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.dLiJL Published Every Saturday by John Mitchell, Jr. at *11 North Fourth Street, Richmond, V*. JOHN MITCHELL, JR., .EDITOR ft.: communications intended for puh.j'ntioo should be a».l to reach us by We^teadgy. Sutered at the Sat* Office at Richmond, Virginia, as second cut-s matter. , One Year .* Bit Montue . 1W Three Months . Foreign Subscriptions .... . Foreigu Adve.W..g Representative, \V. B. ( Company, *» button Street, Chicago; S21 Victoria Building, St. Loui9, Mo : Longacre Building, New York. SATURDAY.APRIL pU, 192" You cannot always have what you want, but nine times out of ten, you can have what you dontt want. . w ! --— i All a laboring individual can do these days is to work for the govern ment. city, State or National. 1 Some people, who have money will no! pay and some other people who do not have the money cannot pay. l’eopie. who are living In this world and who are having their troubles do not envy those other people, who die and get rid of their troubles. They seem to have a hard time in Washington finding those pardon papers of Marcus Garvey. If Presi dent Coolidge took them up, he must have put them down again. liaising children is a problem ! these days and times. Most of the j children are raising themselves, 'those who are raised by their par outs. forged all about the raising ■ »'hen they associate and mix with ! •hose, who have raised themselves, j While it may be impossible to I elect a Roman Catholic President of ♦hese United States, there seems to j be a large proportion of the Amer ican people known as Democrats 1 e.ho seem determined to give the , . experiment a trial. It looks like Governor A1 Smith ( will be the Democratic .nominee for President and that President Calvin Coolidge will head ‘the Republican , ’hosts in the same contest. It is an j ‘open question as to which one will ^ win os there are powerful under- j ground influences at work to bring ^ about a change of affairs at T^asll* ^ ing^on. I President W. H. R. Powell Is cer'ain to inspire (confidence, if we are to judge by the manner in which he is keeping tab on everv cent received and expended by him. We base this upon a monihlv state ment of rece’pts and disbursements at rthe Virginia Theological Seminary and College, at Lynchburg, 'Va. He seems to be the right man In the right place. I Rev. Ifcgkpf l H. Bowling of the First1 Baptist Church and Rev. C. I\ Madison of the Second Calvary Baptist Church recently engaged in a financial race for votes. Rev. Rowling won, bu*t from this view point. bo*h of them won in Norfolk, Va.. as the proceeds were used in the. payment, of the debts of the two churches. ’ 71 i ♦ST. mark baptist church. fGlen APen. Va. > MT. SALfcM BAPTIST CHURCH, (Penola, Va.) Rov. M. C. Ruffin. Pastor Reel dence, 611 St Peter 8*. OHvloee at Glen All©*. 2nd and 4th Sunday* at 1 P. M. At Petiole, eerrlcoe on tb« 3rfl Sunday at 15:30 P. M. Sunday School qvery Sunday at both placea at A. If. FOURTH BAPTIST CHURCH. (28th and P Streets) Services in charge of the Deacon Board, pending successor to Dr. E Payne, lamented pastor Visiting Divines each Sunday Services: 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. All are invited FIFTH ST. BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. Charles S. Morris, Sr. Pastor “The Devil’s Five Lies About the Resurrection.’' A large crowd of both races was present at- the City Auditorium last Sunday afternoon, to hoar the pastor preach on, “Did Christ Rise From the Dead?” The Pevil’s five lies: That Christ’s friends sole His body, That His enemies stole it, That He did not die, That He did not live, That His body did not rise only His spirit rase, and other claims held by modernists of today were completely refuted by the overwhelming proofs of the emiyv tomb and the testimonies of His disciples who saw Him, talked with Him, saw Him eat, and met with Him again