Newspaper Page Text
rublitoed Every Saturday by John Mitchell, Jr u in North Fourth Street. Richmond.^ a. JOHN MITCHELL. JR.- ..EDITOR ^ comoiumcatioru intended for pua.j'atioo mould be ew.: to w*ch ua by We*ieada> ._ Altered at the .‘oat Office at WAmoirf. Virginia, aa second cl*—, matter. _LOO 1.10 Si* Months . three Montha . Foreign Subacriptlona .. Foreign Atve.W-.* Representative. W «• ' Ziff Cpmpa.iy, '*e«rhjm Street. Cl> casm; Ml Victoria Buildtug, St. Louis, Mo ; *20 Longacre Building. New York. _ i SATURDAY. .MARCH 26, 1927 Attorney George A. Melvin, of Portsmouth. Va. scored heavily in the case of John Wilson, who was sentenced to death for the alleged murder of Mrs: Ella Heath, of Clive Branch. Norfolk County, Va. Attor ney Melvin obtained the cooperation of County Officer John A. Wright, Jr. and Commonwealth’s Attorney Carney. The case was presented to Governor Byrd and an absolute pardon was the result. This case is similar to the one at Staunton. The fact that the crime in Norfolk County was fastened on another completes the solution of the mystery. Attorney Melvin has tnvn practicing at 'the bar tor years and is a credit to his chosen profes- 1 sion A SElUOirs DISAGREEMENT. iye have read with much surprise rho drastic, withering letter of Pres ident. R. J. Davis of the National Negro Press Association upon the altitude and actions of Editor Wil liam Warley. editor of the Louisville News. We regret tha1* he has found it necessary' to resort to such extreme measures He calls Editor Warley an ingrate and a renegade, what ever that means. We had hoped to Attend this meeting, but existing conditions here made it an impossi bility. The questions at issue do not seem to us to justify Editor Warley’s attacks upon that ‘prince’ of leaders Benjamin J. Davis or that indefatig able secretary Henry Allen Boyd. If 'lie Association is not a success both financially and otherwise, it is not from any lack of ability and energy upon ‘‘heir part. We have wondered how they have 'stood the gaff.’ We served as President of the ^rtjss Association in this country for maby years and we are familiar with the extent of the sacrifice need edVo finance and manage the organ isation . Newspapers are poorly paid and whereas in years past and gone advertising transpor'ation was avail able, now it is necessary to pay the price. We hope that Editor Warley wift realize his mistake and make amdnds for his a*tack upcn the beat officials, the organization has ever bait 4 man at Olymnin Washington, has developed a harmless dog. Now for howlesa tom cats And scra‘ch less hens. And talkless worn—. No we won’t say it. Famed London arMst says English girl's is most perfect ankle. We’re above such things over here. We’ve been judging knees for two years now. Looks like Vols'ead also changed our standard measure scale. A quart of ^in now means a peck of trouble. Have TBhe PLANET Delivered to You. Only $2 per Year. ACTBNTS—NEW * PLAN, makes it eaaty to earn $50 00 to $100.00* week ly. sel'ing shirts d root to wearer. N<\ capital or experience needed Ri>nre8ent a- real manufacturer for F-RBE SAMPLES* Madl hob Shirt Makers. R«2 Broadway. New York. I Madame Mamie Hightower's GOLDEN BROWN COLD CREAM ETHEL WATERS FAMOUS SINGER SAYS: The white glare ofthe spot* light is the supreme test for any face powder. Foe my work on the at age I find yonr Golden Brown Face Powder the peer of them all. VIOLA WEST, - J FAMOUS BEAUTT, SAYS: All lipsticks look aHke to most folks but as far ss I am concernedthereisonly one.. your Golden Brown Lipstick. Trulyis it beau ty in a tube". I__—-— Breathes beauty Into complexion while you sleep Use Golden Brown Cold Cream. It is made by Madame Mamie Hightower, only costs 50c and you canft buy better at any price GOLDEN BROWN COLD CREAM is of vel vety texture and sublimely soothing to the skin. Apply at night by rubbing a liberal portion over face and neck and work well down into the pores with your fingers. This causes skin glands to se crete natural oils which act as a cleanser, thereby removing the many impurities that mar complex ion. Keep this magic beauty aid at hand—always STARS OF THE STAGE AND SCREEN ENDORSE^ Golden Brown BMJTYPR^RAn^JSj BUY THESE GOLDEN BROWN BEAUTY PREPARATIONS FROM YOUR DRUGGIST Golden Brown Beauty Preparations conform to the highest standard of duality known in the cosmetic world Golden Brown Hair Dressing..