America during the pust year. The award was based on Mr. Alexander's service as Director of the Commission on Interracial Cooperation, a Southern organization with headquarters here and state and local branches thru out the South. It is considered sig nificant not only as a tribute to Mr. Alexander's work personally, but also as recognizing the essential soundness of the principles and methods followed by the movement which he heads. THE INTERRACIAL, COMMISSION PRIZES ATTRACT MANY STUDENTS Scores Preparing to Enter Papers in Race Relations Contest. ALTANTA. GA . Dec. 22.—Many students In colleges throughout the South are planning'to submit papers on ‘‘Justice in Ruce Relations’' in the competition recently announced by the Commission on Interracial Cooperation, according to a state ment from the Commission’s head. <limrters in Atlanta. Nearly a hun dred young men and women from more than fifty institutions have al ready written to the commission, ex pressing a desire to enter papers and requesting further information and suggestions. In addition many professors have requested the information for mem bers of their classes and are encour aging them to enter the competition. The head of the department of so ciology in one of the big state uni versifies writes that all the members of one of his classes are going to compete. From present indications it is expected that the number of papers submitted will far exceed those of previous years. The three prizes offered by the Commission are $100, $65, and $35 respectively. The contest closes April 1„ so there is still plenty of time for ail to enter who desire. Full in formation .with suggestions as to treatment and sources, may be had by writing the Commission, 409 Palmer Building, Atlanta, Ga. TEXANS MAKE RONDS ON PEONAGE CHARGES. (Preston New’s Service.) BROWNSVILLE, TEX., Dec. 24.— Coming to 'Brownsville from Ray mondsvllle in a body, Wallacy coun ty officers and icitlzens named in peonage indictments turned in here Monday in District Federal Court Tuesday afternoon made bond in the sum of $500 as a minimum for the count and $1,000 additional for the extra counts. Sheriff Raymond Teller, County At torney RL ¥*, Robinson. Frank Brandt deputy, and Floyd Dodd, justice of the peace, each made bond of $7,000. The bonds were signed by B. V. Cro well. C. E Redlund and other Ray niondville residents Bond in the other cases involving deputies and farmers of Wallacy county were $5,000 each, and were made in Federal Court. It is thought that the case will come up for court trial at Corpus Crisli at the next term of the Federal Court ih tnis district. I DEALS PAY DEATH CLAIM. I — Randolph. Va.. Dec. 10, 1920. Miv. A W. Holmes. Founder of the National Ideal UeneQt. Society, Dear Sir: Mrs, (?. S. Jackson paid us the death claim of Parker Robin son. who was a meml»er of Spring Hill Lodge of your Order. I take pleasure in thanking you and your grund officers for your help in time of need. Your business method has made many friends for the Ideal Society. 1 wish you greater success. Yours truly. LIZZIE ROBINSON. Grand Theatre, Chicago. 111. Nov. 22, 192C. Mr John Mitchell, Jr., Richmond, Va. Dear Mr. Mitchell: In reply to your letter, which has just reached me, concerning one, CliTord C. Mitchell and a check c’almed to have been drawn by me I wish to say I know nothing con cern ng issue. I do not know said Mitchell, nor have I au account with any bank in Washington. I thank you for your confidence and letter and hope if it is a case of fraud, the guilty party will be apprehended. If I can be of any further service in the matter, ad dress me care of 252 West 139th St., New York With best wishes. I am Yours very truly. IRVIN C. MILLER. N.PAIN from BLADDER TROUBLE Promptly Relieved bv Santa IMidy Be sure It Is Genuine Look for the word "MIDY" Sold by All PrunMu ROANOKE LETTER. ROANOKE, VA., December 23.