and again, until e\ ery doubt of ithe whole doubting crowd disappered with the adoring crv of Thomas, “My Lord and my God.” , Dr. Morris preached a special Easter sermon Sunday morning. At S o’clock Rev. Dr. H. N.. Jeter, of Newport, R. I., a well known evan gelist who devotes his time to the improvement of the life and service of the colored people throughout the United States, delivered the message i Next Sunday Dr. Morris will preach on “The Seven Wonderful Things That, the Resurrection of | Christ Guarantees.” “The Duty of : Parents Ito Their Children and the Duty of Children to Their Parents” wil be his subjew. for the 8 P. M. I service. i Dr. Morns, out of his great gen erous heart and unstinted efforts to encourage and inspire the young folks, opened the doors of our church on Tuesday night, April 19, i for a reception for the graduating [class of Armstrong High School. A * unique program was rendered, con sisting of an address by Dr. Morris, several musical selections and oth9r The Lord’s Supper and fellowship of new members at 3:30 P. M. addresses. The class was then ush ered to 'he assembly room of our church where an elaborate supper had been prepared for them and a • group of our young ladies under Miss Esther ScoV. waiting to serve them. The great lesson Dr. Morris is so earnestly si riving to emplant in the hearts of our young folks is *hat the greatest education and in spiration that can prepare them for life’s pilgrimage comes - from God through His Church and out of His Holy Word. Trustee L. C. White was chairman of the affair. Sister Elizabeth McNeil. 749 N. Eih Street; Si&er Rosa Loving. 2<>7 F. Leigh and Sister Annie Hender sen, 19:'.2 Compromise Streey are on the sick list. Dr. Morris preached the funeral sermon of Sister W. F. Wade, 941 X. 4'h Street Tuesday. List of those paying <he first $5 (Continued from last wreek: M. J. | Epps, Julia Beard, Andrew Arm i stead. Porseline Gaddy. Lou Garrett Joseph Griffin, Dr. J. R. Griffin. I Bessie Griffin. Geneva Hamiel. Elliot ! Hamilton. Lula Hamilton. Lillie B. | Hardy. Mary Harris, Rufus Harris ; ten, Joseph Henderson, Mary S. Henderson. Sallie Heniey, Knte Hewlett, John A. Hines, Lizzie How ard, Annie Isbell. Rosa L. Johnson Maria L. Jones. Nusome Jones. To bo continued next week. A t Checker Cab Low Rates and Prompt 1 Service *^>WIIEN YOL’ WANT SERVICE BADLY’ YOL' WANT IT AT ONCE! THE CHECKER CAB SERVICE with its Polite Colored Chauffeurs is on y equalled by the superb Yellow Cab Service with White Chauffeurs. CALL RANDOLPH 456 aud, Surprise Yourself on Eiuding Out Just How Prompt. They Are. THE LOW CAB RATE can be Made Even Lower by tlie of the Service. You Can Do This by In I creasing the Patronage of the Line. Regular Stand, Second Street Near Leigh Street. i I i Checker Cab > Randolph * i \ \ ' * fiiiA i~ liiWhA 1 A • h ^ "■jw •ij* ejw 4* ^ gjw SHEPHERD NOTES. (Four more days and the duplica tion of one of ithe most important events of the world’s history will take place aA the Armstrong High School Auditorium, "The Opening of King Tut’s Tomb.’ This entertain ment promises to be one of the most unique and interesting entertain ments ever staged in the city of Richmond. The program under the general supervision of Mrs. Ora Bnown Stokes, Mrs. S. S. Sparrow, Misses Emily O. Lewis and Kulah N. Cunningham and others is an elaborate affair. .PROGRAM THE OPENING OF KING TUTS’ TOMB, ARMSTRONG HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM, April 25, 26, and 28, 8 o’clock P.M. Moral: Sing ajnd the world sings with you: Sob and you sob alone; Join the Shepherds and be happy forever more. PART I. King Tut..Mr. Junius Shelton Queen Tut..