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1 ROANOKE LETTER. ROANOKE. VA., December 28.— The Sunday School Christmas exer cises held Monday night were well rendered by the children. It was fine. The Christmas Holidays are depart ing and the attention of all is being attracted to the future. Let us im prove our steps Rev. George P. Miller, superinten dent of Mt. Zion A. M. E. Sunday School gave some wholesome instruc tions to the Sunday School pupils. Rev. W. R. Howerton '"as the last speaker and he admonished all to improve themselves and aid the Master’s Cause by emulating the li’-e of Christ. Prof. D. W. Harth received the sad intelligence by wire of the acci dental death of his son. Rowland Harth. He was killed in an auto mobile wreck in West Virginia, on Christmas Eve. The death of this promising young man was a sad shock to the entire community. The citizens join in deep sympathy with the sorrowing family. The funeral was Monday afternoon from First Baptist Church. Mr. Jeff Thobs, one of the brake men of the N. and W. local was struck as his train passed under the Park Street bridge. He is in the hospital. Mr. Washington Hairston, 4*0 Tenth Avenue, N. E. died here Sun day morning. He had been ill for several weeks. He was one of the oldest members of Mt. Zion Baptist Church and very faithful. The fun eral was Tuesday afternoon from Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Mrs. Mary Morton of Northeast Seventh Avenue died here Sunday morning after a short illness of a few weeks. She was a faithful mem-, her of the First Baptist Church. Her only relations were a son, Thomas, and Mrs. Robert Berkley of Eighth Street. The following are some of the many Roanoke students attending institutions of learning, who were home for the Holidays: Mr. Thomas Payne, V. N. I. I.; Miss Bessie Jen nings and Mr. Laurence Burrell, Oberlin College; Miss Gladys Whit-1 ten V N I. I.; Miss Daisy Lee, Kit-| troll; Miss Mildred Banks, Virginia j Union; Misses Vivian and'Georgia Brown. Hampton; Mr. Arnette Mackl- ; lin, Mr. Charlie Brooks, Virginia Union: Misses Helen and Almarn Butcher, V. N. I. I.; Miss Mary Har per. Kittrell: Mr. Gteorge Coleman, Lincoln. I Mrs. Bessie Reynolds and brother, C. R. Burks, of Wytheville, Va. ar rived in the city Wednesday eve and are spending the Christmas holidays with their sister, Mrs. M. J. Colvin, 418 Tenth Avenue. N. E. Mrs. Annie Carter, of New Haven, Conn., who spent the summer in her Virginia home left last Wednesday for New York Cify, having spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. M. J. Colvin. The funeral of Mr. Washington Hairston took place Tuesday after noon at Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Rev. W. W. Hicks officiated in a splendid eulogy on the life and character of the deceased. Mr. C W. Wade of Leaman, Ohio has been the Christmas guest of Mrs. Sarah and Miss Mary Lee Den nis on Northwest Harrison Avenue. This attractive young woman is be loved because of her womanly stand for th.. r ght and the high regard in which she holds her mother. The reopening of Ebenezer A. M. E Church on Jefferson Street, which v.ts sold through Dr. J H. Pinkard for the African Church, took piace Sunday, Pot ember 26th. A most pro found discourse was delivered by Rev A. L. James, pastor First Bap tint Church. It was a discourse that caused much favorable comment on ti»«* streets this week. Iir. W. R. Howerton preached two lr.a.chless discourses last Sunday at Mt 7ion. A M. E Church. They were great helps to those who were privileged to worship here the last Sunday in 1926. Mr. Jacob King received the sad intelligence of the serious illness of his brother. Mr. Wesley King, of \Vood8dale, N. C. Mr. King left at 7 o’clock today for the bedside of his brother. At Pilgrim Baptist Church Sunday morning Rev. F. D. Patterson deliv ered an able sermon on ‘‘Crowding Out Jesus.” His discourse Sunday night was from Luke 14:3, Go ye. tell. It was quite a bit of informa tion to many of those who heard this wonderful discourse by our pas tor, Rev. Patterson. Emma Milliner, Clerk. Treasures? DON'T BUY ANY BOOK OR INSTRUMENT Our complete report tells you WHERE and HOW to find Under ground or Buried Treasures. HOW to easi.v MAKE YOUR OWN DIV1N INK5 ROD and many other valuable secrets. Enclose stamp for FREE particulars Institute, Desk 98, G. P O. B. 223, New York. OThFU PF.OPLE TUDGF' YOU OW BY YOUR F'JMTUFE ! When you ran get FURNITURE *»nd RUfip fr i 'i 0I<1 Established Homo like J. ii<’ '-NS—that's known to sell the <r.i.i!l*y goods, ju*t as reason able j -> - where—why not g’ve y. • frteni. * j *< <»d impression. ft wli. glvo b - * greatest p’eanure to *ho* you on ndurful stock of horn makit . . : fo.rt giv’ng FURNITUR -* and RU tf* and—dot’t (all to ask our Salesmen ab »ut our BANKING PLAN which 4 vee you 6. 