— Mr. Samuel Manns, of Peach Rond, the popular barber who has been quite sick the pust ten days, is some what Improved. Mrs. Ne'.lte Brown, of Ninth Ave nue hus been quite dick for the past ten days. She is somewhat improved. Master EdKar William Stanfield. Mrs Riley and Little Cecelia, will visit her daughter. Mrs. John Faulk ner of Omega. Va. this week. The services at Mt. Zion A. M. E. Church Sunday were great. Rev! W. R. Howerton was ut his best all day. Mrs. Annie Carter has spent a long while In Wythevllle, her Vir ginia home and in Roanoke during ■the summer with her sister. Mrs. M. J. Colvins. Mrs. Rosa Allen received the sad intelligence of the death of her youngest brother on Decembor 10. in the mines in West Virginia. He was killed by fulling slate. Hi» name was Joe Meadows and he wus buried in Martins Kerry. Ohio. His immediate brothers and sisters and 1 THE IMPERIAL ORDER OF KING DHVID !S A FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION which pays Sick and Death Benefits. We pay our Death Claims promptly. After satisfactory papers are filed in the office, we pay the claim within twenty-four hours. V/^e have not a claim in the office unpaid. * Why not join us today? We have a Campaign on for sixty days. See our workers or write to the Headquarters, 20 W. Leigh Street, Richmond, Va. * MERRY CHRISTMAS and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR to the Members of the IMPERIAL CRDER OF KING DAVID and Friends. (Mrs.) A. G. Thompson Taylor, G. W. R. * (Miss) Mary M. Scott, G. W. S. I The IViech Offices *«ow Ready. Office Building.j » 71 Few Unoccupied Apply* John Mitchell, Jr., 311 N. Uth St. Male Lodgers Accommodated, Transient or Permanent. Apply to Albert Tribbey, 212 East Clay St., Richmond, Va sisters*,ln-luw of Hounoke are: Jerry und Rosu Allen, Mrs. L<ena Woods, Leila Holt, of Roanoke: Annie Brooks. Fletcher Meadows, James Meadows. Harvey Meadows and Mrs. Florence Kidd, of Columbus, Ohio; Harvey Meadows. Ashland, W. Va. Mr. Daniel Anderson of Ninth Ave : nue has been very sick, but Is some what«better. Mt. Zion A. M. E. and St. Paul M. M. E. Churches will hold their Christmas thanksgiving services to gether at 11 A. M. Saturday. John Coleman. 210 Madison Ave nue N. E. will leave December 24th to spend Christmas wKh Mrs. John Coleman. 55 Talmage St., Columbus Ohio. Mr. Colemun, wife and son will leave for Akron, Ohio on December i 27th to spend the holidays with their daughter. Mrs. A. Lockheart, und leave there for Indiunapolis, Ind and thence to Wooden, Indiana, vis iting his daughter. Mrs. Delilah Woodson, He will return in January. Mrs. Annie Brandon. 818 Seventh Avenue, N. w. was called to Phlla delphiu last week on account of the serious illness of her auntT Mrs. Brandon hud returned here about a mouth ago. Mrs. Mattie Staples. 715 Park St., has been sick a week under the care of I)r. George E- Moore. The Plunet Agents ask that the patrons pay> up for their papers this week, and begin 1927 with a clear record. Catch up. AN ANNOUNCEMENT The Goodwill Baptist Church, 4 10 N Monroe Street Is a new unit to the Baptist Church, with a very broad program. Rev. W. B. Bail, pastoi invites the public and his many friends to worship Sunday, Decem ber 26, 11:30 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. ( cm mu n Ton lsC Sundays. 3:30 P. M Sunday School, 10:00 A. M. Special music- All are Invited. B. Y. p. u.. 6:45 P. M. REV. W. B. BALL. Pastor. P. BALL, Clerk. EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER Will Promote a Full Growth of Hair, whl also restore the Strength. Vital | tty and the Beauty of the Hair If your Hair Is Dry and Wiry try BAS>I INDIA HAIR GROWER. If you are bothered with palling Hair Dandruff. Itching Scalp, or Hair Trouble, we want you to try a Jar of BAST INDIA HAIR GROWER. The remedy contains medical proprieties that go to the roots of the hs'r stimulates the skin, helping nature "> do Its work. Leaves the fialr soft and silky. Perfumed with a half of a thousand flowers. The beet known remedy for Heavy and Beautiful Black Eyebrows, also restores Gray Hair to Its Natural Color Can be used with hot Iron for 8tralghtenlne PRICE ssot by Man, 60c; 10c Extra (or P«»ta*e | AGENTS OUTFIT—1 Hair Grower, 1 Temple Oil, | I I Shampoo. 