™---50c Golden Brown Beauty Soap-—-25c Golden Brown Beauty Ointment™-25c Golden Brown Face Powder-- 50c Golden Brown Cold Cream-- 50c Golden Brown Vanishing Cream-50c Golden Brown Flower* of Liberia Perfume-£3.50 Golden Brown Talcum- 50c Golden Brown Rouge..---—-™—...50c Golden Brown Compact-........——-50c ^ Golden Brown Lipstick FREE COMPACTS k>’-jf """s,. '■gj> IW-^FREE COUPON* "'%*ear|ij i MADAME MAMIE HIGHTOWER, tl ? GOLDEN BROWN CHEMICAL CO. . U Memphis. Tennessee i 1 am enclosing you herewith names and addresses of ten I of my friends as well as my own name and -Jdrtss. Please send each of them a free, box of samples of your Golden Brown Beauty Preparation] and also send me Ab- j solutely Free one of your Golden Brown Compacts, w ith I 9tlk puff and mirror (Sells ererywhers for 50c) together f with your newest “Golden Brown Beauty Books. " ATTACH THIS COUPON TO YOUR LETTER jk CHURCH DIRECTORY MT. OLIVE BAPT. CHURCH \ ! Location: Stop 5, Richmond Peters- * burg Pike. Services: 10 A. M., Sunday School: 11:A. M.. Preaching each Sunday; 3:30 P. M.. Lord’s Supper each first .Sunday Rev. J. S. Johnson, A. M., D.D., Pastor. James M. Brown, Cleric. 1 MT. CARMEL BAPTIST CHURCH. ( 1300 North First Street) Rev Berryman H. Johnson. Pastor. Sunday 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A M Ail are we'come. < MT. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH. (717 Orleans Street, Fulton) Rev. C. A Cobbs, Pastor. Parson age. 803 Louisiana Street. Services 11:30 A. M and 8 P M. Sunday School. 9:30 A. M. The public is invited. FIFTH BAPTIST CHURCH ( 14 00 West Cary Street) Rev. A. D. Daly, Pastor, Residence M12 W. Cary St. Services: 11:30 A. M and 8 P. M. Sunday School. 10:00 A. M. All are welcome. MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH, (25th and s Streets) R**v J Andrew Bowler, Pastor, Residence,’ 112 E. Leigh 9treet. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and f p. M. Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Ail ar0 welcome. MT. GILEAD BAPTIST CHURCH. (Chesterfield County) Her. W H. Llggtns. Paator, Res idence. 1835 ’ Taylor 8t. 8orv4ces, 1st and 3rd Sundays at 12:30 P. M. Sunday School everr Sunday at 10:30 A. M. MOORE ST. BAPTIST CHURCH. (1408 West Lei Kb Street) Rev. Gordon B. Hancock, A. M., Pastor, Residence Virginia Union University. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M and 8 P. M. Sunday School. 5)-30 A. M. All ere welcome. SHARCN BAPTIST CHURCH. (Corner First and Leigh Sts.) Rev. R. H. Johnson, BD. M.A, pa» tor. Residence, 11 E. Clay St. Ser vices. Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and &:16 P. M. Sunday School, 10 A. M. All are invited. MT TABOR BAPTIST CHURCH i i' orth 22nd St reet WoodviDe) iv.v. R 'i Eats. Pastor, ResiJcnce 15 E. Duval Street. Services; Sunday 1T:30 A. M and 8 P. M Sunday School. 9:30 A. M. All are welcome. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. j (Broad and College Streets! Rev. W. T. Johnson, D L>., Pa^or.! Residence, 621 N. 8th St. Services; Sundays, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M All are welcome. FIFTH STREET BAPTIST CHURCH (Fifth and Jackson Streets) Rev. Charles S Morris, D D . Pas tor. Residence, 1401 Idlewood Ave. Services: Sundays, 11:30 A. M. and S P M Sunday School, 9:30 A M. R Y P U. 6 P. M. Public invited. ST. MARK BAPTIST CHURCH, (Glen Allen. Va.) \1T. SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH, (Penola, Va.) Rev. M. C. Ruffin, Pastor Resl*1 dence. 611 St Peter St. Service* at Glen Alien, 2nd and 4th Sundays at l P. M. At Penola. service* on the 3rd Sunday at 12:30 P. M. Sunday School every Sunday at both plaoea at 11 ** A. M. «• FOURTH BAPTIST CHURCH. (28th and P Streets) • Services in charge of the Deacon Board, pending successor to Dr. B. Payne, lamented pastor Visiting Divines each Sunday Service*: 11:3® A: M atod S P M. 8unday School. 