10 or 15 months in which to pay for any purchase. US. 5. JURGENS SI ESTABLISHED 1880. » ADAMS AND BROAD I HOLIDAY GREETINGS! To My Many Patrons and Friends: I extend wishes for a Prosperous New Year, giving assurances that their patronage has been appreciat ed and their many expressions of good will highly esteemed. B. M. MORRIS 101 East Leigh Street Richmond, Va. THH SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. The Richmond Baptist Sunday School Union will convene at Second Baptist Church tomorrow at 3:30. Installation of officers. The prin< cipal address will be delivered by President Y/illiam John l lark, of Virginia Union. G. T. Walker is president and C. B. Jefferson, cor responding secretary. 666 is a prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu. Dengue bilious Fever and Malaria It Kiils the Germs. I WRITE, PUBLIC SPEAKERS SO CIETY, Box 1076, Oakland, Cali fornia, for addresses, speeches, de bates and orations for all occasions. Win. B. Smith, TONSORIAL ARTIST 18 EAST CLAY STREET, Richmond, Virginia. Hair-cutting, Shampooing, Hair Bobbing for Ladies According to the Latest Designs. COSMOR1NE. THE WONDER HAIR TONIC AND • STRA1GHTENER ALWAYS ON SALE. A Line of Expert Barbers on Hand. Call and See Me. WIGS OF NATURAL HUMAN HAIR MADE ACCORDING TO YOUR MEASUREMENT. Either Wavy or Crimpy. Can be combed and dressed^ Iiuy direct from manufacturer. Write for free catalog of switches, transformations, bobs, straightening oombs and everything in hair goods Also Hair Dressers Supplies. ALEX MARKS „ T . „ v r,62 Eighth Avenue, Dept. O., New York, N. Y. Pretty "n Hair Makes Pretty Girls MAKE it long and keep it smoorh. /- ingc it any way you like. Use Nelson’s Hair Diessing and be proud of the beauty of your hair like thous ands c a others who have used it. Follow the directions. Be sure you ffet t!ie genuine. It comes in an attractive metal container, enclosed in a pasteboard box. ( If your druggist cannot { '.'p[,ly you, send us fifty cents in stamps an. we w’ll send both the Hair pressing and kelson’s Scalp ,’Xid Hair Cleaner. Urj Nelson’s Scalp 2nd Hair Cieaner with the Hair Dressing Nelson Manufacturing Co., Richmond, Va. ONE WEEK’S SUPPLY ree ^^yRONZE BEAUTY Face Powder is made by a new 'IT French process, and is not affected by perspiration. Used satisfactorily on dry or oily skin. Makes the complexion soft and velvety—and stays on-until removed. Three tints which blend with any complexion: High Brown, Bronze Glow and Flesh. Fill out and mail the coupon be low and we will send you a whole week’s supply free. 23 3TRAIT-TEX CHEMICAL CO., 569 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Name.. . - ■ ——— Street and Number--—-— City.- --St*te ImperiaKDrder of King David. Organized in 1908. MRS. A, G. THOMPSON TAYLOR, Founder and Grand Worthy Ruler Home Office: 20 W. Leigh Street, Richmond, Virginia. A FRATERNAL ID BENEFICIAL ORDER THAI PAYS SICK AND DEATH BENEFITS Al l. CLAIMS ARE PAID PROMPTLY. POLICIES OF $100 ISSUED TO MEMBERS. REGULAR JOINING FEE $3.00. liras™ If El IT TREASURY SURPLUS LARGE. WE HAVE MET ALL LEGAL DEMANDS PERSONS DESIRING TO JOIN WHERE THERE ARE NO LODGES SHOULD CORRESPOND WITH HOME OFFICE DEPUTIES AND WORKERS ARE WANTED. For further Information write to: MRS. ADELAIDE G. THOMPSON TAYLOR. MISS MARY M. SCOTT, Grand Worthy Ruler, 20 W. Leigh St., Richmond Va. Grand Worthy Scribe. 2223 E. Main Street. fllfljBranch 19 W. (Blay St. FUNERAL PARLORS to MEET QONDITIONS. I II f I. oi. STEEL VAULTS R SPECISLTY. , 1 ■ A IJNE OF THE LATEST STYLE FUNERAL COACHES ARE AVAILABLE BOTH NIGHT AND DAY OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. PERSONS, WHO HAVE REL ATIVES AND FRIENDS. WHO MEET WITH THE MISFORTUNE OF DEATH OR ACCIDENT CAN HAVE A 1.1 OF THEIR ANXIETIES BANISHED. A CALL, EITHER LONG OR SHORT DISTANCE ■ OF RANDOLPH 2073 WILL BRING PROMPT SERVICE. MANY OF OL’R PATRONS ARE NOT AWARE OF THE FACT THAT THE MODERN SERVICE CUTS TIME AND DISTANCE TO A MINIMUM. COUNTRY ORDERS ANYWHERE IN THE STATE CAN BE HANDLED PRACTICALLY JUST THE SAME AS IN THE CITY. IMPROVED ROAD SER VICE MAKES THIS ESPECIALLY SATISFACTORY NOW. PRIVATE AMBULANCE SERVICE EITHER DAY OR NIGHT