-..Mrs. Louise Lewis Egyptian Princes... .Mr. Herndon, Mr. Q. Shelton and Mr. Foster Egyptian Princesses. . Mrs. Mary E. Crump. Miss Ethel Henley, Miss Alberta Jack-Son* Mira. Susie E. Bolling. Cleopatra.Miss Susie R. Baker Three Little Egyptian Girls PART II. Herald...Mrs. L. W. Barco King and Queen of England, Mr. and Mrs. .John Jackson Lord and Lady Astor, Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Givings Queen of Spain and Attendants, Mirs. Harriett Minnis and others Violin Solo... .Mrs. P. T. Williams Lady from France Mrs. Addie J. Johnson King and Queen of Roumania, Mr. Hunter, Mrs. Kate Smith, and attendants. j Queen of Flowers, • I Mrs. Mamie Fairley Lady from Italy, i Mrs. Belle Taylor and attendants Japanese..-Mrs(. Wini/?redj Harris, Mrs. ]K. Dt. Turner and others Liberty.Mrs. Betfie Muse Queen of America. .Mrs. Eliza A Berkley and attendants Indian Tribes..Mrs. A. I. Johnson, Mrs. C. A. Harris, Mrs. Ida Fields, Miss Mary Robinson, Miss Rosa Trent and Mrs. Susie J. Williams Mr. raid Mrs. U. S. A., Mr. Hunter and Mrs. Bolling Mr. and Mrs. Virginia, 4 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Wood College Boys Uniform Ranks. Mr. Thomas Lecoss and others Tun Section Excursion Aviators Mr. G'eo. Bailey and others Gypsies. .Mrs. Mar ha Ryland, Mrs. Emma Winn, Mrs. Eliza Lecoss, Mrs. Mary E. White and others Richmond Elite..Mrs. Georgia Ross Mrs. Gussie Harris, Mrs. Maria Rock, Mrs. Mary Brown, Mrs. Victoria Clarke, Mrs. Virginia Williams, Miss Mary Thompson Flapper.Miss Elizabeth Burley Music Girl.Miss Erma Rainey Modern Margy Miss Lenora W. Coleman Queen of Fairies. .Mrs. Lillie Bae kerville and her attendants Clown Aunt Jemima.Mrs. Baker Uncle Remus and Aunt Cloe Slabtown Convention, Miss Martha Powers and ojthers Recitation.Mrs. Isabelle Pettis Song.Mrs. Haftie Montague Promenade PART III. Searching in the Tomb for Gifts. We have already begun to make arrangements for our Annual Shep herds Excursion to Bay Shore, 'vhich will go on the 19th of July, which is 'he third Tuesday. You know our reputation for carrying nice, quiet and large excursions. Get ready to go with U9. REV. H. N. JETER, D. D. Rev. H. N. Jeter, I). D., the well known preacher, missionary and communi'y worker is in the city and has had much success here. He vis ited Norfolk, Va. last Monday. He is the guest' of Dr. Charles S. Mor iis and his Madame. Mrs. H. N .Tefer is accompanying him. He is the orignator of ‘he "Jeter Move ment”, The Evangelical Humane and Reform Association for the im provement of the conditions of the life and service of the Negro Race •throughout this country. He has addressed the Baptist Ministerial Conference of Richmond and Vicinry. His organization has branches throughout the country. He has issued a pamphle- entitled “Forty-two Years as Pastor, Evan gelical. Humane and Reform Activ Vies with a brief 50 year History of the New England Baptist Mission ary Convention.” He is open tto en gagements and his widespread ex perience will prove interesting to the good people of the county. REV. DR. MORRIS PREACHES AT* THE CITY AUDITORIUM. . .Rev. Charles 8. Morris, one of the most polished pulp**, orators and lecturers in this coun'rv entertained n large audience of white and col ored citizens nf the CPy Auditorium 1?at Sunday nfternoon. He was rap turously applauded as he proceeded aud won generous praise at the close. The silver-Joned gospel , preacher and singer, Rev. W. H. Skipwitlv D. D. rendered selections as did also the Sabbath Glee Club Have T5he PLANET Delivered to You. Only $2 per Year. £A LL around yoo there Is health, £ wealth and happiness, joy la C love. In games. In business. Get ” yew share. Let the confined force of the magic symbol Lucko- , ^ demos bring happiness to you. jd Wear this beautiful oxidized sll P ver charm-coin on chain, ribbon. fob, or in pocket or purse. Send ■ no monoy-pay postman only 17c f 0 when he delivers sealed packet of famous coin with good lock and wishing rules included free. >. Pest, 11)3 Celwfibus, Ohio Qet this FREE Book from your dealer or write us direct. Smart Appearance Leant how MiaMurit Burton fains thit mart krtkkoj Lmw UFmf WPWw fmor zJJvCJo depends on