1 Pressing Oil, 1 Face Cream sod Dirac- j I tl«n for Selling, 12.00. 25 cents extra (or pontage | S. D. LYONS. 316 North Central^ O klalioma City, Okla. L. J. H A YD BN Manufacturer of Pure Herb Medicines TO RELIEVE ALL DISEASES OR NO CHARGI 224 W. Broad St., Richmond, Va. DO YOU LOVE HEALTH? if bo, call and boo L. J. HAYDEN, Manufacturer of Pure Herb Medicine* 224 West Broad Street.. My medicines will relieve you or no charge, no matter wbat your disease, sickness or affliction may be and restore yoa to perfect health, I use nothing but herbs, roo^, darks, gun. balsaama. leaveB, seed, berries, bowers and plants in my medicines They have relieved thousands that have given up to die. MY MEDICINES CURE THE FOLLOWING DISEASES: Heart Diseas* Blood, Kidney, Bladder, Piles In any form, Vertigo, Quinsy, bore Throat, Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Constipation. Rheumatism in any form. Pains' *nd Aches of any Kind, Colds, uroncnial Troubles, skin Diseases, all Itching Sensations, Female Complaints, LiaQrippe, Pneumonia, Ulcers, Carbunofte* BoUs. Cancer in Its worn form without use of knife or Instrument, Eczema, Pimples on face and Lody, Diabetes of Kidneys, Bright’s Disease of Kidneys. My medicines relieve any disease, no matter what nature, or your money refunded. Medicines seat anywhere. For full particulars, write, send oT caU on L. J. HAYDEN. *24 West Broa d Street. Richmond,, Va., July 8, 1915. A perfect cure has been effected by L. J. Hayden’s Pure Herb Medi cines. After t waitinp thirteen years and have not suffered from the horrible disease. Gravel, I desire to make a statement to L. J. Hayden: Thirteen years ago twelve leading physicians of my city treated me for I Kidney trouble and gravel without the desi-ed benefit These doctors advised me to be operated on, as that was the only chance for me. I was advised to go and get some of L. J. Hayden’s Herb Medicine and try tie fore being operated on. I did so, and in twenty-four hours after using his medicines, I passed at least a half dozen gravel, some as big as a large pea. Since that time I have not suffered with the gravel I highly recommend 1-v J. Hayden’s medicine to all suffering humanity. I am, J. A. PACffl, 4 Auburn Ave., Richmond, Va. IMPROVEMENT NOTED AT ONCE. Mr. 1j. J. Hayden, 224 West Broad Street. Richmond, Va I received your treatment O. K., and 1 have Parted to taking it already for a few days, and it has n'ready begun to improve my ail ment so I am sending to you for one more bottle of medicine for the b'ood. I have spoken to many of my, friends and they say they are going to send for n treatment. I think it ;s n great remedy. I do not suffer with my pains as I used to and triy appetite is Just fine and I sleep much better every night and feel flue every morning. Yours truly, EDWARD BRYANT, „ Douglas, Ar tona Camp Harry J. Jones, Co. D, 26th Infantry. FOUND GREAT RELIEF. Power, W. Va., Feb. 9, 1926. L. J. Hayden, 22 4 West Broad Street. Rt ehmond, Va. Dear Sir: I received, your medi cine and I must say that It hag done nie so much good and it makes me feel so much better. I am writing you to please send me some more “8 ,n letter that it ou id take more than one treatment ♦ 'll Yours truly, h,s tronb“ 224 West Broad Street, Yours truly, MR* MARY GROCE. Power, W. Va. MORE WANTED. r>Huberville, Pa.. March 26. 1926 Mr. L. J. Hayden. 224 West Broad Street Richmond, Va. Denr Sir; Please send me your Blood Pur'fler and Stomach Rempdy • srot some a few years ago wh ch I round to be so very good for Indi kcb ion. So find enclosed money order for 12.66. Please try to^end thn medicine as soon as poeetbre as I am In need of If. Yours truly, MRS. CHARLES EBLINO. i I Daubersville. Pa. TOBEY AND TYKE *€>< POPrYUlSlS* MtCKOf ASlEO* . EvESytiME i coast ToBfcv^Too*. decision 6E <*y' ih menAmsitDs ^A^socyTtiy ouY<*ft*o«j. v55H2l*!S20 ^^H^THAtt TO <^Htm-TUfeuWoLt VU0*a)'M 1 =TVAT TVt PAUIT »•> MoY i« THfc Slfco BoT IN \ ■ 'THt MMCOMPOOP vmso 'S V AHCUUGTViEeOHTfcAPTlOM TKERRToRC* CAST VCWR oPYCSOrt VouR OAPO’ MO StS T«t tAST IH VUttCtt A SLED OV TV, •.