9:30 A. M. All are invited. SECOND BAPTIST OHURGH. (Byrd St. between 1st and 2nd Sts.) Pulpit in charge of Pulpit Com mittee pending successor to the late Dr Z. D. Lewis. Services: Sundays, 11:30 A M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M: All are welcome. JV1T VERNON BAPTIST CHURCH (1902 Wallace Strew) Rev. M. H. Payne, Pastor, Real-! douce, I9u0 Vvttilace Street. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A M. and, » P M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. Ail are v eicome. 1ST BAPT. CHURCH S. RICH-EHOND (Corner 15th and Decatur Sts.) ! • Rav, W U Ransome, D D., Pas tor, Parsonage 1507 Decatur Street. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M and 8 P. M, Sunday School, 9:30 A- M. AH' are’ wrteoaae. SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH. (.Center Street. Fulton) Rev. 9i L- Bush, pastor; residence 907 Center Street. Services: Sun day, Sunday School, 9:30 A. M.,; Preaching, 11:30 A. M. and 8:30’P. M. Communion every fourth Sun- . day at 5:30 P- M. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH (South Richmond) Rev. E. C. Smith. A. B., Paajtor, residence, 1704 Stockton St. Services Sundays, 11:30 A. M. and 8 ;00 P. M.; Sunday School, 9:30 A. M.; B. Y. P. U., 6:30 P. M. All are wel come. ST. PHILIP’S P. E. CHURCH, (S. W. Cor. St. James and Leigh) Rev. Junius L. Taylor. Rector; Residence, 20 West Leigh Street. Services: Sunday 11 to 12 A. M. Night, 8 to 9 o’clock. Wednesday evening services, 8 to 9 o’cloek. The public is welcome at all services. I GRAVEL HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (Henrioo County Va.) Rev. W. L. Tuck, Pastor. Resi dence, 722 Carlisle Ave., Richmond. Sunday services: Sunday School, 9:30 A. M.; Morning Services! 11:30 A. M.; Evening Services, S P. M.: Communion. Fourth Sun days, 3 P. M. 1 * ZION BAPTIST CHURCH, (20th and Decatur. So Richmond.) Rev J W. Dudley. D. D, Pastor; Parsonage 1715 "iverett Street. Ser vices: Sunday 11:80 A. M. and 8 P. 86. 8unday School, 9:2Q A. M The public Is welcome. FAIRFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH lFairfield Street) Rev. P. Phillips, pastor, 712 E. : Clay St. Services: 11:30 A* M. and; g -00 P. M. Sunday School, 3:00 P. • M. The publ6* Is Invited. EBENEZER BAPTIST CHURCH, (Leigh urn! Judah Streets.) I Rev W. H.. stokes Ph. D., Pastor,. Res device. 16ft7 Brook Road. Ser if ices: Sundays LI A. M. and tS P. Al>. Sunday Scaoot, 9 A. M, The public is invited. CLAY STRI2STT BAPTIST CHURCH. (r ormer.y ’New Baptist Church, Clay Street, oppu^ite St. James St.) Rev. J. A. Brinkley, A B., B. D-... Pas or. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School. 9 ;3>0’ « A. M. All" are- welcome. RKERVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH. (JacqueL'n and Lombardy Streets) Rev. E. D, Lewis. Pastor, Resi Jence 316 S. Lombardy Street. Ser vices: Sunday, 11 A M. and 8 P. M Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. .AH are welcome. rising mt zion bapt. church. (800 De*ny Street, Pulton) Re?. O. B. Simms, B. Th., Pastor, Reshden-e, 728 Denny St. Services: Sunday, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. All are . welcome. J < providence baptist church. ; i , (518 Lady Mile Road) I . Rev. J. J. Woodson, Pastor, Res idence, 1116 St. John Street. Ser vices: Sunday 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. All are Invited. .. •• LEIGH STREET M. E. CHURCH. (N, E. Corner Fifth and Leigh Sta.) Rev. R. M. Williams, Pastor, res idence. 616 North 6tb Street Ser vices: Sundays, Sunday School 9:80 A. M.: Morning service. 11 o’clock; Even'ng service, 8 o’clock. The public is Invited -- j Bring us your Job work. You can ’phone us (tad we will send and get it. ; DO YOU KNOW THEM? i . I am trying hard to locate some of my people. I do not remember my mother, but I do remember my father John Smith. I am told that he died in Richmond, Va. in 1914. I think -Mr. Price buried him. My mother’s name before her marriage was Mary Garnett. She had a brother by the name of Robert in Washington, D. C., who taught a dancing school. I had two brothers, Oscar and Delaware Smith. Address J. CLIFFORD SMITH, 2308 Magazine Street, Louisville, Kentucky. WIFE wanted. I am in need of a good wife, about 35 or 40 years of age. I want a Christian woman, one who loves a home. Address “B”, care PLANET 311 N. 4th St.. Richmond. Va HUSBAND WANTED. An industrious educated woman wart's to correspond with a man, between 40 and 50 years of age; one who loves music and has know ledge of newspaper business. A lit erary man. Address, RUBY EMER SON, 678 Washington Avenue, Memphis, Tenn. BARBER WANTED. BARBER ON WHITE TRADE. Good Guarantee. O. G. CONN. HI 2nd Street, Charlottesville, Va. AN ANNOUNCEMENT. The Goodwill Baptist Church, 410 N Monroe Street Is a new unit to the Baptist Church, with a very broad program. Rev. W. R. Bail, pastor invites the public and hi§ many friends to worship Sunday, March 27, at 11:30 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. C ommunion 1st Suuaays, 3:30 P. M* Sunday School, 10:00 A. M. Special music. All are Invited. B. Y. P. U., 6:45 P. M. REV. W. 3. BALL, Pastor. F. BALL. Clerk. Removes Pmrgles Clearscand Lightens^ Complexion %y Cbmplexiok Was like yours before I used/ 'Dr.FiedPalmefsSkuiWMener! Ladies in all walks of life, from Maine to California and from the Great Lakes to the Gulf, are im proving their beauty, renewing the youthful texture of their skin and lightening their complexions with Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener Preparations—and there is a spe cial preparation for each need. Any complexion, no matter how dark, muddy or oily, Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener Ointment will transform it like magic into a lovely, soft, vel vety skin—the blotches and tan marks vanish, pimples clear up, the skin becomes clearer and lighter and the excessive oil which causes “shine’’ disappear*. Price 25c. Women everywhere are simply wild about Pr. ’''red Palmer’s Soao and Pow der The Powder i« delight fully fragrant, clings to the skin niceiy and has a soft, satiny appearance. Wind does not blow it off, it prevents oil from forming on the -kin and keeps the skin from chapping in all kinds of weather. 25c buys a generous box of Powder or a large cake of Soap. Miss Beatrice Slakes, of Ad vance, Mo., says, “I have tried many tilings, but there is none can heat Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitcner Preparations.” Dr. Fred Palmer has developed one of the finest Hair Dressers known to science—it makes the hair straight, soft and luxuriant, re moves dandruff, keeps the scalp healthy and makes the hair grow— no hair is too stiff or crinkly for it to improve—you can buy it for 25c. Dr. Rred Palmer’s Skin Whitener Preparations—four in all—Skin TT7L I. Cl-.'r. Whll.n.. Whitener, Skin Whitener Soap, Skin Whitener Powder and Hair Dresser—may be had from almost any toilet goods counter serving race people, but be sure you get the genuine by insisting upon Dr. FRED Palmer’s, and if your dealer cannot sup^ ply you, they will be sent direct from the lab oratory upon receipt of price, 25c each, or the four for one dollar. If you want to try before you buy, send four cents in stamps for free samples of Skin Whitener Ointment, Skin Whitener Face Powder and Skin Whitener Soap, addressing Dr. Fred Palmer’s Laborato ries. Department A-374, At lanta, Ga. Cl * 1j 7T \/ p C (Successor to . K. HA YLjj A. hteyes Son) 727 A'. 2d St., Richmond, Va. LATEST improvements in funeral equipment. Auiomobiles Furnished tor Funerals, Social Affairs Or Short or Long; Instance Trips—Fine Caskets—Chapel Service Free. Count!> Order- Solicits!—Prompt and Satisfactory Service Phone Madison 2778. Day or Ni&ht Calls Answered Promptly. DAY PHONE, RAN. 4903 4 W. A. PRICE, Incorporated FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Spacious Rooms for Meetings and Entertainments. OFFICE AND WAREKOOMS 700 N. I7TH STREET, RICHMOND. VIRGINIA PROMPT SERVICE IN CITY OU COUNTRY. Special Offer 100 single sheets of note paper and | 100 envelopes printed on Bond Paper,*$l.00 j Delivered prepaid 100 sheets of paper, double, and! ; 100 envelopes printed on Bond Paper, $1.50 j Delivered prepaid • Each customer is allowed to send copy not exceeiing | 3 lines, 2 inches wide. Type to be selected by us. Same , copy to be used on paper as on envelopes. H ire is ; your chance. We do all kinds of JOB WORK. JSenl ‘ all orders to 5 THE PLANET, 311 N. 4th’ St„ Richmond. Va.