the hair NO girl can be smart with unlovely hair. Particularly is this true when most people know that hair can be made \ soft and silky, straight, and easy to arrange in due newest styles.! Well groomed hair, shining with lustrous lights, alwaysj in place is the first step toward beauty. ( Use Nelson’s Hair Dressing and be proud of your hairS Ask your druggist for a copy of our FREE book "How ten Have BeautifulHair”. It shows many new ways of dressing] your hair. If he cannot supply you, write us oirectJMttnJ NELSON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Richmoo i y 4 | Ielsom§ HAIR PRESSING^ Be turt you get the original — Packed in a metal box, in a cardboard containerIS ^ and the Be< hel Quartette. Rev. Dr. Morris* subject was well chosen and he handled it with consummate ability. 'An agreeable and pleasant sur prise was led on Mrs. Zenobia C. Mercer at her residence, 1518 West Cary Street, on Tuesday evening the 12Kh inst. An enjoyable birthday party was hers for the night. Many and baeutiful were 'the tokens of the hippy occasion. Mr. Richard H. Bachelor, spe cial representative from the paren.* body, U. N. I. A. will be the guest ; of (be Richfhond Division, 193 for the week of April 24th to 29th. He will speak at 'he 26th Street Hair. 1212 N. 26th Street on Sunday I night, April 24(,.h. 'on Wednesday! night, April 2 7th, and on Thursday j night, April 28th aiL the Asbury M t E. Church on 25th Street be*ween ! N rnd O; on Monday night, April ! 2 5th at Good Shepherd Baptist ! Church, corner 32nd and O Streets rn Tuesday night, April 26th and q' Bethlehem Baptist Church, cor ner Buchanan and Washington Sts. on Friday night, April 29th. Everybody is cordially invited to be present and make his visit to \ Richmond a crowning success. We are asking all unflnancial members to be present, at 1212 N. 26th St.,, on Wednesday night, April 27th. RICHMOND DIVISION 193. Mrs. Racilia W. S. Jo“nes, Reporter VIRGINIA: In the Law and Equi'y Court of the City of Richmond, the 21st clay of April* 1927. j ]IDA WALLER. Plaintiff against • In Chancery MAJOR WALLER.Defendant. The object of this sup is to obtain j a divorce from the bond of matri monv on the ground of willful de sertion and abandonment of the plaintiff by the defendant Major Waller for a period of three years. And an affidavit having been made and fled that the S"1d Maior Waller ♦ ho defendant Is not a resident of the State of Virg'nia and whose last known Post- Office address was Scranton, Pa.; it is therefore or dered that Major Waller do appear hero within ten days after the due publication of this order and do whatever may be necessary to pro tect his interest in this suit. A Copy Teste. LUTHER LIBBY. Clerk. By B. M. EDWARDS. D C WM. F. DENNY, p. q. VIRGINIA: * In the Circuit. Court of the City of Richmond. April 20, 1927. MARY L. MASSEY.Plaintiff against In Chancery WILLIAM MA99BY.-Defendant pw . , The object of this suit, is to obtain a divorce from the bond of matri mony on the ground of willful de sertion and abandonment of the plaintiff by the defendant William M8ssey for a period of '‘hree years And an affidavit having been made and fljed. that said William Massey ’‘ho defendant is not a resident, of the State of Virginia and whose last known Post Olfice address wa3 Philadelphia, Pa.; it is therefore or dered (‘hat William Massey do ap pear here within ten days after the due publication of thia order and do> whatever may be necessary to protect his interest In this suit, A Copy Teste: E. M. ROWESLE, Clerk \Y.\r. F. DENPTY, p.. q. CAY VOU PAY $100 CASH? . „ i If you c«n. we can place you in touch wi h the owner of houses on tenable S'reet, in the 230'0 Mock. They are ftted wjh ail modern ini provements and have six rooms with basement. Rental, a $2o.OO per month will pay for them Call Randolph 2213 or stop at The Plaliet Office, 31 r NT. 4th St.r Aichmond, Va, t I 1ST n ' mT (’Hi Kl'H P RICHMOND To ii»*r 1 51U and Decatur Sts.) K.