* - oo^ »0AM « DEATHS REPORTED • f ' • V ^ The following is* a list of deaths of colored persons reported to the Richmond Bureau of Health, from December ¥4 to December 21, 1926, with date of death: December 10—Junius Johnson, 4 days; 210 W. Baker St. December 12—'Clarence Mussenberg, 15 years; 3020 N Street. December 14—Baby Mills. 4 1-2 hours; 609 W. Leigh St. December 14—Fannie Lou Bluck, 36 511 1-2 N. 5th Street. December 13—Ella C. Payne. 62; 1008 1-2 N. 8th Street. December 15—Baby Battle. 30 min utes; 727 N. 9th Street. December 13—Walter Childs. 30; 407 Goddin Street. December 15—Charles Nunnaly, 60; 209 Corbin Street. December 16—Francis E. Watson, 5 months; 104 E. Charity Street. December 16—Isaac Scott, 58; 1434 Claiborne Streefc December 16—Ellen Roberts. 62; 380 Dickerson Street. December 14—Mollie Brown, 48; 815 E. Leigh Strdet> December 16—Maria Dunn, 58; 411 Catherine Street. December 16—Henrietta Richard son, 49; 1230 N. 26th SL December 17—Emma James, 65; 337 N. 18th Street. December 17—Jim Taylor, 41; 541 N. 2nd Street. December 18—Mary Morton, 56; 1218 N. 27th Street. December 18—Mattie Lee Reed. 3 6 4 7!-A n. 8th Street. December 19—Elizabeth Turlington, 41; City Home. December 13—Baby Powell, 2 days; 908 Abigail Street. December 20—Baby Powell, 10 days 908 Abigail Street. December 19—Fannie Austin, 35; ^tpute 8, Box 92, Chesterfield Co. MONEY FOR. SCHOOL (HILDREX. The Principal of Moore School has some money left in the Mechanics Savings Bank for the following chil dren, whose present addresses are unknown, and will be glad if they will call at the school for it: The names add former addresses—. Delma Gregory, 1103 Boyd St. Roxis Sallie, 1600 Moore. Levi Hocker, 600 Ladles Mile Road. Charltrs Hooper, 918 ISmbury Ave., Anbury PaTk. Florence Taylor, 1602 lf-2 Jacquelln. William . Meade, 421 Carter. Marion Montague, 616 Bowe Edith Payne, 412 Catherine.’ Gladys Threat, 610 N. Harrison. Joseph Johnson, 1217 Taylor. Hannah Warren, 616 Creek Ethel Booker, 921 W. Leigh. Florence Dungee, 410 Kenny Lillian Jones, 1211a W. Leigh. Shirley Wyatt, 1*08 W. Clay. Margaret Jones, 92b Park Avenue. Celeste Jackson, 1210 Boyd. Harry Brown, 1423 Tayior. Charles Davis, 1300 Moore William Howell, 200 E. Clay. Charles Bowyer, 617 Bowe Willinette King, 502 lj 2 Norton. Richard Hackett, 211 Carter. John Jones, 703 Catherine. Mamie Kenny, 2225 Moore. Vivian Dong', 1017 W. Clay. Agnes Goings, 1104 Moore. Ellen Greene, 513 W). Clay. Clarence J&ckson, 1004 w. Clay. Read The Planet It will be de livered to you lor 00 cents for three months with postage prepaid. Send in your order. AGENTS—NEW • PLAN, makes it easy to earn |5u00 to $ 100.Ob' week ly. sel ing shirts direct to wearer. No capital or experience need.ed Represent a real manufacturer Write for FREE SAMPLES. Madi son Shirt Makers, 502 Broadway, New York. —The Capital Photograph will bo distributed to any licensed merchant throughout the State at wholeualo price. Notify The Planet Office or l>. Dickerson, Nesting. Va. From 15.00 to 1500.00 reward will be K'ven for any substantia) tmrroTe» ment on the machine. Tin* improve - ment must be conslrlered by h., Dickerson. KN PROPHYLACtld Unnatural and mucous dis charges can be avoide 1 by de stroying the germs of infectious diseases. $ at all druggists. EDW. STEWART 203 S SECOND STREET of turn iv i wo GROCERIES, fresh ■ m eatj». Vegetables, FlfcU ANl) OYSTERS. Richmond, Vh. PiiONE MAD. 1031 DO YOU KNOW HIM? I -v' • I am trying to locate my brother. Alexander Goodman When last heard from, he was hs Norfolk Va. I When he left home he left father and mother. Solomon and Betti" ’ Goodman. His sisters were named ; Let tie. Rosa and Header Goodman: his brothers were Solomon and Rob ert Goodman I will be glad to hear 'anything concerning his where abouts. Address bis sister. Miss Rosa Goodman, till K. Main fH.. Richmond, Va.