-v W !* Ransom#, D. D., Pas „r pirswnace- 15-67 Decatur Street Suwa'a-y, 11:3;0> A. M. an-d < ]* M Sumiav School, 9:36 A. M \M are weleome. SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH. (.Center Stre-et,. Faltra-a) Per S L. Bush, pastor; residence 90" Center Street. Services: Sun day. Sunday School, 9:86 A. M.,: Preaching. 11:30 A. M. and 8:30 P lu . Co mm union every fourth Sun day at 3:30 P. M. i SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH (South Richmond) Rev. E C. Smith, A. B., Paajtor, residence, 1764 Stockton St. Services Sundays, 11:30 A. M. and 8 :uo P. M.; Sunday School, 9:30 A. M ; B. V. P. U., 6:30 P. M. All are wel come. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH. (Byrd St. between 1st and 2nd Sts.) Pulpit in charge of Pulpit Com mittee pending successor to the late Dr Z. D. Lewis. Services: Sundays, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School. 9:30 A. M. All are welcome. MT VERNON BAPTIST CHURCH (1902 Wallace Street) Rev. M. H Payne, Pastor, Resi dence, 1900 Wallace Street. Services: Sunday, 11:36 A. M. and, 8 P M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. All are welcome, ! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. i (Broad and Collage Street*) Rot. W. T. Johnson, D. D., Pastor, Residence, 611 N 8th St Services; Sundays, 11:86 A. M. end 8 P. M. Sunday School, 6:30 A. M. All are welcome. FIFTH STREET BAPTIST CHURCH , (Fifth and Jackson Streets) Rev. Charles S. Morris, D. D, Pas tor, Residence, 1401 Idlewood Ave. Services: Sundays, 11:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. B. Y. P. U. 6 P. M. Public invited. LEGAL NOTICES VIRGINIA: • In the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond, March 31st, 1927. NATHANIEL 'SHELTON,. .Plaintiff vs: xf . (In chancery order of publication) MABEL SHELTON_ Defendant The object of this suit is to ob tain a divorce from the bond, of matrimony by the plaintiff from the defendant (Mabel Shelton) upon the grounds of desertion. An affidavit having been made and filed that the defendant Mabel Shel‘on is not a resident of this S ate, it is ordered that she do ap pear here within ten days after due publication of this order and do what is necessary to proteet her in terest in this suit. A Copy Teste: E. M. ROWELLE, Clerk W. F. DENNY, p.q. i VIRGINIA: In the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond, the 31st day of March, 1927. OLLIE A. BOLLING.Plaintiff against JOSEPH BOLLING.Defendant i . .The object of this suit is to ob tain a divorce from the bond of ma trimony by the plaintiff from the defendant on the ground of wilful desertion and abandonment, and an affidavit having been made and filed that the said defendant is not a res ident of the State of Virginia, and that his last known postoffice ad dress was Pittsburgh, Pa., it is here by ordered that the' said Joseph Bolling appear here within 10 days after due publication of this order and do what is necessary to protect his interest in this suit. * A Copy Teete: E. M. ROW'ELLE, Clerk. C. A. McKENZIE, p.q. 1 _ VIRGINIA: t | In the Law and Equity Court of the City of Richmond, the 4'h day of April, 1927. ESTELLE WILLIAMS, ...Plaintiff {.gainst In Chancery FRANK WILLIAMS, -Defendant » The object of this suit Is to ob tain an absolute divorce from the bend of matrimony by the plaintiff from the defendant, on the ground cjf deser‘ion for more than threo years. And an affidavit having been made and filed that the defend ant is not a resident pf the State of 1 uginia, it is ordered that he ap pear here within ten days after due publication of this order and do what may be necessary to protect Itis in‘erest herein. A Copy—Teste: LUTHER LIBBY, Clerk', bv E. M. EDWARDS. D.C J. E. BYRD, p.q, VIRGINIA: In the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond, Tuesday, April 12, 1927. ALICE LILLY .Plaintiff against (In Chancery order of publication) EDGAR LILLY.Defendant The object of this suit is to obtain o divorrm from the bond of matri mony by the plaintiff from the de fendant. Edgar Lilly upon the grounds of desertioiv. And an affidavit having been made nnd filed that the defendant, Edgar Lilly is not a resident of this State it Is ordered that he do appear t’ere within ten days after due pub lication of this order and do what is necessary to protect his interest in this suit. A Copy—Teste: GARLAND B. TAYLOR, D. C. WILLIAM F. DENNY, p.q. 119 East Leigh Street. VIRGINIA: In tho Circuit Court of the City of Richmond, Tuesday, April 12, 1927. JULIAN BELL.Plaintiff against Order of Publication LIZZIE BELL.Defendant The object of this suit is to obtain a divorce from the boH<T of matri mony by the plaintiff from the de fendant on che ground of desertion. And an affidavit having been made and filed that the said Lizzie /idl, the defendant is not a resident of the State of Virginia, and whose last known post-office address was Sparrows Point, Md., it is there fore ordered that Lizzie Bell do appear here within ten days after the due publication of'this order and do whatever may be necessary to protect his interest in this suit. A Copy—Teste: GARLAND B. TAYLOR, D. C. WILLIAM F. DENNY, p.q. 119 East Leigh Street. / I I VIRGINIA: In Vacation 1 In the Clerk's Office of the Cir cuit Count of the City of Richmond Tuesday, April 19, 1927. OPAL RI. DRAKEFORD. . . Plaintiff against WALTER DRAKEFORD, Defendant I The object of this suit is to ob tain a divorce from the bond of matrimony by the plaintiff from the defendant on the ground af wilful desertion and abandonment, and an affidavit having been made and filed that the said defendant is not a rear ident of the State of Virginia, and that his last post-office address was R. F. D. No. 1, Kershaw, South Carolina, it Is hereby ordered that the said Walter Drakeford appear here within 10 days after due pub lication of this order and do what is necessary to protect his interest in this suit. I A Copy TCste: GARLAND B. TAYLOR. D.C. c. a. mckenzie, p. q. BARBER WANTED. BARBER ON WHITE TRADE. Good Guarantee. O. G. CONN. 111. 2nd Street, Charlottesville, Va. AGENTS—NEW PLAN, makes it easy to earn $50 00 to $LOO.O(r week ly, sel ing shirts direct to wearer. So capital or experience needed Represent a real manufacturer "'rite for FREE SAMPLES. Madi son Shirt Makers, 562 Broadway, ft'ew York. AN ANNOUNCEMENT The Goodwill Baptist Church; 410 N Monroe Street Is a new unit to the Baptist Church, with a very broad program. Rev. W. P. Bail, pastor invites the public and his many friends to worship Sunday. April 21 ar 11-30 A.. M. and" 8:09 M. Communion 1st Sundays. 3:30 P. M Sunday School, 10-00 A. M. Special mus^c- All are invited. B. Y P. U-, 6:45 P. M. REV. W. B. BALL, Pastor. F. BALL. Clerk. Cn U7V VPC (Successor to • \r* ilrt I L3j A. Hayes (SlSon) 727 N. 2d St, Richmond, Va. LATEST IMPROVEMENTS IN FUNERAL EQUIPMENT. Automobiles Furnished for Funerals, Social Affairs or Short Qc Long Distance Trips—Fine Caskets-—Chapel Service Free. \ Country Orders Solicited—Prompt and Satisfactory Service i Phone Madison 2778. Day or NrSht Calls Answered! Promptly. DAY PHONE, RAN. 490* 4 W. A. PRICE, Incorporated FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Spacious Rooms for Meetings and Entertainments. OFFICE AND WAREROOMS 700 N. I7TH STREET. RICHMOND. VIRGINIA PROMPT SERVICE IN CITY OR COUNTRY. Special Offer 100 single sheets of note paper and 100 envelopes printed on Bond Paper,|$ 1.00 Delivered prepaid 100 sheets of paper, double, and! 100 envelopes printed on Bond Paper, $1,50 Delivered prepaid Each customer is allowed to send copy not exceeding 3 lines, 2 Inches wide. Type to be selected by us. Same copy to be used on paper as on envelopes. Here Is your chance. We do all kinds of JOB WORK. {Send all orders to THE PLANET, Jfc311 *N.Vth*St,,Richmond, Va. *•